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Diplecogaster umutturali sp. n. is described from five specimens, ranging from 9.5 to 26.9 mm in standard length. This clingfish is known to occur only at three localities along the northern Levant coasts, eastern Mediterranean Sea and is the third known species of the genus Diplecogaster in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The species is distinguished from all its congeners in having a small snout, short caudal peduncle, large eyes, short anal fin and upper attachment of gill membrane opposite the 7th-8th pectoral ray. Diplecogaster umutturali sp. n. shows a 5.3% genetic divergence from its close relative D. bimaculata at the cytochrome oxidase I locus (COI).

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:376298FE-C8A7-44BB-9B12-721E41D7F355  相似文献   

Eupatorium leonardii, presently known only from Mt. Mingan in the border region between Aurora and Nueva Ecija Provinces in Luzon, Philippines, is described and illustrated. The new species is remarkable because it is the only woody representative of the genus with a peculiar spiral phyllotaxy. Previously, Eupatorium s. str. consisted of herbs with opposite or verticillate phyllotaxy.  相似文献   

A new species is described, Themus (Themus) dimorphus sp. n. from Yunnan, China. Themus (Themus) testaceicollis Wittmer, 1983 is redescribed and compared with the new species. The two species are illustrated with habitus and genitalia of both sexes and abdominal sternites VIII of female.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Thrissina supra sp. nov. is described based on 15 specimens collected from Sindh, Pakistan. The new species is closely related to Thrissina whiteheadi (Wongratana 1983),...  相似文献   

A new species, Polydactylus siamensis, is described on the basis of eight specimens from Thailand. The species is similar to P. plebeius (Broussonet, 1782) in having five pectoral filaments and several dark stripes along the scale rows above and below the lateral line, but differs from the latter in having lower counts of pectoral fin rays (15 vs. 16–18 in P. plebeius), pored lateral line scales (54–58 vs. 60–68), scale rows above and below the lateral line (7 and 10 or 11, respectively vs. 8 or 9 and 12 or 13, respectively) and gill rakers (9 or 10 upper series, 13 or 14 lower and 22–24 total vs. 9–14, 13–18 and 24–32, respectively), and a longer upper jaw (mean 17% [range 16–17%] of standard length vs. 15% [13–16%]). Polydactylus siamensis is currently known only from Bangkok and Songkhla, Gulf of Thailand, and Phuket Island, Andaman Sea, whereas P. plebeius is widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific. Received: January 12, 2000 / Revised: September 15, 2000 / Accepted: January 12, 2001  相似文献   

Acropoma boholensis sp. nov. is described on the basis of two specimens collected from Dumaguete city market, Negros Island, Philippines. It is distinguished from other species of Acropoma by the following combination of characters: anus situated closer to the origin of pelvic fin than to that of anal fin; luminous gland extending from isthmus to anal fin base; scales cycloid except weakly ctenoid scales around anterior part of lateral line and on ventral side of body; proximal radial of first anal fin pterygiophore lacking trough or hollow; body depth 31%–33% SL; head length 40%–42% SL; length of orbit 13%–14% SL. Received: November 14, 2000 / Revised: September 12, 2001 / Accepted: October 10, 2001  相似文献   

The clingfish Apletodon barbatus sp. nov. is described on the basis of 22 specimens and color photos from Santiago and Sal Islands, Cape Verde Islands, eastern central Atlantic Ocean. The species is very small, apparently not exceeding 18 mm total length; it is characterized by having a conspicuous maxillary barbel in males, 4–5 incisors in the upper jaw, numerous brown spots on the head and body in males, and a double white spot near the anus. The new species is compared with other species of the genus; a key to the males of the 5 known species of the eastern Atlantic genus Apletodon is presented. A checklist is provided for the species of Apletodon and their synonyms. Several new records are included in the present paper: Apletodon dentatus and A. incognitus are recorded from the Canary Islands, and A. wirtzi is recorded from Cameroon.  相似文献   

Zingiber banahaoense and Z. matutumense from the Philippines are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Two new species of pike gudgeon, Pseudogobio agathonectris from western Honshu, Japan, and P. polysticta from eastern Honshu, Japan, are described, and P. esocinus...  相似文献   

Aequidens pallidus (Heckel) reaches c. 140 mm standard length and occurs in the drainages of the blackwater rivers Negro, Puraquequara, Preto da Eva and Uatumã in Brasil. Aequidens duopunctata Haseman is a junior synonym. Aequidens tubicen sp.n., was collected in the Trombelas and Mapuera rivers a little upstream of Cachoeira Porteira. The largest specimen is 116 mm standard length. It differs from all other Aequidens species in the possession of a dark spot at the inner angle of the preopercle and adjacent cheek. Aequidens pallidus and A. tubicen form a group diagnosed by a high number of vertebrae (14 + 13 = 27) and three colour pattern synapomorphies: lateral band positioned more dorsally and the midlateral spot positioned more posteriorly than in other Aequidens species, and caudal spot preceded by a large light spot at the dorsal margin of the caudal peduncle.  相似文献   

A new species of Nepenthes L., N. attenboroughii (Nepenthaceae), from Palawan Island in the Philippines, is described and illustrated. It is restricted to rocky, ultramafic soils that comprise the summit region of Mount Victoria, Municipality of Narra, where it occurs in isolation from other members of the genus. On the basis of the morphological features, this new taxon appears to be related to both N. mira Jebb & Cheek of Palawan and N. rajah Hook.f. of Borneo. Its substantial size places it among the largest of known pitcher plants. The diagnostic morphological characters are discussed and an updated key is provided for a revised complex of Nepenthes species from the Palawan and North Borneo phytogeographical region. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 195–202.  相似文献   

A new species of the gobiid genus Gobius (Gobiidae, Perciformes), Gobius incognitus sp. nov. is described from the Mediterranean Sea, and its most morphologically similar species Gobius bucchichi is redescribed. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by: scales in lateral series 51–59; predorsal scales 25–35; opercle scaled in adults with 10–16 scales present; pectoral fin with ray count 18–20 and free tips on upper rays well developed and on the first ray longer than two thirds of the entire ray length; pelvic disc complete and with well‐developed anterior membrane without lateral lobes; anterior oculoscapular canal with pore α at rear of orbit; oculoscapular row x1 not extending forwards to pore β; suborbital row d discontinuous with large gap below suborbital rows 3 and 4; eye diameter 1·08–1·32 in snout length; by pigment rows on cheek and pigmentation on pectoral‐fin base.  相似文献   

Two new species of Mussaenda (Rubiaceae) from Aklan, Panay, Philippines are described and illustrated. Mussaenda ustii sp. nov. is distinct by its long pedicel (up to 7 mm), yellow with white margins corolla lobes forming a star and recurved stigma lobes which are always semi‐ or distinctly exserted in long‐styled morphs. Mussaenda viridiflora sp. nov. is characterized by its white, sweet‐scented corolla lobes, which are green tinged on the median ridges and bases, and strongly reflexed calyx lobes. A discussion of the relationships of the new taxa to closely related Philippine Mussaenda is provided. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 87–92.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first faunal checklist for Cicadidae (Hemiptera) from Panay, Philippines, comprising five species belonging to five genera. A new species, Platypleura lourensi sp. nov., and a new genus, Ggomapsalta gen. nov., are described. Dundubia vaginata (Fabricius, 1787) and Ggomapsalta vernalis (Distant, 1916) are newly recorded from Panay. Information on geographic distributions is provided.  相似文献   

Rhabdias odilebaini n. sp. is described on the basis of specimens found in the lungs of 2 species of agamid lizards: the Philippine flying lizard Draco spilopterus and the marbled bloodsucker Bronchocela marmorata . Specimens were collected in Aurora Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. The new species of Rhabdias is characterized by presence of 4 submedian lips, inconspicuous lateral lips, rounded cross-shaped oral opening, and tail end bent dorsally. This species is morphologically distinct from other Rhabdias spp. that parasitize reptilian and amphibian hosts, including 3 other species known to parasitize lizards of the Agamidae.  相似文献   

Two new species of Ophiorrhiza collected from Mt Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary in Davao Oriental, Philippines, are herein described and illustrated. Ophiorrhiza erythropilosa is the third Philippine species possessing involucral bracts and is further characterized by its predominantly villose stems that appear red due to strikingly red-violet trichomes, subpersistent bifid stipules, linear involucral bracts without prominent midrib, and 4 mm long urceolate corolla that is villose outside and lightly puberulous inside. Ophiorrhiza hamiguitanensis is characterized by its coriaceous, lanceolate leaves with attenuate apex and base, brochidodromous venation, subpersistent bilobed stipules with slightly recurved acute tips, presence of 1.5–2.5 mm long linear ensiform bracts, heterostylous flowers, clavate calyces and broadly obcordate capsules.  相似文献   

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