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Isolation of protein from humic acid extracted from soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Chromatography of humic acid in a phenol containing solvent system reveals, in the case of the three types of soil analyzed, the presence of humoprotein containing 11 per cent of nitrogen. Isolation of a humoprotein complex from humic acid, according to the method used by Kirby, followed by paper chromatography allowed the isolation of a protein fraction containing 14.8 per cent nitrogen. This fraction is not dialysable; it has a maximum absorption in ultraviolet light between 260–280 mµ, a small electronegative charge and gives rise to twenty different amino acids. This is the first time that a protein has been separated from humus. Thereby demonstrating that part of the nitrogen contained in humic acid is in the form of protein protected from decomposition.Research supported by the Institut pour l'Encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique dans l'Industrie et l'Agriculture (I.R.S.I.A.).  相似文献   

All molecular analyses of soil bacterial diversity are based on the extraction of a representative fraction of cellular DNA. Methods of DNA extraction for this purpose are divided into two categories: those in which cells are lysed within the soil (direct extraction) and those in which cells are first removed from soil (cell extraction) and then lysed. The purpose of this study was to compare a method of direct extraction with a method in which cells were first separated from the soil matrix by Nycodenz gradient centrifugation in order to evaluate the effect of these different approaches on the analysis of the spectrum of diversity in a microbial community. We used a method based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of a 16S rRNA gene fragment, followed by hybridization of the amplified fragments to a set of specific probes to assess the phylogenetic diversity of our samples. Control parameters, such as the relationship between amount of DNA template and amount of PCR product and the influence of competing DNA on PCR amplification, were first examined. Comparison between extraction methods showed that less DNA was extracted when cells were first separated from the soil matrix (0.4 µg g−1 dry weight soil versus 38–93 µg g−1 obtained by in situ lysis methods). However, with the exception of the γ-subclass of Proteobacteria, there was no significant difference in the spectrum of diversity resulting from the two extraction strategies.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of soil humic acids by Streptomyces viridosporus ATCC 39115 growing in a mineral salts--glucose medium was demonstrated. This biodegradation accompanies bacterial growth and is, therefore, presumed to be a primary metabolic activity, but humic acids were not used as the sole source of carbon. This bacterial activity was enhanced when cells were shaken and within a pH range of 6.5-8.5. In further experiments, the relative abilities of S. viridosporus to mineralized [14C]melanoidin, used as synthetic humic acid, were also established. In contrast to the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium, another microorganism exhibiting humic acid degrading activity at acidic pH, poor extracellular activities were found in culture medium of S. viridosporus, and veratryl alcohol does not result in increased humic acid degradation. In spite of some peroxidase activity measured in culture filtrates and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the humic acid degrading system of S. viridosporus, in these experimental conditions, seems to be cell associated.  相似文献   

PCR amplification of crude microbial DNA extracted from soil   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
A rapid, inexpensive, large-scale DNA extraction method involving minimal purification hasbeen developed that is applicable to various soil types. DNA was extracted from 100 g of soilusing direct lysis with glass beads and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) followed by polyethyleneglycol precipitation, potassium acetate precipitation, phenol extraction and isopropanolprecipitation. The crude extract could be used in PCR directed at high-copy number (bacterialsmall subunit rRNA) and single-copy (fungal β-tubulin) genes.  相似文献   

Isolation and analysis of recombinant DNA molecules containing yeast DNA.   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
2500 recombinant plasmids containing insertions of yeast nuclear DNA have been cloned in Escherichia coli. It can be calculated that about 85% of the yeast genome is represented in this collection. The clones have been characterized by hybridization to purified RNA species. Of the 2000 clones examined, 75 contain insertions of yeast ribosomal DNA, 201 contain insertions of yeast tRNA genes, and 26 contain DNA sequences that are complementary to abundant mRNA species.  相似文献   

Bacteria were sequentially extracted from soil into a water suspension after shaking soil with water or mixing it in a blender followed by a low-speed centrifugation. Bacteria, which were released only after several cycles of homogenization-centrifugation, had higher growth rates as judged from thymidine and leucine incorporation, whereas bacteria that were more readily released by a gentle shaking procedure had the lowest growth rate. This indicated that bacteria more tightly bound to soil particles were growing faster than those that were more easily released into the water suspension. The same pattern was found both in an agricultural and a forest soil, with contrasting pH and organic matter content, and irrespective of whether the bacteria were labeled before or after the centrifugation steps. The different growth rates of the bacteria could not be explained by different partitioning of label between different macromolecules, different cell size, different viability of the bacteria, or different dilution of the added radioactive substrate in the different homogenization-centrifugation fractions. The total amount of phospholipid fatty acids per bacterial cell was also similar in the different fractions. Different composition of the bacterial communities in the different homogenization-centrifugation fractions was indicated by a gradually altered phospholipid fatty acid pattern of the extracted bacteria, and an increased hydrophobicity of the bacteria released only after several homogenization-centrifugation treatments. Correspondence to: E. Bååth  相似文献   

Removal of humic substances from soil DNA using aluminium sulfate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Direct extraction of soil DNA has become essential for the study of soil microorganisms. Humic substances co-extracted during DNA retrieval is a big problem because it greatly inhibits the enzymes involved in manipulating DNA. Popular commercial kits available for soil DNA extraction are unable to overcome this problem. Here we report an effective protocol for the removal of humic substance from soil DNA. The protocol involves flocculation of the humic substance by excessive Al(3+), then removal of superfluous Al(3+) via pH adjustment and finally release of soil microbial DNA by SDS lysis. This technique is superior to that employed by the UltraClean Soil DNA Kit and can be applied to a wide variety of soils.  相似文献   

Transfection of African green monkey kidney cells directly with recombinant DNA excised from, but still present in, Seaplaque agarose after electrophoresis, is described. Efficiencies of transfection increased by 30% when the gel was present compared with transfection in the absence of the agarose. Extraction of the DNA from the gel was not necessary, thereby obviating a purification step and the concomitant losses. To generate recombinant molecules bacterial plasmid sequences are not necessary, thereby reducing considerably the size of the recombinant molecule and removing extraneous and deleterious sequences, e.g., "poison sequences." Linear or circular DNA molecules could be transfected in the melted and diluted agarose with the same ease as in its absence. Hence linear partial ligation products can be excised from the gel after electrophoresis to generate recombinant DNA molecules directly in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Humic acids from four Brazilian topsoils of different origin and four fungal melanins, synthesized under two cultural conditions were subjected to a two step hydrolysis procedure and the released monosaccharides qualitatively and quantitatively determined by gas-liquid chromatography. The neutral sugars, glucose, galactose, mannose, arabinose, xylose, fucose, rhamnose and the alcohol sugar inositol, were detected in most of the soil humic acid samples. The fungal melanins showed the presence of glucose, galactose, mannose and arabinose. Ribose was present in two out of the eight samples tested. Some quantitative differences in the two types of humic polymers were noted and expected considering their origins. However, similarities were more apparent than differences and give further indication that melanic fungi may play a significant role in the formation of soil humic acids.  相似文献   

High diversity in DNA of soil bacteria.   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Soil bacterium DNA was isolated by minor modifications of previously described methods. After purification on hydroxyapatite and precipitation with cetylpyridinium bromide, the DNA was sheared in a French press to give fragments with an average molecular mass of 420,000 daltons. After repeated hydroxyapatite purification and precipitation with cetylpyridinium bromide, high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis showed the presence of 2.1% RNA or less, whereas 5-methylcytosine made up 2.9% of the total deoxycytidine content. No other unusual bases could be detected. The hyperchromicity was 31 to 36%, and the melting curve in 1 X SSC (0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium citrate) corresponded to 58.3 mol% G+C. High-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of two DNA samples gave 58.6 and 60.8 mol% G+C. The heterogeneity of the DNA was determined by reassociation of single-stranded DNA, measured spectrophotometrically. Owing to the high complexity of the DNA, the reassociation had to be carried out in 6 X SSC with 30% dimethyl sulfoxide added. Cuvettes with a 1-mm light path were used, and the A275 was read. DNA concentrations as high as 950 micrograms ml-1 could be used, and the reassociation rate of Escherichia coli DNA was increased about 4.3-fold compared with standard conditions. C0t1/2 values were determined relative to that for E. coli DNA, whereas calf thymus DNA was reassociated for comparison. Our results show that the major part of DNA isolated from the bacterial fraction of soil is very heterogeneous, with a C0t1/2 about 4,600, corresponding to about 4,000 completely different genomes of standard soil bacteria.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Humic acids from four Brazilian topsoils of different origins and four soil fungal melanins, synthesized under two cultural conditions, were subjected to 6N HCl hydrolysis and their amino acid distribution patterns qualitatively and quantitatively determined. Both soil and fungal polymers showed similar patterns with aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine and alanine as the dominant amino acids. Some variations noted were more quantitative than qualitative, the similarities were more pronounced than differences, indicating that the fungal melanins may play a significant role in the formation of soil humic acid polymers. The humic acids of Brazilian soils had amino acid distribution patterns similar to those reported for humic acids of other tropical and temperate soils.  相似文献   


Metal—humate interactions in aqueous and terrestrial ecosystems control the speciation of trace metals and hence, their bioavailability and toxicity. The present study investigated the complexation interactions of copper, cadmium and lead, in their divalent states, with humic acids extracted from three different sources: the treated sewage from a treatment plant, Yamuna river bed sediment, and Yamuna river flood plain soil, all at Okhla, Delhi, employing ion selective electrode potentiometry. The conditional stability constants of the complexes were computed from Scatchard plots. The influences of the two important metal speciation factors, viz., pH and ionic strength of the reaction medium on the conditional stability constants were ascertained by investigating the reactions under three different pH: 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 and three different ionic strengths: 0.01, 0.03 and 0.1. Stabilities of metal—humic acid (HA) complexes follow the order: Cu-HA > Pb-HA > Cd-HA for humic acids from any single source and are found to increase with a rise in pH and fall in a ionic strength of the medium. The humic acids extracted from the soil and the sediment emerged as stronger complexing agents, as compared to that extracted from sewage.  相似文献   

A strategy for optimizing quality and quantity of DNA extracted from soil   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
The efficiency of a bead beating method was studied in detail with regard to a variety of factors including beating time and speed, volume and temperature of the buffer, as well as amount and type of beads employed. The results presented here reveal that all of these parameters have a significant effect on yield and quality of DNA extracted from soils. Precise adjustment of extraction conditions allows for significantly higher yields of high quality DNA from soils than previously reported. We further evaluated the effect of the extraction conditions on the apparent soil microbial community structures, as observed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and RFLP. Differences in the fingerprints of DNA extracted under different conditions suggest that results could be biased when using gentle extraction procedures. Based on multiple subsequent extractions using very harsh extraction conditions, we propose a protocol for the quantification of the total DNA content in soils. Extractions from six soils of different texture and chemical characteristics with selected bead beating protocols revealed that the quality (fragment size and purity) of the extracted DNA was generally very good, but also depended on the soil characteristics. While a single, general protocol for optimal DNA recovery from all soils cannot be given, this study provides detailed guidelines on how to optimize the general method to obtain optimal DNA from individual soils.  相似文献   

Recombination in yeast and the recombinant DNA technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of methods to isolate eukaryotic genes, alter these genes in vitro and reintroduce them into the cell has had a major impact on the study of recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this paper we discuss how recombinant DNA techniques have been employed in the study of recombination in yeast and the results that have been obtained in these studies.  相似文献   

The phenotypic diversity of about 200 bacterial strains isolated from soil was compared with the genotypic diversity of the same population. The strains were phenotypically characterized by the API 20B test system. The results of these tests were subjected to cluster analysis, which revealed 41 biotypes at 80% similarity. The five dominating biotypes contained 43% of the strains. The phenotypic diversity as determined by the Shannon index, equitability, rarefaction, and cumulative differences was high, but indicated some dominant biotypes. The genetic diversity was measured by reassociation of mixtures of denatured DNA isolated from the bacterial strains (C0t plots). The observed genetic diversity was high. Reassociation of DNA from all bacterial strains together revealed that the population contained heterologous DNA equivalent to 20 totally different bacterial genomes (i.e., genomes that have no homology). This study showed that reassociation of DNA isolated from a collection of bacteria gave a good estimate of the diversity of the collection and that there was good agreement with different phenotypic diversity measures. The Shannon index in particular has features in common with the genetic diversity measure presented here.  相似文献   

Most techniques used to assay the growth of microbes in natural communities provide no information on the relationship between microbial productivity and community structure. To identify actively growing bacteria, we adapted a technique from immunocytochemistry to detect and selectively isolate DNA from bacteria incorporating bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), a thymidine analog. In addition, we developed an immunocytochemical protocol to visualize BrdU-labeled microbial cells. Cultured bacteria and natural populations of aquatic bacterioplankton were pulse-labeled with exogenously supplied BrdU. Incorporation of BrdU into microbial DNA was demonstrated in DNA dot blots probed with anti-BrdU monoclonal antibodies and either peroxidase- or Texas red-conjugated secondary antibodies. BrdU-containing DNA was physically separated from unlabeled DNA by using antibody-coated paramagnetic beads, and the identities of bacteria contributing to both purified, BrdU-containing fractions and unfractionated, starting-material DNAs were determined by length heterogeneity PCR (LH-PCR) analysis. BrdU-containing DNA purified from a mixture of DNAs from labeled and unlabeled cultures showed >90-fold enrichment for the labeled bacterial taxon. The LH-PCR profile for BrdU-containing DNA from a labeled, natural microbial community differed from the profile for the community as a whole, demonstrating that BrdU was incorporated by a taxonomic subset of the community. Immunocytochemical detection of cells with BrdU-labeled DNA was accomplished by in situ probing with anti-BrdU monoclonal antibodies and Texas red-labeled secondary antibodies. Using this suite of techniques, microbial cells incorporating BrdU into their newly synthesized DNA can be quantified and the identities of these actively growing cells can be compared to the composition of the microbial community as a whole. Since not all strains tested could incorporate BrdU, these methods may be most useful when used to gain an understanding of the activities of specific species in the context of their microbial community.  相似文献   

Individual merRTΔP regions were amplified from DNA directly isolated from soil and sediment samples using consensus primers derived from the conserved mer sequences of Tn501, Tn21 and pMER419. Soil and sediment samples were taken from four sites in the British Isles; one ‘pristine’ (SB) and three polluted (SO, SE, T2) with respect to mercury. The sizes of the PCR products amplified (= 1 kb) were consistent with their generation from mer determinants related to the archetypal elements found in Gram negative bacteria. Forty-five individual clones of sequences obtained from these four sites were isolated which hybridized (> 70% homology) to a merRTΔP probe from Tn501. The diversity of these amplified mer genes was analysed using Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) profiling. Fourteen RFLP classes were distinguished, 12 of which proved to be novel and only two of which had been identified in an earlier study of 40 Gram negative mercury resistant bacteria cultured from the same four sites. UPGMA analysis was used to examine the relationships between the 22 classes of determinant identified. The T2 site, which has the longest history of mercury exposure, was found to have the greatest level of diversity in terms of numbers of classes of determinant, while the SO site, which had the highest mercury levels showed relatively low variation. Variation of mer genes within and between the sequences from cultivated bacteria and from total bacterial DNA shows clearly that analysing only sequences from cultivated organisms results in a gross underestimation of genetic variation.  相似文献   

外源腐殖酸对三种土壤磷吸附与解吸特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨凯  关连珠  颜丽  朱教君  贺婧 《生态学杂志》2009,28(7):1303-1307
通过对3种土壤(红壤、棕壤和褐土)施入不同腐殖酸的室内培养试验,探讨了外源腐殖酸对不同土壤磷素吸附和解吸的影响。结果表明:与对照土壤相比,不同腐殖酸降低了3种供试土壤磷素的吸附量,其降低顺序为:褐土>红壤>棕壤;外源腐殖酸提高了红壤和棕壤磷素的解吸量和解吸率,提高的幅度与腐殖酸的种类有关;而腐殖酸对褐土磷素的解吸量则无明显促进作用。表明外源腐殖酸对3种土壤磷素吸附-解吸作用最强的为红壤,其次为棕壤,最弱的为褐土;同时表明腐殖酸可提高红壤和棕壤磷素的利用率。  相似文献   

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