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Results from experimental studies of a compact magnetoplasma compressor designed for operation with heavy gases are presented. The integral characteristics of the discharge and the energy contents and other parameters of the generated xenon plasma streams are determined.  相似文献   

Results from experimental studies of extreme UV (EUV) radiation from the compression zone of a magnetoplasma compressor (MPC) operating with xenon are presented. Two MPC operating modes that differ in the method of xenon injection into the discharge were studied. It is shown that EUV radiation in the wavelength range of 5–80 nm is emitted from the compression zone. In the MPC operating mode with local xenon injection directly into the compression zone surrounded by helium plasma, the radiation power reaches it peak value of 16–18 kW in the wavelength range of 12.2–15.8 nm.  相似文献   

Self-organization and evolution of magnetoplasma structures in the upper layers of the solar convection zone are discussed as a process of diffuse aggregation of magnetic flux tubes. Equations describing the tube motion under the action of magnetic interaction forces, hydrodynamic forces, and random forces are written explicitly. The process of aggregation of magnetic flux tubes into magnetic flux clusters of different shapes and dimensions is simulated numerically. The obtained structures are compared with the observed morphological types of sunspot groups. The quantitative comparison with the observational data was performed by comparing the fractal dimensions of the photospheric magnetic structures observed in solar active regions with those of structures obtained in the numerical experiment. The model has the following free parameters: the numbers of magnetic flux tubes with opposite polarities on the considered area element (Nn and Ns), the average radius of the cross section of the magnetic flux tube (a), its effective length (l), the twist factor of the tube field (k), and the absolute value of the average velocity of chaotic tube displacements (d). Variations in these parameters in physically reasonable limits leads to the formation of structures (tube clusters of different morphological types) having different fractal dimensions. Using the NOAA 10488 active region, which appeared and developed into a complicated configuration near the central meridian, as an example, it is shown that good quantitative agreement between the fractal dimensions is achieved at the following parameters of the model: Nn = Ns = 250 ± 50; a = 150 ± 50 km; l ~ 5000 km, and d = 80 ± 10 m/s. These results do not contradict the observational data and theoretical estimates obtained in the framework of the Parker “spaghetti” model and provide new information on the physical processes resulting in the origin and evolution of local magnetic plasma structures in the near-photospheric layers of the solar convection zone.  相似文献   

It is shown that the nonlinear currents generated in plasma by a radiation pulse with a frequency exceeding the electron plasma frequency change substantially due to a reduction in the effective electron–ion collision frequency.  相似文献   

Incubation of human plasma at 37 degrees C for several hours leads to the formation of a non-dialysable vasopressor substance termed the active pressor principle. Some of the chemical and physical natures of active pressor principle were investigated in anesthetized and ganglion blocked rats. It was found to have properties characteristic of protein. The substance was crudely purified to about 25-fold in alcoholic trichloroacetic acid solution after placing the plasma in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes ("active fraction"). After treatment of the vasoactive plasma or "active fraction" with Pronase, the pressor activity was almost abolished. The molecular weight of this fraction as determined by gel filtration was about 68,000. With addition of diisopropyl fluorophosphate before incubation of the plasma, no vasopressor substance was generated. After treatment of the rat with captopril, an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, the pressor effect of incubated plasma was not inhibited. These findings suggest that a vasoactive protein, which is clearly different from renin, is generated during simple incubation of plasma, and that a serine protease is involved in the formation of this substance.  相似文献   

A method based on the detection of emission of a dielectric screen with metal microinclusions in open air is applied to visualize the transverse structure of a high-power microwave beam. In contrast to other visualization techniques, the results obtained in this work provide qualitative information not only on the electric field strength, but also on the structure of electric field lines in the microwave beam cross section. The interpretation of the results obtained with this method is confirmed by numerical simulations of the structure of electric field lines in the microwave beam cross section by means of the CARAT code.  相似文献   

Summary The heat generated by an industrial-scale air compressor reduced the concentration of viable airborne microorganisms from 1,000 –- 3,000 to 0–4 microbes/m3.  相似文献   

The guided propagation of whistler waves along cylindrical density depletion ducts in a magneto-plasma is studied. It is shown that, under certain conditions, such ducts can support volume and surface eigenmodes. The dispersion properties and field structure of whistler modes guided by density depletion ducts are analyzed. The effect of collisional losses in the plasma on the properties of modes is discussed.  相似文献   

Internal fixation of the fractured scaphoid bone is used to promote union between bone fragments and to decrease wrist immobilization. Headless screws are commonly used because they minimize interference with articular surfaces and reduce tissue irritation and immobilization. In the present experiment, compressive force was measured as a function of bone quality for two headless screw types, the Herbert and the Acutrak. Forty-seven cylindrical samples of cancellous bone were prepared from fresh, previously frozen human cadaveric distal femora. The compressive forces generated as the screws were advanced into the specimens were measured and correlated to the specimens' bone mineral density (BMD) and density. Over the range tested, the average compressive force for the Acutrack screw was approximately 42% higher than that of the Herbert. Statistical significance, however, could not established because of the low statistical power of the test due to the inherent spread in the data. For the Acutrak screw, force was best fit to BMD and to density by second-order polynomials. Regression analysis indicated that similar correlations did not exist between force and BMD or between force and density for the Herbert screw. The correlation shown by the Acutrak screw indicates that it may be a more predictable as well as more effective system and therefore there may be some advantage in selecting this system. Furthermore, results suggest that the Acutrak screw generates greater forces with increasing bone density and could be more effective for a younger population.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental studies of an electrohydrodynamic flow induced by a high-frequency dielectric barrier discharge distributed over a dielectric surface in a gas have been conducted. Dependences of the ion current, the gas flow velocity, and the spatial distributions thereof on the parameters of the power supply of the plasma ion emitter and an external electric field determined by the collector grid voltage have been described.  相似文献   

The structure of the ion acoustic precursor of a shock wave in a weakly ionized collision-dominated plasma is studied numerically. It is shown that the simultaneous action of the nonlinearity, dispersion, and dissipation leads to the formation of an oscillating profile of the ion density in the precursor. There exist regimes in which the charged-particle density decreases abruptly and simultaneously the number of maxima in its profile within the precursor becomes smaller as the shock wave velocity increases in a jumplike manner. This effect is analogous to the corresponding hydrodynamic effect in narrow shallow channels (the “Houston's horse” effect). In the stage preceding this jumplike process, local regions may appear in which the degree of plasma ionization is elevated. Such plasma “bunches” give rise to the strong reverse action of the charged particles on the neutral component, resulting in the “stretching” of the precursor. This phenomenon is resonant in character and occurs in a narrow range of shock wave velocities.  相似文献   

Singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)) is capable of inducing genotoxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. It has previously been reported that the reaction of (1)O(2) with 2'-deoxyguanosine, which is a major target of (1)O(2) among the DNA constituents, leads to formation of various oxidized products including 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine and spiroiminodihydantoin, amino-imidazolone and diamino-oxazolone nucleosides. In addition to these products, we report that a novel diimino-imidazole nucleoside, 2,5-diimino-4-[(2-deoxy-beta-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl)amino]-2H,5H-imidazole (dD), is formed by reaction of 2'-deoxyguanosine with (1)O(2) generated by irradiation with visible light in the presence of methylene blue under aerobic conditions. Its identification is based on identical chromatographic and spectroscopic data with an authentic compound, which we recently isolated and characterised from the reaction mixture of 2'-deoxyguanosine with reagent HOCl and a myeloperoxidase-H(2)O(2)-Cl(-) system. The yield of dD was increased by D(2)O and decreased by azide. dD was not generated from 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine. These results indicate that dD is generated by (1)O(2) directly from 2'-deoxyguanosine, but not via 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine. dD may play a role in the genotoxicity of singlet oxygen in cells.  相似文献   

A new method for creating nanostructures in a plasma focus discharge is proposed. It is shown that the material of a micron-size dust target produced at the discharge axis efficiently evaporates and is then involved in the pinching process. After the pinch decays, the plasma expands with the thermal velocity and the evaporated dust material is deposited on the collectors in the form of fractal particles or nanoclusters organized into various structures. Such structures have a well-developed surface, which is important for various technological applications.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental and analytical studies of the processes resulting in the excitation of microplasma discharges (MPDs) on a metal surface partially covered with a thin dielectric film under the action of an external plasma flow in vacuum. It is shown experimentally that MPDs are excited at the interface between the open metal surface and the region covered by the dielectric film. The probability of MPD excitation is investigated as a function of the thickness of the dielectric film deposited on the metal. It is found that, for a film thickness of 1 μm, the probability of MPD excitation is close to unity. As the film thickness decreases below ~10 nm or increases above ~10 μm, the probability of MPD excitation is reduced by more than two orders of magnitude. A two-dimensional kinetic numerical code is developed that allows one to model the processes of Debye sheath formation and generation of a strong electric field near the edge of a finite-thickness dielectric film on a metal surface in a plasma flow for different configurations of the film edge. It is shown that the maximum value of the tangential component of the electric field is reached at the film edge and amounts to E max ≈ |φ0|/2d (where φ0 < 0 is the electric potential applied to the metal and d is the film thickness), which for typical conditions of experiments on the excitation of MPDs on metal surfaces (φ0 ≈–400 V, d ≈ 1 μm) yields E max ≈ 2 MV/cm. The results of kinetic simulations confirm the qualitative idea about the mechanism of the formation of a strong electric field resulting in the excitation of MPDs at the edge of a dielectric film on a metal surface in a plasma flow and agree with experimental data.  相似文献   

Oligochaetes Nais communis and Pristina longiseta are capable of paratomy, i.e., asexual reproduction of the cross division type, when division proceeds across the long body axis and daughter organisms retain the maternal axes. Paratomy is represented by two forms: slow and fast. Slow paratomy is accompanied by the formation of chains from no more than two zooids (N. communis), while fast paratomy leads to the formation of chains from many zooids (P. longiseta). Analysis of the appearance and development of the zone of paratomy (constriction) has shown that when its cephalogenic part is formed, only head segments appear and are formed simultaneously, while in the somatogenic part, body segments appears successively. Dedifferentiated cells of the covering epithelium appear to serve as a source of newly formed structures. It was shown using mathematical statistics that constriction is laid down in the zone defined by a system of coordinates formed by unknown factors. Although the constriction is laid down in the middle of a segment, its subsequent growth is not related to the transformation of adjacent areas of the segment.  相似文献   

The charging of a chain of spherical dust grains in a two-temperature plasma flow is analyzed numerically by the particle method. The cases of dielectric and metal grains are considered.  相似文献   

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a three-layer plane geometry is investigated theoretically. It is shown that, in a three-layer system (in contrast to the traditionally considered case in which instability develops at the boundary between two plasma flows), instability can develop at an arbitrary ratio of the plasma flow velocity to the ion-acoustic velocity. Perturbations with wavelengths on the order of the flow thickness or longer can increase even at a zero temperature. The system can also be unstable against long-wavelength perturbations if the flow velocity at one of the boundaries is lower than the sum of the Alfvén velocities in the flow and the ambient plasma. The possibility of applying the results obtained to interpret the experimental data acquired in the framework of the CLUSTER multisatellite project is discussed. It follows from these data that, in many cases, the propagation of an accelerated particle flow in the plasma-sheet boundary layer of the Earth’s magnetotail is accompanied by the generation of magnetic field oscillations propagating with a velocity on the order of the local Alfvén velocity.  相似文献   

Oligochaetes Nais communis and Pristina longiseta are capable of paratomy, i.e., asexual reproduction of the cross division type, when division proceeds across the long body axis and daughter organisms retain the maternal axes. Paratomy is represented by two forms: slow and rapid. Slow paratomy is accompanied by the formation of chains from no more than two zooids (N. communis), while rapid paratomy leads to the formation of chains from many zooids (P. longiseta). Analysis of the appearance and development of the zone of paratomy (constriction) has shown that when its cephalogenic part is formed, only head segments appear and are formed simultaneously, while in the somatogenic part, trunk segments appears successively. Dedifferentiated cells of the integumental epithelium appear to serve as a source of newly formed structures. It was shown using mathematical statistics that constriction is laid down in the zone defined by a system of coordinates formed by unknown factors. Although the constriction is laid down in the middle of a segment, its subsequent growth is not related to the transformation of adjacent areas of the segment.  相似文献   

The separation of cimetidine from the metabolites cimetidine amide and cimetidine sulfoxide, endogenous creatinine and the internal standard ranitidine was achieved by capillary electrophoresis in less than 5 min. All compounds were well separated from cimetidine, including possible plasma ingredients, as the UV spectra of cimetidine standard and cimetidine from the plasma extract match. Plasma levels of cimetidine were determined in the range 250–3000 ng/ml in plasma and higher concentrations were determined by dilution of the sample with blank plasma.  相似文献   

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