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Summary This report details preliminary findings for ion channels in the plasma membrane of protoplasts derived from the cotyledons ofAmaranthus seedlings. The conductance properties of the membrane can be described almost entirely by the behavior of two types of ion channel observed as single channels in attached and detached patches. The first is a cation-selective outward rectifier, and the second a multistate anion-selective channel which, under physiological conditions, acts as an inward rectifier.The cation channel has unit conductance of approx. 30 pS (symmetrical 100 K+) and relative permeability sequence K+>Na+>Cl (10.160.03); whole-cell currents activate in a time-dependent manner, and both activation and deactivation kinetics are voltage dependent. The anion channel opens for hyperpolarized membrane potentials, has a full-level conductance of approx. 200 pS and multiple subconductance states. The number of sub-conductances does not appear to be fixed. When activated the channel is open for long periods, though shuts if the membrane potential (V m ) is depolarized; at millimolar levels of [Ca2+]cyt this voltage dependency disappears. Inward current attributable to the anion channel is not observed in whole-cell recordings when MgATP (2mm) is present in the intracellular solution. By contrast the channel is active in most detached patches, whether MgATP is present or not on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. The anion channel has a significant permeability to cations, the sequence being NO 3 >Cl>K+>Aspartate (2.0410.18 to 0.090.04). The relative permeability for K+ decreased at progressively lower conductance states. In the absence of permeant anions this channel could be mistaken for a cation inward rectifier. The anion and cation channels could serve to clampV m at a preferred value in the face of events which would otherwise perturbV m .  相似文献   

Summary The outer mitochondrial membranes of all organisms so far examined contain a protein which forms voltage-dependent anion selective channels (VDAC) when incorporated into planar phospholipid membranes. Previous reports have suggested that the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) outer mitochondrial membrane component responsible for channel formation is a protein of 29,000 daltons which is also the major component of this membrane. In this report, we describe the purification of this 29,000-dalton protein to virtual homogeneity from yeast outer mitochondrial membranes. The purified protein readily incorporates into planar phospholipid membranes to produce ionic channels. Electrophysiological characterization of these channels has demonstrated they have a size, selectivity and voltage dependence similar to VDAC from other organisms. Biochemically, the purified protein has been characterized by determining its amino acid composition and isoelectric point (pI). In addition, we have shown that the purified protein, when reconstituted into liposomes, can bind hexokinase in a glucose-6-phosphate dependent manner, as has been shown for VDAC purified from other sources. Since physiological characterization suggests that the functional parameters of this protein have been conserved, antibodies specific to yeast VDAC have been used to assess antigenic conservation among mitochondrial proteins from a wide number of species. These experiments have shown that yeast VDAC antibodies will recognize single mitochondrial proteins fromDrosophila, Dictyostelium andNeurospora of the appropriate molecular weight to be VDAC from these organisms. No reaction was seen to any mitochondrial protein from rat liver, rainbow trout,Paramecium, or mung bean. In addition, yeast VDAC antibodies will recognize a 50-kDa mol wt protein present in tobacco chloroplasts. These results suggest that there is some antigenic as well as functional conservation among different VDACs.  相似文献   

The ability of preferredoxin to inactivate a 50-pS anion channel of the chloroplast inner membrane in the presence of an energy source was investigated using single-channel recordings. It was found that preferredoxin cannot inactivate the channel when GTP is the only energy source present. From this it is concluded that the precursor has to interact with the, translocon of the inner membrane of chloroplasts (Tic) complex to be able to inactivate the 50-pS anion channel. The ability of two mutants of preferredoxin with deletions in their transit sequence to inactivate the channel was also tested. Both mutants have been shown to have a similar binding affinity for the chloroplast envelope, but only one is able to fully translocate. The mutants were both able to inactivate the channel in a similar manner. From this it is concluded that full translocation is not necessary for the inactivation of the channel. It is also shown that preferredoxin is capable of inactivating the 50-pS anion channel in the chloroplast-attached configuration as was previously found in the inside-out configuration. From this it is concluded that stromal factors do not influence the protein-import-induced inactivation of the 50-pS anion channel of the chloroplast inner membrane. Finally the effect of the anion channel blocker 4, 4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS) on the channel activity and on protein import was investigated. It was found that DIDS blocked the channel. Furthermore the addition of the channel blocker reduces the efficiency of import to 52%. This leads to the conclusion that correct functioning of the channel is important for protein import.  相似文献   

Isolation and lipid composition of spinach chloroplast envelope membranes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The quenching of the Chl a2 fluorescence from spinach chloroplasts and chloroplast fragments by nitroaromatic compounds and the effect of added metal cations on the quenching rate is investigated. The extent of the quenching with nitrobenzene and 1,3-dinitrobenzene was found to be independent of whether Chl a is excited directly, or through Chl b by means of electronic energy transfer. On the basis of this, the contribution from a purely static mechanism is considered as unlikely.Nitroaromatics substituted with ionizable groups are almost equally effective quenchers for the fluorescence of Chl ain vivo and in methanol. On the other hand, nitroaromatics which are slightly soluble, or nearly insoluble, in water quench more strongly the fluorescence of Chl ain vivo. The overriding factor that determines the relation between the apparent and the true quenching constant appears to be the partition of the quencher in the lipid and the aqueous phases of the membrane suspension.Divalent metal cations enhance the quenching by nitrobenzene dramatically, most likely by increasing the hydrophobic character of the chloroplast membranes. This enhancement occurs at cation concentrations higher than those corresponding to the maximal turbidity increase of the membrane suspension; hence, it is attributed to ultrastructural changes of the membrane rather than to volume changes of the thylakoid. These changes may affect the extent of the quenching both by an increase in the local concentration of the nitroaromatic, and by an enhanced rate of excitation exchange among the chlorophylls.  相似文献   

Bestrophins have been proposed to constitute a new family of Cl channels that are activated by cytosolic Ca. We showed previously that mutation of serine-79 to cysteine in mouse bestrophin-2 (mBest2) altered the relative permeability and conductance to SCN. In this paper, we have overexpressed various mutant constructs of mBest2 in HEK-293 cells to explore the contributions to anion selectivity of serine-79 and other amino acids (V78, F80, G83, F84, V86, and T87) located in the putative second transmembrane domain (TMD2). Residues selected for mutagenesis were distributed throughout TMD2, but mutations at all positions changed the selectivity. The effects on selectivity were rather modest. Replacement of residues 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 86, or 87 with cysteine had similar effects: the permeability of the channel to SCN relative to Cl (PSCN/PCl) was decreased three- to fourfold and the relative SCN conductance (GSCN/GCl) was increased five- to tenfold. Side chains at positions 78 and 80 appeared to be situated close to the permeant anion, because the electrostatic charge at these positions affected permeation in specific ways. The effects of charged sulfhydryl-reactive MTS reagents were the opposite in the V78C and F80C mutants and the effects were partially mimicked by substitution of F80 with charged amino acids. In S79T, switching from Cl to SCN caused slow changes in GSCN/GCl (tau = 16.6 s), suggesting that SCN binding to the channel altered channel gating as well as conductance. The data in this paper and other data support a model in which TMD2 plays an important role in forming the bestrophin pore. We suggest that the major determinant in anion permeation involves partitioning of the permeant anion into an aqueous pore whose structural features are rather flexible. Furthermore, anion permeation and gating may be linked.  相似文献   

The mechanism of import-competent precursor protein-induced inactivation of a 50-pS anion channel of the chloroplast envelope is investigated using single-channel recordings. The inactivation by precursor protein is the result of the induction of a long-lived closed state of the channel. The mean duration of this state does not depend on precursor concentration. From this it can be concluded that the protein import related anion channel enters the inactive state less frequently when the precursor concentration is lowered, but that the time spent in this state remains the same. Furthermore, it was found that the presence of precursor protein also decreases the mean durations of preexisting open and closed states of the channel. This decrease is found to be dependent on the precursor concentration. From this it is concluded that there is a direct interaction between the precursor protein and a protein complex of which the channel is a constituent. The mean duration of the precursor-induced long-lived closed state does not depend on the length of the translocation-competent precursor. This suggests that the duration of import is independent of precursor length.  相似文献   

A three-phase, discontinuous sucrose gradient yielded two distinct fractions of envelope membranes from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts. Their buoyant densities were 1.08 g cm−3 and 1.11 g cm−3. Electron micrographs showed the lighter and heavier fractions to consist primarily of single and double membranes, respectively. The milligrams of lipid-milligrams of protein ratio for the complete envelope membrane (double membrane fraction) was 1.74. Thin layer chromatograms showed that the lipids of the complete envelope membranes were similar to those found in earlier preparations which consisted of single and double membranes. This isolation procedure is superior to earlier methods in that the percentage of complete envelope membranes is greater and the yield is almost three times as great. Enzymatic and chemical analyses and microscopic examination showed the complete envelope membranes were free of bacterial, fungal, microsomal, mitochondrial, and lamellar membrane contamination as well as stromal contamination. The specific activities of nonlatent Mg2+ -dependent ATPase (80 μmoles of phosphate released hr−1 mg protein−1) were about 10-fold higher than those values found with earlier preparations consisting of single and double membranes, indicating that the ATPase is largely lost in preparations containing single membranes. These higher values show that the ATPase is located in the double membrane and probably functions in the transport processes of the envelope membrane.  相似文献   

Because the envelope phosphatidate phosphatase plays a pivotal role in chloroplast glycerolipid metabolism, we have analyzed whether diacylglycerol could be a regulatory factor of the enzyme. Using isolated envelope membranes in which the level of diacylglycerol was modified by thermolysin treatment of intact chloroplasts to destroy the galactolipid:galactolipid galactosyltransferase, we have demonstrated that phosphatidate phosphatase activity was reduced when the membrane was enriched in diacylglycerol. All 1,2-diacylglycerol molecular species assayed were demonstrated to inhibit the enzyme to about the same extent. Kinetic studies with envelope from thermolysin-treated chloroplasts were performed in the absence and presence of diacylglycerol, and diacylglycerol was shown to be a powerful competitive inhibitor of the reaction. Finally, using isolated intact spinach chloroplasts, we have demonstrated that in situ phosphatidate phosphatase activity can be modulated by the level of diacylglycerol present in the membrane. The relevance of phosphatidate phosphatase inhibition by diacylglycerol in the regulation of chloroplast glycerolipid biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

An anion channel of the chloroplast envelope was previously shown to be involved in protein import. Some gating characteristics of the channel are presented. The pore size of the channel is estimated to be around 6.5 A. Antibodies raised to Tic110 completely inactivate the protein import-related channel. These observations suggest that the channel is associated with the Tic machinery and can function as the protein conducting channel of the inner envelope membrane.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a wild type of the human soluble chloride intracellular ion channel CLIC4 (wCLIC4) has been determined at a resolution of 2.2A. The structure shows a homotrimer in an asymmetric unit, which is first observed in CLICs. The assembly of the trimer takes a unique triple interaction mode between three monomers with a hydrogen-bond network and hydrophobic contacts. Through such complicated interactions, the homotrimer of wCLIC4 is firmly stabilized. The structure shows an oligomeric mode with a unique assembly mechanism by which the oligomerization of CLIC4 can be performed without any intramolecular disulfide bond formation. It indicated a possibility that CLIC4 may take a unique structural organization distinct from CLIC1 for docking with lipid bilayers. In addition, the structure shows distinct conformational states of the h2 region for respective monomers of the trimer, which reveal an intrinsic conformational susceptibility for this significant region in the structural transition.  相似文献   

Mechanosensation in bacteria involves transducing membrane stress into an electrochemical response. In Escherichia coli and other bacteria, this function is carried out by a number of proteins including MscL, the mechanosensitive channel of large conductance. MscL is the best characterized of all mechanosensitive channels. It has been the subject of numerous structural and functional investigations. The explosion in experimental data on MscL recently culminated in the solution of the three-dimensional structure of the MscL homologue from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this review, much of these data are united and interpreted in terms of the newly published M. tuberculosis MscL crystal structure.  相似文献   

Neuronal NMB cells were used to determine changes in gene expression upon treatment with dopamine. Twelve differentially expressed cDNAs were identified and cloned, one of them having 99.4% sequence homology with isoform 2 of a voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC-2). The known role of VDAC, a mitochondrial outer-membrane protein, in transport of anions, pore formation, and release of cytochrome C prompted us to investigate the possible role of VDAC gene family in dopamine-induced apoptosis. Semi-quantitative PCR analysis indicated that expression of the three VDAC isoforms was reduced by dopamine. Immunoblotting with anti-VDAC antibodies detected two VDAC protein bands of 33 and 34 kDa. Dopamine decreased differentially the immunoreactivity of the 34 kDa protein. Whether the decrease in VDAC expression influence the mitochondrial membrane potential (Delta(Psi)(m)) was determined with the dye Rhodamine-123. Dopamine indeed decreased the mitochondrial Delta(Psi)(m), but the maximum effect was observed within 3 h, prior to the decrease in VDAC mRNA or protein levels. Cyclosporin A, a blocker of the mitochondrial pore complex, prevented the decrease in Delta(Psi)(m), but did not rescue the cells from dopamine toxicity. To elucidate possible involvement of protease caspases in dopamine-induced apoptosis, the effect of the caspase inhibitor z-Val-Ala-Asp(Ome)-FMK (zVAD) was determined. zVAD decreased dopamine toxicity, yet it did not rescue the mitochondrial Delta(Psi)(m) drop. Dopamine also decreased ATP levels. Finally, transfection of NMB cells with pcDNA-VDAC decreased the cytotoxic effect of dopamine. These findings are in agreement with the notion that the mitochondria, and VDAC, are important participants in dopamine-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Effects of MgCl2 and free fatty acids (FFA) on galactolipid:galactolipid galactosyltransferase (GGGT) and UDP-galactose: 1,2-diacylglycerol galactosyltransferase (UDGT) in chloroplast envelope membranes isolated from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves were examined. GGGT activity was sigmoidally stimulated by MgCl2 with a saturated concentration of more than 5 millimolar. Free α-linolenic acid (18:3) caused a drastic increase in GGGT activity under limiting concentrations of MgCl2, without affecting its maximum activity at higher MgCl2 concentrations. Free 18:3 alone did not affect the GGGT activity. The effective species of FFA for the stimulation of GGGT activity in the presence of MgCl2 were unsaturated 16- and 18-carbon fatty acids. GGGT activity was also stimulated by 18:3 in the presence of MnCl2, CaCl2 and a high concentration of KCl in place of MgCl2. UDGT activity was hyperbolically enhanced by MgCl2 with a saturated concentration of 1 to 2 millimolar. In contrast to GGGT, UDGT was severely inhibited by 18:3, and MgCl2-induced stimulation was completely abolished by 18:3. Unsaturated 16- and 18-carbon fatty acids were more inhibitory to UDGT than the saturated acids. The dependence of GGGT activity on monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) and MgCl2 concentrations was identical in the envelope membranes isolated from non- and ozone (0.5 microliter/liter)-fumigated spinach leaves, indicating that GGGT remained active in the leaves during ozone fumigation. The results are discussed in relation to the regulation of galactolipid biosynthesis by the endogenous FFA in the envelopes and to the involvement of GGGT in the triacylglycerol synthesis from MGDG in ozone-fumigated leaves.  相似文献   

Normal cells of aerobic organisms synthesize the energy they require in the form of ATP via the process of oxidative phosphorylation. This complex system resides in the mitochondria of cells and utilizes oxygen to produce a majority of cellular ATP. However, in most tumors, especially those with elevated cholesterogenesis, there is an increased reliance on glycolysis for energy, even in conditions where oxygen is available. This aerobic glycolysis (the Warburg effect) has far reaching ramifications on the tumor itself and the cells that surround it. In this brief review, we will discuss how abnormally high membrane cholesterol levels can result in a subsequent deficiency of oxidative energy production in mitochondria from cultured Morris hepatoma cells (MH-7777). We have identified the voltage dependent anion channel (VDAC) as a necessary component of a protein complex involved in mitochondrial membrane cholesterol distribution and transport. Work in our laboratory demonstrates that the ability of VDAC to influence mitochondrial membrane cholesterol distribution may have implications on mitochondrial characteristics such as oxidative phosphorylation and induction of apoptosis, as well as the propensity of cancer cells to exhibit a glycolytic phenotype.  相似文献   

The channel-forming protein, VDAC, located in the mitochondrial outer membrane, is probably responsible for the high permeability of the outer membrane to small molecules. The ability to regulate this channelin vitro raises the possibility that VDAC may perform a regulatory rolein vivo. VDAC exists in multiple, quasi-degenerate conformations with different permeability properties. Therefore a modest input of energy can change VDAC's conformation. The ability to use a membrane potential to convert VDAC from a high (open) to a low (closed) conducting form indicates the presence of a sensor in the protein that allows it to respond to the electric field. Titration and modification experiments point to a polyvalent, positively charged sensor. Soluble, polyvalent anions such as dextran sulfate and Konig's polyanion seem to be able to interact with the sensor to induce channel closure. Thus there are multiple ways of applying a force on the sensor so as to induce a conformational change in VDAC. Perhaps cells use one or more of these methods.  相似文献   

Volume- and acid-sensitive outwardly rectifying anion channels (VSOR and ASOR) activated by swelling and acidification exhibit voltage-dependent inactivation and activation time courses, respectively. Recently, LRRC8A and some paralogs were shown to be essentially involved in the activity and inactivation kinetics of VSOR currents in human colonic HCT116 cells. In human cervix HeLa cells, here, inactivation of VSOR currents was found to become accelerated by RNA silencing only of LRRC8A but never decelerated by that of any LRRC8 isoform. These data suggest that LRRC8A is associated with the deceleration mechanism of VSOR inactivation, while none of LRRC8 members is related to the acceleration mechanism. Activation kinetics of ASOR currents was unaffected by knockdown of any LRRC8 family member. Double, triple and quadruple gene-silencing studies indicated that combinatory expression of LRRC8A with LRRC8D and LRRC8C is essential for VSOR activity, whereas none of LRRC8 family members is involved in ASOR activity.  相似文献   

A method is described for cell-free studies of lipid release from isolated chloroplast envelope. The isolated membrane fraction incorporated radiolabeled galactose into galactolipids, predominantly monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, prior to immobilization of the membrane vesicles onto strips of nitrocellulose. The strips with immobilized membrane were individually incubated with various co-factors and the incubations were terminated by removing the strips. Radioactivity was determined for the strips with immobilized membrane as well as for the material released during the assay. The release of galactolipids from immobilized chloroplast envelope was time- and temperature dependent, required stroma protein(s) and was further stimulated by hydrolysable ATP, GTP and ≤50 μ M acyl-CoAs, of which 16:1-CoA was the most stimulative. To investigate whether guanine nucleotide-binding proteins could be involved, stroma and envelope were independently or together incubated with [ α -32P]GTP or [ Γ -32P]GTP. Stroma and envelope proteins were phosphorylated and the envelope fraction contained GMP/GDP binding proteins as well. When the fractions were co-incubated, the patterns of protein phosphorylation and guanine nucleotide binding was different compared to the additive effects of the separate fractions, suggesting that guanine nucleotides may have roles in galactolipid release in addition to providing energy. The results point to several similarities between the regulation of galactolipid release from isolated chloroplast envelope and the regulation of vesicular trafficking among animal and yeast cytosolic membranes, although other mechanisms for lipid release cannot, at this stage, be ruled out.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) is a porin of the mitochondrial outer membrane with a bell-shaped permeability-voltage characteristic. This porin restricts the flow of negatively charged metabolites at certain non-zero voltages, and thus might regulate their flux across the mitochondrial outer membrane. Here, we have developed a mathematical model illustrating the possibility of interaction between two steady-state fluxes of negatively charged metabolites circulating across the VDAC in a membrane. The fluxes interact by contributing to generation of the membrane electrical potential with subsequent closure of the VDAC. The model predicts that the VDAC might function as a single-molecule biological transistor and amplifier, because according to the obtained calculations a small change in the flux of one pair of different negatively charged metabolites causes a significant modulation of a more powerful flux of another pair of negatively charged metabolites circulating across the same membrane with the VDAC. Such transistor-like behavior of the VDAC in the mitochondrial outer membrane might be an important principle of the cell energy metabolism regulation under some physiological conditions.  相似文献   

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