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Rodrigo Yelin Sonia Steiner-Mordoch Benjamin Aroeti Shimon Schuldiner 《Journal of neurochemistry》1998,71(6):2518-2527
Abstract: The role of N -glycosylation in the expression, ligand recognition, activity, and intracellular localization of a rat vesicular monoamine transporter (rVMAT1) was investigated. The glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin induced a dose-dependent decrease in the rVMAT1-mediated uptake of [3 H]serotonin. Part of this effect was due to a general toxic effect of the drug. Therefore, to assess the contribution of each of the glycosylation sites to the transporter activity, the three putative N -glycosylation sites were mutated individually, in combination, and in toto (triple mutant). Mutation of each glycosylation site caused a minor and additive decrease in activity, up to the triple mutant, which retained at least 50% of the wild-type activity. No significant differences were found either in the time dependence of uptake or the apparent affinity for ligands of the triple mutant compared with the wild-type protein. It is interesting that in contrast to plasma-membrane neurotransmitter transporters, the unglycosylated form of rVMAT1 distributed in the cell as the wild-type protein. Pro43 is a highly conserved residue located at the beginning of the large loop in which all the potential glycosylation sites are found. A Pro43 Leu mutant transporter was inactive. It is remarkable that despite the presence of glycosylation sites, the mutant transporter was not glycosylated. Moreover, the distribution pattern of the Pro43 Leu mutant clearly differed from that of the wild type. In contrast, a Pro43 Gly mutant displayed an activity practically identical to the wild-type protein. As this replacement generated a protein with wild-type characteristics, we suggest that the conformation conferred by the amino acid at this position is essential for activity. 相似文献
Glutamate transporters located in the brain maintain low synaptic concentrations of the neurotransmitter by coupling its flux to that of sodium and other cations. In the binding pocket of the archeal homologue GltPh, a conserved methionine residue has been implicated in the binding of the benzyl moiety of the nontransportable substrate analogue threo-β-benzyloxyaspartate. To determine whether the corresponding methionine residue of the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC1, Met-367, fulfills a similar role, M367L, M367C, and M367S mutants were expressed in HeLa cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes to monitor radioactive transport and transport currents, respectively. The apparent affinity of the Met-367 mutants for d-aspartate and l-glutamate, but not for l-aspartate, was 10–20-fold reduced as compared with wild type. Unlike wild type, the magnitude of Imax was different for each of the three substrates. d-Glutamate, which is also a transportable substrate of EAAC1, did not elicit any detectable response with M367C and M367S but acted as a nontransportable substrate analogue in M367L. In the mutants, substrates inhibited the anion conductance as opposed to the stimulation observed with wild type. Remarkably, the apparent affinity of the blocker d,l-threo-β-benzyloxyaspartate in the mutants was similar to that of wild type EAAC1. Our results are consistent with the idea that the side chain of Met-367 fulfills a steric role in the positioning of the substrate in the binding pocket in a step subsequent to its initial binding. 相似文献
Cytochalasins are microfilament-active mould metabolites, widely utilized to study the involvement of the actin cytoskeleton in cellular processes as well as in genotoxicity and cell kinetic research. In this study we have investigated whether multidrug-resistance phenotypes, caused by overexpression of the ATP-binding-cassette transporter proteins P-glycoprotein (P-gp) or multidrug-resistance-associated protein (MRP), influence the microfilament-depolymerizing effect of cytochalasins. Using four well-characterized multidrug-resistance cell models, we have shown that both the microfilament-disrupting (phalloidine staining) and the cytotoxic (MTT-assay) activity of cytochalasins are reduced in parallel with increased P-gp expression and restorable by P-gp-modulating agents. This also applied to the cytochalasin D-mediated induction of polykaryons (microscopic evaluation) which arise as a consequence of impaired cytokinesis but unaffected karyokinesis. The reduced cellular activity of cytochalasins in P-gp-positive cell lines was correlated with decreased intracellular accumulation ([3H]cytochalasin B accumulation) which was also restorable by P-gp modulators. Moreover, the dose-dependent inhibition of P-gp photoaffinity labeling ([3H]azidopine) suggested cytochalasins as P-gp-binding agents. In contrast, MRP overexpression had no effect on either cytochalasin microfilament activity or cytotoxicity. In conclusion, data indicate that the microfilament-destructive effects of cytochalasins are impaired due to a reduction of the intracellular cytochalasin accumulation by P-gp but not by MRP. Results are discussed with regard to P-gp as a resistance factor when cytochalasins are utilized to study microfilament dynamics, cell cycle kinetics or chromosomal damage. Moreover, the polykaryon-inducing activity of cytochalasin D is suggested as a specific indicator for a P-gp-mediated multidrug-resistance phenotype and the reversing potency of chemosensitizers. 相似文献
《Cell metabolism》2014,19(6):1008-1019
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Pierre Frederic Fribourg Mohamed Chami Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano Francesca Gubellini Roberto Marabini Sergio Marco Jean-Michel Jault Daniel Lévy 《Journal of molecular biology》2014
ABC (ATP-binding cassette) membrane exporters are efflux transporters of a wide diversity of molecule across the membrane at the expense of ATP. A key issue regarding their catalytic cycle is whether or not their nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) are physically disengaged in the resting state. To settle this controversy, we obtained structural data on BmrA, a bacterial multidrug homodimeric ABC transporter, in a membrane-embedded state. BmrA in the apostate was reconstituted in lipid bilayers forming a mixture of ring-shaped structures of 24 or 39 homodimers. Three-dimensional models of the ring-shaped structures of 24 or 39 homodimers were calculated at 2.3 nm and 2.5 nm resolution from cryo-electron microscopy, respectively. In these structures, BmrA adopts an inward-facing open conformation similar to that found in mouse P-glycoprotein structure with the NBDs separated by 3 nm. Both lipidic leaflets delimiting the transmembrane domains of BmrA were clearly resolved. In planar membrane sheets, the NBDs were even more separated. BmrA in an ATP-bound conformation was determined from two-dimensional crystals grown in the presence of ATP and vanadate. A projection map calculated at 1.6 nm resolution shows an open outward-facing conformation. Overall, the data are consistent with a mechanism of drug transport involving large conformational changes of BmrA and show that a bacterial ABC exporter can adopt at least two open inward conformations in lipid membrane. 相似文献
Zhen Tao Noa Rosental Baruch I. Kanner Armanda Gameiro Juddy Mwaura Christof Grewer 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2010,285(23):17725-17733
The glutamate transporter excitatory amino acid carrier 1 (EAAC1) catalyzes the co-transport of three Na+ ions, one H+ ion, and one glutamate molecule into the cell, in exchange for one K+ ion. Na+ binding to the glutamate-free form of the transporter generates a high affinity binding site for glutamate and is thus required for transport. Moreover, sodium binding to the transporters induces a basal anion conductance, which is further activated by glutamate. Here, we used the [Na+] dependence of this conductance as a read-out of Na+ binding to the substrate-free transporter to study the impact of a highly conserved amino acid residue, Thr101, in transmembrane domain 3. The apparent affinity of substrate-free EAAC1 for Na+ was dramatically decreased by the T101A but not by the T101S mutation. Interestingly, in further contrast to EAAC1WT, in the T101A mutant this [Na+] dependence was biphasic. This behavior can be explained by assuming that the binding of two Na+ ions prior to glutamate binding is required to generate a high affinity substrate binding site. In contrast to the dramatic effect of the T101A mutation on Na+ binding, other properties of the transporter, such as its ability to transport glutamate, were impaired but not eliminated. Our results are consistent with the existence of a cation binding site deeply buried in the membrane and involving interactions with the side chain oxygens of Thr101 and Asp367. A theoretical valence screening approach confirms that the predicted site of cation interaction has the potential to be a novel, so far undetected sodium binding site. 相似文献
EmrR, the repressor of the emrRAB operon of Escherichia coli, was purified to 95% homogeneity. EmrR was found to bind putative ligands of the EmrAB pump-2,4-dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, and carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoro-methoxy)phenylhydrazone-with affinities in the micromolar range. Equilibrium dialysis experiments suggested one bound ligand per monomer of the dimeric EmrR. 相似文献
Elia Zomot Eliane Hadas Yardeni Attilio Vittorio Vargiu Heng-Keat Tam Giuliano Malloci Venkata Krishnan Ramaswamy Michal Perach Paolo Ruggerone Klaas Martinus Pos Eitan Bibi 《Journal of molecular biology》2018,430(9):1368-1385
Secondary multidrug (Mdr) transporters utilize ion concentration gradients to actively remove antibiotics and other toxic compounds from cells. The model Mdr transporter MdfA from Escherichia coli exchanges dissimilar drugs for protons. The transporter should open at the cytoplasmic side to enable access of drugs into the Mdr recognition pocket. Here we show that the cytoplasmic rim around the Mdr recognition pocket represents a previously overlooked important regulatory determinant in MdfA. We demonstrate that increasing the positive charge of the electrically asymmetric rim dramatically inhibits MdfA activity and sometimes even leads to influx of planar, positively charged compounds, resulting in drug sensitivity. Our results suggest that unlike the mutants with the electrically modified rim, the membrane-embedded wild-type MdfA exhibits a significant probability of an inward-closed conformation, which is further increased by drug binding. Since MdfA binds drugs from its inward-facing environment, these results are intriguing and raise the possibility that the transporter has a sensitive, drug-induced conformational switch, which favors an inward-closed state. 相似文献
Joan B. Peris Paulina Davis José M. Cuevas Miguel R. Nebot Rafael Sanjuán 《Genetics》2010,185(2):603-609
Empirical knowledge of the fitness effects of mutations is important for understanding many evolutionary processes, yet this knowledge is often hampered by several sources of measurement error and bias. Most of these problems can be solved using site-directed mutagenesis to engineer single mutations, an approach particularly suited for viruses due to their small genomes. Here, we used this technique to measure the fitness effect of 100 single-nucleotide substitutions in the bacteriophage f1, a filamentous single-strand DNA virus. We found that approximately one-fifth of all mutations are lethal. Viable ones reduced fitness by 11% on average and were accurately described by a log-normal distribution. More than 90% of synonymous substitutions were selectively neutral, while those affecting intergenic regions reduced fitness by 14% on average. Mutations leading to amino acid substitutions had an overall mean deleterious effect of 37%, which increased to 45% for those changing the amino acid polarity. Interestingly, mutations affecting early steps of the infection cycle tended to be more deleterious than those affecting late steps. Finally, we observed at least two beneficial mutations. Our results confirm that high mutational sensitivity is a general property of viruses with small genomes, including RNA and single-strand DNA viruses infecting animals, plants, and bacteria.MUTATIONAL fitness effects are relevant to many evolutionary processes. For instance, they determine the fraction of mutations that evolves neutrally (Ohta 1992), the amount of genetic variation at the mutation–selection balance (Haldane 1937), processes of fitness decay, such as Muller''s ratchet (Butcher 1995), mutational meltdown (Lynch et al. 1993), or lethal mutagenesis (Bull et al. 2007), the ability of organisms to fix beneficial mutations and evolve novel functions (Wagner 2005), or the origin of sex and recombination (Peck et al. 1997; de Visser et al. 2003). Considerable progress has been made in characterizing mutational fitness effects using model organisms or studying genetic variation in natural populations (Eyre-Walker and Keightley 2007). For instance, mutation–accumulation experiments suggest that the average effect of spontaneous deleterious mutations is 1% or lower (Kibota and Lynch 1996) in Escherichia coli, while roughly 90% of engineered gene knockouts are viable (Baba et al. 2006) and transposon insertions reduce fitness by 3% or less on average (Elena et al. 1998). In yeast, mutation–accumulation and chemical mutagenesis experiments have shown that mutations reduce fitness by 1–4% on average in diploid strains (Zeyl and de Visser 2001; Szafraniec et al. 2003; Joseph and Hall 2004). In nematodes most mutations have fitness effects lower than 1% (Keightley and Caballero 1997; Davies et al. 1999), in Drosophila the average effect of mutations ranges from 0.5 to 3.5% (Mukai et al. 1972; Ohnishi 1977; Fernández and López-Fanjul 1996; Fry et al. 1999), and, in humans, most segregating amino acid substitutions have fitness effects lower than 10% (Eyre-Walker and Keightley 2007).Although mutation–accumulation studies provide valuable information about the average effects of deleterious mutations, their power to infer the entire distribution of mutational effects, including neutral and lethal mutations, is more limited. Also, excluding bias due to selection can be problematic, and the precise location and nature of each mutation is often unknown. On the other hand, studies based on engineering mutations have been generally restricted to large deletions or insertions, which are probably infrequent in nature compared to point mutations. A direct and powerful approach that helps us to solve these difficulties consists of introducing single-nucleotide substitutions by site-directed mutagenesis. Due to their small genome sizes, viruses are excellent systems for achieving this goal. In previous work, this technique has been used for studying mutational fitness effects in several RNA viruses (Sanjuán et al. 2004; Carrasco et al. 2007; Domingo-Calap et al. 2009). However, less is known for DNA viruses—but see Domingo-Calap et al. (2009). Here, we use this approach to characterize the distribution of mutational fitness effects in the bacteriophage f1, an inovirus of the bacteriophage m13 clade, making two important improvements over previous work: first, the number of mutations tested is higher (100) and second, the contribution of experimental error to the observed distribution is explicitly accounted for. We show that one-fifth of single-nucleotide substitutions are lethal, while viable ones reduce fitness by 11% on average and can be described by a heavy-tail two-parameter distribution such as the log-normal. Interestingly, the fraction of beneficial mutations is unexpectedly high. We also compare the average effects of different mutation types and of mutations affecting different genes. 相似文献
Bacteremia caused by Gram-negative enteric organisms accounts for the majority of instances of shock complicating bacterial infection. Control of the infection and maintenance of normal blood volume constitute the primary considerations in immediate treatment. The use of three or four doses of corticosteroid agent over a period of 24 hours is regarded as advantageous for routine treatment. Conservative and selective use of isoproterenol and phentolamine are justified for management of patients who do not respond to the administration of bactericidal drugs and volume repletion. Levarterenol and metaraminol are rarely indicated. Intravascular coagulation complicated by bleeding diathesis may serve as an indication for anticoagulation.With more effective management of the hemodynamic defects, patients are now more likely to survive the shock state only to develop a fatal form of pulmonary failure which is yet poorly understood. Close attention to respiratory management is therefore advised. 相似文献
Paul E. Holmes 《Applied microbiology》1986,52(6):1391-1393
The role of bacteria in the development of algae on low-density vinyl was investigated. Unidentified bacterial contaminants in unialgal stock cultures of Phormidium faveolarum and Pleurochloris pyrenoidosa enhanced, by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude, colonization of vinyl by these algae, as determined by epifluorescence microscopy counts and chlorophyll a in extracts of colonized vinyl. Colonization by bacteria always preceded that by algae. Scanning electron microscopy of the colonized Phormidium-bacteria mixture revealed the presence of a slime matrix engulfing both bacteria and algae that may have facilitated algal attachment. Slime was not evident in the Pleurochloris-bacteria mixture, suggesting that the attachment mechanisms differ for the two algae. 相似文献
Replacement of conserved amino acid residues during evolution of proteins can lead to divergence and the formation of new
families with novel functions, but is often deleterious to both protein structure and function. Using the WW domain, we experimentally
examined whether and to what degree second-site mutations can compensate for the reduction of function and loss of structure
that accompany substitution of a strictly conserved amino acid residue. The W17F mutant of the WW domain, with substitution
of the most strictly conserved Trp residue, is known to lack a specific three-dimensional structure and shows reduced binding
affinity in comparison to the wild type. To obtain second-site revertants, we performed a selection experiment based on the
proline-rich peptide (PY ligand) binding affinity using the W17F mutant as the initial sequence. After selection by ribosome
display, we were able to select revertants that exhibited a maximum ninefold higher affinity to the PY ligand than the W17F
mutant and showed an even better affinity than the wild type. In addition, we found that the functional restoration resulted
in increased binding specificity in selected revertants, and the structures were more compact, with increased amounts of secondary
structure, in comparison to the W17F mutant. Our results suggest that the defective structure and function of the proteins
caused by mutations in highly conserved residues occurring through divergent evolution not only can be restored but can be
further improved by compensatory mutations. 相似文献
Chlamydia spp. are obligate intracellular Gram-negative bacterial pathogens that cause disease in humans and animals. Minor variations in metabolic capacity between species have been causally linked to host and tissue tropisms. Analysis of the highly conserved genomes of Chlamydia spp. reveals divergence in the metabolism of the essential vitamin biotin with genes for either synthesis (bioF_2ADB) and/or transport (bioY). Streptavidin blotting confirmed the presence of a single biotinylated protein in Chlamydia. As a first step in unraveling the need for divergent biotin acquisition strategies, we examined BioY (CTL0613) from C. trachomatis 434/Bu which is annotated as an S component of the type II energy coupling-factor transporters (ECF). Type II ECFs are typically composed of a transport specific component (S) and a chromosomally unlinked energy module (AT). Intriguingly, Chlamydia lack recognizable AT modules. Using 3H-biotin and recombinant E. coli expressing CTL0613, we demonstrated that biotin was transported with high affinity (a property of Type II ECFs previously shown to require an AT module) and capacity (apparent K(m) of 3.35 nM and V(max) of 55.1 pmol×min−1×mg−1). Since Chlamydia reside in a host derived membrane vacuole, termed an inclusion, we also sought a mechanism for transport of biotin from the cell cytoplasm into the inclusion vacuole. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that the mammalian sodium multivitamin transporter (SMVT), which transports lipoic acid, biotin, and pantothenic acid into cells, localizes to the inclusion. Since Chlamydia also are auxotrophic for lipoic and pantothenic acids, SMVT may be subverted by Chlamydia to move multiple essential compounds into the inclusion where BioY and another transporter(s) would be present to facilitate transport into the bacterium. Collectively, our data validates the first BioY from a pathogenic organism and describes a two-step mechanism by which Chlamydia transport biotin from the host cell into the bacterial cytoplasm. 相似文献
Supplemental Substrate Enhancement of 2,4-Dinitrophenol Mineralization by a Bacterial Consortium 总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6

A Janthinobacterium sp. and an actinomycete, both capable of mineralizing 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), were used to construct a consortium to mineralize DNP in nonaxenic bench-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Average Km values for DNP mineralization by pure cultures of the Janthinobacterium sp. and the actinomycete were 0.01 and 0.13 μg/ml, respectively, and the average maximum specific growth rate (μmax) values for them were 0.06 and 0.23/h, respectively. In the presence of NH4Cl, nitrite accumulation in pure culture experiments and in the SBRs was stoichiometric to initial DNP concentration and the addition of nitrogen enhanced DNP mineralization in the SBRs. Mineralization of 10 μg of DNP per ml was further enhanced in SBRs by the addition of glucose at concentrations of 100 and 500 μg/ml but not at 10 μg/ml. Possible mechanisms for this enhanced DNP mineralization in SBRs were suggested by kinetic analyses and biomass measurements. Average μmax values for DNP mineralization in the presence of 0, 10, 100, and 500 μg of glucose per ml were 0.33, 0.13, 0.42, and 0.59/h, respectively. In addition, there was greater standing biomass in reactors amended with glucose. At steady-state operation, all SBRs contained heterogeneous microbial communities but only one organism, an actinomycete, that was capable of mineralizing DNP. This research demonstrates the usefulness of supplemental substrates for enhancing the degradation of toxic chemicals in bioreactors that contain heterogeneous microbial communities. 相似文献
Abstract: Termination of synaptic glutamate transmission depends on rapid removal of glutamate by neuronal and glial high-affinity transporters. Molecular biological and pharmacological studies have demonstrated that at least five subtypes of Na+ -dependent mammalian glutamate transporters exist. Our study demonstrates that Y-79 human retinoblastoma cells express a single Na+ -dependent glutamate uptake system with a K m of 1.7 ± 0.42 µ M that is inhibited by dihydrokainate and dl - threo -β-hydroxyaspartate (IC50 = 0.29 ± 0.17 µ M and 2.0 ± 0.43 µ M , respectively). The protein kinase C activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of glutamate uptake (IC50 = 0.56 ± 0.05 n M ), but did not affect Na+ -dependent glycine uptake significantly. This inhibition of glutamate uptake resulted from a fivefold decrease in the transporter's affinity for glutamate, without significantly altering the V max . 4α-Phorbol 12,13-didecanoate, a phorbol ester that does not activate protein kinase C, did not alter glutamate uptake significantly. The phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced inhibition of glutamate uptake was reversed by preincubation with staurosporine. The biophysical and pharmacological profile of the human glutamate transporter expressed by the Y-79 cell line indicates that it belongs to the dihydrokainate-sensitive EAAT2/GLT-1 subtype. This conclusion was confirmed by western blot analysis. Protein kinase C modulation of glutamate transporter activity may represent a mechanism to modulate extracellular glutamate and shape postsynaptic responses. 相似文献
Zhou Wenchang Trinco Gianluca Slotboom Dirk J. Forrest Lucy R. Faraldo-Gómez José D. 《Neurochemical research》2022,47(1):163-175
Neurochemical Research - Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAAT) play a key role in glutamatergic synaptic communication. Driven by transmembrane cation gradients, these transporters catalyze the... 相似文献
Magdalena M. Felczak Jay M. Sage Katarzyna Hupert-Kocurek Senem Aykul Jon M. Kaguni 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2016,291(9):4803-4812
The DnaB-DnaC complex binds to the unwound DNA within the Escherichia coli replication origin in the helicase loading process, but the biochemical events that lead to its stable binding are uncertain. This study characterizes the function of specific C-terminal residues of DnaC. Genetic and biochemical characterization of proteins bearing F231S and W233L substitutions of DnaC reveals that their activity is thermolabile. Because the mutants remain able to form a complex with DnaB at 30 and 37 °C, their thermolability is not explained by an impaired interaction with DnaB. Photo-cross-linking experiments and biosensor analysis show an altered affinity of these mutants compared with wild type DnaC for single-stranded DNA, suggesting that the substitutions affect DNA binding. Despite this difference, their activity in DNA binding is not thermolabile. The substitutions also drastically reduce the affinity of DnaC for ATP as measured by the binding of a fluorescent ATP analogue (MANT-ATP) and by UV cross-linking of radiolabeled ATP. Experiments show that an elevated temperature substantially inhibits both mutants in their ability to load the DnaB-DnaC complex at a DnaA box. Because a decreased ATP concentration exacerbates their thermolabile behavior, we suggest that the F231S and W233L substitutions are thermolabile in ATP binding, which correlates with defective helicase loading at an elevated temperature. 相似文献