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Obese CCK-1 receptor-lacking Otsuka Long Evans Tokushima fatty (OLETF) rats are hyperphagic relative to control, nonmutant Long Evans Tokushima Otsuka (LETO) rats. This study sought to assess whether the overeating observed in OLETF rats is associated with changes in gastric emptying rates or detection of gastric volume. We performed experiments in both 12- and 29-wk-old OLETF and LETO rats to address possible alterations in gastric functions during the development of increased body weight and blood glucose abnormalities in OLETF rats. Gastric emptying of a 5-g solid chow test meal was not significantly different between strains at either 1, 2, or 4 h postmeal. When rats with ad libitum access to chow were tested, there were no significant differences in gastric emptying between strains at any time period despite OLETF rats consuming significantly more chow than LETO rats. Similar to solid food, 5-min gastric emptying of a 5-ml isosmotic and hyperosmotic saline or glucose load was not significantly different between strains. When the stomach was distended with a 15-ml semisolid chow load, there was no significance difference in emptying at either 1 or 2 h. No significant differences in gastric emptying were detected between 12- and 29-wk-old rats under any conditions. Both young and old OLETF rats, however, reduced sham intake significantly less compared with LETO rats during a brief period of gastric distension by 5- or 10-ml balloon inflation. Finally, OLETF rats showed decreased Fos expression in the nucleus of the solitary tract relative to LETO rats after an 8-ml gastric distension. These findings demonstrate that OLETF rats do not express deficits in controlling gastric emptying rates; however, they exhibit decreased behavioral and vagal responsiveness to gastric distension that may contribute to the increased meal size in these animals.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) belongs to the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily and is capable of conferring resistance to a broad range of chemotherapeutic agents and transporting structurally diverse conjugated organic anions. In this study, we found that substitution of a highly conserved tryptophan at position 1246 with cysteine (W1246C-MRP1) in the putative last transmembrane segment (TM17) of MRP1 eliminated 17beta-estradiol 17-(beta-d-glucuronide) (E(2)17betaG) transport by membrane vesicles prepared from transiently transfected human embryonic kidney cells while leaving the capacity for leukotriene C(4)- and verapamil-stimulated glutathione transport intact. In addition, in contrast to wild-type MRP1, leukotriene C(4) transport by the W1246C-MRP1 protein was no longer inhibitable by E(2)17betaG, indicating that the mutant protein had lost the ability to bind the glucuronide. A similar phenotype was observed when Trp(1246) was replaced with Ala, Phe, and Tyr. Confocal microscopy of cells expressing Trp(1246) mutant MRP1 molecules fused at the C terminus with green fluorescent protein showed that they were correctly routed to the plasma membrane. In addition to the loss of E(2)17betaG transport, HeLa cells stably transfected with W1246C-MRP1 cDNA were not resistant to the Vinca alkaloid vincristine and accumulated levels of [(3)H]vincristine comparable to those in vector control-transfected cells. Cells expressing W1246C-MRP1 were also not resistant to cationic anthracyclines (doxorubicin, daunorubicin) or the electroneutral epipodophyllotoxin VP-16. In contrast, resistance to sodium arsenite was only partially diminished, and resistance to potassium antimony tartrate remained comparable to that of cells expressing wild-type MRP1. This suggests that the structural determinants required for transport of heavy metal oxyanions differ from those for chemotherapeutic agents. Our results provide the first example of a tryptophan residue being so critically important for substrate specificity in a eukaryotic ATP-binding cassette transporter.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins comprise a large superfamily of transmembrane transporters that utilize the energy of ATP hydrolysis to translocate their substrates across biological membranes. Multidrug resistance protein (MRP) 2 (ABCC2) belongs to subfamily C of the ABC superfamily and, when overexpressed in tumor cells, confers resistance to a wide variety of anticancer chemotherapeutic agents. MRP2 is also an active transporter of organic anions such as methotrexate (MTX), estradiol glucuronide (E217betaG), and leukotriene C4 and is located on the apical membrane of polarized cells including hepatocytes where it acts as a biliary transporter. We recently identified a highly conserved tryptophan residue in the related MRP1 that is critical for the substrate specificity of this protein. In the present study, we have examined the effect of replacing the analogous tryptophan residue at position 1254 of MRP2. We found that only nonconservative substitutions (Ala and Cys) of Trp1254 eliminated [3H]E217betaG transport by MRP2, whereas more conservative substitutions (Phe and Tyr) had no effect. In addition, only the most conservatively substituted mutant (W1254Y) transported [3H]leukotriene C4, whereas all other substitutions eliminated transport of this substrate. On the other hand, all substitutions of Trp1254 eliminated transport of [3H]MTX. Finally, we found that sulfinpyrazone stimulated [3H]E217betaG transport by wild-type MRP2 4-fold, whereas transport by the Trp1254 substituted mutants was enhanced 6-10-fold. In contrast, sulfinpyrazone failed to stimulate [3H]MTX transport by either wild-type MRP2 or the MRP2-Trp1254 mutants. Taken together, our results demonstrate that Trp1254 plays an important role in the ability of MRP2 to transport conjugated organic anions and identify this amino acid in the putative last transmembrane segment (TM17) of this ABC protein as being critical for transport of MTX.  相似文献   

Mutations in the ABCC6 (MRP6) gene cause pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), a rare heritable disorder resulting in the calcification of elastic fibers. In the present study a cDNA encoding a full-length normal variant of ABCC6 was amplified from a human kidney cDNA library, and the protein was expressed in Sf9 insect cells. In isolated membranes ATP binding as well as ATP-dependent active transport by ABCC6 was demonstrated. We found that glutathione conjugates, including leukotriene C(4) and N-ethylmaleimide S-glutathione (NEM-GS), were actively transported by human ABCC6. Organic anions (probenecid, benzbromarone, indomethacin), known to interfere with glutathione conjugate transport of human ABCC1 and ABCC2, inhibited the ABCC6-mediated NEM-GS transport in a specific manner, indicating that ABCC6 has a unique substrate specificity. We have also expressed three missense mutant forms of ABCC6, which have recently been shown to cause PXE. MgATP binding was normal in these proteins; ATP-dependent NEM-GS or leukotriene C(4) transport, however, was abolished. Our data indicate that human ABCC6 is a primary active transporter for organic anions. In the three ABCC6 mutant forms examined, the loss of transport activity suggests that these mutations result in a PXE phenotype through a direct influence on the transport activity of this ABC transporter.  相似文献   

Absence of a functional multidrug resistance protein 2 (MRP2; symbol ABCC2) from the hepatocyte canalicular membrane is the molecular basis of Dubin- Johnson syndrome, an inherited disorder associated with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia in humans. In this work, we analyzed a relatively frequent Dubin-Johnson syndrome mutation that leads to an exchange of two hydrophobic amino acids, isoleucine 1173 to phenylalanine (MRP2I1173F), in a predicted extracellular loop of MRP2. HEK-293 cells stably transfected with MRP2I1173F cDNA synthesized a mutant protein that was mainly core-glycosylated, predominantly retained in the endoplasmic reticulum, and degraded by proteasomes. MRP2I1173F did not mediate ATP-dependent transport of leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4)) into vesicles from plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum preparations while normal MRP2 was functionally active. Human HepG2 cells were used to study localization of MRP2I1173F in a polarized cell system. Quantitative analysis showed that GFP-tagged MRP2I1173F was localized to the apical membrane in only 5% of transfected, polarized HepG2 cells compared with 80% for normal MRP2-GFP. Impaired protein maturation followed by proteasomal degradation of inactive MRP2I1173F explain the deficient hepatobiliary elimination observed in this group of Dubin-Johnson syndrome patients.  相似文献   

The multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) mediates drug and organic anion efflux across the plasma membrane. The 17 transmembrane (TM) helices of MRP1 are linked by extracellular and cytoplasmic (CL) loops of various lengths and two cytoplasmic nucleotide binding domains. In this study, three basic residues clustered at the predicted TM15/CL7 interface were investigated for their role in MRP1 expression and activity. Thus, Arg1138, Lys1141, and Arg1142 were replaced with residues of the same or opposite charge, expressed in human embryonic kidney cells, and the properties of the mutant proteins were assessed. Neither Glu nor Lys substitutions of Arg1138 and Arg1142 affected MRP1 expression; however, all four mutants showed a decrease in organic anion transport with a relatively greater decrease in leukotriene C4 and glutathione transport. These mutations also modulated MRP1 ATPase activity as reflected by a decreased vanadate-induced trapping of 8-azido-[32P]ADP. Mutation of Lys1141 to either Glu or Arg reduced MRP1 expression, and routing to the plasma membrane was impaired. However, only the Glu-substituted Lys1141 mutant showed a decrease in organic anion transport, and this was associated with decreased substrate binding and vanadate-induced trapping of 8-azido-ADP. These studies identified a cluster of basic amino acids likely at the TM15/CL7 interface as a region important for both MRP1 expression and activity and demonstrated that each of the three residues plays a distinct role in the substrate specificity and catalytic activity of the transporter.  相似文献   

The polytopic 5-domain multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) extrudes a variety of drugs and organic anions across the plasma membrane. Four charged residues in the fifth cytoplasmic loop (CL5) connecting transmembrane helix 9 (TM9) to TM10 are critical for stable expression of MRP1 at the plasma membrane. Thus Ala substitution of Lys(513), Lys(516), Glu(521), and Glu(535) all cause misfolding of MRP1 and target the protein for proteasome-mediated degradation. Of four chemical chaperones tested, 4-phenylbutyric acid (4-PBA) was the most effective at restoring expression of MRP1 mutants K513A, K516A, E521A, and E535A. However, although 4-PBA treatment of K513A resulted in wild-type protein levels (and activity), the same treatment had little or no effect on the expression of K516A. On the other hand, 4-PBA treatment allowed both E521A and E535A to exit the endoplasmic reticulum and be stably expressed at the plasma membrane. However, the 4-PBA-rescued E535A mutant exhibited decreased transport activity associated with reduced substrate affinity and conformational changes in both halves of the transporter. By contrast, E521A exhibited reduced transport activity associated with alterations in the mutant interactions with ATP as well as a distinct conformational change in the COOH-proximal half of MRP1. These findings illustrate the critical and complex role of CL5 for stable expression of MRP1 at the plasma membrane and more specifically show the differential importance of Glu(521) and Glu(535) in interdomain interactions required for proper folding and assembly of MRP1 into a fully transport competent native structure.  相似文献   

Analysis of ABCC6 (MRP6) in normal human tissues   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
To determine the tissue distribution of the ABC transporter ABCC6 in normal human tissues, we analyzed tissue arrays for the presence of ABCC6 mRNA by in situ hybridization and ABCC6 protein by immunohistochemistry using the polyclonal antibody HB-6. We detected ABCC6 mRNA and protein in various epithelial cells of exocrine and endocrine tissues, such as acinar cells in the pancreas, mucosal cells of the intestine and follicular epithelial cells of the thyroid. We obtained a very strong immunostaining for enteroendocrine G cells in the stomach. In addition, ABCC6 mRNA and protein were present in most neurons of the brain, in alveolar macrophages in the lungs and lymphocytes in the lymph node. Immunohistochemisty using the monoclonal antibody M6II-31 confirmed the widespread tissue distribution of ABCC6. The physiological substrate(s) of ABCC6 are yet unknown, but we suggest that ABCC6 fulfills multiple functions in different tissues. The strong immunostaining for ABCC6 in G cells suggests that it plays an important role in these endocrine cells.  相似文献   

The 190-kDa multidrug resistance protein MRP1 (ABCC1) is a polytopic transmembrane protein belonging to the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily. In addition to conferring resistance to various antineoplastic agents, MRP1 is a transporter of conjugated organic anions, including the cysteinyl leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4)). We previously characterized the ATPase activity of reconstituted immunoaffinity-purified native MRP1 and showed it could be stimulated by its organic anion substrates (Mao, Q., Leslie, E. M., Deeley, R. G., and Cole, S. P. C. (1999) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1461, 69-82). Here we show that purified reconstituted MRP1 is also capable of active transport of its substrates. Thus LTC(4) uptake by MRP1 proteoliposomes was osmotically sensitive and could be inhibited by two MRP1-specific monoclonal antibodies. LTC(4) uptake was also markedly reduced by the competitive inhibitor, S-decyl-glutathione, as well as by the MRP1 substrates 17 beta-estradiol 17-beta-(d-glucuronide), oxidized glutathione, and vincristine in the presence of reduced glutathione. The K(m) for ATP and LTC(4) were 357 +/- 184 microm and 366 +/- 38 nm, respectively, and 2.14 +/- 0.75 microm for 17 beta-estradiol 17-beta-(d-glucuronide). Transport of vincristine required the presence of both ATP and GSH. Conversely, GSH transport was stimulated by vincristine and verapamil. Our data represent the first reconstitution of transport competent purified native MRP1 and confirm that MRP1 is an efflux pump, which can transport conjugated organic anions and co-transport vincristine together with GSH.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance in human tumour cells is often associated with increased expression of the 190kDa multidrug resistance protein, MRP1, that belongs to the ATP-binding cassette superfamily of transport proteins. MRP1 is also an efficient transporter of many organic anions. In the present study, we have mapped the epitope of the MRP1-specific murine monoclonal antibody (MAb) MRPm5 to the decapeptide (1063)FFERTPSGNL(1072) located in the cytoplasmic loop (CL6) linking transmembrane helices 13 and 14 in the third membrane spanning domain of the protein. Several amino acids in the cytoplasmic loops of MRP1 have been reported to be important for its transport function; nevertheless, MAb MRPm5 does not inhibit vesicular uptake of the high affinity substrate leukotriene C(4). None of the other MRP1-reactive MAbs described to date map to CL6 of MRP1 which in turn enhances the utility of MAb MRPm5 for both clinical and experimental investigations of this transporter.  相似文献   

Takeda M  Sekine T  Endou H 《Life sciences》2000,67(9):1087-1093
The organic anion transporter 3 (rOAT3) is a multispecific OAT localized at the basolateral membrane of the proximal tubule. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of protein kinase C (PKC) in the regulation of organic anion transport driven by rOAT3 and its mechanism of action. For this purpose, we established and utilized cells derived from the second segment of proximal tubule from mice stably expressing rOAT3 (S2 rOAT3). Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), a PKC stimulator, attenuated the cellular uptake of estrone sulfate (ES), a prototype organic anion for rOAT3, in a dose- and time-dependent manner. PMA treatment resulted in a decrease in the Vmax, but not the Km of uptake of ES in S2 rOAT3. Treatment of S2 rOAT3 with other PKC stimulators or diacylglycerols also inhibited the uptake of ES, whereas that with an inactive phorbol ester did not. Chelerythrine chloride, a PKC inhibitor, reversed the PMA-induced decrease in uptake of ES in S2 rOAT3. These results suggest that PKC activation downregulates rOAT3-mediated organic anion transport. This down-regulation may be due to the inhibition of translocation or internalization of the rOAT3 protein, resulting in the decrease in the Vmax of rOAT3-mediated organic anion transport.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotides are known to be effluxed from cultured cells or isolated tissues. Two recently described members of the multidrug resistance protein family, MRP4 and MRP5, might be involved in this process, because they transport the 3',5'-cyclic nucleotides, cAMP and cGMP, into inside-out membrane vesicles. We have investigated cGMP and cAMP efflux from intact HEK293 cells overexpressing MRP4 or MRP5. The intracellular production of cGMP and cAMP was stimulated with the nitric oxide releasing compound sodium nitroprusside and the adenylate cyclase stimulator forskolin, respectively. MRP4- and MRP5-overexpressing cells effluxed more cGMP and cAMP than parental cells in an ATP-dependent manner. In contrast to a previous report we found no glutathione requirement for cyclic nucleotide transport. Transport increased proportionally with intracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations over a calculated range of 20-600 microm, indicating low affinity transport. In addition to several classic inhibitors of organic anion transport, prostaglandins A(1) and E(1), the steroid progesterone and the anti-cancer drug estramustine all inhibited cyclic nucleotide efflux. The efflux mediated by MRP4 and MRP5 did not lead to a proportional decrease in the intracellular cGMP or cAMP levels but reduced cGMP by maximally 2-fold over the first hour. This was also the case when phosphodiesterase-mediated cyclic nucleotide hydrolysis was inhibited by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, conditions in which efflux was maximal. These data indicate that MRP4 and MRP5 are low affinity cyclic nucleotide transporters that may at best function as overflow pumps, decreasing steep increases in cGMP levels under conditions where cGMP synthesis is strongly induced and phosphodiesterase activity is limiting.  相似文献   

We established stable human canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter (cMOAT/MRP2) cDNA transfectants, CHO/cMOAT from non-polarized Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 and LLC/cMOAT from polarized pig kidney epithelial LLC-PK1. Human cMOAT was mainly localized in the plasma membrane of CHO/cMOAT and in the apical membrane of LLC/cMOAT. The ATP-dependent uptake of leukotriene C4 (LTC4) into CHO/cMOAT membrane vesicles was enhanced compared with empty vector transfectants. Km values in CHO/cMOAT membrane vesicles were 0.24 microM for LTC4 and 175 microM for ATP. Drug sensitivity to vincristine and cisplatin in human cMOAT cDNA transfectants decreased, but not to etoposide. Cellular accumulation of vincristine and cisplatin in human cMOAT cDNA transfectants decreased, but not of etoposide. The uptake of LTC4 into CHO/cMOAT membrane vesicles was inhibited by exogenous administration of vincristine or cisplatin, but not that of etoposide. Moreover, this inhibition was more enhanced in the presence of glutathione. These consequences indicate that drug resistance to vincristine or cisplatin appears to be modulated by human cMOAT through transport of the agents, possibly in direct or indirect association with glutathione.  相似文献   

Cai J  Daoud R  Alqawi O  Georges E  Pelletier J  Gros P 《Biochemistry》2002,41(25):8058-8067
Mutations in the MRP gene family member MRP6 cause pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) in humans, a disease affecting elasticity of connective tissues. The normal function of MRP6, including its physiological substrate(s), remains unknown. To address these issues, recombinant rat Mrp6 (rMrp6) was expressed in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. The protein was expressed in the membrane fraction as a stable 170 kDa protein. Its nucleotide binding and hydrolysis properties were investigated using the photoactive ATP analogue 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP and compared to those of the drug efflux pump MRP1. rMrp6 can bind 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP in a Mg(2+)-dependent and EDTA-sensitive fashion. Co(2+), Mn(2+), and Ni(2+) can also support 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ATP binding by rMrp6 while Ca(2+), Cd(2+), and Zn(2+) cannot. Under hydrolysis conditions (at 37 degrees C), the phosphate analogue beryllium fluoride (BeF(x)()) can stimulate trapping of the 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]adenosine nucleotide in rMrp6 (and in MRP1) in a divalent cation-dependent and temperature-sensitive fashion. This suggests active ATPase activity, followed by trapping and photo-cross-linking of the 8-azido-[alpha-(32)P]ADP to the protein. By contrast to MRP1, orthovanadate-stimulated nucleotide trapping in rMrp6 does not occur in the presence of Mg(2+) but can be detected with Ni(2+) ions, suggesting structural and/or functional differences between the two proteins. The rMrp6 protein can be specifically photolabeled by a fluorescent photoactive drug analogue, [(125)I]-IAARh123, with characteristics similar to those previously reported for MRP1 (1), and this photolabeling of rMrp6 can be modulated by several structurally unrelated compounds. The P. pastoris expression system has allowed demonstration of ATP binding and ATP hydrolysis by rMrp6. In addition to providing large amounts of active protein for detailed biochemical studies, this system should also prove useful to identify potential rMrp6 substrates in [(125)I]-IAARh123 photolabeling competition studies, as well as to study the molecular basis of PXE mutations, which are most often found in the NBD2 of MRP6.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance proteins (MRPs) are ATP-dependent export pumps that mediate the export of organic anions. ABCC1 (MRP1), ABCC2 (MRP2) and ABCC3 (MRP3) are all able to facilitate the efflux of anionic conjugates including glutathione (GSH), glucuronide and sulfate conjugates of xenobiotics and endogenous molecules. Earlier studies showed that ABCC4 functions as an ATP-driven export pump for cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, as well as estradiol-17-beta-D-glucuronide. However, it was unclear if other conjugated metabolites can be transported by ABCC4. Hence in this study, a fluorescent substrate, bimane-glutathione (bimane-GS) was used to further examine the transport activity of ABCC4. Using cells stably overexpressing ABCC4, this study shows that ABCC4 can facilitate the efflux of the glutathione conjugate, bimane-glutathione. Bimane-glutathione efflux increased with time and >85% of the conjugate was exported after 15min. This transport was abolished in the presence of 2.5microM carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrasone (CCCP), an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. Inhibition was also observed with known inhibitors of MRP transporters including benzbromarone, verapamil and indomethacin. In addition, 100microM methotrexate, an ABCC4 substrate or 100microM 6-thioguanine (6-TG), a compound whose monophosphate metabolite is an ABCC4 substrate, reduced efflux by >40%. A concentration-dependent inhibition of bimane-glutathione efflux was observed with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) which is metabolized intracellularly to the glutathione conjugate, 2,4-dinitrophenyl-glutathione (DNP-GS). The determination that ABCC4 can mediate the transport of glucuronide and glutathione conjugates indicates that ABCC4 may play a role in the cellular extrusion of Phase II detoxification metabolites.  相似文献   

Organic acids (or anions) and organic bases (or cations) are transported by the renal tubules of nonmammalian vertebrates, but until recently the details of the transport processes have been poorly studied. Work with isolated perfused and nonperfused renal tubules and with membrane vesicles has now begun to supply information on the transepithelial transport processes and the transport steps at the individual cell membranes. The current information is reviewed for organic acids (or anions) as a general group, for urate (which generally appears to be transported by a separate system from that for other organic anions), and for organic bases (or cations) as a general group. Tentative cellular models for the transepithelial transport of each of these general categories of compounds are suggested.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) is a 190 kDa member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transmembrane transporters that is clinically relevant for its ability to confer multidrug resistance by actively effluxing anticancer drugs. Knowledge of the atomic structure of MRP1 is needed to elucidate its transport mechanism, but only low resolution structural data are currently available. Consequently, comparative modeling has been used to generate models of human MRP1 based on the crystal structure of the ABC transporter Sav1866 from Staphylococcus aureus. In these Sav1866-based models, the arrangement of transmembrane helices differs strikingly from earlier models of MRP1 based on the structure of the bacterial lipid transporter MsbA, both with respect to packing of the twelve helices and their interactions with the nucleotide binding domains. The functional importance of Tyr324 in transmembrane helix 6 predicted to project into the substrate translocation pathway was investigated.  相似文献   

The apical multidrug resistance protein MRP2 (symbol ABCC2) is an ATP-dependent export pump for anionic conjugates in polarized cells. MRP2 has only 48% amino acid identity with the paralog MRP1 (ABCC1). In this study we show that purified recombinant MRP2 reconstituted in proteoliposomes is functionally active in substrate transport. The Km values for ATP and LTC4 in the transport by MRP2 in proteoliposomes were 560 microM and 450 nM, respectively. This transport function of MRP2 in proteoliposomes was dependent on the amount of MRP2 protein present and was determined to 2.7 pmol x min(-1) x mg MRP2(-1) at 100 nM LTC4. Transport was competitively inhibited by the quinoline derivative MK571 with 50% inhibition at about 12 microM. Our data document the first reconstitution of transport-active purified recombinant MRP2. Binding and immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that MRP2 preferentially associates with the chaperone calnexin, but co-reconstitution studies using purified MRP2 and purified calnexin in proteoliposomes suggested that the LTC4 transport function of MRP2 is not dependent on calnexin. The purified, transport-active MRP2 may serve to identify additional interacting proteins in the apical membrane of polarized cells.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 4 (MRP4/ABCC4), transports cyclic nucleoside monophosphates, nucleoside analog drugs, chemotherapeutic agents, and prostaglandins. In this study we characterize ATP hydrolysis by human MRP4 expressed in insect cells. MRP4 hydrolyzes ATP (Km, 0.62 mm), which is inhibited by orthovanadate and beryllium fluoride. However, unlike ATPase activity of P-glycoprotein, which is equally sensitive to both inhibitors, MRP4-ATPase is more sensitive to beryllium fluoride than to orthovanadate. 8-Azido[alpha-32P]ATP binds to MRP4 (concentration for half-maximal binding approximately 3 microm) and is displaced by ATP or by its non-hydrolyzable analog AMPPNP (concentrations for half-maximal inhibition of 13.3 and 308 microm). MRP4 substrates, the prostaglandins E1 and E2, stimulate ATP hydrolysis 2- to 3-fold but do not affect the Km for ATP. Several other substrates, azidothymidine, 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine, and methotrexate do not stimulate ATP hydrolysis but inhibit prostaglandin E2-stimulated ATP hydrolysis. Although both post-hydrolysis transition states MRP4.8-azido[alpha-32P]ADP.Vi and MRP4.8-azido[alpha-32P]ADP.beryllium fluoride can be generated, nucleotide trapping is approximately 4-fold higher with beryllium fluoride. The divalent cations Mg2+ and Mn2+ support comparable levels of nucleotide binding, hydrolysis, and trapping. However, Co2+ increases 8-azido[alpha-32P]ATP binding and beryllium fluoride-induced 8-azido[alpha-32P]ADP trapping but does not support steady-state ATP hydrolysis. ADP inhibits basal and prostaglandin E2-stimulated ATP hydrolysis (concentrations for half-maximal inhibition 0.19 and 0.25 mm, respectively) and beryllium fluoride-induced 8-azido[alpha-32P]ADP trapping, whereas Pi has no effect up to 20 mm. In aggregate, our results demonstrate that MRP4 exhibits substrate-stimulated ATP hydrolysis, and we propose a kinetic scheme suggesting that ADP release from the post-hydrolysis transition state may be the rate-limiting step during the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Human organic anion transporting polypeptide 2 (OATP2/SLC21A6) and multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (MRP2/ABCC2) play important roles in the vectorial transport of organic anions across hepatocytes. In the present study, we have established a double-transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK II) cell monolayer, which expresses both OATP2 and MRP2 on basal and apical membranes, respectively. The basal-to-apical transport of 17 beta estradiol 17 beta-d-glucuronide (E(2)17 beta G), pravastatin, and leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4)), which are substrates of OATP2 and MRP2, was significantly higher than that in the opposite direction in the double-transfected cells. Such vectorial transport was also observed for taurolithocholate sulfate, which is transported by rat oatp1 and Mrp2. The K(m) values of E(2)17 beta G and pravastatin for the basal-to-apical flux were 27.9 and 24.3 microm, respectively, which were comparable with those reported for OATP2. Moreover, the MRP2-mediated export of E(2)17 beta G across the apical membrane was not saturated. In contrast, basal-to-apical transport of estrone-3-sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, which are significantly transported by OATP2, but not by MRP2, was not stimulated by MRP2 expression. The double-transfected MDCK II monolayer expressing both OATP2 and MRP2 may be used to analyze the hepatic vectorial transport of organic anions and to screen the transport profiles of new drug candidates.  相似文献   

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