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Summary Urea and water transport across the toad bladder can be separately activated by low concentrations of vasopressin or 8 Br-cAMP. Employing this method of selective activation, we have determined the reflection coefficient () of urea and other small molecules under circumstances in which the bladder was transporting urea or water. An osmotic method for the determination of was used, in which the ability of a given solute to retard water efflux from the bladder was compared to that of raffinose (=1.0) or water (=0). When urea transport was activated (low concentration of vasopressin), for urea and other solutes was low, (urea,0.08–0.39;acetamide, 0.55; ethylene glycol, 0.60). When water transport was activated (0.1mm 8 Br-cAMP) urea approached 1.0 urea also approached 1.0 at high vasopressin concentrations. In a separate series of studies, urea was determined in the presence of 2×10–5 m KMnO4 in the luminal bathing medium. Under these conditions, when urea transport is selectively blocked, urea rose from a value of 0.12 to 0.89. Thus, permanganate appears to close the urea transport channel. These findings indicate that the luminal membrane channels for water and solutes differ significantly in their dimensions. The solute channels, limited in number, have relatively large radii. They carry a small fraction (approximately 10%) of total water flow. The water transport channels, on the other hand, have small radii, approximately the size of a water molecule, and exclude solutes as small as urea.  相似文献   

Summary Urea transport across amphibian membranes is influenced by interactions with the membrane, the solvent and other solutes. One case of solute interaction, that in which the two species are chemically identical, is investigated here. Because of the effects of hypertonic urea on permeability, the demonstration of interaction required consideration of the ratior of bidirectional tracer permeabilities. Mucosal-to-serosal (MS) and serosal-to-mucosal (MS) tracer urea fluxes were determined in paired toad urinary bladders, in the absence and presence of abundant urea. In the control state,r was 1.0. Addition of 0.3m urea toM increasedr, and toS decreasedr. These results indicate coupling of abundant and tracer urea flows (isotope interaction), probably occurring in specialized regions. The effects persisted after the addition of antidiuretic hormone, despite the opposing influence of osmotic water flow. Quantitatively different effects of mucosal and serosal hypertonicity, both with and without antidiuretic hormone, are explicable in terms of heterogeneous parallel and series permeability barriers.  相似文献   

Urea transport in the toad bladder; coupling of urea flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Vasopressin (VP) increases the water permeability of the toad urinary bladder epithelium by inducing the cycling of vesicles containing water channels to and from the apical membrane of granular cells. In this study, we have measured several functional characteristics of the endosomal vesicles that participate in this biological response to hormonal stimulation. The water, proton, and urea permeabilities of endosomes labeled in the intact bladder with fluorescent fluid-phase markers were measured. The diameter of isolated endosomes labeled with horse-radish peroxidase was 90-120 nm. Osmotic water permeability (Pf) was measured by a stopped-flow fluorescence quenching assay (Shi, L.-B., and A. S. Verkman. 1989. J. Gen. Physiol. 94:1101-1115). The number of endosomes formed when bladders were labeled in the absence of a transepithelial osmotic gradient increased with serosal [VP] (0-50 mU/ml), and endosome Pf was very high and constant (0.08-0.10 cm/s, 18 degrees C). When bladders were labeled in the presence of serosal-to-mucosal osmotic gradient, the number of functional water channels per endosome decreased (at [VP] = 0.5 mU/ml, Pf = 0.09 cm/s, 0 osmotic gradient; Pf = 0.02 cm/s, 180 mosmol gradient). Passive proton permeability was measured from the rate of pH decrease in voltage-clamped endosomes in response to a 1 pH unit gradient (pHin = 7.5, pHout = 6.5). The proton permeability coefficient (PH) was 0.051 cm/s at 18 degrees C in endosomes containing the VP-sensitive water channel; PH was not different from that measured in vesicles not containing water channels. Measurement of urea transport by the fluorescence quenching assay gave a urea reflection coefficient of 0.97 and a permeability coefficient of less than 10(-6) cm/s. These results demonstrate: (a) VP-induced endosomes from toad urinary bladder have extremely high Pf. (b) In states of submaximal bladder Pf, the density of functional water channels in endosomes in constant in the absence of an osmotic gradient, but decreases in the presence of a serosal-to-mucosal gradient, suggesting that the gradient has a direct effect on the efficiency of packaging of water channels into endosomes. (c) The VP-sensitive water channel does not have a high proton permeability. (d) Endosomes that cycle the water channel do not contain urea transporters. These results establish a labeling procedure in which greater than 85% of labeled vesicles from toad urinary bladder are endosomes that contain the VP-sensitive water channel in a functional form.  相似文献   

Vanadate increases renal Na and water excretion. The mechanism whereby vanadate impairs water transport was examined in the toad bladder. Vanadate did not alter baseline water transport but caused a significant inhibition of water transport elicited by high doses of AVP. The inhibition of AVP stimulated water flow by vanadate was dose dependent with inhibition present with concentration as low as 10(-7) and maximal inhibition occurring at 10(-5) M. Vanadate also inhibited water transport stimulated by cyclic AMP or by phosphodiesterase inhibition indicating that vanadate has an effect beyond cyclic AMP step, in addition to whatever effect it might have on adenylate cyclase. The inhibitory effect of vanadate on AVP stimulated water flow was not altered by prior Na-K-ATPase or prostaglandin inhibition. Since vanadate has been shown to stimulate adenylate cyclase in other tissues we examined whether addition of vanadate 10 minutes after addition of AVP would enhance water transport. Vanadate caused a transient enhancement of AVP stimulated water flow. These data demonstrate that vanadate can inhibit or stimulate water flow in the toad bladder.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies with phloretin have shown that the movement of urea and other solutes across the toad bladder can be inhitited with no effect on osmotic water flow, active sodium transport, or the movement of ethanol and ethylene glycol. These findings have suggested that a vasopressin-sensitive carrier is involved in the transport of solutes such as urea across the luminal membrane of the epithelial cell. The present paper describes the effect of two agents other than phloretin: tannic acid and chromate, on water and solute movement across the bladder. The pattern of action of these two agents resembles that of phloretin, and supports our earlier findings of the independence of solute and water movement. The effect of chromate on urea movement is seen only in the presence of vasopressin, and only if chromate is added prior to vasopressin. Chromate also proves to be an irreversible inhibitor of urea movement. The implications of these findings are discussed. In view of the known interactions of both agents with proteins, it is suggested that carrier-mediated transport of urea proceeds across a protein component of the membrane.Presented in part at the 57th annual meeting, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Atlantic City, April 1973.  相似文献   

Summary The present study investigated whether the hydrophobic properties (wettability) of the luminal surface of the toad urinary bladder might play a role in modulating water transport across this epithelium. In the absence of vasopressin (ADH), water transport across the tissue was low, while luminal surface hydrophobicity (water contact angle) was relatively high. Following stimulation by ADH, water transport increased and surface hydrophobicity decreased. The addition of indomethacin to inhibit ADH-induced prostaglandin synthesis did not reduce these actions of ADH. In an attempt to alter water transport in this tissue, a liposomal suspension of surface-active phospholipids was administered to the luminal surface. This addition had no detectable influence on the low basal rates of water transport, but blocked the ADH-induced stimulation of water transport. We suggest that surface-active phospholipids on the toad bladder luminal membrane may contribute to the hydrophobic characteristics of this tissue. ADH may act to decrease surface hydrophobicity, facilitating the movement of water molecules across an otherwise impermeable epithelium. This surface alteration may be associated with the appearance of water channels in the apical membrane.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effect of some pharmacological cholinergic agents on the events that follow the interaction of arginine vasopressin with toad bladder membrane receptors related to synthesis of 3′5′cAMP. The water flow through the membrane was measured gravimetrically in sac preparations of the membrane. In the absence of arginine vasopressin (AVP), carbachol induced a significant increase in the water flow (37%) related to the basal (Ringer's solution). On the other hand, when carbachol and AVP were associated, a significant decrease of AVP hydrosmotic activity occurred (23%). The inhibitory effect of carbachol on the AVP action was almost completely abolished by the cholinergic antagonists atropine, pirenzepine, 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine methiodide (4-DAMP) and the calcium antagonist lanthanum. Similarly, when carbachol and 3′5′ cyclic adenosine monophosphate (3′5′cAMP) were associated, a decrease of nucleotide hydrosmotic activity was observed (12.80%). This effect was partially restored by the addition of pirenzepine or 4-DAMP in the bath solution. These results suggest a role for muscarinic receptors of sub-type M1 and M3, which are involved in the intracellular calcium release. The increase of calcium concentration in the intracellular medium acts as a negative modulator in the hydrosmotic action of antidiuretic hormone.  相似文献   

The metabolic cost of active sodium transport was determined in toad bladder at different gradients of transepithelial potential. Deltapsi, by continuous and simultaneous measurements of CO2 production and of transepithelial electric current. Amiloride was used to block active sodium transport in order to assess the nontransport-linked, basal, production of CO2 and the passive permeability of the tissue. From these determinations active sodium transport, Jna, and suprabasal CO2 production, Jsb CO2, were calculated. Since large transients in Jna and Jsb CO2 frequently accompanied any abrupt change in deltapsi, steady state conditions were carefully defined. Some 20 to 40 min were required after a change in deltapsi before steady state of transport activity and of CO2 production were achieved. The metabolic cost of sodium transport proved to be the same whether the bladder expended energy moving sodium against a transepithelial electrical potential grandient of +50 mV or whether sodium was being pulled through "the active transport pathway" by an electrical gradient of -50 mV. In both cases the value of the ratio Jna/Jsb CO2 averaged some 20 sodium ions transported per molecule of CO2 produced. When the Na pump was blocked by 10(-2) M ouabain, the perturbations of the transepithelial electrical potential did not elicit changes of Jna nor, consequently of Jsb CO2. The independence of the ratio Jna/Jsb CO2 from deltapsi over the range+/-50 mV indicates a high degree of coupling between active sodium transport and metabolism.  相似文献   

To assess the active components of sodium flux across toad bladder as a function of transepithelial potential, unidirectional sodium fluxes between identical media were measured before and after adding sufficient ouabain (1.89 X 10(-3)M) to eliminate active transport, while clamping transepithelial potential to 0, 100 or 150 mV. Evidence was adduced that ouabain does not alter passive fluxes, and that fluxes remain constant if ouabain is not added. Hence, the ouabain-inhibitable fluxes represent fluxes through the active path. Results were analyzed by a set of equations, previously shown to describe adequately passive fluxes under electrical gradients in this tissue, here modified by the insertion of E, the potential at which bidirectional sodium fluxes (beta E, and theta E) through the active pathway are equal. According to these equations, beta E and theta E are the logarithmic mean of bidirectional fluxes through the active path at any potential, and the flux ratio in this path is modified by a constant factor Qia, which represents the ratio of the bulk diffusion coefficient to the tracer diffusion coefficient in this pathway. The data are shown to conform closely to these equations. Qia averages 2.54. Hence, serosal-to-mucosal flux vanishes rapidly as potential falls below E. Mean E in these experiments was 158 +/- 1 mV. Thus, linear dependence of net flux in both active and passive pathways on potential is present, even though the sodium fluxes in both paths fail to conform to the Ussing flux ratio equation. Qip less than 1 in the passive path (qualitatively similar to exchange diffusion) and Qia greater than 1 in the active path (as in single file pore diffusion). Both of these features tend to reduce the change in serosal-to-mucosal sodium flux induced by depolarization from spontaneous potential to zero potential ("short-circuiting").  相似文献   

The cardiac glycoside ouabain inhibits transepithelial sodium transport in the toad urinary bladder. It is shown that this drug reduces the rate coefficient for sodium exit at the serosal pump site. In addition, ouabain inhibits entry across the mucosal border whenever the electrochemical potential gradient for sodium is made less favorable. The data are interpreted as indicating the existence of two separate pathways for sodium entry, one of which is ouabain inhibitable.  相似文献   

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