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During the ANTARES 3 cruise in the Indian sector of the SouthernOcean in October–November 1995, the surface waters ofKerguelen Islands plume, and the surface and deeper waters (30–60m) along a transect on 62°E from 48°36'S to the iceedge (58°50'S), were sampled. The phytoplankton communitywas size-fractionated (2 µm) and cell numbers, chlorophyllbiomass and carbon assimilation, through Rubisco and ß-carboxylaseactivities, were characterized. The highest contribution of<2 µm cells to total biomass and total Rubisco activitywas reported in the waters of the Permanent Open Ocean Zone(POOZ) located between 52°S and 55°S along 62°E.In this zone, the picophytoplankton contributed from 26 to 50%of the total chlorophyll (a + b + c) with an average of 0.09± 0.02 µg Chl l–1 for <2 µm cells.Picophytoplankton also contributed 36 to 64% of the total Rubiscoactivity, with an average of 0.80 ± 0.30 mg C mg Chla–1 h–1 for <2 µm cells. The picophytoplanktoncells had a higher ß-carboxylase activity than largercells >2 µm. The mixotrophic capacity of these smallcells is proposed. From sampling stations of the Kerguelen plume,a relationship was observed between the Rubisco activity perpicophytoplankton cell and apparent cell size, which variedwith the sampled water masses. Moreover, a depth-dependent photoperiodicityof Rubisco activity per cell for <2 µm phytoplanktonwas observed during the day/night cycle in the POOZ. In thenear ice zone, a physiological change in picophytoplankton cellsfavouring phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) activitywas reported. A species succession, or an adaptation to unfavourableenvironmental conditions such as low temperature and/or availableirradiance levels, may have provoked this change. The high contributionof picophytoplankton to the total biomass, and its high CO2fixation capacity via autotrophy and mixotrophy, emphasize thestrong regeneration of organic materials in the euphotic layerin the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Aim Deep‐sea pelagic diversity is poorly understood. Local (SL) and regional (SR) ichthyonekton species richness are presented and analysed with respect to local and regional environmental factors, and biogeographical processes. Location Sixty‐six stations from the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent sector of the Southern Ocean, 65° N to 57° S. Methods Estimation of SL by means of rarefaction. Stepwise evaluation of SL and SR relationships by means of the second‐order corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) after locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOESS) and linear fitting, analysis of saturation effects by means of slopes of species accumulation curves (log–log plots). Results Latitudinal gradients were present for SL and SR, and were asymmetric between the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Relatively low species richness was encountered for the Southern Ocean. Asymmetry at the regional level by means of higher SR was attributed to area effects in the South Atlantic. Log–log plots indicated saturation of local assemblages and dependence on environmental factors. SL was related to productivity; this relationship was hump‐shaped. SR was positively related to area size and negatively to seasonality of production. Biogeographical effects were indicated in that SR peaks coincided with overlap zones of boreal and tropical faunas as a consequence of historical faunal exchange processes. Main conclusions The stepwise approach allowed for distinction between effects of area size, productivity and biogeographical processes on diversity at local and regional scales. Productivity in particular is important in two ways. At the local scale, the link of productivity to SL is explained by a successional‐functional hypothesis of resource utilization, whereas the seasonality effect for SR reinforces the hypothesis of dependence of deep‐sea fishes on seasonality of production through changes of life‐history traits. The causes of low Antarctic faunal diversity remained unresolved.  相似文献   

A high resolution study of chlorophyll a and primary production distribution was carried out in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 1990–91. Primary production (14C assimilation) and photosynthetic capacity levels at frontal systems were among the highest recorded during the cruise (2.8–6.3 mgC·m–3·h–1, and 1.3–4.7mgC·mgChl a –1·h–1, respectively). Blooms at ocean fronts were strongly dominated by specific size classes and species. This suggests that the increase in biomass was probably the result of an enhancement of in situ production by selected components of the phytoplankton assemblage, rather than accumulation of cells through hydrographic forces. This hypothesis is supported by the high variability of photosynthetic capacities at adjacent stations along the transects. Blooms (ca 2.7–3.5 mg Chl a·m–3) were found at three oceanic fronts (the Subtropical, Subantarctic and Antarctic Polar Fronts) during the early summer. These were equivalent to, or denser than, blooms in the Marginal Ice Zone and at the Continental Water Boundary. Seasonal effects on phytoplankton community structure were very marked. In early summer (December), netphyto-plankton (>20 m) was consistently the major component of the frontal blooms, with the chain-forming diatoms Chaetoceros spp. and Nitzschia spp. dominating at the Subantarctic and Antarctic Polar Fronts, respectively. During late summer (February), nanophytoplankton (1–20 m) usually dominated algal communities at the main frontal areas. Only at the Antarctic Polar Front did netphytoplankton dominate, with the diatom component consisting almost exclusively of Corethron criophilum. An early to late summer shift of maximum phytoplankton biomass from north to south of the Antarctic Polar Front was observed. Spatial covariance between silicate levels and water-column stability appeared to be the main factor controlling phytoplankton production at the Antarctic Polar Front. Low silicate concentrations may have limited diatom growth at the northern edge of the front, while a deep mixed layer depth reduced production at the southern edge of the front.  相似文献   

P. Koubbi 《Polar Biology》1993,13(8):557-564
One of the aims of oceanographic campaign MD 68/SUZIL, carried out in austral autumn 1991 in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean and its adjacent subtropical waters, was to investigate the influence of hydrography on the ichthyoplankton and mesopelagic fish assemblages in the Crozet Basin. It appears that, in contrast to other sectors of the Southern Ocean, the main biogeographical barriers are the Subantarctic Front and the Agulhas Front which appear to be vertical convergence fronts. The importance of the Antarctic Polar Front and the Subtropical Front as barriers to fish seems to be minimized in this area because of its particular hydrological features, such as the lack of a subantarctic zone, the maximum current intensity of the Subantarctic Front between these fronts, and their structures — they are horizontal convergence fronts.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton in the mixed layer is exposed to increasing levels of light when transported to the surface layer of the ocean. The photoprotective response of natural assemblages of phytoplankton can differ among community structures. We investigated photoprotective acclimation and xanthophyll cycle pigments in size-fractionated natural phytoplankton assemblages during the austral summer in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. We estimated concentrations of phytoplankton pigments in the micro-size fractions (>20 μm) and nano-size fractions (2–20 μm) by subtracting concentrations in the <20 μm fractions from concentrations in the bulk samples, and by subtracting concentrations in the <2 μm fractions from concentrations in the <20 μm fractions, respectively. Changes in the ratios of the xanthophyll cycle pigments diadinoxanthin (DD) and diatoxanthin (DT) were determined at three optical depths in the mixed layer and during 48 h deck incubations under solar photosynthetically available radiation and ultraviolet radiation. Large variations in (DD + DT)/Chl a in the mixed layer (percent coefficient of variation >67 %) and in deck incubation bottles under variable light conditions (>75 % of the temporal variation) for the micro-size fractions suggest a higher potential for photoprotective acclimation than for the nano-size fractions. Decreases in DT/(DD + DT) with increases in the optical depth of the mixed layer (ζ MLD) suggest that larger variations in light availability in the mixed layer might predict lower values of DT/(DD + DT) at the surface, regardless of cell size.  相似文献   

Summary The growth ofNotothenia squamifrons is analysed using scale reading of specimens from various isolated areas of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (Kerguelen, Crozet and Marion Islands; Ob, Lena and Kara-Dag seamounts). Studying reproductive biology reveals that spawning is annual and occurs during austral spring. Hatching takes place in summer. Scaling is set during the autumn. The smallest scaled fish measure 3.8 cm in total length. The data mentioned above, the check number on the scales and the sampling dates lead to the identification of the different age groups. Differences in growth rate appear between the studied areas. The fastest growth is observed around the Kerguelen Islands where the oldest specimens are 19 years old and reach 52 cm in total length. On the other hand, in the Crozet population,N. squamifrons does not live more than 12 years for a maximum length of 30 cm. Scale reading in fish from the Ob and Lena seamounts shows a minor decrease in growth during the winter season when compared to that in the other areas. The hydrographical conditions of this sector of the Southern Ocean may, in part, explain these differences: especially temperature and plankton biomass seem to effect growth rate. The cold antarctic waters and the highest plankton productivity, inducing the optimal growth rate, are found in the Kerguelen Islands.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton abundance and production, chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations and primary production (PP) were measured from the equatorial Indian Ocean (EIO) during northeast (NEM), southwest (SWM) and spring intermonsoon (SpIM) seasons from 1°N to 5°S along 83°E. The average bacterial abundance was 0.52 ± 0.29, 0.62 ± 0.33 and 0.46 ± 0.19 (× 108 cells l−1), respectively during NEM, SWM and SpIM in the top 100 m. In the deep waters (200 m and below), the bacterial counts averaged ∼0.35 ± 0.14 × 108 cells l−1 in SWM and 0.39 ± 0.16 × 108 cells l−1 in SpIM. The 0–120 m column integrated bacterial production (BP) ranged from 19 to 115 and from 10 to 51 mg C m−2 d−1 during NEM and SWM, respectively. Compared with many open ocean locations, bacterial abundance and production in this region are lower. The bacterial carbon production, however, is notably higher than that of phytoplankton PP (BP:PP ratio 102% in SWM and 188% in NEM). With perpetually low PP (NEM: 20, SWM: 18 and SpIM: 12 mg C m−2 d−1) and Chl a concentration (NEM: 16.5, SWM: 15.0 and SpIM: 20.9 mg m−2), the observed bacterial abundance and production are pivotal in the trophodynamics of the EIO. Efficient assimilation and mineralization of available organics by bacteria in the euphotic zone might serve a dual role in the ultra-oligotrophic regions including EIO. Thus, bacteria probably sustain microheterotrophs (micro- and meso-zooplankton) through microbial loop. Further, rapid mineralization by bacteria will make essential nutrients available to autotrophs.  相似文献   

The dynamics of protozoa were investigated during two cruises in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean: the early spring ANTARES 3 cruise (28 September to 8 November 1995) and the late summer ANTARES 2 cruise (6 February to 8 March 1994). Biomass and feeding activity of protozoa were measured as well as the biomass of their potential prey – bacteria and phototrophic flagellates – along the 62°E meridian. The sampling grid extended from the Polar Frontal region to the Coastal and Continental Shelf Zone in late summer and to the ice edge in spring, crossing the Antarctic Divergence. Protozoan biomass, although low in absolute terms, contributed 30% and 20% to the total microbial biomass (bacteria, phytoplankton and protozoa) in early spring and late summer, respectively. Nanoprotozoa dominated the total protozoan biomass. The geographical and seasonal distribution of protozoan biomass was correlated with that of phototrophic flagellates. However, bacterial and phototrophic flagellate biomass were inversely correlated. Phototrophic flagellates dominated in the Sea Ice Zone whereas bacteria were predominant at the end of summer in the Polar Frontal region and Coastal and Continental Shelf Zone. Furthermore, bacteria were the most important component of the microbial community (57% of the total microbial biomass) in late summer. Phototrophic flagellates were ingested by both nano-and microprotozoa. In contrast, bacteria were only ingested by nanoprotozoa. Protozoa controlled up to 90% of the daily bacterial production over the period examined. The spring daily protozoan ingestion controlled more than 100% of daily phototrophic flagellate production. This control was less strong at the end of summer when protozoan grazing controlled 42% of the daily phototrophic flagellate production. Accepted: 30 October 1999  相似文献   

Spatial patchiness in marine surface bacterioplankton populations was investigated in the Southern Ocean, where the Antarctic Circumpolar Current meets the islands of the Scotia Arc and is subjected to terrestrial input, upwelling of nutrients and seasonal phytoplankton blooms. Total bacterioplankton population density, group-specific taxonomic distribution and six of eight dominant members of the bacterioplankton community were found to be consistent across 18 nearshore sites at eight locations around the Scotia Arc. Results from seven independent 16S rRNA gene clone libraries (1223 sequences in total) and fluorescent in situ hybridization suggested that microbial assemblages were predominantly homogeneous between Scotia Arc sites, where the Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria and the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroidetes cluster were the dominant bacterial groups. Of the 1223 useable sequences generated, 1087 (89%) shared ≥?97% similarity with marine microorganisms and 331 (27%) matched published sequences previously detected in permanently cold Arctic and Antarctic marine environments. Taken together, results suggest that the dominant bacterioplankton groups are consistent between locations, but significant differences may be detected across the rare biodiversity.  相似文献   

Data on the size and age composition of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) were collected in the Cooperation and Cosmonaut Seas (Indian sector of the Southern Ocean) from 1985 to 1990. The estimation of the age-dependent annual extinction rate of krill [=1-exp(-M)] was obtained using the Zikov and Slepokurov (1982) approach and results were fitted by a parabolic equation. The coefficients of instantaneous natural mortality (M) of E. superba derived with this approach range from 0.52 during the maturation period, to 1.1–2.41 during the first and last years of life.  相似文献   

Metabolic diversity of heterotrophic bacterioplankton was tracked from early winter through spring with Biolog Ecoplates under the seasonally ice covered arctic shelf in the Canadian Arctic (Franklin Bay, Beaufort Sea). Samples were taken every 6 days from December 2003 to May 2004 at the surface, the halocline where a temperature inversion occurs, and at 200 m, close to the bottom. Despite the low nutrient levels and low chlorophyll a , suggesting oligotrophy in the winter surface waters, the number of substrates used (NSU) was greater than in spring, when chlorophyll a concentrations increased. Denaturing gradient gel electrophorisis analysis also indicated that the winter and spring bacterial communities were phylogenetically distinct, with several new bands appearing in spring. In spring, the bacterial community would have access to the freshly produced organic carbon from the early phytoplankton bloom and the growth of rapidly growing specialist phenotypes would be favoured. In contrast, in winter bacterioplankton consumed more complex organic matter originated during the previous year's phytoplankton production. At the other depths we tested the NSU was similar to that for the winter surface, with no seasonal pattern. Instead, bacterioplankton metabolism seemed to be influenced by resuspension, advection, and sedimentation events that contributed organic matter that enhanced bacterial metabolism.  相似文献   

G. Duhamel 《Polar Biology》1982,1(3):141-151
Summary Recent cruises on board research vessels and trawlers have followed the adult fishes of the Notothenia rossii rossii Richardson, 1844 population from the Kerguelen Islands. The food of this Nototheniidae being mainly planktonic, the movements of shoals are connected with the high productivity areas. In the Southern Ocean these areas are localized around the Antarctic Convergence. At the Kerguelen Islands the irregular configuration of the shelf and seasonal variations in water masses change the positions of the productive areas. For this reason the adult population can be to the north or south off the archipelago. Spawning only gathers the mature fishes in the southeast of Kerguelen during winter. At that time this species is very vulnerable to fishing efforts. The population dynamics of this Antarctic fish is studied with fishery statistics and biological data. A decline of the average length and catches per unit effort are observed from one year to the next.
Resumé De récentes missions à bord de navires de recherche et de chalutiers ont permis de suivre la population adulte de Notothenia rossii rossii Richardson, 1844 des îles Kerguelen. Le régime alimentaire de ce Nototheniidae étant principalement de nature planctonique, les mouvements des bancs de poissons sont liés aux zones de haute productivité. Dans l'océan austral ces zones sont localisées au niveau de la convergence antarctique. Aux îles Kerguelen la topographie du plateau continental et les variations saisonnières de l'hydrologie modifient continuellement la position des zones de productivité. Pour cette raison la population adulte peut se trouver soit au nord soit au sud de l'archipel. Seule la ponte réunit les poissons matures dans le sud-est des îles Kerguelen pendant l'hiver. A cette période l'espèce est très vulnérable à un effort de pêche. La dynamique de la population de ce poisson antarctique est étudiée à partir des statistiques de pêche et des données biologiques. Une baisse de la longueur moyenne de la population ainsi qu'une diminution des valeurs de la prise par unité d'effort sont observées pendant la période considérée.

The abundance and species composition of phytoplankton were investigated at stations in a permanently ice-free (61°S) and seasonally ice-covered area (64°S and 66°30′S) in the eastern Indian sector of the Southern Ocean between November 2001 and March 2002. Although a phytoplankton bloom occurred just after retreat of the sea ice at both stations in the seasonally ice-covered area, vertical stability of the water column during the bloom was weak at the most southerly station. This shows that a bloom can form even under weak vertical stability. In the bloom, diatoms dominated under weak vertical stability and Phaeocystis under strong vertical stability. In the latter case, ice algae largely contributed to development of the bloom. In the later observation period, a subsurface chlorophyll maximum (SCM) was observed at 61°S and 64°S. Species composition was different between the mixed layer and SCM at 64°S, but was uniform with depth at 61°S, indicating that the SCM is formed by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Water samples collected in the southwestern Indian Ocean between Africa and Antarctica in March 1980 were analyzed quantitatively for phytoplankton. Diatoms dominate the phytoplankton in this region and their numbers generally increase southward with peaks of abundance in both the northern Antarctic Zone and south of the Antarctic Divergence. Average cell numbers (i.e., 6.1×105 diatoms l-1 in the Antarctic Zone) are comparable to maximum numbers previously reported for the Southern Ocean. Dinoflagellates, flagellates and monads occur in highest concentrations north of the Polar Front. Their numbers are somewhat reduced south of the Antarctic Divergence, and are lowest in the Antarctic Zone. Various diatom assemblages are characteristic of different latitudinal zones. Waters north of and in the vicinity of the Polar Front are rich in the Nitzschia, Pseudonitzschia group of species. In the Antarctic Zone, Nitzschia nana and Dactyliosolen tenuijunctus dominate. Nitzschia species of the Fragilariopsis group are most numerous at stations south of the Antarctic Divergence. Striking differences are noted between the species compositions of quantitative and net-haul samples. A few nanoplanktonic diatoms (e.g. Nitzschia nana and single cells of Chaetoceros spp.) and the weakly silicified Dactyliosolen tenuijunctus, which are dominant in the quantitative samples, are either entirely absent or present only as solitary cells in the net collections.  相似文献   

The surface distribution of netphytoplankton (>20 m) in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean was investigated along two transects during early and late austral summer 1990/91. Sampling was under-taken at intervals of 60 of latitude between 34° and 70°S for the analysis of nutrients and for the identification and enumeration of netphytoplankton. Peaks in total diatom abundances were recorded at the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), in the vicinity of the South Sand wich Islands, in the marginal ice zone and in the neritic waters of the Atlantic sector of Antarctica. Cluster analysis indicates the existence of two major zones between Southern Africa and Antarctica. Diatom abundance increased south of the Antarctic Polar From along both transects, which can be partially explained by gradients of silicate concentration. Small chain-forming species (e.g. Fragilariopsis kerguelensis and Nitzschia lineata) dominated the diatom assemblages in early summer, while larger species, such as Rhizosolenia hebetata f. semispina and Corethron criophilum, dominated late summer diatom assemblages. The predominance of typically ice-associated forms in early summer suggests that the release of epontic cells during ice melt provides the initial inoculum for the netphytoplankton biomass. These small diatoms are subsequently replaced by larger species.  相似文献   

The inshore fishes of Heard and McDonald Islands, Southern Indian Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using histological and cytological criteria, it has been shown that in the ovotestis of Serranus hepatus , a synchronous hermaphrodite, the differentiation of the ovary is earlier than that of the testis. Primordial germ cells (PGC) exhibit the same ultrastructural features in the ovary and the testis. These cells migrate from the ovary to colonize the testicular anlage.  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical distributions of fish were examined off Lützow-Holm Bay in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean during midnight sun in January 2005. Fish were sampled from six discrete depth layers (0–2,000 m). The most abundant fish in layers from the surface to 200 m were larval stages of Electrona antarctica and Notolepis coatsi. In layers from 200 to 2,000 m, fish assemblages were relatively uniform among all stations and were dominated by E. antarctica (juvenile–subadult), Cyclothone microdon, and Bathylagus antarcticus. Cluster analysis revealed three epipelagic communities related to water temperature and salinity. An ontogenetic habitat shift to deeper layers was apparent for E. antarctica, N. coatsi, and B. antarcticus. Preferences for warm waters were observed in E. antarctica (larvae) and N. coatsi (preflexion to flexion larvae), although they were distributed across a broad range of temperature and salinity in epipelagic zones.  相似文献   

 Concentrations of cadmium, copper and zinc were measured in 34 octopuses over a large range of size and weight, caught in the Kerguelen shelf waters. Compared with levels normally encountered in European cephalopods, Cd concentrations in both species were very high: 30.7–47.1 and 27.3–54.4 μg/g dry weight in Graneledone sp. and Benthoctopus thielei, respectively; Cu concentrations were generally low while Zn concentrations exhibited similar levels. Distribution of Cd in tissues showed that the high levels of Cd in Kerguelen octopuses resulted from very high levels of the metal in the digestive gland (369 and 215 μg/g dry wt in Graneledone sp. and Benthoctopus thielei, respectively). The digestive gland accumulated about 90% of the total Cd in the whole animal. Due to the very high concentrations of Cd in the Kerguelen octopuses, we hypothesize that these species play an important role in the process of Cd transfer throughout the food chain to top vertebrate predators in this area. Received: 2 June 1997 / Accepted: 30 October 1997  相似文献   

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