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The fine structure of Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus umbrosus by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is described. The fine structure of the ascosporic and asexual stages of A. umbrosus is described for the first time. Dense, homogenous material and fibers were detected on the outer hyphal cell wall of the Aspergilli. Septal pores were found in the hypha of A. umbrosus. Two wall layers were detected in the cell wall of the conidia of the both Aspergilli. The ascospores of A. umbrosus contained thick cell wall and the surface of which was smoother than that of the conidia.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P (RNase P) in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 consists of a catalytic RNA and five protein subunits. We previously determined crystal structures of four protein subunits. Ph1481p, an archaeal homologue for human hPop5, is the protein component of the P.horikoshii RNase P for which no structural information is available. Here we report the crystal structure of Ph1481p in complex with another protein subunit, Ph1877p, determined at 2.0 A resolution. Ph1481p consists of a five-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and five helices, which fold in a way that is topologically similar to the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) domain. Ph1481p is, however, distinct from the typical RNP domain in that it has additional helices at the C terminus, which pack against one face of the beta-sheet. The presence of two complexes in the asymmetric unit, together with gel filtration chromatography indicates that the heterotetramer is stable in solution and represents a fundamental building block in the crystals. In the heterotetrameric structure (Ph1877p-(Ph1481p)(2)-Ph1877p), a homodimer of Ph1481p sits between two Ph1877p monomers. Ph1481p dimerizes through hydrogen bonding interaction from the loop between alpha1 and alpha2 helices, and each Ph1481p interacts with two Ph1877p molecules, where alpha2 and alpha3 in Ph1481p interact with alpha7 in one Ph1877p and alpha8 in the other Ph1877p molecule, respectively. Deletion of the alpha1-alpha2 loop in Ph1481p caused heterodimerization with Ph1877p, and abolished ability to homodimerize itself and heterotetramerize with Ph1877p. Furthermore, the reconstituted particle containing the deletion mutant Ph1481p (mPh1481p) exhibited significantly reduced nuclease activity. These results suggest the presence of the heterotetramer of Ph1481p and Ph1877p in P.horikoshii RNase P.  相似文献   

The Pyrococcus abyssi aspartate transcarbamylase (ATCase) shows a high degree of structural conservation with respect to the well-studied mesophilic Escherichia coli ATCase, including the association of catalytic and regulatory subunits. The adaptation of its catalytic function to high temperature was investigated, using enzyme purified from recombinant E.coli cells. At 90 degrees C, the activity of the trimeric catalytic subunit was shown to be intrinsically thermostable. Significant extrinsic stabilization by phosphate, a product of the reaction, was observed when the temperature was raised to 98 degrees C. Comparison with the holoenzyme showed that association with regulatory subunits further increases thermostability. To provide further insight into the mechanisms of its adaptation to high temperature, the crystal structure of the catalytic subunit liganded with the analogue N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA) was solved to 1.8A resolution and compared to that of the PALA-liganded catalytic subunit from E.coli. Interactions with PALA are strictly conserved. This, together with the similar activation energies calculated for the two proteins, suggests that the reaction mechanism of the P.abyssi catalytic subunit is similar to that of the E.coli subunit. Several structural elements potentially contributing to thermostability were identified: (i) a marked decrease in the number of thermolabile residues; (ii) an increased number of charged residues and a concomitant increase of salt links at the interface between the monomers, as well as the formation of an ion-pair network at the protein surface; (iii) the shortening of three loops and the shortening of the N and C termini. Other known thermostabilizing devices such as increased packing density or reduction of cavity volumes do not appear to contribute to the high thermostability of the P.abyssi enzyme.  相似文献   

Structure-forming fibrous proteins like keratins, gelatins and collagens are degraded only by a few proteases as their tight packing limits access to the potential cleavage sites. To understand the keratin degradation in detail, we describe the first crystal structure of a keratin-degrading enzyme (keratinase), fervidolysin, from Fervidobacterium pennivorans as an immature form with propeptide (PD)-bound. The 1.7A resolution crystal structure shows that the protease is composed of four domains: a catalytic domain (CD), two beta-sandwich domains (SDs), and the PD domain. A structural alignment shows a distant relationship between the PD-CD substructure of fervidolysin and pro-subtilisin E. Tight binding of PD to the remaining part of the protease is mediated by hydrogen bonds along the domain surfaces and around the active cleft, and by the clamps to SD1 and SD2. The crystal structure of this multi-domain protein fervidolysin provides insights into proenzyme activation and the role of non-catalytic domains, suggesting a functional relationship to the fibronectin (FN)-like domains of the human promatrix metalloprotease-2 (proMMP-2) that degrades the fibrous polymeric substrate gelatin.  相似文献   

The amoeboid locomotion of nematode sperm is mediated by the assembly dynamics of the major sperm protein (MSP). MSP forms fibrous networks based on a hierarchy of macromolecular assemblies: helical subfilaments are built from MSP dimers; filaments are formed from two subfilaments coiling round one another; and filaments themselves supercoil to produce bundles. To provide a structural context for understanding the role of these macromolecular assemblies in cell locomotion, we have determined the 2.6 A resolution structure of crystals of Caenorhabditis elegans MSP that are constructed from helices of MSP chains that are analogous to the subfilaments from which filaments are constructed. Comparison with the crystal structures of dimers and helical assemblies of Ascaris suum MSP has identified five conserved interaction interfaces that suggest how subfilaments interact in filaments and how filaments can form bundles. The interfaces frequently involve the loop containing residues 78-85, which is divergent between MSP homologues, and the loop containing residues 98-103, which is highly conserved.  相似文献   

The thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus synthesizes lysine through the alpha-aminoadipate pathway, which uses alpha-aminoadipate as a biosynthetic intermediate of lysine. LysX is the essential enzyme in this pathway, and is believed to catalyze the acylation of alpha-aminoadipate. We have determined the crystal structures of LysX and its complex with ADP at 2.0A and 2.38A resolutions, respectively. LysX is composed of three alpha+beta domains, each composed of a four to five-stranded beta-sheet core flanked by alpha-helices. The C-terminal and central domains form an ATP-grasp fold, which is responsible for ATP binding. LysX has two flexible loop regions, which are expected to play an important role in substrate binding and protection. In spite of the low level of sequence identity, the overall fold of LysX is surprisingly similar to that of other ATP-grasp fold proteins, such as D-Ala:D-Ala ligase, PurT-encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase, glutathione synthetase, and synapsin I. In particular, they share a similar spatial arrangement of the amino acid residues around the ATP-binding site. This observation strongly suggests that LysX is an ATP-utilizing enzyme that shares a common evolutionary ancestor with other ATP-grasp fold proteins possessing a carboxylate-amine/thiol ligase activity.  相似文献   

In higher plants, histidine-aspartate phosphorelays (two-component system) are involved in hormone signaling and stress responses. In these systems, histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) proteins mediate the signal transmission from sensory histidine kinases to response regulators, including integration of several signaling pathways or branching into different pathways. We have determined the crystal structure of a maize HPt protein, ZmHP2, at 2.2 A resolution. ZmHP2 has six alpha-helices with a four-helix bundle at the C-terminus, a feature commonly found in HPt domains. In ZmHP2, almost all of the conserved residues among plant HPt proteins surround this histidine, probably forming the docking interface for the receiver domain of histidine kinase or the response regulator. Arg102 of ZmHP2 is conserved as a basic residue in plant HPt proteins. In bacteria, it is replaced by glutamine or glutamate that form a hydrogen bond to Ndelta atoms of the phospho-accepting histidine. It may play a key role in the complex formation of ZmHP2 with receiver domains.  相似文献   



Aspergillus fumigatus conidia can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Phagocytosis of conidia is a principal component of the host antifungal defense. We investigated whether allergic airway inflammation (AAI) affects the ability of phagocytic cells in the airways to internalize the resting fungal spores.


Using BALB/c mice with experimentally induced AAI, we tested the ability of neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells to internalize A. fumigatus conidia at various anatomical locations. We used light microscopy and differential cell and conidium counts to determine the ingestion potential of neutrophils and macrophages present in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). To identify phagocyte-conidia interactions in conducting airways, conidia labeled with tetramethylrhodamine-(5-(and-6))-isothiocyanate were administered to the oropharyngeal cavity of mice. Confocal microscopy was used to quantify the ingestion potential of Ly-6G+ neutrophils and MHC II+ antigen-presenting cells located in the intraepithelial and subepithelial areas of conducting airways.


Allergen challenge induced transient neutrophil recruitment to the airways. Application of A. fumigatus conidia at the acute phase of AAI provoked recurrent neutrophil infiltration, and consequently increased the number and the ingestion potential of the airway neutrophils. In the absence of recurrent allergen or conidia provocation, both the ingestion potential and the number of BAL neutrophils decreased. As a result, conidia were primarily internalized by alveolar macrophages in both AAI and control mice at 24 hours post-inhalation. Transient influx of neutrophils to conducting airways shortly after conidial application was observed in mice with AAI. In addition, the ingestion potential of conducting airway neutrophils in mice with induced asthma exceeded that of control mice. Although the number of neutrophils subsequently decreased, the ingestion capacity remained elevated in AAI mice, even at 24 hours post-conidia application.


Aspiration of allergen to sensitized mice enhanced the ingestion potential of conducting airway neutrophils. Such activation primes neutrophils so that they are sufficient to control dissemination of non-germinating A. fumigatus conidia. At the same time, it can be a reason for the development of sensitivity to fungi and subsequent asthma exacerbation.  相似文献   

Beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III (FabH) catalyzes a two step reaction that initiates the pathway of fatty acid biosynthesis in plants and bacteria. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, FabH catalyzes extension of lauroyl, myristoyl and palmitoyl groups from which cell wall mycolic acids of the bacterium are formed. The first step of the reaction is an acyl group transfer from acyl-coenzyme A to the active-site cysteine of the enzyme; the second step is acyl chain extension by two carbon atoms through Claisen condensation with malonyl-acyl carrier protein. We have previously determined the crystal structure of a type II, dissociated M.tuberculosis FabH, which catalyzes extension of lauroyl, myristoyl and palmitoyl groups. Here we describe the first long-chain Michaelis substrate complex of a FabH, that of lauroyl-coenzyme A with a catalytically disabled Cys-->Ala mutant of M.tuberculosis FabH. An elongated channel extending from the mutated active-site cysteine defines the acyl group binding locus that confers unique acyl substrate specificity on M.tuberculosis FabH. CoA lies in a second channel, bound primarily through interactions of its nucleotide group at the enzyme surface. The apparent weak association of CoA in this complex may play a role in the binding and dissociation of long chain acyl-CoA substrates and products and poses questions pertinent to the mechanism of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Phytase isolated from mung bean cotyledons was purified about 80-fold with a recovery of 28%. The enzyme is stable at 0°, has a pH optimum at 7·5 and optimal temperature of 57°. The energy of activation is approximately 8500 cal/mole between 37° and 57°. Inhibition by Pi has been found to be competitive, the Ki value being 0·40–0·43 × 10−3 M; the Km value with phytate is 0·65 × 10−3 M. Divalent cations are not required for activity. Lower members of inositol phosphates are better substrates, as shown by their Vmax and Km values. When subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis two bands have been resolved; one (major) corresponds to phytase and the other (minor) to phosphatase and pyrophosphatase activity. Filtration through Biogel P-200 partially resolves phytase from phosphatase and pyrophosphatase. The molecular weight of phytase is approximately 160,000.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana protein AtHAL3a decarboxylates 4'-phosphopantothenoylcysteine to 4'-phosphopantetheine, a step in coenzyme A biosynthesis. Surprisingly, this decarboxylation reaction is carried out as an FMN-dependent redox reaction. In the first half-reaction, the side-chain of the cysteine residue of 4'-phosphopantothenoylcysteine is oxidised and the thioaldehyde intermediate decarboxylates spontaneously to the 4'-phosphopantothenoyl-aminoethenethiol intermediate. In the second half-reaction this compound is reduced to 4'-phosphopantetheine and the FMNH(2) cofactor is re-oxidised. The active site mutant C175S is unable to perform this reductive half-reaction. Here, we present the crystal structure of the AtHAL3a mutant C175S in complex with the reaction intermediate pantothenoyl-aminoethenethiol and FMNH(2). The geometry of binding suggests that reduction of the C(alpha)=C(beta) double bond of the intermediate can be performed by direct hydride-transfer from N5 of FMNH(2) to C(beta) of the aminoethenethiol-moiety supported by a protonation of C(alpha) by Cys175. The binding mode of the substrate is very similar to that previously observed for a pentapeptide to the homologous enzyme EpiD that introduces the aminoethenethiol-moiety as final reaction product at the C terminus of peptidyl-cysteine residues. This finding further supports our view that these homologous enzymes form a protein family of homo-oligomeric flavin-containing cysteine decarboxylases, which we have termed HFCD family.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases are a family of enzymes altering the topology of DNA by concerted breakage and rejoining of the phosphodiester backbone of DNA. Bacterial and archeal type IA topoisomerases, including topoisomerase I, topoisomerase III, and reverse gyrase, are crucial in regulation of DNA supercoiling and maintenance of genetic stability. The crystal structure of full length topoisomerase I from Thermotoga maritima was determined at 1.7A resolution and represents an intact and fully active bacterial topoisomerase I. It reveals the torus-like structure of the conserved transesterification core domain comprising domains I-IV and a tightly associated C-terminal zinc ribbon domain (domain V) packing against domain IV of the core domain. The previously established zinc-independence of the functional activity of T.maritima topoisomerase I is further supported by its crystal structure as no zinc ion is bound to domain V. However, the structural integrity is preserved by the formation of two disulfide bridges between the four Zn-binding cysteine residues. A functional role of domain V in DNA binding and recognition is suggested and discussed in the light of the structure and previous biochemical findings. In addition, implications for bacterial topoisomerases I are provided.  相似文献   

Exo-inulinases hydrolyze terminal, non-reducing 2,1-linked and 2,6-linked beta-d-fructofuranose residues in inulin, levan and sucrose releasing beta-d-fructose. We present the X-ray structure at 1.55A resolution of exo-inulinase from Aspergillus awamori, a member of glycoside hydrolase family 32, solved by single isomorphous replacement with the anomalous scattering method using the heavy-atom sites derived from a quick cryo-soaking technique. The tertiary structure of this enzyme folds into two domains: the N-terminal catalytic domain of an unusual five-bladed beta-propeller fold and the C-terminal domain folded into a beta-sandwich-like structure. Its structural architecture is very similar to that of another member of glycoside hydrolase family 32, invertase (beta-fructosidase) from Thermotoga maritima, determined recently by X-ray crystallography The exo-inulinase is a glycoprotein containing five N-linked oligosaccharides. Two crystal forms obtained under similar crystallization conditions differ by the degree of protein glycosylation. The X-ray structure of the enzyme:fructose complex, at a resolution of 1.87A, reveals two catalytically important residues: Asp41 and Glu241, a nucleophile and a catalytic acid/base, respectively. The distance between the side-chains of these residues is consistent with a double displacement mechanism of reaction. Asp189, which is part of the Arg-Asp-Pro motif, provides hydrogen bonds important for substrate recognition.  相似文献   

Crystal structure and evolution of a prokaryotic glucoamylase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first crystal structures of a two-domain, prokaryotic glucoamylase were determined to high resolution from the clostridial species Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum with and without acarbose. The N-terminal domain has 18 antiparallel strands arranged in beta-sheets of a super-beta-sandwich. The C-terminal domain is an (alpha/alpha)(6) barrel, lacking the peripheral subdomain of eukaryotic glucoamylases. Interdomain contacts are common to all prokaryotic Family GH15 proteins. Domains similar to those of prokaryotic glucoamylases in maltose phosphorylases (Family GH65) and glycoaminoglycan lyases (Family PL8) suggest evolution from a common ancestor. Eukaryotic glucoamylases may have evolved from prokaryotic glucoamylases by the substitution of the N-terminal domain with the peripheral subdomain and by the addition of a starch-binding domain.  相似文献   

Anthocyanidins were proposed to derive from (+)-naringenin via (2R,3R)-dihydroflavonol(s) and (2R,3S,4S)-leucocyanidin(s) which are eventually oxidized by anthocyanidin synthase (ANS). Recently, the role of ANS has been put into question, because the recombinant enzyme from Arabidopsis exhibited primarily flavonol synthase (FLS) activity with negligible ANS activity. This and other studies led to the proposal that ANS as well as FLS may select for dihydroflavonoid substrates carrying a "beta-face" C-3 hydroxyl group and initially form the 3-geminal diol by "alpha-face" hydroxylation. Assays with recombinant ANS from Gerbera hybrida fully supported the proposal and were extended to catechin and epicatechin isomers as potential substrates to delineate the enzyme specificity. Gerbera ANS converted (+)-catechin to two major and one minor product, whereas ent(-)-catechin (2S,3R-trans-catechin), (-)-epicatechin, ent(+)-epicatechin (2S,3S-cis-epicatechin) and (-)-gallocatechin were not accepted. The K(m) value for (+)-catechin was determined at 175 microM, and the products were identified by LC-MS(n) and NMR as the 4,4-dimer of oxidized (+)-catechin (93%), cyanidin (7%) and quercetin (trace). When these incubations were repeated in the presence of UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase from Fragariaxananassa (FaGT1), the product ratio shifted to cyanidin 3-O-glucoside (60%), cyanidin (14%) and dimeric oxidized (+)-catechin (26%) at an overall equivalent rate of conversion. The data appear to identify (+)-catechin as another substrate of ANS in vivo and shed new light on the mechanism of its catalysis. Moreover, the enzymatic dimerization of catechin monomers is reported for the first time suggesting a role for ANS beyond the oxidation of leucocyanidins.  相似文献   



Invasive aspergillosis is started after germination of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia that are inhaled by susceptible individuals. Fungal hyphae can grow in the lung through the epithelial tissue and disseminate hematogenously to invade into other organs. Low fungaemia indicates that fungal elements do not reside in the bloodstream for long.


We analyzed whether blood represents a hostile environment to which the physiology of A. fumigatus has to adapt. An in vitro model of A. fumigatus infection was established by incubating mycelium in blood. Our model allowed to discern the changes of the gene expression profile of A. fumigatus at various stages of the infection. The majority of described virulence factors that are connected to pulmonary infections appeared not to be activated during the blood phase. Three active processes were identified that presumably help the fungus to survive the blood environment in an advanced phase of the infection: iron homeostasis, secondary metabolism, and the formation of detoxifying enzymes.


We propose that A. fumigatus is hardly able to propagate in blood. After an early stage of sensing the environment, virtually all uptake mechanisms and energy-consuming metabolic pathways are shut-down. The fungus appears to adapt by trans-differentiation into a resting mycelial stage. This might reflect the harsh conditions in blood where A. fumigatus cannot take up sufficient nutrients to establish self-defense mechanisms combined with significant growth.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi10.1186/s12864-015-1853-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Isoflavonoids play important roles in plant defense and exhibit a range of mammalian health-promoting activities. Isoflavone reductase (IFR) specifically recognizes isoflavones and catalyzes a stereospecific NADPH-dependent reduction to (3R)-isoflavanone. The crystal structure of Medicago sativa IFR with deletion of residues 39-47 has been determined at 1.6A resolution. Structural analysis, molecular modeling and docking, and comparison with the structures of other NADPH-dependent enzymes, defined the putative binding sites for co-factor and substrate and potential key residues for enzyme activity and substrate specificity. Further mutagenesis has confirmed the role of Lys144 as a catalytic residue. This study provides a structural basis for understanding the enzymatic mechanism and substrate specificity of IFRs as well as the functions of IFR-like proteins.  相似文献   

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