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Day length is a key factor in flowering induction in many plant species in a seasonal environment with flowering induction usually happening at shorter day lengths in lower latitudes. Now, the climate changes systematically at a considerable speed due to global warming. As a consequence, earlier flowering will be selected for in long day plants by favouring a lower threshold for day length sensitivity, on the condition of available genetic variability. Here, we show that there is considerable genetic variation for day length sensitivity in our study species, the seabeet Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima. In the northernmost natural populations without vernalization requirement, in southwest France, the necessary day length for flowering induction could be reduced by artificial selection in <10 generations from >13 h to <11 h, the latter value corresponding to populations in the Beta-species complex from Northern Africa and the eastern part of the Mediterranean tested under the same conditions. A quantitative genetic analysis provided evidence of a gradual change without detectable major genes. Additional experiments were carried out to separate the response to photoperiod from age and energy effects. A certain effect of energy availability has been found, whereas age effects could be excluded. These results indicate a considerable potential for evolutionary change in adjusting flowering time in a changing climate.  相似文献   

Majercak J  Sidote D  Hardin PE  Edery I 《Neuron》1999,24(1):219-230
We show that a thermosensitive splicing event in the 3' untranslated region of the mRNA from the period (per) gene plays an important role in how a circadian clock in Drosophila adapts to seasonally cold days (low temperatures and short day lengths). The enhanced splicing of this intron at low temperatures advances the steady state phases of the per mRNA and protein cycles, events that significantly contribute to the preferential daytime activity of flies on cold days. Because the accumulation of PER is also dependent on the photosensitive TIMELESS (TIM) protein, long photoperiods partially counteract the cold-induced advances in the oscillatory mechanism by delaying the daily increases in the levels of TIM. Our findings also indicate that there is a temperature-dependent switch in the molecular logic governing cycles in per mRNA levels.  相似文献   

Global change impacts important environmental drivers for pelagic gross primary production (GPP) in northern lakes, such as temperature, light, nutrient, and inorganic carbon availability. Separate and/or synergistic impacts of these environmental drivers on pelagic GPP remain largely unresolved. Here, we assess key drivers of pelagic GPP by combining detailed depth profiles of summer pelagic GPP with environmental and climatic data across 45 small and shallow lakes across northern Sweden (20 boreal, 6 subarctic, and 19 arctic lakes). We found that across lakes summer pelagic GPP was strongest associated with lake water temperatures, lake carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations impacted by lake water pH, and further moderated by dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations influencing light and nutrient conditions. We further used this dataset to assess the extent of additional DOC-induced warming of epilimnia (here named internal warming), which was especially pronounced in shallow lakes (decreasing 0.96°C for every decreasing m in average lake depth) and increased with higher concentrations of DOC. Additionally, the total pools and relative proportion of dissolved inorganic carbon and DOC, further influenced pelagic GPP with drivers differing slightly among the boreal, subarctic and Arctic biomes. Our study provides novel insights in that global change affects pelagic GPP in northern lakes not only by modifying the organic carbon cycle and light and nutrient conditions, but also through modifications of inorganic carbon supply and temperature. Considering the large-scale impacts and similarities of global warming, browning and recovery from acidification of lakes at higher latitudes throughout the northern hemisphere, these changes are likely to operate on a global scale.  相似文献   

The bacterial community, both in terms of community structure (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting) and activity (exoenzymatic hydrolysis of proteins, polysaccharides and phosphorylated molecules and leucine uptake), was investigated seasonally for 3 years (2004-2006) in a large-scale grid in the northern Adriatic Sea. A high variability characterized the spatial structure of bacterial assemblages and a scarce seasonality was found in all the nine studied stations. Bacterial communities were substantially diverse in the same season of the 3 years, in contrast to what was reported previously for oceanic sites. Assemblages were in general strongly affected by river inputs, especially in spring, when freshwater loads were higher. Finally, a close relationship was found between given assemblages and their patterns of degradation/production activities by applying a multivariate analysis (linear discriminant analysis) to the dataset. The high variability of bacterial community structures and patterns of activity may indicate an ecological response to the high dynamism that characterizes the basin both on a physical and on a biological basis.  相似文献   

Aim: A new medium, EC‐Blue‐10, containing chromogenic and fluorogenic substrates, KNO3 and sodium pyruvate has been developed for the rapid simultaneous detection and enumeration of total coliforms and Escherichia coli in water. Methods and Results:  Two evaluations of EC‐Blue‐10 were carried out. Firstly, EC‐Blue‐10 was compared with Colilert‐MPN for 96 water samples using MPN for total coliforms and E. coli. Secondly, the detection of coliforms and E. coli were compared using 2400 tubes of EC‐Blue‐10 and Colilert‐MPN. The regression coefficients between EC‐Blue‐10 and Colilert‐MPN for total coliforms and E. coli were 0·91 and 0·89, respectively. For the detection results, the Cohen’s kappa values between the two media were 0·79 for coliforms and 0·72 for E. coli. Conclusions: EC‐Blue‐10 is almost same as Colilert‐MPN for the detection of coliforms and E. coli in surface waters. Further evaluation for EC‐Blue‐10 is needed to verify in different geographical areas. Significance and Impact of the Study: EC‐Blue‐10 is useful method for the rapid and simultaneous detection of total coliforms and E. coli in water sample.  相似文献   

The main objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that the phase of melatonin release with respect to the light-dark cycle mediates the effects of photoperiod on the reproductive response of the ewe. To test the phase hypothesis, we eliminated endogenous melatonin secretion by pinealectomy and then restored physiological levels of serum melatonin with rises of the same duration but at different phases of the light-dark cycle (either at night or in the middle of the day). Serum melatonin patterns were determined by radioimmunoassay in samples taken hourly for 24 h. The reproductive state was monitored by measuring serum luteinizing hormone (LH) in ovariectomized ewes treated with constant-release estradiol implants. Infusion of a long-day pattern of melatonin was equally effective in maintaining reproductive suppression when given during the night or the middle of the day. LH remained low for approximately 150 days and then rose as ewes became refractory to the inhibitory melatonin signal. These results do not support the phase hypothesis. Rather, they are consistent with the hypothesis that the duration of the nocturnal secretion of melatonin codes for day length.  相似文献   

Northern lakes disproportionately influence the global carbon cycle, and may do so more in the future depending on how their microbial communities respond to climate warming. Microbial communities can change because of the direct effects of climate warming on their metabolism and the indirect effects of climate warming on groundwater connectivity from thawing of surrounding permafrost, especially at lower landscape positions. Here we used shotgun metagenomics to compare the taxonomic and functional gene composition of sediment microbes in 19 peatland lakes across a 1600-km permafrost transect in boreal western Canada. We found microbes responded differently to the loss of regional permafrost cover than to increases in local groundwater connectivity. These results suggest that both the direct and indirect effects of climate warming, which were respectively associated with loss of permafrost and subsequent changes in groundwater connectivity interact to change microbial composition and function. Archaeal methanogens and genes involved in all major methanogenesis pathways were more abundant in warmer regions with less permafrost, but higher groundwater connectivity partly offset these effects. Bacterial community composition and methanotrophy genes did not vary with regional permafrost cover, and the latter changed similarly to methanogenesis with groundwater connectivity. Finally, we found an increase in sugar utilization genes in regions with less permafrost, which may further fuel methanogenesis. These results provide the microbial mechanism for observed increases in methane emissions associated with loss of permafrost cover in this region and suggest that future emissions will primarily be controlled by archaeal methanogens over methanotrophic bacteria as northern lakes warm. Our study more generally suggests that future predictions of aquatic carbon cycling will be improved by considering how climate warming exerts both direct effects associated with regional-scale permafrost thaw and indirect effects associated with local hydrology.  相似文献   

Telomeres are the specialized ends of chromosomes consisting of highly conserved repeat (5'-TTAGGG-3')(n) sequences. Lack of information regarding the existence of an in vivo telomere clock function in birds, conflicting data regarding telomere array length in the chicken model, and the paucity of molecular telomere information for other avian species led us to study telomere array organization within and among 18 species and subspecies of birds. Most of the species contained between 2% and 4% telomere sequence per diploid genome. Arrays spanning 0.5-10 kb (Class I) and 10-40 kb (Class II) were observed in all of the species studied. Extremely long arrays, ranging from hundreds of kilobases to 1-2 Mb (Class III) were observed in all except two raptor species, the northern goshawk and American bald eagle. In chicken, there was evidence for shortening of the Class II arrays in vivo, based on intraindividual comparisons of somatic versus germline tissues in birds of different ages; terminally differentiated erythrocyte arrays were, on average, 2.3 kb shorter than sperm (germline) arrays. This study provides the first evidence for the existence of telomere arrays significantly larger than have been described for any vertebrate species to date and for developmentally programmed in vivo telomere shortening in the Aves taxa. The novel finding of megabase-sized telomere arrays may be an important feature of avian karyotypes that contain a large number of very small genetic units, the microchromosomes.  相似文献   

Larvae of sardine Sardinops sagax and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the northern Benguela upwelling system were distributed predominantly in waters with dissolved oxygen concentrations >2·0 ml l−1 and oxygen saturations >75%.  相似文献   



Limb length Inequality (LLI) in children and adults may affect posture, gait, and several truncal parameters, and it can cause spinal scoliosis. In literature, however, there is a paucity of assessment of truncal and spinal changes due to mild LLI in children. This report presents children with LLI, and it aims to provide information in pelvic imbalance, spinal posture, and scoliotic curve, using surface topography analysis which is a novel methodological approach for this condition.

Study design

This is an ongoing prospective research study on patient series suffering LLI.

Material and method

Twenty children, attending the Scoliosis Clinic of the department, 7 boys, 13 girls, 9–15?years old, range 7.5–15, mean 15.5?years, having mild LLI, were assessed. The LLI was 0.5 to 2?cm, mean 1.2?cm. There was not any post-traumatic LLI. We evaluated the LLI in correlation to pelvic and spinal posture parameters. The 4D Formetric DIERS apparatus (4DF) was used for the surface topography assessment. The following were assessed: in the coronal plane, the coronal imbalance, the pelvic obliquity, the lateral deviation, and the 4DF scoliosis angle; in the sagittal plane, the sagittal imbalance, the 4DF kyphotic angle, the kyphotic apex, the 4DF lordotic angle, the lordotic apex, the pelvic tilt, and the trunk inclination; and in the transverse plane, the pelvis rotation, the pelvic torsion, the surface rotation, and the 4DF vertebral rotation. LLI was measured using a tape. The data were statistically analyzed, and reliability study for the LLI was also performed.


The LLI was statistically significantly correlated to the 4DF reading of pelvis rotation, pelvic tilt (pelvic obliquity), and surface rotation. The scoliometer readings (angle trunk rotation ATR or trunk inclination ATI) in the lumbar region were statistically significantly correlated to the 4DF readings of pelvic tilt (pelvic obliquity). The normally symmetric truncal parameters were also statistically significantly changed (all these deviating from the line of gravity through the vertebral prominence). Interestingly, LLI was not correlated to the scoliosis angle and the scoliometer reading at the lumbar level.The following 4DF readings are presented: in the coronal plane, the coronal imbalance, pelvic obliquity, lateral deviation, and 4DF scoliosis angle; in the sagittal plane, the sagittal imbalance, kyphotic angle, kyphotic apex, lordotic angle, lordotic apex, pelvic tilt, and trunk inclination; and in the transverse plane, the pelvic rotation, pelvic torsion, surface rotation, and vertebral rotation.


Previous studies have reported the results after simulation of LLI in order to evaluate the effects on the pelvic balance and spinal posture parameters. This report is not a LLI simulation study but it presents the effects of mild LLI on truncal changes in the main cardinal planes in children suffering LLI. These changes undoubtedly affect not only the standing truncal posture but also the gait’s economy as well.As mild LLI affects the pelvic balance and spinal posture parameters, our therapeutic approach is that mild LLI (less than 2.0?cm) has to be corrected using shoe elevation, in order to equalize the pelvic obliquity and, consequently, the spinal posture parameters.

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cdc13 has been proposed to mediate telomerase recruitment at telomere ends. Stn1, which associates with Cdc13 by the two-hybrid interaction, has been implicated in telomere maintenance. Ten1, a previously uncharacterized protein, was found to associate physically with both Stn1 and Cdc13. A binding defect between Stn1-13 and Ten1 was responsible for the long telomere phenotype of stn1-13 mutant cells. Moreover, rescue of the cdc13-1 mutation by STN1 was much improved when TEN1 was simultaneously overexpressed. Several ten1 mutations were found to confer telomerase-dependent telomere lengthening. Other, temperature-sensitive, mutants of TEN1 arrested at G(2)/M via activation of the Rad9-dependent DNA damage checkpoint. These ten1 mutant cells were found to accumulate single-stranded DNA in telomeric regions of the chromosomes. We propose that Ten1 is required to regulate telomere length, as well as to prevent lethal damage to telomeric DNA.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of the parasitoid wasp Cotesia congregata is an extremely short gamete measuring less than 7 μm; it is as yet the shortest flagellated sperm to be identified. The mature sperm consists of an acrosome, surrounded by an extra cellular coat, a condensed nucleus, two uncoiled mitochondrial derivatives and a short axoneme. Testes of young adults contain a continuum of differentiation stages. Initially, the flagellum is approximately 5 μm long. It conserves its length in round, elongated and mature spermatids, but is reduced to less than 3 μm in mature spermatozoa. The nucleus is 2 μm in diameter when round, 10 μm long when it becomes a long boat-hull shaped filament, and then reduces to 3.6 μm. Thus, during development the gamete reaches a total length of 15 μm before finally reducing to less than half that length. Some traits of mature sperm anatomy are similar to related species of the Braconidae family, but others seem to be specific and could be due to the shortness of the cell. This uncommon elongation and subsequent shortening of such a tiny flagellated cell constitutes a model for both nucleus and cilium development.  相似文献   

Effective modelling of the fate and transport of water‐borne pathogens is needed to support federally required pollution‐reduction plans, for water quality improvement planning, and to protect public health. Lack of understanding of microbial–particle interactions in water bodies has sometimes led to the assumption that bacteria move in surface waters not associated with suspended mineral and organic particles, despite a growing body of evidence suggesting otherwise. Limited information exists regarding the factors driving interactions between micro‐organisms and particles in surface waters. This review discusses cellular, particle and environmental factors potentially influencing interactions and in‐stream transport. Bacterial attachment in the aquatic environment can be influenced by properties of the cell such as genetic predisposition and physiological state, surface structures such as flagella and fimbriae, the hydrophobicity and electrostatic charge of the cell surface, and the presence of outer‐membrane proteins and extracellular polymeric substances. The mechanisms and degree of attachment are also affected by characteristics of mineral and organic particles including the size, surface area, charge and hydrophobicity. Environmental conditions such as the solution chemistry and temperature are also known to play an important role. Just as the size and surface of chemical particles can be highly variable, bacterial attachment mechanisms are also diverse.  相似文献   

Incidental capture in fisheries threatens many marine vertebrates, however, conservation cannot be effective without identifying major sources of mortality. For the critically endangered leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), a reliance on fisheries observer data and an absence of behavioural data sets corresponding to a large and diverse sample of animals have focused conservation efforts on a very limited part of the species marine habitat. Using the largest satellite telemetry data set for Atlantic leatherbacks, morphometrics from foraging animals and entanglement records, we show annual return migrations to key feeding areas by males, females and juveniles, and demonstrate the importance of northern latitudes to leatherbacks. We show that leatherbacks are vulnerable to entanglement in northern coastal and shelf waters, where turtle–fishery interactions represent a greater threat to this species than previously recognized. Unless conservation efforts expand to coastal and shelf areas, present efforts alone will not be sufficient to save the species.  相似文献   

The incidence of campylobacter enteritis in Lancaster City Health Authority is three times the UK average for similar sizes of population and has marked seasonal peaks in May and June. Environmental monitoring of surface waters around Lancaster showed that thermophilic campylobacters were absent from drinking water from the fells and from the clean upper reaches of the River Conder but were present in the main rivers entering Morecambe Bay, the lower reaches of the River Conder, the Lancaster canal, and seawater from the Lune estuary and Morecambe Bay. All the surface waters tested showed the same seasonality, namely, higher numbers in the winter months and low numbers or none in May, June and July. The absence of thermophilic campylobacters in the summer months may be due to high sunshine levels because experiments on the effects of light showed that campylobacters in sewage effluent and seawater were eliminated within 60 and 30 min of daylight respectively but survived for 24 h in darkness. As the concentrations of campylobacters in surface waters were at their lowest precisely at the time of peak infections in the community it is unlikely that surface waters form Lancaster's reservoir of campylobacter infection for the community.  相似文献   

J ones , K., B etaieb , M. & T elford , D.R. 1990. Thermophilic campylobacters in surface waters around Lancaster, UK: negative correlation with campylobacter infections in the community. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 69 , 758–764.
The incidence of campylobacter enteritis in Lancaster City Health Authority is three times the UK average for similar sizes of population and has marked seasonal peaks in May and June.
Environmental monitoring of surface waters around Lancaster showed that ther-mophilic campylobacters were absent from drinking water from the fells and from the clean upper reaches of the River Conder but were present in the main rivers entering Morecambe Bay, the lower reaches of the River Conder, the Lancaster canal, and seawater from the Lune estuary and Morecambe Bay. AH the surface waters tested showed the same seasonality, namely, higher numbers in the winter months and low numbers or none in May, June and July. The absence of thermo-philic campylobacters in the summer months may be due to high sunshine levels because experiments on the effects of light showed that campylobacters in sewage effluent and seawater were eliminated within 60 and 30 min of daylight respectively but survived for 24 h in darkness.
As the concentrations of campylobacters in surface waters were at their lowest precisely at the time of peak infections in the community it is unlikely that surface waters form Lancaster's reservoir of campyiobacter infection for the community.  相似文献   

In the northern Indian Ocean, planktonic foraminiferal tests accumulate in a wide variety of surface-water environments and depositional settings. This variability enables us to isolate the effects that surface-water ecology and differential dissolution have on the distribution of planktonic foraminifera from 251 geographically widespread surface sediment samples.Foraminiferal abundance varies from 0 to > 104 whole foraminifera in the greater than 150 μm fraction per gram dry sediment. Values < 10 characterize the three deep basins of the equatorial Indian Ocean and the western Bay of Bengal. Foraminiferal tests are most abundant on carbonate covered Ninety-East and Carlsberg Ridges. Absolute abundance patterns are mainly controlled by non-ecological processes. Variations in dissolution resistant species (RSP) with water depth reveal that the foraminiferal lysocline (FL) varies regionally. The FL is deepest (3,800 m) in the equatorial region, rises abruptly to 3,300 m in the Arabian Sea, and varies from 2,600 m to near 2,000 m moving northward in the Bay of Bengal. Deep samples with anomalously low RSP (< 30%) suggest redeposition.Systematic geographic and depth-related variation is observed for the 17 most abundant foraminiferal species. Dissolution resistant species (G. menardii, G. tumida, G. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata) generally exhibit a rapid and continuous increase in relative abundance at and below the FL. Susceptible species (G. ruber, G. bulloides, G. glutinata, for example) exhibit a rapid and continuous decrease in relative abundance at and below the FL. Moderately susceptible species (G. conglobatus, G. aequilateralis, G. conglomerata, for example) rapidly increase in abundance at the FL and systematically decrease with depth below the FL.Principal components analysis (PCA) of faunal data from minimally dissolved (< 30% RSP) samples reveals important ecologically related species intercorrelations. The major biogeographic gradient is the negative covarying relationship between aG. bulloides-G. glutinata species pair and a grouping ofG. sacculifer, G. conglobatus, G. aequilateralis, andG. ruber. PCA of all samples demonstrates how differential dissolution alters this and other species relationships. Species groupings that incorporateG. ruber, G. menardii, andG. dutertrei are particularly affected by dissolution.Comparison of average faunal data from minimally dissolved samples in the northern Indian Ocean with similar samples from other tropical regions suggests varying environmental factors produce distinct faunas within the tropical ocean. For example,G. bulloides, G. falconensis, andG. hexagona are significantly more abundant in northern Indian Ocean surface sediments while such species asG. ruber, G. sacculifer, G. dutertrei, andP. obliquiloculata dominate in other tropical regions.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, and a Campylobacter-like organism were isolated from a number of natural water sources in central Washington, including ponds, lakes, and small mountain streams at elevations ranging from 1,460 to 5,400 feet (ca. 445 to 1,646 m) above sea level. At the two sites where extensive sampling was done, the bacteria were recovered throughout the year. Generally, the recovery rates were highest in the fall and winter months and lowest during the spring and summer months. Campylobacter density did not show significant correlation with microbiological (plate counts of fecal and total coliforms, fecal streptococci, and heterotrophic bacteria) or physical (water temperature, pH, and conductivity) parameters.  相似文献   

The third-stage (L3) larvae of Anisakis, which are the etiological agents of human anisakiasis, have been categorized morphologically into Anisakis Type I larvae and Anisakis Type II larvae. Genetic analysis has allowed easy identification of these larvae: Anisakis Type I larvae include the species Anisakis simplex sensu stricto, Anisakis pegreffii, Anisakis simplex C, Anisakis typica, Anisakis ziphidarum, and Anisakis nascettii, whereas Anisakis Type II larvae include the species Anisakis physeteris, Anisakis brevispiculata, and Anisakis paggiae. Since human consumption of raw fish and squid is common in Japan, we investigated Anisakis L3 larvae in 44 specimens of Beryx splendens from Japanese waters. A total of 730 Anisakis L3 larvae collected from B. splendens were divided morphologically into 4 types: Type I, Type II, and 2 other types that were similar to Anisakis Type III and Type IV described by Shiraki (1974). Anisakis Type II, Type III, and Type IV larvae all had a short ventriculus, but their tails were morphologically different. In addition, data from genetic analysis indicated that Anisakis Type II, Type III, and Type IV larvae could be identified as A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata, and A. paggiae, respectively. Therefore, A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata, and A. paggiae can be readily differentiated not only by genetic analysis but also by morphological characteristics of L3 larvae.  相似文献   

Limnology - Laguna de Bay is the largest multipurpose lake in the Philippines. Of the primary uses, fish cultivation and potable water production depend mainly on its water quality. Over the years,...  相似文献   

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