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Epichloë festucae uses a siderophore-mediated system to acquire iron, which is important to maintain endophyte–grass symbioses. Here we investigate the roles of the alternative iron acquisition system, reductive iron assimilation (RIA), via disruption of the fetC gene, which encodes a multicopper ferroxidase, either alone (i.e., ΔfetC) or in combination with disruption of the gene sidA, which encodes a siderophore biosynthesis enzyme (i.e., ΔfetCsidA). The phenotypic characteristics of these mutants were compared to ΔsidA and wild-type (WT) strains during growth under axenic culture conditions (in culture) and in symbiosis with the host grass, perennial ryegrass (in planta). Under iron deficiency, the colony growth rate of ΔfetC was slightly slower than that of WT, while the growth of ΔsidA and ΔfetCsidA mutants was severely suppressed. Siderophore analyses indicated that ΔfetC mutants hyperaccumulate ferriepichloënin A (FEA) at low iron concentrations and ferricrocin and FEA at higher iron concentrations. When compared to WT, all mutant strains displayed hyperbranching hyphal structures and a reduced ratio of Epichloë DNA to total DNA in planta. Furthermore, host colonization and vertical transmission through infection of the host seed were significantly reduced in the ΔfetCsidA mutants, confirming that high-affinity iron uptake is a critical process for Epichloë transmission. Thus, RIA and siderophore iron uptake are complementary systems required for the maintenance of iron metabolism, fungal growth, and symbiosis between E. festucae and perennial ryegrass.  相似文献   

A number of genes encoding non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) have been identified in fungi of Epichloë/Neotyphodium species, endophytes of Pooid grasses, including sidN, putatively encoding a ferrichrome siderophore-synthesizing NRPS. Targeted gene replacement and complementation of sidN in Epichloë festucae has established that extracellular siderophore epichloënin A is the major product of the SidN enzyme complex (Johnson et al., 2007a). We report here high resolution mass spectrometric fragmentation experiments and NMR analysis of an isolated fraction establishing that epichloënin A is a siderophore of the ferrichrome family, comprising a cyclic sequence of four glycines, a glutamine and three Nδ-trans-anhydromevalonyl–Nδ-hydroxyornithine (AMHO) moieties. Epichloënin A is unusual among ferrichrome siderophores in comprising an octapeptide rather than hexapeptide sequence, and in incorporating a glutamine residue. During this investigation we have established that desferrichrome siderophores with pendant trans-AMHO groups can be distinguished from those with pendant cis-AMHO groups by the characteristic neutral loss of an hydroxyornithine moiety in the MS/MS spectrum. A minor component, epichloënin B, has been characterized as the triglycine variant by mass spectrometry. A peptide characterized by mass spectrometry as the putative deoxygenation product, epichloëamide has been detected together with ferriepichloënin A in guttation fluid from ryegrass (Lolium perenne) plants infected with wild-type E. festucae, but not in plants infected with the ΔsidN mutant strain, and also detected at trace levels in wild-type E. festucae fungal culture.  相似文献   

Small GTPases of the Rac group play a key regulatory role in NADPH oxidase catalysed production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mammals and plants, but very little evidence is available for a corresponding role in fungi. We recently showed that ROS produced by a specific fungal NADPH oxidase isoform, NoxA, are crucial in regulating hyphal morphogenesis and growth in the mutualistic symbiotic interaction between Epichloë festucae and perennial ryegrass. We demonstrate here that E. festucae RacA is required for NoxA activation and regulated production of ROS to maintain a symbiotic interaction. Deletion of racA resulted in decreased ROS production, reduction of radial growth and hyper‐branching of the hyphae in culture. In contrast, in planta the racA mutant showed extensive colonization of the host plant, resulting in stunting and precocious senescence of the host plants. Strains expressing a dominant active (DA) allele of RacA had increased ROS production, increased aerial hyphae and reduced radial growth. These results demonstrate that RacA plays a crucial role in regulating ROS production by NoxA, in order to control hyphal morphogenesis and growth of the endophyte in planta.  相似文献   

We constructed and characterized a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for Epichlo? festucae, a genetically tractable fungal plant mutualist. The 6144 clone library with an average insert size of 87kb represents at least 18-fold coverage of the 29 Mb genome. We used the library to assemble a 110kb contig spanning the putative ornithine decarboxylase (odc) ortholog and subsequently expanded it to 228kb with a single walking step in each direction. Furthermore, we evaluated conservation of microsynteny between E. festucae and some model filamentous fungi by comparing sequence available from a 43kb region at the end of one BAC to publicly available fungal genome sequences. Orthologs to the 13 contiguous open reading frames (ORFs) identified in E. festucae are syntenic in Neurospora crassa and Magnaporthe grisea occurring in small sets of two, three or four colinear ORFs. This library is a valuable resource for research into traits important for the development and maintenance of a plant-fungus mutualistic symbiosis.  相似文献   

The distribution of different Epichloë species within eight natural populations of Lolium perenne was studied. In total, 40.2% of the asymptomatic plants were infected by Epichloë festucae var. lolii or by Epichloë typhina. Both species occurred in sympatry in seven grass populations, and some plants had dual infections by both taxa. No hybrid taxa such as Epichloë hybrida were detected. Epichloë festucae strains were classified into two morphotypes, M1 and M3, according to culture characters, both morphotypes occurred in sympatry in seven populations. Plants bearing stromata produced by Epichloë typhina were observed, but asymptomatic plants infected by this species also occurred in seven populations. The alkaloid profile of Lolium perenne plants was related to the morphotype of their infecting strains: most plants infected by M3-strains were characterized by lolitrem, and those with M1-strains contained either ergovaline or lolitrem. Plants infected by Epichloë typhina were characterized by high peramine content.  相似文献   

We tested whether the host species identity in grass-Epichloë symbioses affected soil chemical and microbial properties. We grew endophyte infected (E+) and endophyte free (E−) Lolium perenne, Hordeum brevisubulatum and Achnatherum inebrians for 18 months in field plots. In E+ soil of all three grasses, available phosphorus was lower whereas total soil nitrogen was higher. Endophyte effects on soil pH, microbial biomass nitrogen, total carbon and organic carbon as well as bacteria and fungi abundance were host species dependent. Ammonia oxidizing bacteria abundance was higher in E+ soils for all species. Bacterial community composition of E+ and E− soils were different only for Lolium perenne with soil pH being the key factor. Fungal community composition of E+ and E− soils was not different for the three grasses. This study confirmed that the effects of foliar Epichloë infection on belowground properties depended on host species identity.  相似文献   

β-1,6-glucanases degrade the polysaccharide β-1,6-glucan, a cell wall component in some filamentous fungi. A single copy of a β-1,6-glucanase gene, designated gcnA, was identified in each of the grass endophytic fungi Neotyphodium lolii and Epichloë festucae. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the GcnA protein is a member of glycosyl hydrolase family 5, and is closely related to fungal β-1,6-glucanases implicated in mycoparasitism. The E. festucae gcnA gene was expressed in mycelium grown in culture and in both vegetative and reproductive tissues of perennial ryegrass. A gcnA replacement mutant had reduced β-1,6-glucanase activity when grown in media containing pustulan as the major carbon source. β-1,6-glucanase activity was restored in the replacement mutant by introducing multiple copies of the gcnA gene. Growth of ΔgcnA and gcnA-overexpressing strains in vegetative grass tissues was indistinguishable from wild type strains.  相似文献   

RecQ helicases have attracted considerable interest in recent years due to their role in the suppression of genome instability and human diseases. These atypical helicases exert their function by resolving a number of highly specific DNA structures. The crystal structure of a truncated catalytic core of the human RECQ1 helicase (RECQ1(49-616)) shows a prominent β-hairpin, with an aromatic residue (Y564) at the tip, located in the C-terminal winged-helix domain. Here, we show that the β-hairpin is required for the DNA unwinding and Holliday junction (HJ) resolution activity of full-length RECQ1, confirming that it represents an important determinant for the distinct substrate specificity of the five human RecQ helicases. In addition, we found that the β-hairpin is required for dimer formation in RECQ1(49-616) and tetramer formation in full-length RECQ1. We confirmed the presence of stable RECQ1(49-616) dimers in solution and demonstrated that dimer formation favours DNA unwinding; even though RECQ1 monomers are still active. Tetramers are instead necessary for more specialized activities such as HJ resolution and strand annealing. Interestingly, two independent protein-protein contacts are required for tetramer formation, one involves the β-hairpin and the other the N-terminus of RECQ1, suggesting a non-hierarchical mechanism of tetramer assembly.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Host shifts of plant‐feeding insects and parasites promote adaptational changes that may result in the formation of host races, an assumed intermediate stage in sympatric speciation. Here, we report on genetically differentiated and host‐adapted races of the fungal endophyte Epichloë bromicola, which presumably emerged after a shift from the grass Bromus erectus to other Bromus hosts. Fungi of the genus Epichloë (Ascomycota) and related anamorphs of Neotyphodium are widespread endophytes of cool‐season grasses. Sexually reproducing strains sterilize the host by formation of external fruiting structures (stromata), whereas asexual strains are asymptomatic and transmitted via seeds. In E. bromicola, strains infecting B. erectus are sexual, and strains from two woodland species, B. benekenii and B. ramosus, are asexual and seed transmitted. Analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting and of intron sequences of the tub2 and tef1 genes of 26 isolates from the three Bromus hosts collected at natural sites in Switzerland and nearby France demonstrated that isolates are genetically differentiated according to their host, indicating that E. bromicola does not form a single, randomly mating population. Phylogenetic analyses of sequence data did not unambiguously resolve the exact origin of asexual E. bromicola strains, but it is likely they arose from within sexual populations on B. erectus. Incongruence of trees derived from different genes may have resulted from recombination at some time in the recent history of host strains. Reciprocal inoculations of host plant seedlings showed that asexual isolates from B. benekenii and B. ramosus were incapable of infecting B. erectus, whereas the sexual isolates from B. erectus retained the assumed ancestral trait of broad compatibility with Bromus host seedlings. Because all isolates were interfertile in experimental crosses, asexual strains may not be considered independent biological species. We suggest that isolates infecting B. benekenii and B. ramosus represent long‐standing host races or incipient species that emerged after host shifts and that may evolve through host‐mediated reproductive isolation toward independent species.  相似文献   

Nuc1 is a spontaneous rat mutant resulting from a mutation in the Cryba1 gene, coding for βA3/A1-crystallin. Our earlier studies with Nuc1 provided novel evidence that astrocytes, which express βA3/A1-crystallin, have a pivotal role in retinal remodeling. The role of astrocytes in the retina is only beginning to be explored. One of the limitations in the field is the lack of appropriate animal models to better investigate the function of astrocytes in retinal health and disease. We have now established transgenic mice that overexpress the Nuc1 mutant form of Cryba1, specifically in astrocytes. Astrocytes in wild type mice show normal compact stellate structure, producing a honeycomb-like network. In contrast, in transgenics over-expressing the mutant (Nuc1) Cryba1 in astrocytes, bundle-like structures with abnormal patterns and morphology were observed. In the nerve fiber layer of the transgenic mice, an additional layer of astrocytes adjacent to the vitreous is evident. This abnormal organization of astrocytes affects both the superficial and deep retinal vascular density and remodeling. Fluorescein angiography showed increased venous dilation and tortuosity of branches in the transgenic retina, as compared to wild type. Moreover, there appear to be fewer interactions between astrocytes and endothelial cells in the transgenic retina than in normal mouse retina. Further, astrocytes overexpressing the mutant βA3/A1-crystallin migrate into the vitreous, and ensheath the hyaloid artery, in a manner similar to that seen in the Nuc1 rat. Together, these data demonstrate that developmental abnormalities of astrocytes can affect the normal remodeling process of both fetal and retinal vessels of the eye and that βA3/A1-crystallin is essential for normal astrocyte function in the retina.  相似文献   

《Fungal Biology Reviews》2020,34(3):115-125
Plants harbor a wide diversity of microorganisms in their tissues. Some of them have a long co-evolutionary history with their hosts, likely playing a pivotal role in regulating the plant interaction with other microbes such as pathogens. Some cool-season grasses are symbiotic with Epichloë fungal endophytes that grow symptomless and systemically in aboveground tissues. Among the many benefits that have been ascribed to endophytes, their role in mediating plant interactions with pathogens has been scarcely developed. Here, we explored the effects of Epichloë fungal endophytes on the interaction of host grasses with fungal pathogens. We made a meta-analysis that covered a total of 18 host grass species, 11 fungal endophyte species, and 22 fungal pathogen species. We observed endophyte-mediated negative effects on pathogens in vitro and in planta. Endophyte negative effects on pathogens were apparent not only in laboratory but also in greenhouse and field experiments. Epichloë fungal endophytes had negative effects on pathogen growth and spores' germination. On living plants, endophytes reduced both severity and incidence of the disease as well as colonization and subsequent infection of seeds. Symbiosis with endophytes showed an inhibitory effect on debilitator and killer pathogens, but not on castrators, and this effect did not differ among biotrophic or necrotrophic lifestyles. We found that this protection can be direct through the production of fungistatic compounds, the competition for a common resource, or the induction of plant defenses, and indirect associated with endophyte-generated changes in the abiotic or the biotic environment. Several mechanisms operate simultaneously and contribute differentially to the reduction of disease within grass populations.  相似文献   

In the meiotic prophase nucleus of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, chromosomes are arranged in an oriented manner: telomeres cluster in close proximity to the spindle pole body (SPB), while centromeres form another cluster at some distance from the SPB. We have isolated a mutant, kms1, in which the structure of the meiotic prophase nucleus appears to be distorted. Using specific probes to localize the SPB and telomeres, multiple signals were observed in the mutant nuclei, in contrast to the case in wild-type. Genetic analysis showed that in the mutant, meiotic recombination frequency was reduced to about one-quarter of the wild-type level and meiotic segregation was impaired. This phenotype strongly suggests that the telomere-led rearrangement of chromosomal distribution that normally occurs in the fission yeast meiotic nucleus is an important prerequisite for the efficient pairing of homologous chromosomes. The kms1 mutant was also impaired in karyogamy, suggesting that the kms1 + gene is involved in SPB function. However, the kms1 + gene is dispensable for mitotic growth. The predicted amino acid sequence of the gene product shows no significant similarity to known proteins.  相似文献   

The STOP protein (stable tubule-only polypeptide) is a calmodulin-regulated protein which associates with microtubules and induces cold stabilization. There are different isoforms of this protein that arise from alternative splicing of STOP mRNA. Neurons express two major variants N-STOP (125 kDa) and E-STOP (84 kDa). NIH 3T3 fibroblasts contain a major F-STOP isoform (42 kDa) and two minor STOP variants (48 and 89 kDa). Previously, we demonstrated the presence of N-STOP in the cytoskeleton associated with myelin isolated from animals injected with apotransferrin. Since this protein was only described as a neuronal protein we decided to further investigate the expression of this protein in oligodendrocyte cultures. The analysis of the STOP protein expression in oligodendrocyte shows that STOP protein is expressed in the soma and processes of oligodendrocyte precursors, as well as in immature and mature oligodendroglial cells. In addition, we found that MBP shows a high degree of colocalization with STOP protein. By Western blot analysis, it was found that these cells express a major STOP variant (89 kDa). When the cultures were exposed to cold temperature we found that STOP protein associates with microtubules and induces microtubule cold stabilization. Under these experimental conditions, we found that MBP associates with microtubules too, and maintains its colocalization with STOP protein. At present, we are doing new assays directed to further characterize STOP (89 kDa) protein and to elucidate how this protein participates in the formation of myelin by oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Conserved regions within a family-5 β-1,4-endoglucanase (Egl1), produced by the fungus Macrophomina phaseolina, have been modified through site-directed mutagenesis, resulting in production of an enzyme with novel substrate requirements. The engineered form was generated through mutagenesis of D232A, which lies within the substrate-binding cleft of Egl1. Wild-type Egl1 requires a minimum substrate size of five glucosyl units, while the engineered form requires a minimum of six glucosyl units. Screening was facilitated by the unique ability to obtain functional expression of the fungal endoglucanase in Escherichia coli. Wild-type and mutated Egl1 have equivalent activity on cellohexaose, and both release cellobiose from the reducing end of the cellodextrin. This is the first example of protein engineering of an endoglucanase that results in a novel minimum substrate requirement for cellohexaose. This substrate specificity has not been reported for any native endoglucanases, thus the modified Egl1 may prove useful in applications requiring specific hydrolysis of complex carbohydrates such as β-glucans. Received: 10 November 1996 / Received revision: 22 March 1997 / Accepted: 13 April 1997  相似文献   

Animals construct a layered skin to prevent dehydration and pathogen entrance. The barrier function of the skin relies on the extensive cross-linking of specialised components. In insects, for instance, epidermal cells produce an apical extracellular cuticle that consists of a network of proteins, chitin and lipids. We have identified mutations in the Drosophila gene coding for the δ-aminolevulinate synthase (Alas) that cause massive water loss. The cuticle of alas mutant larvae detaches from the epidermis and its basal region is frayed suggesting that an Alas dependent pathway is needed to organise the contact between the cuticle and the epidermis and anchor the cuticle to the apical surface of epidermal cells. Concomitantly, reduction of Alas function results in weakening of the extracellular dityrosines network in the cuticle, whereas glutamyl-lysine isopeptide bonds are not affected. The lateral septate junctions of epidermal cells that serve as a paracellular plug are intact, as well. Taken together, we hypothesise that Alas activity, which initiates heme biosynthesis in the mitochondrion, is needed for the formation of a dityrosine-based barrier that confers resistance to the internal hydrostatic pressure protecting both the cuticle from transcellular infiltration of body fluid and the animal from dehydration. We conclude that at least two modules--an apical protein-chitin lattice and the lateral septate junctions, act in parallel to ensure Drosophila skin impermeability.  相似文献   

HP1 proteins are thought to be modulators of chromatin organization in all mammals, yet their exact physiological function remains unknown. In a first attempt to elucidate the function of these proteins in vivo, we disrupted the murine Cbx1 gene, which encodes the HP1-β isotype, and show that the Cbx1−/−-null mutation leads to perinatal lethality. The newborn mice succumbed to acute respiratory failure, whose likely cause is the defective development of neuromuscular junctions within the endplate of the diaphragm. We also observe aberrant cerebral cortex development in Cbx1−/− mutant brains, which have reduced proliferation of neuronal precursors, widespread cell death, and edema. In vitro cultures of neurospheres from Cbx1−/− mutant brains reveal a dramatic genomic instability. Our results demonstrate that HP1 proteins are not functionally redundant and that they are likely to regulate lineage-specific changes in heterochromatin organization.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - There is little information about the role of fungal endophytes on plant performance under oxygen-limited conditions. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Epichloë...  相似文献   

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