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We have examined culture fluids from a variety of Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (KiMSV) transformed rat and mouse cells for the presence of factors which induce normal Rat-1 cells to assume the transformed phenotype. All KiMSV transformants produced transforming factor (TF). Revertants of KiMSV transformed rat or mouse cells failed to relase TF as did normal rat or mouse cells. Cells transformed by a temperature sensitive mutant of KiMSV produced TF at the permissive temperature but not at the nonpermissive temperature. Further, cells from a spontaneous transformant of Rat-1 cells also produced TF. TF is a small polypeptide which competes for the epidermal growth factor receptor. Its effect upon normal cells is reversible and requires de novo RNA and protein synthesis. Cells treated with TF lose the actin fibers observed in normal fibroblasts, assume a transformed cell morphology, become anchorage independent for growth, grow in low concentrations of serum, grow to a high cell density, and have an increased rate of hexose uptake.  相似文献   

Osteogenic tumours from c-fos (MT-c-fos-LTR)-transgenic mice and from mice infected with the v-fos-bearing FBR murine osteosarcoma virus (FBR MSV) showed close morphological and neoplastic similarities. Fos mRNA expression was elevated in both types of tumours, and expression of several genes characteristic of differentiated bone cells was either lower, enhanced, or not detectable in comparison to that in normal bone. Tumour-derived cell lines showed variable levels of exogenous fos expression; bone-cell-specific genes were similarly expressed in both primary tumours and tumour-derived cell lines. Upon transplantation the tumour cells formed fibrosarcomas, some of which contained areas of focal osseochondrous differentiation. Non-tumorigenic cell lines established from bone tissue of normal and MT-c-fos-LTR transgenic mice showed osteoblastic characteristics, whereas no parathyroid hormone (PTH) response was observed in transgenic tumour cell lines in spite of high alkaline phosphatase activity. These data indicate that deregulated fos expression interferes with terminal osteogenic differentiation in v-fos- and c-fos-induced bone tumours.  相似文献   

Ten human bladder epithelium cell lines were tested for their ability to induce blood vessel formation after intradermal injection into irradiated ST/a mice. Cell lines that were shown to be tumorigenic in nude mice, were able to evoke angiogenesis of a higher intensity than nontumorigenic cell lines. No difference was observed between the angiogeneic ability of tumorigenic cells originating from tumors and from in vitro transformed urothelium of nontumor origin. Similarly the origin of nontumorigenic urothelial cell lines did not show any influence on their angiogeneic abilities, but nontumorigenic cell lines which had undergone "infinite growth transformation" exhibited a higher angiogeneic activity than nontumorigenic cell lines with a finite life. The angiogeneic reaction evoked by human bladder epithelium cell lines showed cell dose- and time-dependence; but it was unrelated to the growth potential of the cultured cells. Two "spontaneously" altered sarcoma-producing murine cell lines showed a higher angiogeneic activity than tumorigenic human bladder epithelial cells. The angiogeneic response to these two murine cell lines was unrelated to morphological signs of transformation and to differences in growth rate, serum requirement, saturation density, anchorage dependence, and isoimmunizing properties.  相似文献   

The correlation between the lethal effect of 7β-hydroxycholesterol (7β-OH-CH) on spontaneously transformed cell lines derived from rat astrocyte primary cultures (normal cells) and de novo cholesterogenesis was investigated. Both 7β-OH-CH and 7-keto-CH were not cytotoxic on normal cells but 7β-OH-CH affected markedly the viability of the transformed cells. The use of [14C]acetate or [14C] mevalonate indicated that 7-keto-CH inhibits de novo cholesterogenesis upstream of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase (HMGR) in both cell types whereas 7β-OH-CH also inhibits downstream of HMGR. The accumulation of two radiolabelled products X1 and X2 between mevalonate and CH was found in unsaponifiable neutral lipids extracted from 7β-OH-CH treated transformed cells. HPLC and GC-MS revealed that X1 and X2 are not lanosterol anti 24.25-epoxylanosterol, respectively. Incubation of the transformed cells with X1 and X2 did not affect their viability. Our data demonstrate that, under our experimental conditions, 7β-OH-CH cytotoxicity is not linked to the inhibition of de novo cholesterogenesis in cultured glial transformed cells.  相似文献   

T Yagi  R S Day 《Mutation research》1987,184(3):223-227
Sensitivities of several murine cell strains to killing by the DNA cross-linking agents 1-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (CNU), cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (Cis-Pt) and mitomycin C (MMC) were measured by post-treatment colony-formation. Virally-transformed murine cells were usually more sensitive to cell killing by these agents than were the parental 3T3 cell strains. The hypersensitivity to CNU of some virally-transformed murine cell strains correlated well with the reduced ability to repair O6-methylguanine (O6mGua), a phenomenon similar to that in human cells. The loss of ability to repair O6mGua, as well as the increased sensitivity of transformed strains to cell killing, may not be due to a mutation but rather due to a change of gene expression associated with transformation by viruses or activation of oncogenes.  相似文献   

The lethal effect of 7 beta-hydroxycholesterol (7 beta-OHC) on neonatal rat astrocyte primary cultures and spontaneously transformed cell lines derived from them was investigated. Confluent astrocyte primary cultures were not affected by 30 microM 7 beta-OHC over a period of 72 h. In contrast, spontaneously transformed cells were killed by 20 microM 7 beta-OHC within the first 48 h. Further studies indicated that the cell lines metabolized 7 beta-OHC to a product the polarity of which was less than that of 7 beta-OHC. The metabolite was identified as 7 beta-OHC esterified on C-3 by naturally occurring fatty acids. Incubation of the cell lines with 0.5 microM metabolite markedly affected the cells within 24 h. These observations suggest that the 7 beta-OHC metabolite is implicated in the mechanism of action of 7 beta-OHC cytotoxicity on spontaneously transformed cells.  相似文献   

Trypsinization of neonatal rat astrocyte primary cultures (normal cells) inhibited the activity of ethanolamine base exchange enzyme (EBEE) by 80%, whereas ethanolamine phosphotransferase (EPT) and choline base exchange (CBEE) enzymatic activities were not affected; subcellular fractionation demonstrated that trypsin treatment affected the intracellular EBEE activity. During trypsinization the enzyme was not taken up by cultured astrocytes but the cell surface was affected. In contrast, the same treatment did not alter EPT, CBEE and EBEE activities of spontaneously transformed cell lines derived from the primary cultures. However, treatment of the transformed cells with db-cAMP prior to trypsin, restored the pattern found in the primary culture, i.e. only EBEE activity was affected. These data suggest that a relationship exists between cell surface organization and intracellular EBEE activity in a culture system which possesses the property to control its own cell division or/and differentiation.  相似文献   

R W Tucker  K K Sanford  R Frankel 《Cell》1978,13(4):629-642
Pairs of nonneoplastic and spontaneously transformed neoplastic cells were derived from rat, mouse and hamster embryos. The neoplastic cells of each pair had poorly spread cellular morphology, grew in agarose in vitro and produced invasive sarcomas in vivo; the nonneoplastic cells exhibited none of these properties. The distribution of microtubules and microfilament bundles (stress fibers or actin cables) was examined in five such paired lines and in 3T3 and SV40-transformed 3T3 cells by indirect immunofluorescent microscopy of fixed cells treated with rabbit antibody prepared against bovine brain tubulin or guinea pig smooth muscle actin, respectively. Actin cables in all the neoplastic cells appeared thinner and more sparse than in the paired nonneoplastic cells. These differences were also observed in living cells with polarization microscopy. In contrast, microtubules appeared similar in neoplastic and nonneoplastic cells, both in areas of thin peripheral lamellar cytoplasm which allowed a clear visualization of fine, curving microtubules and in regions of thick, central endoplasm which obsecured individual microtubules. In fact, the main morphological difference between neoplastic and nonneoplastic cells was the relative amount of lamellar cytoplasm or endoplasm, rather than the appearance of microtubles in either region. Thus the distinctive growth properties and retracted cellular morphology of neoplastic cells in this study did not correlate with decreased or disorganized microtubules, but with thin and sparse actin cables.  相似文献   

The activities'of the lysosomal cysteine proteinases cathepsin B and L are regulated by their endogenous inhibitors, stefins A and B, and cystatin C, and their imbalance may be associated with increased invasiveness and development of the malignant cell phenotype. The aim of this study was to investigate mRNA, protein and activity levels of the above proteins in relation to in vitro invasiveness and to the reported in vivo tumorigenicity of four human breast tumor cell lines: the spontaneously immortalized cell line MCF10A, its c-Ha-ras transfectant MCF10AT, and two tumorigenic derivative cell lines, MCF10AT-Ca1a and MCF10AT-Ca1d. Invasiveness did not correlate with tumorigenicity, since the MCF10AT cell was the most invasive and the remaining three were at about half of its level. Cathepsin B expression paralleled the in vitro invasiveness through matrigel at all levels of expression, but cathepsin L did not. Stefin levels were elevated several-fold in the tumorigenic cell lines, but not in MCF10AT. The hypothesis that cathepsin B plays an active role in the invasion of breast cancer cell lines was confirmed by the fact that synthetic cysteine proteinase inhibitors, particularly those selective for cathepsin B, significantly reduced the invasion of the MCF10AT cells.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) exhibits cytotoxic or cytostatic activity on a wide range of animal and human transformed cell lines. Using pure, recombinant human and mouse TNF, we examined the degree of species specificity of the in vitro TNF activity on a variety of human and murine transformed cell lines. This species specificity was studied for the TNF activity alone or in synergism with IFN-gamma. Recombinant human and mouse TNF behave remarkably similarly regarding the in vitro cytolytic/cytostatic activity. However, a certain degree of species-specific preference could be revealed as human cell lines needed a higher concentration of recombinant mouse TNF than of recombinant human TNF to attain a similar effect, while on mouse cells the reverse was true. Also, synergism with IFN-gamma seemed more effective when the target cell was treated with homologous TNF.  相似文献   

Five cell lines (one parental, two transformed melanin producing, and two transformed non-melanin producing) were evaluated for the responses to 2- and 4-hydroxyanisole (2HA, 4HA) alone or combined with hyperthermia or radiation. All cells exhibited a non-specific toxic response to the two compounds and the effect was exposure time and concentration dependent and was greater for 4HA compared to 2HA. In addition, the two melanin-producing cell lines were more sensitive, demonstrating specific toxicity to such cell lines. The treatment with either 2HA or 4HA combined with heat and radiation resulted mostly in additive or antagonistic effects, except for one combination of 2HA plus radiation in the melanin-producing R25 cells. Thus, while these compounds may be useful in therapy for pigmented melanomas, combined treatment with radiation is not recommended.  相似文献   

Abstract. Progressive in vitro culturing of interleukin-3 (IL-3) dependent normal murine mastocytes (PB-3) resulted in a variant cell line (PB-1) able to grow without exogenous IL-3 and which was tumorogenic in syngenic mice. Bivariate flow cytometry was used to evaluate the c-myc protein and DNA content of PB-3 and PB-1 cells. The c-myc protein was detected by specific monoclonal antibodies. Kinetic characteristics of PB-3 and PB-1 cell lines, namely, the duration of the G1, S and G2+ M cell cycle phases were also evaluated using the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) pulse-chase method and BrdU/DNA flow cytometry. Levels of c-myc protein in PB-1 cells were about twofold higher than those of PB-3 cells in all cell cycle phases. Mean duration of the cell cycle ( T c) was 15-3 h for PB-3 cells and 12-4 h for PB-1 cells. Shortening in T c for the transformed cells was due to a decrease of nearly 30% in mean duration of the G 1 phase (from 8 h to 5.7 h). No significant differences were found in the duration of the S and G2+ M phases. These results indicate that acquired IL-3 independency in vitro and tumorogenicity of PB-1 cells were accompanied by a doubling of c-myc protein level and by a parallel shortening, or bypass, of the regulatory events within the G1 phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Progressive in vitro culturing of interleukin-3 (IL-3) dependent normal murine mastocytes (PB-3) resulted in a variant cell line (PB-1) able to grow without exogenous IL-3 and which was tumorogenic in syngenic mice. Bivariate flow cytometry was used to evaluate the c-myc protein and DNA content of PB-3 and PB-1 cells. The c-myc protein was detected by specific monoclonal antibodies. Kinetic characteristics of PB-3 and PB-1 cell lines, namely, the duration of the G1, S and G2 + M cell cycle phases were also evaluated using the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) pulse-chase method and BrdU/DNA flow cytometry. Levels of c-myc protein in PB-1 cells were about two-fold higher than those of PB-3 cells in all cell cycle phases. Mean duration of the cell cycle (Tc) was 15.3 h for PB-3 cells and 12.4 h for PB-1 cells. Shortening in Tc for the transformed cells was due to a decrease of nearly 30% in mean duration of the G1 phase (from 8 h to 5.7 h). No significant differences were found in the duration of the S and G2 + M phases. These results indicate that acquired IL-3 independency in vitro and tumorogenicity of PB-1 cells were accompanied by a doubling of c-myc protein level and by a parallel shortening, or bypass, of the regulatory events within the G1 phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Conventional and molecular cytogenetic analyses of three murine cancer cell lines that had been induced in male athymic mice by the injection of three different human prostate cancer cell lines revealed selective amplification of the Y chromosome. In particular, analysis of metaphase and interphase nuclei by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with the mouse Y chromosome-specific DNA painting probe revealed the presence of various numbers of Y chromosomes, ranging from one to eight, with a large majority of nuclei showing two copies (46.5–60.1%). In Interphase nuclei, the Y chromosomes showed distinct morphology, allowing identification irrespective of whether the preparations were treated for 15 min or for 5 h with Colcemid, a chemical known to cause chromosome condensation. However, FISH performed on human lymphocyte cultures with chromosome-specific DNA painting probes other than the Y chromosome did not reveal condensed chromosome morphology in interphase nuclei even after 12 h of Colcemid treatment. Our FISH results indicate that (1) the Y chromosome is selectively amplified in all three cell lines; (2) the mouse Y chromosome number is comparable in both interphase and metaphase cells; (3) the Y chromosome number varies between one and eight, with a large majority of cells showing two or three copies in most interphase nuclei; (4) the condensation of the Y chromosome is not affected by the duration of Colcemid treatment but by its inherent DNA constitution; and (5) the number of copies of the Y chromosome is increased and retained not only in human prostate tumor cell lines but also in murine tumors induced by these prostate tumor cell lines.  相似文献   

Seven cell lines transformed by adenovirus type 5 and its DNA were obtained. It was shown that different cell lines contain the fragments of viral DNA which differ in length and number of copies per DNA of diploid cells. They contain from the left end 6% of the viral DNA to complete or almost complete viral genome. All studied cell lines were sensitive to reinfection with adenovirus type 5. They produced no virus being cocultivated with cell sensitive to the virus. No cell line was able to induce tumors even in immunosuppressed newborn rats. All cell lines formed colonies in soft agar. The level of virus-specific antigens was higher in cells that contained a large part of the viral genome. The methods used did not allow to correlate the biological properties of the transformed cells with the length and the number of copies of the integrated part of the viral genome.  相似文献   

A variant clone, BK-BI-2.6.C6, was derived from the murine bovine insulin-reactive T cell line BK-BI-2.6 with helper/amplifier phenotype. Variant cells have lost reactivity to insulin, but have acquired constitutive IL 2 receptor expression, growing in IL 2-containing medium without feeder cells. In contrast to their ancestor line, variant cells synthesize and express I-A and I-E region-dependent class II molecules as indicated by metabolic radiolabeling, immunoprecipitation with subregion-specific monoclonal antibodies and two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis (1D isoelectric focusing, 2D SDS-PAGE). BK-BI-2.6.C6 cells can act as accessory cells, presenting the protein antigens bovine insulin and ovalbumin to antigen-dependent long-term cultured T cell lines BK-BI-1.2 and BK-OVA-1 in the context of I-A restriction elements. Antigen recognition on presenting BK-BI-2.6.C6 accessory cells resulted in highly efficient IL 2 production. However, in contrast to splenic antigen-presenting cells, BK-BI-2.6.C6 cells did not initiate antigen-specific [3H]thymidine incorporation by the T cell lines tested. Further study of accessory function of Ia+ T cell clones might provide insight into processes regulating T cell responses to antigen.  相似文献   

Interleukin-2 (IL-2)-activated murine killer cell lines with macrophage- and B-lymphoblastic-lytic activity were established, and their target specificity, surface markers, recognition-related structures, and requirements for optimal cell growth were characterized. Sustained growth of IL-2-activated lymphocytes was supported by the combination of IL-2 and IL-4-enriched T cell conditioned medium (CM), but was not supported by IL-2 alone or the combination of IL-2 and IL-3-containing CM in the presence of macrophages (M phi). The established line required continuous contact with M phi to maintain anti-M phi cytolytic activity. Flow cytometric analysis showed that the original line isolated by the first cloning was Thyl+, CD4-, and weakly CD8+, FcR+. The majority of these cells were CD3+ and TCR-V beta 8+. From this line, the CD3+, TCR-V beta 8+ and CD3-, TCR-V beta 8- clones were isolated by subcloning. The former clone showed Thyl+, CD3+, CD4-, CD8-, TCR-V beta 8+, FcR(+)-phenotype, and the latter clone showed Thyl+, CD3-, CD4-, CD8-, TCR-V beta 8-, FcR- phenotype. The original line and subclones showed a similar target specificity and killed resident or thioglycollate (TG)-induced peritoneal M phi and B-lymphoblasts, but did not kill T-lymphoblasts. Allogeneic M phi, M phi-like cell line P388D1, and B cell hybridoma were sensitive, whereas fresh lymphocytes, T cell lymphoma BW5147, natural killer (NK)-sensitive YAC-1, and NK-resistant P815 tumor cells were resistant to lysis by these cytotoxic lines. The addition of anti-H-2 heteroserum, anti-MHC class 1, anti-MHC class II, anti-CD3, or anti-TCR-V beta 8 monoclonal antibody (mAb) to assay cultures did not inhibit the anti-M phi cytolysis by these killer cells. In addition, the CD3- TCR-V beta 8- clone killed M phi and B lymphoblasts better than the CD3+, TCR-V beta 8+ clone. These results suggest that cytotoxic lines established in this study do not use the T cell receptor (TCR) molecules to recognize target cells and the MHC molecules are not involved in recognition. Anti-LFA-1 mAb partially inhibited anti-M phi-lysis, suggesting that the cell contact between targets and effectors is important in cytolysis. Our present data suggest that the culture condition containing IL-2, IL-4, and M phi may support the continuous growth of non-MHC-restricted killer cells with relative target specificity against M phi and B-lymphoblasts.  相似文献   

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