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1. For more than 30 years many studies have been carried out concerning rhythms with periods approaching 24 hr (circadian rhythms). 2. The latter have been demonstrated as resulting from environmental 24 hr synchronizers (zeitgebers), but they usually persist in the absence of a 24 hr synchronization, which proves their endogenous nature. 3. Biological rhythms with periods less than 20 hr (ultradian rhythms) and particularly those approaching 1 hr (circahoral rhythms) have been determined: for motility, rest-activity, sleep phases, endocrine secretions and other physiological functions. 4. These ultradian and circahoral rhythms have been found in rodents, birds, monkeys and humans. 5. Existing at all stages of ontogeny, they have been proved to be endogenous and species and strain specific. 6. As these ultradian rhythms can be influenced by environmental factors and sometimes by circadian rhythms they are not truly periodic, so therefore cannot be computed by the usual processes of mathematical time analysis.  相似文献   

Biological rhythms have been observed in practically all groups of laboratory mammals and at every level of physiological and behavioural organization. Biological rhythms are classified according to their period as ultradian (less than 24 h), circadian (approximately 24 h), infradian (greater than 24 h), and seasonal or circannual rhythms (approximately 1 year). This review outlines what is known about the neurobiology of biological rhythms in mammals and describes the hierarchical order in which ultradian, circadian and infradian rhythms are related to each other. The article does not attempt to catalogue every physiological variable showing rhythmical fluctuations in laboratory mammals. Rather, it focuses on the basic concepts of circadian rhythms and recent advances made in our understanding of the physiology of the internal clock controlling circadian and other biological rhythms.  相似文献   

Recent intensive studies have begun to shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the plant circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana. During the course of these previous studies, the most powerful technique, elegantly adopted, was a real-time bioluminescence monitoring system of circadian rhythms in intact plants carrying a luciferase (LUC) fusion transgene. We previously demonstrated that Arabidopsis cultured cells also retain an ability to generate circadian rhythms, at least partly. To further improve the cultured cell system for studies on circadian rhythms, here we adopted a bioluminescence monitoring system by establishing the cell lines carrying appropriate reporter genes, namely, CCA1::LUC and APRR1::LUC, with which CCA1 (CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED1) and APRR1 (or TOC1) (ARABIDOPSIS PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATORS1 or TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION1) are believed to be the components of the central oscillator. We report the results that consistently supported the view that the established cell lines, equipped with such bioluminescence reporters, might provide us with an advantageous means to characterize the plant circadian clock.  相似文献   

1. A great number of vital processes are rhythmic and the rhythms quite often persist in constant conditions. The best-known rhythms are circadian; much less is known about circalunadian rhythms, and this review was prepared in an attempt to rectify this deficiency. All through the article comparisons are drawn between circalunadian and circacian rhythms. 2. Activity rhythms. (a) The activity patterns of 28 intertidal animals are discussed. All describe a periodicity with a basic component of 24.8 hours, and this approximate period persists in the laboratory in constant light and temperature and in the absence of the tides. The duration of persistence ranges from a few cycles to months, and is a function of the species studied, the conditions imposed, and individual tenacity. (b) In those few cases where relatively long-term observations have been made, there is a trend for the period of the rhythm to become circatidal, or better, circalunadian. (c) The ‘desired’ phase relationship between rhythm and tidal cycle is species-specific. Geographical translocation experiments have shown that the phase is set by the local tides. (d) In some cases the amplitude of the persistent rhythm mimics the semidiurnal inequality of the tides. (e) In about a third of the species discussed, a circadian component has been found combined with the tidal component. Many of the other studies were of such short duration that a low-amplitude circadian component would have gone unnoticed. (f) The tidal rhythm is innate. However, the rhythm is (i) sometimes lacking in organisms living in non-tidal habitats, or (ii) fades after a spell of incarceration in constant conditions. Various treatments — some aperiodic — can induce the expression of the missing tidal rhythm. (g) In the green crab, removal of the eyestalks destroys the activity rhythm. 3. Vertical migration rhythms. (a) A rather surprisingly large number of intertidal animals have been found to undergo migration rhythms between the upper layers of the substratum and its surface. The movements are synchronized with the tides in nature, but most species have either been shown to be diurnal in constant conditions, or in cases where adequate testing has not been done, suspected of being so. (b) In only one species has confirming work shown that the fundamental frequency is truly tidal. This finding is especially important as it shows that tidal rhythms need only the single-cell level of organization for expression. Even at this level there appears to be a dictatorial override by a circadian clock. 4. Colour change. Low-amplitude tidal rhythms in colour change — superimposed on a more dominant circadian change — have been reported to be intrinsic in four species and inducible in a fifth. 5. Oxygen consumption. Tidal rhythms in oxygen consumption have been described for seven invertebrates and one alga; six of the species have superimposed solar-day rhythmic components also. 6. Translocation. A total of five geographical translocation experiments, in which the organisms were maintained in constant conditions throughout, have been tried. Unequivocally in one case, and possibly in a second, the test organisms rephased spontaneously to the times commensurate with local tidal conditions. In two other cases, the pretranslocation phase was retained. The fifth experiment has not been reproducible. 7. Determination of phase. (a) The tidal cycle on the home shoreline sets the phase of the inhabitant's rhythms. Even the location of a crab's burrow on the beach incline can play a determining role. (b) Paradoxically, the periodic wetting by inundation is not an important entraining factor for most intertidal organisms. Instead, the effective portions of the tidal cycle include one or more of the following. (i) Mechanical agitation, especially for animals living in an uprush zone where they are periodically subjected to the pounding surf, (ii) Temperature cycles, though they have not yet been systematically investigated, have very pronounced entraining roles in crabs. (iii) Pressure is probably not a generally important entraining agent for most intertidal organisms, but it is so for the green crab. (c) Light-dark cycles in general, whether daily or tidal in length, have no effect on the entrainment or phase setting of many tidal rhythms. There are two exceptions: (i) a 24-hour light-dark cycle is known to keep a tidal locomotor rhythm (one that becomes circalunadian in constant conditions) at a strict tidal frequency. (ii) In rhythms with both daily and tidal components, when the former is shifted by light stimuli, the latter is affected in a nearly identical manner. 8. Temperature. (a) The role of temperature on tidal rhythms is compared with its role on circadian rhythms. (b) The effects of different constant temperatures have so far been studied on only four tidal rhythms. All studies indicate a lack of any permanent change in period, which is not so with most circadian rhythms; the latter having temperature coefficients around 1.1. In two of the studies the rhythms under test temperatures were followed for less than a day, and a third study cannot be repeated. (c) Short exposure to very cold temperature pulses produced a response that may be interpreted as a temporary stoppage of the clock. Exposure to relatively less-cold pulses appear simply to reset the hands of the clock. The same responses have been demonstrated with circadian rhythms. (d) In the case of green crabs, which had become arrhythmic during prolongued captivity in the laboratory, a tidal rhythm could be reinitiated by a single short cold treatment. The cold pulse also set the phase of the rhythm. (e) A few superficial studies employing temperature steps or pulses have produced results which suggest that a phase-change sensitivity rhythm — just like that found associated with circadian rhythms — may underlie tidal rhythms. Certainly a determined search for this rhythm should be made in the near future. 9. Clock control of rhythms. (a) An argument is constructed claiming that tidal rhythms have a basic period of about 24–8 hours rather than the more expected tidal interval of 12.4 hours. In constant conditions, a circalunadian period is usually displayed. (b) After speculating that a frequency-transforming coupler may function between the clock and the overt rhythm, reasons are given that lead to the further speculation that both circadian and circalunadian rhythms could be generated by a single clock, via specific coupling mechanisms. (c) Two current hypotheses concerning the nature of the clockworks are reviewed and discussed. (d) Suggestions are made for future investigations.  相似文献   

Physiological and behavioral phenomena of many animals are restricted to certain times of the day. Many organisms show daily rhythms in their mating. The daily fluctuation in mating activity of a few insects is controlled by an endogenous clock. The fruitfly, Drosophila, is the most suitable material to characterize the genetic basis of circadian rhythms of mating because some mutants with defective core oscillator mechanism, feedback loops, have been isolated. D. melanogaster wild-type display a robust circadian rhythm in the mating activity, and the rhythms are abolished in period or timeless null mutant flies (per(01) and tim(01)), the rhythms are generated by females but not males. Disconnected (disco) mutants which have a severe defect in the optic lobe and are missing lateral neurons show arrhythmicity in mating activities. Thus, the lateral neurons seem to be essential for the circadian rhythm in mating activity of Drosophila. Furthermore, an anti-phasic relation in circadian rhythms of the mating activity was detected between D. melanogaster and their sibling species D. simulans. The Queensland fruit flies or wild gypsy moth also show species-specific mating rhythm, suggesting that species-specific circadian rhythms in mating activity of insect appear to cause a reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

A wide variety of modeling techniques have been applied towards understanding inflammation. These models have broad potential applications, from optimizing clinical trials to improving clinical care. Models have been developed to study specific systems and diseases, but the effect of circadian rhythms on the inflammatory response has not been modeled. Circadian rhythms are normal biological variations obeying the 24-h light/dark cycle and have been shown to play a critical role in the treatment and progression of many diseases. Several of the key components of the inflammatory response, including cytokines and hormones, have been observed to undergo significant diurnal variations in plasma concentration. It is hypothesized that these diurnal rhythms are entrained by the cyclic production of the hormones cortisol and melatonin, as stimulated by the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Based on this hypothesis, a mathematical model of the interplay between inflammation and circadian rhythms is developed. The model is validated by its ability to reproduce diverse sets of experimental data and clinical observations concerning the temporal sensitivity of the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

People often coordinate their movement with visual and auditory environmental rhythms. Previous research showed better performances when coordinating with auditory compared to visual stimuli, and with bimodal compared to unimodal stimuli. However, these results have been demonstrated with discrete rhythms and it is possible that such effects depend on the continuity of the stimulus rhythms (i.e., whether they are discrete or continuous). The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of the continuity of visual and auditory rhythms on sensorimotor coordination. We examined the dynamics of synchronized oscillations of a wrist pendulum with auditory and visual rhythms at different frequencies, which were either unimodal or bimodal and discrete or continuous. Specifically, the stimuli used were a light flash, a fading light, a short tone and a frequency-modulated tone. The results demonstrate that the continuity of the stimulus rhythms strongly influences visual and auditory motor coordination. Participants'' movement led continuous stimuli and followed discrete stimuli. Asymmetries between the half-cycles of the movement in term of duration and nonlinearity of the trajectory occurred with slower discrete rhythms. Furthermore, the results show that the differences of performance between visual and auditory modalities depend on the continuity of the stimulus rhythms as indicated by movements closer to the instructed coordination for the auditory modality when coordinating with discrete stimuli. The results also indicate that visual and auditory rhythms are integrated together in order to better coordinate irrespective of their continuity, as indicated by less variable coordination closer to the instructed pattern. Generally, the findings have important implications for understanding how we coordinate our movements with visual and auditory environmental rhythms in everyday life.  相似文献   

Biological rhythms represent a fundamental property of various living organisms. In particular, circadian rhythms, i.e. rhythms with a period close to 24 hours, help organisms to adapt to environmental daily rhythms. Although various factors can entrain or reset rhythms, they persist even in the absence of external timing cue, showing that their generation is endogenous. Indeed, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus is considered to be the main circadian clock in mammals. Isolated SCN neurons have been shown to display circadian rhythms, and in each cell, a set of genes, called "clock genes", are devoted to the generation and regulation of rhythms. Recently, it has become obvious that the clock located in the SCN is not homogenous, but is rather composed of multiple functional components somewhat reminiscent of its neurochemical organization. The significance and implications of these findings are still poorly understood but pave the way for future exciting studies. Here, current knowledge concerning these distinct neuronal populations and the ways through which synchronization could be achieved, as well as the potential role of neuropeptides in both photic and non-photic resetting of the clock, are summarized. Finally, we discuss the role of the SCN within the circadian system, which also includes oscillators located in various tissues and cell types.  相似文献   

1. Some flight motoneurones receive two superimposed rhythms of depolarizing synaptic potentials when the locust is not flying; a slow rhythm which is invariably linked to the expiratory phase of ventilation, and a fast rhythm with a period of about 50 ms which is similar to the wingbeat period in flight. 2. By recording simultaneously from groups of motoneurones, the synaptic potentials which underly these rhythms have been revealed in 30 flight motoneurones in the three thoracic ganglia. The inputs occur in elevator motoneurones and some depressors but are of lower amplitude in the latter. The inputs have not been found in leg motoneurones. 3. The rhythmic depolarizations are usually subthreshold but sum with sensory inputs to evoke spikes in flight motoneurones at intervals equal to or multiples of the wingbeat period in flight. 4. Both rhythms originate in the metathoracic ganglion and are mediated by the same interneurones. They can be adequately explained by supposing that there are two symmetrical interneurones which each make widespread connexions with left and right flight motoneurones in the three ganglia. 5. The slow rhythm is coded in the overall burst of interneurone spikes during expiration and the fast rhythm in the interval between the spikes of a burst.  相似文献   

Cortical rhythms have been thought to play crucial roles in our cognitive abilities. Rhythmic activity in the beta frequency band, around 20 Hz, has been reported in recent studies that focused on neural correlates of attention, indicating that top-down beta rhythms, generated in higher cognitive areas and delivered to earlier sensory areas, can support attentional gain modulation. To elucidate functional roles of beta rhythms and underlying mechanisms, we built a computational model of sensory cortical areas. Our simulation results show that top-down beta rhythms can activate ascending synaptic projections from L5 to L4 and L2/3, responsible for biased competition in superficial layers. In the simulation, slow-inhibitory interneurons are shown to resonate to the 20 Hz input and modulate the activity in superficial layers in an attention-related manner. The predicted critical roles of these cells in attentional gain provide a potential mechanism by which cholinergic drive can support selective attention.  相似文献   

Complex dynamics underlying the human electrocardiogram   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sequences of different human cardiac rhythms terminating in ventricular fibrillation have been studied, both qualitatively and quantitively, with methods of nonlinear dynamics. The analysis has been applied to ECG epochs belonging to rhythms of increasing electrocardiographic irregularity: from sinus rhythm to prefibrillatory rhythms and then to ventricular fibrillation. The phase portraits of these rhythms have been reconstructed from the ECG recording with the time-delay technique, and their correlation dimensions have been estimated with the algorithm of Grassberger and Procaccia (1983a, b). Different cardiac rhythms exhibit different correlation dimensions that describe the corresponding degrees of complexity. The correlation dimension increases as one proceeds from sinus rhythm to fully developed ventricular fibrillation via intermediate rhythms. The fully developed ventricular fibrillation shows the highest degree of complexity. The dimensional analysis supports the existence of complex dynamics underlying different cardiac rhythms and reveals an increase in dimensional complexity corresponding to an increase in electrocardiographic irregularity. Our results indicate that nonlinear dynamics may be used to assess various dynamic states of the heart and may offer a non-invasive tool to investigate the complex dynamic phenomena occuring during arrhythmia.  相似文献   

Circahoralian cellular rhythms have been revealed after the amendment of quantitative cytochemical methods initiated at the Department of Histology (Moscow State University) and Laboratory of Cytology (Institute of Animal Morphology, Russian Academy of Sciences). The first findings have been confirmed in many laboratories. Circumhoralian kinetics proved to be specific for various cell types (from bacteria to mammalian cells) and cellular functions. Independent physiological investigations found circahoralian rhythms for various tissue functions. Distribution of the rhythms as well as their possible nature and significance for tissue biology are reviewed.  相似文献   

Brodskiĭ VIa 《Ontogenez》2000,31(6):410-419
Circahoralian cellular rhythms have been revealed after the amendment of quantitative cytochemical methods initiated at the Department of Histology (Moscow State University) and Laboratory of Cytology (Institute of Animal Morphology, Russian Academy of Sciences). The first findings have been confirmed in many laboratories. Circumhoralian kinetics proved to be specific for various cell types (from bacteria to mammalian cells) and cellular functions. Independent physiological investigations found circahoralian rhythms for various tissue functions. Distribution of the rhythms as well as their possible nature and significance for tissue biology are reviewed.  相似文献   

We know that entrainment, a stable phase relationship with an environmental cycle, must be established for a biological clock to function properly. Phase response curves (PRCs), which are plots of phase shifts that result as a function of the phase of a stimulus, have been created to examine the mode of entrainment. In circadian rhythms, single-light pulse PRCs have been obtained by giving a light pulse to various phases of a free-running rhythm under continuous darkness. This successfully explains the entrainment to light-dark cycles. Some organisms show circannual rhythms. In some of these, changes in photoperiod entrain the circannual rhythms. However, no single-pulse PRCs have been created. Here we show the PRC to a long-day pulse superimposed for 4 weeks over constant short days in the circannual pupation rhythm in the varied carpet beetle Anthrenus verbasci. Because the shape of that PRC closely resembles that of the Type 0 PRC with large phase shifts in circadian rhythms, we suggest that an oscillator having a common feature in the phase response with the circadian clock, produces a circannual rhythm.  相似文献   

A number of studies have been devoted to better understand the cardiovascular adaptation to space flights. These studies included hemodynamic and hormonal studies, but few investigations of the rhythms exist in the literature. However, the importance of the modifications of rhythms in true or simulated weightlessness was underlined in some published works. Several factors are probably associated to modify the circadian rhythms. First, there is a reduction or an absence of gravity, an important environmental factor: second, space missions or bed rest simulations are conducted under confinement conditions which may influence many psychological functions. The resulting instability of the circadian state will affect other physiological systems, because circadian variations are a fundamental feature of many biological systems (sleep, endocrine and cardiovascular functions). The present study was undertaken to study the effect of as well as a continuous 28-day bed rest on the rhythms of circulating PRA and ANP, the modification of rhythmicity of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate during bed rest.  相似文献   

Biological rhythms are ubiquitous in eukaryotes, and the best understood of these occur with a period of approximately a day – circadian rhythms. Such rhythms persist even when the organism is placed under constant conditions, with a period that is close, but not exactly equal, to 24 h, and are driven by an endogenous timer – one of the many 'biological clocks'. In plants, research into circadian rhythms has been driven forward by genetic experiments using Arabidopsis . Higher plant genomes include a particularly large number of genes involved in metabolism, and circadian rhythms may well provide the necessary coordination for the control of these – for example, around the diurnal rhythm of photosynthesis – to suit changing developmental or environmental conditions. The endogenous timer must be flexible enough to support these requirements. Current research supports this notion most strongly for the input pathway, in which multiple photoreceptors have been shown to mediate light input to the clock. Both input and output components are now related to putative circadian oscillator mechanisms by sequence homology or by experimental observation. It appears that the pathways linking some domains of the basic clock model may be very short indeed, or the mechanisms of these domains may overlap. Components of the first plant circadian output pathway to be identified unequivocally will help to determine exactly how many output pathways control the various phases of overt rhythms in plants.  相似文献   

Tumor-based rhythms of anticancer efficacy in experimental models   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Experimental tumor models constitute a prerequisite toward chronotherapy testing in cancer patients. Studies in experimental models are required to understand the relation between tumor rhythms and antitumor treatments efficacy. In healthy tissues, cell proliferation, and differentiation processes are regulated precisely and exhibit marked circadian rhythmicity. Experimental and human tumors can retain circadian rhythms or display altered oscillations. Healthy tissues can also display rhythm modifications, possibly related to cancer stage. Cellular rhythms modulate the metabolism of cytotoxic agents and the cellular response to them; hence, they determine the chronopharmacology of anticancer drugs. Circadian rhythms in host tolerability and/or cancer chemotherapy efficacy have been demonstrated with nontoxic doses of drugs in several experimental tumor models, while in other ones a circadian-time effect was only seen within a specific dose range. The usual coupling between tolerability and efficacy rhythms of anticancer agents has resulted in significant improvement of their therapeutic index. Results of laboratory animal studies have been extrapolated to the design of clinical cancer therapy trials involving a chronobiological approach.  相似文献   

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