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HscA, a specialized bacterial Hsp70-class molecular chaperone, interacts with the iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscU by recognizing a conserved LPPVK sequence motif. We report the crystal structure of the substrate-binding domain of HscA (SBD, residues 389-616) from Escherichia coli bound to an IscU-derived peptide, ELPPVKIHC. The crystals belong to the space group I222 and contain a single molecule in the asymmetric unit. Molecular replacement with the E.coli DnaK(SBD) model was used for phasing, and the HscA(SBD)-peptide model was refined to Rfactor=17.4% (Rfree=21.0%) at 1.95 A resolution. The overall structure of HscA(SBD) is similar to that of DnaK(SBD), although the alpha-helical subdomain (residues 506-613) is shifted up to 10 A relative to the beta-sandwich subdomain (residues 389-498) when compared to DnaK(SBD). The ELPPVKIHC peptide is bound in an extended conformation in a hydrophobic cleft in the beta-subdomain, which appears to be solvent-accessible via a narrow passageway between the alpha and beta-subdomains. The bound peptide is positioned in the reverse orientation of that observed in the DnaK(SBD)-NRLLLTG peptide complex placing the N and C termini of the peptide on opposite sides of the HscA(SBD) relative to the DnaK(SBD) complex. Modeling of the peptide in the DnaK-like forward orientation suggests that differences in hydrogen bonding interactions in the binding cleft and electrostatic interactions involving surface residues near the cleft contribute to the observed directional preference.  相似文献   

Hsp70-class molecular chaperones interact with diverse polypeptide substrates, but there is limited information on the structures of different Hsp70-peptide complexes. We have used a site-directed fluorescence labeling and quenching strategy to investigate the orientation of different peptides bound to DnaK from Escherichia coli. DnaK was selectively labeled on opposite sides of the substrate-binding domain (SBD) with the fluorescent probe bimane, and the ability of peptides containing N- or C-terminal tryptophan residues to quench bimane fluorescence was measured. Tryptophan-labeled derivatives of the model peptide NRLLLTG bound with the same forward orientation previously observed in the crystal structure of the DnaK(SBD)-NRLLLTG complex. Derivatives of this peptide containing arginine in the C-terminal rather than N-terminal region, NTLLLRG, also bound in the forward direction indicating that charged residues in the flanking regions of the peptide are not the major determinant of peptide binding orientation. We also tested peptides having proline in one (ELPLVKI) or two (ELPPVKI) central positions. Tryptophan derivatives of each of these peptides bound with a strong preference for the reverse direction relative to that observed for the NRLLLTG and NTLLLRG peptides. Computer modeling the peptides NRLLLTG and ELPPVKI in both the forward and reverse orientations into the DnaK(SBD) indicated that differential hydrogen-bonding patterns and steric constraints of the central peptide residues are likely causes for differences in their binding orientations. These findings establish that DnaK is able to bind substrates in both forward and reverse orientations and suggest that the central residues of the peptide are the major determinants of directional preference.  相似文献   

Structural insights into substrate binding by the molecular chaperone DnaK   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
How substrate affinity is modulated by nucleotide binding remains a fundamental, unanswered question in the study of 70 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) molecular chaperones. We find here that the Escherichia coli Hsp70, DnaK, lacking the entire alpha-helical domain, DnaK(1-507), retains the ability to support lambda phage replication in vivo and to pass information from the nucleotide binding domain to the substrate binding domain, and vice versa, in vitro. We determined the NMR solution structure of the corresponding substrate binding domain, DnaK(393-507), without substrate, and assessed the impact of substrate binding. Without bound substrate, loop L3,4 and strand beta3 are in significantly different conformations than observed in previous structures of the bound DnaK substrate binding domain, leading to occlusion of the substrate binding site. Upon substrate binding, the beta-domain shifts towards the structure seen in earlier X-ray and NMR structures. Taken together, our results suggest that conformational changes in the beta-domain itself contribute to the mechanism by which nucleotide binding modulates substrate binding affinity.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics of binding of unfolded polypeptides to the chaperone SecB was investigated in vitro by isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy. The substrates were reduced and carboxamidomethylated forms of RNase A, BPTI, and alpha-lactalbumin. SecB binds both fully unfolded RNase A and BPTI as well as compact, partially folded disulfide intermediates of alpha-lactalbumin, which have 40-60% of native secondary structure. The heat capacity changes observed on binding the reduced and carboxamidomethylated forms of alpha-lactalbumin, BPTI, and RNase A were found to be -0.10, -0.29, and -0.41 kcal mol(-1) K(-1), respectively, and suggest that between 7 and 29 residues are buried upon substrate binding to SecB. In all cases, binding occurs with a stoichiometry of one polypeptide chain per monomer of SecB. There is no evidence for two separate types of binding sites for positively charged and hydrophobic ligands. Spectroscopic and proteolysis protection studies of the binding of SecB to poly-L-Lys show that binding of highly positively charged peptide ligands to negatively charged SecB leads to charge neutralization and subsequent aggregation of SecB. The data are consistent with a model where SecB binds substrate molecules at an exposed hydrophobic cleft. SecB aggregation in the absence of substrate is prevented by electrostatic repulsion between negatively charged SecB tetramers.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domain of the molecular chaperone DnaK is a compact lid-like structure made up of five alpha-helices (alphaA-alphaE) (residues 508-608) that is followed by a 30-residue disordered, flexible region (609-638). The lid encapsulates the peptide molecule bound in the substrate-binding domain, whereas the function of the 30-residue disordered region is not known. By sequentially deleting the flexible subdomain and the individual lid helices, we deduced the importance of each structural unit to creating long-lived DnaK-peptide complexes. Here we report that (i) the alphaD helix is essential for long-lived DnaK-peptide complexes. For example, ATP triggers the dissociation of a acrylodan-labeled p5 peptide (ap5, a-CLLLSAPRR) from wtDnaK and DnaK595(A-D) with k(off) equal to 7.6 and 8.9 s(-1), respectively, whereas when the D-helix is deleted, creating DnaK578(A-C), k(off) jumps to 207 s(-1). (ii) The presence of the alphaB helix impacts the rate of the ATP-induced high-to-low affinity conformational change. For example, ATP induces this conformational change in a lidless variant, DnaK517(1/2A), with a rate constant of 442 s(-1), whereas, after adding back the B-helix (residues 518-554), ATP induces this conformational change in DnaK554(A-B) with a rate constant of 2.5 s(-1). Our interpretation is that this large decrease occurs because the B-helix of the DnaK554(A-B) is bound in the substrate-binding site. (iii) The deletion analysis also revealed that residues 596-638, which comprise the alphaE helix and the flexible subdomain, affect ATP binding. Our results are consistent with this part of the lid producing conformational heterogeneity, perhaps by binding to the ATPase domain.  相似文献   

The Hsp104 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a member of the Hsp100/Clp family of molecular chaperones. It mediates the solubilization of aggregated proteins in an ATP-dependent process assisted by the Hsp70/40 system. Although the principal function of Hsp104 is well established, the mechanistic details of this catalyzed disaggregation are poorly understood. In this work, we have investigated the interaction of Hsp104 with reduced, carboxymethylated alpha-lactalbumin (RCMLa), a permanently unfolded model substrate. Our results demonstrate that the affinity of Hsp104 toward polypeptides is regulated by nucleotides. In the presence of ATP or adenosine-5' -O-(3-thiotriphosphate), the chaperone formed complexes with RCMLa, whereas no binding was observed in the presence of ADP. In particular, the occupation of the N-terminally located nucleotide-binding domain with ATP seems to be crucial for substrate interaction. When ATP binding to this domain was impaired by mutation, Hsp104 lost its ability to interact with RCMLa. Our results also indicate that upon association with a polypeptide, a conformational change occurs within Hsp104 that strongly reduces the dynamics of nucleotide exchange and commits the bound polypeptide to ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, DnaK is essential for the replication of bacteriophage lambda DNA; this in vivo activity provides the basis of a screen for mutations affecting DnaK function. Mn PCR was used to introduce mutations into residues 405-468 of the C-terminal polypeptide-binding domain of DnaK. These mutant proteins were screened for the ability to propagate bacteriophage lambda in the background of a dnaK deficient cell line, BB1553. This initial screen identified several proteins which were mutant at multiple positions. The multiple mutants were further dissected into single mutants which remained negative for lambda propagation. Four of these single-site mutants were purified and assayed for biochemical functionality. Two single-site mutations, F426S and S427P, are localized in the peptide binding site and display weakened peptide binding affinity. This indicates that the crystallographically determined peptide binding site is also critical for in vivo lambda replication. Two other mutations, K414I and N451K, are located at the edge of the beta-sandwich domain near alpha-helix A. The K414I mutant binds peptide moderately well, yet displays defects in allosteric functions, including peptide-stimulated ATPase activity, ATP-induced changes in tryptophan fluorescence, ATP-induced peptide release, and elevated ATPase activity. The K414 position is close in tertiary structure to the linker region to the ATPase domain and reflects a specific area of the peptide-binding domain which is necessary for interdomain coupling. The mutant N451K displays defects in both peptide binding and allosteric interaction.  相似文献   

Biswas A  Das KP 《Biopolymers》2007,85(2):189-197
alpha-Crystallin is a molecular chaperone that recognizes proteins substrates in stress. It binds to the unstable conformer of a large variety of related or unrelated substrates and thus prevents them aggregating and holds them in a folding competent state. In this article, we have tried to critically analyze, from experimental point of view, whether alpha-crystallin has any preference for its natural substrates compared to the nonnatural one. Our results clearly show that alpha-crystallin is exceptionally active and sensitive in preventing aggregation of its natural substrates and can fully prevent such an aggregation in a substoichiometric ratio, but nonnatural substrates require a considerably higher amount of alpha-crystallin. Using suitable fluorescent-labeled alpha-crystallins and performing fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments, we were able to determine the subunit exchange kinetics between the alpha-crystallin oligomers. It was found that while alpha-crystallin was bound to its natural substrate, the rate of subunit exchange was slightly decreased. But, when a nonnatural substrate carbonic anhydrase remained bound to the chaperone, further loss in subunit exchange rate was observed. Nonnatural substrate was found to create higher activation energy barrier for the subunit exchange reaction compared to the native substrates. Similarities in major beta-sheet structure of both alpha-crystallin and its natural substrates may be the reason for the preference in molecular recognition in comparison with the nonnatural substrate.  相似文献   

The 70 kDa heat shock proteins (the Hsp70 family) assist refolding of their substrates through ATP-controlled binding. We have analyzed mutants of DnaK, an Hsp70 homolog, altered in key residues of its substrate binding domain. Substrate binding occurs by a dynamic mechanism involving: a hydrophobic pocket for a single residue that is crucial for affinity, a two-layered closing device involving independent action of an alpha-helical lid and an arch, and a superimposed allosteric mechanism of ATP-controlled opening of the substrate binding cavity that operates largely through a beta-structured subdomain. Correlative evidence from mutational analysis suggests that the ADP and ATP states of DnaK differ in the frequency of the conformational changes in the alpha-helical lid and beta-domain that cause opening of the substrate binding cavity. The affinity for substrates, as defined by this mechanism, determines the efficiency of DnaJ-mediated and ATP hydrolysis mediated locking-in of substrates and chaperone activity of DnaK.  相似文献   

The effect of polypeptide binding on the stability of the substrate binding domain of the molecular chaperone DnaK has been studied by thermodynamic analysis. The calorimetric scan of the fragment of the substrate binding domain DnaK384-638, consisting of a beta-domain and an alpha-helical lid, showed two transitions centered at 56.2 and 76.0 degrees C. On the other hand, the thermal unfolding of the shorter fragment DnaK386-561, which lacks half of the alpha-helical lid, exhibited a single transition at 57.0 degrees C. Therefore, the transition of DnaK384-638 at 56.2 degrees C is mainly attributed to the unfolding of the beta-domain. The calorimetric scan of DnaK384-638D526N showed that the unfolding of the beta-domain was composed of two transitions. The polypeptide bound DnaK384-638 exhibited a symmetrical DSC peak at 58.6 degrees C, indicating that the substrate binding shifts the beta-domain toward a single cooperative unit. A low concentration of GdnHCl (<1.0 M) induced a conformational change in the beta-domain of DnaK384-638 without changes in the secondary structure. While the thermal unfolding of the beta-domain of DnaK384-638 was composed of two transitions in the presence of GdnHCl, the beta-domain of the substrate bound DnaK384-638 exhibited a single symmetrical DSC peak in the same condition. All together, our results indicate that complex between DnaK384-638 and substrate forms a rigid conformation in the beta-domain.  相似文献   

Hsp90 is a ubiquitous molecular chaperone. Previous structural analysis demonstrated that Hsp90 can adopt a large number of structurally distinct conformations; however, the functional role of this flexibility is not understood. Here we investigate the structural consequences of substrate binding with a model system in which Hsp90 interacts with a partially folded protein (Δ131Δ), a well-studied fragment of staphylococcal nuclease. SAXS measurements reveal that under apo conditions, Hsp90 partially closes around Δ131Δ, and in the presence of AMPPNP, Δ131Δ binds with increased affinity to Hsp90's fully closed state. FRET measurements show that Δ131Δ accelerates the nucleotide-driven open/closed transition and stimulates ATP hydrolysis by Hsp90. NMR measurements reveal that Hsp90 binds to a specific, highly structured region of Δ131Δ. These results suggest that Hsp90 preferentially binds a locally structured region in a globally unfolded protein, and this binding drives functional changes in the chaperone by lowering a rate-limiting conformational barrier.  相似文献   

The unique folding of procollagens in the endoplasmic reticulum is achieved with the assistance of procollagen-specific molecular chaperones. Heat-shock protein 47 (HSP47) is an endoplasmic reticulum-resident chaperone that plays an essential role in normal procollagen folding, although its molecular function has not yet been clarified. Recent advances in studies on the binding specificity of HSP47 have revealed that Arg residues at Yaa positions in collagenous Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeats are critical for its interactions (Koide, T., Takahara, Y., Asada, S., and Nagata, K. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 6178-6182; Tasab, M., Jenkinson, L., and Bulleid, N. J. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 35007-35012). In the present study, we further examined the client recognition mechanism of HSP47 by taking advantage of systems employing engineered collagen model peptides. First, in vitro binding studies using conformationally constrained collagen-like peptides revealed that HSP47 only recognized correctly folded triple helices and that the interaction with the corresponding single-chain polypeptides was negligible. Second, a binding study using heterotrimeric model clients for HSP47 demonstrated a minimal requirement for the number of Arg residues in the triple helix. Finally, a cross-linking study using photoreactive collagenous peptides provided information about the spatial orientation of an HSP47 molecule in the chaperone-collagen complex. The obtained results led to the development of a new model of HSP47-collagen complexes that differs completely from the previously proposed "flying capstan model" (Dafforn, T. R., Della, M., and Miller, A. D. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 49310-49319).  相似文献   

Molecular mechanics calculations of adenylate kinase (ADK) complexed with ATP, AMP, and Mg2+ have been carried out with three different model-built geometries. The lowest energy structure is that inferred from the X-ray structure, but such a geometry is not as consistent with the inference of an NOE contact between His36 and the ATP C2-H proton as the model of the second lowest energy. We have used the latter structure as a basis for modeling the reaction AMP + ATP----2ADP in the presence of Mg2+ and ADK. The key residues in the enzyme that stabilize the intermediate points in the above reaction are Arg44 and Arg97. This is the first clear picture of how an enzyme can catalyse a reaction which is electrostatically unfavorable.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone Hsp104 is an AAA+ ATPase (ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities) from yeast that catalyzes protein disaggregation. Using mutagenesis, we impaired nucleotide binding or hydrolysis in the two nucleotide-binding domains (NBD) of Hsp104 and analyzed the consequences for chaperone function by monitoring ATP hydrolysis, polypeptide binding, polypeptide processing, and disaggregation. Our results reveal that ATP binding to NBD1 serves as a central regulatory switch for the chaperone; it triggers binding of polypeptides, and stimulates ATP hydrolysis in the C-terminal NBD2 by more than two orders of magnitude, implying that ATP hydrolysis in this domain is important for disaggregation. Moreover, we show that Hsp104 actively unfolds its polypeptide substrates during processing, demonstrating that AAA+ proteins involved in disaggregation share a common threading mechanism with AAA+ proteins mediating protein unfolding/degradation.  相似文献   

We examined chaperone association with subtypes of HLA-A68 differing at positions 116 and/or 70, and analyzed the surface expression of each A68 subtype. Our findings with A68 indicate that certain subtypes have inefficient association with the assembly complex and correspondingly high surface expression, dependent on the character of position 116. Specifically, poor association of A68 subtypes with the transporter associated with antigen processing correlated with a comparatively high level of W6/32(+) forms at the cell surface. This observation suggests that intracellular retention is a dominant function of the assembly complex and that natural differences in assembly complex interaction may dictate the level of surface expression of MHC class I molecules. We also found that position 116 was crucial for HLA-A68 subtype association with the assembly complex. Our data contrast with results we obtained previously with HLA-B7 in that an aspartic acid at position 116 abrogated chaperone association for HLA-A68, whereas it increased association for HLA-B7. In total, HLA-A molecules exhibit natural allele-specific distinctions in chaperone association that correlate with differences in cell surface expression and with the identity of amino acid position 116.  相似文献   

Kasper P  Christen P  Gehring H 《Proteins》2000,40(2):185-192
We describe a methodology to calculate the relative free energies of protein-peptide complex formation. The interaction energy was decomposed into nonpolar, electrostatic and entropic contributions. A free energy-surface area relationship served to calculate the nonpolar free energy term. The electrostatic free energy was calculated with the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann method and the entropic contribution was estimated from the loss in the conformational entropy of the peptide side chains. We applied this methodology to a series of DnaK*peptide complexes. On the basis of the single known crystal structure of the peptide-binding domain of DnaK with a bound heptapeptide, we modeled ten other DnaK*heptapeptide complexes with experimentally measured K(d) values from 0.06 microM to 11 microM, using molecular dynamics to refine the structures of the complexes. Molecular dynamic trajectories, after equilibration, were used for calculating the energies with greater accuracy. The calculated relative binding free energies were compared with the experimentally determined free energies. Linear scaling of the calculated terms was applied to fit them to the experimental values. The calculated binding free energies were between -7.1 kcal/mol and - 9.4 kcal/mol with a correlation coefficient of 0.86. The calculated nonpolar contributions are mainly due to the central hydrophobic binding pocket of DnaK for three amino acid residues. Negative electrostatic fields generated by the protein increase the binding affinity for basic residues flanking the hydrophobic core of the peptide ligand. Analysis of the individual energy contributions indicated that the nonpolar contributions are predominant compared to the other energy terms even for peptides with low affinity and that inclusion of the change in conformational entropy of the peptide side chains does not improve the discriminative power of the calculation. The method seems to be useful for predicting relative binding energies of peptide ligands of DnaK and might be applicable to other protein-peptide systems, particularly if only the structure of one protein-ligand complex is available.  相似文献   

Conformational transitions in the prion protein (PrP) are thought to be central to the pathogenesis of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), such as Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Studies of prion phenomena in yeast have shown that molecular chaperones play an important role in prion related conformational transitions. Here, we investigated the interaction of the molecular chaperone Hsc70 (HSPA8) with recombinant PrP in vitro using an ELISA based assay. Hsc70 bound to PrP in a saturable manner over a range of temperatures and binding was greatest at low pH. Surprisingly, Hsc70 bound more avidly to native recombinant PrP than to denatured PrP or other potential clients, such as denatured luciferase or rhodanese. Hsc70 binding to native PrP was enhanced by incubation with Cu2+ at low pH. The Hsc70 binding sites in PrP were analysed using a synthetic PrP-derived peptide array. The binding of Hsc70 to PrP was reminiscent of the published ovine PrP to bovine PrP binding data and included two potential regions of binding that correspond to the proposed ‘protein X’ binding sites in PrP. Synthetic peptides corresponding to these sites specifically inhibited the Hsc70 interaction with native PrP, further demonstrating that Hsc70 might interact with PrP via this epitope. The data suggest that molecular chaperones could modulate important PrP conformational transitions or protein–protein interactions in TSE pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The two-component flavoenzyme styrene monooxygenase (SMO) is an efficient alternative to several chemical epoxidation catalysts on a preparative scale. A first homology model of the catalytic domain (StyA) of SMO was constructed (Protein Data Bank ID 2HD8) based on the structure of para-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase. The StyA protein structure was optimized by restrained molecular dynamics to reproduce specific pre-S binding orientations of styrene. Effects of all 10 point mutations examined were explained by the distance of the site to the styrene and FAD binding sites. Thirteen of 20 ligands could be accommodated in a catalytically active binding orientation, and predicted affinities correlated well with experimental turnover and inhibition. The binding cavity is almost completely hydrophobic except for a hydrogen-bonded network formed by three water molecules, the backbone of residues 300-302, and the flavin ribityl, similar to P293, and three crystal waters in para-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase suggest that P302, T47, and the waters in StyA are a vital component of the catalytic mechanism. The current optimized and validated StyA model provides a good starting point for elucidation of the structural basis of StyA ligand binding and catalysis. Novel insights in the binding of ligands to SMO/StyA, provided by the current protein model, will aid the rational design of mutants with specific, altered enantioselective properties.  相似文献   

Nucleoplasmin: the archetypal molecular chaperone   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Nucleoplasmin was the first protein to be described as a molecular chaperone. Studies of nucleoplasmin have resulted in advances in two areas of cell biology. Firstly, the pathway of nucleosome assembly in Xenopus oocytes and eggs has been elucidated and is the only assembly pathway known in detail. Nucleosome assembly represents the major chaperoning function of nucleoplasmin. Secondly, nucleoplasmin has been used to elucidate the transport of proteins into the nucleus, revealing a selective entry mechanism for nuclear proteins, passage through the nuclear pore complex, and a two-step mechanism of transport. The properties and functions of nucleoplasmin are reviewed, together with other proteins which are related either structurally or functionally to nucleoplasmin.  相似文献   

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