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Hyperuricemia is a significant factor in a variety of diseases, including gout and cardiovascular diseases. Although renal excretion largely determines plasma urate concentration, the molecular mechanism of renal urate handling remains elusive. Previously, we identified a major urate reabsorptive transporter, URAT1 (SLC22A12), on the apical side of the renal proximal tubular cells. However, it is not known how urate taken up by URAT1 exits from the tubular cell to the systemic circulation. Here, we report that a sugar transport facilitator family member protein GLUT9 (SLC2A9) functions as an efflux transporter of urate from the tubular cell. GLUT9-expressed Xenopus oocytes mediated saturable urate transport (K(m): 365+/-42 microm). The transport was Na(+)-independent and enhanced at high concentrations of extracellular potassium favoring negative to positive potential direction. Substrate specificity and pyrazinoate sensitivity of GLUT9 was distinct from those of URAT1. The in vivo role of GLUT9 is supported by the fact that a renal hypouricemia patient without any mutations in SLC22A12 was found to have a missense mutation in SLC2A9, which reduced urate transport activity in vitro. Based on these data, we propose a novel model of transcellular urate transport in the kidney; urate [corrected] is taken up via apically located URAT1 and exits the cell via basolaterally located GLUT9, which we suggest be renamed URATv1 (voltage-driven urate transporter 1).  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G, member 2 (ABCG2/BCRP) gene encodes a well-known transporter, which exports various substrates including nucleotide analogs such as 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT). ABCG2 is also located in a gout-susceptibility locus (MIM 138900) on chromosome 4q, and has recently been identified by genome-wide association studies to relate to serum uric acid (SUA) and gout. Becuase urate is structurally similar to nucleotide analogs, we hypothesized that ABCG2 might be a urate exporter. To demonstrate our hypothesis, transport assays were performed with membrane vesicles prepared from ABCG2-overexpressing cells. Transport of estrone-3-sulfate (ES), a typical substrate of ABCG2, is inhibited by urate as well as AZT and ES. ATP-dependent transport of urate was then detected in ABCG2-expressing vesicles but not in control vesicles. Kinetic analysis revealed that ABCG2 is a high-capacity urate transporter that maintained its function even under high-urate concentration. The calculated parameters of ABCG2-mediated transport of urate were a Km of 8.24 ± 1.44 mM and a Vmax of 6.96 ± 0.89 nmol/min per mg of protein. Moreover, the quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis performed in 739 Japanese individuals revealed that a dysfunctional variant of ABCG2 increased SUA as the number of minor alleles of the variant increased (p = 6.60 × 10(-5)). Because ABCG2 is expressed on the apical membrane in several tissues, including kidney, intestine, and liver, these findings indicate that ABCG2, a high-capacity urate exporter, has a physiological role of urate homeostasis in the human body through both renal and extrarenal urate excretion.  相似文献   

Human SLC2A9 (GLUT9) is a novel high-capacity urate transporter belonging to the facilitated glucose transporter family. In the present study, heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes has allowed us to undertake an in-depth radiotracer flux and electrophysiological study of urate transport mediated by both isoforms of SLC2A9 (a and b). Addition of urate to SLC2A9-producing oocytes generated outward currents, indicating electrogenic transport. Urate transport by SLC2A9 was voltage dependent and independent of the Na(+) transmembrane gradient. Urate-induced outward currents were affected by the extracellular concentration of Cl(-), but there was no evidence for exchange of the two anions. [(14)C]urate flux studies under non-voltage-clamped conditions demonstrated symmetry of influx and efflux, suggesting that SLC2A9 functions in urate efflux driven primarily by the electrochemical gradient of the cell. Urate uptake in the presence of intracellular hexoses showed marked differences between the two isoforms, suggesting functional differences between the two splice variants. Finally, the permeant selectivity of SLC2A9 was examined by testing the ability to transport a panel of radiolabeled purine and pyrimidine nucleobases. SLC2A9 mediated the uptake of adenine in addition to urate, but did not function as a generalized nucleobase transporter. The differential expression pattern of the two isoforms of SLC2A9 in the human kidney's proximal convoluted tubule and its electrogenic transport of urate suggest that these transporters play key roles in the regulation of plasma urate levels and are therefore potentially important participants in hyperuricemia and hypouricemia.  相似文献   

UAT, also designated galectin 9, is a multifunctional protein that can function as a urate channel/transporter, a regulator of thymocyte-epithelial cell interactions, a tumor antigen, an eosinophil chemotactic factor, and a mediator of apoptosis. We review the evidence that UAT is a transmembrane protein that transports urate, describe our molecular model for this protein, and discuss the evidence from epitope tag and lipid bilayer studies that support this model of the transporter. The properties of recombinant UAT are compared with those of urate transport into membrane vesicles derived from proximal tubule cells in rat kidney cortex. In addition, we review channel functions predicted by our molecular model that resulted in the novel finding that the urate channel activity is regulated by sugars and adenosine. Finally, the presence and possible functions of at least 4 isoforms of UAT and a closely related gene hUAT2 are discussed. Published in 2004.  相似文献   

Urate is the final metabolite of purine in humans. Renal urate handling is clinically important because under-reabsorption or underexcretion causes hypouricemia or hyperuricemia, respectively. We have identified a urate-anion exchanger, URAT1, localized at the apical side and a voltage-driven urate efflux transporter, URATv1, expressed at the basolateral side of the renal proximal tubules. URAT1 and URATv1 are vital to renal urate reabsorption because the experimental data have illustrated that functional loss of these transporter proteins affords hypouricemia. While mutations affording enhanced function via these transporter proteins on urate handling is unknown, we have constructed kidney-specific transgenic (Tg) mice for URAT1 or URATv1 to investigate this problem. In our study, each transgene was under the control of the mouse URAT1 promoter so that transgene expression was directed to the kidney. Plasma urate concentrations in URAT1 and URATv1 Tg mice were not significantly different from that in wild-type (WT) mice. Urate excretion in URAT1 Tg mice was similar to that in WT mice, while URATv1 Tg mice excreted more urate compared with WT. Our results suggest that hyperfunctioning URATv1 in the kidney can lead to increased urate reabsorption and may contribute to the development of hyperuricemia.  相似文献   

Galectin 9 is the sugar-regulated urate transporter/channel UAT   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
UAT, also designated galectin 9, is a multifunctional protein that can function as a urate channel/transporter, a regulator of thymocyte-epithelial cell interactions, a tumor antigen, an eosinophil chemotactic factor, and a mediator of apoptosis. We review the evidence that UAT is a transmembrane protein that transports urate, describe our molecular model for this protein, and discuss the evidence from epitope tag and lipid bilayer studies that support this model of the transporter. The properties of recombinant UAT are compared with those of urate transport into membrane vesicles derived from proximal tubule cells in rat kidney cortex. In addition, we review channel functions predicted by our molecular model that resulted in the novel finding that the urate channel activity is regulated by sugars and adenosine. Finally, the presence and possible functions of at least 4 isoforms of UAT and a closely related gene hUAT2 are discussed.  相似文献   

The TRPM7 (transient receptor potential melastatin 7) ion channel has been implicated in the uptake of Mg2+ into vertebrate cells, as elimination of TRPM7 expression through gene targeting in DT40 B-lymphocytes renders them unable to grow in the absence of supplemental Mg2+. However, a residual capacity of TRPM7-deficient cells to accumulate Mg2+ and proliferate when provided with supplemental Mg2+ suggests the existence of Mg2+ uptake mechanism(s) other than TRPM7. Evaluation of the expression of several members of the SLC41 (solute carrier family 41) family, which exhibit homology with the MgtE class of prokaryotic putative bivalent-cation transporters, demonstrated that one, SLC41A2 (solute carrier family 41 member 2), is expressed in both wild-type and TRPM7-deficient DT40 cells. Characterization of heterologously expressed SLC41A2 protein indicated that it is a plasma-membrane protein with an N-terminus-outside/C-terminus-inside 11-TM (transmembrane)-span topology, consistent with its functioning as a trans-plasma-membrane transporter. In contrast with a previous report of ion-channel activity associated with SLC41A2 expression in oocytes, investigation of whole cell currents in SLC41A2-expressing DT40 cells revealed no novel currents of any type associated with SLC41A2 expression. However, expression of SLC41A2 in TRPM7-deficient cells under the control of a doxycycline-inducible promoter was able to conditionally enhance their net uptake of 26Mg2+ and conditionally and dose-dependently provide them with the capacity to grow in the absence of supplemental Mg2+, observations strongly supporting a model whereby SLC41A2 directly mediates trans-plasma-membrane Mg2+ transport. Overall, our results suggest that SLC41A2 functions as a plasma-membrane Mg2+ transporter in vertebrate cells.  相似文献   



There is inconsistent association between urate transporters SLC22A11 (organic anion transporter 4 (OAT4)) and SLC22A12 (urate transporter 1 (URAT1)) and risk of gout. New Zealand (NZ) Māori and Pacific Island people have higher serum urate and more severe gout than European people. The aim of this study was to test genetic variation across the SLC22A11/SLC22A12 locus for association with risk of gout in NZ sample sets.


A total of 12 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variants in four haplotype blocks were genotyped using TaqMan® and Sequenom MassArray in 1003 gout cases and 1156 controls. All cases had gout according to the 1977 American Rheumatism Association criteria. Association analysis of single markers and haplotypes was performed using PLINK and Stata.


A haplotype block 1 SNP (rs17299124) (upstream of SLC22A11) was associated with gout in less admixed Polynesian sample sets, but not European Caucasian (odds ratio; OR = 3.38, P = 6.1 × 10-4; OR = 0.91, P = 0.40, respectively) sample sets. A protective block 1 haplotype caused the rs17299124 association (OR = 0.28, P = 6.0 × 10-4). Within haplotype block 2 (SLC22A11) we could not replicate previous reports of association of rs2078267 with gout in European Caucasian (OR = 0.98, P = 0.82) sample sets, however this SNP was associated with gout in Polynesian (OR = 1.51, P = 0.022) sample sets. Within haplotype block 3 (including SLC22A12) analysis of haplotypes revealed a haplotype with trans-ancestral protective effects (OR = 0.80, P = 0.004), and a second haplotype conferring protection in less admixed Polynesian sample sets (OR = 0.63, P = 0.028) but risk in European Caucasian samples (OR = 1.33, P = 0.039).


Our analysis provides evidence for multiple ancestral-specific effects across the SLC22A11/SLC22A12 locus that presumably influence the activity of OAT4 and URAT1 and risk of gout. Further fine mapping of the association signal is needed using trans-ancestral re-sequence data.  相似文献   



Two major gout-causing genes have been identified, the urate transport genes SLC2A9 and ABCG2. Variation within the SLC17A1 locus, which encodes sodium-dependent phosphate transporter 1, a renal transporter of uric acid, has also been associated with serum urate concentration. However, evidence for association with gout is equivocal. We investigated the association of the SLC17A1 locus with gout in New Zealand sample sets.


Five variants (rs1165196, rs1183201, rs9358890, rs3799344, rs12664474) were genotyped across a New Zealand sample set totaling 971 cases and 1,742 controls. Cases were ascertained according to American Rheumatism Association criteria. Two population groups were studied: Caucasian and Polynesian.


At rs1183201 (SLC17A1), evidence for association with gout was observed in both the Caucasian (odds ratio (OR) = 0.67, P = 3.0 × 10-6) and Polynesian (OR = 0.74, P = 3.0 × 10-3) groups. Meta-analysis confirmed association of rs1183201 with gout at a genome-wide level of significance (OR = 0.70, P = 3.0 × 10-8). Haplotype analysis suggested the presence of a common protective haplotype.


We confirm the SLC17A1 locus as the third associated with gout at a genome-wide level of significance.  相似文献   

The orphan transporter hORCTL3 (human organic cation transporter like 3; SLC22A13) is highly expressed in kidneys and to a weaker extent in brain, heart, and intestine. hORCTL3-expressing Xenopus laevis oocytes showed uptake of [(3)H]nicotinate, [(3)H]p-aminohippurate, and [(14)C]urate. Hence, hORCTL3 is an organic anion transporter, and we renamed it hOAT10. [(3)H]Nicotinate transport by hOAT10 into X. laevis oocytes and into Caco-2 cells was saturable with Michaelis constants (K(m)) of 22 and 44 microm, respectively, suggesting that hOAT10 may be the molecular equivalent of the postulated high affinity nicotinate transporter in kidneys and intestine. The pH dependence of hOAT10 suggests p-aminohippurate(-)/OH(-), urate(-)/OH(-), and nicotinate(-)/OH(-) exchange as possible transport modes. Urate inhibited [(3)H]nicotinate transport by hOAT10 with an IC(50) value of 759 microm, assuming that hOAT10 represents a low affinity urate transporter. hOAT10-mediated [(14)C]urate uptake was elevated by an exchange with l -lactate, pyrazinoate, and nicotinate. Surprisingly, we have detected urate(-)/glutathione exchange by hOAT10, consistent with an involvement of hOAT10 in the renal glutathione cycle. Uricosurics, diuretics, and cyclosporine A showed substantial interactions with hOAT10, of which cyclosporine A enhanced [(14)C]urate uptake, providing the first molecular evidence for cyclosporine A-induced hyperuricemia.  相似文献   

SLC19A3 encodes a second thiamine transporter ThTr2.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, a new family of facilitative carriers has been cloned consisting of the reduced folate (SLC19A1) and the thiamine (SLC19A2) transporters. Despite a high level of sequence identity and similarity there is essentially no functional overlap between these carriers. The former transports folates and the latter thiamine. In this paper we describe the function of SLC19A3, another member of this transporter family most recently cloned, after transient transfection of the cDNA into HeLa cells. Uptake of [3H]thiamine, but not of methotrexate nor folic acid, was enhanced in SLC19A3 transfectants relative to vector control. Similarly, in the transfectants thiamine transport increased with an increase in pH with peak activity at pH approximately 7.5. While [3H]thiamine uptake was markedly inhibited by nonlabeled thiamine it was not inhibited by several organic cations in 100-fold excess. Hence this carrier has a high degree of specificity for vitamin B1. The data indicate that SLC19A3 has the characteristics of SLC19A2 (ThTr1) and represents a second thiamine transporter (ThTr2) in this family of facilitative carriers.  相似文献   

Meiyan Jin  Daniel J Klionsky 《Autophagy》2015,11(10):1709-1710
The mechanistic target of rapamycin (serine/threonine kinase) complex 1 (MTORC1) is a master regulator of macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy) that responds to different environmental nutrients, including amino acids, glucose, and growth factors. The identity of the amino acid-sensing component of the MTORC1 machinery had remained elusive until a lysosomal low-affinity amino acid transporter, SLC38A9 (solute carrier family 38, member 9), was recently characterized as a novel component of the Ragulator-RRAG GTPase complex by 3 independent research groups.  相似文献   

We isolated a cDNA clone of SLC5A9/SGLT4 from human small intestinal full-length cDNA libraries, and functionally characterized it in vitro. The messenger RNA encoding SGLT4 was mainly expressed in the small intestine and kidney, among the human tissues tested. COS-7 cells transiently expressing SGLT4 exhibited Na(+)-dependent alpha-methyl-D-glucopyranoside (AMG) transport activity with an apparent K(m) of 2.6 mM, suggesting that SGLT4 is a low affinity-type transporter. The rank order of naturally occurring sugar analogs for the inhibition of AMG transport was: D-mannose (Man) > D-glucose (Glc) > D-fructose (Fru) = 1,5-anhydro-D-glucitol (1,5AG) > D-galactose (Gal). Recognition of Man as a substrate was confirmed by direct uptake of Man into the cell. COS-7 cells expressing a putative murine SGLT4 ortholog showed similar Na(+)-dependent AMG transport activity and a similar deduced substrate specificity. These results suggest that SGLT4 would have unique physiological functions (i.e., absorption and/or reabsorption of Man, 1,5AG, and Fru, in addition to Glc).  相似文献   

Renal hypouricemia is an inherited disorder characterized by impaired renal urate (uric acid) reabsorption and subsequent low serum urate levels, with severe complications such as exercise-induced acute renal failure and nephrolithiasis. We previously identified SLC22A12, also known as URAT1, as a causative gene of renal hypouricemia. However, hypouricemic patients without URAT1 mutations, as well as genome-wide association studies between urate and SLC2A9 (also called GLUT9), imply that GLUT9 could be another causative gene of renal hypouricemia. With a large human database, we identified two loss-of-function heterozygous mutations in GLUT9, which occur in the highly conserved “sugar transport proteins signatures 1/2.” Both mutations result in loss of positive charges, one of which is reported to be an important membrane topology determinant. The oocyte expression study revealed that both GLUT9 isoforms showed high urate transport activities, whereas the mutated GLUT9 isoforms markedly reduced them. Our findings, together with previous reports on GLUT9 localization, suggest that these GLUT9 mutations cause renal hypouricemia by their decreased urate reabsorption on both sides of the renal proximal tubules. These findings also enable us to propose a physiological model of the renal urate reabsorption in which GLUT9 regulates serum urate levels in humans and can be a promising therapeutic target for gout and related cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Cystinuria is a genetic disorder in the domestic dog that leads to recurrent urolith formation. The genetic basis of the disorder is best characterized in humans and is caused by mutations in one of the amino acid transporter genes SLC3A1 or SLC7A9, which results in hyperexcretion of cystine and the dibasic amino acids in the urine and subsequent precipitation of cystine due to its low solubility in urine. In this study we describe the cloning of the canine SLC7A9 cDNA and present a thorough mutation analysis of the coding SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 regions in cystinuric dogs of different breeds. Mutation analysis of the two cystinuria disease genes revealed one SLC7A9 mutation (A217T) and two SLC3A1 mutations (I192V and S698G) in French and English Bulldogs that affect nonconserved amino acid residues, arguing against functional impact on the proteins. The absence of deleterious mutations linked to cystinuria in the remainder of our panel of cystinuric dogs is surprising because SLC3A1 or SLC7A9 mutations explain approximately 70% of all human cystinuria cases studied. The present study, along with previous investigations of canine and human cystinuria, implies that regulatory parts of the SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 genes as well as other unknown genes may harbor mutations causing cystinuria.  相似文献   

Gout is a common disease caused by hyperuricemia, which shows elevated serum uric acid (SUA) levels. From a viewpoint of urate handling in humans, gout patients can be divided into those with renal overload (ROL) gout with intestinal urate underexcretion, and those with renal underexcretion (RUE) gout. Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) revealed an association between SUA and a variant in human monocarboxylate transporter 9 (MCT9/SLC16A9) gene. Although the function of MCT9 remains unclear, urate is mostly excreted via intestine and kidney where MCT9 expression is observed. In this study, we investigated the relationship between a variant of MCT9 and gout in 545 patients and 1,115 healthy volunteers. A missense variant of MCT9 (K258T), rs2242206, significantly increased the risk of ROL gout (p = 0.012), with odds ratio (OR) of 1.28, although it revealed no significant association with all gout cases (p = 0.10), non-ROL gout cases (p = 0.83), and RUE gout cases (p = 0.34). In any case groups and the control group, minor allele frequencies of rs2242206 were >0.40. Therefore, rs2242206 is a common missense variant and is revealed to have an association with ROL gout, indicating that rs2242206 relates to decreased intestinal urate excretion rather than decreased renal urate excretion. Our study provides clues to better understand the pathophysiology of gout as well as the physiological roles of MCT9.  相似文献   

SLC41A1 is a novel mammalian Mg2+ carrier   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The molecular biology of mammalian magnesium transporters and their interrelations in cellular magnesium homeostasis are largely unknown. Recently, the mouse SLC41A1 protein was suggested to be a candidate magnesium transporter with channel-like properties when overexpressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Here, we demonstrate that human SLC41A1 overexpressed in HEK293 cells forms protein complexes and locates to the plasma membrane without, however, giving rise to any detectable magnesium currents during whole cell patch clamp experiments. Nevertheless, in a strain of Salmonella enterica exhibiting disruption of all three distinct magnesium transport systems (CorA, MgtA, and MgtB), overexpression of human SLC41A1 functionally substitutes these transporters and restores the growth of the mutant bacteria at magnesium concentrations otherwise non-permissive for growth. Thus, we have identified human SLC41A1 as being a bona fide magnesium transporter. Most importantly, overexpressed SLC41A1 provide HEK293 cells with an increased magnesium efflux capacity. With outwardly directed Mg(2+) gradients, a SLC41A1-dependent reduction of the free intracellular magnesium concentration accompanied by a significant net decrease of the total cellular magnesium concentration could be observed in such cells. SLC41A1 activity is temperature-sensitive but not sensitive to the only known magnesium channel blocker, cobalt(III) hexaammine. Taken together, these data functionally identify SLC41A1 as a mammalian carrier mediating magnesium efflux.  相似文献   

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