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2015年4~8月,在贵州宽阔水国家级自然保护区,记录到1巢白腹短翅鸲(Hodgsonius phaenicuroides)被鹰鹃(Cuculus sparverioides)寄生,寄生率为1/16(n=16)。发现时白腹短翅鸲巢内有1枚白色的寄生卵和2枚蓝色的寄主卵,且卵已凉,疑为亲鸟弃巢。鹰鹃卵重6.09 g,卵大小20.20 mm×27.73 mm;两枚白腹短翅鸲的卵重分别为2.34 g和2.40 g,大小分别为20.05 mm×14.94 mm和19.95 mm×15.09 mm。鹰鹃的卵重量(6.09 g)和大小(27.73 mm×20.20 mm)均明显大于白腹短翅鸲的卵。卵色光谱测量结果表明,鹰鹃和白腹短翅鸲卵色的反射光谱图差别明显,鹰鹃卵在色度和色调上明显低于白腹短翅鸲,但卵色亮度却明显比白腹短翅鸲卵高,为典型的非模拟寄生卵。  相似文献   

北京地区山噪鹛繁殖巢记述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑光美 《动物学杂志》2016,51(5):832-832
正山噪鹛(Garrulax davidi)是我国分布繁殖最为靠北的特有噪鹛属鸟类,在北京地区分布的为G.d.chinganicus亚种。笔者于1962年和1963年在北京地区发现山噪鹛繁殖巢2个,现记录如下。巢1于1962年7月20日在北京市延庆县下花园村周边山坡的灌丛基部发现,已产3卵,卵色为蓝绿色,巢内壁纯为禾本科植物细根,外壁为干禾本科草及细枝。巢内径7.0 cm×8.5 cm,外径11 cm×12 cm,巢高7.5 cm,巢深2.5 cm。其中2枚卵的量度分别为27.2 mm×20.0 mm和27.3 mm×19.4 mm,1枚卵的重量为5.4 g。  相似文献   

甘肃南部蓝马鸡的繁殖生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年和2008年在甘肃尕海-则岔自然保护区对蓝马鸡Crossoptilon auritum的繁殖生物学进行了研究.野外发现12个巢址,其中后方隐蔽度最高,为90.83%,其次是上方隐蔽度、左侧隐蔽度、右侧隐蔽度、前方隐蔽度.窝卵数为9.67±1.15(n=3).卵平均大小为(56.64±1.75) mm×(41.88±0.98) mm.卵体积为(50.39±2.64) cm3,卵重为(54.97±2.87) g.在4个繁殖巢中,只有1个巢成功孵化.营巢失败原因有人为干扰和天敌破坏.  相似文献   

2012年6月至8月期间,在甘肃莲花山国家级自然保护区发现3巢酒红朱雀(Carpodacus vinaceus).巢呈碗状,筑于小云杉(Picea asperata)或小灌木上,距地面高1.5~1.9 m.卵的大小为(21.06 ±0.59)mm ×(14.81±0.26)mm,重(2.32±0.08)g(n =6).雌鸟单独孵卵,雌雄共同育雏,孵卵期约14 d,育雏期约13 d.  相似文献   

灰头麦鸡Vanellus cinereus在江西吉安地区是夏候鸟.2010 ~2011年对当地灰头麦鸡的繁殖生态进行了调查研究.结果表明,当地灰头麦鸡最早2月20日迁入,最晚9月17日迁离,居留时间约为7个月;3月初开始产卵,平均窝卵数3.8枚(n=14),平均卵大小48.0 mm×34.5 mm,平均卵重28.8 g(n =38);产满窝卵后即开始孵卵,孵卵由雌雄鸟共同承担;孵卵期为28 ~31 d;孵化率为90.15%.  相似文献   

人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟的繁殖参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005~2006年,在吉林省左家自然保护区的次生林中,对人工巢箱条件下白眉姬鹟(Ficedulazanthopygia)的繁殖参数开展了初步研究.结果表明,人工巢箱中自眉姬鹟的窝卵数为5~7枚,平均6.0枚;卵重平均为1.6 g.卵大小平均为17.0 mm×13.1 mm.孵化期平均为13.1 d,每巢平均出雏5.4只,育雏期平均为12.8 d,每巢平均出飞雏鸟5.3只.白眉姬鹟的营巢成功率为70.0%,繁殖成功率为81.3%.  相似文献   

2009~2010年对江西省吉安地区乌鸫Turdus merula的繁殖进行了调查研究,结果表明:当地乌鸫的营巢时间在3月9日至16日,产卵时间是3月18日至26日,平均窝卵数5.14(4~6)枚(n=14),平均卵大小29.71 mm×21.16 mm,平均卵重6.63 g(n=71).孵卵和暖巢主要由雌鸟承担,但雄鸟也有暖巢行为,孵化率为65.83%,育雏期13~15 d,离巢率高达100%.与高海拔的乌鸫相比,当地乌鸫产大窝小卵,这一特征保证了大窝雏数和高离巢率,繁殖对策属于r-选择.  相似文献   

正翠青蛇(Cyclophiops major)隶属游蛇科(Colubridae)翠青蛇属。国内分布于秦岭以南各省,国外分布于越南、老挝(Deuve 1961,赵尔宓等1998,赵尔宓2006,杨大同等2008)。赵尔宓等(1998)记载解剖个体具8~10枚卵,橙黄色,卵径(14~17)mm×(37~38)mm。2019年7月初,自浙江省丽水龙泉山附近采集到一条怀孕翠青蛇(采集号:HSR19282),体重82 g,头体长524 mm,尾长160 mm。带回黄山学院实验室饲养。2019年7月20日,此翠青蛇产卵8枚(图1a)。雌蛇产后体重59 g。卵白色、粘连,卵总重22.1 g,平均卵重2.76 g,卵长径(23.0±1.4)mm,短径(13.0±0.3)mm。卵置于孵化盒内孵化,孵化基质由水和蛭石(1︰1)组成,环境温度(26±2)℃,相对湿度85%±5%。2019年9月1日14:00时左右观察到一条蛇已出壳,至9月2日中午,另7条陆续破壳,其中,6条成功出壳(图1b,c),1条出壳未成功死亡。孵化期45 d。初生幼蛇头体长(164.6±8.5)mm,尾长(38.3±4.0)mm,平均体重(1.67±0.16)g;身体绿色,体背前段在脊两侧各有一列稀疏的黑色斑点,斑点不甚对称,往后逐渐变小,到身体中段前后消失(图1e)。个别个体斑点较少且模糊,仅颈后1对黑色斑点清晰可见(图1d)。幼蛇出壳10 d左右第一次蜕皮。  相似文献   

于2015年6—10月采集了18°N—28°N共计11个纬度的福寿螺(Pomacea canalicu-lata)卵斑,调查基本覆盖福寿螺在中国的南北分布界限,对各纬度卵斑的长、宽、高、重量、体积、卵粒数量和卵粒直径进行了测量,对所测量的卵斑性状在纬度间的差异进行了单因素方差分析,各纬度卵斑性状与卵粒数量进行了逐步回归分析。结果表明:跨所有纬度,卵斑的长度、宽、高、重量和体积分别为20~60 mm、10~26 mm、6.5~18 mm、0.6~5.1 g、1.0~7.0 cm~3,均值分别为35.94 mm、15.12 mm、10.53 mm、1.9 g、3.0 cm~3;每块卵斑的卵粒数量为81~621粒,卵粒数集中在110~400,平均卵粒数为279粒·块~(-1),卵粒直径在1.35~3.00mm,平均直径为2.16 mm;福寿螺卵斑长、宽、高和体积在纬度间无显著差异性;卵斑重量及卵粒数在纬度间存在显著差异,高纬度地区卵斑重量和卵粒直径相对较大;逐步回归分析表明,不同纬度预测福寿螺卵粒数量需要不同的卵斑性状特征,19°N需要宽和体积两个表型性状;20°、21°N则只需要体积一个表型性状;25°、26°、27°N则只需要卵斑重量一个表型性状;跨所有纬度需要长(x_1)、宽(x_2)和体积(x_3)3个卵斑性状共同预测卵斑的卵粒数量(y),预测公式:y=3.897x_1+9.042x_2+46.152x_3-135.044。本研究能够为将来探讨福寿螺繁殖特性在空间上的变异特征及其对环境的适应性提供一定的借鉴,为针对性开展福寿螺的分布预测及防控工作提供参考。  相似文献   

2005~2006年对8条孟加拉巨蜥的体重、体长、繁殖行为、卵径等繁殖特性进行了初步研究.雄性巨蜥体重为3390 g±139 g,体长(SVL)为52.9 cm±2.5 cm,雌性巨蜥体重为3320 g,体长(SVL)约49.5 cm.巨蜥发情时间出现在4~8月, 其中50%的发情行为发生在7月份.每次发情持续时间约为8.8±2.1天,两次发情间隔时间约为18.8±3.2天.巨蜥的求偶交配模式包括嗅闻、攀爬、诱导和跨爬4个环节.卵的长径为56.9 mm±2.6 mm(n=21),宽径为33.3 mm±1.5 mm (n=21).繁殖期巨蜥的活动节律表明孟加拉巨蜥是典型的昼行动物.  相似文献   

The product of the human Tre2 oncogene is structurally related to the Ypt/Rab GTPase-activating proteins (Ypt/Rab GAPs). Particularly, the oncoprotein shares with the yeast proteins Msb3p and Msb4p, and with the human protein RN-tre the highly conserved TBC domain, forming the catalytically active domain of Ypt/Rab GAPs. Yet, the Tre2 oncogene seems to encode a nonfunctional Rab GAP. As regions flanking the TBC domain may be crucial for catalytic activity, regions located N- and C-terminally with respect to this domain were explored. For this, chimeric proteins created by sequence exchanges between the Tre2 oncoprotein and RN-tre were tested for their ability to replace functionally the Msb3p and Msb4p proteins in double-mutant yeast cells. These complementation experiments revealed, in addition to the TBC domain, a second Tre2 region involved in the oncoprotein's lack of GAP activity: a 93-aa region flanking the TBC domain on the C-terminal side.  相似文献   

An identification key for 20 common strand-forming indoor wood decay fungi is given. The key is based on observations of material from affected buildings and on wood samples that have been incubated in the laboratory. The key is with macro- and microscopic photographs.  相似文献   

Here, we have studied how Sox genes and BMP signaling are functionally coupled during limb chondrogenesis. Using the experimental model of TGFbeta1-induced interdigital digits, we dissect the sequence of morphological and molecular events during in vivo chondrogenesis. Our results show that Sox8 and Sox9 are the most precocious markers of limb cartilage, and their induction is independent and precedes the activation of BMP signaling. Sox10 appears also to cooperate with Sox9 and Sox8 in the establishment of the digit cartilages. In addition, we show that experimental induction of Sox gene expression in the interdigital mesoderm is accompanied by loss of the apoptotic response to exogenous BMPs. L-Sox5 and Sox6 are respectively induced coincident and after the expression of Bmpr1b in the prechondrogenic aggregate, and their activation correlates with the induction of Type II Collagen and Aggrecan genes in the differentiating cartilages. The expression of Bmpr1b precedes the appearance of morphological changes in the prechondrogenic aggregate and establishes a landmark from which the maintenance of the expression of all Sox genes and the progress of cartilage differentiation becomes dependent on BMPs. Moreover, we show that Ventroptin precedes Noggin in the modulation of BMP activity in the developing cartilages. In summary, our findings suggest that Sox8, Sox9, and Sox10 have a cooperative function conferring chondrogenic competence to limb mesoderm in response to BMP signals. In turn, BMPs in concert with Sox9, Sox6, and L-Sox5 would be responsible for the execution and maintenance of the cartilage differentiation program.  相似文献   

Dione juno and Agraulis vanillae are very common butterflies in natural gardens in South America, and also bred worldwide. In addition, larvae of these butterflies are considered as pests in crops of Passiflora spp. For these reasons, it is important to identify and describe pathogens of these species, both for preservation purposes and for use in pest control. Baculoviridae is a family of insect viruses that predominantly infect species of Lepidoptera and are used as bioinsecticides. Larvae of D. juno and A. vanillae exhibiting symptoms of baculovirus infection were examined for the presence of baculoviruses by PCR and transmission electron microscopy. Degenerate primers were designed and used to amplify partial sequences from the baculovirus p74, cathepsin, and chitinase genes, along with previously designed primers for amplification of lef-8, lef-9, and polh. Sequence data from these six loci, along with ultrastructural observations on occlusion bodies isolated from the larvae, confirmed that the larvae were infected with nucleopolyhedroviruses from genus Alphabaculovirus. The NPVs from the two different larval hosts appear to be variants of the same, previously undescribed baculovirus species. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence data placed these NPVs in Alphabaculovirus group I/clade 1b.  相似文献   

The enormous diversity of extant animal forms is a testament to the power of evolution, and much of this diversity has been achieved through the emergence of novel morphological traits. The origin of novel morphological traits is an extremely important issue in biology, and a frequent source of this novelty is co-option of pre-existing genetic systems for new purposes (Carroll et al., 2008). Appendages, such as limbs, fins and antennae, are structures common to many animal body plans which must have arisen at least once, and probably multiple times, in lineages which lacked appendages. We provide evidence that appendage proximodistal patterning genes are expressed in similar registers in the anterior embryonic neurectoderm of Drosophila melanogaster and Saccoglossus kowalevskii (a hemichordate). These results, in concert with existing expression data from a variety of other animals suggest that a pre-existing genetic system for anteroposterior head patterning was co-opted for patterning of the proximodistal axis of appendages of bilaterian animals.  相似文献   

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