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We examined a large French family with autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA) that was excluded from all previously identified spinocerebellar ataxia genes and loci. The patients-seven women and a 4-year-old boy-exhibited slowly progressive childhood-onset cerebellar gait ataxia associated with cerebellar dysarthria, moderate mental retardation (IQ 62-76), and mild developmental delays in motor acquisition. Nystagmus and pyramidal signs were also observed in some cases. This unique association of clinical features clearly distinguishes this new entity from other previously described ADCA. Cerebral magnetic-resonance imaging showed moderate cerebellar and pontine atrophy in two patients. We performed a genomewide search and found significant evidence for linkage to chromosome 19q13.3-q13.4, in an approximately 8-cM interval between markers D19S219 and D19S553.  相似文献   

The autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCAs) are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders. The clinical symptoms include cerebellar dysfunction and associated signs from dysfunction in other parts of the nervous system. So far, five spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) genes have been identified: SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, and SCA7. Loci for SCA4 and SCA5 have been mapped. However, approximately one-third of SCAs have remained unassigned. We have identified a Mexican American pedigree that segregates a new form of ataxia clinically characterized by gait and limb ataxia, dysarthria, and nystagmus. Two individuals have seizures. After excluding all known genetic loci for linkage, we performed a genomewide search and identified linkage to a 15-cM region on chromosome 22q13. A maximum LOD score of 4.3 (recombination fraction 0) was obtained for D22S928 and D22S1161. This distinct form of ataxia has been designated "SCA10." Anticipation was observed in the available parent-child pairs, suggesting that trinucleotide-repeat expansion may be the mutagenic mechanism.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder in childhood and likely represents an extreme of normal behavior. ADHD significantly impacts learning in school-age children and leads to impaired functioning throughout the life span. There is strong evidence for a genetic etiology of the disorder, although putative alleles, principally in dopamine-related pathways suggested by candidate-gene studies, have very small effect sizes. We use affected-sib-pair analysis in 203 families to localize the first major susceptibility locus for ADHD to a 12-cM region on chromosome 16p13 (maximum LOD score 4.2; P=.000005), building upon an earlier genomewide scan of this disorder. The region overlaps that highlighted in three genome scans for autism, a disorder in which inattention and hyperactivity are common, and physically maps to a 7-Mb region on 16p13. These findings suggest that variations in a gene on 16p13 may contribute to common deficits found in both ADHD and autism.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS) is a clinically homogeneous form of early-onset familial spastic ataxia with prominent myelinated retinal nerve fibers. More than 300 patients have been identified, and most of their families originated in the Charlevoix-Saguenay region of northeastern Quebec, where the carrier prevalence has been estimated to be 1/22. Consistent with the hypothesis of a founder effect, we observed excess shared homozygosity at 13q11, among patients in a genomewide scan of 12 families. Analysis of 19 pedigrees demonstrated very tight linkage between the ARSACS locus and an intragenic polymorphism of the gamma-sarcoglycan (SGCG) gene, but genomic DNA sequence analysis of all eight exons of SGCG revealed no disease-causing mutation. On the basis of haplotypes composed of seven marker loci that spanned 11.1 cM, the most likely position of the ARSACS locus was 0.42 cM distal to the SGCG polymorphism. Two groups of ARSACS-associated haplotypes were identified: a large group that carries a common SGCG allele and a small group that carries a rare SGCG allele. The haplotype groups do not appear to be closely related. Therefore, although chromosomes within each haplotype group may harbor a single ARSACS mutation identical by descent, the two mutations could have independent origins.  相似文献   

Summary Investigation of a variegated condition in the soybean variety Lincoln indicates instability at the Y locus. Leaf sectors of chlorophyll-less yellow tissue occur in distinct heritable patterns; some leaves have small flecks of yellow tissue (late occurring mutations) and others possess large areas or whole leaflets (early occurring mutations).There is evidence that this allele, Y 18 m , mutates to the wild type, Y, which is green and stable and to the recessive, y, which is yellow and lethal in the seedling condition. (With an increase in the amount of yellow tissue there is an increase in the frequency of lethals.) However, changes from one type to the other are observed, and patterns of variegation representing different states of the instability are described. These depend upon the time and frequency of mutation events.Evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that this instability is controlled by a factor that resides at the locus. Such a factor governs the timing of the mutation events and is related to similar elements in maize, which are part of specific mutable systems. Control of variegation of the Y 18 m locus is compared with the models proposed for the cases of instability in maize.
Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung eines variegaten Zustandes bei der Sojabohnensorte Lincoln führte zum Nachweis einer Instabilität des Y-Locus. Blattsektoren mit chlorophyllfreiem gelbem Gewebe traten in bestimmten erblichen Mustern auf. Einige Blätter wiesen kleine Flecken gelben Gewebes auf (spät eingetretene Mutationen), während andere große Flächen oder vollständig gelbe Blättchen besaßen (früh eingetretene Mutationen).Es gibt Beweise dafür, daß das entsprechende Allel Y 18 m sowohl zum stabilen Wildtypallel Y, mit grünem Phänotyp, als auch zum rezessiv gelben y, das im Sämlingsstadium letal wirkt, mutiert. (Eine Zunahme der Menge gelben Gewebes ist mit einer Zunahme der Letalfrequenz verbunden.) Umwandlungen eines Typs zu einem anderen werden beobachtet und Variegationsmuster beschrieben, die unterschiedliche Stadien der Instabilität verkörpern. Diese hängen von dem Zeitpunkt und der Frequenz der Mutationsereignisse ab.Es werden Beweise vorgelegt, die die Hypothese stützen, daß diese Instabilität durch einen Faktor kontrolliert wird, der sich am Locus befindet. Ein Faktor dieser Art kontrolliert das zeitliche Auftreten der Mutationsereignisse. Er ist mit ähnlichen Elementen des Maises verwandt, die Teile eines spezifisch mutablen Systems sind. Die Kontrolle der Variegation durch den Y 18 m -Locus wird mit den Modellen verglichen, die für die Fälle der Instabilität beim Mais vorgeschlagen wurden.

Joint contribution from the Iowa Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa (Projects 1335 und 1179) as Journal Paper No. 5635.

Former Agronomist, Crops Research Division, ARS, USDA, and Professor Iowa State University; now Research Director, Peterson Seed Company.  相似文献   

We have previously assigned the Friedreich ataxia locus (FRDA) to chromosome 9; the current maximal lod score between FRDA and MCT112 (D9S15) is greater than 50 at a recombination fraction of theta = 0. The physical assignment of the locus defined by MCT112, and hence FRDA, has not been determined, although linkage analysis of MCT112 with other chromosome 9 markers inferred a location close to the centromere. We have used in situ hybridisation with MCT112, a corresponding cosmid MJ1, and DR47 (D9S5), coupled with mapping studies on hybrid cell panels, to define more precisely the location of the disease locus. The in situ location of all three probes is 9q13----q21.1, distal to the variable heterochromatin region. Physical assignment of FRDA will allow us to identify hybrid cell lines containing the mutated gene.  相似文献   

Genetic homogeneity at the Friedreich ataxia locus on chromosome 9   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Classical Friedreich ataxia, a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder involving both the central and peripheral nervous systems, has been subclassified according to the observed clinical heterogeneity. The variations in the age at onset and in the spectrum and severity of symptoms have previously been interpreted as evidence of genetic heterogeneity. We have studied the linkage between the disorder and closely linked DNA markers in families of distinct ethnic origins, including the "typical" French-Canadians and the Acadian population of Louisiana. The disease in these two populations, both of continental French origin, has a very similar initial clinical picture. However, a marked difference in the rate of progression of the obligatory symptoms after 10 years of apparent disease is observed. A total of 553 individuals from 80 families with 202 affected members have been typed with the chromosome 9 marker MCT112, which we have previously shown to be closely linked to the disease locus. Evidence for linkage was observed in all families with the generation of a combined total lod score of 25.09 at a recombination fraction of theta = .00, providing strong evidence for genetic homogeneity at this locus for the classical form of this disease.  相似文献   

Polyglutamine disorders are inherited neurodegenerative diseases caused by the accumulation of expanded polyglutamine protein (polyQ). Previously, we identified a new guanosine triphosphatase, CRAG, which facilitates the degradation of polyQ aggregates through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in cultured cells. Because expression of CRAG decreases in the adult brain, a reduced level of CRAG could underlie the onset of polyglutamine diseases. To examine the potential of CRAG expression for treating polyglutamine diseases, we generated model mice expressing polyQ predominantly in Purkinje cells. The model mice showed poor dendritic arborization of Purkinje cells, a markedly atrophied cerebellum and severe ataxia. Lentivector-mediated expression of CRAG in Purkinje cells of model mice extensively cleared polyQ aggregates and re-activated dendritic differentiation, resulting in a striking rescue from ataxia. Our in vivo data substantiate previous cell-culture-based results and extend further the usefulness of targeted delivery of CRAG as a gene therapy for polyglutamine diseases.  相似文献   

Diseases of unstable repeat expansion: mechanisms and common principles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The list of developmental and degenerative diseases that are caused by expansion of unstable repeats continues to grow, and is now approaching 20 disorders. The pathogenic mechanisms that underlie these disorders involve either loss of protein function or gain of function at the protein or RNA level. Common themes have emerged within and between these different classes of disease; for example, among disorders that are caused by gain-of-function mechanisms, altered protein conformations are central to pathogenesis, leading to changes in protein activity or abundance. In all these diseases, the context of the expanded repeat and the abundance, subcellular localization and interactions of the proteins and RNAs that are affected have key roles in disease-specific phenotypes.  相似文献   

This study addresses the question whether the different forms of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA) are related to different ethnic/geographical regions in Europe. One mutation in families originating from Holland, Prussia and Italy has previously been localized to chromosome 6p (SCA1 locus), whereas the mutation in families of Iberic origin has been excluded from chromosome 6p. In a Danish five-generation pedigree with ADCA and in which previous HLA-serotyping had shown inconclusive linkage results, the present study shows unequivocal exclusion from the SCA1 locus, firstly through the use of the new, highly informative microsatellites D6S89 and D6S109, which closely flank the SCA1 locus, and secondly through the manifestation of disease in four pedigree members previously scored as unaffected. Additional molecular genetic analysis of the HLA DRbeta and F13A polymorphisms also argue against a cluster of ADCA genes on chromosome 6p. Since this study demonstrates the existence of non-SCA1 families and therefore heterogeneity in the North-European population, molecular family counselling remains restricted to the few known SCA1 families.  相似文献   

Two major genes determining predisposition to breast cancer, termed BRCA1 and BRCA2, have been mapped to the long arms of chromosomes 17 and 13, respectively. Each locus is believed to account for approximately 40% of cases of familial breast cancer. We used linkage and haplotype analysis with simple tandem repeat polymorphisms at chromosomal bands 17q21 and 13q12 to determine the contribution of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes to predisposition to breast cancer in four Australian breast cancer kindreds, one of which had two male cousins with breast cancer. Surprisingly all families segregated a haplotype of markers on 13q and showed positive lod scores supporting linkage to BRCA2. In addition, haplotype analysis identified an informative recombination between D13S260 and D13S171 in one affected individual, which refines the localisation of BRCA2 to between D13S260 and D13S267; a distance of 2–3 cM. Tumours of the stomach and cervix, as well as melanoma and leukaemia/lymphoma also occur in these pedigrees but the numbers are too low to determine whether they may be significantly associated with BRCA2 carrier status. Our results confirm the existence of BRCA2 on the long arm of chromosome 13 and support previous findings that this locus is likely to confer risk in families with affected males. Furthermore, our observations suggest that the BRCA2 gene may also contribute to the development of other neoplasms. Received: 26 September 1995 / Revised: 15 January 1996  相似文献   

We present a linkage study in a four-generation autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA) family of Dutch ancestry. The family shows a clinically and genetically distinct form of ADCA. This neurodegenerative disorder manifests in the family as a relatively mild ataxia syndrome with some additional characteristic symptoms. We have identified a SCA19 locus, approved by the Human Genome Nomenclature Committee that can be assigned to the chromosome region 1p21-q21. Our mutation analysis failed to identify any mutations in the known spinocerebellar ataxia ( SCA) genes and linkage analysis excluded the remaining SCA loci. We therefore performed a genome-wide scan with 350 microsatellite markers to identify the location of the disease-causing gene in this family. Multi-point analysis was performed and exclusion maps were generated. Linkage and haplotype analysis revealed linkage to an interval located on chromosome 1. The estimated minimal prevalence of ADCA in the Netherlands is about 3:100,000. To date, sixteen different SCA loci have been identified in ADCA ( SCA1-8 and SCA10-17). However, mutation analysis has been commercially available only for the SCA1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 genes. So far, a molecular analysis in these SCA genes cannot be made in about one-third of the ADCA families. Thus, the identification of this new, additional SCA19 locus will contribute to expanding the DNA diagnostic possibilities.  相似文献   


Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is a redox-sensitive neurodegenerative disease affecting the cerebellum, fibre connections in the cerebellum, the peripheral nervous system, and extracerebellar central pathways. Currently, Cuba has the highest reported global rate for this disease. The aim of this review article is to summarize and discuss the current knowledge about evidence of oxidative stress during SCA2. Recent reports have suggested that ataxin 2 and other related factors contribute to the redox imbalance in this disease. It is important to recognize and clarify the molecular mechanisms associated with the redox imbalance to consider ataxias innovative approaches to counteract oxidative stress-induced tissue damage, through alternative therapeutic or nutritional intervention in SCA2 and related diseases.  相似文献   

The dominant polyglutamine expansion diseases, which include spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) and Huntington disease, are progressive, untreatable, neurodegenerative disorders. In inducible mouse models of SCA1 and Huntington disease, repression of mutant allele expression improves disease phenotypes. Thus, therapies designed to inhibit expression of the mutant gene would be beneficial. Here we evaluate the ability of RNA interference (RNAi) to inhibit polyglutamine-induced neurodegeneration caused by mutant ataxin-1 in a mouse model of SCA1. Upon intracerebellar injection, recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors expressing short hairpin RNAs profoundly improved motor coordination, restored cerebellar morphology and resolved characteristic ataxin-1 inclusions in Purkinje cells of SCA1 mice. Our data demonstrate in vivo the potential use of RNAi as therapy for dominant neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay (ARSACS or SACS) is a neurodegenerative disease frequent in northeastern Québec. In a previous study, we localized the disease gene to chromosome region 13q11 by identifying excess sharing of a marker allele in patients followed by linkage analysis and haplotyping. To create a detailed physical map of this region, we screened CEPH mega-YACs with 41 chromosome 13 sequence-tagged-sites (STSs) known to map to 13q11-q12. The YAC contig, composed of 27 clones, extends on the genetic map from D13S175 to D13S221, an estimated distance of at least 19.3 cM. A high-resolution BAC and PAC map that includes the ARSACS critical region flanked by D13S1275 and D13S292 was constructed. These YAC and BAC/PAC maps allowed the accurate placement of 29 genes and ESTs previously mapped to the proximal region of chromosome 13q. We confirmed the position of two candidate genes within the critical region and mapped the other 27 genes and ESTs to nearby intervals. Six BAC/PAC clones form a contig between D13S232 and D13S787 for sequencing within the ARSACS critical region.  相似文献   



Abnormal repeat length has been associated with an earlier age of onset and more severe disease progression in the rare neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia 17 (SCA17).

Methodology/Principal Findings

To determine whether specific structural brain degeneration and rate of disease progression in SCA17 might be associated with the CAG repeat size, observer-independent voxel-based morphometry was applied to high-resolution magnetic resonance images of 16 patients with SCA17 and 16 age-matched healthy controls. The main finding contrasting SCA17 patients with healthy controls demonstrated atrophy in the cerebellum bilaterally. Multiple regression analyses with available genetic data and also post-hoc correlations revealed an inverse relationship again with cerebellar atrophy. Moreover, we found an inverse relationship between the CAG repeat length and rate of disease progression.


Our results highlight the fundamental role of the cerebellum in this neurodegenerative disease and support the genotype-phenotype relationship in SCA17 patients. Genetic factors may determine individual susceptibility to neurodegeneration and rate of disease progression.  相似文献   

Inherited spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) are progressively degenerative neurological diseases. The primary site of degeneration is the cerebellar cortex--in particular, the Purkinje cells. In the present report, the SCA locus, inherited as an autosomal dominant trait in a large kindred, is localized to a region approximately 15 centimorgans telomeric of HLA-A on the short arm of chromosome 6.  相似文献   

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