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An understanding of the nature of the immune response to asexual erythrocytic stages of malaria parasites will facilitate vaccine development by identifying which responses the vaccine should preferentially induce. The present study examined and compared the immune responses of NIH mice in either single or mixed infections with avirulent (DK) or virulent (DS) strains of Plasmodium chabaudi adami using the ELISA test for detecting and measurement of cytokines and antibody production. In both single and mixed infections, the study showed that both cell- and antibody-mediated responses were activated. In all experiments, an early relatively high level of IFN-γ and IgG2a during the acute phase of the infection, and later elevation of IL-4 and IgG1, suggested that there was a sequential Th1/Th2 response. However, in the avirulent DK strain infection a stronger Th1 response was observed compared to the virulent DS strain-infection or in mixed infections. In the virulent DS infection, there was a stronger Th2 response compared to that in the DK and mixed infections. The faster proliferation rate of the virulent DS strain compared to the DK strain was also evident.  相似文献   

The infection with blood stages of Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi (AS) was followed in BALB/c and DBA/2 mice. Both strains show a peak parasitemia by 7-9 days after infection, display splenic hypercellularity of T and B cells, thymic atrophy, nearly complete depletion of B cells in the bone marrow, and mount comparable polyclonal IgM and IgG responses in the serum. In contrast, these strains diverge in some aspects of the immune response and susceptibility to infection: while BALB/c survive, 70-80% of DBA/2 die within 2 weeks; BALB/c but not DBA/2 show marked increases in the levels of splenic gamma/delta and regulatory T cells, dendritic cells and macrophages and parasite-specific IgM and IgG levels; however, lower levels of TNF-alpha and IL-12 were observed. These results suggest the relevance of different cell populations that are known to participate/regulate specific antibody responses and cytokine production in the susceptibility to infection.  相似文献   

Our previous observation that B-cell-deficient JH-/- mice utilize T cell-dependent immunity to suppress acute Plasmodium chabaudi adami-induced malaria but then develop chronic low-level parasitemia prompted this study of control mechanisms for chronic parasitemia. When we infected JH-/- mice with blood-stage parasites, chronic parasitemia exacerbated after the 6th month and persisted for up to 17 months. This exacerbation of parasitemia could not be attributed to host aging because the time-course of acute infection in na?ve aged mice was nearly identical to that seen in young mice. Nor could exacerbated parasitemia be attributed to mutation in the parasite genome resulting in increased virulence; when subinoculated into na?ve JH-/- mice, parasites from chronically infected JH-/- mice with exacerbated parasitemia produced acute stage parasitemia profiles in most recipients comparable to those seen in JH-/- mice upon infection with the original stabilate material. Of the pro-inflammatory cytokines measured, including IFNgamma, TNFalpha, IL-12p70, and MCP-1beta, none were significantly different in the sera of mice with exacerbated parasitemia compared to uninfected controls. Levels of IL-6 were significantly (P=0.002) less in the sera of mice with exacerbated parasitemia. Serum levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine, TGFbeta, were significantly depressed in chronically infected JH-/- mice compared to uninfected controls. In contrast, IL-10 levels were markedly increased. These findings suggest that the cytokine balance may be disturbed during chronic malaria, thereby impacting on mechanisms that modulate levels of parasitemia.  相似文献   

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