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Competition of the trivalent cation, Co(NH3)(3+)(6), with K+ and Na+ ions in binding to DNA was studied by equilibrating oriented DNA fibers with ethanol/water solutions (65 and 52% v/v EtOH), containing different combinations and concentrations of KCl and NaCl and constant concentration (0.8 mM) of Co(NH3)(6)Cl(3). The degree of Co(NH3)(3+)(6) binding to DNA does not depend significantly on the ethanol concentration or on the kind of univalent cation (Na+ or K+). The ion exchange selectivity coefficient of monovalent-trivalent ion competition, D(1)(c3), increases with the concentration of Me+, C(o)(+), and the monotonic dependence of log D(1)(c3) vs log C(o)(+) has an inflection between 100 and 300 mM that is caused by a structural transformation of DNA from A- to B-form. The ion exchange experimental data are compared with results of grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations of systems of parallel and hexagonally ordered, discretely charged polyions with density and spatial distribution of the charged groups modeling B- and A-forms of DNA. The GCMC method for discretely charged models of the DNA polyion produces a quantitative agreement with experimental data on trivalent-monovalent ion competition in dependence on DNA structural state and salt concentration. Based on this and previous studies it is concluded that the affinity of DNA for the cations decreases in the order Co(NH3)(3+)(6) > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > Na+ approximately K+ > Li+. DNA does not exhibit selectivity for Na+ or K+ in ethanol/water solutions either in the absence or in the presence of Co(NH3)(3+)(6), Ca2+, and Mg2+.  相似文献   

Various Ca(2+) antagonists used in animal research, many of them known to be Ca(2+) channel blockers, inhibited Escherichia coli chemotaxis (measured as entry of cells into a capillary containing attractant). The most effective of these, acting in the nanomolar range, was omega-conotoxin GVIA. The next most effective were gallopamil and verapamil. At concentrations around 100-fold higher than that needed for inhibition of chemotaxis, each of these antagonists inhibited motility (measured as entry of cells into a capillary lacking attractant). Various other Ca(2+) antagonists were less effective, though chemotaxis was almost always more sensitive to inhibition than was motility. Cells treated with each of these Ca(2+) antagonists swam with a running bias, i.e., tumbling was inhibited. Similarly, some Na(+) antagonists used in animal research inhibited bacterial chemotaxis. E. coli chemotaxis was inhibited by saxitoxin at concentrations above 10(-7) M, while more than 10(-4) M was needed to inhibit motility. Cells treated with saxitoxin swam with a tumbling bias. In the case of other Na(+) antagonists in animals, aconitine inhibited bacterial chemotaxis 10 times more effectively than it inhibited motility, and two others inhibited chemotaxis and motility at about the same concentration. In the case of K(+) antagonists used in animal research, 4-aminopyridine blocked E. coli chemotaxis between 10(-3) M and, totally, 10(-2) M, while motility was not affected at 10(-2) M; on the other hand, tetraethylammonium chloride failed to inhibit either chemotaxis or motility at 10(-2) M.  相似文献   

YJ Won  F Ono  SR Ikeda 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42602


Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) somata from rodents have provided an excellent model system to study ion channel properties and modulation using electrophysiological investigation. As in other vertebrates, zebrafish (Danio rerio) DRG are organized segmentally and possess peripheral axons that bifurcate into each body segment. However, the electrical properties of zebrafish DRG sensory neurons, as compared with their mammalian counterparts, are relatively unexplored because a preparation suitable for electrophysiological studies has not been available.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We show enzymatically dissociated DRG neurons from juvenile zebrafish expressing Isl2b-promoter driven EGFP were easily identified with fluorescence microscopy and amenable to conventional whole-cell patch-clamp studies. Two kinetically distinct TTX-sensitive Na+ currents (rapidly- and slowly-inactivating) were discovered. Rapidly-inactivating INa were preferentially expressed in relatively large neurons, while slowly-inactivating INa was more prevalent in smaller DRG neurons. RT-PCR analysis suggests zscn1aa/ab, zscn8aa/ab, zscn4ab and zscn5Laa are possible candidates for these INa components. Voltage-gated Ca2+ currents (ICa) were primarily (87%) comprised of a high-voltage activated component arising from ω-conotoxin GVIA-sensitive CaV2.2 (N-type) Ca2+ channels. A few DRG neurons (8%) displayed a miniscule low-voltage-activated component. ICa in zebrafish DRG neurons were modulated by neurotransmitters via either voltage-dependent or -independent G-protein signaling pathway with large cell-to-cell response variability.


Our present results indicate that, as in higher vertebrates, zebrafish DRG neurons are heterogeneous being composed of functionally distinct subpopulations that may correlate with different sensory modalities. These findings provide the first comparison of zebrafish and rodent DRG neuron electrical properties and thus provide a basis for future studies.  相似文献   

The Na(+),K(+)-ATPase is an integral membrane protein which transports sodium and potassium cations against an electrochemical gradient. The transport of Na(+) and K(+) ions is presumably connected to an oscillation of the enzyme between the two conformational states, the E(1) (Na(+)) and the E(2) (K(+)) conformations. The E(1) and E(2) states have different affinities for ligand interaction. However, the determination of the secondary structure of this enzyme in its sodium and potassium forms has been the subject of much controversy. This study was designed to provide a quantitative analysis of the secondary structure of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in its sodium (E(1)) and potassium (E(2)) states in both H(2)O and D(2)O solutions at physiological pH, using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) with its self-deconvolution and second derivative resolution enhancement methods, as well as curve-fitting procedures. Spectroscopic analysis showed that the secondary structure of the sodium salt of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase in H(2)O solution contains alpha-helix 19.8+/-1%, beta-sheet 25.6+/-1%, turn 9.1+/-1%, and beta-anti 7.5+/-1%, whereas in D(2)O solution, the enzyme shows alpha-helix 16.8+/-1%, beta-sheet 24.5+/-1.5%, turn 10.9+/-1%, beta-anti 9.8+/-1%, and random coil 38.0+/-2%. Similarly, the potassium salt in H(2)O solution contains alpha-helix 16.6+/-1%, beta-sheet 26.4+/-1.5%, turn 8.9+/-1%, and beta-anti 8.1+/-1%, while in D(2)O solution it shows alpha-helix 16.2+/-1%, beta-sheet 24.5+/-1.5%, turn 10.3+/-1%, beta-anti 9.0+/-1%, and random coil 40+/-2%. Thus the main differences for the sodium and potassium forms of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase are alpha-helix 3.2% in H(2)O and 0.6% in D(2)O, beta-sheet (pleated and anti) 1.5% in H(2)O and random structure 2% (D(2)O), while for other minor components (turn structure), the differences are less than 1%.  相似文献   

Platelet aggregation was decreased under action of ADP and collagen in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome. The decrease in aggregation started from 3-rd minutes and decreased in 4 and 5 minutes after action of ADP. The study of Ca(2+)-ATPase and Na+, K(+)-ATPase membrane activities showed the decrease in Ca(2+)-ATPase and increase in Na+, K(+)-ATPase activity in the patients with myelodysplastic syndrome.  相似文献   

The focus of this article is on progress in establishing structure-function relationships through site-directed mutagenesis and direct binding assay of Tl(+), Rb(+), K(+), Na(+), Mg(2+) or free ATP at equilibrium in Na,K-ATPase. Direct binding may identify residues coordinating cations in the E(2)[2K] or E(1)P[3Na] forms of the ping-pong reaction sequence and allow estimates of their contributions to the change of Gibbs free energy of binding. This is required to understand the molecular basis for the pronounced Na/K selectivity at the cytoplasmic and extracellular surfaces. Intramembrane Glu(327) in transmembrane segment M4, Glu(779) in M5, Asp(804) and Asp(808) in M6 are essential for tight binding of K(+) and Na(+). Asn(324) and Glu(327) in M4, Thr(774), Asn(776), and Glu(779) in 771-YTLTSNIPEITP of M5 contribute to Na(+)/K(+) selectivity. Free ATP binding identifies Arg(544) as essential for high affinity binding of ATP or ADP. In the 708-TGDGVND segment, mutations of Asp(710) or Asn(713) do not interfere with free ATP binding. Asp(710) is essential and Asn(713) is important for coordination of Mg(2+) in the E(1)P[3Na] complex, but they do not contribute to Mg(2+) binding in the E(2)P-ouabain complex. Transition to the E(2)P form involves a shift of Mg(2+) coordination away from Asp(710) and Asn(713) and the two residues become more important for hydrolysis of the acyl phosphate bond at Asp(369).  相似文献   

We used the direct route of occlusion to study the equilibrium between free and occluded Rb(+) in the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, in media with different concentrations of ATP, Mg(2+), or Na(+). An empirical equation, with the restrictions imposed by the stoichiometry of ligand binding was fitted to the data. This allowed us to identify which states of the enzyme were present in each condition and to work out the schemes and equations that describe the equilibria between the ATPase, Rb(+), and ATP, Mg(2+), or Na(+). These equations were fitted to the corresponding experimental data to find out the values of the equilibrium constants of the reactions connecting the different enzyme states. The three ligands decreased the apparent affinity for Rb(+) occlusion without affecting the occlusion capacity. With [ATP] tending to infinity, enzyme species with one or two occluded Rb(+) seem to be present and full occlusion seems to occur in enzymes saturated with the nucleotide. In contrast, when either [Mg(2+)] or [Na(+)] tended to infinity no occlusion was detectable. Both Mg(2+) and Na(+) are displaced by Rb(+) through a process that seems to need the binding and occlusion of two Rb(+), which suggests that in these conditions Rb(+) occlusion regains the stoichiometry of the physiological operation of the Na(+) pump.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of acute ethanol (EtOH) toxicity and of exogenous melatonin (MLT) on this toxicity were examined by measuring membrane-bound ATPases and acetylcholinesterase activities in rat synaptosomal membranes. The concentrations of plasma -tocopherol and adrenal ascorbic acid (AA) were also measured. Synaptosomal Na+,K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase activities were significantly depressed in acute EtOH-intoxicated rats compared with controls, while acetylcholinesterase activity remained unaltered. Pretreatment with MLT (10 mg/kg) prior to acute EtOH administration prevented EtOH-induced inhibition of ATPases. Adrenal AA and plasma -tocopherol levels were also depressed regardless of MLT pretreatment. MLT treatment alone affected neither membrane-bound enzyme activities nor tissue and blood levels of vitamins C and E. It is concluded that acute EtOH intoxication disturbs neural transport functions through the membrane-bound ATPase activity depression. Reduced AA and -tocopherol levels may contribute to the neurodegenerative effects of EtOH. However, pretreatment with a high dose of MLT before EtOH administration may be beneficial to prevent EtOH-induced toxicity on ATPase-mediated neural transport functions.  相似文献   

High-conductanceCa2+-activatedK+(KCa) channels werestudied in mouse skeletal muscle fibers using thepatch-clamp technique. In inside-out patches, application of negativepressure to the patch induced a dose-dependent and reversibleactivation of KCa channels.Stretch-induced increase in channel activity was found to be of thesame magnitude in the presence and in the absence ofCa2+ in the pipette. Thedose-response relationships betweenKCa channel activity andintracellular Ca2+ and betweenKCa channel activity and membranepotential revealed that voltage andCa2+ sensitivity were not alteredby membrane stretch. In cell-attached patches, in the presence of highexternal Ca2+ concentration,stretch-induced activation was also observed. We conclude that membranestretch is a potential mode of regulation of skeletal muscleKCa channel activity and could beinvolved in the regulation of muscle excitability duringcontraction-relaxation cycles.


CC Kuo  FP Chen 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(5):2552-2562
Modulation of voltage-dependent transient K(+) currents (A type K(+) or K(A) current) by Zn(2+) was studied in rat hippocampal neurons by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. It is found that Zn(2+) selectively binds to the resting (deactivated or closed) K(A) channels with a dissociation constant (K(d)) of approximately 3 &mgr;M, whereas the affinity between Zn(2+) and the inactivated K(A) channels is 1000-fold lower. Zn(2+) therefore produces a concentration-dependent shift of the K(A) channel inactivation curve and enhances the K(A) current elicited from relatively positive holding potentials. It is also found that the kinetics of Zn(2+) action are fast enough to compete with the transition rates between different gating states of the channel. The rapid and selective binding of Zn(2+) to the closed K(A) channels keeps the channel in the closed state and explains the ion's concentration-dependent slowing effect on the activation of K(A) current. This in turn accounts for the inhibitory effect of Zn(2+) on the K(A) current elicited from hyperpolarized holding potentials. Because the molecular mechanisms underlying these gating changes are kinetic interactions between the binding-unbinding of Zn(2+) and the intrinsic gating processes of the channel, the shift of the inactivation curve and slowing of K(A) channel activation are quantitatively correlated with ambient Zn(2+) over a wide concentration range without "saturation"; i.e., The effects are already manifest in micromolar Zn(2+), yet are not saturated even in millimolar Zn(2+). Because the physiological concentration of Zn(2+) could vary over a similarly wide range according to neural activities, Zn(2+) may be a faithful physiological "fine tuner," controlling and controlled by neural activities through its effect on the K(A) current.  相似文献   

To study the mechanisms for local evolutionary changes in DNA sequences involving slippage-type insertions and deletions, an alignment approach is explored that can consider the posterior probabilities of alignment models. Various patterns of insertion and deletion that can link the ancestor and descendant sequences are proposed and evaluated by simulation and compared by the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. Analyses of pseudogenes reveal that the introduction of the parameters that control the probability of slippage-type events markedly augments the probability of the observed sequence evolution, arguing that a cryptic involvement of slippage occurrences is manifested as insertions and deletions of short nucleotide segments. Strikingly, approximately 80% of insertions in human pseudogenes and approximately 50% of insertions in murids pseudogenes are likely to be caused by the slippage-mediated process, as represented by BC in ABCD --> ABCBCD. We suggest that, in both human and murids, even very short repetitive motifs, such as CAGCAG, CACACA, and CCCC, have approximately 10- to 15-fold susceptibility to insertions and deletions, compared to nonrepetitive sequences. Our protocol, namely, indel-MCMC, thus seems to be a reasonable approach for statistical analyses of the early phase of microsatellite evolution.  相似文献   

It has been inferred from previous studies that Mn2+ ions bind preferentially to G·C base pairs in DNA, and it has even been suggested that this preference for G·C pairs might be responsible for some of the Mn2+ specific effects observed in various biochemical reactions. In this paper we investigate the AT/GC preference of Mn2+ by direct competition studies in which AT-rich DNA was dialyzed against GC-rich DNA in the presence of varying amounts of Mn2+. Analysis of these results demonstrates that over a wide range of Mn2+/DNA(P) molar ratios, Mn2+ binds to A·T and to G·C base pairs with virtually identical affinity, although in a somewhat different mode. Both the present and previous nmr, uv, CD, and melting studies are discussed in terms of the different modes of binding of Mn2+ to single- and double-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Based on the following observations we propose that the cytoplasmic loop between trans-membrane segments M6 and M7 (L6/7) of the alpha subunit of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase acts as an entrance port for Na(+) and K(+) ions. 1) In defined conditions chymotrypsin specifically cleaves L6/7 in the M5/M6 fragment of 19-kDa membranes, produced by extensive proteolysis of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, and in parallel inactivates Rb(+) occlusion. 2) Dissociation of the M5/M6 fragment from 19-kDa membranes is prevented either by occluded cations or by competitive antagonists such as Ca(2+), Mg(2+), La(3+), p-xylylene bisguanidinium and m-xylylene bisguanidinium, or 1-bromo-2,4, 6-tris(methylisothiouronium)benzene and 1,3-dibromo-2,4,6-tris (methylisothiouronium)benzene (Br(2)-TITU(3+)). 3) Ca(2+) ions raise electrophoretic mobility of the M5/M6 fragment but not that of the other fragments of the alpha subunit. It appears that negatively charged residues in L6/7 recognize either Na(+) or K(+) ions or the competitive cation antagonists. Na(+) and K(+) ions are then occluded within trans-membrane segments and can be transported, whereas the cation antagonists are not occluded and block transport at the entrance port. The cytoplasmic segment of the beta subunit appears to be close to or contributes to the entrance port, as inferred from the following observations. 1) Specific chymotryptic cleavage of the 16-kDa fragment of the beta subunit to 15-kDa at 20 degrees C (Shainskaya, A., and Karlish, S. J. D. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 10309-10316) markedly reduces affinity for Br(2)-TITU(3+) and for Na(+) ions, detected by Na(+) occlusion assays or electrogenic Na(+) binding, whereas Rb(+) occlusion is unchanged. 2) Na(+) ions specifically protect the 16-kDa fragment against this chymotryptic cleavage.  相似文献   

Using the patch-clamp technique, we demonstrate that, in depolarized cell-attached patches from mouse skeletal muscle fibers, a short hyperpolarization to resting value is followed by a transient activation of Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (K(Ca)) upon return to depolarized levels. These results indicate that sparse sites of passive Ca(2+) influx at resting potentials are responsible for a subsarcolemmal Ca(2+) load high enough to induce K(Ca) channel activation upon muscle activation. We then investigate this phenomenon in mdx dystrophin-deficient muscle fibers, in which an elevated Ca(2+) influx and a subsequent subsarcolemmal Ca(2+) overload are suspected. The number of Ca(2+) entry sites detected with K(Ca) was found to be greater in mdx muscle. K(Ca) activity reflecting subsarcolemmal Ca(2+) load was also found to be independent of the activity of leak channels carrying inward currents at negative potentials in mdx muscle. These results indicate that the sites of passive Ca(2+) influx newly described in this study could represent the Ca(2+) influx pathways responsible for the subsarcolemmal Ca(2+) overload in mdx muscle fibers.  相似文献   

The role of Na(+), K(+), Cl(-)-cotransport (NKCC) in apoptosis of HepG2 human hepatoblastoma cells was investigated. Pinacidil (Pin), an activator of ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channels, induced apoptosis in a dose- and time-dependent manner in HepG2 cells. Pin increased intracellular K(+) concentration ([K(+)](i)). Bumetanide and furosemide, NKCC inhibitors, significantly inhibited the Pin-induced increased [K(+)](i) and apoptosis, whereas K(ATP) inhibitors (glibenclamide and tolbutamide) had no effects. The Pin-induced [K(+)](i) increase was significantly prevented by reducing extracellular Cl(-) concentration, and Pin also increased intracellular Na(+) concentration ([Na(+)](i)), further indicating that these effects of Pin may be due to NKCC activation. In addition, Pin induced a rapid and sustained increase in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)), which was completely prevented by the NKCC inhibitors. Treatment with EGTA or BAPTA/AM markedly inhibited the Pin-induced apoptosis. Inhibitors of Na(+), Ca(2+)-exchanger, bepridil, and benzamil significantly prevented both [Ca(2+)](i) increase and apoptosis induced by Pin. Taken together, these results suggest that Pin increases [Na(+)](i) through NKCC activation, which leads to stimulation of reverse-mode of Na(+), Ca(2+) exchanger, resulting in [Ca(2+)](i) increase, and in turn, apoptosis. These results further suggest that NKCC may be a good target for induction of apoptosis in human hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

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