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We have labeled the primer binding domain of HIV1-RT with 5'-32P-labeled (dT)15 primer using ultraviolet light energy. The specificity of the primer cross-linking to HIV1-RT was demonstrated by competition experiments. Both synthetic and natural primers, e.g., p(dA)15, p(dC)15, and tRNA(Lys), inhibit p(dT)15 binding and cross-linking to the enzyme. The observed binding and cross-linking of the primer to the enzyme were further shown to be functionally significant by the observation that tRNA(Lys) inhibits the polymerase activity on poly(rA).(dT)15 template-primer as well as the cross-linking of p(dT)15 to the enzyme to a similar extent. At an enzyme to p(dT)15 ratio of 1:3, about 15% of the enzyme can be cross-linked to the primer. To identify the domain cross-linked to (dT)15, tryptic peptides were generated and purified by a combination of HPLC on a C-18 reverse-phase column and DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. A single peptide cross-linked to p(dT)15 was identified. This peptide corresponded to amino acid residues 288-307 in the primary sequence of HIV1-RT as judged by amino acid composition and sequence analyses. Further, Leu(289)-Thr(290) and Leu(295)-Thr(296) of HIV1-RT appear to be the probable sites of cross-linking to the primer p(dT)15.  相似文献   

Progressive disease caused by pathogenic SIV/HIV infections is marked by systemic hyperimmune activation, immune dysregulation, and profound depletion of CD4(+) T cells in lymphoid and gastrointestinal mucosal tissues. IL-17 is important for protective immunity against extracellular bacterial infections at mucosa and for maintenance of mucosal barrier. Although IL-17-secreting CD4 (Th17) and CD8 (Tc17) T cells have been reported, very little is known about the latter subset for any infectious disease. In this study, we characterized the anatomical distribution, phenotype, and functional quality of Tc17 and Th17 cells in healthy (SIV-) and SIV+ rhesus macaques. In healthy macaques, Tc17 and Th17 cells were present in all lymphoid and gastrointestinal tissues studied with predominance in small intestine. About 50% of these cells coexpressed TNF-α and IL-2. Notably, ~50% of Tc17 cells also expressed the co-inhibitory molecule CTLA-4, and only a minority (<20%) expressed granzyme B suggesting that these cells possess more of a regulatory than cytotoxic phenotype. After SIV infection, unlike Th17 cells, Tc17 cells were not depleted during the acute phase of infection. However, the frequency of Tc17 cells in SIV-infected macaques with AIDS was lower compared with that in healthy macaques demonstrating the loss of these cells during end-stage disease. Antiretroviral therapy partially restored the frequency of Tc17 and Th17 cells in the colorectal mucosa. Depletion of Tc17 cells was not observed in colorectal mucosa of chronically infected SIV+ sooty mangabeys. In conclusion, our results suggest a role for Tc17 cells in regulating disease progression during pathogenic SIV infection.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a lymphocytopathic lentivirus, induces an AIDS-like disease in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). A pathogenic molecular clone of rhesus macaque SIV (SIVmac), SIVmac-239, replicates and induces cytopathology in T lymphocytes but is restricted for replication in macrophages. In contrast, a nonpathogenic molecular clone of SIVmac, SIVmac-1A11, replicates and induces syncytia (multinucleated giant cells) in cultures of both T lymphocytes and macrophages. SIVmac-1A11 does not cause disease in macaques. To map the viral determinants of macrophage tropism, reciprocal recombinant genomes were constructed between molecular clones of SIVmac-239 and SIVmac-1A11. Infectious recombinant viruses were rescued by transfection of cloned viral genomes into permissive lymphoid cells. Analysis of one pair of reciprocal recombinants revealed that an internal 6.2-kb DNA fragment of SIVmac-1A11 was necessary and sufficient for both syncytium formation and efficient replication in macrophages. This region includes the coding sequences for a portion of the gag gene, all of the pol, vif, vpr, and vpx genes, the first coding exons of tat and rev, and the external env glycoprotein gp130. Thus, the transmembrane glycoprotein of env, the nef gene, the second coding exons of tat and rev, and the long terminal repeats are not essential for in vitro macrophage tropism. Analysis of additional recombinants revealed that syncytium formation, but not virus production, was controlled by a 1.4-kb viral DNA fragment in SIVmac-1A11 encoding only the external env glycoprotein gp130. Thus, gp130 env of SIVmac-1A11 is necessary for entry of virus into macrophages but is not sufficient for a complete viral replication cycle in this cell type. We therefore conclude that gp130 env and one or more genetic elements (exclusive of the long terminal repeats, transmembrane glycoprotein of env, and second coding exons of tat and rev, and nef) are essential for a complete replication cycle of SIVmac in rhesus macaque macrophages.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) induces an immunodeficiency syndrome similar to human AIDS. Although the disease course of SIV-induced immunodeficiency is generally measured in months to years, a disease syndrome that results in death in 5 to 14 days has been described in pig-tailed macaques infected with the SIVsmmPBj (PBj) strain. The purpose of this study was to derive an acutely lethal PBj molecular clone in order to study viral genes involved in pathogenesis. Six infectious molecular clones were generated; acutely fatal disease was induced by experimental inoculation of pig-tailed macaques with virus stocks derived from either of two clones, PBj6.6 or PBj14.6. Molecular chimeras were constructed by exchange of regions of the genome of PBj6.6 and a nonlethal, related clone, SIVsmH4. Only a chimera expressing the PBj genome under the control of a SIVsmH4 long terminal repeat induced death soon after inoculation. These studies suggest that multiple viral genes of PBj are critical for development of acute disease. More specifically, the env gene but not the long terminal repeat PBj was required for acute disease induction; however env must act in concert with another gene(s) of the PBj genome.  相似文献   

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