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A red blood cell (RBC) performs its function of adequately carrying respiratory gases in blood by its volume being ~60% of that of a sphere with the same membrane area. For this purpose, human and most other vertebrate RBCs regulate their content of potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) ions. The focus considered here is on K+ efflux through calcium-ion (Ca2+)-activated Gárdos channels. These channels open under conditions that allow Ca2+ to enter RBCs through Piezo1 mechanosensitive cation-permeable channels. It is postulated that the fraction of open Piezo1 channels depends on the RBC shape as a result of the curvature-dependent Piezo1-bilayer membrane interaction. The consequences of this postulate are studied by introducing a simple model of RBC osmotic behavior supplemented by the dependence of RBC membrane K+ permeability on the reduced volume (i.e., the ratio of cell volume to its maximal possible volume) of RBC discoid shapes. It is assumed that because of its intrinsic curvature and strong interaction with the surrounding membrane, Piezo1 tends to concentrate in the dimple regions of these shapes, and the fraction of open Piezo1 channels depends on the membrane curvature in that region. It is shown that the properties of the described model can provide the basis for the formation of the negative feedback loop that interrelates cell volume and its content of potassium ions. The model predicts the relation, valid for each cell in an RBC population, between RBC volume and membrane area, thus explaining the large value of the measured membrane area versus the volume correlation coefficient. The mechanism proposed here for RBC volume regulation is in accord with the loss of this correlation in RBCs of Piezo1 knockout mice.  相似文献   

Epithelial sheet integrity is robustly maintained during morphogenesis, which is essential to shape organs and embryos. While maintaining the planar monolayer in three-dimensional space, cells dynamically flow via rearranging their connections between each other. However, little is known about how cells maintain the plane sheet integrity in three-dimensional space and provide cell flow in the in-plane sheet. In this study, using a three-dimensional vertex model, we demonstrate that apical junctional fluctuations allow stable cell rearrangements while ensuring monolayer integrity. In addition to the fluctuations, direction-dependent contraction on the apical cell boundaries, which corresponds to forces from adherens junctions, induces cell flow in a definite direction. We compared the kinematic behaviors of this apical-force-driven cell flow with those of typical cell flow that is driven by forces generated on basal regions and revealed the characteristic differences between them. These differences can be used to distinguish the mechanism of epithelial cell flow observed in experiments, i.e., whether it is apical- or basal-force-driven. Our numerical simulations suggest that cells actively generate fluctuations and use them to regulate both epithelial integrity and plasticity during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The analysis of contacts is a powerful tool to understand biomolecular function in a series of contexts, from the investigation of dynamical behavior at equilibrium to the study of nonequilibrium dynamics in which the system moves between multiple states. We thus propose a tool called CONtact ANalysis (CONAN) that, from molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories, analyzes interresidue contacts, creates videos of time-resolved contact maps, and performs correlation, principal component, and cluster analysis, revealing how specific contacts relate to functionally relevant states sampled by MD. We present how CONAN can identify features describing the dynamics of ubiquitin both at equilibrium and during mechanical unfolding. Additionally, we show the analysis of MD trajectories of an α-synuclein mutant peptide that undergoes an α-β conformational transition that can be easily monitored using CONAN, which identifies the multiple states that the peptide explores along its conformational dynamics. The high versatility and ease of use of the software make CONAN a tool that can significantly facilitate the understanding of the complex dynamical behavior of proteins or other biomolecules. CONAN and its documentation are freely available for download on GitHub.  相似文献   

Stroke is a leading cause of death globally and is caused by stenoses, abnormal narrowings of blood vessels. Recently, there has been an increased interest in shear-activated particle clusters for the treatment of stenosis, but there is a lack of literature investigating the impact of different stenosis geometries on particle margination. Margination refers to the movement of particles toward the blood vessel wall and is desirable for drug delivery. The current study investigated ten different geometries and their effects on margination. Microfluidic devices with a constricted area were fabricated to mimic a stenosed blood vessel with different extent of occlusion, constricted length, and eccentricity (gradualness of the constriction and expansion). Spherical fluorescent particles with a diameter of 2.11 μm were suspended in blood and tracked as they moved into, through, and out of the constricted area. A margination parameter, M, was used to quantify margination based on the particle distribution after velocity normalization. Experimental results suggested that a constriction leads to an enhanced margination, whereas an expansion is responsible for a decrease in margination. Further, margination was found to increase with increasing percent occlusion and constriction length, likely a result of higher shear rate and longer residence time, respectively. Margination decreases as the stenosis geometry becomes more gradual (eccentricity increases) with the exception of a sudden constriction/expansion geometry. The findings demonstrate the importance of geometric effects on margination and call for detailed numerical modeling and geometric characterization of the stenosed areas to fully understand the underlying physics.  相似文献   

Vascular disease is a common cause of death within the United States. Herein, we present a method to examine the contribution of flow dynamics towards vascular disease pathologies. Unhealthy arteries often present with wall stiffening, scarring, or partial stenosis which may all affect fluid flow rates, and the magnitude of pulsatile flow, or pulsatility index. Replication of various flow conditions is the result of tuning a flow pressure damping chamber downstream of a blood pump. Introduction of air within a closed flow system allows for a compressible medium to absorb pulsatile pressure from the pump, and therefore vary the pulsatility index. The method described herein is simply reproduced, with highly controllable input, and easily measurable results. Some limitations are recreation of the complex physiological pulse waveform, which is only approximated by the system. Endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts are affected by the blood flow through the artery. The dynamic component of blood flow is determined by the cardiac output and arterial wall compliance. Vascular cell mechano-transduction of flow dynamics may trigger cytokine release and cross-talk between cell types within the artery. Co-culture of vascular cells is a more accurate picture reflecting cell-cell interaction on the blood vessel wall and vascular response to mechanical signaling. Contribution of flow dynamics, including the cell response to the dynamic and mean (or steady) components of flow, is therefore an important metric in determining disease pathology and treatment efficacy. Through introducing an in vitro co-culture model and pressure damping downstream of blood pump which produces simulated cardiac output, various arterial disease pathologies may be investigated.  相似文献   

Dielectrophoresis (DEP) and electrorotation (ROT) are two electrokinetic phenomena exploiting nonuniform electric fields to exert a force or torque on biological particles suspended in liquid media. They are widely used in lab-on-chip devices for the manipulation, trapping, separation, and characterization of cells, microorganisms, and other particles. The DEP force and ROT torque depend on the respective polarizabilities of the particle and medium, which in turn depend on their dielectric properties and on the field frequency. In this work, we present a new software, MyDEP, which implements several particle models based on concentric shells with adjustable dielectric properties. This tool enables the study of the variation in DEP and ROT spectra according to different parameters, such as the field frequency and medium conductivity. Such predictions of particle behavior are very useful for choosing appropriate parameters in DEP experiments. The software also enables the study of the homogenized properties of spherical or ellipsoidal multishell particles and provides a database containing published cell properties. Equivalent electrical conductivity and relative permittivity of the cell alone and in suspension can be calculated. The software also offers the ability to create graphs of the evolution of the crossover frequencies with the electric field frequency. These graphs can be directly exported from the software.  相似文献   

Living cells orient the cytoskeleton polarity and directional migration in response to spatial gradients of multiple types of cues. The resulting tactic behaviors are critical for the proper cell localization in the context of complex single-cell and tissue behaviors. In this perspective, we highlight the recent discovery of, to our knowledge, a new -taxis phenomenon, the topotaxis, which mediates directional cell migration in response to the gradients of such topographic features as the density of extracellular matrix fibers. The direction of topotactic migration critically depends on the effective stiffness of the cortical cytoskeleton, which is controlled by the balance between two parallel signaling pathways activated by the extracellular matrix input. Topotaxis can account for such striking cell behaviors as the opposite directionality of migration of benign and metastatic cancer cells and certain aspects of the wound-healing process. We anticipate that, in conjunction with other tactic phenomena, topotaxis can provide critical information for understanding and design of tissue structure and function.  相似文献   

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