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An improved assay for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of mutant DNA using a combination of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probes, a cationic conjugated polymer (CCP) and non-ionic surfactant is reported. A comparison between CCP/surfactant and CCP alone shows enhancement in the discrimination between mutant and wild type DNA by a factor of two. A discrimination factor of 70% and 92% was calculated for single and five bases mismatched mutants, respectively when using CCP/surfactant. Furthermore, CCP/surfactant provides a strong emissive donor which increases signal to noise ratio and prevents fluctuation in the output signal caused by the suspension nature of the CCP (due to polymer aggregation) in water. The fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) ratio which defined as the ratio of PL emission of the acceptor to that of the donor, was found to be 20% better when the location of the mutation is five bases away from the duplex terminal compared to that in the centre of the duplex. The enhance discrimination referred to the difference in the FRET and reabsorption rates in different types of duplex. The FRET ratio can be very sensitive to the sample excitation strength, emission collection and spectrometer setting.  相似文献   

An efficient procedure for genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has been and will be increasingly utilized in various genetic disciplines, particularly in studying genetic determinants of complex diseases. Such studies will be facilitated by rapid, simple, low cost and high throughput methodologies for SNP genotyping. One such method is reported here, named tetra-primer ARMS-PCR, which employs two primer pairs to amplify, respectively, the two different alleles of a SNP in a single PCR reaction. A computer program for designing primers was developed. Tetra-primer ARMS-PCR was combined with microplate array diagonal gel electrophoresis, gaining the advantage of high throughput for gel-based resolution of tetra-primer ARMS-PCR products. The technique was applied to analyse a number of SNPs and the results were completely consistent with those from an independent method, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis.  相似文献   

Due to the surge in interest in using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for genotyping a facile and affordable method for this is an absolute necessity. Here we introduce a procedure that combines an easily automatable single tube sample preparation with an efficient high throughput mass spectrometric analysis technique. Known point mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms are easily analysed by this procedure. It starts with PCR amplification of a short stretch of genomic DNA, for example an exon of a gene containing a SNP. By shrimp alkaline phosphatase digest residual dNTPs are destroyed. Allele-specific products are generated using a special primer, a conditioned set of α-S-dNTPs and α-S-ddNTPs and a fresh DNA polymerase in a primer extension reaction. Unmodified DNA is removed by 5′-phosphodiesterase digestion and the modified products are alkylated to increase the detection sensitivity in the mass spectrometric analysis. All steps of the preparation are simple additions of solutions and incubations. The procedure operates at the lowest practical sample volumes and in contrast to other genotyping protocols with mass spectrometric detection requires no purification. This reduces the cost and makes it easy to implement. Here it is demonstrated in a version using positive ion detection on described mutations in exon 17 of the amyloid precursor protein gene and in a version using negative ion detection on three SNPs of the granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor gene. Preparation and analysis of SNPs is shown separately and simultaneously, thus demonstrating the multiplexibility of this genotyping procedure. The preparation protocol for genotyping is adapted to the conditions used for the SNP discovery method by denaturing HPLC, thus demonstrating a facile link between protocols for SNP discovery and SNP genotyping. Results corresponded unanimously with the control sequencing. The procedure is useful for high throughput genotyping as it is required for gene identification and pharmacogenomics where large numbers of DNA samples have to be analysed. We have named this procedure the ‘GOOD Assay’ for SNP analysis.  相似文献   

A new MALDI-TOF based detection assay was developed for analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). It is a significant modification on the classic three-step minisequencing method, which includes a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), removal of excess nucleotides and primers, followed by primer extension in the presence of dideoxynucleotides using modified thermostable DNA polymerase. The key feature of this novel assay is reliance upon deoxynucleotide mixes, lacking one of the nucleotides at the polymorphic position. During primer extension in the presence of depleted nucleotide mixes, standard thermostable DNA polymerases dissociate from the template at positions requiring a depleted nucleotide; this principal was harnessed to create a genotyping assay. The assay design requires a primer- extension primer having its 3'-end one nucleotide upstream from the interrogated site. The assay further utilizes the same DNA polymerase in both PCR and the primer extension step. This not only simplifies the assay but also greatly reduces the cost per genotype compared to minisequencing methodology. We demonstrate accurate genotyping using this methodology for two SNPs run in both singleplex and duplex reactions. We term this assay nucleotide depletion genotyping (NUDGE). Nucleotide depletion genotyping could be extended to other genotyping assays based on primer extension such as detection by gel or capillary electrophoresis.  相似文献   

We present a simple and novel assay—employing a universal molecular beacon (MB) in the presence of Hg2+—for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) based on Hg2+–DNA complexes inducing a conformational change in the MB. The MB (T7-MB) contains a 19-mer loop and a stem of a pair of seven thymidine (T) bases, a carboxyfluorescein (FAM) unit at the 5′-end, and a 4-([4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]azo)benzoic acid (DABCYL) unit at the 3′-end. Upon formation of Hg2+–T7-MB complexes through T–Hg2+–T bonding, the conformation of T7-MB changes from a random coil to a folded structure, leading to a decreased distance between the FAM and DABCYL units and, hence, increased efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between the FAM and DABCYL units, resulting in decreased fluorescence intensity of the MB. In the presence of complementary DNA, double-stranded DNA complexes form (instead of the Hg2+–T7-MB complexes), with FRET between the FAM and DABCYL units occurring to a lesser extent than in the folded structure. Under the optimal conditions (20 nM T7-MB, 20 mM NaCl, 1.0 μM Hg2+, 5.0 mM phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.4), the linear plot of the fluorescence intensity against the concentration of perfectly matched DNA was linear over the range 2–30 nM (R2 = 0.991), with a limit of detection of 0.5 nM at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. This new probe provides higher selectivity toward DNA than that exhibited by conventional MBs.  相似文献   

L-ficolin (ficolin-2) is a complement-activating pattern-recognition lectin taking part in the innate immune response. Both its serum concentration and sugar binding capacity are influenced by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the corresponding FCN2 gene. Cost-effective and simple procedures, based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism for an investigation of four FCN2 SNPs are proposed: ?64 A?>?C (rs7865453), ?4 A?>?G (rs17514136; both located in the promoter region), +6359 C?>?T (rs17549193), +6424 G?>?T (rs7851696; both in exon 8). Variant alleles of ?64 and +6424 (in strong linkage disequlibrium) are known to be associated with low L-ficolin level or activity. In contrast, variant alleles at positions ?4 and +6359 (also in strong linkage disequlibrium) correspond to higher values. Since several L-ficolin clinical associations have been reported, FCN2 genotyping seems to be a valuable tool for disease association studies.  相似文献   

In the future, analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) should become a powerful tool for many genetic applications in areas such as association studies, pharmacogenetics and traceability in the agro-alimentary sector. A number of technologies have been developed for high-throughput genotyping of SNPs. Here we present the simplified GOOD assay for SNP genotyping by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI). The simplified GOOD assay is a single-tube, purification-free, three-step procedure consisting of PCR, primer extension and phosphodiesterase II digestion followed by mass spectrometric analysis. Due to the application of charge-tag technology, no sample purification is required prior to the otherwise very impurity-sensitive MALDI analysis. The use of methylphosphonate containing primers and ddNTPs or α-S-ddNTPs together with a novel DNA polymerase derived from Thermotoga maritima for primer extension allow the fluent preparation of negatively charge-tagged, allele-specific products. A key feature of this polymerase is its preference for ddNTPs and α-S-ddNTPs over dNTPs. The simplified GOOD assay was run with automatic liquid handling at the lowest manageable volumes, automatic data acquisition and interpretation. We applied this novel procedure to genotyping SNPs of candidate genes for hypertension and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

A reliable and simple method for detecting nucleobase mutations is very important clinically because sequence variations in human DNA cause genetic diseases and genetically influenced traits. A majority of sequence variations are attributed to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Here, we developed a method for SNP detection using DNA probes that contained a fluorescent tricyclic base-linked acyclonucleoside N. The type of nucleobases involved in the SNP sites in an RNA target could be determined using four DNA probes containing N. Further, we found that the SNP in the RNA target could be detected by a visible color. Thus, this system would provide a novel and simple method for detecting SNPs in an RNA target.  相似文献   

A novel method for sequence specific double strand DNA cleavage using PNA (peptide nucleic acid) targeting is described. Nuclease S1 digestion of double stranded DNA gives rise to double strand cleavage at an occupied PNA strand displacement binding site, and under optimized conditions complete cleavage can be obtained. The efficiency of this cleavage is more than 10 fold enhanced when a tandem PNA site is targeted, and additionally enhanced if this site is in trans rather than in cis orientation. Thus in effect, the PNA targeting makes the single strand specific nuclease S1 behave like a pseudo restriction endonuclease.  相似文献   

The feasibility of large-scale genome-wide association studies of complex human disorders depends on the availability of accurate and efficient genotyping methods for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We describe a new platform of the invader assay, a biplex assay, where both alleles are interrogated in a single reaction tube. The assay was evaluated on over 50 different SNPs, with over 20 SNPs genotyped in study cohorts of over 1500 individuals. We assessed the usefulness of the new platform in high-throughput genotyping and compared its accuracy to genotyping results obtained by the traditional monoplex invader assay, TaqMan genotyping and sequencing data. We present representative data for two SNPs in different genes (CD36 and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1β) from a study cohort comprising over 1500 individuals with high or low-normal blood pressure. In this high-throughput application, the biplex invader assay is very accurate, with an error rate of <0.3% and a failure rate of 1.64%. The set-up of the assay is highly automated, facilitating the processing of large numbers of samples simultaneously. We present new analysis tools for the assignment of genotypes that further improve genotyping success. The biplex invader assay with its automated set-up and analysis offers a new efficient high-throughput genotyping platform that is suitable for association studies in large study cohorts.  相似文献   

Recently a facile method for genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using MALDI mass spectrometry, termed the GOOD assay, was developed. It does not require any purification and is performed with simple liquid handling, thermal incubation and cycling steps. Although this method is well suited to automation and high-throughput analysis of SNPs, it did not allow full flexibility due to lack of certain reagents. A complete set of β-cyanoethyl phosphoramidites is presented herein that give this SNP genotyping method full sequence and multiplex capabilities. Applications to SNP genotyping in the prion protein gene, the β-2-adrenergic receptor gene and the angiotensin converting enzyme gene using the GOOD assay are demonstrated. Because SNP genotyping technologies are generally very sensitive to varying DNA quality, the GOOD assay has been stabilised and optimised for low quality DNA. A template extraction method is introduced that allows genotyping from tissue that was taken while placing an ear tag on an animal. This dramatically facilitates the application of genotyping to animal agricultural applications, as it demonstrates that expensive and cumbersome DNA extraction procedures prior to genotyping can be avoided.  相似文献   

Ji M  Hou P  Li S  He N  Lu Z 《Mutation research》2004,548(1-2):97-105
Screening disease-related single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in the whole genome has great potential in complex disease genetics and pharmacogenetics researches. It has led to a requirement for high-throughput genotyping platforms that can maximize the efficient screening functional SNPs with respect to accuracy, speed and cost. In this study, we attempted to develop a microarray-based method for scoring a number of genomic DNA in parallel for one or more molecular markers on a glass slide. Two SNP markers localized to the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene (MTHFR) were selected as the investigated targets. Amplified PCR products from nine genomic DNA specimens were spotted and immobilized onto a poly-l-lysine coated glass slide to fabricate a microarray, then interrogated by hybridization with dual-color probes to determine the SNP genotype of each sample. The results indicated that the microarray-based method could determine the genotype of 677 and 1298 MTHFR polymorphisms. Sequencing was performed to validate these results. Our experiments successfully demonstrate that PCR products subjected to dual-color hybridization on a microarray could be applied as a useful and a high-throughput tool to analyze molecular markers.  相似文献   

To fulfill the increasing need for large-scale genetic research, we have developed a new solid-phase single base extension (SBE) protocol on magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) for multiplex SNP detection using adapter polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products as templates. Extension primers were covalently immobilized on the MNPs, and allele-specific extension took place along the stretch of target DNA for one-color ddNTP incorporation. The MNPs with fluorophores were spotted on a glass slide to fabricate a “bead array” to discriminate their genotypes. Eight SNP loci of three DNA samples were interrogated, and the experiment demonstrated that it is an efficient method for large-scale SNP genotyping.  相似文献   

A homogeneous detection mechanism based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) has been developed for two DNA diagnostic tests. In the template-directed dye-terminator incorporation (TDI) assay, a donor dye-labeled primer is extended by DNA polymerase using allele-specific, acceptor dye-labeled ddNTPs. In the dye-labeled oligonucleotide ligation (DOL) assay, a donor dye-labeled common probe is joined to an allele-specific, acceptor dye-labeled probe by DNA ligase. Once the donor and acceptor dyes become part of a new molecule, intramolecular FRET is observed over background intermolecular FRET. The rise in FRET, therefore, can be used as an index for allele-specific ddNTP incorporation or probe ligation. Real time monitoring of FRET greatly increases the sensitivity and reliability of these assays. Change in FRET can also be measured by end-point reading when appropriate controls are included in the experiment. FRET detection proves to be a robust method in homogeneous DNA diagnostic assays.  相似文献   

There are little independent data available about how well single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping technologies perform in the typical molecular genetics laboratory. We evaluated the utility and accuracy of a widely used technology, template-directed dye-terminator incorporation with fluorescence-polarization detection (FP-TDI), in a sample of 177 SNPs selected solely on the basis of map location. Genotypes were generated without optimization using standard protocols. Overall, 81% of the SNPs we studied generated readable genotypes by FP-TDI. Thirty-two SNPs were genotyped in duplicate by PCR-RFLP orfluorescent dye-terminator sequencing. Out of a total of 631 duplicate genotypes, no true discrepancies were detected. The true error rate has a 95% chance of lying between 0 and 6 out of 1000 genotypes. We also tested for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium in 33 SNPs genotyped in 50 unrelated individuals, and no significant deviations were detected. Our FP-TDI data were readily adaptable to automated genotype calling using our own method of cluster analysis, which assigns a probability score to each genotype call. We conclude that FP-TDI is both efficient and accurate. The method can easily fill the needs of SNP genotyping projects at the scale typically used for regional or candidate-gene association studies.  相似文献   

Advances in technologies for identifying genetic polymorphisms rapidly and accurately will dramatically accelerate the discovery of disease-related genes. Among a variety of newly described methods for rapid typing of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), gene detection using DNA microarrays is gradually achieving widespread use. This method involves the use of short (11- to 13-mer) allele-specific oligonucleotides. This method allows simultaneous analysis of many SNPs in DNAs from a large number of individuals, in a single experiment. In this work, we evaluated the accuracy of a new microarray-based short allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO) hybridization method. There is a 96-well formatted array on a single plate, in which up to 256 spots are included in each well. Fluorescent probes for our experiments were produced by multiplex PCR amplification often target SNP-containing regions. We genotyped 192 individuals across a panel of ten single base variations, which included an insertion/deletion polymorphism. For comparison, we genotyped the same individuals for the same SNPs by the method of single-base extension with fluorescence detection. The typing accuracies of the microarray-based PCR-ASO and single-base extension methods were calculated as 99.9% and 99.1%, respectively, on the basis of genotyping results determined by direct sequencing. We conclude that the microarray-based hybridization method using short ASO probes represents a potential breakthrough technology for typing large numbers of SNPs rapidly and efficiently.  相似文献   

Five types of known mutations within the C1q gene [located at C1qA-Gln186 (C >T), C1qB-Gly15 (G >A), C1qB-Arg150 (C >T), C1qC-Gly6 (G >A), and C1qC-Arg41 (C >T)] and two SNPs located at C1qA-Gly70 (G/A) and C1qC-Pro14 (T/C) were screened in a multiracial Malaysian population. One hundred thirty patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 130 matched healthy control subjects were genotyped using PCR-RFLP methods. We found no occurrence of the five types of mutations in either the homozygous or heterozygous form among the 260 samples studied. Statistical analysis also revealed that there were no significant associations observed in the genotype distributions and allele frequencies among the patients with SLE and healthy control subjects with both C1qA-Gly70 (G/A) and C1qC-Pro14 (T/C) SNPs. Overall, C1q deficiency was not proven as a primary causative genetic predisposition factor for SLE in the Malaysian population.  相似文献   

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