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The digestive enzyme chitinase degrades chitin, and is found in a wide range of organisms, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. Although mammals cannot synthesize or assimilate chitin, several proteins of the glycoside hydrolase (GH) chitinase family GH18, including some with enzymatic activity, have recently been identified from mammalian genomes. Consequently, there is growing interest in molecular evolution of this family of proteins. Here we report on the use of maximum likelihood methods to test for evidence of positive selection in three genes of the chitinase family GH18, all of which are found in mammals. These focal genes are CHIA, CHIT1 and CHI3L1, which encode the chitinase proteins acidic mammalian chitinase, chitotriosidase and cartilage protein 39, respectively. The results of our analyses indicate that each of these genes has undergone independent selective pressure in their evolution. Additionally, we have found evidence of a signature of positive natural selection, with most sites identified as being subject to adaptive evolution located in the catalytic domain. Our results suggest that positive selection on these genes stems from their function in digestion and/or immunity.  相似文献   

Pujolar JM  Pogson GH 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(23):4968-4982
Gamete recognition proteins commonly experience positive Darwinian selection and evolve more rapidly than nonreproductive proteins, but the selective forces responsible for their adaptive diversification remain unclear. We examined the patterns of positive selection in the cognate interacting pair of proteins formed by sperm bindin and its egg receptor (EBR1) and in two regions of the sea urchin sperm receptor for egg jelly suREJ3 gene (exons 22 and 26) among four species of Strongylocentrotus sea urchins (S. purpuratus, S. droebachiensis, S. pallidus and S. franciscanus). The signatures of selection differed at each reproductive protein. A strong signal of positive selection was detected at bindin in all lineages even though the species compared had highly variable gamete traits and experience different intensities and forms of sexual selection and sexual conflict in nature. Weaker selection was observed at EBR1 but the small region studied precluded a clear understanding of the extent of sexual conflict between bindin and the EBR1 protein. At the suREJ3 locus, diversifying selection was observed in exon 22 but not exon 26, suggesting that these regions experience different selective pressures and evolutionary constraints. Positive selection was also detected within S. pallidus at suREJ‐22 because of the presence of 12 amino acid replacement mutations segregating at frequencies >0.10. Our results suggest that sexual conflict may be the predominant evolutionary mechanism driving the rapid diversification of reproductive proteins between, and polymorphism within, strongylocentrotid sea urchins.  相似文献   

Genes with a role in fertilization show a common pattern of rapid evolution. The role played by positive selection versus lack of selective constraints has been more difficult to establish. One problem arises from attempts to detect selection in an overall gene sequence analysis. I have analyzed the pattern of molecular evolution of fertilin, a gene coding for a heterodimeric sperm protein belonging to the ADAM (A disintegrin and A metalloprotease) gene family. A nonsynonymous to synonymous rate ratio (d(N)/d(S)) analysis for different protein domains of fertilin alpha and fertilin beta showed d(N)/d(S) < 1, suggesting that purifying selection has shaped fertilin's evolution. However, an analysis of the distribution of single positively selected codon sites using phylogentic analysis by maximum likelihood (PAML) showed sites within adhesion domains (disintegrin and cysteine-rich) of fertilin beta evolving under positive selection. The region 3' to the EGF-like domain of fertilin alpha, where the transmembrane and cytoplasmic tail regions are supposed to be localized, showed higher d(N) and d(S) than any other fertilin alpha region. However, it was not possible to identify positively selected codon sites due to ambiguous alignments of the carboxy-end region (ClustalX vs. DiAlign2). When this region was excluded from the PAML analysis, most single positively selected codon sites were concentrated within adhesion domains (cysteine-rich and EGF-like). The use of an ancestral sequence prior to a recent duplication event of fertilin alpha among non-Hominidae primates (Macaca, Papio, and Saguinus) revealed that the duplication is partially responsible for masking the detection of positively selected sites within the disintegrin domain. Finally, most ADAM genes with a potential role in sperm maturation and/or fertilization showed significantly higher d(N) estimates than other ADAM genes.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify all fast-evolving genes between human and other primates, we found three glycophorins, GPA, GPB, and GPE, to have the highest rate of nonsynonymous substitutions among the 280 genes surveyed. The Ka/Ks ratios are generally greater than 3 for GPA, GPB, and GPE in human, chimpanzee, and gorilla, indicating positive selection. The uniformly high substitution rate across loci can be explained by the frequent sequence exchanges among genes. GPA is the receptor for the binding ligand EBA-175 of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. The levels of nonsynonymous divergence and polymorphism of EBA-175 are also the highest in the genome of P. falciparum. We hypothesize that GPA has been evolving rapidly to evade malaria parasites. Both the high rate of nonsynonymous substitutions and the frequent interlocus conversions may be means of evasion. The support for the evasion hypothesis is still indirect, but, unlike other hypotheses, it can be tested specifically and systematically.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death crucial for development, homeostasis, immunity, spermatogenesis, and prevention of cancer. Positive selection acting on mammalian apoptosis related genes targets protein interfaces that interact with pathogens and also elements of signaling complexes. Selection appears primarily to be driven by the immune/defense related function of these genes. Moreover, competitive interactions could be driving positive selection among sperm cells, as well as the need for protection against female anti-sperm immune responses. Trade-offs in fitness are expected out of these selective pressures, which could explain the involvement of these genes in various diseases, including cancer.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that forms of antagonistic coevolution have forged strong links between positive selection at the molecular level and increased cancer risk. By this hypothesis, evolutionary conflict between males and females, mothers and foetuses, hosts and parasites, and other parties with divergent fitness interests has led to rapid evolution of genetic systems involved in control over fertilization and cellular resources. The genes involved in such systems promote cancer risk as a secondary effect of their roles in antagonistic coevolution, which generates evolutionary disequilibrium and maladaptation. Evidence from two sources: (1) studies on specific genes, including SPANX cancer/testis antigen genes, several Y-linked genes, the pem homebox gene, centromeric histone genes, the breast cancer gene BRCA1, the angiogenesis gene ANG, cadherin genes, cytochrome P450 genes, and viral oncogenes; and (2) large-scale database studies of selection on different functional categories of genes, supports our hypothesis. These results have important implications for understanding the evolutionary underpinnings of cancer and the dynamics of antagonistically-coevolving molecular systems.  相似文献   

Prevailing evolutionary forces are typically deduced from the pattern of differences in synonymous and non-synonymous mutations, under the assumption of neutrality in the absence of amino acid change. We determined the complete sequence of ten vesicular stomatitis virus populations evolving under positive selection. A significant number of the mutations occurred independently in two or more strains, a process known as parallel evolution, and a substantial fraction of the parallel mutations were silent. Parallel evolution was also identified in non-coding regions. These results indicate that silent mutations can significantly contribute to adaptation in RNA viruses, and relative frequencies of synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions may not be useful to resolve their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Accessory gland proteins (Acps) are part of the seminal fluid of male Drosophila flies. Some Acps have exceptionally high evolutionary rates and evolve under positive selection. Proper interactions between Acps and female reproductive molecules are essential for fertilization. These observations lead to suggestions that fast evolving Acps could be involved in speciation by promoting reproductive incompatibilities between emerging species. To test this hypothesis, we used population genetics data for three sibling species: D. mayaguana, D. parisiena and D. straubae. The latter two species are morphologically very similar and show only incipient reproductive isolation. This system allowed us to examine Acp evolution at different time frames with respect to speciation and reproductive isolation. Comparing data of 14 Acp loci with data obtained for other genomic regions, we found that some Acps show extraordinarily high levels of divergence between D. mayaguana and its two sister species D. parisiena and D. straubae. This divergence was likely driven by adaptive evolution at several loci. No fixed nucleotide differences were found between D. parisiena and D. straubae, however. Nevertheless, some Acp loci did show significant differentiation between these species associated with signs of positive selection; these loci may be involved in this early phase of the speciation process.  相似文献   

Hsp70s are a ubiquitous family of highly conserved proteins. Hsp70s are chaperones and have important roles in both protein folding and thermotolerance. It has been widely assumed that Hsp70 sequence evolution is governed by the strong functional constraints imposed by its crucial cellular functions. In this study of cytosolic heat-inducible Hsp70s from three spider families, we have found clear evidence of positive natural selection altering Hsp70s in desert-dwelling and heat-loving Diguetidae spiders. These spiders are a small family restricted to deserts. They display heat-tolerant behaviours not seen in their closest relatives, the Pholcidae and Plectreuridae.  相似文献   

The enlargement of cetacean brain size represents an enigmatic event in mammalian evolution, yet its genetic basis remains poorly explored. One candidate gene associated with brain size evolution is the abnormal spindle-like microcephaly associated (ASPM), as mutations in this gene cause severe reductions in the cortical size of humans. Here, we investigated the ASPM gene in representative cetacean lineages and previously published sequences from other mammals to test whether the expansion of the cetacean brain matched adaptive ASPM evolution patterns. Our analyses yielded significant evidence of positive selection on the ASPM gene during cetacean evolution, especially for the Odontoceti and Delphinoidea lineages. These molecular patterns were associated with two major events of relative brain size enlargement in odontocetes and delphinoids. It is of particular interest to find that positive selection was restricted to cetaceans and primates, two distant lineages both characterized by a massive expansion of brain size. This result is suggestive of convergent molecular evolution, although no site-specific convergence at the amino acid level was found.  相似文献   

Positive diversifying selection in avian Mx genes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Berlin S  Qu L  Li X  Yang N  Ellegren H 《Immunogenetics》2008,60(11):689-697
Mx proteins are interferon-induced GTPases that confer antiviral activities against RNA viruses. We analysed the molecular evolution of the Mx gene in birds using data on interspecific divergence in anseriform and galliform birds, and on intraspecific diversity in commercial chicken lines, local Chinese chicken breeds as well as in the mallard. The overall ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous substitution was unusually high, 0.80, indicating relaxed constraint or positive selection. Evidence for the latter was provided by that a total of 11–18 codons were found to have evolved under positive selection. The great majority of these codons are located in a region unique to birds at the N-terminal end of the Mx protein. We found an excess of non-synonymous polymorphisms relative to synonymous variants in all comparisons. This, together with positive Tajima’s D values in the local Chinese chicken breeds and in the mallard suggests that balancing selection is acting in avian Mx genes. As such, Mx mimics the major histocompatibility complex system, indicating that heterozygous individuals are better off withstanding pathogen attack. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. S.B. and L.Q. contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The identification of the candidate genes that play key role in phenotypic variation in livestock populations can provide new information about evolution and positive selection. IL‐33 (71954) (Interleukin) gene is associated with the increased nematode resistance in small ruminants; however, the role of IL‐33 for the genetic control of different diseases in Chinese goat breeds is poorly described in scientific literature. Therefore, the current investigation was performed for the better understanding of the molecular evolution and the positive selection of single‐nucleotide polymorphism in IL‐33 gene. Fixation Index (FST)‐based method was used for the outlier loci determination and found that IL‐33 was present in outlier area with the provisional combined allocation of mean heterozygosity and FST. Positively selected IL‐33 gene was significantly, that is, p(Simul FST < sample FST = 0.98*) present in corresponding positive selection area. Hence, our study provided novel information about the nucleotide variations in IL‐33 gene and found to be nonsynonymous which may helpful for the genetic control of diseases by enhancing the immune system in local Chinese goat breeds as well as in other analyzed vertebrate species.  相似文献   

We used a combined evolutionary and experimental approach tobetter understand enzyme functional divergence within the SABATHgene family of methyltransferases (MTs). These enzymes catalyzethe formation of a variety of secondary metabolites in plants,many of which are volatiles that contribute to floral scentand plant defense such as methyl salicylate and methyl jasmonate.A phylogenetic analysis of functionally characterized membersof this family showed that salicylic acid methyltransferase(SAMT) forms a monophyletic lineage of sequences found in severalflowering plants. Most members of this lineage preferentiallymethylate salicylic acid (SA) as compared with the structurallysimilar substrate benzoic acid (BA). To investigate if positiveselection promoted functional divergence of this lineage ofenzymes, we performed a branch-sites test. This test showedstatistically significant support (P < 0.05) for positiveselection in this lineage of MTs (dN/dS = 10.8). A high posteriorprobability (pp = 0.99) identified an active site methionineas the only site under positive selection in this lineage. Toinvestigate the potential catalytic effect of this positivelyselected codon, site-directed mutagenesis was used to replaceMet with the alternative amino acid (His) in a Datura wrightiifloral–expressed SAMT sequence. Heterologous expressionof wild-type and mutant D. wrightii SAMT in Escherichia colishowed that both enzymes could convert SA to methyl salicylateand BA to methyl benzoate. However, competitive feeding withequimolar amounts of SA and BA showed that the presence of Metin the active site of wild-type SAMT resulted in a >10-foldhigher amount of methyl salicylate produced relative to methylbenzoate. The Met156His-mutant exhibited little differentialpreference for the 2 substrates because nearly equal amountsof methyl salicylate and methyl benzoate were produced. Evolutionof the ability to discriminate between the 2 substrates by SAMTmay be advantageous for efficient production of methyl salicylate,which is important for pollinator attraction as well as pathogenand herbivore defense. Because BA is a likely precursor forthe biosynthesis of SA, SAMT might increase methyl salicylatelevels directly by preferential methylation and indirectly byleaving more BA to be converted into SA.  相似文献   

To reach a functional and energetically stable conformation, many proteins need molecular helpers called chaperonins. Among the group II chaperonins, CCT proteins provide crucial machinery for the stabilization and proper folding of several proteins in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells through interactions that are subunit-specific and geometry-dependent. CCT proteins are made up of eight different subunits, all with similar sequences, positioned in a precise arrangement. Each subunit has been proposed to have a specialized function during the binding and folding of the CCT protein substrate. Here, we demonstrate that functional divergence occurred after several CCT duplication events due to the fixation of amino acid substitutions by positive selection. Sites critical for ATP binding and substrate binding were found to have undergone positive selection and functional divergence predominantly in subunits that bind tubulin but not actin. Furthermore, we show clear functional divergence between CCT subunits that bind the C-terminal domains of actin and tubulin and those that bind the N-terminal domains. Phylogenetic analyses could not resolve the deep relationships between most subunits, except for the groups alpha/beta/eta and delta/epsilon, suggesting several almost simultaneous ancient duplication events. Together, the results support the idea that, in contrast to homo-oligomeric chaperonins such as GroEL, the high divergence level between CCT subunits is the result of positive selection after each duplication event to provide a specialized role for each CCT subunit in the different steps of protein folding.  相似文献   

It is well known that the expression noise is lessened by natural selection for genes that are important for cell growth or are sensitive to dosage. In theory, expression noise can also be elevated by natural selection when noisy gene expression is advantageous. Here we analyze yeast genome‐wide gene expression noise data and show that plasma‐membrane transporters show significantly elevated expression noise after controlling all confounding factors. We propose a model that explains why and under what conditions elevated expression noise may be beneficial and subject to positive selection. Our model predicts and the simulation confirms that, under certain conditions, expression noise also increases the evolvability of gene expression by promoting the fixation of favorable expression level‐altering mutations. Indeed, yeast genes with higher noise show greater between‐strain and between‐species divergences in expression, even when all confounding factors are excluded. Together, our theoretical model and empirical results suggest that, for yeast genes such as plasma‐membrane transporters, elevated expression noise is advantageous, is subject to positive selection, and is a facilitator of adaptive gene expression evolution.  相似文献   

Natural selection in avian protein-coding genes expressed in brain   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The evolution of birds from theropod dinosaurs took place approximately 150 million years ago, and was associated with a number of specific adaptations that are still evident among extant birds, including feathers, song and extravagant secondary sexual characteristics. Knowledge about the molecular evolutionary background to such adaptations is lacking. Here, we analyse the evolution of > 5000 protein-coding gene sequences expressed in zebra finch brain by comparison to orthologous sequences in chicken. Mean d N/ d S is 0.085 and genes with their maximal expression in the eye and central nervous system have the lowest mean d N/ d S value, while those expressed in digestive and reproductive tissues exhibit the highest. We find that fast-evolving genes (those which have higher than expected rate of nonsynonymous substitution, indicative of adaptive evolution) are enriched for biological functions such as fertilization, muscle contraction, defence response, response to stress, wounding and endogenous stimulus, and cell death. After alignment to mammalian orthologues, we identify a catalogue of 228 genes that show a significantly higher rate of protein evolution in the two bird lineages than in mammals. These accelerated bird genes, representing candidates for avian-specific adaptations, include genes implicated in vocal learning and other cognitive processes. Moreover, colouration genes evolve faster in birds than in mammals, which may have been driven by sexual selection for extravagant plumage characteristics.  相似文献   

It is widely established that proteins involved in reproduction diverge between species more quickly than other proteins. For male sperm proteins, rapid divergence is believed to be caused by postcopulatory sexual selection and/or sexual conflict. Here, we derive the expected levels of gene diversity within populations and divergence between them for male sperm protein genes evolving by postcopulatory, prezygotic fertility competition, i.e. the function imputed for some sperm and seminal fluid genes. We find that, at the mutation‐selection equilibrium, both gene diversity within species and divergence between them are elevated relative to genes with similar selection coefficients expressed by both sexes. We show that their expected level of diversity is a function of the harmonic mean number of mates per female, which affects the strength of fertility selection stemming from male–male sperm competition. Our predictions provide a null hypothesis for distinguishing between other selective hypotheses accounting for the rapid evolution of male reproductive genes.  相似文献   

In this article we explore the evolutionary history of a functional complex at the molecular level in plethodontid salamanders. The complex consists of a proteinaceous courtship pheromone, a pheromone-producing gland on the male's chin, and a set of behaviors for delivering the pheromone to the female. Long-term evolutionary stasis is the defining feature of this complex at both the morphological and behavioral levels. However, our previous assessment of the pheromone gene, plethodontid receptivity factor (PRF), revealed rapid evolution at the molecular level despite stasis at higher levels of organization. Analysis of a second pheromone gene, sodefrin precursor-like factor (SPF), now indicates that evolutionary decoupling in this complex is pervasive. The evolutionary profiles of SPF and PRF are remarkably similar in that: (a) both genes exhibit high levels of sequence diversity both within and across taxa, (b) genetic diversity has been driven by strong positive selection, and (c) the genes have evolved heterogeneously in different salamander lineages. The composition of the pheromone signal as a whole, however, has experienced an extraordinary evolutionary transition. Whereas SPF has been retained throughout the 100 MY radiation of salamanders, PRF has only recently been recruited to a pheromone function (27 million years ago). When SPF and PRF coexist in the same clade, they show contrasting patterns of evolution. When one shows rapid evolution driven by positive selection, the other shows neutral divergence restrained by purifying selection. In one clade, the origin and subsequent rapid evolution of PRF appear to have interfered with the evolution and persistence of SPF, leading to a pattern of evolutionary replacement. Overall, these two pheromone genes provide a revealing window on the dynamics that drive the evolution of multiple traits in a signaling complex.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of the deadliest form of malaria, is a member of the Laverania subgenus, which includes ape‐infecting parasites. P. falciparum is thought to have originated in gorillas, although infection is now restricted to humans. Laverania parasites display remarkable host‐specificity, which is partially mediated by the interaction between parasite ligands and host receptors. We analyse the evolution of BSG (basigin) and GYPA (glycophorin A) in primates/hominins, as well as of their Plasmodium‐encoded ligands, PfRH5 and PfEBA175. We show that, in primates, positive selection targeted two sites in BSG (F27 and H102), both involved in PfRH5 binding. A population genetics–phylogenetics approach detected the strongest selection for the gorilla lineage: one of the positively selected sites (K191) is a major determinant of PfRH5 binding affinity. Analysis of RH5 genes indicated episodic selection on the P. falciparum branch; the positively selected W447 site is known to stabilize the interaction with human basigin. Conversely, we detect no selection in the receptor‐binding region of EBA175 in the P. falciparum lineage. Its host receptor, GYPA, shows evidence of positive selection in all hominid lineages; selected codons include glycosylation sites that modulate PfEBA175 binding affinity. Data herein provide an evolutionary explanation for species‐specific binding of the PfRH5‐BSG ligand–receptor pair and support the hypothesis that positive selection at these genes drove the host shift leading to the emergence of P. falciparum as a human pathogen.  相似文献   

The social structure of populations plays a key role in shaping variation in sexual selection. In nature, sexual selection occurs in communities of interacting species; however, heterospecifics are rarely included in characterizations of social structure. Heterospecifics can influence the reproductive outcomes of intrasexual competition by interfering with intraspecific sexual interactions (interspecific reproductive interference [IRI]). We outline the need for studies of sexual selection to incorporate heterospecifics as part of the social environment. We use simulations to show that classic predictions for the effect of social structure on sexual selection are altered by an interaction between social structure and IRI. This interaction has wide‐ranging implications for patterns of sexual conflict and kin‐selected reproductive strategies in socially structured populations. Our work bridges the gap between sexual selection research on social structure and IRI, and highlights future directions to study sexual selection in interacting communities.  相似文献   

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