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New Megakhosaridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) are described from the Permian of Russia: Ivakhosara pectinimedia gen. et sp. nov., Megakhosarina intricata sp. nov. and M. minuscula sp. nov. from the Lower Kazanian of Soyana (Arkhangelsk Region), M. magna sp. nov. from the Urzhumian of Chepanikha (Udmurtia), Kargalokhosara terraefossa gen. et sp. nov. from the Urzhumian of Kargala (Orenburg Region), and Alekhosara reticulata gen. et sp. nov. from the Severodvinian of Novo-Aleksandrovka (Orenburg Region).  相似文献   

New taxa of grylloblattids of the family Mesorthopteridae are described from the Permian of Russia: Parastenaropodites aquilonius sp. nov. from the Soyana locality (Middle Permian); P. circumhumatus sp. nov. from the Kul’chumovo locality; and Tshermyaninus biforis gen. et sp. nov., Permorthopteron foliaceus gen. et sp. nov., Parastenaropodites pannea sp. nov., P. exossis sp. nov., Mesoidelia procera sp. nov., and M. riphaea sp. nov. from the Isady locality (Upper Permian). Two species of the genus Khosaridelia Storozhenko, 1992 (family Permotermopsidae) and one species of the genus Megakhosarina Storozhenko, 1993 (family Megakhosaridae) are transferred to the genus Parastenaropodites Storozhenko, 1996 (family Mesorthopteridae); one species of the genus Parastenaropodites is transferred to the genus Austroidelia Riek, 1954; as a result, four new combinations are established: Khosaridelia rigida Aristov, 2005 =Parastenaropodites rigidus (Aristov, 2005), comb. nov. (Vorkuta locality, Lower Permian of Russia); Khosaridelia vyatica Aristov, 2009 =Parastenaropodites vyaticus (Aristov, 2009), comb. nov. (Karaungir locality, Middle Permian of Kazakhstan); Megakhosarina intricata Aristov, 2008 =Parastenaropodites intricatus (Aristov, 2008), comb. nov. (Soyana locality, Middle Permian of Russia); and Parastenaropodites nervosa Storozhenko, 1996 =Austroidelia nervosa (Storozhenko, 1996), comb. nov. (Madygen locality, Middle Triassic of Kyrgyzstan). An identification key to species of the genus Parastenaropodites is given.  相似文献   

Historical development of Middle Permian Inoceramus-like bivalves of the genus Kolymia Licharew, which are endemic to the East Boreal Biogeographic Realm, is briefly discussed. Five new species, Kolymia gydanensis sp. nov., K. taskanica sp. nov., K. milievskyi sp. nov., K. churavtsovi sp. nov., and K. astafievae sp. nov., from the Middle Permian of the Omolon Massif, northeastern frame of the Okhotsk Massif, northern Verkhoyansk Region, Balygychan and Omulevka Blocks are described.  相似文献   

Two new genera and five new species of Lower Permian radiolarians, Arcoclathrata alekseevi gen. et sp. nov., Entactinia pinrasensis sp. nov., Microporosa rozhnovi gen. et sp. nov., M. aktastensis sp. nov., and Somphoentactinia saecularis sp. nov., from the Southern Urals and Northern Mugodzhary are described. The new spherical radiolarian taxa belong to three orders: Entactiniata, Cancelliata, and Spongiata of two classes, Sphaerellaria and Spumellaria.  相似文献   

New taxa of the insect order Eoblattida from the Upper Carboniferous of Russia are described, including Narkemina kata sp. nov., Narkeminopsis inversa sp. nov., Carbonokata storozhenkoi gen. et sp. nov., Tshunoptera ampla gen. et sp. nov., and Evenkiophlebia collucata gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya locality (Krasnoyarsk Region), Narkemulla sibirica gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya and Izykhskie Kopi localities, Khakassia (all Cnemidolestidae), and Izykhia tridentis gen. et sp. nov. from Izykhskie Kopi (?Spanioderidae). Narkeminuta permiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cnemidolestidae) is described from the Kedrovka locality (Kemerovo Region; Lower Permian), and Issadische maximum gen. et sp. nov. (Eoblattida incertae familiae) is descriobed from the Isady locality (Vologda Region; Upper Permian). Permeoblatta borealis Rasnitsyn et Aristov, 2010 (Idelinellidae) from Isady is redescribed.  相似文献   

The new oedischiine Palatinoedischia elongata nov. gen., nov. sp., is described from the Early Permian of Germany. It is characterized by a very particular broad area between R+M+CuA and CuP of the tegmen. The possible closest relative of this new taxon is the genus Plesioidischia, also from the Early Permian of Germany. They possibly constitute their own clade, but a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis is needed to clarify the whole superfamily Oedischioidea.  相似文献   

New Catillocrinidae Allocatillocrinus rarus sp. nov., with a previously unknown tegmenal structure, Paracatillocrinus shamovi sp. nov., and P. shakhtauensis sp. nov., with an unusual relative position of the crown and stem are described from the Artinskian Stage (Lower Permian) of the western slope of the Middle and Southern Ural Mountains (Boets, Krasnoufimsk, and Shakh-Tau localities). The genus Allocatillocrinus has not previously been recorded from the Permian, while Paracatillocrinus has only previously been reported from the Upper Permian of Timor Island.  相似文献   

Ond?ej Dostál 《Geobios》2009,42(4):495-13629
Two new genera and new species assigned to the family Martynoviidae (Diaphanopterodea), Boskovicia celtai nov. gen., nov. sp. and Moravoptera hladilovae nov. gen., nov. sp. are described and illustrated from the Lower Permian (Artinskian/Sakmarian) locality of Obora, southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Discovery of the species Martynovia insignis Tillyard, originally described from the Lower Permian of Kansas (USA), supports close relationship of both faunas across Euramerica.  相似文献   

New taxa of detached seeds are described from the Kungurian (Lower Permian) of the Middle Cis-Urals: Laevigatospermum compressum gen. et sp. nov., Hirsutospermum paniculatum gen. et sp. nov., Rugosospermum callosum gen. et sp. nov., and Craspedosperma filiferum sp. nov. The systematic position of the new taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

New beetles are described from the Middle Permian (Upper Capitanian) locality Yinping (Anhui Province, China): Linicupes yinpinensis gen. et sp. nov. (Permocupedidae), Taldycupes pingi sp. nov. (Taldycupedidae), Archosyne permiana gen. et sp. nov., Chaocoleus limnebius gen. et sp. nov. (Ademosynidae) and Asiocoleopsis hongi sp. nov. (Asiocoleidae); the type material of Dikerocoleus divisus Lin, 1982 from the same type locality is redescribed. Comparison with beetles from the Permian of European Russia shows that Yinping beetles are similar to Late Severodvinian beetles rather than to Early Severodvinian and Urzhumian ones.  相似文献   

Two new species of the family Protereismatidae, Alexandrinia vitta sp. nov. and A. ipsa sp. nov., are described from the Upper Permian locality of Isady (Severodvinian Stage, Poldarsa Formation). The third new species Misthodotes dubius sp. nov., belongs to the family Misthodotidae.  相似文献   

Locustoblattina segmentata gen. et sp. nov. and L. marginata gen. et sp. nov., new members of the family Mesorthopteridae (Eoblattida) are described from the Middle Triassic of the Madygen locality (Ladinian Stage of the Kyrgyzstan). New members of the Alexarasniidae (Embiida), Alexarasnia limbata Aristov, sp. nov. and Nestorembia shcherbakovi sp. nov., are described from the Upper Permian Isady locality in the Vologda Region and the Madygen locality, respectively. Parastenaropodites fluxa Storozhenko, 1996 (Mesorthopteridae) is redescribed from Madygen. The origin of webspinners from within the Permian eoblattids and the composition of the superorder Blattidea are discussed.  相似文献   

The brachiopods (e.g., Heterelasma sp. nov., Uniplicatorhynchia sp. nov., Quadratirhynchia sp., and Sphriganaria sp.) discovered from the Olenekian deposits of the Kamenushka River basin and Russky Island, South Primorye, allow refining the information on the stratigraphic range of the relevant families and recovery of the biota after the Late Permian mass extinction. A new terebratulid genus, Bittnerithyris gen. nov., and a new rhynchonellid species, Piarorhynchella tazawai sp. nov., are established.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first Permian ostracod fauna discovered in Thailand. The ostracods are recovered from the Tak Fa Limestone (Middle Permian) in Phetchabun province, central Thailand. The ostracods belong to eight genera and 15 species. Four species are newly described: Sargentina phetchabunensis nov. sp., Geffenina bungsamphanensis nov. sp., Reviya subsompongensis nov. sp. and Bairdia takfaensis nov. sp. The ostracod assemblages characterize a shallow marine, near shore environment at the time of deposition. Except for one species, which shows palaeobiogeographical links between Central Thailand and South China, all the other species are endemic.  相似文献   

Representatives of nine bryozoan genera of four orders are identified for the first time from the carbonate deposits of the stratotype section of the Upper Kazanian Substage of the Middle Permian. Among them four new species are established and described: Permopora volgensis sp. nov., Stellahexaformis burovi sp. nov., Alternifenestella esaulovae sp. nov., and Wjatkella definita sp. nov. A brief lithological characterization is provided of the carbonate deposits that contain the remains of these bryozoans and were formed under the conditions of transgression-regression cycles of the Late Kazanian marine basin. Some questions concerning the taphonomy, ecology, and morphology of the bryozoans studied are considered.  相似文献   

The Ogonerian association of Early Permian ammonoids from the Upper part of the Munugudzhakian Formation (upper part of the Ogonerian Horizon) contains Uraloceras omolonense Bogoslovskaya et Boiko, U. kolymense Bogoslovskaya et Boiko, Neoshumardites munugudzhensis sp. nov., N.? nassichuki sp. nov., and Bulunites gracilis sp. nov. These taxa suggest the Sakmarian-Artinskian boundary beds examined are geochronologically older than the level with Neoshumardites triceps Ruzhencev in the South Ural Mountains.  相似文献   

New bryozoans of the suborder Ptilodictyina of the order Cryptostomida are described from the Upper Famennian of Transcaucasia: those of the family Worthenoporidae, i.e., a genus Geranopora gen. nov. comprising three species G. fabulosa sp. nov. (type species), G. fida sp. nov., and G. finitima sp. nov., and those of a new family Mysticellidae fam. nov., i.e., a genus Mysticella gen. nov. comprising four species M. labyrinthica sp. nov. (type species), M. laudativa sp. nov., M. sacrosancta sp. nov., and M. ortiva sp. nov. Thus, a Late Devonian part of the evolutionary line of ptilodictyines is revealed that shows their radiation at the levels of families, genera, and species.  相似文献   

Megaselia donaldsonae Disney sp. nov., M. flava (Fallén), M. gotoi Disney, M. kanekoi Disney, M. margaretae Disney sp. nov., M. nakayamai Disney sp. nov., M. salteri Disney sp. nov. and M. stepheni Disney sp. nov. were reared from sporophores of fungi.  相似文献   

Historical development of Permian Inoceramus-like bivalves of the genus Aphanaia Koninck in northeastern Asia is briefly considered. Five new species from the Lower Permian of the western Verkhoyansk Region and Omolon Massif are described: Aphanaia waterhousei sp. nov., A. budnikovi sp. nov., A. kutygini sp. nov., A. dulgalakhensis sp. nov., and A. korkodonica sp. nov.  相似文献   

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