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Adaptive tolerance is a hyporesponsive state in which lymphocyte Ag receptor signaling becomes desensitized after prolonged in vivo encounter with Ag. The molecular mechanisms underlying this hyporesponsive state in T cells are not fully understood, although a major signaling block has been shown to be present at the level of ZAP70 phosphorylation of linker for activation of T cells (LAT). In this study, we investigated the ability of adaptively tolerant mouse T cells to form conjugates with Ag-bearing APCs and to translocate signaling molecules into the interface between the T cells and APCs. Compared with naive or preactivated T cells, adaptively tolerant T cells showed no dramatic impairment in their formation of conjugates with APCs. In contrast, there was a large impairment in immunological synapse formation. Adaptively tolerant T cells were defective in their translocation of signaling molecules, such as ZAP70, LAT, and phospholipase C γ1, into the T cell-APC contact sites. Although Ag-induced activation of VAV1 was normal, VAV's recruitment into the synapse was also impaired. Interestingly, expressions of both IL-2-inducible T cell kinase and growth factor receptor-bound protein 2-related adaptor downstream of SHC were decreased by 60-80% in adaptively tolerant T cells. These decreases, in addition to the impairment in LAT phosphorylation by ZAP70, appear to be the major impediments to the phosphorylation of SLP76 (SRC homology 2 domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa) and the recruitment of VAV1, which are important for stable immunological synapse formation.  相似文献   

Here we report on the related TBC/RabGAPs EPI64A and EPI64B and show that they function to organize the apical aspect of epithelial cells. EPI64A binds the scaffolding protein EBP50/NHERF1, which itself binds active ezrin in epithelial cell microvilli. Epithelial cells additionally express EPI64B that also localizes to microvilli. However, EPI64B does not bind EBP50 and both proteins are shown to have a microvillar localization domain that spans the RabGAP domains. CRISPR/Cas9 was used to inactivate expression of each protein individually or both in Jeg-3 and Caco2 cells. In Jeg-3 cells, loss of EPI64B resulted in a reduction of apical microvilli, and a further reduction was seen in the double knockout, mostly likely due to misregulation of Rab8 and Rab35. In addition, apical junctions were partially disrupted in cells lacking EPI64A and accentuated in the double knockout. In Caco2 loss of EPI64B resulted in wavy junctions, whereas loss of both EPI64A and EPI64B had a severe phenotype often resulting in cells with a stellate apical morphology. In the knockout cells, the basal region of the cell remained unchanged, so EPI64A and EPI64B specifically localize to and regulate the morphology of the apical domain of polarized epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Yu Y  Fay NC  Smoligovets AA  Wu HJ  Groves JT 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30704
Activation of T cell receptor (TCR) by antigens occurs in concert with an elaborate multi-scale spatial reorganization of proteins at the immunological synapse, the junction between a T cell and an antigen-presenting cell (APC). The directed movement of molecules, which intrinsically requires physical forces, is known to modulate biochemical signaling. It remains unclear, however, if mechanical forces exert any direct influence on the signaling cascades. We use T cells from AND transgenic mice expressing TCRs specific to the moth cytochrome c 88-103 peptide, and replace the APC with a synthetic supported lipid membrane. Through a series of high spatiotemporal molecular tracking studies in live T cells, we demonstrate that the molecular motor, non-muscle myosin IIA, transiently drives TCR transport during the first one to two minutes of immunological synapse formation. Myosin inhibition reduces calcium influx and colocalization of active ZAP-70 (zeta-chain associated protein kinase 70) with TCR, revealing an influence on signaling activity. More tellingly, its inhibition also significantly reduces phosphorylation of the mechanosensing protein CasL (Crk-associated substrate the lymphocyte type), raising the possibility of a direct mechanical mechanism of signal modulation involving CasL.  相似文献   

T cell activation by nonself peptide-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigenic complexes can be blocked by particular sequence variants in a process termed T cell receptor antagonism. The inhibition mechanism is not understood, although such variants are encountered in viral infections and may aid immune evasion. Here, we study the effect of antagonist peptides on immunological synapse formation by T cells. This cellular communication process features early integrin engagement and T cell motility arrest, referred to as the "stop signal." We find that synapses formed on membranes presenting antagonist-agonist complexes display reduced MHC density, which leads to reduced T cell proliferation that is not overcome by the costimulatory ligands CD48 and B7-1. Most T cells fail to arrest and crawl slowly with a dense ICAM-1 crescent at the leading edge. Similar aberrant patterns of LFA-1/ICAM-1 engagement in live T-B couples correlate with reduced calcium flux and IL-2 secretion. Hence, antagonist peptides selectively disable MHC clustering and the stop signal, whereas LFA-1 valency up-regulation occurs normally.  相似文献   

T cell receptor (TCR) engagement induces clustering and recruitment to the plasma membrane of many signaling molecules, including the protein tyrosine kinase zeta-chain associated protein of 70 kDa (ZAP70) and the adaptor SH2 domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa (SLP76). This molecular rearrangement results in formation of the immunological synapse (IS), a dynamic protein array that modulates T cell activation. The current study investigates the effects of apparent long-range ligand mobility on T cell signaling activity and IS formation. We formed stimulatory lipid bilayers on glass surfaces from binary lipid mixtures with varied composition, and characterized these surfaces with respect to diffusion coefficient and fluid connectivity. Stimulatory ligands coupled to these surfaces with similar density and orientation showed differences in their ability to activate T cells. On less mobile membranes, central supramolecular activation cluster (cSMAC) formation was delayed and the overall accumulation of CD3ζ at the IS was reduced. Analysis of signaling microcluster (MC) dynamics showed that ZAP70 MCs exhibited faster track velocity and longer trajectories as a function of increased ligand mobility, whereas movement of SLP76 MCs was relatively insensitive to this parameter. Actin retrograde flow was observed on all surfaces, but cell spreading and subsequent cytoskeletal contraction were more pronounced on mobile membranes. Finally, increased tyrosine phosphorylation and persistent elevation of intracellular Ca(2+) were observed in cells stimulated on fluid membranes. These results point to ligand mobility as an important parameter in modulating T cell responses.  相似文献   

ß1-adrenergic receptors (ß1-AR) are internalized in response to agonists and then recycle back for another round of signaling. The serine 312 to alanine mutant of the ß1-AR (S312A) is internalized but does not recycle. We determined that WT ß1-AR and S312A were internalized initially to an early sorting compartment because they colocalized by > 70% with the early endosomal markers rab5a and early endosomal antigen-1 (EEA1). Subsequently, the WT ß1-AR trafficked via rab4a-expressing sorting endosomes to recycling endosomes. In recycling endosomes WT ß1-AR were colocalized by > 70% with the rab11 GTPase. S312A did not colocalize with either rab4a or rab11, instead they exited from early endosomes to late endosomes/lysosomes in which they were degraded. Rab11a played a prominent role in recycling of the WT ß1-AR because dominant negative rab11a inhibited, while constitutively active rab11a accelerated the recycling of the ß1-AR. Next, we determined the effect of each of the rab11-interacting proteins on trafficking of the WT ß1-AR. The recycling of the ß1-AR was markedly inhibited when myosin Vb, FIP2, FIP3 and rabphillin were knocked down. These data indicate that rab11a and a select group of its binding partners play a prominent role in recycling of the human ß1-AR.  相似文献   

Oral tolerance is systemic immune hyporesponsiveness induced by the oral administration of soluble Ags. Hyporesponsiveness of Ag-specific CD4 T cells is responsible for this phenomenon. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the hyporesponsive state of these T cells are not fully understood. In the present study, we investigated the ability of orally tolerized T cells to form conjugates with Ag-bearing APCs and to translocate TCR, protein kinase C-theta (PKC-theta), and lipid rafts into the interface between T cells and APCs. Orally tolerized T cells were prepared from the spleens of OVA-fed DO11.10 mice. Interestingly, the orally tolerized T cells did not show any impairment in the formation of conjugates with APCs. The conjugates were formed in a LFA-1-dependent manner. Upon antigenic stimulation, the tolerized T cells could indeed activate Rap1, which is critical for LFA-1 activation and thus cell adhesion. However, orally tolerized T cells showed defects in the translocation of TCR, PKC-theta, and lipid rafts into the interface between T cells and APCs. Translocation of TCR and PKC-theta to lipid raft fractions upon antigenic stimulation was also impaired in the tolerized T cells. Ag-induced activation of Vav, Rac1, and cdc42, which are essential for immunological synapse and raft aggregation, were down-regulated in orally tolerized T cells. These results demonstrate that orally tolerized T cells can respond to specific Ags in terms of conjugate formation but not with appropriate immunological synapse formation. This may account for the hyporesponsive state of orally tolerized T cells.  相似文献   

Sustained Ca(2+) influx through plasma membrane Ca(2+) released-activated Ca(2+) (CRAC) channels is essential for T cell activation. Since inflowing Ca(2+) inactivates CRAC channels, T cell activation is only possible if Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation is prevented. We have previously reported that sustained Ca(2+) influx through CRAC channels requires both mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and mitochondrial translocation towards the plasma membrane in order to prevent Ca(2+)-dependent channel inactivation. Here, we show that morphological changes following formation of the immunological synapse (IS) modulate Ca(2+) influx through CRAC channels. Cell shape changes were dependent on the actin cytoskeleton, and they sustained Ca(2+) entry by bringing mitochondria and the plasma membrane in closer proximity. The increased percentage of mitochondria beneath the plasma membrane following shape changes occurred in all 3 dimensions and correlated with an increase in the amplitude of Ca(2+) signals. The shape change-dependent mitochondrial localization close to the plasma membrane prevented CRAC channel inactivation even in T cells in which dynein motor protein-dependent mitochondria movements towards the plasma membrane were completely abolished, highlighting the importance of the shape change-dependent control of Ca(2+) influx. Our results suggest that morphological changes do not only facilitate an efficient contact with antigen presenting cells but also strongly modulate Ca(2+) dependent T cell activation.  相似文献   

Cognate interactions between T and B lymphocytes lead to the formation of the immunological synapse (IS) where bidirectional activation signals are exchanged. Although the molecular architecture and the function of the IS have been studied extensively on the T cell side, little is known about events occurring during synapse formation in Ag-presenting B cells. We investigated the impact of BCR and TLR signaling on human B cell activation and on the T and B cell side of the IS. On the T cell side, we observed that T cells polarized toward both naive and previously activated B cells. Nevertheless, when T cells interacted with different B cells simultaneously, T cells selectively polarized their secretory machinery toward preactivated B cells. Furthermore, both naive and preactivated B cells reoriented their microtubule-organizing center toward the synaptic T cell during cognate interactions. This phenomenon was rapid and not dependent on T cell secretory activity. Interestingly, not only the microtubule-organizing center but also the Golgi apparatus and Lamp-3(+) and MHC class II(+) vesicles all repositioned beneath the IS, suggesting that the entire endocytic/exocytic B cell compartment was reoriented toward the T cell. Taken together, our results show that the B cell activation status fine-tunes T cell polarization responses and reveal the capacity of naive and activated B cells to polarize toward T cells during cognate interactions.  相似文献   

Sato M  Sato K  Liou W  Pant S  Harada A  Grant BD 《The EMBO journal》2008,27(8):1183-1196
Using Caenorhabditis elegans genetic screens, we identified receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME)-4 and RME-5/RAB-35 as important regulators of yolk endocytosis in vivo. In rme-4 and rab-35 mutants, yolk receptors do not accumulate on the plasma membrane as would be expected in an internalization mutant, rather the receptors are lost from cortical endosomes and accumulate in dispersed small vesicles, suggesting a defect in receptor recycling. Consistent with this, genetic tests indicate the RME-4 and RAB-35 function downstream of clathrin, upstream of RAB-7, and act synergistically with recycling regulators RAB-11 and RME-1. We find that RME-4 is a conserved DENN domain protein that binds to RAB-35 in its GDP-loaded conformation. GFP-RME-4 also physically interacts with AP-2, is enriched on clathrin-coated pits, and requires clathrin but not RAB-5 for cortical association. GFP-RAB-35 localizes to the plasma membrane and early endocytic compartments but is lost from endosomes in rme-4 mutants. We propose that RME-4 functions on coated pits and/or vesicles to recruit RAB-35, which in turn functions in the endosome to promote receptor recycling.  相似文献   

The activation of biological T cell responses requires prolonged contact with APCs and sustained signaling. We investigated whether signaling must be uninterrupted to commit T cells to cytokine production or whether T cell activation may also result from summation of interrupted signals. Upon periodic addition and removal of a src kinase inhibitor, human CD4(+) T cells destroyed and re-formed immunological synapses while aborting and restarting signal transduction. Remarkably, under these conditions, T cells were eventually activated to IFN-gamma production and the amount of IFN-gamma produced was directly related to the total signaling time despite the repeated interruptions. Our results illustrate that T cell activation does not require a stable immunological synapse and can be achieved by interrupted signaling. It is implied that T cells can add activation signals, possibly collected on multiple APCs.  相似文献   

Actin retrograde flow and actomyosin II contraction have both been implicated in the inward movement of T cell receptor (TCR) microclusters and immunological synapse formation, but no study has integrated and quantified their relative contributions. Using Jurkat T cells expressing fluorescent myosin IIA heavy chain and F-tractin-a novel reporter for F-actin-we now provide direct evidence that the distal supramolecular activation cluster (dSMAC) and peripheral supramolecular activation cluster (pSMAC) correspond to lamellipodial (LP) and lamellar (LM) actin networks, respectively, as hypothesized previously. Our images reveal concentric and contracting actomyosin II arcs/rings at the LM/pSMAC. Moreover, the speeds of centripetally moving TCR microclusters correspond very closely to the rates of actin retrograde flow in the LP/dSMAC and actomyosin II arc contraction in the LM/pSMAC. Using cytochalasin D and jasplakinolide to selectively inhibit actin retrograde flow in the LP/dSMAC and blebbistatin to selectively inhibit actomyosin II arc contraction in the LM/pSMAC, we demonstrate that both forces are required for centripetal TCR microcluster transport. Finally, we show that leukocyte function-associated antigen 1 clusters accumulate over time at the inner aspect of the LM/pSMAC and that this accumulation depends on actomyosin II contraction. Thus actin retrograde flow and actomyosin II arc contraction coordinately drive receptor cluster dynamics at the immunological synapse.  相似文献   

HAb18G/CD147, a glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin super‐family (IgSF), is a T cell activation‐associated molecule. In this report, we demonstrated that HAb18G/CD147 expression on both activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was up‐regulated. In vitro cross‐linking of T cells with an anti‐HAb18G/CD147 monoclonal antibody (mAb) 5A12 inhibited T cells proliferation upon T cell receptor stimulation. Such co‐stimulation inhibited T cell proliferation by down‐regulating the expression of CD25 and interleukin‐2 (IL‐2), decreased production of IL‐4 but not interferon‐γ. Laser confocal imaging analysis indicated that HAb18G/CD147 was recruited to the immunological synapse (IS) during T cell activation; triggering HAb18G/CD147 on activated T cells by anti‐HAb18G/CD147 mAb 5A12 strongly dispersed the formation of the IS. Further functional studies showed that the ligation of HAb18G/CD147 with mAb 5A12 decreased the tyrosine phosphorylation and intracellular calcium mobilization levels of T cells. Through docking antibody–antigen interactions, we demonstrated that the function of mAb 5A12 is tightly dependent on its specificity of binding to N‐terminal domain I, which plays pivotal role in the oligomerization of HAb18G/CD147. Taken together, we provide evidence that HAb18G/CD147 could act as a co‐stimulatory receptor to negatively regulate T cell activation and is functionally linked to the formation of the IS.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptor and its recycling in HeLa cells.   总被引:44,自引:14,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
The transferrin receptor is a 180 000-dalton protein which can be dissociated to two 90 000-dalton polypeptides under reducing conditions. It can be labelled by lactoperoxidase-catalysed iodination on the cell surface at 0 degree C. Trypsin digestion of labelled cells at 0 degree C can be used to degrade those receptors on the cell surface; they release a 70 000-dalton soluble fragment which binds to transferrin. When cells are labelled at 0 degree C, then warmed to 37 degrees C, the labelled receptors enter the cells and become trypsin resistant. These receptors enter the cells, probably via coated pits, with a half-life of approximately 5 min. Since there is about three times as much receptor inside cells as on the surface, this means that transit through the cell to the cell surface takes approximately 21 min, if all receptors are on the same cycling pathway.  相似文献   

The FA translocase cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36) facilitates FA uptake by the myocardium, and its surface recruitment in cardiomyocytes is induced by insulin, AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK), or contraction. Dysfunction of CD36 trafficking contributes to disordered cardiac FA utilization and promotes progression to disease. The Akt substrate 160 (AS160) Rab GTPase-activating protein (GAP) is a key regulator of vesicular trafficking, and its activity is modulated via phosphorylation. Our study documents that AS160 mediates insulin or AMPK-stimulated surface translocation of CD36 in cardiomyocytes. Knock-down of AS160 redistributes CD36 to the surface and abrogates its translocation by insulin or the AMPK agonist 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR). Conversely, overexpression of a phosphorylation-deficient AS160 mutant (AS160 4P) suppresses the stimulated membrane recruitment of CD36. The AS160 substrate Rab8a GTPase is shown via overexpression and knock-down studies to be specifically involved in insulin/AICAR-induced CD36 membrane recruitment. Our findings directly demonstrate AS160 regulation of CD36 trafficking. In myocytes, the AS160 pathway also mediates the effect of insulin, AMPK, or contraction on surface recruitment of the glucose transporter GLUT4. Thus, AS160 constitutes a point of convergence for coordinating physiological regulation of CD36 and GLUT4 membrane recruitment.  相似文献   

Rab27, a small GTPase, is generally recognized as an important regulator of secretion that interacts with Rab27-specific effectors to regulate events in a wide variety of cells, including endocrine and exocrine cells. However, the mechanisms governing the spatio-temporal regulation of GTPase activity of Rab27 are not firmly established, and no GTPase-activating protein (GAP) specific for Rab27 has been identified in secretory cells. We previously showed that expression of EPI64, a Tre-2/Bub2/Cdc16 (TBC)-domain-containing protein, in melanocytes inactivates endogenous Rab27A on melanosomes (Itoh, T., and Fukuda, M. (2006) J. Biol. Chem. 281, 31823-31831), but the EPI64 role in secretory cells has never been investigated. In this study, we investigated the effect of EPI64 on Rab27 in isoproterenol (IPR)-stimulated amylase release from rat parotid acinar cells. Subcellular fractionation and immunohistochemical analyses indicated that EPI64 was enriched on the apical plasma membrane of parotid acinar cells. We found that an antibody against the TBC/Rab-GAP domain of EPI64 inhibited the reduction in levels of the endogenous GTP-Rab27 in streptolysin-O-permeabilized parotid acinar cells and suppressed amylase release in a dose-dependent manner. We also found that the levels of EPI64 mRNA and EPI64 protein increased after IPR stimulation, and that treatment with actinomycin D or antisense-EPI64 oligonucleotides suppressed the increase of EPI64 mRNA/EPI64 protein and the amount of amylase released. Our findings indicated that EPI64 acted as a physiological Rab27-GAP that enhanced GTPase activity of Rab27 in response to IPR stimulation, and that this activity is required for IPR-induced amylase release.  相似文献   

Using transfected fibroblasts expressing both wild-type I-E(k) and green fluorescent protein-tagged I-E(k) with covalently attached antigenic peptide, we have monitored movement of specific MHC:peptide complexes during CD4(+) T cell-APC interactions by live-cell video microscopy. Ag recognition occurs within 30 s of T cell-APC contact, as shown by a sharp increase in cytoplasmic calcium ion concentration. Within 1 min, small MHC:peptide clusters form in the contact zone that coalesce into an immunological synapse over 3-20 min. When T cells conjugated to APC move across the APC surface, they appear to drag the synapse with them. This system was used to examine the role of costimulation in the formation of the immunological synapse. Blocking CD80/CD28 or ICAM-1/LFA-1 interactions alters synapse morphology and reduces the area and density of accumulated complexes. These reductions correlate with reduced T cell proliferation, while CD69 and CD25 expression and TCR down-modulation remain unaffected. Thus, costimulation is essential for normal mature immunological synapse formation.  相似文献   

T cell activation is driven by the TCR and complemented by costimulation. We have studied the dynamics of ligand-engagement of the costimulatory receptor CD2 in T cell/APC couples. Thousands of ligand-engaged CD2 molecules were included in a large T cell invagination at the center of the cellular interface within 1 min of cell couple formation. The structure and regulation of this invagination shared numerous features with phagocytosis and macropinocytosis. Three observations further characterize the invagination and the inclusion of CD2: 1) numerous ligand-engaged receptors were enriched in and internalized through the T cell invagination, none as prominently as CD2; 2) dissolution of the T cell invagination and CD2 engagement were required for effective proximal T cell signaling; and 3) the T cell invagination was uniquely sensitive to the affinity of the TCR for peptide-MHC. Based on this characterization, we speculate that the T cell invagination, aided by CD2 enrichment, internalizes parts of the TCR signaling machinery to reset T cell signaling upon agonist-mediated, stable APC contact.  相似文献   

Regulation of the number of Ca2+-activated K+ channels at the endothelial cell surface contributes to control of the endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor response, although this process is poorly understood. To address the fate of plasma membrane-localized KCa2.3, we utilized an extracellular epitope-tagged channel in combination with fluorescence and biotinylation techniques in both human embryonic kidney cells and the human microvascular endothelial cell line, HMEC-1. KCa2.3 was internalized from the plasma membrane and degraded with a time constant of 18 h. Cell surface biotinylation demonstrated that KCa2.3 was rapidly endocytosed and recycled back to the plasma membrane. Consistent with recycling, expression of a dominant negative (DN) RME-1 or Rab35 as well as wild type EPI64C, the Rab35 GTPase-activating protein, resulted in accumulation of KCa2.3 in an intracellular compartment. Expression of DN RME-1, DN Rab35, or wild type EPI64C resulted in a decrease in steady-state plasma membrane expression. Knockdown of EPI64C increased cell surface expression of KCa2.3. Furthermore, the effect of EPI64C was dependent upon its GTPase-activating proteins activity. Co-immunoprecipitation studies confirmed an association between KCa2.3 and both Rab35 and RME-1. In contrast to KCa2.3, KCa3.1 was rapidly endocytosed and degraded in an RME-1 and Rab35-independent manner. A series of N-terminal deletions identified a 12-amino acid region, Gly206–Pro217, as being required for the rapid recycling of KCa2.3. Deletion of Gly206–Pro217 had no effect on the association of KCa2.3 with Rab35 but significantly decreased the association with RME-1. These represent the first studies elucidating the mechanisms by which KCa2.3 is maintained at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(4-6):178-189

Cholesterol- and glycosphingolipid-enriched membrane lipid microdomains, frequently called lipid rafts, are thought to play an important role in the spatial and temporal organization of immunological synapses. Higher ordering of lipid acyl chains was suggested for these entities and imaging of membrane order in living cells during activation can therefore help to understand the mechanisms responsible for the supramolecular organization of molecules involved in the activation of T cells. Here, we employ the phase-sensitive membrane dye di-4-ANEPPDHQ together with a variety of spectrally-resolved microscopy techniques, including 2-channel ratiometric TIRF microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging, to characterize membrane order at the T cell immunological synapse at high spatial and temporal resolution in live cells at physiological temperature. We find that higher membrane order resides at the immunological synapse periphery where proximal signalling through the immunoreceptors and accessory proteins in microclusters has previously been shown to take place. The observed spatial patterning of membrane order in the immunological synapse depends on active receptor signalling.  相似文献   

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