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Introgression of several genomic loci from tetraploid Triticum militinae into bread wheat cv. T?hti has increased resistance of introgression line 8.1 to powdery mildew in seedlings and adult plants. In our previous work, only a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 4AL of the line 8.1 contributed significantly to resistance, whereas QTL on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 2A, 5A and 5B were detected merely on a suggestive level. To verify and characterize all QTLs in the line 8.1, a mapping population of double haploid lines was established. Testing for seedling resistance to 16 different races/mixtures of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici revealed four highly significant non-race-specific resistance QTL including the main QTL on chromosome 4AL, and a race-specific QTL on chromosome 5B. The major QTL on chromosome 4AL (QPm.tut-4A) as well as QTL on chromosome 5AL and a newly detected QTL on 7AL were highly effective at the adult stage. The QPm.tut-4A QTL accounts on average for 33-49 % of the variation in resistance in the double haploid population. Interactions between the main QTL QPm.tut-4A and the minor QTL were evaluated and discussed. A population of 98 F(2) plants from a cross of susceptible cv. Chinese Spring and the line 8.1 was created that allowed mapping the QPm.tut-4A locus to the proximal 2.5-cM region of the introgressed segment on chromosome 4AL. The results obtained in this work make it feasible to use QPm.tut-4A in resistance breeding and provide a solid basis for positional cloning of the major QTL.  相似文献   

 Powdery mildew is one of the major diseases of wheat in regions with a maritime or semi-continental climate and can strongly affect grain yield. The attempt to control powdery mildew with major resistance genes (Pm genes) has not provided a durable resistance. Breeding for quantitative resistance to powdery mildew is more promising, but is difficult to select on a phenotypic basis. In this study, we mapped and characterised quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for adult-plant powdery mildew resistance in a segregating population of 226 recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of the Swiss wheat variety Forno with the Swiss spelt variety Oberkulmer. Forno possibly contains the Pm5 gene and showed good adult-plant resistance in the field. Oberkulmer does not have any known Pm gene and showed a moderate susceptible reaction. Powdery mildew resistance was assessed in field trials at two locations in 1995 and at three locations in 1996. The high heritability (h2=0.97) for powdery mildew resistance suggests that the environmental influence did not affect the resistance phenotype to a great extent. QTL analysis was based on a genetic map containing 182 loci with 23 linkage groups (2469 cM). With the method of composite interval mapping 18 QTLs for powdery mildew resistance were detected, explaining 77% of the phenotypic variance in a simultaneous fit. Two QTLs with major effects were consistent over all five environments. One of them corresponds to the Pm5 locus derived from Forno on chromosome 7B. The other QTL on 5A, was derived from the spelt variety Oberkulmer and did not correspond to any known Pm gene. In addition, five QTLs were consistent over three environments, and six QTLs over two environments. The QTL at the Pm5 locus showed a large effect, although virulent races for Pm5 were present in the mixture of isolates. Molecular markers linked with QTLs for adult-plant resistance offer the possibility of simultaneous marker-assisted selection for major and minor genes. Received: 22 September 1998 / Accepted: 26 October 1998  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused by Sphaerotheca pannosa var. persicae is one of the most important diseases in European peach orchards. Quantitative trait loci controlling powdery mildew resistance were detected using three related F1, F2 and BC2 populations derived from the cross between the resistant parent P. davidiana clone P1908 and the susceptible peach cultivar Summergrand. Powdery mildew resistance of each population was evaluated under natural exposure, in several locations and over several years. Thirteen QTLs were detected. For nine of them, the favourable allele came from the resistant parent. Five QTLs were consistently detected across the three populations. The F1 hybrid used to produce F2 and BC2 populations had not inherited the favourable allele from P1908 for QTL detected on LG3 and LG8 in F1 population. QTLs were not detected in the corresponding regions in F2 and BC2 populations. In two other genomic areas, significant substitution effects between P1908 alleles were evidenced in the F1 population, but the favourable allele came from Summergrand in the F2 and BC2 populations. Analysis of phenotypic data suggested an important qualitative change in the distribution of powdery mildew resistance after 1996, confirmed by QTL analysis. Indeed, a dramatic decrease of the effect of the major QTL previously detected on LG6 was observed after 1996, while the QTL on LG8 was increasingly involved in the control of powdery mildew resistance. Consequences for peach breeding strategies to improve powdery mildew resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

Trigeneric hybrids between the (Triticum aestivum ×Agropyron michnoi) F1 (CM, 2n=5x=35; ABDPP) and two winter rye (Secale cereale L., 2n=2x=14; RR) cultivars, Wugong 774 and AR-132, were synthesized. Such trigeneric hybrids could be used to transfer resistance genes for powdery mildew from rye to CM and subsequently to common wheat and to identify (1) the effects of the P genome ofAgropyron on the self-fertility of the hybrids and (2) the differences in genetic background between rye cultivars with marked differences in pollinating habit. The trigeneric hybrids varied widely in morphology and showed a high level of resistance to such diseases as barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), stripe rust, leaf rust, stem rust, and powdery mildew. Selfed and many backcross derivatives were obtained from the trigeneric hybrids. The results indicated that rye cvs Wugong 774 and AR132 arose from different gene pools and that the P genome ofAgropyron carries gene(s) responsible for chromosome segregation, leading to functional gamete formation and self-fertility of the hybrids. The F2 and BC1 plants could be obtained in two ways — fusion of the unreduced gametes and the assumed apomixis of unreduced female gametes in the trigeneric hybrid plant II-4 — which indicates that this trigeneric hybrid may be a special genetic stock. Chromosome pairing in the trigeneric hybrids and ways of producing wheat/rye and wheat/Agropyron translocations are discussed.  相似文献   

 Powdery mildew caused by Blumeria graminis DC. f. sp. triticiém. Marchal is an important disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell). We report here the identification of three random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers closely linked to a gene for resistance to B. graminis in wheat. RAPD-PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analysis was conducted using bulked segregant analysis of closely related lines developed from a segregating F5 family. The F5 family was derived from a cross between the susceptible cultivar Clark and the resistant line Zhengzhou 871124. Genetic analysis indicated that resistance of Zhengzhou 871124 to powdery mildew is conferred by the gene Pm1. After performing RAPD-PCR analysis with 1300 arbitrary 10-mer primers and agarose-gel electrophoresis, two RAPD markers, UBC320420 and UBC638550, were identified to be co-segregating with the disease resistance. No recombinants were observed between either of the RAPD markers and the gene for resistance to powdery mildew after analysis of 244 F2 plants. The third RAPD marker, OPF12650, was identified with denaturing gradient-gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and was determined to be 5.4±1.9 cM from the resistance gene. UBC320420 and UBC638550 were present in wheat powdery mildew differential lines carrying the gene Pm1, suggesting linkage between these markers and the Pm1 resistance gene. Co-segregation between Pm1 and the two markers UBC320420 and UBC638550 was confirmed in a segregating population derived from a cross with CI14114, the wheat differential line carrying Pm1. The method of deriving closely related lines from inbred families that are segregating for a trait of interest should find wide application in the identification of DNA markers linked to important plant genes. The RAPD marker UBC638550 was converted to a sequence tagged site (STS). RAPD markers tightly linked to target genes may facilitate selection and enable gene pyramiding for powdery mildew resistance in wheat breeding programs. Received: 10 December 1995 / Accepted: 13 September 1996  相似文献   

In order to exploit the evolution and find novel low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit(LMW-GS) for improvement of common wheat quality,thirteen variants from a somatic hybrid introgression line Ⅱ-12 between Triticum aestivum cv.Jinan 177(JN177) and Agropyron elongatum were characterized via genomic PCR.Four clones were pseudogenes because they contained an internal stop codon.The re-maining nine variants contained intact open reading frames(ORFs).Sequence alignment indicates that the proteins deduced from t...  相似文献   

In order to exploit the evolution and find novel low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit(LMW-GS)for improvement of common wheat quality,thirteen variants from a somatic hybrid introgression line Ⅱ-12 between Triticum aestivum cv.Jinan 177(JN177)and Agropyron elongatum were characterized via genomic PCR.Four clones were pseudogenes because they contained an internal stop codon.The remaining nine variants contained intact open reading frames(ORFs).Sequence alignment indicates that the proteins deduced from the nine ORFs have similar primary structure with LMW-GS cloned from its parents previously.However,they have some unique modifications in the structures.For example,EU292737 contains not only an extra Cys residue in the C-terminal domain but also a long repetitive domain.Both EU159511 and EU292738 start their first Cys residue in the N-terminal repetitive domain,but not in the N-conserved domain traditionally.These structural alterations may have positive contributions to wheat flour quality.The results of phylogeny showed that most LMW-GS variances from Ⅱ-12 were homologous to those from parent JN 177 and other wheat lines.The reason for quick evolution of LMW-GS in Ⅱ-12 was discussed.  相似文献   

Dynamic management has been proposed as a complementary strategy to gene banks for the conservation of genetic resources. The evolution of frequencies of genes for specific resistance towards powdery mildew (caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) in populations of a French network for dynamic management of bread wheat genetic resources was investigated after 10 years of multiplication without human selection. The objective was to determine whether specific resistance gene diversity was maintained in the populations and whether any changes could be attributed to selection due to pathogen pressure. Seven populations, originating from four of the network sites, were characterized and compared to the initial population for six specific resistance gene frequencies detected by nine Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates. Diversity decreased at the population level, but because of a strong differentiation between the populations, this diversity was maintained at the network level. The comparison of Fst parameters estimated on neutral markers (RFLP) and on resistance gene data revealed that in two of the populations specific resistance genes had been selected by pathogen pressure, whereas evolution in two other populations seemed to be the result of genetic drift. For the three last populations, conclusions were less clear, as one had probably experienced a strong bottleneck and the other two presented intermediate Fst values. A dynamic management network with sites contrasted for pathogen pressure, allowing genetic drift in some populations and selection in others, appeared, at least on the short term, to be a good tool for maintaining the diversity of genes for specific resistance to powdery mildew. Received: 15 December 1999 / Accepted: 30 December 1999  相似文献   


Key message

Ten QTL underlying the accumulation of Zn and Fe in the grain were mapped in a set of RILs bred from the cross Triticum spelta × T. aestivum . Five of these loci (two for Zn and three for Fe) were consistently detected across seven environments.


The genetic basis of accumulation in the grain of Zn and Fe was investigated via QTL mapping in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population bred from a cross between Triticum spelta and T. aestivum. The concentration of the two elements was measured from grain produced in three locations over two consecutive cropping seasons and from a greenhouse trial. The range in Zn and Fe concentration across the RILs was, respectively, 18.8–73.5 and 25.3–59.5 ppm, and the concentrations of the two elements were positively correlated with one another (rp =+0.79). Ten QTL (five each for Zn and Fe accumulation) were detected, mapping to seven different chromosomes. The chromosome 2B and 6A grain Zn QTL were consistently expressed across environments. The proportion of the phenotype explained (PVE) by QZn.bhu-2B was >16 %, and the locus was closely linked to the SNP marker 1101425|F|0, while QZn.bhu-6A (7.0 % PVE) was closely linked to DArT marker 3026160|F|0. Of the five Fe QTL detected, three, all mapping to chromosome 1A were detected in all seven environments. The PVE for QFe.bhu-3B was 26.0 %.  相似文献   

Hückelhoven R  Kogel KH 《Planta》2003,216(6):891-902
Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) such as hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and the superoxide anion radical (O*(2)(-)) accumulate in many plants during attack by microbial pathogens. Despite a huge number of studies, the complete picture of the role of ROIs in the host-pathogen interaction is not yet fully understood. This situation is reflected by the controversially discussed question as to whether ROIs are key factors in the establishment and maintenance of either host cell inaccessibility or accessibility for fungal pathogens. On the one hand, ROIs have been implicated in signal transduction as well as in the execution of defence reactions such as cell wall strengthening and a rapid host cell death (hypersensitive reaction). On the other hand, ROIs accumulate in compatible interactions, and there are reports suggesting a function of ROIs in restricting the spread of leaf lesions and thus in suppressing cell death. Moreover, in situ analyses have demonstrated that different ROIs may trigger opposite effects in plants depending on their spatiotemporal distribution and subcellular concentrations. This demonstrates the need to determine the particular role of individual ROIs in distinct stages of pathogen development. The well-studied interaction of cereals with fungi from the genus Blumeria is an excellent model system in which signal transduction and defence reactions can be further elucidated in planta. This review article gives a synopsis of the role of ROI accumulation, with particular emphasis on the pathosystem Hordeum vulgare L.- Blumeria graminis.  相似文献   

Segregation analysis of resistance to powdery mildew in a F2 progeny from the cross Chinese Spring (CS) × TA2682c revealed the inheritance of a dominant and a recessive powdery mildew resistance gene. Selfing of susceptible F2 individuals allowed the establishment of a mapping population segregating exclusively for the recessive resistance gene. The extracted resistant derivative showing full resistance to each of 11 wheat powdery mildew isolates was designated RD30. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of bulked segregants from F3s showing the homozygous susceptible and resistant phenotypes revealed an AFLP marker that was associated with the recessive resistance gene in repulsion phase. Following the assignment of this AFLP marker to wheat chromosome 7A by means of CS nullitetrasomics, an inspection of simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci evenly spaced along chromosome 7A showed that the recessive resistance gene maps to the distal region of chromosome 7AL. On the basis of its close linkage to the Pm1 locus, as inferred from connecting partial genetic maps of 7AL of populations CS × TA2682c and CS × Virest (Pm1e), and its unique disease response pattern, the recessive resistance gene in RD30 was considered to be novel and tentatively designated mlRD30.Communicated by C. Möllers  相似文献   

Toll and interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) and nonTIR nucleotide binding site–leucine rich repeat (NBS–LRR) resistance gene analogues (RGAs) were obtained from chestnut rose (Rosa roxburghii Tratt) by two PCR-based amplification strategies (direct amplification and overlap extension amplification) with degenerate primers designed to the conserved P-loop, kinase-2, and Gly-Leu-Pro-Leu (GLPL) motifs within the NBS domain of plant resistance gene (R gene) products. Thirty-four of 65 cloned PCR fragments contained a continuous open reading frame (ORF) and their predicted protein products showed homology to the NBS–LRR class R proteins in the GenBank database. These 34 predicted protein sequences exhibited a wide range (19.5–99.4%) of sequence identity among them and were classified into two distinct groups by phylogenetic analysis. The first group consisted of 23 sequences and seemed to belong to the nonTIR NBS–LRR RGAs, since they contained group specific motifs (RNBS-A-nonTIR motif) that are often present in the coiled-coil domain of the nonTIR NBS–LRR class R genes. The second group comprised 11 sequences that contained motifs found in the TIR domain of TIR NBS–LRR class R genes. Restriction fragment length polymorphic (RFLP) markers were developed from some of the RGAs and used for mapping powdery mildew resistance genes in chestnut rose. Three markers, RGA22C, RGA4A, and RGA7B, were identified to be linked to a resistance gene locus, designated CRPM1 for chestnut rose powdery mildew resistance 1, which accounted for 72% of the variation in powdery mildew resistance phenotype in an F1 segregating population. To our knowledge, this is the first report on isolation, phylogenetic analysis and potential utilization as genetic markers of RGAs in chestnut rose.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, is one of the most important wheat diseases worldwide. Pyramiding different resistance genes into single cultivar has been proposed as one remedy to provide durable resistance. Powdery mildew resistance genes Pm12 (T6BS-6SS.6SL), transferred from Aegilops speltoides to wheat cv. Wembley, and Pm21 (T6VS.6AL), introduced from Dasypyrum villosum to wheat cv. Yangmai5, conferred broad-spectrum resistance to B. graminis f. sp. tritici. Both Pm12 and Pm21 genes are located on the short arms of homologous group six involved translocated chromosomes 6SS.6BL and 6VS.6AL, respectively. Simple sequence repeat motifs of wheat simple sequence repeat (SSR) and expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences on the short arm of homologous group six chromosomes were analyzed to develop molecular markers for discriminating chromosome arms 6AS, 6BS, 6DS, 6VS, and 6SS. One EST–SSR marker, Xcau127, was polymorphic, and therefore can be used to distinguish the two resistance genes and the respective susceptible alleles. This marker allowed us to develop an efficient “one-marker-for-two-genes” procedure for identifying powdery mildew resistance genes Pm12 and Pm21 for marker-assisted selection and gene pyramiding in wheat breeding programs. Wei Song and Chaojie Xie contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Summary A 5BS/5RmS translocation chromosome spontaneously recovered from a Chinese Spring — Secale montanum wheat-rye telocentric 5RmS addition line has been identified and cytologically studied using C-banding in somatic and meiotic cells. Analysis of the translocated chromosome showed that a terminal segment of the short arm of 5B had been replaced by a short terminal region of chromosome arm 5RmS. The translocation led to the deletion of the genetic system promoting pairing located in 5BS, which is slightly compensated for when doses of 5RmS are increased, indicating homoeology to wheat chromosome 5BS. The -amylase phenotype in 5B/5Rm translocated material was studied and found to be identical to that of ditelocentric line 5BL of Chinese Spring. An effect on the -amylase activity was detected as a result of the removal of the terminal region of 5BS, perhaps as a consequence of variation in dormancy period duration.  相似文献   

Improvement of resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a continuous challenge for durum wheat breeders, particularly due to the limited genetic variation within this crop species. We accordingly generated a backcross-derived mapping population using the type 2 FHB resistant Triticum dicoccoides line Mt. Gerizim #36 as donor and the modern Austrian T. durum cultivar Helidur as recipient; 103 BC1F6:7 lines were phenotyped for type 2 FHB resistance using single-spikelet inoculations and genotyped with 421 DNA markers (SSR and AFLP). QTL mapping revealed two highly significant QTL, mapping to chromosomes 3A and 6B, respectively. For both QTL the T. dicoccoides allele improved type 2 FHB resistance. Recombinant lines with both favorable alleles fixed conferred high resistance to FHB similar to that observed in the T. dicoccoides parent. The results appear directly applicable for durum wheat resistance breeding.  相似文献   

Two α-amylase inhibitors in aqueous extracts of wheat flour have been resolved by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. α-Amylase inhibitor I, the major inhibitor, was homogeneous by disc gel electrophoresis. It had a MW of 20 000 daltons and an isoelectric point of 6·7. α-Amylase inhibitor II had two minor contaminants when analysed by electrophoresis. These inhibitors were classified as typical wheat albumin proteins. A third α-amylase inhibitor was discovered when it was observed that an albumin protein which is found only in Triticum aestivum varieties of wheat could also inhibit pancreatic α-amylase. All three of these inhibitors could be distinguished by their characteristic electrophoretic mobilities.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew (PM) is a very important disease of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Resistant cultivars have been deployed in production for a long time, but the genetic mechanisms of PM resistance in cucumber are not well understood. A 3-year QTL mapping study of PM resistance was conducted with 132 F2:3 families derived from two cucumber inbred lines WI 2757 (resistant) and True Lemon (susceptible). A genetic map covering 610.4 cM in seven linkage groups was developed with 240 SSR marker loci. Multiple QTL mapping analysis of molecular marker data and disease index of the hypocotyl, cotyledon and true leaf for responses to PM inoculation identified six genomic regions in four chromosomes harboring QTL for PM resistance in WI 2757. Among the six QTL, pm1.1 and pm1.2 in chromosome 1 conferred leaf resistance. Minor QTL pm3.1 (chromosome 3) and pm4.1 (chromosome 4) contributed to disease susceptibility. The two major QTL, pm5.1 and pm5.2 were located in an interval of ~40 cM in chromosome 5 with each explaining 21.0–74.5 % phenotypic variations. Data presented herein support two recessively inherited, linked major QTL in chromosome 5 plus minor QTL in other chromosomes that control the PM resistance in WI 2757. The QTL pm5.2 for hypocotyl resistance plays the most important role in host resistance. Multiple observations in the same year revealed the importance of scoring time in the detection of PM resistance QTL. Results of this study provided new insights into phenotypic and genetic mechanisms of powdery mildew resistance in cucumber.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew is one of the most important wheat diseases in temperate regions of the world. Resistance breeding is considered to be an economical and environmentally benign way to control this disease. The German spring wheat cv. 'Naxos' exhibits high levels of partial and race non-specific resistance to powdery mildew in the field and is a valuable source in resistance breeding. The main objective of the present study was to map the genetic factors behind the resistance in Naxos, based on a population of recombinant inbred lines (RIL) from a cross with the susceptible CIMMYT breeding line SHA3/CBRD. Powdery mildew severity was evaluated in six field trials in Norway and four field trials in China. The major quantitative trait locus (QTL) with resistance from Naxos was detected close to the Pm3 locus on 1AS in all environments, and explained up to 35% of the phenotypic variation. Naxos was shown to carry another major QTL on 2DL and minor ones on 2BL and 7DS. QTL with resistance from SHA3/CBRD were detected on 1RS, 2DLc, 6BL and 7AL. The QTL on the 1B/1R translocation showed highly variable effects across environments corresponding to known virulence differences against Pm8. SHA3/CBRD was shown to possess the Pm3 haplotype on 1AS, but none of the known Pm3a-g alleles. The RIL population did not provide any evidence to suggest that the Pm3 allele of SHA3/CBRD acted as a suppressor of Pm8.  相似文献   

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