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In glucose-grown cells, the Mig1 DNA-binding protein recruits the Ssn6-Tup1 corepressor to glucose-repressed promoters in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Previous work showed that Mig1 is differentially phosphorylated in response to glucose. Here we examine the role of Mig1 in regulating repression and the role of the Snf1 protein kinase in regulating Mig1 function. Immunoblot analysis of Mig1 protein from a snf1 mutant showed that Snf1 is required for the phosphorylation of Mig1; moreover, hxk2 and reg1 mutations, which relieve glucose inhibition of Snf1, correspondingly affect phosphorylation of Mig1. We show that Snf1 and Mig1 interact in the two-hybrid system and also coimmunoprecipitate from cell extracts, indicating that the two proteins interact in vivo. In immune complex assays of Snf1, coprecipitating Mig1 is phosphorylated in a Snf1-dependent reaction. Mutation of four putative Snf1 recognition sites in Mig1 eliminated most of the differential phosphorylation of Mig1 in response to glucose in vivo and improved the two-hybrid interaction with Snf1. These studies, together with previous genetic findings, indicate that the Snf1 protein kinase regulates phosphorylation of Mig1 in response to glucose.  相似文献   

The SNF1 protein kinase and the associated SNF4 protein are required for release of glucose repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To identify functionally related proteins, we selected genes that in multicopy suppress the raffinose growth defect of snf4 mutants. Among the nine genes recovered were two genes from the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPK) pathway, MSI1 and PDE2. Increased dosage of these genes partially compensates for defects in nutrient utilization and sporulation in snf1 and snf4 null mutants, but does not restore invertase expression. These results suggest that SNF1 and cAPK affect some of the same cellular responses to nutrients. To examine the role of the cAPK pathway in regulation of invertase, we assayed mutants in which the cAPK is not modulated by cAMP. Expression of invertase was regulated in response to glucose and was dependent on SNF1 function. Thus, a cAMP-responsive cAPK is dispensable for regulation of invertase.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ESCRT-III protein Snf7 is part of an intricate interaction network at the endosomal membrane. Interaction maps of Snf7 were established by measuring the degree of binding of individual binding partners to putative binding motifs along the Snf7 sequence by glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown. For each interaction partner, distinct binding profiles were obtained. The following observations were made. The ESCRT-III subunits Vps20 and Vps24 showed a complementary binding pattern, suggesting a model for the series of events in the ESCRT-III functional cycle. Vps4 bound to individual Snf7 motifs but not to full-length Snf7. This suggests that Vps4 does not bind to the closed conformation of Snf7. We also demonstrate for the first time that the ALIX/Bro1 homologue Rim20 binds to the α6 helix of Snf7. Analysis of a Snf7 α6 deletion mutant showed that the α6 helix is crucial for binding of Bro1 and Rim20 in vivo and is indispensable for the multivesicular body (MVB)-sorting and Rim-signaling functions of Snf7. The Snf7Δα6 protein still appeared to be incorporated into ESCRT-III complexes at the endosomal membrane, but disassembly of the complex seemed to be defective. In summary, our study argues against the view that the ESCRT cycle is governed by single one-to-one interactions between individual components and emphasizes the network character of the ESCRT interactions.  相似文献   

Snf1 protein kinase regulates responses to glucose limitation and other stresses. Snf1 activation requires phosphorylation of its T-loop threonine by partially redundant upstream kinases (Sak1, Tos3, and Elm1). Under favorable conditions, Snf1 is turned off by Reg1-Glc7 protein phosphatase. The reg1 mutation causes increased Snf1 activation and slow growth. To identify new components of the Snf1 pathway, we searched for mutations that, like snf1, suppress reg1 for the slow-growth phenotype. In addition to mutations in genes encoding known pathway components (SNF1, SNF4, and SAK1), we recovered "fast" mutations, designated fst1 and fst2. Unusual morphology of the mutants in the Σ1278b strains employed here helped us identify fst1 and fst2 as mutations in the RasGAP genes IRA1 and IRA2. Cells lacking Ira1, Ira2, or Bcy1, the negative regulatory subunit of cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase A (PKA), exhibited reduced Snf1 pathway activation. Conversely, Snf1 activation was elevated in cells lacking the Gpr1 sugar receptor, which contributes to PKA signaling. We show that the Snf1-activating kinase Sak1 is phosphorylated in vivo on a conserved serine (Ser1074) within an ideal PKA motif. However, this phosphorylation alone appears to play only a modest role in regulation, and Sak1 is not the only relevant target of the PKA pathway. Collectively, our results suggest that PKA, which integrates multiple regulatory inputs, could contribute to Snf1 regulation under various conditions via a complex mechanism. Our results also support the view that, like its mammalian counterpart, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), yeast Snf1 participates in metabolic checkpoint control that coordinates growth with nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Nutrient sensing and coordination of metabolic pathways are crucial functions for all living cells, but details of the coordination under different environmental conditions remain elusive. We therefore undertook a systems biology approach to investigate the interactions between the Snf1 and the target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that Snf1 regulates a much broader range of biological processes compared with TORC1 under both glucose‐ and ammonium‐limited conditions. We also find that Snf1 has a role in upregulating the NADP+‐dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (encoded by GDH3) under derepressing condition, and therefore may also have a role in ammonium assimilation and amino‐acid biosynthesis, which can be considered as a convergence of Snf1 and TORC1 pathways. In addition to the accepted role of Snf1 in regulating fatty acid (FA) metabolism, we show that TORC1 also regulates FA metabolism, likely through modulating the peroxisome and β‐oxidation. Finally, we conclude that direct interactions between Snf1 and TORC1 pathways are unlikely under nutrient‐limited conditions and propose that TORC1 is repressed in a manner that is independent of Snf1.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Snf1 protein kinase of the Snf1/AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family regulates a wide range of responses to stress caused by glucose deprivation. The stress signal is relayed via upregulation of Snf1, which depends on phosphorylation of its activation loop Thr210 residue by upstream kinases. Although Snf1 is also required for coping with various stresses unrelated to glucose deprivation, some evidence suggests a role for low-level basal activity of unphosphorylated Snf1, rather than a specific signaling function. We previously found that Snf1 is required for diploid pseudohyphal differentiation, a developmental response to nitrogen limitation. Here, we present evidence that Snf1 is directly involved in nitrogen signaling. First, genetic analyses suggest that pseudohyphal differentiation depends on the stimulatory phosphorylation of Snf1 at Thr210. Second, immunochemical data indicate that nitrogen limitation improves Thr210 phosphorylation. Analyses of pseudohyphal differentiation in cells with catalytically inactive and hyperactive Snf1 support the role of Snf1 activity. Finally, we show that Snf1 is negatively regulated by the rapamycin-sensitive TOR kinase which plays essential roles in signaling nitrogen and amino acid availability. This and other evidence implicate Snf1 in the integration of signals regarding nitrogen and carbon stress. TOR and Snf1/AMPK are highly conserved in evolution, and their novel functional interaction in yeast suggests similar mechanisms in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

We have determined that the mutant genes DGT1-1 and BPC1-1, which impair glucose transport and catabolite repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are allelic forms of MTH1. Deletion of MTH1 had only slight effects on the expression of HXT1 or SNF3, but increased expression of HXT2 in the absence of glucose. A two-hybrid screen revealed that the Mth1 protein interacts with the cytoplasmic tails of the glucose sensors Snf3 and Rgt2. This interaction was affected by mutations in Mth1 and by the concentration of glucose in the medium. A double mutant, snf3 rgt2, recovered sensitivity to glucose when MTH1 was deleted, thus showing that glucose signalling may occur independently of Snf3 and Rgt2. A model for the possible mode of action of Snf3 and Rgt2 is presented.  相似文献   

Valproate (VPA) is a widely used mood stabilizer, but its therapeutic mechanism of action is not understood. This knowledge gap hinders the development of more effective drugs with fewer side effects. Using the yeast model to elucidate the effects of VPA on cellular metabolism, we determined that the drug upregulated expression of genes normally repressed during logarithmic growth on glucose medium and increased levels of activated (phosphorylated) Snf1 kinase, the major metabolic regulator of these genes. VPA also decreased the cytosolic pH (pHc) and reduced glycolytic production of 2/3-phosphoglycerate. ATP levels and mitochondrial membrane potential were increased, and glucose-mediated extracellular acidification decreased in the presence of the drug, as indicated by a smaller glucose-induced shift in pH, suggesting that the major P-type proton pump Pma1 was inhibited. Interestingly, decreasing the pHc by omeprazole-mediated inhibition of Pma1 led to Snf1 activation. We propose a model whereby VPA lowers the pHc causing a decrease in glycolytic flux. In response, Pma1 is inhibited and Snf1 is activated, resulting in increased expression of normally repressed metabolic genes. These findings suggest a central role for pHc in regulating the metabolic program of yeast cells.  相似文献   

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