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Carbon Translocation in the Tomato: Carbon Import and Fruit Growth   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
WALKER  A. J.; HO  L. C. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(4):813-823
The rates of carbon import by fruits were measured over 48 has the sum of the change in the total organic carbon contentof the fruit and the respiratory loss of carbon. Over a rangeof fruit sizes from 20–90 per cent of the maximum volumethe smaller fruits imported carbon at an absolute rate (mgCfruit–1 h–1) nearly twice that of the larger fruits.The imported leaf assimilates, identified as the 14C-compoundsalong the pathway between a 14CO2-fed leaf and a young fruit,comprised 90 per cent sucrose and 10 per cent glutamic acid,aspartic acid and malic acid. Within the fruit the imported14C-sucrose was hydrolysed into hexoses. The changes in thelevels of starch and insoluble residue in the fruit were positivelycorrelated with the carbon import rates. In the largest fruitswith the lowest import rates, there was breakdown of insolubleresidue and less accumulation of starch, but a significant increasein the level of sucrose. The sink strength of a tomato fruitis dependent more on sink activity than on sink size.  相似文献   

The rate of carbon import by tomato fruits has been relatedto their carbon metabolism by examining the effects of fruittemperature on the metabolism of imported assimilates. 14C–sucrose,–glucose, –fructose, –malic acid and –citricacid were injected individually into young growing tomato fruitswhich were subsequently maintained at 25 or 5 °C for 48h. Fruit temperature greatly affected the proportions of 14Clost from the fruits by export and respiration. Only 40 percent of the injected 14C from 14C–sugars and 20 per centfrom 14C–acids was recovered from fruits at 25 °C.Less than 10 per cent of the injected 14C was exported, thebalance being respired. In contrast, more than 50 per cent ofthe injected 14C was recovered from cooled fruits, in whichthe import rate of carbon was presumably reduced, and 20–36per cent of injected 14C was exported. Cooling enhanced thesynthesis of 14C–sucrose from injected 14C–hexosesand inhibited the incorporation of 14C into starch and insolubleresidue. When 14C–sugars were injected, radioactivityexported from the cooled fruits was detected as sucrose in thephloem of the peduncles; radioactivity was also detected instems and roots when fruits were cooled. In almost fully–grownfruits injected 14C–compounds were metabolized less readilythan in smaller fruits. Conversion of 14C–hexoses to 14C–sucrosewas again enhanced by cooling (5 °C, but was less in fruitsmaintained at 35 °C than in controls. Lycopersicon esculentum, tomato, fruit, translocation, carbon metabolism  相似文献   

In controlled environment experiments, the uptake and distributionpatterns of 32P were studied in relation to flowering and fruitingin the cowpea. Absorption by the plant, retention by the fedleaf, and translocation to various plant parts depended on theposition and age of the fed leaf. At the 4-leaf stage, whenthe terminal leaflet of the first trifoliate (oldest) was fed32P, the plant absorbed 43 per cent of total radioactivity suppliedin 24 h. The percentages resulting from the feeding of trifoliates2, 3, and 4 (youngest) were 58, 71, and 73 respectively. Trifoliate1 retained 34 per cent of the total radioactivity, while trifoliate4 retained 68 per cent. Of the plant tissues, the root accumulatedthe greatest amounts of the P exported by the fed leaflet, withthe feeding of trifoliates 1, 2, or 3. With the feeding of trifoliate4, however, the root imported only 0.2 per cent of total radioactivity. When the plants had one set of flowers fully open at raceme1, the flowers imported 0.19 per cent of total radioactivityin the cultivar Adzuki, and 0.36 per cent in the cultivar EarlyRamshorn. When the raceme 1 flowers developed into fruits whilethe raceme 2 flowers were fully open, the raceme 1 fruit importof radioactivity was 2.61 per cent in Adzuki and 14.21 per centin Early Ramshorn. Raceme 1 fruits of Early Ramshorn thus accumulatedfive times as much P radioactivity as those of Adzuki. Whenracemes 1 and 2 both bore fruits, removal of the raceme 1 fruitsjust prior to 32P feeding, led to the import by the raceme 2fruits of 0.25 per cent in Adzuki and 0.09 per cent in EarlyRamshorn. The raceme 1 fruits constituted a more potent sinkfor 32P in Early Ramshorn than in Adzuki. The results are discussedin relation to the known patterns of premature abscission offlowers and young fruits in the two cultivars.  相似文献   

Effects of foliar applications of CCC and CEPA on dry matterdistribution in two cowpea cultivars which exhibit differentdegrees of premature abscission of fruits were investigated.At the concentration of 0-1 mg1–1, CCC increased stemweight in the cultivar Adzuki, but had no effect on the cv.Mala (which exhibits a relatively high degree of premature abscission).While CCC did not significantly influence root weight in Adzuki,the concentrations of 1 and 10 mg 1–1 increased root weightin Mala. In both cultivars, the 1000 mg1–1 treatment decreasedseed weight, with a greater decrease in Adzuki. All concentrations of CEPA, up to 1000 mg 1–1, decreasedstem and root weights in Mala, and leaf weight in Adzuki. The10 mg1–1 concentration increased seed weight in Mala by100 percent, and leaf weight by 28 percent, without any significanteffect on pod weight, or on the weight of the whole plant. Therewas also no increase in pod number. Overall, Mala was more responsive than Adzuki to the growthregulators, particularly CEPA. In the low concentration responses,CEPA increased seed weight not by increasing gross plant weight,but mainly by causing a change in distribution of dry matter.  相似文献   

Assimilate Distribution in Poa annua L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The carbon economy of a flowering tiller of Poa annua L. hasbeen examined over the period from inflorescence emergence tograin shedding. The total import of 14C by the inflorescencereached a maximum at late grain filling but the relative importof assimilate was greatest 14 days after its appearance andrepresented 20–25 per cent of that assimilated by theinflorescence itself. The inflorescence continued to be an importantassimilatory organ after grain ripening when it exported morethan 50 per cent of its assimilate to the stem, roots and othertillers. The patterns of distribution of assimilates from the youngestuppermost and the oldest green leaf of the reproductive tillerwere largely determined by the stage of development of the inflorescence.The youngest leaf mainly supported the inflorescence up to theend of the grain-filling stage but then supplied assimilatesbasally to the roots and adjacent tillers. The oldest greenleaf supported the growth of the stem and the inflorescenceup to anthesis but after this supplied assimilates mainly tothe roots and tillers. Removal of grains or the entire inflorescence only 1 h beforesupplying 14CO2 greatly reduced the rate of fixation of 14CO2and the export of radiocarbon, as well as changing the patternof distribution of assimilates within the plant. The significanceof these results is discussed and comparisons made with cerealsand perennial grasses.  相似文献   

Plants of the biennial Arctium tomentosum were grown from seedto seed-set in an open field under three different treatments:control plants receiving full light intensity, plants with aleaf area reduced by 45 per cent, and shaded plants receivingonly 20 per cent of natural illumination. At various stagesof development the youngest fully expanded leaf of one plantin each treatment was exposed to 14CO2 for half an hour. Subsequentdistribution of labelled assimilates in various plant partswas determined after eight hours. In the first year, the mostdominant sink was the tap root irrespective of variation inassimilate supply. During the production of new vegetative growthin the second season, a larger amount of radioactive photosynthatewas recovered from above ground parts, especially during formationof lateral branches. Seed filling consumed 80–90 per centof labelled carbon exported from the exposed leaf. In the secondyear, the most pronounced difference between treatments wasin the degree of apical dominance, being highest in shaded plantsand lowest in the plants with cut leaves. Results from 14C experimentsagreed fairly well with a ‘partitioning coefficient’derived from a growth analysis of plants grown independentlyunder the same experimental conditions. Reasons for discrepanciesbetween the 14C results and the partitioning coefficient arediscussed. Arctium tomentosum, burdock, variation in assimilate supply, assimilate distribution, 14CO2, labelling, growth analysis  相似文献   

In both reproductive and vegetative plants of Lolium temulentumL., the export of 14C-labelled assimilates from each healthyleaf on the main shoot to terminal meristem, stem, tillers,and roots was measured each time a new leaf was expanded, fora period of 5 to 6 weeks. Some labelled assimilates moved fromeach leaf on the main shoot to every meristem in the same shoot,as well as to the tops and roots of adjacent organically attachedtillers. The terminal meristem of the reproductive shoot, which includedthe developing inflorescence, received 70–80 per centof the carbon assimilated by the emerged portion of the growingleaf, 15–25 per cent of the carbon assimilated by thetwo youngest expanded leaves, and 5–10 per cent of thatfrom each of the older leaves. A similar pattern of carbon supplyto the terminal meristem was found in vegetative shoots, exceptthat older leaves on young vegetative shoots supplied even lessof their carbon to the terminal meristem. The general conclusionis that developing leaves at the tip of the shoot receive aboutthe same proportion of carbon from each leaf as does a developinginflorescence. Young expanded leaves provided most labelled assimilates forstem growth; during both reproductive and vegetative growth,expanded leaves increased their export of labelled carbon tostem, and exported less of their 14C to roots and sometimesto tillers. In these reproductive and vegetative shoots, grown in a constantexternal environment, the major changes in the pattern of distributionof labelled assimilates appeared to be the result of increasedmeristematic activity in stem internodes; the development ofan inflorescence had no obvious direct effect on the carboneconomy of shoots.  相似文献   

Azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (AZC), which occurs naturally inLiliaceous plants, is reported to be a proline (pro) analoguePlant cell walls contain ‘extensin’, which is richin hydroxyproline (hyp). Peptidyl hyp arises through hydroxylationof peptidyl pro followed by glycosylation (arabinose attachment)of hyp Because AZC replaces peptidyl prolyl residues, it maybe a useful tool for evaluating the significance of hyp-o-arabinoselinkages in cell elongation. Therefore, we determined the effectof AZC on [14C]pro uptake, incorporation and conversion to wall-bound[14C]hyp in relation to elongation of lily pollen tubes whosewalls consist, in part, of hyp-containing glycopeptides TheAZC suppressed pollen germination 9–42 per cent (1–10mM) and subsequent tube elongation 40–54 per cent (0·1–1mM without affecting respiration In contrast, similar hyp concentrationswere without effect on tube elongation Whereas uptake of [14C]prowas 16·5–6·2 per cent of the control at0·1–1 mM AZC, [14C]leucine uptake was 85–25per cent of the control. Light microscope radioautography revealedfewer silver grains over tubes elongated in 0·1–1mM AZC than in its absence. Incorporation of [14C]pro into tnchloroaceticacid (TCA)-precipitable cytoplasm was reduced by only 10 percent at 0·01–1 mM but 43 per cent at 10 mM AZCGel filtration of cytoplasm from pollen germinated without AZCbut with [14C]pro resulted in labelled void volume (V) and threeretarded peaks (RI–III) Incorporation into V and RI wasinhibited at both 0·01 and 1 mM AZC These AZC concentrationsreduced conversion of [14C]pro to wall-bound hyp by 20 percent However, total incorporation of [14C]pro into salt-water-purifiedwall fractions was suppressed 47–53 per cent (0·1–1mM AZC). Lilium longiflorum, lily, hydroxyproline, proline, azetidine-2-carboxylic acid, pollen, pollen tube elongation  相似文献   

BANGERTH  F.; HO  L. C. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(3):315-320
The position of fruits in a truss and the induction sequenceof fruit set has been examined for the effects on the finalsize of parthenocarpic fruits in tomato. Fruits at two developmentalstages were examined to measure the change of d. wt and theimport of 14C leaf assimilates. The sequence of induction largely determined the import rateinto fruits of the same truss and first-induced fruits are thereforelarger within the same truss. The position of fruits in thetruss modifies the extent of this ‘primigen dominance’effect. Possible mechanisms for this dominance phenomenon arediscussed. Position, set sequence, size, fruit, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill  相似文献   

CLIFFORD  P. E. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(3):605-615
The control of tiller bud growth during reproductive developmentwas investigated in experimental plants ofLolium multiflorumLam. cv. Westerwoldicum that were reduced to a main axis havinga developing but unemerged ear, elongating stem internodes,a series of expanded leaves, slow-growing tiller buds and aroot system. Isolation of the ear by excision of its base, ordecapitation so as to remove the ear together with the upperleaves, promoted the movement of 14C-assimilates to tiller buds,decapitation being the more effective treatment. Applicationof 0.1 per cent indol–3yl-acetic acid (IAA) to cut tissuesof decapitated plants diverted 14C-assimilates to upper internodesbut did not reduce import by buds, whereas application of 1.0per cent IAA both diverted labelled assimilates to upper internodesand reduced bud import. Radioactivity from [14C] IAA appliedto the upper leaves or to the ear base was recovered from budsin very small amounts; larger amounts were recovered from budsfollowing the application of labelled IAA to an elongating internode,especially from the bud at the base of the treated internode.It is suggested that tiller bud suppression may be influencedby the movement of inhibitory levels of auxin into buds fromnearby elongating stem internodes, whose activity in turn maybe controlled by the developing inflorescence and upper leaves.  相似文献   

Leaves of Vitis vinifera L., nearly fully expanded, imported only trace amounts of 14C following assimilation of 14CO2 by a lower leaf on the same shoot, but benzyladenine (BA) application at 4.4 × 10−3m caused a marked increase in the movement of 14C into these leaves. Older leaves near the shoot base were less responsive; BA treatment alone had little effect on import of labeled assimilates from adjacent leaves but when the BA-treated leaves were darkened there was an increased import of labeled materials. When these 2 treatments were combined and applied to leaves on shoots with ringed bases, relatively high levels of radioactivity were detected in the BA-treated leaves but under these conditions darkening, without the application of BA, also resulted in an increased import of 14C. Accumulation of imported 14C was found to be restricted to the area of the leaf blade treated with BA. Separation of labeled compounds in ethanol extracts of treated leaves showed a lower percentage of radioactivity present in the sugar fraction from BA-treated leaves and an increased percentage present in the amino acid fraction.  相似文献   

The use of 11C as a tracer has allowed repetitive measurementsof the speed of assimilate translocation to be made on singlemaize plants throughout prolonged periods of light and darkness.The speed appeared to double when the light was switched on.The time required to achieve a maximum speed, usually about3·5 cm min–1, depended on the duration of the previousdark period. When the plant was transferred to darkness thespeed immediately decreased by about 20 per cent and continuedto decrease over the next 20 h to values of 0·5 to 0·9cm min–1. The mean speed of translocation in tomato in the light, andother C3 plants, was usually about 1 cm min–1. It wasreduced by 15–30 per cent when the fruit was removed orcooled from 26 to 10°C.  相似文献   

The present study deals with structure and function of fourareas of Himalayan chir pine forest. Tree layer was monospecificon all sites with varied density and basal cover in the rangeof 540–1630 individuals per ha and 25·0–47·2m2ha–1, respectively. Shrubs having low density were sparselydistributed. All allometric equations relating to biomass ofdifferent components, to circumference at breast height (cbh)were significant, with the exception of that for cone biomass.Total vegetation biomass (115–236 t ha–1) was distributedas 113–283 t ha–1 in trees. 0·56–0·82t ha–1 in shrubs and 1·63–2·57 t ha–1in herbs. Total forest floor biomass including herbaceous litterranged between 9·6 and 13·6 t ha–1. Of thetotal annual litter fall (4·26–7·38 t ha–1),60·3–75·1 per cent was distributed in leaflitter and 24·9–39·7 per cent in wood litter.Turnover rate of tree litter varied from 0·45 to 0·53,whereas rates for shrubs and herbs were assumed to 1. Net primaryproduction of total vegetation ranged between 9·91 and21·2 t ha–1 year–1, of which the contributionof trees, shrubs and herbs was 76·5– 88·1per cent 0·6–1·8 per cent and 11·3–21·5per cent, respectively. A compartment model of dry matter onthe basis of mean data across sites was developed to show drymatter storage and flow of dry matter within the ecosystem. Pinus roxburghii forest, biomass, litter fall, net primary production, compartmental transfer  相似文献   

The youngest fully expanded leaves of single tillers of vegetativeperennial ryegrass plants were exposed to 14CO2. Thereafter,quantitative and fractional analysis of the partitioning, storageand re-mobilization after defoliation of the 14C-labelled assimilatewas sequentially conducted over a 22 d period. In undefoliated plants, most 14C reached its final destinationwithin 5–6 of feeding. Forty per cent of assimilated 14Cwas subsequently lost through respiration, while 13.5, 8.5 and34 per cent remained in roots, stem bases and tops respectively.At least some 14C was distributed to tillers throughout theplant, but secondary tillers subtended by the fed tiller madethe greatest demand on 14C translocated from the fed tiller. A small, but significant portion of 14C was invested into longterm storage in undefoliated plants, four per cent of the totalassimilated still being present in a labile chemical form inroots and stem bases 22 d after feeding. In plants that wereseverely defoliated 4 d after feeding, depletion of reserve14C was observed relative to undefoliated plants. The depletiontook place from stem bases, not roots, and both low and highmolecular weight storage compounds were involved. A portionof the depleted 14C was incorporated into new growth after defoliation. Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass, assimilate partitioning, storage, re-mobilization, defoliation  相似文献   

HOLE  C. C.; BARNES  A. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(3):295-307
Carbon dioxide efflux from 5- to 20-day-old pea fruits was measuredfor plants grown in controlled environment at 15 °C and600 µmol s–1 m–2 photon flux density in a16 h photoperiod. The rate of CO2 output per fruit increasedquickly from 0.005 to 0.018 mg CO2 min–1 during fruitelongation and subsequently more slowly to 0.030 mg CO2 min–1as the fruits inflated. On a d. wt basis the rate was highest,0.175 mg CO2 g–1 min–1, in the youngest fruits anddeclined curvilinearly with increasing fruit weight to 0.02mg CO2 g–1 min–1. Separation of maintenance andgrowth components was achieved by starvation methods and bymultiple regression analysis. From the latter method estimatesof the maintenance coefficient declined hyperbolically from150±8.7 mg carbohydrate g–1 d. wt day–1 inthe very young fruits (0.05 g) to 10.4±0.36 mg carbohydrateg–1 d. wt day–1 in older fruits (2.0 g). On a nitrogenbasis maintenance costs decreased from 2240 to 310 mg carbohydrateg–1 nitrogen day–1 while nitrogen concentrationfell from 6.7 to 3 per cent d. wt. A simple linear relationshipbetween maintenance cost per unit d. wt and nitrogen concentrationwas not observed. A growth coefficient of 50±6.7 mg carbohydrate g–1growth (equivalent to a conversion efficiency, YG, of 0.95)was estimated for all fruits examined. The overall efficiency, Y, increased from a mean of 0.70 to0.85 during fruit elongation and subsequently declined to 0.80.For a given fruit weight, efficiency increased asymptoticallywith relative growth rate; both asymptote and slope of the relationshipincreased as the fruits grew. Pisum sativum L., garden pea, legume fruit, carbon dioxide efflux, maintenance respiration, growth respiration  相似文献   

Fluctuations in mineral elements id xylem (tracheal) sap, fruitphloem sap, leaflets and dmloping fruits were studied in a fieldpopulation of Lupinus angustifolius L. by three-hourly samplingover a 39 h period. Elements usually reached maximum contentsor concentrations at or near noon, minimum levels during thenight. Amplitudes of diurnal fluctuations in minerals lay withinthe range ±4–33 per cent of the mean content ofleaflets, and ±17–157 per cent of the mean concentrationsin xylem and phloem sap. Most minerals elements fluctuatcd inphase with daily changes in sugar level of phloem sap and drymatter and carbohydrate fluctuations of leaflets, suggestinga coupling of translocation of photosynthate and minerals fromthe leaflets. Rates of import of minerals by shoots wereestimatedfrom shoot transpiration and mineral concentrations in trachealsap. Average day time rates of import of most elements were12–25 times those at night. Translocation of minerals,nitrogen and carbon to fruits also exhibited diurnal periodicity,average rates of import king three to seven times higher inthe day than at night. A model of transport based on the carbonand water economy of the fruit suggested that P, K, Fe, Zn,Mn and Cu were imported predominantly by phloem. Estimates ofvascular import accounted for 87–104 per cent of the fruit'sactual increment of these elements. Na and Ca were gauged tobe imported mainly by xylem, Mg almost equally by xylem andphloem. However, large discrepancies existed for these threeelements between estimated vascular import and actual intakeby the fruit. Lupinus angustifolius L., mineral transport, accumulation, fruits, xylem sap, phloem sap, transpiration  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum sativum L. cv. Nisu) grown in 0·5 Hoaglandssolution containing sub-toxic concentrations of S-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate(EPTQ (0,0·0625,0·125,0·25, and 0·5p.p.m.w.) were exposed to 14C-ring labelled-2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine(atrazine). Total 14C-atrazine absorption was increased to 182per cent in wheat treated with 0•5 p.p.m.w. EPTC when comparedto the EPTC untreated wheat. Detoxification and metabolism ofEPTC were not appreciably altered by EPTC pretreatment. Thisresulted in an increased atrazine content in the wheat leavespretreated with 0·5 p.p.m.w. EPTC that amounted to 370per cent of the unchanged atrazine present in the leaves ofEPTC untreated wheat.  相似文献   

Field-grown potatoes were subjected to N deficiency (no appliedN) or received high levels of N (240 kg N ha–1) at planting.The effects of these treatments were monitored at five stagesduring growth in terms of the allocation of photosynthate withinthe leaf, and the export and partitioning of carbon to differentsinks. N deficiency significantly raised the starch concentrationin all organs of the plants, particularly in leaves and stems,and as a consequence the total amount of starch in the canopyof the low N plants remained greater than that of the high Nplants until approx. 100 days after planting (DAP). The totalamounts of carbohydrates, protein and amino acids were calculatedfor each treatment and these values were used to derive a balancesheet for major reserves. Net losses of reserves occurred fromthe canopy in both treatments in the period 97–133 DAP,although these were shown to represent < 3 per cent of thetotal gain in tuber dry weight for the season. Partitioning of 14C assimilates was examined in whole plantsand also in single leaves. Reduced partitioning to the tubers,seen in high N plants throughout their growth, was shown tobe due to decreased percentage export by the leaf and accumulationof exported 14C by the stems. Partitioning to the tubers inlow N plants increased prior to senescence when 87 per centof the fixed 14C was exported within 24 h, 80 per cent of thisto the tubers. The equivalent values for the high N plants were77 and 60 per cent respectively. Increased percentage exportcoincided with decreased allocation to starch in the leaf, anda link between these processes is suggested. N also significantlyaltered the allocation of 14C within the leaf and may have influencedthe degradation of starch in the dark to a greater degree thanits synthesis in the light. The enzymes sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), and starch synthasewere measured concurrently with partitioning. High N plantsshowed higher rates of activities of each of the enzymes althoughboth enzymes showed a similar pattern of development over theseason, irrespective of N treatment. The data are discussed in the light of conflicting reports concerningthe influence of N on translocation and partitioning. 14C assimilates, carbohydrates, nitrogen, potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), protein  相似文献   

A well-developed infection of Yellow Rust on a leaf of springwheat (Jufy I) caused the assimilation of 14CO2 by that leafto decrease to 43.5 per cent of that of an uninfected leaf.Over a period of three hours translocation of 14C from an infectedleaf was only 0.87 per cent of that from a control leaf. Whencontrol plants were kept in the light for periods up to 16 hoursafter assimilating 14CO2 translocation continued at a steadyrate, whereas there was only negligible translocation from infectedleaves after the first few hours. The retention of labelledassimilates in the infected leaf could be partly, but not completely,accounted for by a conversion of assimilates to an alcohol-insolubleform. Rust infection had no effect on the distribution patternof 14C to other leaves from one which had assimilated 14CO2.In contrast to the marked retention of assimilate by an infectedleaf, such a leaf was unable to distort the normal distributionby attracting assimilates from the other leaves.  相似文献   

The involvement of alternative respiration in thermogenesisduring the ripening of banana {Musa paradisiaca var. MysoreKadali) fruits, attached to a bunch, has been examined. Thetemperature of the youngest (unripened) banana fruit increasedfrom 27·0 ± 0·2°C to 30·8±0·1°C and the total respiration (in nmo1 oxygen min1 g1 drywt.) increased from 1·39·6 ± 5·5to 167·3 ± 7·0 at the fully ripened stage.Although the capacity for alternative respiration showed littlechange, the actual operation of this pathway increased from38 to 73% (p= 0·38 to 0·73) during ripening. Similarresults were obtained in fruits along the central axis at differentstages of ripening. It is suggested that alternative respirationmay contribute to the temperature rise observed in ripeningbanana fruit. Key words: Alternative respiration, tehrmogenesis, fruit ripening  相似文献   

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