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Jean-Pierre Suc 《Geobios》1976,9(6):741-767
The present study illustrates clearly how pollen analysis may be applied to stratigraphy from a botanical point of view. Within a chronologically reliable frame (Middle Pliocene for the marine deposits on the basis of Foraminifera record; two subzones for continental deposits on the basis of Mammals record: Hautimagne for Terrats fauna, Sète for Serrat-d'en-Vacquer fauna), palynology provides a good stratigraphical boundary: the extinction of the Taxodiaceae. In a remblayage area, it is established that a continental level is not necessarily younger than a marine one unless they are superposed. Many profiles are replaced according to the «progradation of the pliocene gulf of Roussillon. The boundary between marine and continental deposits cuts through the chronological line of the Taxodiaceae extinction. The flora investigated (93 taxa) is the first known for the Pliocene of this area. The extinction of the Taxodiaceae in southern France has a climatic cause: the setting in of a mediterranean rhythm (dry summers). This extinction is much older than the one which took place in Italy (Tiberian boundary) and in the Netherlands (Reuverian-Pretiglian boundary).  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of Apodemus,A. agustii, a Middle Pliocene Muridae from the Guadix-Baza basin. Its morphology is far from that postulated as more frequent in Apodemus: its molars crowns are relatively high: there is no connection between t6 and t9 in M1 and M2. Taking in account this and its age, it is placed in an evolutionary branch, convergent with “Rhagapodemus” morphotype.  相似文献   

Tyto balearica was described as an endemic insularform of Barn Owl from the Balearics. New remains referable to this species have been found in continental localities from Spain and Southern France, older than or contemporaneous with the Balearic sites. The great size of this species, comparatively to the recent European Barn Owl, Tyto alba, can be related to a diet including mainly large size rodents, larger than the preys which constitute the food of the recent European form. However the existence of a connection between the size of the Owl species studied and the high abundance of prey remains observed in every site is not excluded.  相似文献   

Only seven bovid species are present at Ahl al Oughlam: aTragelaphus (rare), a Bovine close toPelorovis ? praeafricanus but mostly known by teeth, a new species of kob (perhaps of an endemic lineage), aParmularius slightly more primitive than at Olduvai,Beatragus (mentioned for the first time in North Africa),Gazella thomasi, and a new species of gazelle noticeable by its nasal region. The Ahl al Oughlam bovids are in good agreement with an age of 2.5 Ma. They point towards an open and probably rather unfavourable, perhaps cold, environment.  相似文献   

In the Guadix-Baza basin, a continental sequence 0214 ranging from the Upper Miocene (Upper Turolian) to the Middle Pleistocene (Cromerian) has been established. An essay of biozonation by means of the Rodent succession is proposed, based on the following biozones: Trilophomys castroi, Mimomys occitanus, Mimomys cappetai, Mimomys cf. reidi, Mimomys ostramosensis, Allophaiomys pliocaenicus, Mimomys savini and Arvicola cantiana.  相似文献   

The fossil vertebrate locality of Laugnac is the type locality of the Neogene mammalian zone MN2b. It has yielded many remains of Suoidea belonging to two different genera.Xenohyus venitor is characterized by its large size and especially its large central upper incisors, I1/ and I2/. It is quite difficult to know its phyletic relationships because the material is not abundant.Hyotherium cf.meisneri is more abundant with a quite good skull, pieces of skull, jaws and isolated teeth. It belongs to a peculiar lineage different from that ofH. major from Saint Gérand-le-Puy, France. It has some similarities withAureliachoerus aurelianensis from later geological levels (MN3-MN5).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(4):227-234
Two viperid snakes, Vipera natiensis sp. n. (belonging to the Vipera aspis group) and Vipera sp., have been found in the Pliocene of Minorca. On the other hand, an indeterminate viperid extends back the fossil record of the family in the Balearic Islands, to the Middle Miocene. These fossils represent the first report of viperids from the Balearic Islands. Vertebra of Vipera natiensis sp. n. are characterised by a concave anterior border of zygosphene, dorsoventrally flattened, short (as wide as long) and blunt prezygapophyseal processes. Centrum convex in transverse section, subcentral margins poorly marked and presence of two well defined subcotylar tubercles. Hypapophysis located posteriorly on the centrum and not prolonged anteriorly, or only slightly prolonged as a keel. The dorsal border of the neural spine is slightly thickened; the posterior border of the neural spine is markedly inclined posteriorly; as a result, the spine forms a posterior point, which is more or less developed, depending on the position of the vertebra along the vertebral column. The presence of Viperidae in the Neogene of the Balearic Islands involves the existence of a terrestrial connection between this archipelago and the continent during the Early Miocene and/or Middle Miocene and perhaps the presence of a later connection during the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2007,6(3):211-220
New Giraffidae specimens discovered from the Late Miocene fossiliferous sector of Toros-Menalla (northern Chad) are described. These specimens are assigned to Bohlinia, a genus known so far only in some Late Miocene localities of Eurasia. This is the first occurrence of the genus in Africa. Analysis of the material allows us to describe a new species of giraffid, Bohlinia adoumi n. sp., probably close to the Eurasian forms.  相似文献   

Résumé  Parmi les nombreux squaliformes récoltés dans le Lutétien des Landes (SO de la France), deux genres et espèces nouveaux ont été reconnus:Squaliodalatias weltoni n. gen. n. sp. etAngoumeius paradoxus n. gen. n. sp. La morphologie dentaire du premier permet de le rapprocher des Dalatiidae. Les relations phylétiques du second taxon sont pour 1’instant moins claires, en raison de sa denture supérieure inhabituelle pour un Dalatiiforme aussi évolué au niveau de la denture inférieure. Ces taxa nouveaux viennent enrichir nos connaissances sur un groupe encore mal connu à l’état fossile en raison de son habitat bathyal ainsi que sur la mise en place et la radiation, encore trop peu documentée, des faunes profondes.   相似文献   

Study of a new species of an ursid, Hemicyon mayorali of Tarazona de Aragon in Spain. This species differs from the other species of the genus by the lengthening of the snout and the morphology of M2.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2005,4(3):265-274
A proposal of reconstruction of the second Homo erectus skull from Yunxian (China). In 1989 and 1990, two Homo erectus crania were recovered from Yunxian (Hubei province) in archaeological levels dated to more than 780 000 years. Considered along with Lantian, these skulls represent the oldest human remains discovered in China to date, constituting important palaeontological finds. Nevertheless, the crania were badly deformed during the course of fossilization, necessitating extensive cranial reconstruction. Of the two crania, only Yunxian II was in sufficient condition to carry out this reconstruction. Using sophisticated techniques only recently applied in human palaeontology, including computed tomography and rapid prototyping, and incorporating taphonomic and morphometrically-based hypotheses, we were able to correct virtually the deformation and to produce a 3D prototype of Yunxian II. To cite this article: A. Vialet et al., C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of Pliocene marine clays in coastal Alps paleogulfs is supported by biostratigraphic records according to foraminifers and accessorily to nannoplankton. From the seashore up to elevated areas, the region was occupied by forests mostly constituted by Gymnosperms (Taxodiaceae particularly). The Lower Pliocene vegetation was also characterized by local differences related to the substratum. Pollen assemblages changed in the Earliest Piacenzian; this event is probably to be related to a climatic fluctuation already evidenced in the Northwestern Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Résumé L'autoradiographie révèle, au niveau du pied, une incorporation massive et sélective de la 3H-Proline dans la glande blanche de Mytilus edulis. Cette étude a permis de suivre le processus qui mène de la synthèse de la sécrétion dans la partie basale des cellules jusqu'a son émission dans le sillon pédieux où elle participe à la formation du filament. La collagénase détruit la presque totalité du marquage, attestant ainsi la nature collagénique du produit sécrété. Les autres glandes pédieuses ainsi que la glande du byssus proprement dite, située à la base du pied, montrent une incorporation très faible, sans commune mesure avec celle de la glande blanche. Ceci démontre de façon définitive que le collagène présent dans le filament prend naissance dans cette glande et justifie la dénomination de glande du collagène. Des contrôles réalisés dans différentes régions (bords du manteau, manteau, branchies) montrent que l'injection du précurseur dans le bord palléal constitue une méthode satisfaisante pour marquer de façon relativement rapide et différentielle le collagène de la glande.
The collagen of the byssus in Mytilus edulis L.II. Autoradiographic study on the incorporation of 3H-Proline
Summary Autoradiographic studies reveal a strong specific incorporation of 3H-Proline in the white gland in the foot of Mytilus edulis. The author could trace the radioactive secretory product from its synthesis in the basal part of the cells down to its outflow into the pedial groove where it takes part in the formation of the filament. Purified collagenase takes out radioactivity from the sections. This observation confirms the collagenous nature of the secretion.The other foot-glands as well as the main byssus gland located at the base of the foot show but a very weak labelling not comparable with that of the white gland. This clearly evidences that the collagen occuring in the filament originates from the latter. The white gland may be properly called: collagen gland.Control sections through different parts of the body (mantle-edge, mantle, gills) confirm that our injection technique of the precursor into the palleal margin is a suitable method for a rather quick and specific labelling of the glandular collagen.
Cette note fait partie d'un travail pour l'obtention d'une thèse de doctorat.  相似文献   

The subfamily Candoninae is the most diversified group in the Upper Miocene freshwater deposits of the Turiec Basin (Slovakia). The presence of Candoninae morphologically related to recent as well as Central Paratethys species reveals a problem between taxonomy based on soft body (zoological classification) and taxonomy based on hard part (paleontological classification). The current zoological classification is applied which reflects the real taxonomical relationships between species. The accent was put on the carapace morphological details to distinguish the species. Three described groups (Candona candida, C. neglecta and Candona of group indet) contain 7 new species – Candona densa, C. mocki, C. imaginaria, C. margueritae, C. singularis, C. sirveni et C. vahica.  相似文献   

Masol is a geological formation located in the Northwestern Himalayan foothills. The lithostratigraphy attributed to the Late Pliocene was confirmed as early as the 1960s by faunal assemblage of the fossiliferous deposits called the Quranwala zone and then by paleomagnetism. The geomorphology is an inlier, incised around a part of the axis of the Chandigarh anticlinal which began to form 600,000 years ago. The UMR 7194 CNRS and the Society for Archaeological and Anthropological Research, Chandigarh, have conduct fieldworks in this area from 2007 to 2019, during which lithic artifacts and fossil bones with butchery marks were collected regularly and exclusively on the fossiliferous outcrops whose the Late Pliocene age is indisputable. Finally, the first chopper in place was extracted in 2017 in the deepest layer of the Quranwala zone. Ten years of geological studies over 50 hectares of silts and sandstones eroded annually, have consolidated the relevance of the Late Pliocene age of more than 300 artifacts scattered on both sides of the anticline axis. This dispersion is consistent with that of the butchery marks and makes Masol an exceptional site of human occupation by its extent and its duration, from the base of the Quranwala zone (at least 2.8 Ma) to its youngest layers, that corresponds to 50 meters of regular deposits. Here, we recall the geomorphology, the intentional origin of the cut marks and the lithic techno-typology of Masol collection 2008–2017, homogeneous and similar to the industry of Longgupo site in South China dated 2.5 Ma. Then we discuss the identity of the hominins on the basis of technical behaviors and subsistence strategies, the reasoned exploitation of carcasses and gestures, and the paleoenvironment. The whole is analyzed in the evolutionary perspective of a “cerebro-cerebellar” complexification Rubicon involved in the verticality of the brainstem and spinal cord specific to hominids.  相似文献   

The ability of the male gonad to convert androgens into estrogens is well known ; the microsomal enzymatic complex involved in this transformation is named aromatase and is composed of a specific cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom) and a ubiquitous reductase. Using a highly specific RT-PCR method we have measured the amount of P450arom mRNA in purified Leydig and Sertoli cells prepared from 20, 40 and 70–80 day-old rats. The amount of P450arom mRNA in the Leydig cells is independent of age (40 × 10−3 attomoles/μg of total RNA); in contrast, in the immature rat Sertoli cells, after 5 days of culture the amount of P450arom mRNA is 20-fold lower when compared to that of 20-day-old rat Sertoli cells (71 × 10−3 attomoles/μg of total RNA). Nevertheless, irrespective of the age, the addition of either FSH or dbcAMP for 6 h increases the level of P450arom mRNA in the rat Sertoli cell preparations. Therefore, we evidenced that during testicular maturation not only the Leydig cells but also the Sertoli cells of the rat have the capacity to express the gene for cytochrome P450 aromatase.  相似文献   

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