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 The Drosophila gene shuttle craft (stc) is expressed zygotically in the embryonic central nervous system (CNS) where it is required to maintain the proper morphology of motoneuronal axon nerve routes following their migration from the ventral cord. Here, we report that a prominent maternal source of STC protein is also present throughout both oogenesis and embryogenesis. To determine whether this maternal component is required in the ovary and/or embryo, we used the Drosophila autosomal dominant female sterile technique to generate germ-line clones that lacked the stc maternal function. Our results demonstrate that a maternally derived source of STC protein is required during embryogenesis but not oogenesis. In contrast to the zygotic phenotype, the primary defect in embryos derived from stc germ-line clones affects segmentation by causing disruptions and deletions in distinct thoracic (T1–T3) and abdominal (A4–A8) segments. These localized defects are responsible for additional phenotypes observed later in development which include gaps in the ventral nerve cord and deletions of denticle belts in the cuticle. An additional phenotype occurring in all other neuromeric segments consists of the misguided migration of motoneuronal axons as they project out of the ventral nerve cord. Thus, the stc zygotic function is required later in development and cannot correct the segmentation and subsequent CNS abnormalities associated with loss of its earlier acting maternally derived activity. Received: 12 March 1998 / Accepted: 9 April 1998  相似文献   

Kinesin-I is essential for the transport of membrane-bound organelles in neural and nonneural cells. However, the means by which kinesin interacts with its intracellular cargoes, and the means by which kinesin-cargo interactions are regulated in response to cellular transport requirements are not fully understood. The C terminus of the Drosophila kinesin heavy chain (KHC) was used in a two-hybrid screen of a Drosophila cDNA library to identify proteins that bind specifically to the kinesin tail domain. UNC-76 is an evolutionarily conserved cytosolic protein that binds to the tail domain of KHC in two-hybrid and copurification assays, indicating that kinesin and UNC-76 form a stable complex in vivo. Loss of Drosophila Unc-76 function results in locomotion and axonal transport defects reminiscent of the phenotypes observed in kinesin mutants, suggesting that UNC-76 is required for kinesin-dependent axonal transport. Unc-76 exhibits dosage-sensitive genetic relationships with Khc and Kinesin light chain mutations, further supporting the hypothesis that UNC-76 and kinesin-I work in a common transport pathway. Given the interaction of FEZ1, the mammalian homolog of UNC-76, with protein kinase Czeta, and the role of FEZ1 in axon outgrowth, we propose that UNC-76 helps integrate kinesin activity in response to transport requirements in axons.  相似文献   

The fruitless gene of Drosophila produces multiple protein isoforms, which are classified into two major classes, sex-specific Fru proteins (FruM) and non-sex specific proteins (FruCOM). Whereas FruM proteins are expressed in ∼2000 neurons to masculinize their structure and function, little is known about FruCOM's roles. As an attempt to obtain clues to the roles of FruCOM, we compared expression patterns of FruCOM and FruM in the central nervous system at the late larval stage. We found that nearly all neuroblasts express FruCOM but not FruM, whereas a subset of ganglion mother cells and differentiated neurons express FruM but not FruCOM. It is inferred that FruCOM proteins support fundamental stem cell functions, contrasting to FruM proteins, which play major roles in sex-specific differentiation of neurons.  相似文献   

The myelin and lymphocyte protein (MAL) is a tetraspan raft-associated proteolipid predominantly expressed by oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. We show that genetic ablation of mal resulted in cytoplasmic inclusions within compact myelin, paranodal loops that are everted away from the axon, and disorganized transverse bands at the paranode--axon interface in the adult central nervous system. These structural changes were accompanied by a marked reduction of contactin-associated protein/paranodin, neurofascin 155 (NF155), and the potassium channel Kv1.2, whereas nodal clusters of sodium channels were unaltered. Initial formation of paranodal regions appeared normal, but abnormalities became detectable when MAL started to be expressed. Biochemical analysis revealed reduced myelin-associated glycoprotein, myelin basic protein, and NF155 protein levels in myelin and myelin-derived rafts. Our results demonstrate a critical role for MAL in the maintenance of central nervous system paranodes, likely by controlling the trafficking and/or sorting of NF155 and other membrane components in oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

The Drosophila genome encodes eight members of the innexin family of gap junction proteins. Most of the family members are expressed in complex and overlapping expression patterns during Drosophila development. Functional studies and mutant analysis have been performed for only few of the innexin genes. The authors generated an antibody against Innexin7 and studied its expression and functional role in embryonic development by using transgenic RNA interference (RNAi) lines. The authors found Innexin7 protein expression in all embryonic epithelia from early to late stages of development, including in the developing epidermis and the gastrointestinal tract. In early embryonic stages, the authors observed a nuclear localization of Innexin7, whereas Innexin7 was found in a punctuate pattern in the cytoplasm and at the membrane of most epithelial tissues at later stages of development. During central nervous system (CNS) development, Innexin7 was expressed in cells of the neuroectoderm and the mesectoderm and at later stages of embryogenesis, its expression was largely restricted to a segmental pattern of few glia and neuronal cells derived from the midline precursors. Coimmunostaining experiments showed that Innexin7 is expressed in midline glia, and in two different neuronal cells, the pCC and MP2 neurons, which are pioneer cells for axon guidance. RNAi-mediated knock down was used to gain insight into the embryonic function of innexin7. Down-regulation of innexin7 expression resulted in a severe disruption of embryonic nervous system development. Longitudinal, posterior, and anterior commissures were disrupted and the outgrowth of axon fibers of the ventral nerve cord was aberrant, causing peripheral nervous system defects. The results suggest an essential role for innexin7 for axon guidance and embryonic nervous system development in Drosophila.  相似文献   

 We have studied the role of the wingless gene in embryonic brain development of Drosophila. wingless is expressed in a large domain in the anlage of the protocerebrum and also transiently in smaller domains in the anlagen of the deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum. Elimination of the wingless gene in null mutants has dramatic effects on the developing protocerebrum; although initially generated, approximately one half of the protocerebrum is deleted in wingless null mutants by apoptotic cell death at late embryonic stages. Using temperature sensitive mutants, a rescue of the mutant phenotype can be achieved by stage-specific expression of functional wingless protein during embryonic stages 9–10. This time period correlates with that of neuroblast specification but preceeds the generation and subsequent loss of protocerebral neurons. Ectopic wingless over-expression in gain-of-function mutants results in dramatically oversized CNS. We conclude that wingless is required for the development of the anterior protocerebral brain region in Drosophila. We propose that an important role of wingless in this part of the developing brain is the determination of neural cell fate. Received: 7 October 1997 / Accepted: 30 December 1997  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster larvae and adults respond to a wide range of chemosensory stimuli. We describe the genetics and developmental expression of the east gene, mutations which result in adult-specific chemosensory defects. The original isolate of east is semidominant for the behavioral phenotype. Several mutations have been generated, some of which are recessive lethals and others that are viable alleles that show a recessive, adult-specific, chemosensory defect. No larval chemosensory defects were observed. The east gene is expressed in the neurogenic region at the time of neuroblast segregation and in cells in the peripheral and central nervous system. Our results suggest that east+ expression in the nervous system is required for a normal adult chemosensory response and both increases and decreases in levels of the gene product result in a mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

Although programmed cell death (PCD) plays a crucial role throughout Drosophila CNS development, its pattern and incidence remain largely uninvestigated. We provide here a detailed analysis of the occurrence of PCD in the embryonic ventral nerve cord (VNC). We traced the spatio-temporal pattern of PCD and compared the appearance of, and total cell numbers in, thoracic and abdominal neuromeres of wild-type and PCD-deficient H99 mutant embryos. Furthermore, we have examined the clonal origin and fate of superfluous cells in H99 mutants by DiI labeling almost all neuroblasts, with special attention to segment-specific differences within the individually identified neuroblast lineages. Our data reveal that although PCD-deficient mutants appear morphologically well-structured, there is significant hyperplasia in the VNC. The majority of neuroblast lineages comprise superfluous cells, and a specific set of these lineages shows segment-specific characteristics. The superfluous cells can be specified as neurons with extended wild-type-like or abnormal axonal projections, but not as glia. The lineage data also provide indications towards the identities of neuroblasts that normally die in the late embryo and of those that become postembryonic and resume proliferation in the larva. Using cell-specific markers we were able to precisely identify some of the progeny cells, including the GW neuron, the U motoneurons and one of the RP motoneurons, all of which undergo segment-specific cell death. The data obtained in this analysis form the basis for further investigations into the mechanisms involved in the regulation of PCD and its role in segmental patterning in the embryonic CNS.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, oogenesis is initiated when a germline stem cell produces a differentiating daughter cell called the cystoblast. The cystoblast undergoes four rounds of synchronous divisions with incomplete cytokinesis to generate a syncytial cyst of 16 interconnected cystocytes, in which one cystocyte differentiates into an oocyte. Strong mutations of the arrest (aret) gene disrupt cyst formation and cause the production of clusters of ill-differentiated germline cells that retain cellular and molecular characteristics of cystoblasts. These mutant germ cells express high levels of BAM-C and SXL proteins in the cytoplasm but do not accumulate markers for advanced cystocytes or differentiating oocytes, such as the nuclear localization of SXL or the accumulation of osk mRNA, orb mRNA, and cytoplasmic dynein. However, the mutant germ cells do not contain spectrosomes, the cytoplasmic structure that objectifies the divisional asymmetry of the cystoblast. The aret mutant germ cells undergo active mitosis with complete cytokinesis. Their mitosis is accompanied by massive necrosis, so that the number of germ cells in a stem cell-derived cluster ranges from one to greater than 70. These defects of aret mutants reveal a novel function of aret as the first gene with a defined function in the cystoblast to cyst transition during early oogenesis.  相似文献   

Smad10 is required for formation of the frog nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Before the nervous system establishes its complex array of cell types and connections, multipotent cells are instructed to adopt a neural fate and an anterior-posterior pattern is established. In this report, we show that Smad10, a member of the Smad family of intracellular transducers of TGFbeta signaling, is required for formation of the nervous system. In addition, two types of molecules proposed as key to neural induction and patterning, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists and fibroblast growth factor (FGF), require Smad10 for these activities. These data suggest that Smad10 may be a central mediator of the development of the frog nervous system.  相似文献   

Axon pathfinding and synapse formation rely on precise spatiotemporal localization of guidance receptors. However, little is known about the neuron-specific intracellular trafficking mechanisms that underlie the sorting and activity of these receptors. Here we show that loss of the neuron-specific v-ATPase subunit a1 leads to progressive endosomal guidance receptor accumulations after neuronal differentiation. In the embryo and in adult photoreceptors, these accumulations occur after axon pathfinding and synapse formation is complete. In contrast, receptor missorting occurs sufficiently early in neurons of the adult central nervous system to cause connectivity defects. An increase of guidance receptors, but not of membrane proteins without signaling function, causes specific gain-of-function phenotypes. A point mutant that promotes sorting but prevents degradation reveals spatiotemporally specific guidance receptor turnover and accelerates developmental defects in photoreceptors and embryonic motor neurons. Our findings indicate that a neuron-specific endolysosomal degradation mechanism is part of the cell biological machinery that regulates guidance receptor turnover and signaling.  相似文献   

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