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We compared the assemblages of phyllostomid bats in three Neotropical rainforests with respect to species richness and assemblage structure and suggested a method to validate estimates of species richness for Neotropical bat assemblages based on mist-netting data. The fully inventoried bat assemblage at La Selva Biological Station (LS, 100 m elevation) in Costa Rica was used as a reference site to evaluate seven estimators of species richness. The Jackknife 2 method agreed best with the known bat species richness and thus was used to extrapolate species richness for an Amazonian bat assemblage (Tiputini Biodiversity Station; TBS, 200 m elevation) and an Andean premontane bat assemblage (Podocarpus National Park; BOM, 1000 m elevation) in Ecuador. Our results suggest that more than 100 bat species occur sympatrically at TBS and about 50 bat species coexist at BOM. TBS harbours one of the most species-rich bat assemblages known, including a highly diverse phyllostomid assemblage. Furthermore, we related assemblage structure to large-scale geographical patterns in floral diversity obtained from botanical literature. Assemblage structure of these three phyllostomid assemblages was influenced by differences in floral diversity at the three sites. At the Andean site, where understorey shrubs and epiphytes exhibit the highest diversity, the phyllostomid assemblage is mainly composed of understorey frugivores and nectarivorous species. By contrast, canopy frugivores are most abundant at the Amazonian site, coinciding with the high abundance of canopy fruiting trees. Assemblage patterns of other taxonomic groups also may reflect the geographical distribution patterns of floral elements in the Andean and Amazonian regions.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 617–629.  相似文献   

The benthic fish communities of 161 Swedish lakes, sampled with multi-mesh gillnets, were examined by direct gradient analyses with ten environmental factors. A geographic gradient, correlated with climatic factors and productivity, was most important for ordination of species optima. By contrast, the distribution of biomass in different size-classes and trophic groups, was influenced more directly by local factors such as water quality (pH) and lake morphometry (area and maximum depth). The communities are not only structured at the species level, but also by size-related allocation of resources, within and between coexisting species. This national survey confirmed patterns observed in previous local field studies, as well as experiments designed for testing mechanisms acting on size-structured populations. However, it highlighted the need for more extensive studies on if and how large-scale environmental variation affects the cues for size-related ontogenetic niche shifts in facultative piscivores, because species such as perch Perca fluviatilis , brown trout Salmo trutta , and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus often dominate the benthic fish community.  相似文献   

Salinity and inlet distance were the most consistent indicators of species groupings among the 40 most abundant fish species in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida. In contrast to findings of other studies conducted on small juveniles and forage fishes in the IRL, this study suggested that distributions of the more mobile organisms are influenced more by physical conditions than by biological interactions. Consequently, environmentally-corrected single-species models will be more effective in assessing changes in stock abundance and habitat preferences of mobile species in the IRL. Because of the fluctuations in physical conditions in the IRL and other estuaries, it may be inappropriate to use biologically based methods that rely solely on species interactions to assess fish stocks in those systems.  相似文献   

Aim Variation in species richness has been related to (1) environmental conditions (water, energy and habitat characteristics) and (2) regional differences (contingent historical events and regional particularities that result in differences between regional faunas acting at broad extents). Whereas climatic factors have been widely studied, the effects of regional differences are less often quantified. This work aims to characterize global trends in the species richness of mammal assemblages with respect to both current and historical influences. Location All terrestrial biogeographical realms except Antarctica. Methods Species richness in checklists from 224 sites distributed worldwide were investigated by partitioning the variation between a general set of habitat/climate factors, biogeographical regions, and their overlaps. Additional analyses studied the specific overlaps of region, water and energy. Data were also divided according to area to determine if the strength of these effects varies according to the size of sites. Results Environmental effects explained 38% of richness variation across all sites, whereas environmentally independent regional effects explained 11% and the overlap between region and environment explained 13%. Results were similar when only larger sites (between 1000 km2 and 10,000 km2) were considered. However, the importance of the overlap between region and all environmental variables was greater in smaller sites (between 100 km2 and 1000 km2). In contrast, the specific importance of water and energy variables and their overlap with region was greater in larger sites. The strength of the independent effect of region remained almost invariant regardless of the size of the sites studied. Main conclusions The relationship between species richness and climate varies with scale and among regions. Although environmental variables are the strongest correlates of richness, the unique history and physiographic characteristics of a region produce differences between the richness of mammal assemblages and their response to environmental gradients. The importance of environmental variables varies with scale: climatic gradients are more important at coarse grain (larger sites), possibly as a result of their effects on species ranges, whereas habitat type is more important at the smaller sites, where the importance of ecological interactions increases. Therefore, regional differences and the scale at which richness is measured should be taken into account when evaluating species richness–energy hypotheses.  相似文献   

  1. To adapt to ecological and environmental conditions, species can change their ecological niche (e.g., interactions among species) and function (e.g., prey‐predation, diet competition, and habitat segregation) at the species and guild levels. Stable isotope analysis of bulk carbon and nitrogen of organisms has conventionally been used to evaluate such adaptabilities in the scenopoetic and bionomic views as the isotopic niche width.
  2. Compound‐specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) of nitrogen within amino acids provides trophic information without any disruption of scenopoetic views in the isotope ratios, unlike conventional bulk isotope analysis provides both information and therefore frequently hinders its usefulness for trophic information.
  3. We performed CSIA of amino acids to understand the trophic variability of the pike gudgeon Pseudogobio esocinus and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides as representative specialist and generalist fish species, respectively, from 16 ecologically variable habitats in the four major rivers of Korea.
  4. There was little variation (1σ) in the trophic position (TP) among habitats for P. esocinus (± 0.2); however, there was considerably large variation for M. salmoides (± 0.6). The TP of M. salmoides was negatively correlated with the benthic invertebrate indices of the habitats, whereas the TP of P. esocinus showed no significant correlation with any indices. Thus, these two representative fish species have different trophic responses to ecological conditions, which is related to known differences in the trophic niche between specialists (i.e., small niche width) and generalists (i.e., large niche width).
  5. Over the past four decades, the conventional bulk isotope analysis has not been capable of deconvoluting “scenopoetic” and “bionomic” information. However, in the present study, we demonstrated that the CSIA of amino acids could isolate trophic niches from the traditional ecological niche composed of trophic and habitat information and evaluated how biological and ecological indices influence the trophic response of specialists and generalists.

Among terrestrial biomes the groundwater domain is generally considered to be a species poor environment. This view results, mainly, from the large geographic scale faunistic surveys (tens and hundreds of kilometres) and the traditionally coarse spatial scale (i.e. macroscale level) of ecological analysis. This view has been challenged by Margalef (1993) who suggests that high diversities are to be expected in the subterranean environment comparable to those found in the deep sea because of environmental similarities, e.g. low energetic resources. During the last twenty years long-term ecological research on much smaller scales, i.e. metres to hundred metres for interstitial media, a mesoscale approach, or kilometre size for karst systems was carried on. Long-term projects on limnic subsurface systems have shown that the species richness (SR) of the microcrustacea (Harpacticoida, Cyclopopoida, Ostracoda) is much higher than previously considered. Details on Harpacticoida of the alluvial bedsediments of a Pyreneean brook, the Lachein, and on Ostracoda of the alluvial sediments of the Danube plain (the phreatic zone), near Vienna, are presented. The SR values of the interstitial microcrustacea obtained through investigations at a mesoscale level are comparable to those of karstic and/or surface freshwater benthic water systems; they are lower than those of the deep-sea data sets for equivalent crustacean groups at a similar scale of investigation. From the data presented we infer the following points: (a) The subterranean waters are much more rich in species than earlier accepted, at least for some organismic groups like the microcrustacean copepods and ostracods. (b) Hence, to describe the still unknown fauna it is appropriate to sample the subsurface waters at an ecological scale. (c) Only studies during long-term ecological projects and with intensive, quantitative, sampling programmes allow a correct evaluation of the subterranean faunal diversity. (d) The species richness of a given subsurface site is strongly dependent on the structure of the habitats and the functioning of the underlying ecosystems. (e) Finally we consider the rationale for the protection of the subterranean faunal diversity.  相似文献   

Recent changes in the seasonal timing (phenology) of familiar biological events have been one of the most conspicuous signs of climate change. However, the lack of a standardized approach to analysing change has hampered assessment of consistency in such changes among different taxa and trophic levels and across freshwater, terrestrial and marine environments. We present a standardized assessment of 25 532 rates of phenological change for 726 UK terrestrial, freshwater and marine taxa. The majority of spring and summer events have advanced, and more rapidly than previously documented. Such consistency is indicative of shared large scale drivers. Furthermore, average rates of change have accelerated in a way that is consistent with observed warming trends. Less coherent patterns in some groups of organisms point to the agency of more local scale processes and multiple drivers. For the first time we show a broad scale signal of differential phenological change among trophic levels; across environments advances in timing were slowest for secondary consumers, thus heightening the potential risk of temporal mismatch in key trophic interactions. If current patterns and rates of phenological change are indicative of future trends, future climate warming may exacerbate trophic mismatching, further disrupting the functioning, persistence and resilience of many ecosystems and having a major impact on ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Data collected in a limnological survey, carried out between 1987 and 1988 on 21 Sicilian reservoirs of varying trophic state, were ordinated using CANOCO 3.1 to generalise the way in which the structure of phytoplankton assemblage is conditioned by both physical and chemical variables. The results showed that in these man-made lakes, characterised by conspicuous water-level fluctuations, the annual and interannual variability in the abundance and composition of phytoplankton may be strongly influenced by their peculiar hydraulic regimes rather than by nutrient availability. In particular, it was highlighted that, from the early summer, water abstraction often leads to increased circulation and to the deepening of the mixed layer. In this way, an increase of the ratio of mixing depth to euphotic depth is forced, with the result that phytoplankton cells experience longer periods in darkness as they are carried through the mixed layer. Phytoplankton assemblages change in species composition in response to the environmental variation. Both the raising of the trophic state, with an increase in phytoplankton biomass and a decrease in transparency, and the intensified abstraction enhance the role of light availability in promoting the development of specific phytoplankton assemblages adapted to the modified physical environment. Light climate is an important influence on the species structure of the phytoplankton, especially in the higher part of the trophic gradient. In contrast, the influence of nutrients on the structure of the assemblages appears to be higher in the lower part of the trophic spectrum or in those environments characterised by a higher hydrological stability during the year.  相似文献   

1. Human activities affect fish assemblages in a variety of ways. Large‐scale and long‐term disturbances such as in‐stream dredging and mining alter habitat and hydrodynamic characteristics within rivers which can, in turn, alter fish distribution. Habitat heterogeneity is decreased as the natural riffle–pool–run sequences are lost to continuous pools and, as a consequence, lotic species are displaced by lentic species, while generalist and invasive species displace native habitat specialists. Sediment and organic detritus accumulate in deep, dredged reaches and behind dams, disrupting nutrient flow and destroying critical habitat for habitat specialist species. 2. We used standard ecological metrics such as species richness and diversity, as well as stable isotope analysis of δ13C and δ15N, to quantify the differences in fish assemblages sampled by benthic trawls among dredged and undredged sites in the Allegheny River, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 3. Using mixed‐effects models, we found that total catch, species richness and diversity were negatively correlated with depth (P < 0.05), while species richness, diversity and proportion of species in lithophilic (‘rock‐loving’) reproductive guilds were lower at dredged than at undredged sites (P < 0.05). 4. Principal components analysis and manova revealed that taxa such as darters in brood hider and substratum chooser reproductive guilds were predominantly associated with undredged sites along principal component axis 1 (PC1 and manova P < 0.05), while nest spawners such as catfish and open substratum spawners including suckers were more associated with dredged sites along PC2 (P < 0.05). 5. Stable isotope analysis of δ13C and δ15N revealed shifts from reliance on shallow water and benthic‐derived nutrients at undredged sites to reliance on phytoplankton and terrestrial detritus at deep‐water dredged sites. Relative trophic positions were also lower at dredged sites for many species; loss of benthic nutrient pathways associated with depth and dredging history is hypothesised. 6. The combination of ecological metrics and stable isotope analysis thus shows how anthropogenic habitat loss caused by gravel dredging can decrease benthic fish abundance and diversity, and that species in substratum‐specific reproductive guilds are at particular risk. The effects of dredging also manifest by altering resource use and nutrient pathways within food webs. Management and conservation decisions should therefore consider the protection of relatively shallow areas with suitable substratum for spawning for the protection of native fishes.  相似文献   

1. Despite wide recognition that fish assemblages are influenced by factors operating over a range of spatial scales, little effort has been devoted to quantifying large‐scale variation and the multiscale dependencies of assemblage patterns and processes. This is particularly true for Mediterranean streams, where seasonally predictable drying‐up may lead to a strong association between assemblage attributes and large‐scale factors affecting the distribution of population sources and extinction likelihood. 2. The contribution of large‐scale factors to stream fish assemblage variation was quantified across a Mediterranean landscape, in south‐west Portugal. Fish abundance and species composition were estimated at 166 sites across third‐ to sixth‐order streams, in March–July 1998. Variance partitioning by redundancy analyses was used to analyse assemblage variation against three sets of predictor variables: environmental (catchment position, and geomorphic and hydrological factors), large‐scale spatial trends and neighbourhood effects. 3. Environmental variables and spatial trends accounted for 34.6% of the assemblage variation across the entire region, and for 36.6 and 57.8% within the two largest catchments (Mira and Seixe). Neighbourhood effects were analysed at the catchment scale, increasing the explained variation to 56.1% (Mira) and 70.7% (Seixe). 4. A prevailing environmental gradient was reflected in an increase in the abundance of all species and size‐classes in relation to catchment position, with more fish present in larger streams and in downstream reaches. Variables describing geomorphic and hydrological settings were less important in explaining assemblage variation. 5. Spatial trends always accounted for the smallest fraction of assemblage variation, and they were probably associated with historical barriers to fish dispersal. The strong neighbourhood effects may be related to spatially autocorrelated habitat conditions, but they are also a likely consequence of fish emigration/extinction and colonisation processes. 6. These results emphasise that a substantial proportion of fish assemblage variation in Mediterranean streams may be explained by large‐scale factors, irrespective of microhabitats and local biotic interactions. It is suggested that this pattern results to a large extent from the seasonal drying‐up, with the summer shortage of surface water limiting fish occurrence in headwaters, and consequently the key core areas for fish concentrating in larger streams and tributaries adjacent to large streams because of neighbourhood effects.  相似文献   

Fish assemblage structure, rarefied species richness, species diversity and evenness of assemblages upstream of a reservoir in Oklahoma, U.S.A., were compared pre and post‐impoundment as well as in contemporary collections from streams above and below the reservoir. There were significant shifts in assemblage structure between historical and contemporary collections above the reservoir but not between contemporary assemblages above and below the impoundment. Indicator species analysis revealed that the sand shiner Notropis stramineus and fathead minnow Pimephales promelas have declined, whereas largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis have increased in relative abundance in assemblages upstream of the impoundment. Species richness was lower in contemporary assemblages compared with historical assemblages. Furthermore, contemporary assemblages below the dam had lower species richness, diversity and evenness compared with contemporary collections above the dam. These results highlight the spatial and temporal extent of reservoirs altering fish assemblages upstream of impoundments.  相似文献   

Corals create complex reef structures that provide both habitat and food for many fish species. Because of numerous natural and anthropogenic threats, many coral reefs are currently being degraded, endangering the fish assemblages they support. Coral reef restoration, an active ecological management tool, may help reverse some of the current trends in reef degradation through the transplantation of stony corals. Although restoration techniques have been extensively reviewed in relation to coral survival, our understanding of the effects of adding live coral cover and complexity on fishes is in its infancy with a lack of scientifically validated research. This study reviews the limited data on reef restoration and fish assemblages, and complements this with the more extensive understanding of complex interactions between natural reefs and fishes and how this might inform restoration efforts. It also discusses which key fish species or functional groups may promote, facilitate or inhibit restoration efforts and, in turn, how restoration efforts can be optimised to enhance coral fish assemblages. By highlighting critical knowledge gaps in relation to fishes and restoration interactions, the study aims to stimulate research into the role of reef fishes in restoration projects. A greater understanding of the functional roles of reef fishes would also help inform whether restoration projects can return fish assemblages to their natural compositions or whether alternative species compositions develop, and over what timeframe. Although alleviation of local and global reef stressors remains a priority, reef restoration is an important tool; an increased understanding of the interactions between replanted corals and the fishes they support is critical for ensuring its success for people and nature.  相似文献   

Most traditional "biodiversity" indices have an uncertain ecological interpretation, unfavourable sampling properties, and excessive data requirements. A new index of taxonomic distinctness (the average evolutionary distance between species in an assemblage) has many advantages over traditional measures, but its ecological interpretation remains unclear. We used published behavioural species data in conjunction with bird atlas data to quantify simple functional metrics (the fraction of species engaged in non-competitive interactions, and the average between-species disparity in habitat preferences) for breeding-bird assemblages in Europe and North America. We then analysed correlations of functional metrics with taxonomic distinctness and species richness, respectively. All functional metrics had weak, positive correlations with species richness. In contrast, correlations between functional metrics and taxonomic distinctness ranged from slightly negative to strongly positive, depending on the relative habitat heterogeneity, and on the resource involved in the between-species interaction. Strong positive correlations between taxonomic distinctness and the fraction of interactive species occurred for resources with few producer species per consumer species, and we suggest that taxonomic distinctness is consistently correlated with conservation worth. With its favourable sampling properties and data requirements, this taxonomic distinctness measure is a promising tool for biodiversity research and for environmental monitoring and management.  相似文献   

1. The geographical distribution of planktonic rotifer species was investigated in 31 lakes in the North Island of New Zealand.
2. A total of 78 species was recorded. Species richness, previously thought to be low in New Zealand, was found to be comparable with that of northern temperate lakes with an average of 21.1 species found per lake. The large, deep oligotrophic Lake Taupo had the lowest richness, and the artificial reservoirs the highest.
3. The distribution of species, investigated using multivariate techniques [Cluster analysis, canonical correspondence analysis (CCA)], was most strongly associated with trophic state gradients. For example, Conochilus unicornis, C. dossuarius and Ascomorpha ovalis were associated with more oligotrophic conditions, and Brachionus budapestinensis, B. calyciflorus and Keratella tropica with more eutrophic conditions. Inorganic turbidity was also of importance in determining rotifer distributions in some shallower lakes.
4. Some species, for example K. australis and C. exiguus , appear to be limited in distribution by poor dispersal abilities.  相似文献   

Understanding of community assembly has been improved by phylogenetic and trait‐based approaches, yet there is little consensus regarding the relative importance of alternative mechanisms and few studies have been done at large geographic and phylogenetic scales. Here, we use phylogenetic and trait dispersion approaches to determine the relative contribution of limiting similarity and environmental filtering to community assembly of stream fishes at an intercontinental scale. We sampled stream fishes from five zoogeographic regions. Analysis of traits associated with habitat use, feeding, or both resulted in more occurrences of trait underdispersion than overdispersion regardless of spatial scale or species pool. Our results suggest that environmental filtering and, to a lesser extent, species interactions were important mechanisms of community assembly for fishes inhabiting small, low‐gradient streams in all five regions. However, a large proportion of the trait dispersion values were no different from random. This suggests that stochastic factors or opposing assembly mechanisms also influenced stream fish assemblages and their trait dispersion patterns. Local assemblages tended to have lower functional diversity in microhabitats with high water velocity, shallow water depth, and homogeneous substrates lacking structural complexity, lending support for the stress‐dominance hypothesis. A high prevalence of functional underdispersion coupled with phylogenetic underdispersion could reflect phylogenetic niche conservatism and/or stabilizing selection. These findings imply that environmental filtering of stream fish assemblages is not only deterministic, but also influences assemblage structure in a fairly consistent manner worldwide.  相似文献   

The proportion of predatory animal species is often believed not to vary systematically across communities. However, we predict that larger temporary freshwater pools, and pools that are more permanent, will contain a higher proportion of predatory animal species. In 24 temporary rockpools in Northern Israel (supporting communities dominated by ostracods, copepods, cladocerans, flatworms, dipterans and amphibians), the mean proportion of macroscopic predatory species (averaged over a series of samples) increased with increasing pool area. For the highest possible proportion of predatory species (including microscopic species with uncertain diets), the relationship with pool area was not statistically significant. We did not find significant relationships between permanence and the proportion of either macroscopic or all possible predatory species. Larger pools and pools that were more permanent had more species. Species richness and the proportion of macroscopic predators were positively correlated. These patterns imply that species-poor ecosystems are likely to be functionally different from species-rich systems.  相似文献   


From the analysis of the results of several researches carried out into Sicilian reservoirs to investigate their phytoplankton assemblages, it was highlighted that there is not any clear relationship between the trophic spectrum and the structure and composition of phytoplankton. Only a general increase of total biomass is detectable as the trophic state rises up. Anyway, such increase may cause several secondary modifications in the physical and chemical environment that may act as multidimensional segregating factors for phytoplankton organisms. In these secondary modifications, coupled with the peculiar morphology and hydrology of the water bodies, have to be sought the mechanisms governing the structure of phytoplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

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