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The expression of nitrilase in Arabidopsis during the development of the clubroot disease caused by the obligate biotroph Plasmodiophora brassicae was investigated. A time course study showed that only during the exponential growth phase of the clubs was nitrilase prominently enhanced in infected roots compared with controls. NIT1 and NIT2 are the nitrilase isoforms predominantly expressed in clubroot tissue, as shown by investigating promoter-beta-glucuronidase fusions of each. Two peaks of beta-glucuronidase activity were visible: an earlier peak (21 d post inoculation) consisting only of the expression of NIT1, and a second peak at about 32 d post inoculation, which predominantly consisted of NIT2 expression. Using a polyclonal antibody against nitrilase, it was shown that the protein was mainly found in infected cells containing sporulating plasmodia, whereas in cells of healthy roots and in uninfected cells of inoculated roots only a few immunosignals were detected. To determine which effect a missing nitrilase isoform might have on symptom development, the P. brassicae infection in a nitrilase mutant (nit1-3) of Arabidopsis was investigated. As a comparison, transgenic plants overexpressing NIT2 under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter were studied. Root galls were smaller in nit1-3 plants compared with the wild type. The phenotype of smaller clubs in the mutant was correlated with a lower free indole-3-acetic acid content in the clubs compared with the wild type. Overexpression of nitrilase did not result in larger clubs compared with the wild type. The putative role of nitrilase and auxins during symptom development is discussed.  相似文献   

Sucrose, glucose, and inositol were the major sugars in cabbage hypocotyls infected by Plasmodiophora brassicae and in noninfected hypocotyls, based on paper, thin-layer, and gas-liquid chromatography. Small amounts of trehalose were tentatively identified in extracts from noninfected hypocotyls, whereas up to 20× this level occurred in extracts from infected hypocotyls. Inositol declined in the infected hypocotyls while glucose increased to about 4× the level in noninfected hypocotyls. Fructose and mannose concentrations increased about 2-fold in the diseased hypocotyls, whereas the galactose concentration was about one-third that of noninfected hypocotyls.  相似文献   

The SnRK1 protein kinase balances cellular energy levels in accordance with extracellular conditions and is thereby key for plant stress tolerance. In addition, SnRK1 has been implicated in numerous growth and developmental processes from seed filling and maturation to flowering and senescence. Despite its importance, the mechanisms that regulate SnRK1 activity are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the SnRK1 complex is SUMOylated on multiple subunits and identify SIZ1 as the E3 Small Ubiquitin‐like Modifier (SUMO) ligase responsible for this modification. We further show that SnRK1 is ubiquitinated in a SIZ1‐dependent manner, causing its degradation through the proteasome. In consequence, SnRK1 degradation is deficient in siz1‐2 mutants, leading to its accumulation and hyperactivation of SnRK1 signaling. Finally, SnRK1 degradation is strictly dependent on its activity, as inactive SnRK1 variants are aberrantly stable but recover normal degradation when expressed as SUMO mimetics. Altogether, our data suggest that active SnRK1 triggers its own SUMOylation and degradation, establishing a negative feedback loop that attenuates SnRK1 signaling and prevents detrimental hyperactivation of stress responses.  相似文献   

In compatible interactions between plants and viruses that result in systemic infection, symptom development is a major phenotypic trait. However, host determinants governing this trait are mostly unknown, and the mechanisms underlying it are still poorly understood. In a previous study on the Arabidopsis thaliana-Plum pox virus (PPV) pathosystem, we showed a large degree of variation in symptom development among susceptible accessions. In particular, Cvi-1 (Cape Verde islands) accumulates viral particules but remains symptomless, Col-0 (Columbia) sometimes shows weak symptoms compared with Ler (Landsberg erecta), which always shows severe symptoms. Genetic analyses of Col x Ler and Cvi x Ler F2 and recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations suggested that symptom development as well as viral accumulation traits are polygenic and quantitative. Three of the symptom quantitative trait loci (QTL) identified could be confirmed in near-isogenic lines, including PSI1 (PPV symptom induction 1), which was identified on the distal part of chromosome 1 in both RIL populations. With respect to viral accumulation, several factors have been detected and, interestingly, in the Col x Ler population, two out of three viral accumulation QTL colocalized with loci controlling symptom development, although correlation analysis showed weak linearity between symptom severity and virus accumulation. In addition, in the Cvi x Ler RIL population, a digenic recessive determinant controlling PPV infection was identified.  相似文献   

The developmental patterns for mouse liver and kidney arginase were measured by a sensitive radioactive assay from day 8 of gestation until adulthood. On day 8 high arginase activity is generally distributed throughout early embryos. Then, as development proceeds, the arginase activity drops rapidly in liver and kidney, apparently because of mass increase unaccompanied by net arginase synthesis. Suddenly, on day 12 of gestation in liver and on day 16 in kidney, arginase activity begins to accelerate toward adult values.In order to study the mechanisms controlling arginase acceleration, 12- and 13-day fetal livers were explanted to organ cultures containing various exogenous chemicals, and subsequently assayed for arginase. Physiological concentrations of hydrocortisone causes the arginase activity to rise more than 100-fold to adult levels within 4 days in culture. Glucagon, thyroxine, and dibutyryl adenosine-3′-5′-cyclic phosphate have no effect in this system. Experiments with cycloheximide, actinomycin D, and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine suggest that the hydrocortisone response is dependent upon protein and RNA synthesis but independent of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Root‐knot nematodes (RKNs; Meloidogyne spp.) are a major pest for the agriculture worldwide. RKNs induce specialized feeding cells (giant cells, GCs) inside galls which are de novo formed pseudo‐organs in the roots that share similarities with other developmental processes as lateral root (LR) and callus formation or grafting involving new vascular development or pericycle proliferation. Hence, it is pertinent to study the molecular mechanisms directing the plant‐nematode interaction. In this respect, ALF4 is a key gene during LR formation, vascular vessels reconnection in grafting, hormone‐induced callus formation or de novo root organogenesis from leaf explants. Our results show that ALF4 is also induced in galls at early infection stages in an auxin‐independent way. Furthermore, ALF4 activity is necessary for the formation of proper galls and GCs, as the mutant alf4‐1 presents aberrant galls and GCs with severe structural abnormalities leading to a dramatic reduction in the nematode egg production. However, a low‐reproduction rate is maintained, that might be explained by the local auxin maximum build by the nematodes in galls, partially rescuing alf4‐1 phenotype. This would be similar to the partial rescue described for LR formation with exogenous auxins and also agrees with the LR emergence from alf4‐1 galls but not from uninfected roots. In addition, ALF4 is also induced in syncytia formed by cyst nematodes. All these data support a pivotal role for ALF4 during de novo organogenesis processes induced by endoparasitic nematodes, in addition to its role in LR formation, callus development or vessel reconnection during grafting.  相似文献   

Circadian timekeeping during early Arabidopsis development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Salomé PA  Xie Q  McClung CR 《Plant physiology》2008,147(3):1110-1125
The circadian coordination of organismal biology with the local temporal environment has consequences for fitness that may become manifest early in development. We directly explored the development of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) clock in germinating seedlings by monitoring expression of clock genes. Clock function is detected within 2 d of imbibition (hydration of the dried seed). Imbibition is sufficient to synchronize individuals in a population in the absence of entraining cycles of light-dark or temperature, although light-dark and temperature cycles accelerate the appearance of rhythmicity and improve synchrony among individuals. Oscillations seen during the first 2 d following imbibition are dependent on the clock genes LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL, TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION1, ZEITLUPE, GIGANTEA, PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR7 (PRR7), and PRR9, although later circadian oscillations develop in mutants defective in each of these genes. In contrast to circadian rhythmicity, which developed under all conditions, amplitude was the only circadian parameter that demonstrated a clear response to the light environment; clock amplitude is low in the dark and high in the light. A circadian clock entrainable by temperature cycles in germinating etiolated seedlings may synchronize the buried seedling with the local daily cycles before emergence from the soil and exposure to light.  相似文献   

Clubroot disease of Brassicaceae is caused by an obligate biotrophic protist, Plasmodiophora brassicae. During root gall development, a strong sink for assimilates is developed. Among other genes involved in sucrose and starch synthesis and degradation, the increased expression of invertases has been observed in a microarray experiment, and invertase and invertase inhibitor expression was confirmed using promoter::GUS lines of Arabidopsis thaliana. A functional approach demonstrates that invertases are important for gall development. Different transgenic lines expressing an invertase inhibitor under the control of two root-specific promoters, Pyk10 and CrypticT80, which results in the reduction of invertase activity, showed clearly reduced clubroot symptoms in root tissue with highest promoter expression, whereas hypocotyl galls developed normally. These results present the first evidence that invertases are important factors during gall development, most probably in supplying sugars to the pathogen. In addition, root-specific repression of invertase activity could be used as a tool to reduce clubroot symptoms.  相似文献   

Plant defence mechanisms are suppressed in the absence of pathogen attack to prevent wasted energy and growth inhibition. However, how defence responses are repressed is not well understood. Histone deacetylase 6 (HDA6) is a negative regulator of gene expression, and its role in pathogen defence response in plants is not known. In this study, a novel allele of hda6 (designated as shi5) with spontaneous defence response was isolated from a forward genetics screening in Arabidopsis. The shi5 mutant exhibited increased resistance to hemibiotrophic bacterial pathogen Pst DC3000, constitutively activated expression of pathogen‐responsive genes including PR1, PR2, etc. and increased histone acetylation levels at the promoters of most tested genes that were upregulated in shi5. In both wild type and shi5 plants, the expression and histone acetylation of these genes were upregulated by pathogen infection. HDA6 was found to bind to the promoters of these genes under both normal growth conditions and pathogen infection. Our research suggests that HDA6 is a general repressor of pathogen defence response and plays important roles in inhibiting and modulating the expression of pathogen‐responsive genes in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Organ-specific expression of Arabidopsis genome during development   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Ma L  Sun N  Liu X  Jiao Y  Zhao H  Deng XW 《Plant physiology》2005,138(1):80-91
The development of complex eukaryotic organisms can be viewed as the selective expression of distinct fractions of the genome in different organs or tissue types in response to developmental and environmental cues. Here, we generated a genome expression atlas of 18 organ or tissue types representing the life cycle of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). We showed that each organ or tissue type had a defining genome expression pattern and that the degree to which organs share expression profiles is highly correlated with the biological relationship of organ types. Further, distinct fractions of the genome exhibited expression changes in response to environmental light among the three seedling organs, despite the fact that they share the same photo-perception and transduction systems. A significant fraction of the genes in the Arabidopsis genome is organized into chromatin domains exhibiting coregulated expression patterns in response to developmental or environmental signals. The knowledge of organ-specific expression patterns and their response to the changing environment provides a foundation for dissecting the molecular processes underlying development.  相似文献   

Mutants and wild type plants of Arabidopsis thaliana were analysed for differences in glucosinolate accumulation patterns, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis and phenotype. A previously identified series of mutants, termed TU, with altered glucosinolate patterns was used in this study. Only the line TU8 was affected in shoot phenotype (shorter stems, altered branching pattern). Synthesis of IAA and metabolism were not much affected in the TU8 mutant during seedling development, although the content of free IAA peaked earlier in TU8 during plant development than in the wild type. Indole glucosinolates and IAA may, however, be involved in the development of clubroot disease caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Plasmodiophora brassicae since the TU3 line had a lower infection rate than the wild type, and lines TU3 and TU8 showed decreased symptom development. The decline in clubroot formation was accompanied by a reduced number of fungal structures within the root cortex and slower development of the fungus. Indole glucosinolates were lower in infected roots of TU3 and TU8 than in control roots of these lines, whereas in wild-type plants the differences were not as prominent. Free IAA and indole-3-acetonitrile (IAN) were increased in infected roots of the wild type and mutants with normal clubroot symptoms, whereas they were reduced in infected roots of mutants TU3 and TU8. These results indicate a role for indole glucosinolates and IAN/IAA in relation to symptom development in clubroot disease. Received: 23 July 1998 / Accepted: 12 January 1999  相似文献   

Arabidopsis era1 was identified as an abscisic acid-hypersensitive mutant caused by disruptions or deletions of the gene for the beta subunit (AtFTB) of farnesyltransferase (FTase). The heterodimeric enzyme catalyzes the covalent attachment of the 15-carbon farnesyl diphosphate to the C terminus of regulatory proteins and is essential for growth in yeast. The first disruption of FTB in a multicellular context revealed several developmental and growth regulatory processes that require the function of FTase. The lack of FTase activity in the Arabidopsis era1-2 FTB deletion mutant resulted in enlarged meristems and organs, supernumerary organs in floral whorls, arrested development of axillary meristems, late flowering, and homeotic transformations of flowers. Complementation of era1-2 with LeFTB, the tomato gene for the beta subunit of FTase, restored a normal phenotype and confirmed that the lesion is in AtFTB alone. The effect of this lesion on control of meristem size and on developmental processes suggests the involvement of regulatory proteins that require farnesylation for their function. At least three distinct processes that require the function of FTase were identified: regulation of cellular differentiation in the meristems, meristem maintenance, and regulation of flower development. Together, these results provide a basis for future studies on the involvement of FTase in specific developmental processes and for structure-function analysis of FTase in vivo.  相似文献   

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