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High-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of deoxyhemoglobins Osler (beta145HC2 Tyr replaced by Asp) and McKees Rocks (beta 145HC2 Tyr replaced by term) indicate that these hemoglobins are predominately in the oxy quaternary structure in 0.1 M [bis(2-hydroxyethyl)imino]-tris(hydroxymethyl) methane buffer at pH 7. Upon the addition of inositol hexaphosphate, the proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of these hemoglobins become similar to those characteristic of a hemoglobin molecule in the deoxy quaternary structure. The exchangeable proton resonance which is found at -6.4 ppm from H2O in the spectrum of normal human adult deoxyhemoglobin is absent in the spectra of these two mutant hemoglobins. Consequently we believe the hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl group of tyrosine-beta145HC2 and the carboxyl oxygen of valine-beta98FG5 gives rise to this resonance. This assignment allows us to use the -6.4ppm resonance as an important tertiary structural probe in the investigation of the cooperative oxygenation of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Computer simulations of Gelin and Karplus ((1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 801-805) suggest that in hemoglobin upon ligation the penultimate tyrosyl residues of the subunits are not expelled from the hydrophobic pockets described in the crystals between the helices E and F (Perutz, M.F. (1970) Nature 228, 726-737). This implies that both the liganded and unliganded conformations of hemoglobin may be affected by mutations involving such residues. Investigation of the conformational behavior of liganded and unliganded hemoglobin Osler was conducted measuring the functional properties, the subunits dissociation, the CD and electronic spectra, the protons absorption upon interaction with polyanions, and the reactivity of the -SH groups of the protein. The results suggest that both the liganded and unliganded conformations of the system are affected by the mutation, confirming the anticipations of Gelin and Karplus on the relevance of tyrosine at beta 145 for both allosteric states of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Two alpha-chain variants, Hb G-Philadelphia and Hb Matsue-Oki, were present in members of a relatively large black family from South Carolina. The four Hb G-Philadelphia heterozygotes averaged 35.6% Hb G, suggesting the presence of an alpha-thalassemia-2 condition in cis to the Hb G mutation, which was confirmed by DNA structural analysis. The seven Hb Matsue-Oki heterozygotes averaged 22.2% Hb MO and likely have four active alpha-chain genes. One infant was a compound heterozygote for the two Hb variants which could not be separated from each other. The quantity of Hb G plus Hb MO was 58% by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and 69% by chain analyses. These results and the family data indicate that this child had three active alpha-chain genes, of which one regulated the synthesis of the normal alpha chain, one was mutated to give the alpha G chain, and one to give the alpha MO chain. The amino acid substitutions in Hb G-Philadelphia and Hb Matsue-Oki are located in the tryptic peptide alpha T-9, which is 29 amino acid residues long. Structural analyses of these abnormalities made use of high-pressure liquid chromatography for the separation of both tryptic and thermolytic peptides and of a highly sensitive ultra-micro sequencing procedure. Although the alpha 68 Asn replaced by Lys substitution is readily demonstrable in Hb G-Philadelphia the elucidation of the alpha 75 Asp replaced by Asn replacement in Hb Matsue-Oki was greatly facilitated by the use of these microprocedures.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin G. Ferrara is an abnormal human hemoglobin in which an asparagine residue is replaced by a lysyl residue at position beta57 (beta57 Asn replaced by Lys). Oxygen equilibria show that cooperativity and alkaline Bohr effect are maintained to normal levels while the acid Bohr effect appears increased; in addition, a smaller effect of diphosphoglycerate is also observed. Flash photolysis experiments performed as a function of protein concentration show that the fraction of quickly reacting form is always higher than that of human hemoglobin A. This fact, together with the increase of the oxygen affinity observed at acid pH values, may be related to an enhanced dissociation of the molecule into dimers. Several attempts to isolate the native chains by treatment of the protein with p-chloromercuribenzoate were unsuccessful due to the great instability of the isolated variant beta-chains, which precipitated completely during incubation with p-chloromercuribenzoate. Therefore, although the substitution is on the surface of the molecule, there are several properties of hemoglobin G. beta Ferrara which are clearly different from hemoglobin A.  相似文献   

The abnormal hemoglobin Zurich (β63 his→arg) exhibits abnormal properties. Thus, νCO occurs at 1951 cm?1 for HbACO while HbZCO shows bands at 1950 cm?1 and 1958 cm?1 for CO bound in α and β chains respectively (the βCOs are displaced less readily by O2). Acid catalyzed reductive displacement of superoxide by azide is slower on the β chain of HbZO2 than on the α chain under conditions where with HbAO2 both chains appear equally reactive. The one electron donor hydroquinone produces metHb and peroxide more rapidly from HbZO2 than from HbAO2. These property differences can be related to the β63 residue. Such studies provide generally useful probes of the structural basis for hemoglobin diseases.  相似文献   

An abnormal human hemoglobin was found in a hemolysate from a 5-year-old healthy child living in Prato (Tuscany, Italy). Strutctural studies demonstrated a previously unreported amino acid substitution, alpha 31 (B12) Arg leads to Ser (this is an alpha 1 beta 1 contact). The new variant has been named Hb Prato. It was unstable in isopropanol and heat-denaturation tests, but has normal functional properties, with respect to whole blood studies. Family studies indicated that the variant had been inherited from the mother, a 39-year-old woman of Sicilian extraction. Hb Prato occurs at 20 and 28% in hemolysates from the boy and woman, respectively.  相似文献   

Hb Altdorf alpha 2 beta 2 135 Ala leads to Pro is an unstable variant occurring near Lecce in Italy. The abnormal hemoglobin does not separate from Hb A in the electrophoresis. In vitro a marked Heinz body formation is produced with phenylhydrazin. In heterozygous individuals an almost compensated hemolysis and a slight splenomegaly are found. Hemolysis can be aggravated by exogenous factors. A rather severe hemolysis was induced by a viral infection in a 3 years old girl.  相似文献   

High-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of hemoglobins Providence-Asn (beta82EF6 Lys replaced by Asn) and Providence-Asp (beta82EF6 Lys replaced by Asp) show that different amino acid substitutions at the same position in the hemoglobin molecule have different effects on the structure of the protein molecule. Hemoglobin Providence-Asp appears to be in a low-affinity tertiary structure in both the deoxy and carbonmonoxy forms. Deoxyhemoglobin Providence-Asn has its beta heme resonance shifted downfield slightly from its position in normal adult hemoglobin; however, the tertiary structures of the heme pocket of hemoglobins A and Providence-Asn are very similar when both proteins are in the carbonmonoxy form. These results are consistent with the oxygen equilibrium measurements of Bonaventura, J., et al. [(1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 7563] which show that both Hb Providence-Asn and Hb Providence-Asp have oxygen affinities lower than normal adult hemoglobin, with Hb Providence-Asp having the lowest. Our studies of the effects of sodium chloride on the hyperfine shifted proton resonances of deoxyhemoglobins A, Providence-Asn, and Providence-Asp indicate that the beta82EF6 lysine is probably one, but not the only binding site for chloride ions.  相似文献   

Oxygen-linked effects of inositol hexaphosphate occur in heme-containing non-alpha chains isolated from normal human hemoglobin, fetal hemoglobin, and the abnormal human hemoglobin Abruzzo, beta143(H21) His leads to Arg. The occurrence of these effects implies that the chains undergo ligand-linked conformational changes. Inositol hexaphosphate lowers the oxygen affinity of isolated beta and gamma chains by differential binding to their deoxy conformations. Neither 2,3-diphosphoglycerate nor inorganic phosphate produces such an effect. In the case of Abruzzo beta chains, the binding of inorganic phosphate and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate is also oxygen-linked. Stripped beta chains isolated from hemoglobin Abruzzo have much higher oxygen affinity than beta chains isolated from HbA. Their higher oxygen affinity and enhanced allosteric interactions with phosphates account, in large part, for the abnormal functional behavior of the hemoglobin Abruzzo tetramer. In this hemoglobin variant the substitution of arginine for histidine at beta143 involves a residue known to interact with anionic allosteric effectors of hemoglobin. It is of interest that the effect of inositol hexaphosphate observed with isolated gamma chains is comparable to the effect observed with isolated beta chains, even though the gamma143 position is occupied by an uncharged serine residue.  相似文献   

Hb-Manitoba was discovered in 1970 [1] in a Canadian family of British origin. Recently we observed the same variant in a second family, and found that the oxy-derivative of Hb-Manitoba is slightly unstable at 65 degrees C, dissociates less readily at alkaline pH than does Hb-A, and forms asymmetric hybrids with other hemoglobins which are readily detectable by electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Five crystal forms of the abnormal human hemoglobin Hb3 C (beta six Glu → Lys) have been grown. Two of them are grown with liganded Hb C, three with deoxy Hb C. The structures of two of the deoxy crystal forms were determined by the method of molecular replacement, using deoxy Hb A as the model structure. Fourier maps were calculated for each Hb C structure, using data to a resolution of 5 Å in one case and 4 Å in the second case. The structural differences between each deoxy Hb C structure and the deoxy Hb A model are found mostly at the molecular surface. Energetically favorable interactions involving the variant residue, beta six lysine, occur in both Hb C crystal forms, and could explain the lowered solubility and enhanced tendency of deoxy Hb C to crystallize in vivo.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide binding to a myoglobin mutant with distal arginine in place of histidine has been examined. The mutant is derived from a cDNA clone for Mb mRNA from fetal bovine skeletal muscle. The mutation only slightly perturbs visible/Soret spectra whereas the infrared spectrum of liganded CO is greatly modified to become nearly identical to Hb Zurich beta-subunit spectrum. The mutant IR spectra differ substantially from spectra of wild-type MbCO and normal HbCO beta-subunit. For both the Mb and the Hb the distal His----Arg mutation increases the affinity for CO and reduces the number of observed conformers. These results demonstrate that this mutation greatly reduces the differences between Mb and Hb in the structure and properties of its ligand binding sites.  相似文献   

Li R  Nagai Y  Nagai M 《Chirality》2000,12(4):216-220
The CD band of human adult hemoglobin (Hb A) at 280 approximately 290 nm shows a pronounced change from a small positive band to a definite negative band on the oxy (R) to deoxy (T) structural transition. This change has been suggested to be due to environmental alteration of Tyrs (alpha42, alpha140, and beta145) or beta37 Trp residues located at the alpha1beta2 subunit interface by deoxygenation. In order to evaluate contributions of alpha140Tyr and beta37Trp to this change of CD band, we compared the CD spectra of two mutant Hbs, Hb Rouen (alpha140Tyr-->His) and Hb Hirose (beta37Trp-->Ser) with those of Hb A. Both mutant Hbs gave a distinct, but smaller negative CD band at 287nm in the deoxy form than that of deoxyHb A. Contributions of alpha140Tyr and beta37Trp to the negative band at the 280 approximately 290 nm region were estimated from difference spectra to be 30% and 26%, respectively. These results indicate that the other aromatic amino acid residues, alpha42Tyr and beta145Tyr, at the alpha1beta2 interface, are also responsible for the change of the CD band upon the R-->T transition of Hb A.  相似文献   

H Wajcman  G Gacon  D Labie  R D Koler  R T Jones 《Biochemistry》1975,14(22):5017-5020
Hemoglobin Casper (beta106Leu replaced by Pro) can be separated from hemoglobin (Hb) A by isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gel. This abnormal hemoglobin was estimated to be 30% of teh total by both isoelectric focusing and heat lability kinetics. Its oxygen equilibrium curves indicate a high oxygen affinity, low degree of subunit interaction, and a decreased Bohr effect. Mixtures of Hb Casper and Hb A appear to bind oxygen as if no hybrid molecules exist.  相似文献   

Cercopithecus aethiops can be classified into four subspecies by morphology and by geographic distribution. However, the phylogenetic relationship between these subspecies is unclear. We previously found five distinct haplogroups of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the subspecies C. aethiops aethiops at the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) level, and found that those haplogroups are parapatrically distributed in their habitat. To determine the relationship between subspeciation and haplogroup formation in a subspecies, we compared mtDNA control region and 12S rRNA gene sequences (approximately 700 bp) in C. a. aethiops, two other subspecies of C. aethiops, and two species of Cercopithecus: The diversity between haplogroups in C. a. aethiops was almost the same as that between subspecies. This similar level of diversification between and within haplogroups may explain why a previously obtained mtDNA tree did not show monophyletic branching according to subspecies.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin Fannin-Lubbock was found in a 9-year-old Mexican-American female. The abnormal hemoglobin was detected as a fast-moving variant by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate at pH 8.4. Structural analysis indicated a substitution in the beta-chain of aspartic acid for glycine at position 119, a position involved in the alpha1beta1 contact of the hemoglobin tetramer. This contact between unlike chains is larger and undergoes a smaller shift during the process of oxygenation and deoxygenation that the alpha1beta2 contact (Perutz, M.F., Muirhead, H., Cox, J.M. and Goaman, L.C.G. (1968) Nature 219, 131-139). Mutations in this contact tend to cause slight or no changes in functional behavior. Apart from a mild anemia, the propositus did not exhibit any obvious clinical symptoms.  相似文献   

The energetic changes that occur on ligand binding in human hemoglobin have been investigated by measurements of the exchange rates of the indole proton of Trpbeta37(C3). The Trpbeta37 residues are located in helices C of the beta-subunits and are involved in contacts with the segments FG of the alpha-subunits at the interdimeric alpha1beta2 and alpha2beta1 interfaces of the hemoglobin tetramer. In the quaternary structure change that accompanies ligand binding to hemoglobin, these contacts undergo minimal changes in relative orientation and in packing, thereby acting as hinges, or flexible joints. The exchange rates of the indole proton of Trpbeta37(C3) were measured by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, in both deoxygenated and ligated hemoglobin. The results indicate that, at 15 degrees C, the exchange rate is increased from 9.0. 10(-6) to 3.3. 10(-4) s(-1) upon ligand binding to hemoglobin. This change suggests that the structural units at the hinge regions of the alpha1beta2/alpha2beta1 interfaces containing Trpbeta37(C3) are specifically stabilized in unligated hemoglobin, and experience a change in structural free energy of approximately 4 kcal/(mol tetramer) upon ligand binding. Therefore, the hinge regions of the alpha1beta2/alpha2beta1 interfaces could play a role in the transmission of free energy through the hemoglobin molecule during its allosteric transition.  相似文献   

We investigated the binding of 125I-labeled beta interferon (IFN-beta Ser17), a nonglycosylated recombinant human fibroblast interferon in which cysteine at position 17 is replaced by serine by site-specific mutagenesis. An optimized chloramine T radiolabeling method produced a highly labeled, fully active 125I-IFN suitable for these studies. Unlike the case with the chloramine T method, incorporation of a single mole of Bolton-Hunter reagent into a mole of IFN-beta Ser17 led to nearly complete loss of biological activity. 125I-IFN-beta Ser17, prepared by the chloramine T method, bound specifically to human lymphoblastoid cells (Daudi) with a dissociation constant of 0.24 nM. The number of binding sites per cell was 4,000. In competition assays, unlabeled beta interferons (native, recombinant IFN-beta Cys17, and various preparations of IFN-beta Ser17) equally displaced labeled IFN-beta Ser17 on Daudi cells. Recombinant IFN-alpha-1 displaced 125I-IFN-beta binding to Daudi cells less efficiently than did unlabeled native or recombinant beta interferon. However, at the concentrations tested, native gamma interferon showed no competition with 125I-IFN. Our results indicate that IFN-beta Ser17 and native IFN-beta posses similar binding properties.  相似文献   

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