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General anaesthetics have previously been shown to have profound effects on myocardial function. Moreover, many patients suffering from diabetes mellitus are anaesthetised during surgery. This study investigated compromised functioning of cardiac myocytes from streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats and the additive effects of halothane on these dysfunctions. Ventricular myocytes were isolated from 8 to 12 weeks STZ-treated rats. Contraction and intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+] i ) were measured in electrically field-stimulated (1 Hz) fura-2-AM-loaded cells using a video-edge detection system and a fluorescence photometry system, respectively. L-type Ca2+ current was measured in whole cell, voltage-clamp mode. Halothane significantly (p < 0.01) depressed the amplitude and the time course of the Ca2+ transients in a similar manner in myocytes from control and STZ-treated rats. However, the effect of halothane on the amplitude of shortening and L-type Ca2+ current was more pronounced in myocytes from STZ-treated animals compared to age-matched controls. Myofilament sensitivity to Ca2+ was significantly (p < 0.01) increased in myocytes from STZ-treated rats compared to control. However, in the presence of halothane the myofilament sensitivity to Ca2+ was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced to a greater extent in myocytes from STZ-treated rats compared to controls. In conclusion, these results show that contractility, Ca2+ transport and myofilament sensitivity were all altered in myocytes from STZ-treated rats and these processes were further altered in the presence of halothane suggesting that hearts from STZ-induced diabetic rats are sensitive to halothane. (Mol Cell Biochem 261: 251–261, 2004)  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of acute acidosis on ventricular myocyte shortening and intracellular Ca2+ in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat. Shortening and intracellular Ca2+ were measured in electrically stimulated myocytes superfused with either normal Tyrode solution pH adjusted to either 7.4 (control solution) or 6.4 (acid solution). Experiments were performed at 35–36°C. At 8–12 weeks after treatment, the rats that received STZ had lower body and heart weights compared to controls, and blood glucose was characteristically increased. Contractile defects in myocytes from diabetic rat were characterized by prolonged time to peak shortening. Superfusion of myocytes from control and diabetic rats with acid solution caused a significant reduction in the amplitude of shortening; however, the magnitude of the response was not altered by STZ treatment. Acid solution also caused significant and quantitatively similar reductions in the amplitude of Ca2+ transients in myocytes from control and diabetic rats. Effects of acute acidosis on amplitude of myocyte contraction and Ca2+ transient were not significantly altered by STZ treatment. Altered myofilament sensitivity to Ca2+ and altered mechanisms of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport might partly underlie the acidosis-evoked reduction in amplitude of shortening in myocytes from control and STZ-induced diabetic rat. (Mol Cell Biochem 261: 227–233, 2004)  相似文献   

Various clinically used volatile general anaesthetics (e.g. sevoflurane, halothane, isoflurane and desflurane) have been shown to have significant negative inotropic effects on normal ventricular muscle. However, little is known about their effects in ventricular tissue from diabetic animals. Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes is known to induce changes in the amplitude and time course of shortening and one report suggests that the inotropic effects of anaesthetics are ameliorated in papillary muscles from diabetic animals. The aim of these studies was to investigate this further in electrically stimulated (1 Hz) ventricular myocytes. Cells were superfused with either normal Tyrode (NT) solution or NT containing anaesthetic (1 mM) for a period of 2 min (at 30–32°C). Myocytes from STZ rats were shown to have a significantly longer time to peak shortening (p > 0.001, n= 50) and the amplitude of shortening tended to be greater but this was not significant (p= 0.13, n= 50). Halothane, isoflurane, desflurane and sevoflurane significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the magnitude of shortening of control cells by 72.5 ± 3.2%, 46.5 ± 9.7%, 28.9 ± 4.3% and 22.8 ± 5.6%, respectively (n > 11 per group) but their steady-state negative inotropic effect was found to be no different in cells from STZ-treated rats (73.0 ± 4.8%, 40.7 ± 4.7%, 25.0 ± 5.2% and 19.8 ± 5.2%, respectively, n > 10 per group). Therefore, we conclude that the inotropic effects of volatile anaesthetics were not altered by STZ treatment. (Mol Cell Biochem 261: 209–215, 2004)  相似文献   

Cardiac contractile dysfunction is frequently reported in human patients and experimental animals with type-1 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to investigate the voltage-dependence of contraction in ventricular myocytes from the streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat. STZ-induced diabetes was characterised by hyperglycaemia and hypoinsulinaemia. Other characteristics included reduced body and heart weight and raised blood osmolarity. Isolated ventricular myocytes were patched in whole cell, voltage-clamp mode after correcting for membrane capacitance and series resistance. From a holding membrane potential of -40 mV, test pulses were applied at potentials between -30 and +50 mV in 10 mV increments. L-type Ca2+ current (I Ca,L) density and contraction were measured simultaneously using a video-edge detection system. Membrane capacitance was not significantly altered between control and STZ-induced diabetic myocytes. The I Ca,L density was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced throughout voltage ranges (-10 mV to +10 mV) in myocytes from STZ-treated rats compared to age-matched controls. Moreover, the amplitude of contraction was significantly reduced (p < 0.05) in myocytes from STZ-treated rats at all test potentials between -20 mV and +30 mV. However, in electrically field-stimulated (1 Hz) myocytes, the amplitude of contraction was not altered by STZ-treatment. It is suggested that in field-stimulated myocytes taken from STZ-induced diabetic hearts, prolonged action potential duration may promote increased Ca2+ influx via the sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX), which may compensate for a reduction in Ca2+ trigger through L-type-Ca2+-channels and lead to normalised contraction.  相似文献   

Administration of a single high-dose (SHD) of streptozotocin (STZ) to young adult rats causes a diabetic cardiomyopathy. Albino Oxford (AO) and Dark Agouti (DA) inbred strains of rats are susceptible to developing diabetes when administered a SHD of STZ but differ in susceptibility to multiple low-dose (MLD) STZ. We have investigated the effects of SHD and MLD-STZ on contraction and intracellular Ca2+, measured with fura-2, in ventricular myocytes from AO and DA rats at 18–20 weeks after treatment. Time to peak shortening was significantly prolonged in myocytes from DA rats after SHD-STZ but was not altered in DA rats after MLD-STZ or in AO rats by either MLD or SHZ-STZ treatment. Time to peak shortening in myocytes from DA control and DA rats after SHD-STZ were 88 ± 2 ms and 107 ± 4 ms, respectively. Time to half relaxation and the amplitude of myocyte shortening were not altered in AO or DA rats by either MLD or SHD-STZ treatment. Amplitude, time to peak fura-2 transient and time to half relaxation of the fura-2 transient were not significantly altered in AO or DA rats by either MLD or SHD-STZ treatment. Contractile defects reported in myocytes from SHD-STZ treated DA rats may be a consequence of altered myofilament sensitivity to Ca2+. The hyperglycaemic effects of MLD-STZ and SHD-STZ induced diabetes was much greater in DA compared to AO rats and the effects of the hyperglycaemia on the time-course of ventricular myocyte contraction was most profound in DA rats after SHD-STZ. (Mol Cell Biochem 269: 103–108, 2005)  相似文献   

The C57BL/6J mouse has a genetic susceptibility to develop diabetes when fed with a high-fat, high-sucrose diet. The general characteristics of diet-induced diabetes in this model include progressive development of hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia, insulin resistance and obesity, features that are frequently observed in the clinical setting. This study investigated the progressive effects of a fat enriched (FE) diet on contraction and intracellular Ca2+ in ventricular myocytes from the C57BL/6J mouse. The characteristics of the mice fed with the FE diet compared to mice receiving control diet included progressive increase in the rate of body weight gain, increased fasting blood glucose and time-dependent differences in the disposal of blood glucose after a glucose challenge. The ultrastructure of cardiac myocytes and associated capillaries did not show any gross morphological alteration after 27 weeks of FE diet compared to controls.At 5 months the resting cell length (RCL) and the kinetics of shortening were not significantly altered in ventricular myocytes from mice receiving the FE diet compared to age-matched controls. At 5 and at 7 months the amplitude of shortening was increased in myocytes receiving the FED diet compared to controls. At 7 months the time to half (THALF) relaxation of myocyte contraction was shortened in myocytes from mice receiving the FE diet compared to controls. Mean THALF relaxation in myocytes from mice fed the FE diet was 32.0 ± 1.4 ms (n = 23) compared to 40.2 ± 2.0 ms (n = 27) in controls. Neither resting intracellular Ca2+ nor the kinetics or amplitude of the Ca2+ transient were altered by FE diet. Differences in myofilament sensitivity to Ca2+ might underlie the changes in contractility.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is associated with various structural and functional liver abnormalities that affect the glycogen and lipid metabolisms. The effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes and of insulin supplementation to Sprague-Dawley diabetic rats on ganglioside patterns in liver were determined. Diabetic livers showed a tendency to hepatomegaly 3 weeks after STZ-induction of diabetes. The concentration of total gangliosides in diabetic and non-diabetic livers was similar, but the concentration of total gangliosides in the liver of insulin-stabilized rats was slightly increased. Bidimensional TLC chromatographic analysis of gangliosides isolated from normal diabetic and insulin-stabilized diabetic livers showed quantitative and qualitative changes. In comparison with normal controls, the densitometric analyses of diabetic liver ganglioside patterns had increased amounts of GM3, GM1, GD1b, and GT1b gangliosides, while GM2 could not be detected. The hepatic ganglioside pattern of insulin-stabilized diabetic rats was partially restored, resembling the profile of normal rats. The activity of GalNAcT, GalT-2 and SialT-4 transferases was measured in liver microsomal fractions of the different groups of animals. Diabetic rats showed an increased activity of GalNAcT and a decrease in the activity of GalT-2 and SialT-4 compared with the controls. The enzymatic activities found in insulin-treated rats showed a tendency to return to the values observed in normal control animals. The results evidenced that streptozotocin-induced diabetes affects the liver ganglioside pattern and the ganglioside synthesis enzyme activity. The alterations found in ganglioside metabolism could represent one of the earliest changes associated with the diabetic pathology.  相似文献   

目的 :研究在正常和缺氧 /复氧过程中白细胞介素 2 (IL 2 )对心肌细胞收缩和细胞内钙的处理能力的影响。方法 :采用酶解分离大鼠心室肌细胞化学缺氧模型 ,用视频跟踪系统和细胞内双波长钙荧光系统检测单个心肌细胞收缩和细胞内钙的变化。结果 :①缺氧过程中 ,心肌细胞收缩被抑制 ,钙瞬变幅度降低、静息钙水平增高 ,咖啡因诱导的钙释放减少 ,但对细胞膜L -型钙通道活性无明显影响 ;复氧期间 ,各指标不能恢复到对照水平。②IL 2 (2× 10 5U/L)抑制心肌细胞收缩 ,使钙瞬变幅度降低、静息钙水平增高 ,使咖啡因诱导的钙释放减少。③在缺氧期间加入IL 2 (2× 10 5U/L)后 ,复氧期间各参数回复均减慢。结论 :缺氧时同时存在IL 2 ,可加剧复氧时心肌细胞收缩功能和钙处理能力的降低 ,这可能与心肌细胞肌浆网内贮钙释放减少有关。  相似文献   

Glyburide, also known as glibenclamide, was shown to have positive inotropic effect in human and animal hearts. The objectives of the present study was to investigate the effects of glyburide on developed left ventricular pressure (DLVP), coronary flow (CF), and heart rate (HR), in isolated rabbit heart as well as its effects on myocardial contractility and L-type calcium current, iCa, in guinea pig myocytes. Rabbit hearts were mounted on Langendorff apparatus and perfused with an oxygenated Krebs for 30 min until reaching steady state to be followed by 20 min of experimental perfusion divided into 5 min of control perfusion and 15 min of perfusion with Glyburide (10 M). Ventricular myocytes were isolated by enzymatic dispersion technique and superfused in an oxygenated Tyrode solution. Cells were voltage-clamped at holding potential –40 mV to inactivate Na+ current and a step depolarizations, 200 msec duration, to 0 mV was applied to elicit iCa. The contractions of the myocytes were measured by optical methods. Glyburide significantly increased DLVP by 30% and CF by 36% but had no effect on HR. Glyburide increased cell contractility by 7 ± 6, 18 ± 7, 28 ± 9 and 54 ± 15% for 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 M respectively, p < 0.001. Meanwhile it depressed iCa by 9 ± 6 and 19 ± 8% for 1 and 10 M respectively. In conclusion, glyburide increased contractility of guinea pig single myocytes and of isolated rabbit heart, as indicated by increased developed left ventricular pressure while it depressed iCa. It is hypothesized that an elevation in intracellular calcium, which caused increased myocardial contractility, could be attributed to an increase in intracellular Na+ that could increase intracellular calcium via Na+/Ca2+ exchange.  相似文献   

Changes in tissue glutathione antioxidant system in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats for a period of 15 weeks were examined. Total glutathione level was significantly increased in kidney tissue, but were slightly decreased and increased in liver and heart tissues, respectively. The small changes in total glutathione level in the liver and heart, though not statistically significant, were associated with reciprocal alterations in the activity Of -glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS). While the GCS activity was not changed in kidney tissue, the activity of -glutathione peroxidase was significantly increased in kidney tissue. Insulin treatment could completely or partly normalize almost all of these changes induced by diabetes. However, the decrease in hepatic glutathione S-transferases activity in diabetic rats was not reversed by the insulin treatment. The ensemble of results suggests that the diabetes-induced alterations in tissue glutathione antioxidant system may possibly reflect an inter-organ antioxidant response to a generalized increase in tissue oxidative stress associated with diabetes.Abbreviations AGES advanced glycosylation end-products - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - GCS -glutamylcysteine synthetase - GlyHb glycated hemoglobin - GPX Se-glutathione peroxidase - GRD glutathione reductase - GSH reduced glutathione - GSSG oxidized glutathione - GST glutathione S-transferases - SSA sulfosalicylic acid - STZ streptozotocin  相似文献   

Rutin, a polyphenolic flavonoid, was investigated for its antioxidant potential in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Rats were rendered diabetic by a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg). The levels of fasting plasma glucose and insulin were estimated. Lipid peroxidative products and antioxidants were estimated in liver, kidney and brain. Histopathological studies were carried out in these tissues. A significant (p < 0.05) increase in the levels of fasting plasma glucose, lipid peroxidative products (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances [TBARS] and lipid hydroperoxides [HP]) and a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in plasma insulin, enzymic antioxidants (superoxide dismutase [SOD], catalase, glutathione peroxidase [GPx] and glutathione reductase [GRx]) and nonenzymic antioxidants (reduced glutathione [GSH], vitamin C and E) in diabetic liver, kidney and brain were observed. Oral administration of rutin (100 mg/kg) for a period of 45 days significantly (p < 0.05) decreased fasting plasma glucose, increased insulin levels and improved the antioxidant status of diabetic rats by decreasing lipid peroxidative products and increasing enzymic and nonenzymic antioxidants. Normal rats treated with rutin (100 mg/kg) showed no significant (p < 0.05) effect on any of the parameters studied. Histopathological studies of the liver, kidney and brain showed the protective role of rutin. Thus, our study clearly shows that rutin has antioxidant effect in STZ-induced experimental diabetes.  相似文献   

The heart functions as a syncytium of cardiac myocytes and surrounding supportive non-myocytes such as fibroblasts. There is a possibility that a variety of non-myocyte-derived factors affect the maturation of cardiac myocytes in the development of the heart. Cultured neonatal cardiac myocytes contract spontaneously and cyclically. The fluctuation of beating rhythm varies depending on the strength of coupling through gap junctions among cardiac myocytes, indicating that the development of intercellular communication via gap junctions is crucial to the stability of contraction rhythm in cardiac myocytes. In this study, we aimed at elucidating whether and how cardiac fibroblasts affect the development of cardiac myocytes from the point of view of the changes in the fluctuation of the contraction rhythm of cardiac myocytes in cardiac myocyte–fibroblast co-cultures. The present study suggested that cardiac fibroblasts co-cultured with cardiac myocytes enhanced the intercellular communication among myocytes via gap junctions, thereby stabilizing the spontaneous contraction rhythm of cultured cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by anatomical and functional alterations of the intestinal tract. However, the aetiology of these disturbances remains unclear. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of diabetes on the expression of laminin-1 and fibronectin in the small intestine of Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. The Western immunoblotting of the extracts from the small intestine revealed that experimental diabetes resulted in a marked increase in the intensity of the bands corresponding to laminin-1 and fibronectin. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated a strong labelling to these two extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in the small intestine of diabetic rats, mainly localized in the smooth muscle layer. These results occur together with a thickening of the basement membrane (BM) of the smooth muscle cells, demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We propose that the accumulation of ECM proteins in the smooth muscle layer may be an effect mediated by hyperglycaemia, since insulin treatment of diabetic rats reversed this accumulation. These results could provide information on the potential role of the ECM in the intestine, an organ which is known to exhibit important alterations in diabetes.  相似文献   

Cobalt decreases blood glucose in diabetic rats but the mechanisms involved are unclear. To determine the contribution of glycogen metabolism to glycemia-lowering effect, glycogen contents of liver and muscle in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were determined. The liver glycogen was depleted in diabetic rats. But when cobalt was administered to the rats, the glycogen returned to the level of healthy rats, concomitantly with the decrease in blood glucose. The cobalt treatment had no effect on the muscle glycogen in the diabetic rats. The tissue-specific responses of glycogen metabolism suggest the involvement of suppressed glucagon signaling due to cobalt treatment.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes can affect hippocampal function triggering cognitive impairment through unknown mechanisms. Caffeine consumption prevents hippocampal degeneration and memory dysfunction upon different insults and is also known to affect peripheral glucose metabolism. Thus we now characterized glucose transport and the neurochemical profile in the hippocampus of streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats using in vivo1H NMR spectroscopy and tested the effect of caffeine consumption thereupon. We found that hippocampal glucose content and transport were unaltered in diabetic rats, irrespective of caffeine consumption. However diabetic rats displayed alterations in their hippocampal neurochemical profile, which were normalized upon restoration of normoglycaemia, with the exception of myo‐inositol that remained increased (36 ± 5%, p < 0.01 compared to controls) likely reflecting osmolarity deregulation. Compared to controls, caffeine‐consuming diabetic rats displayed increased hippocampal levels of myo‐inositol (15 ± 5%, p < 0.05) and taurine (23 ± 4%, p < 0.01), supporting the ability of caffeine to control osmoregulation. Compared to controls, the hippocampus of diabetic rats displayed a reduced density of synaptic proteins syntaxin, synaptophysin and synaptosome‐associated protein of 25 kDa (in average 18 ± 1%, p < 0.05) as well increased glial fibrillary acidic protein (20 ± 5%, p < 0.05), suggesting synaptic degeneration and astrogliosis, which were prevented by caffeine consumption. In conclusion, neurochemical alterations in the hippocampus of diabetic rats are not related to defects of glucose transport but likely reflect osmoregulatory adaptations caused by hyperglycemia. Furthermore, caffeine consumption affected this neurochemical adaptation to high glucose levels, which may contribute to its potential neuroprotective effects, namely preventing synaptic degeneration and astrogliosis.  相似文献   

目的:运用膜片钳全细胞技术和实时定量聚合酶链式反应(PCR),探讨幼鼠和成年大鼠心室肌细胞起搏电流(If)及超极化激活的环核苷酸门控通道(HCN)亚型的改变。方法:分离3d的幼鼠和成年大鼠的心室肌细胞;测定HCN1、HCN2、HCN3和HCN4 mRNA的表达;记录If并研究其特性。结果:在新生大鼠心室肌细胞记录到If并得到电流密度-电压曲线,其激活电压约为-75mV;实时定量PCR检测HCN1、HCN2、HCN3和HCN4 mRNA在总HCN mRNA的表达中所占比例分别为0.23%±0.01%、83.58%±0.04%、0.79%±0.01%和15.44%±0.01%。在成年大鼠心室肌细胞也记录到超极化激活、并可以被4mmol/LCsCl阻断的If,其激活电压约为-115mV;HCN1、HCN2、HCN3和HCN4 mRNA在总HCN mRNA中所占比例分别为0.72%±0.02%、91.58%±0.08%、0.27%±0.02%和7.12%±0.02%。HCN2∶HCN4为(13.06±0.21)∶1。结论:随着年龄的增长,大鼠心室肌细胞HCN2所占比例增加;If值减小,激活电压变负。  相似文献   

Ma JH  Luo AT  Wang WP  Zhang PH 《生理学报》2007,59(2):233-239
应用全细胞和单通道(贴附式)膜片钳技术观察胞外pH值降低对心室肌细胞持续性钠电流(persistent sodium current,ⅠNa.P)的影响,探讨其作用机制。结果显示:全细胞记录模式下,细胞外pH值降低可明显增大ⅠNa.P,且呈H+浓度依赖性增强。当细胞外pH值从对照值的7.4降低为6.5时,ⅠNa.P的电流密度从(0.347±0.067)pAJpF增加到(0.817±0.137)pA/pF(P< 0.01,n=6),而加入还原剂1,4-二硫甙苏糖醇(dithiothreitiol,DTT,1 mmol/L)后可使,ⅠNa.P的电流密度回落到(0.233±0.078)pA/pF (P<0.01 vs pH 6.5,n=6)。单通道记录模式中,当细胞外pH值从对照值的7.4降低为6.5时,持续性钠通道的开放概率和开放时间分别从0.021±0.007和(0.899±0.074)ms增加到0.205±0.023和(1.593±0.158)ms(P<0.叭,n=6),再加入还原剂DTT(1 mmol/L)使开放概率和开放时间分别回落到0.019±0.005和(0.868±0.190)ms(P<0.01 vs pH 6.5,n=6);加入蛋白激酶C(protein kinase C,PKC)抑制剂bisindolylmaleimide(BIM,5μmol/L)可使pH 6.5时增大的,ⅠNa.P明显减小,开放概率和开放时间分别从0.214±0.024和(1.634±0.137)ms回落到0.025±0.006和(0.914±0.070)ms(P<0.01 vs pH 6.5,n=6)。结果表明,细胞外pH值降低可诱发心室肌细胞ⅠNa.P增大,其机制可能与PKC的激活有关。  相似文献   

Zhang ZX  Qi XY  Xu YQ 《生理学报》2003,55(1):24-28
应用全细胞膜片钳及激光共聚焦技术 ,研究银杏苦内酯B(ginkgolideB ,GB)对豚鼠心室肌细胞L 型钙电流及胞内游离钙的作用 ,并探讨GB心肌保护作用的机制。实验结果显示 ,在指令电压为 0mV时 ,GB对生理状态下豚鼠心室肌细胞L 型钙电流无明显作用。在模拟缺血状态下 ,L 型钙峰值电流减小 3 7 71% ,但加入 1μmol/LGB后 ,可逆转缺血引起的L 型钙电流的降低 ,与缺血对照组比较 ,有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。 1μmol/LGB能使由于模拟缺血而上移的L 型钙电流 电压曲线回复正常。在生理状态下 ,0 1、1、10mol/LGB分别使心肌细胞内游离钙降低 10 5 8%(n =12 )、17 2 7% (n =12 )、16 3 5 % (n =10 ) ,与对照组相比有非常显著性差异。模拟缺血液灌流 12min时 ,细胞内游离钙浓度增加 2 0 15 % ,在模拟缺血液中分别加入 1μmol/Lnifedipine或 5mmol/LNiCl2 ,结果显示 :模拟缺血液灌流 12min ,与正常对照组相比细胞内钙分别增加 18 18% (P >0 0 5 )与 11% (P <0 0 5 )。在模拟缺血液中加入1mol/LGB灌流 12min时细胞内钙仅增加 9 60 % (n =12 ,P <0 0 0 1) ,与缺血对照组相比有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。结果表明 ,GB可逆转模拟缺血造成L 型钙电流的降低 ,同时可部分减轻由于缺血所造成的细胞内钙的超载  相似文献   

T型钙通道(Cav3)广泛分布于各类细胞,其显著的电生理学特点是低电位激活和快速的电压依赖性失活.失活在通道的生理功能调节中起十分重要的作用,但具体参与通道失活的分子基础目前并不完全清楚.为明确Cav3.1通道中调控电压依赖性失活的结构域,用Cav1.2通道(无电压依赖性失活)结构域Ⅰ和Ⅱ中的S1~S4、S5~S6区及Ⅰ和Ⅱ间的联系区替换Cav3.1中的相应区域,构建嵌合通道,并在卵母细胞中表达,用电压钳技术分析通道的电生理学特性.结果表明,替换Ⅰ中的S1~S4或S5~S6区可使Cav3.1的失活特性显著改变,但这种改变主要是由激活-失活偶联所致.Ⅱ的替换使通道的失活曲线参数发生显著改变,表明结构域Ⅱ,包括S1~S4和S5~S6均参与Cav3.1失活过程的调控.Ⅰ、Ⅱ间的联系区及Ⅰ中的S5~S6主要调控Cav3.1的失活速率,Ⅰ和Ⅱ中的S1~S4对通道失活速率无影响.综上所述,结构域Ⅱ是调控Cav3.1电压依赖性失活的关键因素,结构域Ⅰ不参与该通道失活过程的调控.Ⅰ、Ⅱ间的联系区及Ⅰ中的S5~S6主要调控Cav3.1通道的失活速率,Ⅰ、Ⅱ中的S1~S4对通道失活速率无影响.  相似文献   

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