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Predation encounters were staged in the laboratory between yearling herring, Clupea harengus L., 66 to 104 mm t.l. , and herring larvae, 8 to 30 mm t.l. ., at 8,11 and 14 o C. Video records were used to quantify prey behaviour. Prey responsiveness, reactive distance, response latency, and apparent looming threshold were not affected by temperature. Response speeds increased with temperature. Predator error rate and capture success showed no consistent thermal effects. Although the experiments could not fully evaluate the influence of temperature on the predators, results suggest that the predator's performance largely governs the outcome of an attack on a larva and that higher temperatures favour the predator by increasing the frequency of its encounter with prey.  相似文献   

Fifteen polymorphic di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide microsatellite markers were developed in Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) to aid in the delineation of population structure of herring in British Columbia. Twelve of the microsatellite loci were analysed in over 4000 wild herring. Expected heterozygosities ranged 0.73–0.95, and only two loci significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium.  相似文献   

Once adapted to the captive environment, mean minimum respiration rates were 118 mgO2 kg−1 h−1 for mackerel, body length ( b.l ) range 290 to 380 mm, at 11.1o C at a swimming speed of 0.6 b.l. s1 and 93 mgO2 kg−1 h1 for herring, length range 255 to 310 mm, at 9.3° C at a swimming speed of 0.3 b.l. s1.  相似文献   

Analysis of laboratory video-recordings of herring feeding by biting and filtering on Calanus finmarchicus and three sizes of Artemia enabled the capture rates of the two methods to be estimated at different prey concentrations. At low concentrations the fish feed by selective capture of individual particles, but the capture rate achievable by this method is constrained by the maximum rate at which they can bite. Filter-feeding is not subject to this constraint because capture rate is directly proportional to prey concentration and above a critical prey concentration its capture rate exceeds that of biting. The possession of two feeding methods allows the fish to maximize prey intake over a wide range of concentrations and the phenomenon of switching between feeding methods can be explained by their relative profitabilities at different concentrations. The observation that less than 50% of fish are filtering when capture rates by the two methods are equal suggests that filtering is energetically more costly than biting. Estimates of the energy cost of filtering indicated that it may be from 1.4 to 4.6 times higher than that of biting.  相似文献   

Utilization of storage lipids and storage proteins by non-feeding north-west Atlantic herring was assessed under conditions of: (1) concurrent gonad maturation and overwintering periods with differing rates of gonad development for males and females (spring-spawncrs); (2) overwintering, reproductively dormant and spent males and females (autumn-spawners); and (3) approximately equivalent rates of gonad development during late summer for males and females (autumn-spawners). Storage lipids were depleted by all non-feeding fish but storage proteins were depleted only by herring with measurable gonad development during the observation period independently of season (female spring-spawners, maturing male and female autumn-spawners). The analyses indicate that storage lipids sustain routine and active metabolism while storage proteins are utilized to develop gonad. Therefore, the relative investment into reproduction versus routine and active metabolism can be evaluated separately for non-feeding herring using readily obtainable tissue proximate composition data.  相似文献   

Interannual variation in Fulton's condition factor ( K ), total body-fat content and growth rate were investigated for the Icelandic summer-spawning herring Clupea harengus over the period from 1963 to 1999. The results show a close relationship between K and the body-fat content in the autumn, both of which correlated to the growth rate in the same calendar year. A relationship was also found between K during the prespawning season (February to June) and K in the autumn (September to December) in the same year. The different measures of body condition were not found to be related to sea temperature or zooplankton indices, while the spawning stock biomass had negative effects on the fish condition. The results imply that the body condition in the autumn is representative of the feeding success over the whole foregoing year and is therefore related to the growth rate that year. The growth rate appears to be relatively uniform throughout the year.  相似文献   

Numerically small but statistically significant genetic differentiation has been found in many marine fish species despite very large census population sizes and absence of obvious barriers to migrating individuals. Analyses of morphological traits have previously identified local spawning groups of herring (Clupea harengus L.) in the environmentally heterogeneous Baltic Sea, whereas allozyme markers have not revealed differentiation. We analysed variation at nine microsatellite loci in 24 samples of spring-spawning herring collected at 11 spawning locations throughout the Baltic Sea. Significant temporal differentiation was observed at two locations, which we ascribe to sympatrically spawning but genetically divergent 'spawning waves'. Significant differentiation was also present on a geographical scale, though pairwise F(ST) values were generally low, not exceeding 0.027. Partial Mantel tests showed no isolation by geographical distance, but significant associations were observed between genetic differentiation and environmental parameters (salinity and surface temperature) (0.001 < P < or = 0.099), though these outcomes were driven mainly by populations in the southwestern Baltic Sea, which also exhibits the steepest environmental gradients. Application of a novel method for detecting barriers to gene flow by combining geographical coordinates and genetic differentiation allowed us to identify two zones of lowered gene flow. These zones were concordant with the separation of the Baltic Sea into major basins, with environmental gradients and with differences in migration behaviour. We suggest that similar use of landscape genetics approaches may increase the understanding of the biological significance of genetic differentiation in other marine fishes.  相似文献   

Variation in the survival of herring between the egg stage and the age of recruitment to the spawning population has been examined for seven Atlantic herring populations in northern European waters. The sources of the variation have been partitioned between density-dependent and density-independent factors. The magnitude of the density-independent component was found to be related to the scale of the processes controlling the dispersion and distribution of larvae from the various populations. We conclude that the spawning strategies of some populations are adapted to oceanographic conditions to maximize the probability of a particular larval transport pattern, although no single model could account for all spawning strategies.  相似文献   

Evidence of selection acting on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes has been illustrated with the analysis of their nucleotide sequences and allele frequency distribution. Comparing the patterns of population differentiation at neutral markers and MHC genes in the wild may provide further insights about the relative role of selection and neutrality in shaping their diversity. In this study, we combine both methods to assess the role of selection on a MHC gene in Atlantic salmon. We compare variation at a MHC class II B locus and microsatellites among 14 samples from seven different rivers and seven subpopulations within a single river system covering a variety of habitats and different geographical scales. We show that diversifying selection is acting on the sites involved in antigen presentation and that balancing selection maintains a high level of polymorphism within populations. Despite important differences in habitat type, the comparison of the population structure at MHC and microsatellites on large geographical scales reveals a correlation between patterns of differentiation, indicating that drift and migration have been more important than selection in shaping population differentiation at the MHC locus. In contrast, strong discrepancies between patterns of population differentiation at the two types of markers provides support for the role of selection in shaping population structure within rivers. Together, these results confirm that natural selection is influencing MHC gene diversity in wild Atlantic salmon although neutral forces may also be important in their evolution.  相似文献   

In many marine fish species, genetic population structure is typically weak because populations are large, evolutionarily young and have a high potential for gene flow. We tested whether genetic markers influenced by natural selection are more efficient than the presumed neutral genetic markers to detect population structure in Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), a migratory pelagic species with large effective population sizes. We compared the spatial and temporal patterns of divergence and statistical power of three traditional genetic marker types, microsatellites, allozymes and mitochondrial DNA, with one microsatellite locus, Cpa112, previously shown to be influenced by divergent selection associated with salinity, and one locus located in the major histocompatibility complex class IIA (MHC-IIA) gene, using the same individuals across analyses. Samples were collected in 2002 and 2003 at two locations in the North Sea, one location in the Skagerrak and one location in the low-saline Baltic Sea. Levels of divergence for putatively neutral markers were generally low, with the exception of single outlier locus/sample combinations; microsatellites were the most statistically powerful markers under neutral expectations. We found no evidence of selection acting on the MHC locus. Cpa112, however, was highly divergent in the Baltic samples. Simulations addressing the statistical power for detecting population divergence showed that when using Cpa112 alone, compared with using eight presumed neutral microsatellite loci, sample sizes could be reduced by up to a tenth while still retaining high statistical power. Our results show that the loci influenced by selection can serve as powerful markers for detecting population structure in high gene-flow marine fish species.  相似文献   

The predation potential of littoral mysid shrimps (Mysidacea) on Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras L.) eggs and yolk-sac larvae was studied experimentally. The results showed that littoral mysids feed actively on both eggs and yolk-sac larvae. It was shown that Neomysis integer preys on eggs, which are not attached to the substrate. Alternative food (yolk-sac larvae or zooplankton) did not decrease feeding rate on eggs. Only gravel as a bottom material lowered the ingestion rate to nearly zero. The largest of the mysid species Praunus flexuosus ate yolk-sac larvae more than other mysids and most efficiently. Mysids switched to feed on eggs when larvae and eggs were offered simultaneously, thus predation focused on eggs. It is possible that hydrodynamic signals of moving larvae induced mysids to prey and eggs were easier prey to catch as well as more numerous. In addition egg size is optimal and the nutritive value (measured as C:N ratio) is better compared with larvae. The results indicate that mysids may have local effects on populations of Baltic herring by eating the early life stages, mostly eggs. Especially when large swarms of N. integer shoal in the spawning areas. However, the effect on recruitment of herring is still hard to evaluate.  相似文献   

Variation within the major histocompatibility (MH) class II alpha gene ( Sasa-DAA ) was compared between domesticated Australian Atlantic salmon and their ancestral Canadian population. The level of Sasa-DAA and MH class II beta gene ( Sasa-DAB ) sequence variation was also examined within the Australian population and compared with that published for European Atlantic salmon populations. In contrast to variation previously reported for non-coding microsatellite loci, a high level of MH class II allelic variation has been maintained within the domesticated Australian populations. Furthermore, a high level of Sasa-DAA and Sasa-DAB allele sequence diversity was also observed and exceeded that reported for other cultured Atlantic salmon populations. The number of Sasa-DAB allele sequences (14) surpassed the number of Sasa-DAA allele sequences (9) to produce 14 unique class II haplotypes. We conclude that the Australian Atlantic salmon populations show high MH class II allelic and haplotypic variation compared with both its ancestral Canadian population and other cultured Atlantic salmon populations.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (n = 1682) from 27 anadromous river populations and two nonanadromous strains ranging from south-central Maine, USA to northern Spain were genotyped at 12 microsatellite DNA loci. This suite of moderate to highly polymorphic loci revealed 266 alleles (5-37/locus) range-wide. Statistically significant allelic and genotypic heterogeneity was observed across loci between all but one pairwise comparison. Significant isolation by distance was found within and between North American and European populations, indicating reduced gene flow at all geographical scales examined. North American Atlantic salmon populations had fewer alleles, fewer unique alleles (though at a higher frequency) and a shallower phylogenetic structure than European Atlantic salmon populations. We believe these characteristics result from the differing glacial histories of the two continents, as the North American range of Atlantic salmon was glaciated more recently and more uniformly than the European range. Genotypic assignment tests based on maximum-likelihood provided 100% correct classification to continent of origin and averaged nearly 83% correct classification to province of origin across continents. This multilocus method, which may be enhanced with additional polymorphic loci, provides fishery managers the highest degree of correct assignment to management unit of any technique currently available.  相似文献   

Neural and alimentary cholecystokinin (CCK) levels in Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, were analyzed from hatching to 40days after hatching (DAH). The head compartment representing the neural pool was quantitatively dominant (>80% of the total CCK content) while the digestive tract pool represented 6-10%. During ontogeny the CCK level in whole larvae increased almost 15-fold from 0 to 40 DAH, being particularly marked from 14 to 20 DAH. Larvae of 24 to 26 DAH were examined for potential occurrence of a circadian rhythm and to analyze the effects of feeding. Fed and fasted larvae were significantly different, where fed larvae showed higher CCK levels. There were large fluctuations in CCK levels analyzed at 3h intervals without an apparent diurnal pattern. Shorter sampling intervals of 1h in the morning when lights were switched gradually on and food was offered to the larvae demonstrated a marked drop in the relative gut CCK levels and a concurrent increase in the CCK carcass to gut ratio, 1h after introduction of food followed by a return to prefeeding levels after 2h. This response probably results from a release and re-synthesis of CCK in the gut after initiation of feeding. Taken together, these results support earlier reports that CCK participates in the regulation of digestive processes in herring larvae, but CCK does not seem to have a circadian rhythm independent of feeding.  相似文献   

We describe 10 primers for amplification of microsatellite loci for the mangrove, Avicennia germinans. Eight loci were isolated from a DNA sample from the Pacific coast of Baja California, Mexico and two loci were isolated from a DNA sample from the Atlantic coast of Bermuda. Polymorphism was investigated in a population from the Mexican Pacific coast (n = 15) and in four samples scattered throughout the range of the species. Total number of alleles for the species ranged from two to 10. Observed heterozygosity in the Mexican Pacific coast population ranged from 0.27 to 0.60, with two loci having fixed alleles.  相似文献   

In two experiments, a batch of 38 herring from Shetland was gutted immediately on capture (0 h) and further batches were gutted 14 and 37 h after capture and storage on ice. The numbers of Anisakis larvae in the body-cavity and in the flesh (detected by pepsin-HCl digest) were then counted. The proportion of fish with worms in the flesh was higher at 14 and 37 h than at 0 h. The percentage of the total worm burden in the flesh increased between cash each time interval, which suggests that a large-scale migration of larvae into the flesh occurs in ungutted fish. There was a positive association between the numbers of larvae in the viscera and the numbers in the flesh. Most larvae occurred in the hypaxial muscles. The results are discussed in relation to the observations of earlier workers.  相似文献   

It is known that mitochondrial creatine kinase (MtCK) in mammals is always expressed in conjunction with one of the cytosolic forms of creatine kinase (CK), either muscle-type (MM-CK) or brain-type (BB-CK) in tissues of high, sudden energy demand. The two creatine kinase (CK) isoforms were detected in herring (Clupea harengus) skeletal muscle: cytosolic CK and mitochondrial CK (MtCK) that displayed the different electrophoretic mobility. These isoforms differ in molecular weight and some biochemical properties. Isolation and purification procedures allowed to obtain purified enzymes with specific activity of the 206 μmol/min/mg for cytosolic CK and 240 μmol/min/mg for MtCK. Native Mrs of the cytosolic CK and MtCK determined by gel permeation chromatography were 86.000 and 345.000, respectively. The results indicate that one of isoforms found in herring skeletal muscle is a cytosolic dimer and the other one, is a mitochondrial octamer. Octamerization of MtCK is not an advanced feature and also exists in fish. These values correspond well with published values for MtCKs and cytosolic CK isoforms from higher vertebrate classes and even from lower invertebrates.  相似文献   

Eighteen new microsatellite loci consisting of 10 di‐, 5 tri‐, 2 tetra‐ and 1 heptanucleotide repeats are introduced for the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). All loci were co‐amplified in two polymerase chain reactions (plus two previously published microsatellites) and all products were typed clearly. The number of alleles per locus ranged from six (PGmo130) to 45 (PGmo76) and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.356 (PGmo130) to 0.957 (PGmo95). All loci except one followed Hardy–Weinberg expectations. Genetic linkage disequilibrium analysis between all pairs of loci did not yield any significant values.  相似文献   

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