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The present paper is divided into three parts: 1. The first part is devoted to the review of the historical origin of the modern classification systems of the flowering plants. Early systems of classification since the Aristotelian time provided a basis for the modern schemes of classification. This paper has reviewed briefly the history of plant systematics, which is divided into three periods: the period of mechanical systems of classification, of natural systems of classification, and of phylogenetic systems of classification. The historical development of the plant systems and the basic idea for three periods is discussed respectively. This paper also considers that the studies of the modern classification system have been entering a new period which primarily aims at overall evolutionary respects. 2. Comparison of the modern classification systems of the flowering plants. Four main modern systems (i. e. A. Cronquist 1979, A. Takhtajan 1980, J. Hutchinson 1973 and A. Engler,s system as revised by H. Melchior in Engler,s Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien 1964) which have greatly influenced the systemstics of plants are compared as to their systematical principles, basic concepts and systematic positions of higher taxa (orders and families) of the flowering plants. The paper is of the opinion that there is still much important work to be done in every field. 3. A review for the modern classification systems of the flowering plants. The paper reviews the modern classification of angiosperms from six aspects: a). The flowers plants are originated from a common ancestral stock; b). The flowers of angiosperms are homogeneous, stamen and carpel are phylletic sporangiophores, all flowers of angiosperms are comparable; c). Monocotyledons are originated from primitive dicotyledons, and represent phylogenetically monophyletic branch; d). The idea advocating the subdivision of Dicotyledoneae into Lignosae and Herbaceae should be rejected as pointed out by many authors; e). The systematical position of Hamamelidae is still a crucial subject for further research; f). The evolutional trends and evaluation of taxonomic characters must be considered in connection with the cor-relation to other characters in question.  相似文献   

Asterids comprise 1/4-1/3 of all flowering plants and are classified in 10 orders and >100 families. The phylogeny of asterids is here explored with jackknife parsimony analysis of chloroplast DNA from 132 genera representing 103 families and all higher groups of asterids. Six different markers were used, three of the markers represent protein coding genes, rbcL, ndhF, and matK, and three other represent non-coding DNA; a region including trnL exons and the intron and intergenic spacers between trnT (UGU) to trnF (GAA); another region including trnV exons and intron, trnM and intergenic spacers between trnV (UAC) and atpE, and the rps16 intron. The three non-coding markers proved almost equally useful as the three coding genes in phylogenetic reconstruction at the high level of orders and families in asterids, and in relation to the number of aligned positions the non-coding markers were even more effective. Basal interrelationships among Cornales, Ericales, lamiids (new name replacing euasterids I), and campanulids (new name replacing euasterids II) are resolved with strong support. Family interrelationships are fully or almost fully resolved with medium to strong support in Cornales, Garryales, Gentianales, Solanales, Aquifoliales, Apiales, and Dipsacales. Within the three large orders Ericales, Lamiales, and Asterales, family interrelationships remain partly unclear. The analysis has contributed to reclassification of several families, e.g., Tetrameristaceae, Ebenaceae, Styracaceae, Montiniaceae, Orobanchaceae, and Scrophulariaceae (by inclusion of Pellicieraceae, Lissocarpaceae, Halesiaceae, Kaliphoraceae, Cyclocheilaceae, and Myoporaceae+Buddlejaceae, respectively), and to the placement of families that were unplaced in the APG-system, e.g., Sladeniaceae, Pentaphylacaceae, Plocospermataceae, Cardiopteridaceae, and Adoxaceae (in Ericales, Ericales, Lamiales, Aquifoliales, and Dipsacales, respectively), and Paracryphiaceae among campanulids. Several families of euasterids remain unclassified to order.  相似文献   

Pollination by sexual deception is arguably one of the most unusual liaisons linking plants and insects, and perhaps the most illustrative example of extreme floral specialization in angiosperms. While considerable progress has been made in understanding the floral traits involved in sexual deception, less is known about how this remarkable mimicry system might have arisen, the role of pre-adaptations in promoting its evolution and its extent as a pollination mechanism outside the few groups of plants (primarily orchids) where it has been described to date. In the Euro-Mediterranean region, pollination by sexual deception is traditionally considered to be the hallmark of the orchid genus Ophrys. Here, we introduce two new cases outside of Ophrys, in plant groups dominated by generalized, shelter-mimicking species. On the basis of phylogenetic reconstructions of ancestral pollination strategies, we provide evidence for independent and bidirectional evolutionary transitions between generalized (shelter mimicry) and specialized (sexual deception) pollination strategies in three groups of flowering plants, and suggest that pseudocopulation has evolved from pre-adaptations (floral colours, shapes and odour bouquets) that selectively attract male pollinators through shelter mimicry. These findings, along with comparative analyses of floral traits (colours and scents), shed light on particular phenotypic changes that might have fuelled the parallel evolution of these extraordinary pollination strategies. Collectively, our results provide the first substantive insights into how pollination sexual deception might have evolved in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and demonstrate that even the most extreme cases of pollinator specialization can reverse to more generalized interactions, breaking ‘Cope''s rule of specialization’.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing and complex characteristics of reproductive phenology in tropical forests is high diversity within and among forests. To understand such diversity, Newstrom et al. provided a systematic framework for the classification of tropical flowering phenology. They adopted frequency and regularity as criteria with priority, and classified plants in La Selva, Costa Rica, where most plants reproduced more than once a year irregularly. Many other studies have demonstrated annual cycles corresponding to rainfall patterns at the community level in Neotropical forests, including La Selva. On the other hand, supraannual flowering synchronized among various plant species, called general flowering, is known from aseasonal lowland dipterocarp forests in Southeast Asia. Within both forests, a wide spectrum of flowering patterns is found. This range of patterns suggests the great potential of tropical phenological studies to explore the selective pressures on phenology. Various abiotic and biotic factors can be selective agents. The shared pollinators hypothesis suggests that plant species sharing pollinators segregate flowering temporarily to minimize interspecific overlap in flowering times and thus minimize ineffective pollination or competition for pollinators, indicating strong phylogenetic constraints in timing and variation of flowering. Comparison of phenology within and among forests may help our understanding of phenological diversity. Attempts are now being made to develop a common language to communicate concepts and render interpretations of data more compatible among investigators and to create a network to promote comparative studies. Received: September 8, 2000 / Accepted: January 30, 2001  相似文献   

Recently, two areas of plant phylogeny have developed in ways that could not have been anticipated, even a few years ago. Among extant seed plants, new phylogenetic hypotheses suggest that Gnetales, a group of nonflowering seed plants widely hypothesized to be the closest extant relatives of angiosperms, may be less closely related to angiosperms than was believed. In addition, recent phylogenetic analyses of angiosperms have, for the first time, clearly identified the earliest lineages of flowering plants: Amborella, Nymphaeales, and a clade that includes Illiciales/ Trimeniaceae/Austrobaileyaceae. Together, the new seed plant and angiosperm phylogenetic hypotheses have major implications for interpretation of homology and character evolution associated with the origin and early history of flowering plants. As an example of the complex and often unpredictable interplay of phylogenetic and comparative biology, we analyze the evolution of double fertilization, a process that forms a diploid embryo and a triploid endosperm, the embryo-nourishing tissue unique to flowering plants. We demonstrate how the new phylogenetic hypotheses for seed plants and angiosperms can significantly alter previous interpretations of evolutionary homology and firmly entrenched assumptions about what is synapomorphic of flowering plants. In the case of endosperm, a solution to the century-old question of its potential homology with an embryo or a female gametophyte (the haploid egg-producing generation within the life cycle of a seed plant) remains complex and elusive. Too little is known of the comparative reproductive biology of extant nonflowering seed plants (Gnetales, conifers, cycads, and Ginkgo) to analyze definitively the potential homology of endosperm with antecedent structures. Remarkably, the new angiosperm phylogenies reveal that a second fertilization event to yield a biparental endosperm, long assumed to be an important synapomorphy of flowering plants, cannot be conclusively resolved as ancestral for flowering plants. Although substantive progress has been made in the analysis of phylogenetic relationships of seed plants and angiosperms, these efforts have not been matched by comparable levels of activity in comparative biology. The consequence of inadequate comparative biological information in an age of phylogenetic biology is a severe limitation on the potential to reconstruct key evolutionary historical events.  相似文献   

自林奈建立杨属(Populus)以来,众多的学者对杨属的分类进行了研究,并建立了较多的分类系统。目前的国际杨属分类,总体上还停留在传统形态分类阶段,存在明显的地域和国别特征。尽管各国在主流上都采用“属—组—种”的分类阶元,但在种、亚种、变种的划分上,却存在很大的不同。中国和美国分别是细分派和聚合派的代表,两国的分类系统存在很大分歧,但各有优点和缺点。即使在国内,杨属分类也还有很多需要解决的问题。新兴的分子系统学研究,为杨属的分类修订提供了一些有益参考,但总体贡献不大。国际杨属分类的趋势和终极目标是建立基于系统发生的统一分类系统。这需要基于种群和综合物种概念,融合形态学、生态学、生物地理学、基因组生物信息学和进化生物学等的综合系统分类来实现。  相似文献   

中国现代石松类和蕨类的系统发育与分类系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
石松类和蕨类植物是以孢子繁殖的维管植物,在陆地植物演化上占据重要地位。随着分子系统学研究的开展,各大类群间的系统发育关系得以阐明,传统上的概念得以修正,新的现代石松类和蕨类植物的分类系统也被提出,并不断得到完善。该文介绍国内外在蕨类植物系统发育方面的研究成果,重点讨论中国分布的类群的分类处理。文中提出了一个完整的中国现代石松类和蕨类植物的分类系统,包括5亚纲、14目、39科及12亚科、约140余属。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The angiosperms, or flowering plants, diversified in the Cretaceous to dominate almost all terrestrial environments. Molecular phylogenetic studies indicate that the orders Amborellales, Nymphaeales and Austrobaileyales, collectively termed the ANA grade, diverged as separate lineages from a remaining angiosperm clade at a very early stage in flowering plant evolution. By comparing these early diverging lineages, it is possible to infer the possible morphology and ecology of the last common ancestor of the extant angiosperms, and this analysis can now be extended to try to deduce the developmental mechanisms that were present in early flowering plants. However, not all species in the ANA grade form convenient molecular-genetic models. SCOPE: The present study reviews the genus Cabomba (Nymphaeales), which shows a range of features that make it potentially useful as a genetic model. We focus on characters that have probably been conserved since the last common ancestor of the extant flowering plants. To facilitate the use of Cabomba as a molecular model, we describe methods for its cultivation to flowering in the laboratory, a novel Cabomba flower expressed sequence tag database, a well-adapted in situ hybridization protocol and a measurement of the nuclear genome size of C. caroliniana. We discuss the features required for species to become tractable models, and discuss the relative merits of Cabomba and other ANA-grade angiosperms in molecular-genetic studies aimed at understanding the origin of the flowering plants.  相似文献   

Cyclins are key regulators of cell cycle progression. Previous studies have shown that cyclin genes in plants can be divided into 10 groups. However, because those studies only focused on genes from two well-known model plants (i.e., Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and Oryza sativa L.), it remains unclear whether the 10 groups are reasonably defined. In this study, by analyzing the genomes of 10 representative plants (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii P. A. Dang, Physcomitrella patens(Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp., Selaginella moellendorffii Hieron., Picea abies (L.) H. Karst., Amborella trichopoda Baill., A. thaliana, Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray ex Hook., Vitis vinifera L., O. sativa, and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), we estimated the phylogenetic relationships of plant cyclins and investigated their evolutionary patterns. We confirmed that plant cyclins can be classified into 10 groups, although only eight ancestral genes may have existed in the most recent common ancestor of extant green plants. We also found that, due to the frequent occurrences of gene duplication events, several groups have expanded extensively in seed plants and, particularly, flowering plants, so that multiple genes belonging to different subgroups are present in a species. Reconciliation of the evolutionary histories of these groups and subgroups further led to the identification of evolutionarily highly conserved and rapidly duplicating gene lineages. These results will guide the classification and nomenclature of plant cyclins and help understand the conservativeness and variation in their functions.  相似文献   

Summary. Plants that parasitise other plants have been among the most difficult plant groups to fit into classification systems due to their modified biology and their often highly reduced morphology. They are now considered to be found in about 16 families of flowering plants. Here we summarise current ideas about their relationships and provide information about their characteristics and utilisation. A major consequence of the revised classification of Orobanchaceae and related families has been the break-up of the traditional Scrophulariaceae, and here we summarise the new classification, focusing on genera of horticultural interest.  相似文献   

开花植物性系统特征是植物在长期适应进化过程中逐渐形成的繁殖策略, 它在一定程度上影响了物种的种群结构及其在生境中的分布格局, 因此性系统特征一直是植物进化与生态学领域的研究热点。本研究于2012年和2020年在吉林省金川泥炭沼泽湿地, 通过样地调查取样的方法, 研究了湿地植物大花百合(Lilium concolor var. megalanthum)的性系统特征以及不同性别表型植株的比例、密度及空间分布格局, 并探究了大花百合植株个体大小和其性别表达的联系, 比较了不同性别表型的花粉实际可育性和来源不同的花粉授粉处理结实后的种子活力。结果显示, 个体水平上, 大花百合具有雄花植株、两性花植株和雄花两性花同株(即雄全同株) 3种性表型; 种群水平上, 具有雄花的个体充当父本, 通过花粉向下一代传递基因, 而具有两性花的个体主要充当母本, 通过胚珠实现基因的传递。2020年大花百合雄花植株占种群内开花植株的39.14%, 相比2012年雄花植株比例增加了22.80%; 大花百合种群分布密度为0.06株/m2, 较2012年下降了0.09株/m2。从2012年到2020年, 总体表现为种群密度降低, 雄花植株相对比例增加的趋势。两性花植株和雄花植株在小尺度范围主要呈聚集分布, 随着尺度增大, 趋于随机分布。雄花植株显著小于两性花植株, 但鳞茎资源分配显著高于两性花植株。大花百合植株的性表达遵循大小依赖的性分配假说: 个体较小的植株表达为雄花植株, 而个体较大的植株则为两性花植株或雄全同株。在不同授粉处理下的结籽率和种子萌发结果表明, 大花百合自花授粉结籽率和坐果率显著低于异花授粉, 雄花植株和两性花植株花粉可育性以及对两性花植株授粉后所获得种子活力无显著差异。大花百合雄花植株的出现可能是对有限环境资源条件适应的结果, 反映了湿地条件下该植物在生长和繁殖资源之间的权衡策略, 在长期的湿地演变过程中, 这种性系统特征的出现具有一定的适应性意义。  相似文献   

史册  罗盼  邹颉  孙蒙祥 《植物学报》2018,53(6):745-755
DELLA蛋白是植物生长发育过程中响应赤霉素(GA)应答途径的关键调控因子, 主要行使转录调控因子的功能, 几乎参与了植物生长发育的各个重要过程。已有的研究表明, DELLA蛋白在被子植物的雄性生殖器官、雌性生殖器官和胚胎等组织中均有表达, 在植物有性生殖过程中起着极其重要的作用。该文综述了DELLA蛋白的分子结构、特性及其在植物有性生殖过程中的表达与功能, 并讨论了现存的问题及研究思路。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic systematics (cladistics) is a theory of phylogeny reconstruction and classification widely used in zoology. Taxa are grouped hierarchically by the sharing of derived (advanced) characters. The information is expressed in a cladogram, a best estimate of a phylogeny. Plant systematists generally use a phenetic system, grouping taxa on overall similarity which results in many groups being formed, at least in part, on the basis of shared primitive characters.
The methods of phylogenetic systematics are used to create a preliminary cladogram of land plants. The current classification of land plants is criticized for its inclusion of many groups which are not monophyletic.
Objections to the use of phylogenetic systematics in botany, apparent convergences within major groups and frequent hybridization, are shown to be invalid. It is concluded that cladistic analysis presents the best estimate of die natural hierarchy of organisms, and should be adopted by plant systematists in their assessment of plant interrelationships.  相似文献   

Five orders of late Paleozoic-Mesozoic seed ferns have, at one time or another, figured in discussions on the origin of angiosperms, even before the application of phylogenetic systematics. These are the Glossopteridales, Peltaspermales, Corystospermales, Caytoniales, and Petriellales. Although vegetative features have been used to suggest homologies, most discussion has focused on ovulate structures, which are generally interpreted as megasporophylls bearing seeds, with the seeds partially to almost completely enclosed by the megasporophyll (or cupule). Here we discuss current information about the reproductive parts of these plants. Since most specimens are impression-compression remains, homologizing the ovulate organs, deriving angiospermous homologues, and defining synapomorphies remain somewhat speculative. Although new specimens have increased the known diversity in these groups, a reconstruction of an entire plant is available only for the corystosperms, and thus hypotheses about phylogenetic position are of limited value. We conclude that, in the case of these seed plants, phylogenetic analysis techniques have surpassed the hard data needed to formulate meaningful phylogenetic hypotheses. Speculation on angiosperm origins and transitional stages in these fossils provides for interesting discussion, but currently it is still speculation, as the role of these groups in the origin of angiospermy continues to be cloaked in Darwin's mystery.  相似文献   

For almost a decade, our knowledge on the organisation of the family 1 UDP‐glycosyltransferases (UGTs) has been limited to the model plant A. thaliana. The availability of other plant genomes represents an opportunity to obtain a broader view of the family in terms of evolution and organisation. Family 1 UGTs are known to glycosylate several classes of plant secondary metabolites. A phylogeny reconstruction study was performed to get an insight into the evolution of this multigene family during the adaptation of plants to life on land. The organisation of the UGTs in the different organisms was also investigated. More than 1500 putative UGTs were identified in 12 fully sequenced and assembled plant genomes based on the highly conserved PSPG motif. Analyses by maximum likelihood (ML) method were performed to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships existing between the sequences. The results of this study clearly show that the UGT family expanded during the transition from algae to vascular plants and that in higher plants the clustering of UGTs into phylogenetic groups appears to be conserved, although gene loss and gene gain events seem to have occurred in certain lineages. Interestingly, two new phylogenetic groups, named O and P, that are not present in A. thaliana were discovered.  相似文献   

Among the Actinobacteria, the genus Frankia is well known for its facultative lifestyle as a plant symbiont of dicotyledonous plants and as a free-living soil dweller. Frankia sp. strains are generally classified into one of four major phylogenetic groups that have distinctive plant host ranges. Our understanding of these bacteria has been greatly facilitated by the availability of the first three complete genome sequences, which suggested a correlation between genome size and plant host range. Since that first report, eight more Frankia genomes have been sequenced. Representatives from all four lineages have been sequenced to provide vital baseline information for genomic approaches toward understanding these novel bacteria. An overview of the Frankia genomes will be presented to stimulate discussion on the potential of these organisms and a greater understanding of their physiology and evolution.  相似文献   

The epithets of the flowering plants of central French Guiana are classified into derivation categories. Specific epithets of the flowering plants of central French Guiana refer mostly to shapes (274 species), persons (252), places (212), appearance (146), and size (140). These categories account for 55% of names given to the plants of this flora. The most prolific publishers of names for the flora of central French Guiana are Aublet and Linnaeus, who were respectively the authors of 177 and 110 of the names of species (15% of the total) found in the flora of central French Guiana. Although many of the species names, such as those relating to place and person, are easy to categorize, many others are open to different interpretations. Specific epithets with different orthographies derived from Guiana or Guyana are discussed. In addition, problems in the use of diacritical marks and inconsistencies with spacing between the abbreviations of given names and surnames of authors of plant names are noted.  相似文献   

The olive tree (Olea europaea L.), like many other woody plants, has a long juvenile period in which the plant is not able to produce flowers. Knowledge of the moment when the plant is capable of flowering is important for breeding programs and also for determining the physiological basis for sexual reproductive behavior, but currently the only indicator of that moment is the actual flowering. In many species, the juvenile-to-adult phase shift includes changes in leaf structure known as heteroblasty, that is, varied form of successive leaves on the same plant. Some differences have been observed between juvenile and adult olive leaves, particularly in size and form, but to our knowledge, no complete systematic study has been carried out. In this research, we measured size, morphology and anatomy for juvenile and adult leaves of olive plants grown from seeds. Differences were found in most of the parameters studied, including leaf size, form, mesophyll thickness, layers of palisade parenchyma and quantity of peltate trichomes, which were generally significant but overlapping between the two leaf types. The most consistent and striking difference was the presence of an organized layer of subepidermal cells only in the abaxial mesophyll of adult leaves. This characteristic could be a simple and effective criterion of phase change in the olive tree.  相似文献   

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