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Fertility of backcross triploid hybrids containing one genome of Prussian carp and two genomes of common carp is investigated. The females of hybrids of Prussian carp and common carp (Prussian × common carp) are prolific and produce diploid gametes. Since males of such hybrids are sterile, their reproduction is realized by means of induced gynogenesis. Triploid progeny is obtained by backcrossing female Prussian × common carp with carp males. Among triploids obtained from hybrids F1 and among hybrids of the first gynogenetic generation, there were no prolific specimens. However, in reproduction of diploid hybrids by means of gynogenesis during six generations, the female fertility in the backcross progeny is restored. From backcross triploid females (daughters of Prussian × common carp of the sixth gynogenetic generation), a viable triploid gynogenetic progeny and a tetraploid backcross (by carp) progeny are obtained. The obtained data may be considered as the experimental proof of the hypothesis of reticular speciation.  相似文献   

Hypoxia tolerance of diploid gynogenetic and triploid backcross hybrids between golden carp Carassius auratus and carp Cyprinus carpio was investigated in comparison with carp. The more that heredity of golden carp was in their genotype, the better the hybrids survived under hypoxia conditions.  相似文献   

Yue GH  David L  Orban L 《Genetica》2007,129(3):329-331
Microsatellites are popular molecular markers in genetic and evolutionary studies. Their mutational dynamics have been extensively studied in humans and fruit flies, but few data were available in fish. By genotyping 55 individuals of a F1 pedigree, we investigated the mutation rates and patterns of 49 microsatellites in one of the most important fresh water fish species, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). The overall mutation rate of the 49 loci was 5.56×10−4/locus/generation (95% confidence interval 1.52×10−4 and 1.63×10−3). The change of allele size was between +2 to −5 repeat units, assuming that the mutation allele arose from the parental allele most similar in size to the mutant.  相似文献   

Using five microsatellite loci, genotyping and genetic diversity estimates were obtained for nine samples representing seven common carp breeds most widespread in Russia. For comparison, the samples of Amur wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) and a sample of European Hungarian carp were used. In the samples examined (n = 148) a total of 78 alleles were revealed. The highest mean allele number per locus (7.3) was identified in Amur wild common carp, while the lowest number was found in Cherepets carps (4.0). In different breeds, the observed heterozygosities varied from 0.819 (Altai carp) to 0.651 (Cherepets scaly carp). Three out of five microsatellite loci (MFW-24, MFW-28, and MFW-19) revealed a high level of population differentiation. In the dendrogram of genetic differences, all breeds clustered into two groups. One of these groups was composed of the two strains of Ropsha carp, Stavropol carp, Amur wild common carp, and the two samples of Cherepets carp. The second cluster included Altai carp (Priobskii and Chumysh populations), two Angelinskii carp breeds (mirror and scaly), and Hungarian carp. The pairs of breeds/populations/strains, having common origin, were differentiated. Specifically, these were two populations of Altai carp, two strains of Ropsha carp, as well as the breeds of Angelinskii and Cherepets carps. The reasons for genetic differentiation of Russian common carp breeds, as well as the concordance of the evolutionary histories of these breeds, some of which originated from the European breeds, while the others contain substantial admixture of the Amur wild common carp, are discussed.  相似文献   

It was shown that stimulation by food odor (aquatic extract of food organisms, 10?2 and 10?3 g/l) does not cause shifts in gustatory preferences in carp Cyprinus carpio and cod Gadus morhua but modifies gustatory behavior. The level of consumption by carp of control granules and granules with attractive, by taste, L-proline (0.1 M) or deterrent L-lysine (0.1 M) (item by item presentation of granules) and by cod of control granules and granules with indifferent, to it, L-asparagine (0.1 M) (presentation of 10 granules simultaneously) is similar prior to and during olfactory stimulation. In the presence of food odor, the duration of taste testing for most types of granules, as well as the number of repeated graspings of granules with an attractive taste do not change in fish. At the same time, granules with indifferent or repulsive gustatory properties are rejected and repeatedly grasped by fish against the background of food odor more frequently than in water without odor. Olfactory stimulation leads to a considerable increase in the average number of graspings per one grasped granule with an indifferent or repulsive taste. Such behavior manifested by fish in the presence of food odor in response to granules with unattractive gustatory properties is apparently caused by the contradiction between the information coming via different chemosensory canals—olfactory and gustatory. The obtained results indicate that food stimulation caused by food odor in nature can lead to an increase in the actual consumption of only those accessible food items that have an attractive taste for fish.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of the mitochondrial cyt b gene was examined in 35 individuals of common carp and wild common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). The fish examined represented two natural populations from Khabarovsk krai (Ac and Am), Volga wild common carp, Don wild common carp, and two common carp breeds, Ropsha (strains BB and MM) common carp and Hungarian common carp. The highest level of nucleotide (π) and haplotype (h) diversity was detected in two strains of Ropsha common carp (MM, π = 0.67%, h = 0.7; and BB, π = 0.21%, h = 0.9) and in one population (Am) of Amur wild common carp (π = 0.26%; h = 0.6). The second population of Amur wild common carp (Ac) and Hungarian common carp were characterized by lower variation estimates (π = 0.035%, h = 0.4; and π = 0.09%, h = 0.7, respectively). Genetic homogeneity was demonstrated for the populations of Volga and Don wild common carp (π = 0, h = 0). In the sample of the cyt b sequences examined, three lineages were identified. Lineages I and II united all haplotypes of the Am Amur wild common carp along with two haplotypes of Ropsha common carp, strain MM. The third lineage (III) was formed by the haplotypes of three individuals of Ropsha common carp strain MM, all representatives of Ropsha common carp strain BB, Hungarian common carp, Ac Amur wild common carp, and Don and Volga wild common carps. Statistically significant amino acid differences were observed only for the sequences, corresponding to haplotypes of lineage III, and the sum of sequences of lineages I and II. Effectiveness of different types of markers to differentiate the two subspecies of European and Amur wild common carp (C. c. carpio and C. c. haematopterus) is discussed, as well as the issues of the origin and dispersal of Russian common carp and wild common carp breeds.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping is frequently used to understand the genetic architecture of quantitative traits. Herein, we performed a genome scan for QTL affecting the morphometric characters in eight full-sib families containing 522 individuals using different statistical methods (Sib-pair and half-sib model). A total of 194 QTLs were detected in 25 different regions on 10 linkage groups (LGs). Among them, 37 QTLs on five LGs (eight, 13, 24, 40 and 45) were significant (5% genome-wide level), while the remaining 40 (1% chromosome-wide level) and 117 (5% chromosome-wide level) indicated suggestive effect on those traits. Heritabilities for most morphometric traits were moderate to high, ranging from 0.21 to 0.66, with generally strong phenotypic and genetic correlations between the traits. A large number of QTLs for morphometric traits were co-located, consistent with their high correlations, and may reflect pleiotropic effect on the same genes. Biological pathways were mapped for possible candidate genes on QTL regions. One significantly enriched pathway was identified on LG45, which had a P-value of 0.04 and corresponded to the “regulation of actin cytoskeleton pathway”. The results are expected to be useful in marker-assisted selection (MAS) and provide valuable information for the study of gene pathway for morphometric and growth traits of the common carp.  相似文献   

Factor I is a novel serine protease that regulates complement activation. Here we report the complete primary structure of two isotypic factor Is isolated from the common carp ( Cyprinus carpio), a pseudotetraploid teleost. A carp hepatopancreas cDNA library was screened using two RT-PCR-amplified cDNA fragments encoding part of the carp factor I-like serine protease domain. Two distinct cDNA clones, designated FI-A and FI-B, were isolated. Their deduced amino acid sequences share 75.2% identity with each other. FI-A has a typical factor I-like domain organization composed of two disulfide-linked polypeptides (H-chain and L-chain). On the other hand, FI-B contains a novel sequence of 115 amino acids inserted at the N-terminus of the H-chain. Genomic Southern hybridization suggests that FI-A and FI-B are encoded by distinct genes in the carp genome. Expression analysis by RT-PCR revealed that the major site of FI-A expression is the ovary, whereas FI-B expression is detected mainly in the hepatopancreas at a level higher than that of FI-A. The present data, taken together, suggest that carp have duplicated genes coding for factor I, and FI-B with the novel insertion plays a dominant role in the complement system. In addition, homology search of the fugu genome database using the carp FI-A and FI-B sequences identified a putative fugu factor I gene, which has an exon/intron organization different from that of the human orthologue.  相似文献   

In aquaculture, cultured fish often undergo continuous cross-fertilization without any inflow of new broodstock. This lowers genetic diversity, leading to increased disease rates and decreased survival rates. To improve the mass production and easy culture of Israeli carp, it is essential to investigate the population structure and genetic diversity of these fish. However, such a survey has not yet been performed on Korean Israeli carp. In this study, we used seven microsatellite markers to analyze the genetic diversity and association of cultured Israeli carp from Korea and China. The average numbers of alleles per locus (N A ) for two Korean (KorA and KorB) and two Chinese (ChA and ChB) populations were as follows: KorA (10.42), KorB (14.43), ChA (20.57) and ChB (20.71). The expected heterozygosity (H e ) ranged from 0.672 to 0.897 and from 0.827 to 0.938 in the Korean sample and Chinese sample respectively. The genetic diversity of the Korean Israeli carp was about half that of the Chinese carp. The diversity of the Korean Israeli carp was very low, suggesting that the immunity of this population could be weak, and that diversity–recovery studies are urgently needed. Therefore, our results may therefore form the foundation for future research efforts towards genetic monitoring and selective breeding, continuous research needs to be conducted in order to recover the genetic diversity of the Korean Israeli carp.  相似文献   

The effect of common carp and bream on hydrochemical parameters, abundance, and structure of phyto-, zooplankton, and macrozoobenthos has been studied in semienclosed mesocosms installed in the littoral zone of a mesotrophic lake. Significant differences in the biomass of different algal groups in mesocosms with fish in respect to the control were established only for diatoms and were not found for other phytoplankton groups. Common carp had a greater effect on the abundance of large zooplankton species (Diaphanosoma brachyurum) compared to bream. The abundance of the small Bosmina longirostris increased in mesocosms both with bream and common carp. The macrozoobenthos biomass reduced at higher rates in mesocosms with common carp than in those with bream, with the strongest effect of common carp on mayfly larvae. The differences between the consumption of chironomid and oligochaete larvae were not established in mesocosms with common carp. Bream mainly affected the larvae of mayflies and oligochaetes and, to a lesser degree, the chironomid larvae.  相似文献   

A polyploid hybrid fish with natural gynogenesis can prevent segregation and maintain their hybrid vigor in their progenies. Supposing the reproduction mode of induced polyploid fish being natural gynogenesis, allopolyploid hybrid between common carp and crucian carp into allopolyploid was performed. The purpose of this paper is to describe a lineage from sexual diploid carp transforming into allotriploid and allotetraploid unisexual clones by genome addition. The diploid hybrid between common carp and crucian carp reproduces an unreduced nucleus consisting of two parental genomes. This unreduced female pronucleus will fuse with male pronucleus and form allotriploid zygote after penetration of related species sperms. Allotriploid embryos grow normally, and part of female allotriploid can produce unreduced mature ova with three genomes. Mature ova of most allotriploid females are provided with natural gynogenetic trait and their nuclei do not fuse with any entrance sperm. All female offspring are produced by gynogenesis of allotriploid egg under activation of penetrating sperms. These offspring maintain morphological traits of their allotriploid maternal and form an allotetraploid unisexual clone by gynogenetic reproduction mode. However, female nuclei of rare allotriploid female can fuse with penetrating male pronuclei and result in the appearance of allotetraploid individuals by means of genome addition. All allotetraploid females can reproduce unreduced mature eggs containing four genomes. Therefore, mature eggs of allotetraploid maintain gynogenetic trait and allotetraploid unisexual clone is produced under activation of related species sperms.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA coding lipoprotein lipase (LPL) was cloned from liver of adult common carp (Cyprinus carpio Var. Jian) by RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The cDNA obtained was 2,411 bp long with a 1,524 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding 507 amino acids. This amino acid sequence contains two structural regions: N-terminus (24–354 residues) and C-terminus (355–507 residues). Before N-terminus, 1–23 residues is signal peptide, 6–23 residues is transmembrance helix. At N-terminus, some conversed functional sites were found, including two N-linked glycosylation sites Asn41 and Asn88; one catalytic triad Ser174, Asp198 and His283; one conserved heparin-binding site Arg321 to Arg324 (RKNR); eight cysteines residues Cys69 and Cys82, Cys258 and Cys281, Cys306 and Cys325, Cys317 and Cys320 which are involved in four disulfide bridges; one polypeptide “lid” that participates in substrate specificity. At C-terminus, Asn401 is another N-linked glycosylation site, and Trp434 and Trp435 (WW) is lipid-binding site. The amino acid sequence has a high similarity, and shows similar structural features to LPL of other species. Tissue distribution of LPL mRNA in liver, head kidney, mesenteric adipose tissue, heart and white muscle of common carp was analyzed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR method using β-actin gene as internal control. The result showed that the expressions of LPL mRNA were detected in all examined tissues of common carp. The expression levels of LPL in the mesenteric adipose tissue was highest among these tissues, following in liver and head kidney, and the lowest expression was found in heart and white muscle.  相似文献   

Populations of invasive species that undergo rapid expansions after establishment in a new system can also be subject to collapse. Although the dynamics of the establishment and expansion phases and their ecological effects are well documented, substantially fewer studies document collapses despite their importance for understanding invasion dynamics. Two long-term fish monitoring programs sample the fish assemblage of the Upper Mississippi River System. These data provide an opportunity to document the collapse of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), a globally invasive freshwater fish species. Here we describe their population trajectory over several decades and examine several hypotheses to explain the decline, including: boom-bust population dynamics; suppression by native predators; resource exhaustion; improvements in environmental conditions; and disease. The observed trends appear to be most consistent with the hypothesis that disease was the most important factor contributing to the collapse. In particular, cyprinid herpesviruses have been shown to affect common carp in a manner consistent with the observed decreases in catch rates and increases in size distributions. The apparent role of a viral agent in causing the decline of common carp across one of the largest river basins in North America suggests similar collapses may occur elsewhere.  相似文献   

For the first time by the example of juveniles of Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt, the role of growth hormone of hypophysis in the osmotic regulation of acipenserids was studied, also the process of transformation of reserve chloride was described. In Russian sturgeon juveniles, administration of growth hormone of carp Cyprinus carpio at a dose of 1 mg per 1 g body weight causes changes in the fine structure of numerous reserve (undifferentiated) gill epithelial cells and thus stimulates their transformation into mature chloride cells involved in transport of monovalent ions. Increase in the number of chloride cells, on account of reserve cells, was accompanied by higher enzymatic activity of Na+/K+-ATPase in gill homogenates of the injected fish adapting to a hyperosmotic environment of salinity 12.5‰ (403 mosm/l) than in the intact fish under the same conditions but without hormonal treatment. Morphophysiological changes observed in the injected juveniles provided the more efficient dynamics of blood serum osmolarity under saline exposure than that in the intact fish. Their serum osmolality during the maximum rise (24 hours after the transfer of fish into the water of 12.5‰ salinity) was lower (p <0.01), than that of the intact fish. The inclusion of growth hormone in the osmoregulatory process was established.  相似文献   

The results of studies on the effect of cortisone analogues upon the morpho-functional state of immune-competent organs (liver, kidney, and spleen) in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are summarized. Injection of the hormone results in changes in somatic indices of immune-competent organs and in activation of lipid peroxidation. The dependence of studied indices on the peculiarities of structure and functions of organs and time-post injection is shown.  相似文献   

The effects of invasive pathogens on wild fish and fish communities generally are not well documented. We compiled information on the impacts of mass mortality events due to Cyprinid Herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3), otherwise known as Koi Herpesvirus, on wild North American populations of the invasive cyprinid, Cyprinus carpio (common carp), based on our personal experiences, discussions with North American fish ecologists and virologists, a detailed survey of technical and popular publications and a web search. We found evidence of 17 mass die-offs of carp due to CyHV-3 in North America since 2004, for 7 of which we were able to obtain information about carp before and after the events. For 6 of the events, effects of the die-offs on carp population indices appeared to be slight. Carp size-frequency distributions before and after the well-documented 2007/08 event in Ontario were also not conspicuously different. The exceptional event was at Blue Springs Lake, Missouri, in 2012, at which we estimate 65% of the carp present died as a result of CyHV-3 infections and carp abundance continues to decline. Why Blue Springs Lake differs from other events in North America is not clear. Overall, carp die-offs due to CyHV-3 in North America (1) confirm laboratory studies that only common carp are affected, (2) are of brief duration (3–6 weeks), (3) are not repeated in subsequent years and (4) cause much lower mortality (with the exception of Blue Springs Lake) than previously reported for carp in aquaculture facilities or in the laboratory. In terms of both wild carp and their effects on aquatic communities, the short and long-term effects of most die-offs appear to be slight. These features could have implications for the effectiveness of the proposed use of CyHV-3 to reduce feral carp populations in Australia.  相似文献   

Two repeated DNA sequences isolated from a partial genomic DNA library of Helianthus annuus, p HaS13 and p HaS211, were shown to represent portions of the int gene of a Ty3 /gypsy retroelement and of the RNase-Hgene of a Ty1 /copia retroelement, respectively. Southern blotting patterns obtained by hybridizing the two probes to BglII- or DraI-digested genomic DNA from different Helianthus species showed p HaS13 and p HaS211 were parts of dispersed repeats at least 8 and 7 kb in length, respectively, that were conserved in all species studied. Comparable hybridization patterns were obtained in all species with p HaS13. By contrast, the patterns obtained by hybridizing p HaS211 clearly differentiated annual species from perennials. The frequencies of p HaS13- and p HaS211-related sequences in different species were 4.3x10(4)-1.3x10(5) copies and 9.9x10(2)-8.1x10(3) copies per picogram of DNA, respectively. The frequency of p HaS13-related sequences varied widely within annual species, while no significant difference was observed among perennial species. Conversely, the frequency variation of p HaS211-related sequences was as large within annual species as within perennials. Sequences of both families were found to be dispersed along the length of all chromosomes in all species studied. However, Ty3 /gypsy-like sequences were localized preferentially at the centromeric regions, whereas Ty1/ copia-like sequences were less represented or absent around the centromeres and plentiful at the chromosome ends. These findings suggest that the two sequence families played a role in Helianthusgenome evolution and species divergence, evolved independently in the same genomic backgrounds and in annual or perennial species, and acquired different possible functions in the host genomes.  相似文献   

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