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This study aimed to improve understanding of the mechanical aspects of cemented implant loosening. After aggressive fatigue loading of stem/cement/femur constructs, micro-cracks and stem/bone micro-motions were quantified to answer three research questions: Are cracks preferentially associated with the stem/cement interface, the cement/bone interface or voids? Is cement damage dependent on axial position? Does cement damage correlate with micro-motion between the stem and the bone? Eight Charnley Cobra stems were implanted in cadaveric femora. Six stem/cement/femur constructs were subjected to "stair-climbing" loads for 300 kcycles at 2Hz. Loads were normalized by construct stiffness to avoid fracture. Two additional constructs were not loaded. Transverse sections were cut at 10mm intervals, stained with a fluorescent dye penetrant and examined using epi-fluorescence stereomicroscopy. Crack lengths and cement areas were recorded for 9 sections per specimen. Crack length-density was calculated by dividing summed crack length by cement mantle area. To isolate the effect of loading, length-density data were offset by the baseline length-density measured in the non-loaded specimens. Significantly more cracks were associated with the interdigitated area (35.1%+/-11.6%) and the cement/bone interface (31.0%+/-6.2%) than with the stem/cement interface (11.0%+/-5.2%) or voids (6.1%+/-4.8%) (p<0.05). Load-induced micro-crack length-density was significantly dependent on axial position, increasing proximally (p<0.001). Micro-motions were small, all stems rotated internally. Cement damage did not correlate with micro-motion.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the fracture mechanics of a bone-cement interface that includes a cohesive zone effect on the crack faces. This accounts for the experimentally observed strengthening mechanism due to the mechanical interlock between the crack faces. Edge crack models are developed where the cohesive zone is simulated by a continuous or a discrete distribution of linear or nonlinear springs. It is shown that the solution obtained by assuming a homogeneous material is fairly close to the exact solution for the bimaterial interface edge crack problem. On the basis of that approximation, the analysis is conducted for the problem of two interacting edge cracks, one at the interface, and the other one in the cement. The small crack that was observed to initiate in the cement, close to the bone-cement interface, does not affect much the mode I stress-intensity factor at the tip of the interface crack. However it may grow, leading to a catastrophic breakdown of the cement. The analysis and following discussion point out an interdependency between bone-cement interface strength and cement strength not previously appreciated. The suggested crack models provide a framework for quantifying the fracture mechanisms at the bone-cement interface.  相似文献   

We consider a mathematical model of mesoscopic human cortical ictal electrical activity. We compare the model results with ictal electrocortical data recorded from three human subjects and show how the two agree. We determine that, in the model system, seizures result from increased connectivity between excitatory and inhibitory cell populations, or from decreased connectivity within either excitatory or inhibitory cell populations. We compare the model results with the disinhibition and 4-AP models of epilepsy and suggest how the model may guide the development of new anticonvulsant therapies.  相似文献   

Human compact bone may be viewed as a fiber reinforced composite material in which the secondary osteons act as the fiber reinforcements. The cement line, which is the interface between the 'fibers' (osteons) and extraosteonal bone matrix, may impart important mechanical properties to compact bone. The nature of these properties is not known partly because the composition of the cement line is unknown. This analysis examines the constituents of the osteon cement line using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microprobe analysis to address its biomechanical functions as a local interface. The analysis suggests that the cement line is a region of reduced mineralization which may contain sulfated mucosubstances. This composition is consistent with the hypothesis that the cement line provides a relatively ductile interface with surrounding bone matrix, and that it provides the point specific stiffness differences, poor 'fiber'-matrix bonding and energy transfer qualities required to promote crack initiation but slow crack growth in compact bone.  相似文献   

Interaction of full length recombinant hamster prion protein with liposomes mimicking lipid rafts or non-raft membrane regions was studied by circular dichroism, chemical cross-linking and sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. At pH 7.0, the protein bound palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol/sphingomyelin/monosialoganglioside GM1 (GM1) ganglioside liposomes but not palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine alone (bound/free=0.33 and 0.01, respectively), maintaining the native alpha-helical structure and monomeric form. At pH 5.0, though still binding to quaternary mixtures, in particular GM1, the protein bound also to palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (bound/free 0.35) becoming unfolded and oligomeric. The pH-dependent interaction with raft or non-raft membranes might have implication in vivo, by stabilizing or destabilizing the protein.  相似文献   

A two-level micromechanical model of cortical bone based on a generalized self-consistent method was developed to take into consideration the transversely isotropic elasticity of many microstructural features in cortical bone, including Haversian canals, resorption cavities, and osteonal and interstitial lamellae. In the first level, a single osteon was modeled as a two-phase composite such that Haversian canals were represented by elongated pores while the surrounding osteonal lamellae were considered as matrix. In the second level, osteons and resorption cavities were modeled as multiple inclusions while interstitial lamellae were regarded as matrix. The predictions of cortical bone elasticity from this two-level micromechanical model were mostly in agreement with experimental data for the dependence of transversely isotropic elasticity of human femoral cortical bone on porosity. However, variation in cortical bone elastic constants was greater in experimental data than in model predictions. This could be attributed to variations in the elastic properties of microstructural features in cortical bone. The present micromechanical model of cortical bone will be useful in understanding the contribution of cortical bone porosity to femoral neck fractures.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional micromechanical fibre reinforced composite materials model for osteonal cortical bone is presented. The interstitial bone is modelled as a matrix, the osteons are modelled as fibres, and the cement line is presented as interface tissue. The interaction between osteons and microcracks is evaluated by linear elastic fracture mechanics theory, followed by a determination of the stress intensity factor at the vicinity of the microcrack tips. The results indicate that bone microstructural heterogeneity greatly influences fracture parameters. Furthermore, microstructural morphology and loading conditions affect growth trajectories, the microcrack propagation trajectory deviates from the osteon under tensile loading, and osteon penetration is observed under compressive loads.  相似文献   

The use of artificial bones in implant testing has become popular due to their low variability and ready availability. However, friction coefficients, which are critical to load transfer in uncemented implants, have rarely been compared between human and artificial bone, particularly for wet and dry conditions. In this study, the static and dynamic friction coefficients for four commercially used titanium surfaces (polished, Al(2)O(3) blasted, plasma sprayed, beaded) acting on the trabecular component of artificial bones (Sawbones) were compared to those for human trabecular bone. Artificial bones were tested in dry and wet conditions and normal interface stress was varied (0.25, 0.5, 1.0MPa). Friction coefficients were mostly lower for artificial bones than real bone. In particular, static friction coefficients for the dry polished surface were 20% of those for real bone and 42-61% for the dry beaded surface, with statistical significance (alpha<0.05). Less marked differences were observed for dynamic friction coefficients. Significant but non-systematic effects of normal stress or wet/dry condition on friction coefficients were observed within each surface type. These results indicate that the use of artificial bone models for pre-clinical implant testing that rely on interface load transfer with trabecular bone for mechanical integrity can be particularly sensitive to surface finish and lubrication conditions.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic determination of elastic properties in human craniofacial cortical bone is problematic because of a lack of information about the principal material axes, and because the cortex is often thinner than in long bones. This study investigated solutions that permit reasonable determination of elastic properties in the human mandible. We tested whether ultrasonic velocities could be reliably measured in cylindrical samples of aluminum and mandibular bone, and the effects of reduced specimen thickness. Results indicted that (1) varying shape had minimal effects on ultrasonic velocities or derived elastic properties, and (2) ultrasonic velocities have relatively increased measurement error as propagation distances decreased. The increased error in velocity measurements of mandibular cortical specimens of less than 1.2 mm in thickness should be considered when assessing the reliability of single measurements.  相似文献   

Bone aging was studied in an experimental model (rabbit femur) in three populations aged 0.5, 1.5, and 7.5 years. Cortical bone histology was compared with a data set from a 1.5‐month‐old population of an earlier published paper. From 0.5‐year‐old onward, the mean femur length did not increase further. Thereafter, the mean marrow area increased and the cortical area decreased significantly with aging. This was associated with a structural pattern transformation from plexiform to laminar and then Haversian‐like type. The distal meta‐epiphysis bone trabecular density of the oldest populations also was significantly lower in specific regions of interest (ROI). Percentage sealed primary vascular canals in laminar bone significantly increased with aging without variation of percentage sealed secondary osteons. Remodeling rate reflected by the density of cutting cones did not significantly change among the age populations. These data suggest that laminar bone vascular pattern is more functional in the fast diaphyseal expansion but not much streamlined with the renewal of blood flow during secondary remodeling. Bone aging was characterized by: 1) secondary remodeling subendosteally; 2) increment of sealed primary vascular canals number; 3) increased calcium content of the cortex; 4) cortical and trabecular bone mass loss in specific ROIs. Taken together, the present data may give a morphological and morphometric basis to perform comparative studies on experimental models of osteoporosis in the rabbit. J. Morphol. 276:733–747, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We extend, reformulate and analyse a phenomenological model for bone remodelling. The original macrobiomechanical model (MBM), proposed by Hazelwood et al. [J Biomech 2001; 34:299–308], couples a population equation for the cellular activities of the basic multicellular units (BMUs) in the bone and a rate equation to account for microdamage and repair. We propose to account for bone failure under severe overstressing by incorporating a Paris-like power-law damage accumulation term. The extended model agrees with the Hazelwood et al. predictions when the bone is under-stressed, and allows for suitably loaded bones to fail, in agreement with other MBM and experimental data regarding damage by fatigue. We numerically solve the extended model using a convergent algorithm and show that for unchanging loads, the stationary solution captures fully the model behaviour. We compute and analyse the stationary solutions. Our analysis helps guide additional extensions to this and other BMU activity based models.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique to directly observe the micromechanics of the stem–cement and cement–bone interfaces of cemented femoral stems under physiologically relevant loading conditions. Thick transverse sections of a stem–cement–femur construct were fixed to the base of a test frame. Ante- and retro-verting torques were applied to the femoral stem by screwing the stem (via a pair of through holes) to an axle, which was turned using a lever arm actuated by the test frame cross-head. The surface of each transverse section was serially digitally imaged during loading. The displacements of the stem, cement and bone were determined using digital image correlation. These data were then used to calculate the relative displacements across the interfaces. This method provides a path to more thorough understanding of load-transfer from femoral stem to femur.  相似文献   

A novel concept for rib fixation is presented that involves the use of a bioresorbable polymer intramedullary telescoping splint. Bone cement is used to anchor each end of the splint inside the medullary canal on each side of the fracture site. In this manner, rib fixation is achieved without fixation device protrusion from the rib, making the splint completely intramedullary. Finite element analysis is used to demonstrate that such a splint/cement composite can preserve rib fixation subjected to cough-intensity force loadings. Computational fluid dynamics and porcine rib experiments were used to study the anchor formation process required to complete the fixation.  相似文献   



Steroid-induced adipogenesis increases fat-cell volume and pressure in bone marrow. This may be a contributing factor in some forms of osteonecrosis. In this observational study, we aimed to determine the protein expression relating to steroid-induced adipogenesis of femoral bone marrow with use of a chicken model. We compared the histologic features of the femoral marrow of eight methylprednisolone (MP)-treated chickens with those of three control chickens and assessed differential proteins with 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and differential proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF MS.  相似文献   

A new specially designed analytical function approximating the intracellular action potentials (ICAPs) for calculation of the extracellular potentials (ECAPs) at various radial and axial distances from the active fibre is proposed. 4-Aminopyridine (4-AP) was used to obtain ICAPs with a prolonged repolarization phase in order to investigate the influence of changes in ICAP shape on the ECAPs. From the experimentally recorded ICAPs before and after treatment of frog skeletal muscle fibres with 4-AP, approximated by the new function, the ECAPs were calculated applying the linesource model in a finite fibre. Using this function allowed calculation of the ECAPs at distances not accessible for the experimental recordings. The total ionic current (I i) during the action potential was calculated using the cable equation. Our results showed that the ratio of the first positive to the negative phases of the ECAPs of treated fibres increased at large radial distances (3000 m and more) and the terminal positive phase was asymmetric with an abrupt initial deflection followed by a slow inverse deflection. The calculated ECAPs at various axial distances from the fibre end (cylindrical and conical part) and at radial distances from the fibre membrane ranging from 0 to 5000 m, corresponded in shape to the experimentally recorded potentials of untreated and 4-AP-treated muscle fibres.  相似文献   

Gene exchange between species occurs in areas of secondary contact, where two species have the opportunity to hybridize. If heterospecific males are more common than conspecific males, females will experience more encounters with males of other species. These encounters might increase the likelihood of heterospecific matings, and lead to the production of hybrid progeny. I studied the mating behavior of two pairs of sibling species endemic to Africa: Drosophila yakuba/Drosophila santomea and Drosophila simulans/Drosophila sechellia. Drosophila yakuba and D. simulans are cosmopolitan species widely distributed in the African continent, while D. santomea and D. sechellia are island endemics. These pairs of species hybridize in nature and have the potential to exchange genes in natural conditions. I used these two pairs of Drosophila species, and constructed mating communities of different size and different heterospecific:conspecific composition. I found that both the total number of potential mates and the relative frequency of conspecific versus heterospecific males affect female mating decisions in the cosmopolitan species but not in the island endemics. These results suggest that the population characteristics, in which mating occurs, may affect the magnitude of premating isolation. Community composition might thus facilitate, or impair, gene flow between species.  相似文献   

A mechanistic understanding of the role of bone quality on fracture processes is essential for determining the underlying causes of age-related changes in the mechanical response of the human bone. In this study, a previously developed cohesive finite element model was used to investigate the effects of age-related changes and the orientation of crack growth on the toughening behavior of human cortical bone. The change in the anisotropy of toughening mechanisms with age was also studied. Finite element method (FEM) simulations showed that the initiation toughness decreased by 3% and 8%/decade for transverse and longitudinal crack growth, respectively. In contrast, fracture resistance curve slope for transverse and longitudinal crack growth decreased by 2% and 3%/decade, respectively. Initiation fracture toughness values were higher for the transverse than for the longitudinal for a given age. On the other hand, propagation fracture toughness values were higher for longitudinal than for transverse crack growth for a given age. With respect to age, the toughness ratio for crack initiation decreased by 6%/decade, but that for propagation showed almost no change (less than 1%). In light of these findings, an analytical model evaluating the crack arresting feature of cement lines, is proposed to explain the factors that determine crack penetration into osteons or its deflection by cement lines.  相似文献   

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