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Summary Following the observation of a patient suffering from tuberous sclerosis (TSC) with a de novo reciprocal translocation t(3;12)(p26.3;q23.3), we have undertaken a linkage study in 15 TSC families using polymorphic DNA markers neighbouring the chromosome breakpoints. Significant lod scores have been obtained for markers D12S7 (z max=2.34, =0.14) and PAH (phenylalanine hydroxylase) (z max=4.34, =0.0). In multipoint linkage analysis, the peak lod score was 4.56 at the PAH gene locus. These data suggest the existence of a third gene locus for TSC (TSC3) on chromosome 12q22-24.1. The regions that have been found to be linked to TSC in different families map to the positions of three enzymes, phenylalanine hydroxylase (12q22-24), tyrosinase (11q14-22), and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (9q34), all of which are involved in the conversion of phenylalanine to catecholamine neurotransmitters or melanin. Disorders of these biochemical pathways might be involved in the pathogenesis of TSC.  相似文献   

The fit-1 locus was originally identified as a common insertion site for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in thymic lymphosarcomas induced by FeLV-myc recombinant viruses, suggesting that it harbors a gene that cooperates with Myc in T-cell leukemogenesis. We have previously mapped the fit-1 locus to feline Chromosome (Chr) B2. We have now identified conserved sequences that allow the mapping of the murine homolog using the European Interspecific Backcross (EUCIB). This shows that fit-1 is located on mouse Chr 10, 1cM proximal to Ahi-1, a murine retroviral integration locus that is closely linked to Myb. Moreover, the physical linkage to MYB is maintained in the human genome, as shown by cloning of the human homolog of fit-1 from a Chr 6 cosmid library and a series of overlapping PAC clones. Generation of a contig map around the human homolog of fit-1 reveals that it is approximately 100-kb upstream of MYB. In addition to fit-1 and Ahi-1, two other common insertion sites, Mis-2 and Mml-1, have also been mapped adjacent to Myb on mouse Chr 10. Previous analysis of tumors carrying insertions at fit-1, Mml-1, Mis-2 and Ahi-1 showed no obvious abnormalities in Myb expression. However, the cluster of viral insertion loci in this region suggests either the presence of a closely linked activation target or that subtle effects on Myb have been overlooked. Received: 9 October 1998 / Accepted: 12 January 1999  相似文献   

Fruit ripening represents a complex system of genetic and hormonal regulation of eukaryotic development unique to plants. We are using tomato ripening mutants as tools to elucidate genetic components of ripening regulation and have recently demonstrated that the Never-ripe (Nr) mutant is insensitive to the plant growth regulator ethylene (M.B. Lanahan, H.-C. Yen, J.J. Giovannoni, H.J. Klee [1994] Plant Cell 6:521-530). We report here ethylene sensitivity over a range of concentrations in normal and Nr tomato seedlings and show that the Nr mutant retains residual sensitivity to as little as 1 part per million of ethylene. Analysis of ripening-related gene expression in normal and mutant ethylene-treated fruit demonstrates that Nr exerts its influence on development at least in part at the level of ethylene-inducible gene expression. We have additionally used cloned tomato and Arabidopsis sequences known to influence ethylene perception as restriction fragment length polymorphism probes, and have identified a tomato locus linked to Nr that hybridizes to the Arabidopsis ETR1 gene at low stringency, suggesting the possibility that Nr may be homologous to ETR1.  相似文献   

F1 complementation results indicate that a new gene, putatively controlling a minor histocompatibility antigen, is closely linked to the minor histocompatibility gene, H-3, in the fifth linkage group of chromosome 2 of the mouse. This gene controls a product that was capable of inducing as well as acting as a target for cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL). The lytic activity of CTL developed in B10.LP-H-3D mice specific for the product of the new gene of B10 was restricted to target cells possessing H-2Db antigens. This contrasts to the H-2Kb-restricted activity of H-3.1 specific CTL.  相似文献   

Lethal disease due to hepatic periportal fibrosis occurs in 2%-10% of subjects infected by Schistosoma mansoni in endemic regions such as Sudan. It is unknown why few infected individuals present with severe disease, and inherited factors may play a role in fibrosis development. Schistosoma mansoni infection levels have been shown to be controlled by a locus that maps to chromosome 5q31-q33. To investigate the genetic control of severe hepatic fibrosis (assessed by ultrasound examination) causing portal hypertension, a segregation analysis was performed in 65 Sudanese pedigrees from the same village. Results provide evidence for a codominant major gene, with.16 as the estimated allele A frequency predisposing to advanced periportal fibrosis. For AA males, AA females, and Aa males a 50% penetrance is reached after, respectively, 9, 14, and 19 years of residency in the area, whereas for other subjects the penetrance remains <.02 after 20 years of exposure. Linkage analysis performed in four candidate regions shows that this major locus maps to chromosome 6q22-q23 and that it is closely linked (multipoint LOD score 3.12) to the IFN-gammaR1 gene encoding the receptor of the strongly antifibrogenic cytokine interferon-gamma. These results show that infection levels and advanced hepatic fibrosis in human schistosomiasis are controlled by distinct loci; they suggest that polymorphisms within the IFN-gammaR1 gene could determine severe hepatic disease due to S. mansoni infection and that the IFN-gammaR1 gene is a strong candidate for the control of abnormal fibrosis observed in other diseases.  相似文献   

Human Ia(-like) specificities controlled by gene loci other thanHLA-DR were searched for at the molecular level in cells of human B-cell-type cell lines which carrytwo established DR specificities. Chevalier cells of DRw3 and 7 and U698M cells of DRw2 and 4 were used. Their Ia molecules were partially purified, radioiodinated and analyzed for Ia specificities by the direct binding and sequential binding assays with a selected panel of human Ia alloantisera. It was possible in both the cell lines to define a third subset of Ia molecules carrying a new specificity in addition to two Ia subsets carrying the established DR specificities. The new specificity was detected by putative anti-DRw4 and anti-DRw7 antisera and was closely associated with DRw4 and DRw7 at population level. It was thus designated provisionally as BR4X7. These results suggest that the BR4X7 specificity is coded for by a separateIa locus closely linked toHLA-DR locus. The determinant(s) responsible for BR4X7 was located on the small subunit of Ia molecules.  相似文献   

F1 complementation results indicate that a new gene, putatively controlling a minor histocompatibility antigen, is closely linked to the minor histocompatibility gene,H-3, in the fifth linkage group of chromosome 2 of the mouse. This gene controls a product that was capable of inducing as well as acting as a target for cytotoxic lymphocytes (CTL). The lytic activity of CTL developed in B10.LP-H-3b mice specific for the product of the new gene of B10 was restricted to target cells possessing H-2Db antigens. This contrasts to the H-2Kb-restricted activity of H-3.1 specific CTL.  相似文献   

Angiotensinogen is cleaved by renin and angiotensin-converting enzyme to liberate the potent vasocontrictor peptide angiotensin II. We have recently identified a cis-acting genetic lesion associated with high levels of angiotensinogen mRNA in the testis and salivary gland of Swiss mice. To determine the molecular basis of this mutation, the Swiss angiotensinogen gene was cloned, and its structure was compared to that from a low-expressing strain (BALB/c). I show that a retrovirus-like element belonging to the intracisternal A-particle gene family has been inserted 9 kb upstream from the cap site of the Swiss angiotensinogen gene. This intracisternal A-particle, named IAP-Agt, segregated concordantly with angiotensinogen expression phenotypes in CXB recombinant inbred mice. However, genomic Southern analysis showed that IAP-Agt was present in some, but not all, inbred laboratory mouse strains displaying high levels of angiotensinogen gene expression. On the basis of this evolutionary evidence, it is unlikely that IAP-Agt is the cause of the angiotensinogen mutation. It is intriguing that Ren-2, the duplicated mouse renin gene, is expressed to high levels in the male salivary gland and also contains a transposed intracisternal A-particle genome.  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated II-10, a new X-chromosomal probe that identifies a highly informative two-allele TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism at locus DXS466. Using somatic cell hybrids containing distinct portions of the long arm of the X chromosome, we could localize DXS466 between DXS296 and DXS304, both of which are closely linked distal markers for fragile X. This regional localization was supported by the analysis, in fragile X families, of recombination events between these three loci, the fragile X locus and locus DXS52, the latter being located at a more distal position. DXS466 is closely linked to the fragile X locus with a peak lod score of 7.79 at a recombination fraction of 0.02. Heterozygosity of DXS466 is approximately 50%. Its close proximity and relatively high informativity make DXS466 a valuable new diagnostic DNA marker for fragile X.  相似文献   

Summary We have demonstrated close linkage between the genes for apolipoprotein E (apoE) and apolipoprotein CII (apoCII). Families segregating for apoE protein variants were screened for a DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism close to the apoCII gene by using an apoCII cDNA clone. The maximum lod score is 4.52 (sexes combined) at a recombination frequency of zero. Given linkage, it may be assumed that no recombinations have happened in altogether 33 observed meioses. It is therefore evident that the apoCII gene is situated on chromosome 19, close to the apoE gene.  相似文献   

Erbb is linked to the alpha-globin locus on mouse chromosome 11.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A fragment of the human gene for c-erb-B was used to map homologous sequences in mice. Analysis of somatic cell hybrids and recombinant inbred and congenic mouse strains indicated that this gene, designated Erbb, is closely linked to the gene for alpha-globin on mouse chromosome 11. Several genes controlling hematopoietic differentiation map to mouse chromosome 11.  相似文献   

Dystonia musculorum is a hereditary neurodegenerative disease in mice that affects sensory neurons. In an effort to clone the gene responsible for this disorder, we have assembled a genomic contig spanning 75 kb of the dystonia musculorum (dt) locus. Within this genomic contig, we have identified a small restriction fragment that shows evolutionary conservation to rat, hamster, rabbit, and human genomic DNA. Using this mouse sequence, we have cloned the conserved human genomic fragment. Sequence analysis of the mouse and human genomic fragments revealed that they share a sequence similarity of 82% over 175 bp. A panel of human/rodent somatic cell hybrids was used to map the human genomic sequence to Chromosome (chr) 6, and high-resolution in situ hybridization (FISH) allowed it to be sublocalized to 6p12. The human homolog of the mouse Bpag1 gene, a gene tightly linked to the mouse dt gene, also maps to Chr 6. Thus this comparative mapping reveals a new region of conserved synteny between the chromosomes of mouse and human. Mapping the human homolog of the mouse dt gene enables us to initiate linkage studies to identify neurodegenerative disorders that may be caused by mutations in this gene.  相似文献   

A congenic mouse strain (NFS.C) carrying the albino region of chromosome 7 from strain C58/Lw on an ecotropic virus-negative NFS background inherited a noninducible but apparently full-size provirus reactive with an ecotropic virus-specific probe. This unexpressed ecotropic provirus maps close to the albino locus but is distinct from the Fgv-1 provirus located in the same region. The presence of this unique provirus in the albino region of chromosome 7 is potentially important, since it may provide a means of obtaining molecular clones of a chromosomal region, deletions of which are involved in profound metabolic, reproductive, and embryological abnormalities.  相似文献   

The Twirler mutation arose spontaneously and causes inner ear defects in heterozygous and cleft lip and/or cleft palate in homozygous mutant mice, providing a unique animal model for investigating the molecular mechanisms of inner ear and craniofacial development. Here, we report the identification of a novel homeobox gene, Iroquois-related homeobox like-1 (Irxl1), from the Twirler locus. Irxl1 encodes a TALE-family homeodomain protein with its homeodomain exhibiting the highest amino acid sequence identity (54%) to those of invertebrate Iroquois and vertebrate Irx subfamily members. The putative Irxl1 protein lacks the Iro-box, a conserved motif in all known members of the Irx subfamily. Searching the databases showed that Irxl1 orthologs exist in Xenopus, chick, and mammals. In situ hybridization analyses of mouse embryos at various developmental stages showed that Irxl1 mRNA is highly expressed in the frontonasal process and palatal mesenchyme during primary and secondary palate development. In addition, Irxl1 mRNA is strongly expressed in mesenchyme surrounding the developing inner ear, in discrete regions of the developing mandible, in the dermamyotome during somite differentiation, and in a subset of muscular structures in late embryonic stages. The developmental expression pattern indicates that Irxl1 is a good candidate gene for the Twirler gene.  相似文献   

The IgG-subclass usage by several strains of mice in the response to immunization with mouse thyroglobulin (mTg) was examined in the experimental autoimmune thyroiditis model. While the subclass usage by most mouse strains was similar, the Ighb allotype-bearing mice consistently produced lower IgG2a levels to mTg. Using CBA-Igh b congenic and recombinant inbred strains of mice, the lower level of IgG2a in the Ighb mouse was mapped to the Igh locus. The regulation of IgG2a appeared to be cis controlled, as the CBA x C57BL/6F1 mouse also produced reduced IgG2a of the Ighb (B6) allotype but not Ighj (CBA) allotype.  相似文献   

The Se gene is classically considered as a regulatory gene controlling the expression of the structural gene H in external secretions. Under this hypothesis, Bombay (h/h) individuals should not be able to express the Se gene. Statistical analysis of the 44 published Bombay pedigrees suggests on the contrary that there is no suppression of Se in Bombay individuals, and that both Se and H loci can be fully expressed at the phenotypic level. Based on a lod score of 12.9 at 1% recombination units and the existence of two different acceptors for the biosynthesis of the H antigen, a new genetic model is proposed in which H and Se would be two closely linked structural genes coding for two different 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferases.  相似文献   

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