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Alstroemeria hygrophila andA. orchidioides are both described as new from the state of Goiás (including Distrito Federal) in Brazil.Alstroemeria hygrophila is a cerrado bog-dwelling species that grows semi-epiphytically on the culms of a sedge. The vegetative stems of this species characteristically zig-zag between the pseudonodes. Like other wetlandAlstroemeria in Brazil (e.g.,A. apertiflora, A. isabellana, andA. sellowiana),A. hygrophila has wiry stems bearing narrow, lanceolate, nonresupinate leaves, and does not form root tubers.Alstroemeria orchidioides is a hysteranthus forest understory species with large vegetative leaves aggregated at the apex of the stems. The leaves on flowering stems are reduced to scarious bract-like scales. Its flowers are a pale, nearly white, greenish yellow, a color not reported in any other Brazilian species. Both species have 2n=16 chromosomes.  相似文献   

Arboreal species of the genus Prosopis L. have played an important role in the development of tree-ring research in arid and semi-arid ecoregions of South America. Given the distribution of Prosopis across a broad precipitation gradient from 0 to 2000 mm y−1 and its unique role as a phreatophyte, the relationship between Prosopis species growth and water has been a recurring theme over the past century. We conducted a systematic review of the literature addressing Prosopis and water research in South America, and combined site coordinates with GIS data of mean annual precipitation (MAP), elevation, biome, and soil moisture from online databases to understand the spatial distribution of research to date. We compiled 40 publications from 1931 to 2022, including results from 11 species of Prosopis among four countries, on the relationship between Prosopis spp and precipitation, groundwater levels, soil humidity, among other hydrological parameters. The spatial distribution of research sites spans tropical-subtropical and temperate latitudes from 4° to 35°S, excluding regions where the genus is present in Patagonia and northeastern South America. Studies covered a broad range of elevations from 30 to 3500 m a.s.l. but was limited to 1–730 mm y−1 MAP, excluding more humid climates where Prosopis occurs. Results obtained from 32 dendrochronological studies and eight studies relating to Prosopis and hydrology, were grouped into sub-disciplines of tree-ring formation and the hydrosystem, dendroclimatology, dendrohydrology, and dendroecology. The review highlights the unique affinities of Prosopis to arid conditions, and the use of tree rings as a proxy for historical droughts and variability in water tables. Nonetheless, there are opportunities to expand the geographical-climatological extent of Prosopis growth research to humid climates, as well as to incorporate novel techniques such as stable isotopes and vessel size chronologies to understand how this genus records hydrological change throughout South America.  相似文献   

Five new species of Lamiinae are described from Bolivia, all named after James E. Wappes: Xenofrea wappesi (Xenofreini); Anobrium wappesi (Pteropliini); Cotycicuiara wappesi, Nesozineus wappesi, and Psapharochrus wappesi (Acanthoderini). Anobrium wappesi, Cotycicuiara wappesi, and Nesozineus wappesi are included in known keys. A short note on the name and date of Anobrium oberthueri Belon, 1903 is provided.  相似文献   

KNAPP, S., 1991. A revision of the Solatium sessile species (sectio Geminata pro parte : Solanaceae ). The taxonomy of the Solanum sessile species group (a part of the large and unwieldy section Geminata) is reviewed, based on detailed field and herbarium studies. Members of the group are found from Mexico to Bolivia in a variety of habitats. Ten species are recognized: S. obovalifolium, S. sessile, S. monadelphum, S. turgidum, S. triste, S. chlamydogynum, S. rovirosanum, S. palmillae, S. oppositifolium and conferliseriatum.  相似文献   

A better circumscribed morphological concept of Leiomitra mastigophoroides with its monospecific subgenus Leiomitra subg. Brachygyna from Dominica Island is given. Leiomitra mastigophoroides is characterized by the gynoecia restricted to short lateral branches, rare presence of ventral Acromastigum-type branching, presence of stem paraphyllia, and superficial cilia on marginal parts of the leaf disc. The species is newly confirmed from Peru in addition to Dominica Island. The monospecific subgenus Brachygyna is retained as an isolated element of the genus Leiomitra, because although L. mastigophoroides is unique in terms of the gynoecial position within the family Trichocoleaceae, other vegetative characters, except for the Acromastigum-type branches, are similar to other species of Leiomitra subg. Leiomitra.  相似文献   

Seven new species ofMascagnia are described:M. tomentosa from southern Mexico and Central America;M. arenicola from the Guianas;M. riparia, M. tucuruensis, andM. velutina from Brazil;M. boliviana from Bolivia; andM. australis from Argentina and Paraguay. These novelties were previously included in the “M. sepium-complex,” an omniumgatherum comprising superficially similar yellow-flowered taxa.  相似文献   

Morphometric analyses of 220 specimens of a characid, Bryconops sp. cf. melanurus, from the Brazilian Pantanal were used to describe allometric growth in that species and determine whether specimens from highland habitats were more streamlined than those from lowland habitats. Relative warp analysis of 14 landmarks and principal component analysis of 28 interlandmark distances returned complementary results. The increased streamlining of the highland specimens is highly consistent with known inductive effects of high water velocity on fish phenotypes. Genetic differentiation and inductive effects of temperature variation are also potential explanations of the observed phenotypic differentiation.  相似文献   

Larval and adult Pteronarcys scotti Ricker were collected from a mountain stream in northwestern South Carolina, USA. The pattern of larval growth indicated a semivoltine life cycle. Emergence occurred in April and early May, and small larvae first appeared in May. Sexual dimorphism in adult size was apparent; males were 0.8 as large as females in head capsule width.

Female larvae possess a midventral notch on the eighth abdominal segment that can be used to sex larvae as small as 2.5 mm in head width. Female larvae as small as 1 mm in head width have a midventral break in the posterior setal row of segment 8. These characters are illustrated.  相似文献   

Two new genera and three new species of Lycoperdininae (Coleoptera: Endomychidae) from South America, are described and illustrated based on adults: Hylaperdina n. g., along with H. brevicornis n. sp. from Ecuador and H. costariciensis n. sp. from Costa Rica, and Chileanus n. g., along with C. talca n. sp. from Chile. Their most likely placement within the Lycoperdininae is discussed. A key to genera of the neotropical Lycoperdininae is provided.  相似文献   

A new subspecies of Keratella cochlearis, viz. Keratella cochlearis pachyacantka is described. It has been recorded from Africa and South America.  相似文献   

Four new species of longhorn beetles are described from Brazil: Coleoxestia diamantina n. sp. (Cerambycinae, Cerambycini), from Bahia; Mirador bravoi n. sp. (Cerambycinae, Ectenessini), from Bahia; Compsibidion antonietae n. sp. (Cerambycinae, Neoibidionini), from Goiás, Bahia and São Paulo; and Amphicnaeia quadrifasciata n. sp. (Lamiinae, Apomecynini) from Bahia. Coleoxestia diamantina and Compsibidion antonietae are included in previous keys.  相似文献   

Ticorea comprises five species, which occur in the Guianas, throughout the Amazonian basin, and on the lower eastern slopes of the Andes in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Two of the five are described here as new: T. diandra, from eastern Ecuador and adjacent Peru, and T. froesii, from Maranhão and Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

Macromitrium catharinense Paris is a poorly known moss of the family Orthotrichaceae reported from Brazil. In the present paper, Macromitrium catharinense is taxonomically re‐evaluated, resulting in the synonymization of M. drewii H. Rob. from Ecuador and M. catharinense var. gracilius (Müll. Hal.) Paris from Brazil. The phenetic relationships between M. catharinense and other closely related species of Macromitrium from Brazil and Ecuador are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Solanum sessile species group is one of eight putatively monophyletic subgroups of the large and diverse Solanum section Geminata. The species group comprises ten species of mostly northern South American trees and shrubs. Characters and character states peculiar to Solanum are discussed in detail. A cladistic analysis of the sessile group yielded four equally parsimonious trees which represent two basic tree topologies. The consensus cladogram is composed of three main clades. Biogeographic analysis using the consensus tree revealed no components in common to the three clades. Possible geographical scenarios are discussed with reference to the geological history of northern South America.  相似文献   

Twenty eight species of Ixodidae have been found on man in South America (21 Amblyomma, 1 Boophilus, 2 Dermacentor, 2 Haemaphysalis, 1 Ixodes and 1 Rhipicephalus species). Most of them are rarely found on man. However, three species frequently parasitize humans in restricted areas of Argentina (A. neumanni reported from 46 localities), Uruguay (A. triste from 21 sites) and Argentina–Brazil (A. parvum from 27 localities). The most widespread ticks are A. cajennense (134 localities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela), A. ovale (37 localities in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela) and A. oblongoguttatum (28 sites in Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela). Amblyomma aureolatum (18 localities in Argentina, Brazil, French Guiana and Paraguay), A. cajennense, and A. triste are vectors of rickettsioses to man in South America. A better understanding of the respective roles of these and other tick species in transmitting pathogens to humans will require further local investigations. Amblyomma ticks should be the main subjects of these studies followed by species of Boophilus, Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis and Rhipicephalus species. In contrast with North America, Europe and Asia, ticks of the genus Ixodes do not appear to be major players in transmitting diseases to human. Indeed, there is only one record of an Ixodes collected while feeding on man for all South America.  相似文献   

The taxonomy and distribution of the genus Quillaja (Quillajaceae) is examined and two species, Q. brasiliensis and Q. saponaria, are recognised and keyed out. Quillaja bra‐ siliensis is distributed in southern Brazil, northern Uruguay, northeastern Argentina and eastern Paraguay. The presence of Q. brasiliensis in Peru, indicated in some sources, is not confirmed with herbarium specimens. Quillaja saponaria is distributed in central Chile, besides one doubtful collection from Andean Bolivia. The mention of its presence in Peru is likewise unjustified. A distribution map of the species is provided and two names are lectotypified here. Se examina la taxonomía y distribución del género Quillaja (Quillajaceae), donde dos especies, Q. brasiliensis y Q. saponaria, se reconocen y diferencian mediante una clave. Quillaja brasiliensis se distribuye en el sur de Brasil, norte de Uruguay, noreste de Argentina y este de Paraguay. La presencia de Q. brasiliensis en Perú, indicada en algunas fuentes, no se ve respaldada por ejemplares de herbario. Quillaja saponaria se distrbuye en Chile central, más una colección dudosa proveniente de los Andes de Bolivia. La mención de Q. saponaria para Perú tampoco se justifica. Se presenta un mapa de distribución de las especies y se lectotipifican dos nombres. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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