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We investigated the habitat selected by two Palaearctic migrants (Pied Flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, Willow Warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus) in a patchy landscape in Ivory Coast and compared it with the habitat selection of Afrotropical species in the same foraging guilds. Transect counts were used to test the hypothesis that migrants use more open and more seasonal habitats and have a broader use of habitats compared with resident species. Habitats compared were, in order of decreasing tree density, gallery forest, an isolated forest and bush/tree savanna. The isolated forest had the most pronounced seasonal changes (deciduous trees) and was the one with the most diverse vegetation structure. The habitat where both migrants were most frequent was the isolated forest, and thus occurred in the habitat with the most pronounced seasonal change. Diversity of habitats selected was highest in migrants but in the Pied Flycatcher this was possibly an artefact due to subdominant individuals being excluded from the preferred habitat by territorial birds. Potential competition for habitat with Afrotropical species was found to be low.  相似文献   

The wintering strategies of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca and Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus in their West African winter quarters were compared. Pied Flycatchers arrived early in the season (September) and stayed in the study area throughout the winter. They were territorial and showed a high return rate. Intraspecific relationships were mostly expressed by territorial behaviour. Interspecific relations seemed to be unimportant. Willow Warblers arrived relatively late (November) and were absent from the area for some weeks in January and February, a behaviour which was interpreted as itinerancy. Willow Warblers were non-territorial and never returned to a site. Willow Warblers usually moved through the area in monospecific or mixed-species flocks. Habitat and microhabitat choice of these species were similar but in feeding ecology they differed by the higher diversity of feeding substrates and feeding techniques of Pied Flycatchers. The differences in the winter strategies are explained by the ability of Pied Flycatchers to defend a territory because of their diversity in foraging behaviour, whereas Willow Warblers are more specialized and are therefore forced to be more mobile to find their patchily distributed food.  相似文献   

Prey size was evaluated for seven passerine trans-Saharan migrant species at two spring stopover sites in Sardinia, Italy. The species considered were Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata, Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Garden Warbler Sylvia borin, Whitethroat Sylvia communis, Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus and Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix. The analysis was made for three prominent prey types: beetles (Coleoptera), ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and “flying prey” (wasps and bees [Hymenoptera, excluding ants] and flies, Diptera, pooled), The prey size distribution in the diets of some species was very similar to that caught in our insect traps, showing that our estimates of availability are, at least partially, relevant. On the whole, diets deviated from food available in a species consistent way. The size distributions of “flying prey” differed between the two sites but were almost constant in the birds' diets. In contrast, size distributions of available beetles and ants at the sites were similar but were different in the birds' diets. Different feeding behaviour of the birds, in terms of physiological constraints during migratory stopovers, is discussed. Paired species comparisons show that the diets of most species differ significantly in the distribution of the size classes of at least some prey types. The conclusions drawn from the comparisons of the size distributions of all prey items collected from a bird species in one season are very similar to the conclusions drawn from comparisons based on the presence/absence of a size class per faecal sample. We compared the similarities of diet with and without using information on prey size. With the exception of the Pied Flycatcher and the Redstart at one of the study sites, size information did not add to diet segregation. Certain size classes within prey types tended to be common in the diet of these migrant passerines. However, specialization on certain size classes within broad taxonomic categories was not evident.  相似文献   

Detailed information on spring migration routes of songbirds across the Mediterranean is still scanty. Results are presented here from a study on the occurrence of eight Palaearctic-African migrants across the western and central Mediterranean based on ringing data collected during the Progetto Piccole Isole, a co-ordinated project based on standardized mist netting at 21 islands and coastal stations. The species were Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta , Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina, Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli , Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix , Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca , Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis , Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio and Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator . Their capture frequencies were expressed as the frequency of each species relative to the total number of migrants ringed at each station in order to correct for differences in capture effort between stations. For most species, the detailed, quantitative results confirmed the scanty information available so far, whereas in the case of Melodious Warbler and Bonelli's Warbler, evidence of undescribed and unexpected migration routes was found. These results suggest that standardized mist netting provides an important method for studying the migratory routes of small birds, in particular for those species which are not frequently ringed in their breeding and wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Bernt-Erik  Sæther 《Ibis》1983,125(1):24-32
Habitat selection of the Willow Warbler and the Chiffchaff was studied along a succession of grey alder forest in Central Norway (63oN) where both species breed. Both were found in all serai stages, but there was a slight tendency for the Willow Warbler to be found more often in the voungest stages than was the Chiffchaff.
Foraging niches and horizontal spacing were studied within one particular forest. Most of the records of both Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff came from the tree layer, and the overlap between the species in their foraging niches was considerable. However, the species were found to occupy almost mutually exclusive territories.  相似文献   

Capsule Migrant Willow Warblers occupy more woodland types and occur at higher densities than ecologically‐similar resident Afrotropical warblers.

Aims To compare population densities of Willow Warblers and eremomelas in adjacent acacia, mopane and miombo woodlands, and assess the abundance of potential invertebrate prey in each habitat type, in order to investigate whether Palearctic migrants use more open habitats and are more flexible in habitat use than their Afrotropical counterparts in the same feeding guild.

Methods Using distance sampling we carried out four replicated sets of point counts in acacia woodland and three sets of counts in miombo and mopane between December 1999 and February 2000. We noted the tree species in which we saw warblers foraging and took beating‐tray samples of potential arthropod prey present on tree foliage in each of the three habitats.

Results Willow Warbler density in acacia woodland increased from 1.80 ± 0.54 (se) birds/ha in early December to 7.15 ± 1.41 birds/ha in late January after influxes of later arrivals. Densities of Willow Warblers in miombo and mopane were much lower (1.14 ± 0.28 and 0.38 ± 0.23 birds/ha, respectively) and did not show significant changes. Burnt‐necked Eremomelas averaged 0.74 ± 0.34 birds/ha in acacia woodland, and in miombo densities of Green‐capped and Yellow‐bellied Eremomelas were 0.23 ± 0.17 and 0.34 ± 0.26 birds/ha, respectively. Densities in mopane were too low to estimate reliably. Willow Warblers and Green‐capped Eremomelas showed some apparent preferences in tree species used for foraging but differences in tree use were not obviously related to the abundance of arthropod taxa present as potential prey.

Conclusion Willow Warblers occupied more habitats at greater density than similar Afrotropical warblers. They appear to favour acacia, but their settlement patterns and the reasons for disparities between densities of immigrants and residents are unclear.  相似文献   

Population limitation in Palaearctic-African migrant passerines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the results of key factor analyses for Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla, Whitethroat Sylvia communis and Willow Warbler Pftylloscopus Irochilus based on extensive data from the United Kingdom gathered by the British Trust for Ornithology. These results are compared with those from published key factor analyses based on intensive studies of Swallows Hirundo ruslica, Redstarts Phoenicurus phoenicums and three populations of Pied Flycatchers Fiiedula hypoleuca. Variation in losses between fledging and the following breeding season lk4 ) accounted for most of the variation in total losses (KT) for all populations. Breeding performance was poorly correlated with population changes. Density-dependence was found mainly in 64, its strength decreasing as average rate of population change increased. There was also evidence of weak density-dependence in the clutch size of Swallows and in Willow Warbler egg losses. Fluctuations in k4 were correlated with conditions on the wintering grounds in Sedge Warblers, Whitethroats and Swallows, for the first two species these relationships being confirmed by analyses of independent survival estimates based on mark-recapture data. Populations of Sedge Warblers and Whitethroats appear to be limited by competition for resources on the wintering grounds. Removal experiments suggest that Willow Warblers, Pied Flycatchers and perhaps Blackcaps are limited through recruitment to the breeding population, in the case of Pied Flycatchers this limitation being in relation to the availability of nest sites.  相似文献   

V. W. Smith B.Sc  M.R.C.V.S. 《Ibis》1966,108(4):492-512
During the winters 1963/64 and 1964/65 some 700 weights of 19 species of Palaearctic migrants caught in Central Nigeria were obtained. Where there were adequate weights for analysis, mean weights in the spring were significantly heavier than mean autumn weights; mean weight gains in the spring varied from 47% (Pied Flycatcher) to 21% (Garden Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher). Individual gains were higher.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and climate change are key drivers of global biodiversity declines but their relative importance has rarely been examined. We attempted to attribute spatially divergent population trends of two Afro-Palaearctic migrant warbler species, Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus and Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita, to changes in breeding grounds climate or habitat. We used bird counts from over 4000 sites across the UK between 1994 and 2017, monitored as part of the BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey. We modelled Willow Warbler and Common Chiffchaff population size and growth in relation to habitat, climate and weather. We then used the abundance model coefficients and observed environmental changes to determine the extent to which spatially varying population trends in England and Scotland were consistent with attribution to climate and habitat changes. Both species' population size and growth correlated with habitat, climate and weather on their breeding grounds. Changes in habitat, in particular woodland expansion, could be linked to small population increases for both species in England and Scotland. Both species' populations correlated more strongly with climate than weather, and both had an optimum breeding season temperature: 11°C for Willow Warbler and around 13.5°C for Common Chiffchaff (with marginally different predictions from population size and growth models). Breeding ground temperature increases, therefore, had the potential to have caused some of the observed Willow Warbler declines in England (where the mean breeding season temperature was 12.7°C) and increases in Scotland (mean breeding season temperature was 10.2°C), and some of the differential rates of increase for Common Chiffchaff. However, much of the variation in species' population abundance and trends were not well predicted by our models and could be due to other factors, such as species interactions, habitat and climate change in their wintering grounds and on migration. This study provides evidence that the effect of climate change on a species may vary spatially and may switch from being beneficial to being detrimental if a temperature threshold is exceeded.  相似文献   

Capsule Woodland structure, rather than tree species, is the most important determinant of breeding habitat selection by Willow Warblers in North West England.

Aims To examine how habitat characteristics predict the occurrence of male Willow Warbler territories.

Methods Woodland structure (trunk density, trunk diameter, canopy cover and understory cover), tree species and food abundance were compared between woodland areas within and outside of male territories at a site in the UK.

Results Territories contained higher trunk numbers, had a narrow range of trunk diameters, and intermediate canopy cover. Food abundance did not differ with occupancy. Willow and alder were the most common trees within territories, in contrast to birch which has been found in previous studies. The habitat structure matches young woodlands, where birches often grow. However, at the study site the birches were large and mature, and therefore unsuitable. Moreover, woodland structure variables were better predictors of occupancy than any particular tree genera.

Conclusion The results indicate that vegetation structure, but not tree species or food availability, influence breeding habitat selection by Willow Warblers. The preferred structure is similar to coppice woodlands; therefore, the Willow Warbler decline may be linked to the loss of this traditional management across south England.  相似文献   

Capsule Use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data identified suitable Willow Warbler habitat based on mean vegetation height. This habitat model provided maps of distribution and occupation of suitable habitat.

Aims To identify habitat associations in woods with different vegetation structure and management systems during a period of low Willow Warbler populations.

Methods Locations of all Willow Warblers were mapped during the breeding season in three woods of contrasting management; recent low intervention, actively coppiced woodland and high forest with clear‐fells. Height profile models of each wood were derived from airborne LiDAR. The mean vegetation height at locations with Willow Warblers and a sample from the rest of the wood were used to produce models of optimum habitat and breadth of habitat occupied in each wood. The habitat model was then used to produce maps of suitable habitat.

Results The habitat models did not differ between woods, with highest probability of Willow Warbler occurrence in mean vegetation heights of 3.7–5.3 m. Habitat of heights 6–11 m appeared less suitable, being only partly occupied. Habitat maps showed that habitat of suitable height was only occupied when it occurred as large patches; smaller patches (mostly <0.5 ha) and edges along rides and fields were not used.

Conclusion The use of LiDAR derived measures of vegetation height identified areas of suitable habitat for Willow Warblers. Willow Warblers occupied areas of low mean vegetation height either as early successional or open canopy woodland in all woods. Height‐based habitat maps can identify areas of suitable habitat within larger expanses of heterogeneous woodland and are a potentially useful tool in assessing changes in extent of what are often temporary patches of habitat.  相似文献   

We explored how a woody plant invader affected riparian bird assemblages. We surveyed 15 200‐m‐long transects in riparian zones in a much‐changed landscape of eastern Victoria, Australia. Abundance, species‐richness, foraging‐guild richness and composition of birds were compared in transects in three habitat types: (i) riparian zones dominated by the invasive willow Salix × rubens; (ii) riparian zones lined with native woody species; and (iii) riparian zones cleared of almost all woody vegetation. We also measured abundance and richness of arthropods and habitat structure to explore further the effects of food resources and habitat on the avifauna. We observed 67 bird species from 14 foraging guilds. Native riparian transects had more birds, bird species and foraging guilds than willow‐invaded or cleared transects. Habitat complexity increased from cleared to willow‐invaded to native riparian transects, as did abundance of native and woodland‐dependent birds. Native shrub and trees species had more foliage and branch‐associated arthropods than did willows, consistent with a greater abundance and variety of foraging guilds of birds dependent on this resource. Willow spread into cleared areas is unlikely to facilitate greatly native bird abundance and diversity even though habitat complexity is increased. Willow invasion into the native riparian zone, by decreasing food resources and altering habitat, is likely to reduce native bird biodiversity and further disrupt connectivity of the riparian zone.  相似文献   

ESA HUHTA  JUKKA JOKIMAKP  PEKKA RAHKO 《Ibis》1998,140(2):214-222
We studied habitat choice, distribution and reproductive success in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in relation to the spatial structure of a fragmented forest area. Two hierarchical levels of forest habitat structure were used: (1) forest patch size (macrohabitat) and (2) vegetative structure within forest patches (microhabitat). In spring, both males and females settled preferentially in large and medium-sized forest stands (>1 ha) where breeding density was also higher than in small stands (<1 ha). Stands <5 ha were occupied later, and the proportion of unpaired males was higher there than in large stands (>5 ha). The known age distributions of breeding birds and breeding success were independent of forest patch size. Nest predation rate was not associated with stand size or nest distance from the forest edge. The preference of breeding birds for large forest patches was presumably related to the higher amount of resources (nest sites, mates, food) a large patch can offer for reproduction compared with a small patch. At the microhabitat level, territories of old males were characterized by relatively more deciduous trees that contained more invertebrate food than coniferous tree-dominated territories of yearling males. The reproductive success of old males, as measured by the number of fledged young per male, was higher than that of yearling males. This suggests that the larger body size and blacker plumage of old males possibly contributed to male dominance and that old males excluded younger males from preferred habitats through territorial behaviour. Our results suggest that habitat choice of the Pied Flycatcher was affected by both micro- and macrohabitat. On the basis of settlement pattern, density and reproductive success, the distribution of Pied Flycatchers across forest stands of different sizes followed the ideal-free distribution model, whereas at the microhabitat level, age-related unequal distribution of males followed the ideal-despotic model of Fretwell and Lucas.  相似文献   

ANTERO JARVINEN 《Ibis》1991,133(1):62-67
The effects of age (1 year-old vs older females) on laying-date and clutch-size of the Great Tit Parus major (in eight independent study areas) and the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca (five areas) were meta-analysed using both published and unpublished records. To standardize comparisons between areas and species, the standardized difference between the means of the two age groups was used as a measure of the magnitude of the age-effect (effect size).
In Great Tits the laying-date of 'young' females was 0.30 standard deviation units later and clutch-size 0.31 units smaller than that of 'old' females. In the Pied Flycatcher the corresponding figures were 0.45 and 0.81, respectively. All the effect size measures were highly significant but for clutch-size the effect size of the Pied Flycatcher was significantly greater than that of the Great Tit. In the Great Tit the effect size of clutch-size was heterogeneous across the different study areas.
It was estimated that the following numbers of unpublished studies showing null results would have to have accumulated in file-drawers before we could say that the results concerning effect sizes are due to sampling bias: for Great Tits 121 studies of laying-date and 196 studies of clutch-size; and for Pied Flycatchers 45 studies of laying-date and 139 studies of clutch-size.  相似文献   

大山雀和褐头山雀种间关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘nai发  李岩 《动物学研究》1989,10(4):277-284
在地理分布重叠地区的大山雀Parus major和褐头山雀Parus montanus栖息地海拔高度不同。大山雀栖于海拔2,370米以下,集中于次生杨桦林和老年人工杨树林;褐头山雀栖于海拔2,300米以上,集中于混交林和山杨栎林。它们的栖息地有一定重叠,但重叠值较低。重叠地带觅食生态位的四维中,树种选择一维有所不同,其余三维生态位重叠值均较大。两个种营养生态位有一定重叠,食物大小的重叠值更大。在进化发展过程中,两种山雀间完全的生态分离没有发生。  相似文献   

Raivo Mänd  & Vallo Tilgar 《Ibis》2003,145(1):67-77
Studies in acidified as well as in naturally base-poor areas have recently revealed that availability of extra calcium-rich food items is an important component of habitat quality affecting breeding performance in several bird species. However, these mostly short-term studies have provided equivocal results concerning the exact consequences of calcium shortage on different species in different regions. We studied the effect of calcium availability on reproduction of the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca breeding in pine forests in Estonia, NE Europe, over a period of 4 years. Experimental pairs were provided with supplementary calcium-rich material when breeding, while control pairs were left unsupplemented. Experimental females laid larger eggs and their nestlings had longer tarsi than those of controls. Moreover, the mass and condition of females tending larger than average clutches were increased by calcium-supplementation. Our results provide the first experimental evidence that calcium availability may affect the overall cost of reproduction in free-living passerines. We compared these results with similar data for the Great Tit Parus major , collected from the same area during the same study period. Great Tits responded to low calcium availability mainly by restrained reproductive behaviour and reduced breeding success, while Pied Flycatchers invested significantly more in current reproductive effort despite the increased cost of reproduction. Thus, the effects of calcium deficiency on birds seem to be species-specific or population-specific. This partly explains discrepancies between the results of earlier studies.  相似文献   

The Oriental Pied Hornbill is one of the ten species of hornbills found in Malaysia, and known to be an adaptable species with regard to utilising available food resources, although there is not much information about its foraging behaviour where its habitat overlap with human activities. We observed an opportunistic behaviour of a pair of Oriental Pied Hornbills preying on farmed edible bird nest swiftlets, in the state of Sabah, Malaysia as captured by closed circuit television utilised by an edible bird nest entrepreneur. A more detailed study could better assist and determine the frequency of this particular predation-prey interaction which may be a new cause of human-wildlife conflict in Malaysia and illuminating the diet diversity and adaptive ability of this hornbill species to seeking their dietary range.  相似文献   

Capsule Nestbox orientation has species-specific influences on nestbox occupation and breeding success for woodland passerines.

Aims To determine if nestbox orientation had an influence upon nestbox selection or breeding success for three co-occurring woodland passerines.

Methods We analysed 15 consecutive years of breeding data (1990–2004) from 295 nestboxes in the UK using circular statistical analyses to examine the influence of orientation upon nestbox occupation and breeding success for three species, Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus, Great Tit Parus major and Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca.

Results The three species used nestboxes of all orientations during the 15-year period. The frequency of nestbox occupation by Great Tits correlated with orientation (the mean number of nests in boxes oriented south-southwest was lower than the mean number of nests in boxes facing other directions). There was no such relationship for Blue Tits or Pied Flycatchers. Nestbox orientation influenced the breeding success of Pied Flycatcher (the mean number of young to fledge from boxes oriented south-southwest was lower than from boxes facing other directions). There was no such relationship for Blue or Great Tits.

Conclusion Nestbox orientation can be an important influence on occupation and breeding success, but this differed between species. Intriguingly, although the directionality reduced nestbox occupation (Great Tit) and breeding success (Pied Flycatcher) was the same (south-southwest), there was a disparity in the influence of orientation for Great Tit (orientation influenced the frequency of occupation but not success) and Pied Flycatcher (orientation did not influence occupation but did affect success). We discuss these disparities, considering the possible influences of mating strategy, breeding phenology, nestbox microclimate and offspring quality.  相似文献   

朱磊  帅军  李涛  林杰  陈宇星  张博 《动物学杂志》2017,52(4):652-656
2016年4月20日和2017年2月15日先后在成都市区分别记录到了栗尾姬鹟(Ficedula ruficauda)和布氏苇莺(Acrocephalus dumetorum)两种鸟类。经查阅相关文献,确定上述两种鸟类均为四川省鸟类新纪录,其中栗尾姬鹟还是中国鸟类新纪录。  相似文献   

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