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Our understanding of the glossopterid gymnosperms from the Permian of Gondwana has recently been greatly enhanced through the study of anatomically preserved plant remains in cherts from several localities in Australia and Antarctica. Studies ofGlossopteris leaves, leaf-stem attachment, stem structure and wood anatomy,Vertebraria roots, ovule- and pollen-bearing reproductive structures and putative glossopterid pollen and ovules demonstrate that the glossopterids were a diverse group of sophisticated gymnosperms. Comparative studies of different Permian chert floras show that while some glossopterid elements are widespread, other taxa appear to be more localized in their distribution. As information from petrified plant-bearing cherts becomes available, it can be used to reconstruct whole glossopterid plants and establish their paleogeographic distribution.  相似文献   

A rachis of the fossil filicalean fern Botryopteris antiqua containing abundant septate hyphae with clamp connections is preserved in a late Visean (Mississippian; ~330 Ma) chert from Esnost (Autun Basin) in central France. Largely unbranched tubular hyphae pass from cell to cell, but may sometimes produce a branch from a clamp connection. Other clamp-bearing hyphae occur clustered in individual cells or small groups of adjacent host cells. These hyphae may be tubular, catenulate with numerous hyphal swellings, or they may display a combination of both. The Visean hyphae with clamp connections predate Palaeancistrus martinii, the heretofore oldest direct fossil evidence of Basidiomycota, by some 25 Ma.  相似文献   

Radiolarian cherts are locally intercalated, mostly as up to 45 m thick sequences of rhythmically bedded chert, in the Jurassic to Lower Tertiary Nicoya Ophiolite Complex of western and southern Costa Rica (Central America). Additionally, bedded chert is present in some Campanian and Paleocene/Eocene sedimentary series that overly the Nicoya Complex. The ophiolitic cherts may be thermally recrystallized to different grades due to post depositional basaltic magmatism. The radiolarian skeletons mainly consist of microquartz; complete dissolution of the skeletons, i.e. exclusive preservation of the fillings, is rare. The fillings are variable in composition: quartz, length-fast chalcedony, and quartz-pigment mixtures are dominant; opal-CT, clay minerals, chlorite, zeolites, baryte, manganese and iron oxides, epidote and calcite are subordinate. The non-siliceous minerals may locally replace the siliceous phases and/or intergrow with them. Thus, approximately 40 preservation types have been observed in the Costa Rican cherts. In combination with the different preservation grades, a large number of preservation variants is present. However, in the cherts of the Nicoya Complex quartz-rich preservation types are strongly dominant, whereas opal-CT, zeolites and calcite are more important in the cherts of the overlying sedimentary series. Types and grades of radiolarian preservation represent an important aid in the reconstruction of the postdepositional diagenetic and thermal history of the Costa Rican cherts.  相似文献   

We describe an assemblage of well-preserved, cuticle-bearing plant compressions collected from a single bed in the Upper Triassic of Timber Peak, East Antarctica. The flora is dominated by the seed fern Dicroidium, a morphogenus that is widespread and usually dominant in Middle to Late Triassic plant assemblages throughout Gondwana. Despite its common occurrence, the systematic classification of Dicroidium and its individual species remains problematic. This study demonstrates that a combination of macromorphological and cuticular features enables a suitable discrimination of Dicroidium species. The present Dicroidium assemblage is remarkably diverse and dominated by D. elongatum with subordinate proportions of D. odontopteroides, D. crassinervis, and a new species provisionally named D. sp. A. In addition, D. dubium, D. spinifolium, and D. coriaceum occur sporadically. We reinstitute D. spinifolium and propose an emended diagnosis. Other taxa present include putative bryophyte remains, Lepidopteris langlohensis, and Heidiphyllum elongatum. Another collection of plant fossils from a second plant-bearing horizon at Timber Peak consists of fragmentary remains of Cladophlebis sp. and H. elongatum. Epidermal and cuticular features of the Dicroidium fronds suggest that this flora flourished under favourable climatic conditions, although it was situated at latitudes of about 70° S and must have experienced long annual periods of darkness during the austral winter. The cuticles studied point to a short leaf lifespan and very high photosynthetic performance of Dicroidium fronds. We suggest that this leaf phenology has facilitated the Dicroidium plants to colonize the polar latitudes of the Triassic greenhouse world so successfully.  相似文献   

A sequence of nine, plant-macrofossil-bearing horizons has been recognized in the Lower Oligocene from the Isle of Wight, England. The plant fossils are contained in finely laminated, olive-brown to black silty-clays and clays. Some horizons exhibit rhythmic alternation of sediment couplets; others show evidence of bioturbation and rootlet penetration. These horizons are included within a sequence of finely laminated greenish grey silty-clays and clays, largely devoid of plant macrofossil material. The plant-bearing horizons contain abundant fruits, seeds, fern sporangia, Azolla megaspores, and rare leaves. The nearest living relatives of the fossils all inhabit an aquatic or marginal aquatic environment. The associated fossil fauna includes lake bottom and lake margin species. The palynoflora of the plant-bearing and immediately underlying horizons includes large numbers of planktonic algae and limited representatives of a forest vegetation. It shows a strong relationship between the occurrences of Sparganiaceaepollenites pollen and of Typha macrofossils. Palaeoecological interpretations of this plant-fossil-bearing sequence are discussed with particular reference to modern environments.
One new genus and three new species are described. Emendations are presented for four other species. Stratiotes leaf margin teeth are described.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,83(1):48-60
A bioaccumulation study was performed on Lake Averno, a volcanic lake close to Naples (southern Italy), to ascertain the degree of trace element contamination. Good information to assess spatial gradients of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, V and Zn contamination was provided by analysing Phragmites communis roots, Najas marina shoots, Potamogeton pectinatus leaves and surface sediments of Lake Averno collected from July 1999 to July 2000 at three sites in the littoral zone. The highest concentrations of the trace elements were measured in sediments and plants from the site where a nearby sewage outfall channel reaches the lake, the lowest at the site below woodland. Significant correlations were found between sediment and plant element concentrations. For almost all the elements, values 2–4-fold higher were found for the site affected by the sewage effluent. Among the plant species, Ph. communis is the most useful species in biomonitoring studies due to its ability to accumulate trace elements in the roots and its collectability throughout the year. Given the absence of systematic water quality monitoring, trace elements in plants, rather than sediments, provide a cost-effective means for assessing trace element accumulation in aquatic systems during plant organ lifespan.  相似文献   

Transformation rates of naphthalene, phenanthrene, and benzo[a]pyrene in oxidized surficial sediments of a polluted urban estuary, Boston Harbor, Mass., were determined over a period of 15 months. Three sites characterized by muddy sediments were selected to represent a >300-fold range of ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentration. Transformation rates were determined by a trace-level radiolabel PAH assay which accounted for PAH mineralization, the formation of polar metabolites, residue, and recovered parental PAHs in sediment slurries. Transformation rates of the model PAHs increased with increasing ambient PAH concentrations. However, turnover times for a given PAH were similar at all sites. The turnover times were as follows: naphthalene, 13.2 to 20.1 days; phenanthrene, 7.9 to 19.8 days, and benzo[a]pyrene, 53.7 to 82.3 days. At specific sites, rates were significantly affected by salinity, occasionally affected by temperature, but not affected by pH over the course of the study. Seasonal patterns of mineralization were observed for each of the PAHs at all sites. The timing of seasonal maxima of PAH mineralization varied from site to site. Seasonal potential heterotrophic activities as measured by acetate and glutamate mineralization rates did not always coincide with PAH mineralization maxima and minima, suggesting that the two processes are uncoupled in estuarine sediments.  相似文献   

Abstract The birds nest fern, Asplenium nidus, contributes greatly to the epiphytic biomass in the canopies of both south‐east Asia and tropical north Queensland rainforests. It is generally believed that their abundance and their capacity to store water is an important feature for habitat fragmentation in the canopy. We investigated the microclimate of A. nidus and the effects of severe drought periods on the A. nidus population over a 20‐year period, hypothesizing that water availability is the most important factor controlling the population under drought conditions. One of two neighbouring A. nidus plants of the same size and age was irrigated artificially before, during and after a significant dry period in 2000. By monitoring the microclimate within and around both ferns we were able to estimate that four continuous weeks of rainless weather completely dried out the accumulated humus of the non‐irrigated A. nidus fern. Prolonged dry periods were shown to kill the roots of A. nidus, which attach the fern to the bark and eventually the affected A. nidus on verticals stems fell to the ground. Periods longer than 8 weeks may even kill adult plants sitting in more protected branch forks. Analysis of the whole A. nidus population within the 1‐ha Canopy Crane plot and the determination of the morphological age of all plants enabled an evaluation of the historical development of the population. The oldest plant originated in 1985, just 1 year after the longest recorded drought for the site. We suspect that the 1984 drought killed every A. nidus plant within the study plot. Years with low recruitment coincide with years with long drought periods.  相似文献   

Plant root exudates increase nutrient availability and influence microbial communities including archaeal members. We examined the archaeal community inhabiting the rhizoplane of two contrasting vascular plants, Dulichium arundinaceum and Sarracenia purpurea, from an acidic bog in upstate NY. Multiple archaeal 16S rRNA gene libraries showed that methanogenic Archaea were dominant in the rhizoplane of both plants. In addition, the community structure (evenness) of the rhizoplane was found markedly different from the bulk peat. The archaeal community in peat from the same site has been found dominated by the E2 group, meanwhile the rhizoplane communities on both plants were co-dominated by Methanosarcinaceae (MS), rice cluster (RC)-I, and E2. Complementary T-RFLP analysis confirmed the difference between bulk peat and rhizoplane, and further characterized the dominance pattern of MS, RC-I, and E2. In the rhizoplane, MS was dominant on both plants although as a less variable fraction in S. purpurea. RC-I was significantly more abundant than E2 on S. purpurea, while the opposite was observed on D. arundinaceum, suggesting a plant-specific enrichment. Also, the statistical analyses of T-RFLP data showed that although both plants overlap in their community structure, factors such as plant type, patch location, and time could explain nearly a third of the variability in the dataset. Other factors such as water table, plant replicate, and root depth had a low contribution to the observed variance. The results of this study illustrate the general effects of roots and the specific effects of plant types on their nearby archaeal communities which in bog-inhabiting plants were mainly composed by methanogenic groups.  相似文献   

Upper Visean plant-bearing cherts have been discovered in association with others yielding a Stephanian A flora, in conglomerates (poudingue mosaïque) from the base of the Stephanian B at Grand'Croix. It confirms the distant source, from the Roanne region, of the Dinantian elements during the initial basin sedimentation and constitutes an excellent example of complex reworking of fossil plant material.  相似文献   

To elucidate the sensitivity of bog ecosystems to high levels of nitrogen (N) deposition, we investigated the fate of 15N-labeled N deposition in bog vegetation in the Netherlands, both at ambient and increased N deposition. We doubled N deposition by adding 5 g N m?2 y?1 as dissolved NH4NO3 during three growing seasons to large peat monoliths (1.1 m diameter) with intact bog vegetation kept in large outdoor containers. A small amount of 15N tracer was applied at the start of the second growing season, and its distribution among Sphagnum, vascular plant species, and peat was determined at the end of the third growing season. The 15N tracer was also applied to additional plots at the untreated field site to check for initial distribution. One week after addition, 79% of the total amount of 15N retrieved was found in the living Sphagnum layer and less than 10% had been captured by vascular plants. Fifteen months later, 63% of the total amount of 15N retrieved was still present in the living Sphagnum layer at ambient N deposition. Increased N deposition significantly reduced the proportion of 15N in Sphagnum and increased the amount of 15N in vascular plants. Deep-rooting vascular plant species were significantly more 15N enriched, suggesting that at higher atmospheric inputs N penetrates deeper into the peat. Our results provide the first direct experimental evidence for that which has often been suggested: Increased atmospheric N deposition will lead to increased N availability for vascular plants in ombrotrophic mires.  相似文献   

Within the Late Cretaceous mélange complex of the Izmir-Ankara suture zone in central Sakarya area, north-western Turkey, a megablock with radiolarian cherts associated with basaltic pillow lavas has been dated by radiolarians. The studied radiolarian assemblage and conodonts yielded an early Late Carnian age. This age is the oldest obtained from the chert blocks all along the suture belt and has important implications for the rifting/opening age of the Izmir-Ankara branch of the Tethys ocean in north-western Turkey. Based on this new data, it is concluded that during the Late Triassic the Izmir-Ankara seaway was connected to the other Tethyan oceanic branches and deep enough to provide chert sedimentation and exchange radiolarians with the main open oceans. It is further suggested that the long-lasting misinterpretation of a Liassic rifting/opening of the Izmir-Ankara ocean should be revised.  相似文献   

The Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous series encountered in South-East Tunisia, formely considered globally as Purbecko-Wealdian in age, has the most complete palaeobotanical record of all North-Gondwana. Thanks to the stratigraphical results of the last years and to new field researches, it was possible, for the first time, to evidence an Oxfordian flora at the base of this series (Bir Miteur Formation). This flora, constituted of impressions and axes of Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms, is encountered within different types of plant-bearing levels. The study of deposit facies and sequential analysis of this Oxfordian formation allowed the identification of corresponding sedimentary environments and to infer their palaeoecological meaning. The discovery of exceptional specimens provided new informations about the general morpho-anatomy of Alstaettia, a very peculiar tree fern of a now extinct type. This Oxfordian flora is an interesting key-point in the evolution of North-Gondwanian flora at the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition.  相似文献   

We compared DNA, pollen and macrofossil data obtained from Weichselian interstadial (age more than 40 kyr) and Holocene (maximum age 8400 cal yr BP) peat sediments from northern Europe and used them to reconstruct contemporary floristic compositions at two sites. The majority of the samples provided plant DNA sequences of good quality with success amplification rates depending on age. DNA and sequencing analysis provided five plant taxa from the older site and nine taxa from the younger site, corresponding to 7% and 15% of the total number of taxa identified by the three proxies together. At both sites, pollen analysis detected the largest (54) and DNA the lowest (10) number of taxa, but five of the DNA taxa were not detected by pollen and macrofossils. The finding of a larger overlap between DNA and pollen than between DNA and macrofossils proxies seems to go against our previous suggestion based on lacustrine sediments that DNA originates principally from plant tissues and less from pollen. At both sites, we also detected Quercus spp. DNA, but few pollen grains were found in the record, and these are normally interpreted as long-distance dispersal. We confirm that in palaeoecological investigations, sedimentary DNA analysis is less comprehensive than classical morphological analysis, but is a complementary and important tool to obtain a more complete picture of past flora.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings based on a palynological investigation of artificially accreting (plaggen) soils from the settlement of Village Bay, Hirta, in the St Kilda archipelago, which was perhaps the most distant and inhospitable outpost of sustained human habitation in the British Isles. The soils were developed principally through the addition of turf ash and seabird waste, although some ash may have been derived from upland peats. It is assumed that the woodland pollen signal (much lower in the soils than in an upland peat site nearby) represents off-island sources. Corylus avellana-type pollen (frequent in upland sites), along with Potentilla-type, may provide markers in the Village Bay profiles for the addition of ashed hillside turf, and possibly peat, to the plaggen soils. Cereal-type pollen is well represented through the profiles and is often strongly associated with the record for Chrysanthemum segetum (corn marigold), a frequent indicator of arable land. The Brassicaceae signal may partly reflect the cultivation of cabbages; Chelidonium majus (greater celandine) may have been grown for medicinal use. Soil mixing has rendered radiocarbon dating meaningless at this site, but the establishment of a change in cultivation regime before AD 1830 may have been identified from the patterns of pollen concentration and preservation in the profiles.  相似文献   

Paasikallio  A. 《Plant and Soil》1999,206(2):213-222
Biotite is a potassium rich mineral, which is used as a fertilizer in organic farming and as a soil amendment in conventional farming. Its ability to reduce 134Cs uptake by ryegrass from peat soil was studied in pot experiments and compared with zeolite, heavy clay, bentonite and apatite. In addition, the long-term effect of biotite on 137Cs uptake from peat soil was studied in the peat field. In the pot experiments in the first cut of ryegrass, the minerals decreased 134Cs uptake by plants in the following order: zeolite > heavy clay > bentonite > biotite > apatite. Apatite did not have any effect on the plant 134Cs level. In the later cuts, the uptake of 134Cs from biotite-treated soil decreased further while that from soils treated with other minerals remained unchanged or even increased. In general, 134Cs uptake by plants decreased with increasing mineral level. The decrease of 134Cs uptake became more efficient, especially at the early growth stage, by mixing small amounts of zeolite in biotite. The results of the field experiment indicated the long-term effect of biotite on reducing 134Cs uptake by plants. Biotite application rate was 30 t ha-1. The five-year mean of the plant/soil concentration ratio of 137Cs was 0.05 for biotite-treated soil, in contrast to 0.14 for the control soil. On the whole, biotite reduced considerably the 137Cs level of plants on peat soil and this effect was long-lasting. For an effective reduction of plant radiocesium a great quantity of biotite is needed and therefore it is most suitable for greenhouse cultivation where contaminated slightly decomposed peat is used as a growing medium.  相似文献   

Mineralization rates of peat from eroding peat islands in reservoirs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Reservoirs are sources of greenhouses gases to the atmosphere, primarily due to organic carbon mineralization in flooded plants and soils to carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Floating peat islands are common in reservoirs that inundated peatlands. These islands can decompose on mass, or small pieces of peat can erode from islands to decompose in the water column or on the bottom of reservoirs. Here we used large 450 liter sealed enclosures to measure mineralization rates of small peat pieces and larger peat blocks collected from floating peat islands. Mineralization rates were calculated by quantifying dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), CO2 and CH4 accumulation within the water and headspace of the enclosures over time. We found that peat did decompose under water, but rates of mineralization of peat pieces were not different than rates of mineralization of larger peat blocks. Mineralization rates ranged between 59 and l40 g C g–1 d–1. Peat pieces acidified the water, shifting the bicarbonate equilibrium to almost exclusively dissolved CO2, which was then readily able to flux to the atmosphere. We estimated that 2.4–5.6% of peat carbon was mineralized annually, suggesting that fluxes of CO2 and CH4 from reservoirs that flood peatlands could last at minimum 18–42 years from this carbon source alone.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Phosphorus from phytate, although constituting the main proportion of organic soil P, is unavailable to plants. Despite the well-known effects of rhizosphere trophic relationships on N mineralization, no work has been done yet on P mineralization. We hypothesized that the interactions between phytate-mineralizing bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi and bacterial grazer nematodes are able to improve plant P use from phytate.


We tested this hypothesis by growing Pinus pinaster seedlings in agar containing phytate as P source. The plants, whether or not ectomycorrhizal with the basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum, were grown alone or with a phytase-producing bacteria Bacillus subtilis and two bacterial-feeder nematodes, Rhabditis sp. and Acrobeloides sp. The bacteria and the nematodes were isolated from ectomycorrhizal roots and soil from P. pinaster plantations.


Only the grazing of bacteria by nematodes enhanced plant P accumulation. Although plants increased the density of phytase-producing bacteria, these bacteria alone did not improve plant P nutrition. The seedlings, whether ectomycorrhizal or not, displayed a low capacity to use P from phytate.


In this experiment, the bacteria locked up the phosphorus, which was delivered to plant only by bacterial grazers like nematodes. Our results open an alternative route for better utilization of poorly available organic P by plants.  相似文献   

A level with fern stumps was discovered in the Aptian Douiret Formation, South-Tunisia. These stumps are preserved as external moulds or casts, without any preservation of anatomical structures. These stumps are considered to be affiliated with the numerous fossil plants assigned to the fern genera Alstaettia and Piazopteris that are widely distributed in coeval strata from the same region, either as leaf imprints or as permineralized remains. The record of in situ fossil forests for the Southern Hemisphere reveals that their systematic components are different, i.e. mainly corystosperms and/or conifers, and rarely under tidal influence. The way this fern grove settled in a margino-littoral environment is discussed.  相似文献   

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