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Some retroviruses contain monoubiquitinated Gag and do not bud efficiently from cells treated with proteasome inhibitors, suggesting an interaction between the ubiquitin-proteasome system and retrovirus assembly. We examined equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) particles and found that approximately 2% of the p9(Gag) proteins are monoubiquitinated, demonstrating that this Gag protein interacts with an ubiquitinating activity. Different types of proteasome inhibitors were used to determine if proteasome inactivation affects EIAV release from chronically infected cells. Pulse-chase immunoprecipitation and time course immunoblot analyses showed that proteasome inactivation slightly decreased virus release (at most a twofold effect), while it did not affect Gag processing. These results contrast with those obtained with other viruses which are sensitive to these inhibitors. This suggests that, although its Gag is monoubiquitinated, the requirements for EIAV release are somewhat different from those for retroviruses that are sensitive to proteasome inhibitors.  相似文献   

A primary mechanism of lentivirus persistence is the ability of these viruses to evolve in response to biological and immunological selective pressures with a remarkable array of genetic and antigenic variations that constitute a perpetual natural experiment in genetic engineering. A widely accepted paradigm of lentivirus evolution is that the rate of genetic variation is correlated directly with the levels of virus replication: the greater the viral replication, the more opportunities that exist for genetic modifications and selection of viral variants. To test this hypothesis directly, we examined the patterns of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) envelope variation during a 2.5-year period in experimentally infected ponies that differed markedly in clinical progression and in steady-state levels of viral replication as indicated by plasma virus genomic RNA assays. The results of these comprehensive studies revealed for the first time similar extents of envelope gp90 variation in persistently infected ponies regardless of the number of disease cycles (one to six) and viremia during chronic disease. The extent of envelope variation was also independent of the apparent steady-state levels of virus replication during long-term asymptomatic infection, varying from undetectable to 10(5) genomic RNA copies per ml of plasma. In addition, the data confirmed the evolution of distinct virus populations (genomic quasispecies) associated with sequential febrile episodes during acute and chronic EIA and demonstrated for the first time ongoing envelope variation during long-term asymptomatic infections. Finally, comparison of the rates of evolution of the previously defined EIAV gp90 variable domains demonstrated distinct differences in the rates of nucleotide and amino acid sequence variation, presumably reflecting differences in the ability of different envelope domains to respond to immune or other biological selection pressures. Thus, these data suggest that EIAV variation can be associated predominantly with ongoing low levels of virus replication and selection in target tissues, even in the absence of substantial levels of plasma viremia, and that envelope variation continues during all stages of persistent infection as the virus successfully avoids clearance by host defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

P Dorn  L DaSilva  L Martarano    D Derse 《Journal of virology》1990,64(4):1616-1624
Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) contains a tat gene which is closely related to the trans-activator genes of the human and simian immunodeficiency viruses. Nucleotide sequence analysis of EIAV cDNA clones revealed that the tat mRNA is composed of three exons; the first two encode Tat and the third may encode a Rev protein. Interestingly, EIAV Tat translation is initiated at a non-AUG codon in exon 1 of the mRNA, perhaps allowing an additional level of gene regulation. The deduced amino acid sequence of EIAV tat, combined with functional analyses of tat cDNAs in transfected cells, has provided some unique insights into the domain structure of Tat. EIAV Tat has a C-terminal basic domain and a highly conserved 16-amino-acid core domain, but not the cysteine-rich region, that are present in the primate immunodeficiency virus Tat proteins. Thus, EIAV encodes a relatively simple version of this kind of trans activator.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the Gag p9 protein of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) is functionally homologous with Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) p2b and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) p6 in providing a critical late assembly function in RSV Gag-mediated budding from transfected COS-1 cells (L. J. Parent et al., J. Virol. 69:5455-5460, 1995). In light of the absence of amino acid sequence homology between EIAV p9 and the functional homologs of RSV and HIV-1, we have now designed an EIAV Gag-mediated budding assay to define the late assembly (L) domain peptide sequences contained in the EIAV p9 protein. The results of these particle budding assays revealed that expression of EIAV Gag polyprotein in COS-1 cells yielded extracellular Gag particles with a characteristic density of 1.18 g/ml, while expression of EIAV Gag polyprotein lacking p9 resulted in a severe reduction in the release of extracellular Gag particles. The defect in EIAV Gag polyprotein particle assembly could be corrected by substituting either the RSV p2b or HIV-1 p6 protein for EIAV p9. These observations demonstrated that the L domains of EIAV, HIV-1, and RSV were interchangeable in mediating assembly of EIAV Gag particles in the COS-1 cell budding assay. To localize the L domain of EIAV p9, we next assayed the effects of deletions and site-specific mutations in the p9 protein on its ability to mediate budding of EIAV Gag particles. Analyses of EIAV Gag constructs with progressive N-terminal or C-terminal deletions of the p9 protein identified a minimum sequence of 11 amino acids (Q20N21L22Y23P24D25L26S27E28I29K30) capable of providing the late assembly function. Alanine scanning studies of this L-domain sequence demonstrated that mutations of residues Y23, P24, and L26 abrogated the p9 late budding function; mutations of other residues in the p9 L domain did not substantially affect the level of EIAV Gag particle assembly. These data indicate that the L domain in EIAV p9 utilizes a YXXL motif which we hypothesize may interact with cellular proteins to facilitate virus particle budding from infected cells.  相似文献   

Jin S  Chen C  Montelaro RC 《Journal of virology》2005,79(14):8793-8801
We have previously reported that serial truncation of the Gag p9 protein of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) revealed a progressive loss in replication phenotypes in transfected cells, such that a proviral mutant (E32) expressing the N-terminal 31 amino acids of p9 produced infectious virus particles similarly to parental provirus, while a proviral mutant (K30) with two fewer amino acids produced replication-defective virus particles, despite containing apparently normal levels of processed Gag and Pol proteins (C. Chen, F. Li, and R. C. Montelaro, J. Virol. 75:9762-9760, 2001). Based on these observations, we sought in the current study to identify the precise defect in K30 virion infection of permissive equine dermal (ED) cells. The results of these experiments clearly demonstrated that K30 virions entered target ED cells and produced early (minus-strand strong-stop) and late (Gag) viral DNA products as efficiently as did the replication-competent E32 mutant and parental EIAV(UK) viruses. However, in contrast to the replication-competent E32 mutant and parental viruses, infection with K30 mutant virus failed to produce detectable two-long-terminal-repeat DNA circles, stable integrated provirus, virus-specific Gag mRNA expression, or intracellular viral protein expression. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the K30 mutant is defective in the ability to produce sufficient nuclear viral DNA to establish a productive infection in ED cells. Thus, these observations indicate for the first time that the EIAV Gag p9 protein performs a critical role in viral DNA production and processing to provirus during EIAV infection, in addition to its previously defined role in viral budding mediated by the p9 L domain.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases have traditionally been defined as clinicopathological entities. Although this has been a productive paradigm in terms of the development of treatment strategies, molecular genetic approaches have revealed that there is overlap between different entities in pathogenic mechanisms. In this article, it is argued that neurodegenerative disease should also be thought of as the consequences of sequential biochemical processes, and that some parts of these processes appear to operate in more than one disease entity. Defining these pathways and, in particular, developing an appreciation of the commonalities between different diseases, should aid in the development of therapies that are effective in several diseases.  相似文献   

Pisolithus basidiomes were found under different forest trees in Hokkaido Island, Japan. These basidiomes were characterized morphologically and molecularly. Although presenting different basidiome morphology and growing under different hosts, specimens presented similar spores ornamentation, and diameters. These spores had coarse, crowded, and blunted spines with three to eight basidiospores per basidium. Ribosomal DNA-based phylogenetic analysis indicated that variability of Pisolithus in this area is low. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Pisolithus analyzed in this study did not group with Pisolithus specimens from other geographical origins. These results suggest that Pisolithus from this area should be taxonomically distinguished from other Pisolithus.  相似文献   

Equine infectious anemia (EIA) antigen extracted from the spleen of horses infected with EIA virus was purified by pH treatment, (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and affinity chromatography. The homogeneity of the antigen was indicated by sedimentation rate and sedimentation equilibrium experiments. A S20,w of 0.51 was determined and a molecular weight of 7600 was calculated from sedimentation equilibrium analysis. The amino acid composition of the pure antigen indicated the antigen is an acidic protein. Employing radical immunodiffusion (RID) and pure antigen a method for quantitating antigen content of antigen containing preparations was developed.  相似文献   

Maeda, H. 1991 01 15: Sheltered preservation: a peculiar mode of ammonitc occurrence in the Cretaceous Yeto Group, Hokkaido. north Japan. Lethaia , Vol. 24, pp. 69–82. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
'Sheltered preservation', in which many small ammonites ('refugees') arc preserved in the inside and/or the lower umbilical void of a large ammonite shell ('shelter'), is a common preseivational style in the Cretaceous Yezo Group in Hokkaido, north Japan. The best example is large Calycoceras of Middle Cenomanian age, attaining 300 to 500 mm diameter, whose shell usually hours more than 100 individuals of Desmoceras comprising mainly juveniles less than 12 mm in diameter. In contrdst with other preservational styles of Desmoceras from the same horizon. the shells of refugee ammonites have not suffered phragmoeone collapse, and the inner whorls and a protoconch are intact. Many refugee ammonites are allochthonous, as indicated by the incomplete preservation of their living chamber and the absence of a jaw apparatus. The sheltered preservation is, therefore, a kind of 'Konzcntrat Lagerstatten' completed by both pre- and post-burial processes. Acting as a 'concentration trap' on the sea floor, a large empty ammonite shell probably triggered off such accumulation of the small ammonite shells in post-mortem transport across the sea floor. This biostratinomical process biased the original thanatococnosis of ammonites, so that its immature specimens were selectively accumulated and preserved in the shelter. Ammonoidea, taphonomy, Konzentrat Lagerstätten'. differenrial preservation, Cretuceous. Hokkaido .  相似文献   

Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response commonly caused by bacterial infection. We demonstrated that the outcome of sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) correlates with the severity of the neutrophil migration failure towards infectious focus. Failure appears to be due to a decrease in the rolling and adhesion of neutrophil to endothelium cells. It seems that neutrophil migration impairment is mediated by the circulating inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-alpha and IL-8, which induce the nitric oxide (NO) production systemically. It is supported by the fact that intravenous administration of these cytokines reduces the neutrophil migration induced by different inflammatory stimuli, and in severe sepsis the circulating concentrations of the cytokines and chemokines are significantly increased. Moreover, the neutrophil migration failure and the reduction in the rolling/adhesion were not observed in iNOS-/- mice and, aminoguanidine prevented this event. We also demonstrated that the failure of neutrophil migration is a Toll-4 receptor (TLR4) dependent mechanism, since it was not observed in TLR4 deficient mice. Furthermore, it was also observed that circulating neutrophils obtained from septic patients present failure of neutrophil chemotaxis toward fMLP, IL-8, and LTB4 and an increased in sera concentrations of NO3 and cytokines. In conclusion, we demonstrated that, in sepsis, failure of neutrophil migration is critical for the outcome and that NO is involved in the process.  相似文献   

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) capsids are formed by a single protein layer containing three polypeptides, pVP2, VP2, and VP3. Here, we show that the VP3 protein synthesized in insect cells, either after expression of the complete polyprotein or from a VP3 gene construct, is proteolytically degraded, leading to the accumulation of product lacking the 13 C-terminal residues. This finding led to identification of the VP3 oligomerization domain within a 24-amino-acid stretch near the C-terminal end of the polypeptide, partially overlapping the VP1 binding domain. Inactivation of the VP3 oligomerization domain, by either proteolysis or deletion of the polyprotein gene, abolishes viruslike particle formation. Formation of VP3-VP1 complexes in cells infected with a dual recombinant baculovirus simultaneously expressing the polyprotein and VP1 prevented VP3 proteolysis and led to efficient virus-like particle formation in insect cells.  相似文献   

A 21-year-old Fanconi anemia patient developed refractory anemia. Laboratory studies revealed a transitory increased platelet count and a typical del(5q). Bone marrow karyotyping showed a -6, +der(6)t(1;6)(q12;p25) rearrangement and, two years later, a mosaic -6, +der(6),t(1:6)(q12;p25)/-2, +der 2), t(1;2)(q12;q37) constitution. The chromosome mechanism operating in this patient is discussed.  相似文献   

Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) infection of horses is characterized by well-defined waves of viremia associated with the sequential evolution of distinct viral populations displaying extensive envelope gp90 variation; however, a correlation of in vivo envelope evolution with in vitro serum neutralization phenotype remains undefined. Therefore, the goal of the present study was to utilize a previously defined panel of natural variant EIAV envelope isolates from sequential febrile episodes to characterize the effects of envelope variation during persistent infection on viral neutralization phenotypes and to define the determinants of EIAV envelope neutralization specificity. To assess the neutralization phenotypes of the sequential EIAV envelope variants, we determined the sensitivity of five variant envelopes to neutralization by a longitudinal panel of immune serum from the source infected pony. The results indicated that the evolution of the EIAV envelope sequences observed during sequential febrile episodes produced an increasingly neutralization-resistant phenotype. To further define the envelope determinants of EIAV neutralization specificity, we examined the neutralization properties of a panel of chimeric envelope constructs derived from reciprocal envelope domain exchanges between selected neutralization-sensitive and neutralization-resistant envelope variants. These results indicated that the EIAV gp90 V3 and V4 domains individually conferred serum neutralization resistance while other envelope segments in addition to V3 and V4 were evidently required for conferring total serum neutralization sensitivity. These data clearly demonstrate for the first time the influence of sequential gp90 variation during persistent infection in increasing envelope neutralization resistance, identify the gp90 V3 and V4 domains as the principal determinants of antibody neutralization resistance, and indicate distinct complex cooperative envelope domain interactions in defining sensitivity to serum antibody neutralization.  相似文献   

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