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The 2004 Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Congress in Warsaw marks the 40th Anniversary of FEBS. To celebrate this event, the Executive Committee decided to publish a memoir, which chronicles the foundation of FEBS and its early development as well as presents an overview of FEBS activities and contributions that support the ever growing disciplines of biochemistry, molecular cell biology and molecular biophysics throughout Europe [Forty Years of FEBS Horst Feldmann (Ed.), Blackwell Publishers, Oxford 2003, on behalf of FEBS]. This paper summarizes some of the most important aspects of this compilation.  相似文献   

The true identity of florigen - the molecule(s) that migrates from leaves to apical meristem to initiate flowering - was notoriously elusive, having made it almost the "Bigfoot" of plant biology. There was never a lack of drama in the field of florigen study, and florigen researchers have once again experienced such a swing in the last two years. We wrote a minireview last year in this journal (Yu et al. 2006) to excitedly salute, among other discoveries, the notion that the flowering locus T (FT) mRNA might be the molecular form of a florigen. However, this hypothesis was challenged in a little less than two years after its initial proposition, and the original paper proposed that the FT mRNA hypothesis was retracted (Huang et al. 2005; Bohlenius et al. 2007). Interestingly enough, the FT gene previously proposed to encode a florigen was never challenged. Rather, the FT protein, instead of the FT mRNA, is now believed to migrate from leaves to the apical meristem to promote floral initiation. In this update, we will share with our readers some entertaining stories concerning the recent studies of florigen in five different plant species. In addition to the published reports referenced inthis update, readers may also refer to our previous minireview and references therein for additional background information (Yu et al. 2006).  相似文献   

We present here some thoughts on the origin of the International Society of Photosynthesis Research (ISPR). We provide two tables, one of the Officers of the ISPR and the International Photosynthesis Committee, and the other of the Organizers of the International Congress of Photosynthesis (ICP) from the 14th ICP (PS07 in Glasgow) to the 9th ICP (in Nagoya). In celebration of the 14th ICP, we provide here a collection of photographs of the many involved in the ISPR and the ICP as well as some of the others. We end this presentation with the list of members of the committees of the ISPR. If there are any errors in this report, we request the readers to send them to one of us (G; gov@uiuc.edu). Further, we are seeking recollections on ISPR and the Congresses from all the readers of the events during the 1992–1998 period. Hopefully, these will shed further light on the origin and the evolution of the ISPR. These will aid in the preparation of a more complete history of the origin and the evolution of ISPR for publication in 2008.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivities of peptides purified after cleavage of human liver apoferritin are reported and discussed in relation to the known 3-dimensional and primary structures of homologous apoferritins. These studies point to 3 antigenic sites occupying continuous inter-helical regions of the polypeptide chains which lie on the surface of the apoferritin molecule. Other antigenic regions may encompass amino acids remote in the primary structure or belonging to different subunits.  相似文献   

This statement provides a brief outline of some aspects of Margaret Mead's life history with the expectation that it may help readers to place the several papers in this issue in context.  相似文献   

Polycomplexes are described for the first time in spermatocytes of a cirripede crustacean, Pollicipes polymerus Sowerby. Synaptonemal complexes of regular tripartite construction are seen from zygotene to mid-pachytene. Although some of the synaptonemal complexes are disrupted at late pachytene and may degenerate at this stage, some persist and by diplotene may form polycomplexes by the bending and self-fusion of their lateral elements. These polycomplexes are still encompassed by chromosomes and consist of four dense plates and intercalated central elements and transverse fibers. Other polycomplexes with five or six dense plates, all of which are considerably wider than lateral elements of mid-pachytene synaptonemal complexes, are also seen in diplotene nuclei. These may be attached to a chromosome at only one end or may be in the nucleoplasm, free of chromosomal involvement except for fine fibrous connectives. No polycomplexes are seen in meiotic cells after diplotene and their fate is unknown. It is suggested that poly-complexes serve as sequestra for synaptonemal material which could prevent normal chromosomal disjunction.  相似文献   

The seminal paper published in 1963 by Chambon, Weil and Mandel reporting a new NAD-dependent protein modification now known as poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation) marked the launch of a new era in both protein research and cell biology. In the coming decades, the identity, biochemical characteristics and regulation of enzymes responsible for the synthesis and degradation of protein-bound poly(ADP-ribose) have been discovered and the surprisingly multifarious biological roles of PARylation have not ceased to amaze cell and molecular biologists ever since. The review series on PARylation following this preface is comprised of ten papers written by great experts of the field and aims to provide practicing physicians and basic scientists with the state-of-the-art on the “writers, readers and erasers” of poly(ADP-ribose), some recent paradigm shifts of the field and its translational potential.  相似文献   

Any area that surges ahead as rapidly as this one [clinical ethics] has over the last five years is virtually certain to find that there are many problems which will need to be addressed. There will also be a need for persons working in this field (or studying it) to take some time to reflect on where it is going, as well as to examine some of the possible pitfalls -- both the obvious and the not so obvious -- which lie ahead. The series of papers in this issue of Theoretical Medicine have been written by a group of ethicists who have had a longstanding interest in the field of clinical ethics, and most of whom have spent many years working in the area. While all of the papers focus on the field of clinical ethics, they are very diverse in the topics covered. Some may be viewed as controversial by readers....  相似文献   

In this paper, we review cultural history, mariculture and taxonomic work to date for Porphyra sensu lato (bladed Bangiales) in China. The bladed Bangiales are a red seaweed group with high species biodiversity and economic value. In China, species occur along the length of the coast and are highly integrated into the country’s culture. Chinese people have used the bladed Bangiales as food and pharmaceuticals for about 1700 years with many references to these seaweeds in ancient books. The mariculture of bladed Bangiales in China also has a long history and an industry has been established based on some species, notably Pyropia yezoensis. The scientific study of the taxonomy of the bladed Bangiales in China began in the late 1920s and to date, based on morphological identification, 25 species and five varieties have been recorded for China, of which 12 species are considered to be endemic to the country. The majority of species have distribution data showing evidence of possible changes due to increasing water temperatures along the coast. The global biodiversity of the bladed Bangiales has been revealed using molecular approaches. This points to the need for molecular taxonomy of Chinese material to document species diversity and distribution, particularly as it includes the wild stocks for seaweed cultivation and because coastal habitats are increasingly impacted by the increasing human population and an expanding mariculture industry. There is a considerable body of literature on the bladed Bangiales in China, but much of it is Chinese and in obscure publications, so we review it here for the benefit of readers worldwide.  相似文献   

Climatic change during the Quaternary resulted in periodical range restrictions and expansions in most temperate species. Although some repetitive patterns have been supported, it became obvious that species’ responses might be rather specific and may also depend on habitat preferences of the species in question. Distribution of Melitaea ornata, a little known fritillary species is analysed on different time scales using MaxEnt software. Using the results of genitalia morphometry and the predicted potential refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), we reconstructed probable re-colonisation routes. We also predicted changes in the potential area for 2080. The present distribution fits well the known occurrence data except for the Iberian Peninsula and North-Africa where the species is missing. Based on our predictions, temperate areas seem to be less suitable for the species. We proposed two hypotheses to explain this pattern: a less probable recent extinction from Iberia and a more supported historical explanation. Predicted distribution during the LGM mainly fits to widely accepted refugia. Europe was probably re-colonised from two main sources, from the Apennine peninsula and from the Balkans which was probably connected to the Anatolian refugia. Populations of the Levant region and in the Elburs Mts. do not show any significant expansion. Further studies are necessary in the case of the predicted Central Asian refugia. Predictions for 2080 show a northward shift and some extinction events in the Mediterranean region. Core areas are identified which might have a potential for expansion including southern Russia, Hungary and possibly Provence in France. Predicted northward area shifts are only possible if the potential leading edge populations and habitats of the species can be preserved.  相似文献   

Since the European Mink Mustela lutreola and the introduced American Mink M. vison are now sympatric in some parts of the former's native range, and since the two species are similar in appearance, ecology, and behaviour, a need has arisen for a simple way of discriminating live specimens of the two species in the field. Many publications, particularly field guides, have recommended diagnosis on the basis of the presence of white hair on the upper lip of the European species, and its absence in the American species. This is a mistaken suggestion, which should be avoided by authors. American Mink seldom if ever show the large white moustachial bands seen in some European Mink, and may indeed have no white hairs on the upper lip; but white patches of lesser size are common enough to be a possible cause of confusion.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken with the objective to assess the clarity of growth zones on whole and thin-sectioned otoliths in Sperata aor. A total of 125 sagittal otoliths of S. aor were collected monthly from the river Ganga during the period, April to December 2013 at Narora, Uttar Pradesh, India. Thin sections (approximately 0.5 mm) of one of the sagittal otoliths of each fish were cut using IsoMet® Low Speed Saw. Both whole otoliths and thin-sectioned otoliths were then examined under stereozoom microscope. Parameters of agreement on growth zones were calculated by comparing the number of growth zones obtained independentlyby the two readers (R1 and R2) from the two methods (whole otolith and thin-sectioned otolith method). Thin-sectioned otolith method exhibited higher agreement than whole otolith method based on linear regression analysis and growth zones bias plot. Between readers, higher agreement was noted for reader 1 than reader 2, plausibly due to his relatively more experience in examining the growth zones on the otoliths. However, both readers reported independently that the growth zones were clearer on thin sections than on whole otoliths especially those from older individuals. Thus, it may be concluded that the thin-sectioned otolith method should be utilized for assessment of growth zones in S. aor populations from the river Ganga.  相似文献   

On the systematics and the evolution of variation and distributional patterns in the species and subspecies of the genus Pungitius Coste, 1848 (Pisces, Gasterosteidae) 1. In the genus Pungitius (similarly as in Gasterosteus) there seems to be of some interest the bony armature, especially from the zoogeographical point of view. These lateral bony shields are developed in the skin (instead of scales which are completely lacking in the family of Gasterosteidae) and are more or less present just as to the provenance of the individuals. 2. Preponderantly with respect to this bony armature several species and subspecies have been distinguished in the genus Pungitius, the variability, distribution and systematics of which are critically reviewed and compared in the present paper on the basis of museum material and data from the literature. 3. For the sake of adequate interpretation of modern distributional patterns there may be assumed an originally fully armoured type at the end of the Tertiary from which (after having escaped the ice by southward migration) during the Pleistocene period in several refugial areas new species or subspecies have derived, partially by reduction of the bony armature under freshwater conditions. During postglacial times these subspecies penetrated different areas but in some localities also produced mixed populations ofter having contacted within the same region. At least in some cases this may have led to subsequent hybridization. 4. The species P. platygaster in its modern distribution in the ponto-caspi-aralic region is now geographically isolated from the holarctic-circumpolarly distributed P. pungitius in its recent subspecies pungitius with reduced bony armature. Of this latter (originally fully armoured) species populations are assumed to have penetrated, at latest during the penultimate (= Riß) glaciation the Caspian Sea and subsequently the Black Sea and Lake Aral. These populations are the assumed ancestors of the nowaday still fully armoured P. platygaster. A decision as to the real degree of differentiation between the recent P. pungitius and P. platygaster has to be left to future crossbreeding experiments the results of which will possibly lead to a subspecies concept only. 5. In contrast to the foregoing the fully plated original type of P. pungitius underwent a serious reduction in its bony armature especially in the Southwest European refugium which led to a total loss of bony shields in the subspecies P. p. laevis. 6. As may be concluded from the now occurring types, this reduction seems to have been generally less pronounced in the East Asiatic refugium. We are confronted here, probably as a result of postglacial spread with the occurrence of three subspecies within the same area, i. e. the fullyarmoured P. p. sinensis on the one hand, and P. p. tymensis with reduced lateral plates (and also reduced lateral processes of the pubic bones in the pelvis girdle) and the holarctic-circumpolarly distributed P. p. pungitius with likewise reduced bony armature on the other hand. Of these subspecies the fully plated sinensis seems in its appearance to approach best what we perhaps may imagine as the original type of P. pungitius at the end of the Tertiary.  相似文献   

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