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Nectarivorous bats include very dilute nectar in their natural diet, and recent work with Pallas's long-tongued bat Glossophaga soricina showed that sugar (energy) intake rate decreased at dilute sucrose solutions. However, chiropterophillous nectar is composed mainly of the hexoses glucose and fructose. Because bats fed hexose nectar would save the delay of hydrolyzing sucrose, we hypothesized that sugar intake rate should be higher on this diet than on sucrose nectar. We compared intake response in Pallas's long-tongued bats offered 1 : 1 glucose-fructose (hexose) and sucrose diets at 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% (mass/volume) sugar solutions. We also tested the hypothesis that sucrose hydrolysis limits food intake in bats. Intake response was the same in bats fed both types of diet: sugar intake rate was lower in dilute solutions and then increased with sugar concentration. Similar intake responses in both diets indicate that sucrose hydrolysis alone does not limit food intake and support the idea that the burden of processing excess water in dilute solutions plays a major role.  相似文献   

Many nectar-feeding bird species decrease food intake when sugar concentration in food is increased. This feeding response can be explained by two alternative hypotheses: compensatory feeding and physiological constraint. The compensatory feeding hypothesis predicts that if birds vary intake to maintain a constant energy intake to match energy expenditures, then they should increase intake when expenditures are increased. Broad-tailed hummingbirds were presented with sucrose solutions at four concentrations (292, 584, 876, and 1,168 mmol L(-1)) and exposed to two environmental temperatures (10 degrees and 22 degrees C). Birds decreased volumetric food intake in response to sugar concentration. However, when they were exposed to a relatively sudden drop in environmental temperature and, hence, to an acute increase in thermoregulatory energy expenditures, they did not increase their rate of energy consumption and lost mass. These results support the existence of a physiological constraint on feeding intake. A simple chemical reactor model based on intestinal morphology and in vitro measurements of sucrose hydrolysis predicted observed intake rates closely. This model suggests that intestinal sucrose hydrolysis rates were near maximal and, thus, may have imposed limits to sugar assimilation. Although sugar assimilation was high (95%), the proportions of excreted sucrose, glucose, and fructose found in excreta differed significantly. The monosaccharides glucose and fructose were about eight and three times more abundant than sucrose, respectively. Broad-tailed hummingbirds are small high-altitude endotherms that face unpredictable weather and the energetic expense of premigratory fattening. Digestive processes have the potential to impose severe challenges to their energy budgets.  相似文献   

Nectar-feeding animals increase their food intake when nectar sugar concentration decreases. However, some species present physiological constraints that limit their energy intake when nectar is diluted. We hypothesized that gut capacities of bats affect the ability of these animals to acquire and store energy, modifying how they use food resources in the field. We measured the food intake and changes in body mass of the members of an assemblage of nectar-feeding bats (Choeronycteris mexicana, Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, and Glossophaga soricina) feeding on sucrose solutions of different concentrations (146, 292, 438, 584, 730, 876, and 1,022 mmol L(-1)). The three bat species presented differences in their food intake and their capacity to store energy. While C. mexicana was able to maintain a constant energy intake at all concentrations tested, G. soricina and L. yerbabuenae decreased their sugar/energy intake at the lowest sugar concentrations. Choeronycteris mexicana also increased body mass independent of sugar concentration, while G. soricina and L. yerbabuenae did not. On the basis of our results, we generated a model relating gut capacities and the use of food resources in the field. Our model's predictions and field data support the idea that digestive traits affect the way these animals use the food resources present in their environment.  相似文献   

The diets of frugivorous and nectarivorous vertebrates contain much water and generally have high energy but low protein contents. Therefore, we tested the prediction that to save energy under conditions of high energy demands and high water intake, frugivorous Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) will increase both the absolute quantity and the proportion of ammonia in their urine. We also examined whether such changes occur when protein intake is low and water intake is high. We did three feeding trials. In trials 1 and 2, bats were fed one of four liquid diets containing constant soy protein concentrations but varying in sucrose concentration and were kept at ambient temperatures (T(a)) of 30 degrees Celsius and 12 degrees Celsius, respectively. In trial 3, bats were kept at Ta=12 degrees Celsius and fed one of four liquid diets with equal sucrose concentrations but varying protein concentrations. In trial 1, food intake at a sucrose concentration of 256 mmol/kg H(2)O was initially high but decreased to a constant rate with further increases in sucrose concentration, while in trial 2, food intake decreased exponentially with increasing sucrose concentration. As predicted, at 12 degrees Celsius with varying sucrose concentration, both the absolute quantity and the fraction of ammonia in the bats' urine increased significantly with food intake (P<0.02), while the absolute quantity of urea and the fraction of urea nitrogen excreted decreased significantly with food intake (P<0.03). Varying sucrose concentration had no significant effect on nitrogen excretion at Ta=30 degrees Celsius. Varying protein concentration had no significant effect on nitrogen excretion at Ta=12 degrees Celsius. We suggest that Egyptian fruit bats can increase ammonia excretion in response to increased energetic demands, and we calculate that they can save energy equal to approximately 2% of their daily metabolic rate by doing so.  相似文献   

Food intake in nectar-feeding animals is affected by food quality, their energetic demands, and the environmental conditions they face. These animals increase their food intake in response to a decrease in food quality, a behavior named “intake response”. However, their capacity to achieve compensatory feeding, in which they maintain a constant flux of energy, could be constrained by physiological processes. Here we evaluated how both a seasonal change in environmental conditions and physiological constraints affected the food ingestion in the bat Glossophaga soricina. We measured food intake rate during both the wet/warm and dry/cool seasons at sucrose solutions ranging from 146 to 1,022 mmol L−1. We expected that food intake and metabolic demands would be greater during the dry/cool season. Bats ingested ~20% more food in the dry/cool than in the wet/warm season. Regardless of season, bats were unable to achieve a constant flux of energy when facing the different sugar concentrations that we used in our experiments. This suggests that the rate of food intake is physiologically constrained in G. soricina. Using the digestive capacity of bats we modeled their food intake. The analytic model we used predicts that digestive limitations to ingest energy should have an important effect on the ecology of this species.  相似文献   

Nectar-feeding bats regulate their food ingestion in response to changes in sugar concentration as a way to achieve a constant energy intake. However, their digestive capability to assimilate sugars can limit their total energy intake, particularly when sugar concentration in nectar is low. Our experimental study evaluated the effect that changes in sugar concentration of nectar have on the foraging behavior of the nectar-feeding bats Glossophaga soricina and Leptonycteris yerbabuenae in captivity. We measured foraging behavior and food intake when bats fed at different concentrations of sucrose (5, 15, 25 and 35%wt/vol.). To compensate for low-energy intake, both bat species reduced their flight time, and increased feeding time when sugar concentration decreased. Our results suggest that nectar-feeding bats in nature confront two scenarios with complementary ecological effects: 1) bats feeding on dilute nectars (i.e. ≤15%wt/vol.) should increase the number of flowers visited per night enhancing pollination, and 2) bats feeding on concentrated nectars could spend more time flying, including long- and short-distance-flights increasing food patch exploration for use during subsequent nights, and thus enhancing plant gene flow. Further studies on foraging behavior of nectarivorous bats under natural conditions are necessary to corroborate these hypotheses.  相似文献   

Flower-visiting bats encounter nectars that vary in both sugar composition and concentration. Because in the new world, the nectars of bat-pollinated flowers tend to be dominated by hexoses, we predicted that at equicaloric concentrations, bats would ingest higher volumes of hexoses than sucrose-containing nectars. We investigated the intake response of three species of Neotropical bats, Leptonycteris curasoae, Glossophaga soricina and Artibeus jamaicensis, to sugar solutions of varying concentrations (292, 438, 584, 730, 876, and 1,022 mmol L−1) consisting of either sucrose or 1:1 mixtures of glucose and fructose solutions. Bats did not show differences in their intake response to sucrose and 1:1 glucose–fructose solutions, indicating that digestion and absorption in bat intestines are designed under the principle of symmorphosis, in which no step is more limiting than the other. Our results also suggest that, on the basis of energy intake, bats should not prefer hexoses over sucrose. We used a mathematical model that uses the rate of sucrose hydrolysis measured in vitro and the small intestinal volume of bats to predict the rate of nectar intake as a function of sugar concentration. The model was a good predictor of the intake responses of L. curasoae and G. soricina, but not of A. jamaicensis.  相似文献   

Nectarivorous birds encounter varying nectar concentrations while foraging on different food plants and must adjust their consumption to maintain constant energy intake. We determined how rapidly captive whitebellied sunbirds (Cinnyris talatala) adjust their volumetric intake and feeding patterns after changes in diet concentration. On four consecutive days, birds were fed sucrose diets alternating between a standard diet of 16% w/w and test diets of 2.5, 8.5, 16 or 30% w/w, respectively, for 1.5 h periods. Feeding events were recorded with an infrared photo-detection system and food intake and body mass were monitored continuously by electronic balances interfaced to a computer. Generally, birds demonstrated a measurable increase in feeding frequency and food intake within 10 min after a decrease in sucrose concentration. However, individuals responded differently to the most dilute diet (2.5%): while most increased their food intake, others stopped feeding for a short while, appearing to dislike this diet. Furthermore, the number and duration of feeding events increased in the first 5 min after the switch from 2.5% back to 16%, as the birds attempted to compensate for previous reduced sugar intake. Daily sugar intake was lower when birds alternated between 2.5 and 16% diets than on other test days, but birds were able to maintain body mass, presumably through behavioural adjustments.  相似文献   

Nectarivory has evolved repeatedly in a number of unrelated bird taxa throughout the world and nectar feeding birds, regardless of their taxonomic affiliation, display convergent foraging and food processing adaptations that allow them to subsist on weak sugar solutions. However, phylogeny influences sugar type preferences of nectarivores. We investigated sugar preferences, assimilation efficiency and water flux in a Neotropical honeycreeper, the Bananaquit (Coereba flaveola; Coerebidae), a member of a radiation of tanagers and finches. Bananaquits showed no preference for nearly equicaloric (25% w/v) sucrose, glucose, fructose or glucose-fructose mixtures in pair-wise choice tests. In agreement with this lack of preference, they were equally efficient at absorbing sucrose and both hexoses. Apparent assimilation efficiency of these sugars was around 97.5%. In pair-wise tests, Bananaquits displayed a strong preference for the most concentrated sucrose solution when the lowest concentration ranged from 276 to 522 mM. Between 522 and 1120 mM sucrose solution concentrations, Bananaquits were able to adjust their volumetric food intake in order to maintain a constant energy intake. At solution concentration of 276 mM, birds could not maintain their rate of energy intake by increasing food consumption enough. We consider that at low sugar concentrations, Bananaquits faced a physiological constraint; they were unable to process food at a fast enough rate to meet their energy needs. We also explored the possibility that dilute nectars might be essential to sustain high water needs of Bananaquits by allowing them to control osmolarity of the food. Between 276 and 1120 mM sucrose solution concentrations, average amount of free water drunk by Bananaquits was independent of food concentration. They drank very little supplementary water and did not effectively dilute concentrated nectars. The evidence suggests that water bulk of dilute nectars is a burden to Bananaquits.  相似文献   

Fruit- and nectar-feeding bats have high energy demands because of the cost of flight, and sugar is a good fuel because it is easily digested and absorbed. This study investigated the digestive efficiency of different sugars at different concentrations in Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi). We predicted that the sugar type and concentration would affect the total amount of solution consumed, while the total energy gained and the apparent assimilation efficiency would be high, irrespective of sugar type or concentration. Equicaloric solutions of two sugar types, glucose and sucrose, at low (10%), medium (15%) and high (25%) concentrations were offered in separate trials to bats. Total amount of solution consumed, total energy gained from each solution, and apparent assimilation efficiency, were measured. Bats had higher total volumetric intake of glucose and sucrose at the low concentrations than at the higher concentrations. However, bats maintained similar total energy intake on the respective glucose and sucrose concentrations. Bats were found to have high assimilation efficiencies on both glucose and sucrose irrespective of concentration. As bats used both sugars efficiently to maximize and maintain energy gain, it is expected that they feed opportunistically on fruit in the wild depending on temporal and spatial availability to obtain their energy requirements. Furthermore, fruit with high sucrose or glucose content will be consumed.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of water and nitrogen intake on nitrogenous waste composition in the nectarivorous Pallas's long-tongued bat Glossophaga soricina (Phyllostomidae) to test the hypothesis that bats reduce excretion of urea nitrogen and increase the excretion of ammonia nitrogen as nitrogen intake decreases and water intake decreases. Because changes in urine nitrogen composition are expected only in animals whose natural diets are low in nitrogen and high in water content, we also measured maintenance nitrogen requirements (MNR). We hypothesized that, similar to other plant-eating vertebrates, nectarivorous bats have low MNR. Our nitrogen excretion hypothesis was partly proved correct. There was an increase in the proportion of N excreted as ammonia and a decrease in the proportion excreted as urea in low-nitrogen diets. The proportion of N excreted as ammonia and urea was independent of water intake. Most individuals were ureotelic (n = 28), and only a few were ureo-ammonotelic (n = 3) or ammonotelic (n = 2). According to our nitrogen requirement hypothesis, apparent MNR (60 mg kg(-0.75) d(-1)) and truly digestible MNR (54 mg N kg(-0.75) d(-1)) were low. A decrease in urea excretion in low-nitrogen diets may result from urea recycling from liver to the gut functioning as a nitrogen salvage system in nectarivorous bats. This mechanism probably contributes to the low MNR found in Pallas's long-tongued bats.  相似文献   

Whether nectarivores or frugivores place selective pressure on the plants they feed on, in terms of nectar or fruit traits, is much debated. Globally sugar preferences, concentration preference and digestive ability of avian nectarivores have been extensively researched. In contrast, relatively little is known about mammalian nectarivores or frugivores in terms of these, particularly Old World species. Consequently effect of sugar type and concentration on food preference in Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat Epomophorus wahlbergi was investigated. Pair-wise choice tests were conducted using equicaloric hexose and sucrose solutions at five different concentrations (5%-25%). It was expected that they would prefer hexose sugars as these are dominant in available indigenous fruits. However, bats preferred hexoses only when offered dilute (5%) concentrations. From 10% to 25% they showed a decrease in volume intake. Their body mass was generally higher and similar after feeding during the night with the exception of 5% concentration where the mean body mass decreased. When E. wahlbergi were offered a range of sucrose or hexose solutions (10%-25%) respectively, they showed no concentration preference in terms of total volume consumed, nor energy intake. These findings suggest that these fruit bats do not appear to act as a selective pressure on sugar composition in Old World fruit. In fruit bats with high energy requirements, dietary flexibility may be an advantage when faced with seasonal and unpredictable fruit availability.  相似文献   

To investigate feeding‐related decisions in Aedes aegypti (L.), adults are presented with simple diets of paired gustatory stimuli conveying information concerning energy content, nutrient richness, osmotic balance and food toxicity in a two‐diet matrix assay. Assessment of mosquito gut contents indicates that both sexes accept single sugar diets in a dose‐dependent manner. When presented with a choice between two different yet equimolar sugar solutions, more individuals of both sexes accept the disaccharides, sucrose and trehalose, than the monosacharrides, fructose and glucose. The combination of pyranose and furanose sugars in solution, either physically associated (as in sucrose) or present as monomers (as glucose and fructose), is accepted over solutions containing a single sugar moiety. Using the two‐diet matrix assay, mosquito diet‐choice is also tested between two equimolar sucrose ‘driver’ solutions in which one is presented with various concentrations of another potential feeding cue ‘test’ compound (i.e. each of the 20 naturally‐occurring amino acids, sodium chloride, quinine or caffeine). Diet‐choice between the ‘driver’ sucrose‐only solution and the solution of the ‘driver’ sucrose containing a ‘test’ amino acid is influenced by sex, amino acid concentration and sucrose concentration. There is also an example of synergism between the diet components, leucine and sucrose. Mosquitoes demonstrate a dose‐dependent acceptance of sucrose‐only diets over sodium chloride‐containing sucrose when presented together. Interestingly, the sucrose‐only diet is accepted by more mosquitoes than all concentrations of the saline‐containing sucrose diets except those approximately isotonic to mosquito haemolymph, at which concentration mosquitoes show no clear choice between the diets. More individuals of both sexes accept sucrose‐only diets than the diets of caffeine‐containing sucrose in a dose‐dependent manner. Only females, however, respond to quinine‐containing sucrose diets and modulate this behaviour in relation to the energetic reward: more females imbibed quinine‐containing sucrose at the higher sucrose concentration (1 m ). A systematic characterization of diet selection behaviour of A. aegypti is presented for 27 putative feeding cues potentially involved in nectar/honeydew feeding. This study will be used as a basis from which to investigate further the mosquito's assessment of food quality and ultimately host choice.  相似文献   

In independent assays, workers of the ant Camponotus mus were conditioned to visit an arena where they found a large drop of sucrose solution of different concentrations, from 5 to 70% weight on weight (w/w). Single ants were allowed to collect the sucrose solution ad libitum, and feeding time, feeding interruptions, crop load, and intake rates were recorded. Feeding time increased exponentially with sucrose concentration, and this relationship was quantitatively described by the increase in viscosity with concentration corresponding to pure sucrose solutions. Ants collecting dilute solutions (5 to 15% w/w) returned to the nest with partial crop loads. Crop filling increased with increasing sucrose concentration, and reached a maximum at 42.6% w/w. Workers collecting highly concentrated solutions (70% w/w) also returned to the nest with a partially-filled crop, as observed for dilute solutions. Nectar intake rate was observed to increase with increasing sucrose concentration in the range 5 to 30% sucrose. It reached a maximum at 30.8%, and declined with increasing sucrose concentration. Results suggest that both sucrose concentration and viscosity of the ingested solution modulate feeding mechanics as well as the worker's decision about the load size to be collected before leaving the source.  相似文献   

Summary Field observations of the adult European skipper, Thymelicus lineola (Ochs), feeding on concentrated nectars (40–65% sucrose) from a variety of flower species led us to question recent literature stating that butterflies feed primarily, and most effectively, on dilute nectars. Rate of sucrose solution intake, volume consumed and feeding duration were measured for males and females at 25 and 35°C under laboratory conditions. As sucrose concentration increased, the volume of solution ingested per meal first increased and then decreased gradually, while sucrose intake was highest at concentrations 40%. Females fed more than males at all concentrations >10% while temperature had no significant effect on meal size. Feeding duration increased with concentration, was shorter at 35 than at 25°C, and was longer for females than males.The rate of volume intake decreased as concentration incresed, but not nearly as rapidly as predicted by earlier models. Rates did not differ between the sexes but were faster at 35 than 25°C. This increase was contributed to equally by a reduction in viscosity and an increase in power output of the cibarial pump. The form of the relations was similar, with maximum rate of sucrose intake occurring at 40% sucrose.A new mathematical model was developed to describe the rate — concentration relation based on the Hagen-Poiseuille equation for laminar fluid flow through pipes. Our model differs from previous models principally in that the power output of the insect's cibarial pump remains relatively constant while the pressure drop created by the pump to induce suction is highly variable. This change results in a very different feeding rate — sucrose concentration function with the optimal rate of sucrose intake at a concentration of approximately 40%. The model indicates that the same relation should hold for a wide range of proboscis shape and size and type of suction pump, and should therefore be applicable to all other nectar feeders with sucking mouth parts. Independent verifications of the model were carried out by measuring the rate of uptake of sucrose solutions of the adult common armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haw.), and of human subjects using a volumetric pipette, both of which gave an excellent fit.Nectar concentrations which correspond to optimal rates of sucrose intake should be highly preferred by insects with high feeding costs, those which are time-limited, or which are very vulnerable while feeding. High transport costs and severe water stress may shift preferences to higher and lower concentrations respectively.  相似文献   

Increased orosensory stimulation from palatable diets and decreased feedback from gut signals have been proposed as contributing factors to obesity development. Whether altered taste functions associated with obesity are common traits or acquired deficits to environmental factors, such as a high-energy (HE)-diet, however, is not clear. To address this, we examined preference and sensitivity of increasing concentrations of sucrose solutions in rats prone (OP) and resistant (OR) to obesity during chow and HE feeding and measured lingual gene expression of the sweet taste receptor T1R3. When chow-fed, OP rats exhibited reduced preference and acceptance of dilute sucrose solutions, sham-fed less sucrose compared to OR rats, and had reduced lingual T1R3 gene expression. HE-feeding abrogated differences in sucrose preference and intake and lingual T1R3 expression between phenotypes. Despite similar sucrose intakes however, OP rats consumed significantly more total calories during 48-h two-bottle testing compared to OR rats. The results demonstrate that OP rats have an innate deficit for sweet taste detection, as illustrated by a reduction in sensitivity to sweets and reduced T1R3 gene expression; however their hyperphagia and subsequent obesity during HE-feeding is most likely not due to altered consumption of sweets.  相似文献   

Digestive capabilities of nectar-feeding vertebrates to assimilate sugars affect their ability to acquire and store energy and could determine the minimal temperatures at which these animals can survive. Here, we described the sugar digestive capability of Leptonycteris nivalis and related it with its capacity to live in cold environments. We measured the enzymatic activity, food intake rate and changes in body mass of bats feeding at four different sucrose concentrations (from 5 to 35% wt./vol.). Additionally, we used a mathematical model to predict food intake and compared it with the food intake of bats. L. nivalis was able to obtain ~ 111.3 kJ of energy regardless of the sugar concentration of their food. Also, bats gained ~ 2.57 g of mass during the experimental trials and this gain was independent of sugar concentration. The affinity (1 / Km) of sucrase (EC was one order of magnitude higher relative to that reported for its sister species Leptonycteris yerbabuenae (0.250 and 0.0189 mmol? 1 L, respectively), allowing this species to have a higher energy intake rate. We propose that the high ability to acquire energy conferred L. nivalis the faculty to invade cold environments, avoiding in this way the ecological competition with its sympatric species L. yerbabuenae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fifth stadium tobacco hornworm caterpillars, Manduca sexta (L.), given artificial diet diluted to varying extents with either cellulose or water compensated for the food's reduced nutrient content by eating more of it. This compensation was, however, in most cases not sufficient to maintain normal growth rates. When the water content of the diet was reduced, the insects ate less than the usual fresh weight of food but maintained their intake of nutrients. Nevertheless, growth rate was impaired. The insects were better able to compensate for dilution of their food with water than with cellulose. The efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) was decreased when the diet was adulterated with cellulose. At moderate dilution (50% nutrient) this was due mostly to decreased approximate digestibility (AD), but at greater dilution (25% and 10% nutrient content) the efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) was decreased. ECI was maintained when the water content of the diet was increased to give 50% nutrient concentration, but was decreased when water content was changed more radically (200%, 25% and 10% nutrient diets). This was due mostly to increased metabolic costs (decreased ECD) in all cases. The retention time of food in the gut was progressively decreased (i.e. speed of passage was increased) as nutrients were replaced by cellulose. By contrast, dilution of the diet with water resulted in only slight changes in retention time, except at extreme dilution (10% nutrient content) when retention time was reduced. Compensation of food intake was achieved by spending more (or less) time eating. Video analysis of feeding behaviour showed that there were significant changes in the length of feeding bouts and of interfeed gaps when caterpillars fed on diets of altered composition. For diets diluted with cellulose, changes in bout length and bout frequency contributed substantially to the increased time spent feeding on the adulterated food. For diets diluted with water, however, almost all of the compensatory change in behaviour was due to increased bout length, with bout frequency affected only slightly. This suggests that volumetric feedback contributes principally to the termination of feeding bouts in caterpillars, while nutrient flow may affect both the initiation and termination of feeding.  相似文献   

Nectar-feeding bats play an important role in natural communities acting as pollinators; however, the characteristics that affect their food selection are unclear. Here we explore the role that sugar gustatory thresholds and sugar concentration play on sugar selection of Glossophaga soricina and Leptonycteris yerbabuenae. We offered bats paired feeders containing sugar solutions of sucrose (S), glucose (G) or fructose (F) vs. pure water, and sucrose vs. 1:1 equicaloric solutions of glucose–fructose at 5, 15 and 35% (wt./vol.). To see the effect of sweetness on sugar selection, we habituated the bats with a diet containing either sucrose or hexoses and subsequently evaluated sugar preferences. Sugar thresholds were S < G,F for G. soricina and G < S < F for L. yerbabuenae. These thresholds did not match with sugar preferences when the bats fed on dilute nectars. L. yerbabuenae changed its sugar preferences with concentration while G. soricina did not. Finally, the bats consistently preferred the sugar they were habituated to. Our results suggest that bats become accustomed to the sugar found in the most abundant plants they use, and thus prefer the most common sugars included in their diet. This could confer an advantage by allowing them shifting sugar preferences on the most common food present in their environment.  相似文献   

Caloric restriction (CR) has been widely accepted as a mechanism explaining increased lifespan (LS) in organisms subjected to dietary restriction (DR), but recent studies investigating the role of nutrients have challenged the role of CR in extending longevity. Fuelling this debate is the difficulty in experimentally disentangling CR and nutrient effects due to compensatory feeding (CF) behaviour. We quantified CF by measuring the volume of solution imbibed and determined how calories and nutrients influenced LS and fecundity in unmated females of the Queensland fruit fly, Bactocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae). We restricted flies to one of 28 diets varying in carbohydrate:protein (C:P) ratios and concentrations. On imbalanced diets, flies overcame dietary dilutions, consuming similar caloric intakes for most dilutions. The response surface for LS revealed that increasing C:P ratio while keeping calories constant extended LS, with the maximum LS along C:P ratio of 21:1. In general, LS was reduced as caloric intake decreased. Lifetime egg production was maximized at a C:P ratio of 3:1. When given a choice of separate sucrose and yeast solutions, each at one of five concentrations (yielding 25 choice treatments), flies regulated their nutrient intake to match C:P ratio of 3:1. Our results (i) demonstrate that CF can overcome dietary dilutions; (ii) reveal difficulties with methods presenting fixed amounts of liquid diet; (iii) illustrate the need to measure intake to account for CF in DR studies and (iv) highlight nutrients rather than CR as a dominant influence on LS.  相似文献   

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