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The effect of a dc external electrical field on the properties of a highly nonuniform electrode microwave discharge in hydrogen at a pressure of 1 Torr was studied using optical emission spectroscopy and selfconsistent two-dimensional simulations. It is shown that the negative voltage applied to the antenna electrode with respect to the grounded chamber increases the discharge radiation intensity, while the positive voltage does not affect the discharge properties. The simulation results agree well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Studies of low electric fields (LEFs) effects on the permeability of the cell membrane are of great interest in molecular medicine. Electroendocytosis is a novel technique depends on using LEFs to incorporate macromolecules as anticancer drugs or genes into the cells. There are wide debates about the optimum electric conditions for electroendocytosis. In this article, Ehrlich tumor tissues were exposed to different LEFs voltages and frequencies in vitro. Dielectric properties before and after the exposure were determined. The results indicated that the exposed groups have significant high permittivity and conductivity compared to unexposed group, as well as having significant low impedance. The results indicated that dielectric measurements can be used to indicate the efficiency of electroendocytosis that as permittivity and conductivity of cell membranes increase, more molecules can passed into the cells. It was also indicated that, as the pulse amplitude increases, the LEFs influence increases, while changing pulse frequency has no obvious effect on dielectric properties of Ehrlich tumor.  相似文献   

Characteristics of a positive transient corona discharge near the tip of a tall solitary grounded object in the electric field of a thundercloud are studied analytically and numerically. The time evolution of the discharge current and the space distribution of the total electric field are simulated for different growth rates of the external field and the dimensions and geometry of the stressed electrode. The effect of aerosol ions is shown to be negligible at a short duration of the corona. The developed simplified analytical approach agrees with numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of humidity on analyzing electric field exposure using extremely low frequency (ELF) electric field measurements. The study included 322 measurements in a climate room. We used two commercial three‐axis meters, EFA‐3 and EFA‐300, and employed two measurement techniques in the climate room where we varied the temperature from 15 to 25 °C, the relative humidity from 55% to 95%, and the electric field from 1 to 25 kV/m. We calculated Pearson correlations between humidity and percentage errors for all data and for data at different levels of humidity. When the relative humidity was below 70%, the results obtained by the different measurement methods in terms of percentage errors were of the same order of magnitude for the considered temperatures and field strength, but the results were less reliable when the relative humidity was higher than 80%. In the future, it is important to take humidity into account when electric field measurement results will be compared to the values given in different exposure guidelines. Bioelectromagnetics 34:414–418, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Microwave gas discharges excited near a dielectric surface are investigated. Such discharges can exist over a broad range of gas pressures and thereby can be used to solve a wide variety of applied problems. The wave dispersion properties favorable for discharge excitation are analyzed, and a kinetic discharge model is considered that can be used to calculate the discharge parameters. A model of a steady discharge at gas pressures of 102–104 Pa is constructed.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional numerical simulations of streamer development in a surface dielectric barrier discharge excited by a voltage pulse with a duration of 30–50 ns in atmospheric air show that the streamer propagation velocity is mainly governed by the velocity of potential diffusion along streamer channels. The calculated streamer length substantially exceeds the experimentally observed one due to the long-term conservation of the conductivity of these channels. A hypothesis on the three-dimensional character of the decay of the surface streamer channel is proposed. The model account of this effect in two-dimensional simulations reduces the calculated time of streamer development and the calculated streamer length to the experimentally observed values.  相似文献   

A simple calculation of the current dipole moment of the extracellular electric field of the cortex is proposed; it is based on the dipole layer model. The model is extended to the range of microwave frequencies. Arguments in favor of emission of microwave radiation by the dendritic membranes of pyramidal neurons are presented and the strength of the radiative electric field at a distance from the head is calculated and discussed.  相似文献   

The coefficient of microwave power absorption by a single-sided multipactor discharge on a dielectric surface is studied analytically and numerically as a function of the incident microwave power. It is shown that taking into account electron reflections from the dielectric surface leads to a substantial increase in the absorption coefficient. The analytical and numerical results are compared with experimental data.  相似文献   

The effect of the dc electric field on the near-surface plasma of an electrode microwave discharge at pressures of 1?C5 Torr was studied by the emission spectroscopy method. It is shown that the dc field weakly affects the vibrational distribution of nitrogen molecules in the C3??u state, but changes the structure of the near-surface plasma (shifting the intensity maxima of the emission bands) and the strength of the microwave field near the electrode surface. It is also found that the ratio between the intensities of bands of different sequences of the second positive system of nitrogen radiated from the same state depends on the position along the discharge axis.  相似文献   

Results from experimental studies of multipactor discharges on the surfaces of various dielectrics placed in a high-Q cylindrical microwave cavity excited at the TE013 mode in the X-band are presented. The thresholds for the onset and maintenance of a multipactor discharge on quartz, polycrystalline diamond, lithium fluoride, and Teflon surfaces possessing different roughness are determined. It is shown that, in such a resonance system, a steady multipactor discharge can operate without transition into the stage of microwave breakdown of the desorbed gas. It is found that, due to long-term action of the discharge, a thin carbon-containing film is deposited on the dielectric surface, which leads to an increase in the breakdown threshold.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated experimentally that the lifetime of the afterglow plasma of a high-current pulsed discharge in a dielectric tube filled with a mixture of argon with saturated mercury vapor is longer than 1 ms. Such a long lifetime, during which the electron density decreases from 1014 to 1012 cm−3, is explained by the chemi-ionization of mercury vapor by long-lived metastable argon atoms. During this time, the afterglow plasma can serve as a microwave waveguide for a weakly damped low-noise E 0-type axisymmetric surface mode, which allows one to use it for transmission of signals in the centimeter wavelength range.  相似文献   

The parameters of the plasma of a microwave electrode discharge in hydrogen at pressures of 1–8 torr and incident powers of 20–80 W are measured by the so-called “relative intensity” method. The method allows one to determine the electron density and electric field in plasma by measuring the relative intensities of the Hα, Hβ, and 763.5-nm Ar line emission and calculating the electron-impact rate constants from the homogeneous Boltzmann equation. The measurements show that there are regions in the discharge where the electron density is higher (a bright electrode sheath) and lower (a spherical region) than the critical density for the frequency 2.45 GHz (ncr~7×1010 cm?3). Inside the spherical region, the electric field varies slightly over the radius and the electron density increases as the discharge boundary is approached. The observed discharge structure can be attributed to the presence of a self-sustained discharge zone (electrode sheath); a non-self-sustained discharge zone (spherical region); and a decaying plasma region, which is separated from the active discharge zone by an electric double layer.  相似文献   

The snouts of rats were placed in a 60-Hz electric field at an unperturbed field strength of 50 kV/m. A count of the number of vibrissae that moved in the field was made on a series of rats over a number of days where the laboratory humidity varied from 25% to 48%. The number observed to vibrate fell from nine to zero or one at relative humidities between 25% and 39%, respectively.  相似文献   

The Earth's magnetic field and celestial cues provide animals with compass information during migration. Inherited magnetic compass courses are selected based on the angle of inclination, making it difficult to orient in the near vertical fields found at high geomagnetic latitudes. Orientation cage experiments were performed at different sites in high Arctic Canada with adult and young white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) in order to investigate birds' ability to use the Earth's magnetic field and celestial cues for orientation in naturally very steep magnetic fields at and close to the magnetic North Pole. Experiments were performed during the natural period of migration at night in the local geomagnetic field under natural clear skies and under simulated total overcast conditions. The experimental birds failed to select a meaningful magnetic compass course under overcast conditions at the magnetic North Pole, but could do so in geomagnetic fields deviating less than 3 degrees from the vertical. Migratory orientation was successful at all sites when celestial cues were available.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental and analytical studies of the processes resulting in the excitation of microplasma discharges (MPDs) on a metal surface partially covered with a thin dielectric film under the action of an external plasma flow in vacuum. It is shown experimentally that MPDs are excited at the interface between the open metal surface and the region covered by the dielectric film. The probability of MPD excitation is investigated as a function of the thickness of the dielectric film deposited on the metal. It is found that, for a film thickness of 1 μm, the probability of MPD excitation is close to unity. As the film thickness decreases below ~10 nm or increases above ~10 μm, the probability of MPD excitation is reduced by more than two orders of magnitude. A two-dimensional kinetic numerical code is developed that allows one to model the processes of Debye sheath formation and generation of a strong electric field near the edge of a finite-thickness dielectric film on a metal surface in a plasma flow for different configurations of the film edge. It is shown that the maximum value of the tangential component of the electric field is reached at the film edge and amounts to E max ≈ |φ0|/2d (where φ0 < 0 is the electric potential applied to the metal and d is the film thickness), which for typical conditions of experiments on the excitation of MPDs on metal surfaces (φ0 ≈–400 V, d ≈ 1 μm) yields E max ≈ 2 MV/cm. The results of kinetic simulations confirm the qualitative idea about the mechanism of the formation of a strong electric field resulting in the excitation of MPDs at the edge of a dielectric film on a metal surface in a plasma flow and agree with experimental data.  相似文献   

The electric fields within a planar slab of material due to both charges and dipoles within the slab and near to its surface are simply calculated using the method of images. If the slab is immersed in a fluid of high dielectric constant the electric field within the slab due to the charge is always reduced but that of a suitably oriented electric dipole is enhanced by as much as a factor of two.  相似文献   

A study is made of nonresonant parametric excitation of surface waves by a spatially uniform, time-dependent electric pump field directed perpendicular to a plane plasma-dielectric interface. A set of equations is derived that describes the dynamics of surface wave excitation. Expression for the growth rate in the linear stage of instability is obtained, and the threshold amplitude of the external electric field above which the parametric instability can occur is found. The spectrum of the excited waves is analyzed. Published in Russian in Fizika Plazmy, 2006, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 994–998. The article was translated by the author.  相似文献   

Nitrogen molecule dissociation in a pulse-periodic atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge is numerically analyzed. It is shown that the quenching rate of predissociation states at atmospheric pressure is relatively low and the production of nitrogen atoms in this case can be adequately described using the cross section for electron-impact dissociation of N2 molecules taken from the paper by P.C. Cosby [J. Chem. Phys. 98, 9544 (1993)].  相似文献   

Excitation of a microwave discharge at the end of a cylindrical electrode in nitrogen at a pressure of 1 Torr and incident powers of 60–140 W was investigated experimentally by using K-008 and K-011 video cameras and analyzing oscillograms of discharge emission. The times during which the discharge is established in the radial and axial directions are found to be on the order of 10−4 and 10−2 s, respectively. The results obtained are analyzed using one-dimensional simulations of a discharge in nitrogen in a quasistatic approximation. The kinetic scheme includes 50 processes involving electrons, ions, and excited molecules and atoms. The time evolution of the concentrations of molecular nitrogen in the N2(C 3II u ) and N2(B 3II g ) states, responsible for the recorded discharge emission, is compared with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Excitation of microplasma discharges in the interaction of a plasma flow with a metal surface partially covered with a dielectric film is investigated experimentally and theoretically. A new phenomenon—the excitation of microplasma discharges at the boundary between the free metal surface and the area covered with the film—is discovered. Microplasma discharges at the edge of the dielectric film are initiated by a strong electric field that arises between the free metal surface and the outer surface of the film in the interaction with the plasma flow. This field gives rise to surface breakdowns at the film edge, followed by the development of primary microplasma discharges. In turn, the dense plasma of primary microplasma discharges causes secondary microplasma discharges, which also arise at the edge of the dielectric film after the external plasma flow has already terminated. Microplasma discharges gradually evaporate the dielectric film, and the surface cleaned of the film acquires a microrelief due to the local melting and subsequent fast cooling of the metal at the sites of microplasma discharges.  相似文献   

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