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Based on cartography, floristic inventory and vegetation analysis in the north and south of the Eastern Domain of Madagascar we identified three original tropical rainforest types which are among the world's most biodiverse known sites for plants: the littoral forest on sand, the lowland forest on gneiss and the lowland forest on basalt. Floristic and structural comparisons were conducted on 37 plots of 50×10m. Multivariate analysis indicates that floristic composition is correlated with abiotic factors of rainfall, latitude, soil composition, and marine influence; the structure of the undergrowth is generally homogeneous and the canopy is more or less open. Many reserves must be created on gneiss, sand and basalt all along the eastern coast to preserve biodiversity from the deforestation process. On basalt, this is especially urgent because about only 10 000 ha of a very ancient forest that shelters numerous botanical novelties remain today.  相似文献   

Sex ratios that differ from unity have been reported for several bird species, but are poorly understood. Skewed sex ratios may originate at ovulation (primary sex ratio) or arise through differential mortality between the sexes (secondary sex ratio). To estimate the primary sex ratio from nestlings is difficult because in some nests not all the offspring can be sexed. Both when including and excluding such nests, there is a risk of overestimating the proportion of the better-surviving sex. Here we sexed dead Sparrowhawk embryos to determine whether unhatched eggs affect primary sex ratio estimates that are based on nestling data. In nests in which embryo mortality occurred, there was up to a 9% discrepancy in the primary sex ratio estimates based on nestlings alone compared to nestlings and dead embryos together. There was no evidence that these differences were based on sex-specific causes of mortality of embryos.  相似文献   

PETER A. COTTON 《Ibis》1998,140(3):512-521
Between October 1987 and September 1989, the British Ornithologists' Union Colombia Expedition recorded 16 species of hummingbird at Matamatá in the Amacayacu National Park, Amazonas, Colombia. Most of these species were resident breeders at the study site although two appeared to be local migrants. Six species of hermit hummingbirds (subfamily Phaethornithinae) occurred at Matamatá; although very similar in general morphology and behaviour, they showed different preferences for habitat, food plants and foraging technique. Hermits were predominant in the forest, but in areas of secondary vegetation and along riverine borders, "typical" hummingbirds (subfamily Trochilinae) were more common. The study site consisted of terra firme and várzea forest and an area of riverine secondary vegetation and contained around 60 species of flowering plants visited by hummingbirds. In contrast with most groups of organisms, hummingbirds and hummingbird-pollinated plants had similar species diversity in primary forest and secondary habitats. The overall abundance of hummingbirds and flowers was significantly higher in areas of riverine secondary growth. The hummingbird community at Matamatá is remarkably species rich when compared with study sites elsewhere in North and South America. However, random null model comparisons among Amazonian hummingbird communities reveal that they share many characteristics in their structure and show a high degree of species overlap.  相似文献   

Tree mortality is an important process determining forest dynamics. However, in species‐rich tropical forests it is largely unknown, how species differ in their response of mortality to resource availability and individual condition. We use a hierarchical Bayesian approach to quantify the impact of light availability, tree size and past growth on mortality of 284 woody species in a 50‐ha long‐term forest census plot in Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Light reaching each individual tree was estimated from yearly vertical censuses of vegetation density. Across the community, 78% of the species showed increasing mortality with increasing light. Considering species individually, just 29 species showed a significant response to light, all with increasing mortality at high light. Past growth had a significant impact on all but three species, with higher growth leading to lower mortality. For the majority of species, mortality decreased sharply with diameter in saplings, then levelled off or increased slightly towards the maximum diameter of the species. Diameter had the biggest impact on mortality, followed by past growth and finally light availability. Our results challenge many previous reports of higher mortality in shade, and we suggest that it is crucial to control for size effects when assessing the impact of environmental conditions on mortality.  相似文献   

Conspecific effects of neighbours on small-tree survival may have a role in tree population dynamics and community composition of tropical forests. This notion was tested with data from two 4-ha plots in lowland forest at Danum, Sabah (Borneo), for a 21-year interval (censuses at 1986, 1996, 2001, 2007). Species with ≥45 focal trees 10 to <100 cm stem girth per plot in 1986 were selected. Logistic regressions fitted mean focal tree size and mean inverse-distance-weighted basal area abundance of neighbours (within 20 m), for the periods over which each focus tree was alive. Coefficients of variation of neighbourhood basal area abundance, both spatially and temporally, quantified the changing environment of each focus tree. Fits were critically and individually evaluated, with corrections for spatial autocorrelation. Conspecific effects at Danum was generally very weak or non-existent: species’ mortality rates varied also across plots. The main reasons appear to be that (1) species were not dense enough to interact despite frequent although weak spatial aggregation, and their neighbourhoods were highly differing in species composition; and (2) these neighbourhoods were highly variable temporally, meaning that focus trees experienced stochastically fluctuating neighbourhood environments. Only one species, Dimorphocalyx muricatus, showed strong conspecific effects (varying between plots) which can be explained by its distinct ecology. This understorey species is highly aggregated on ridges and is drought-tolerant. That this functionally and habitat-specialized species, has implied intraspecific density-dependent feedback in its dynamics is a remarkable indication of the overall processes maintaining stability of the Danum forest.  相似文献   

Leaf-fall, leaf-flush (newly expanded leaves), flowering and fruiting were recorded monthly between April 1982 and May 1985 in 703 individuals of 99 species of trees, shrubs and herbs in a logged lowland, complex rainforest. Weekly water availability and demand were modelled using pan evaporation, rainfall, and a range of estimated maximum soil water storage. The water balance model indicated that rainfall distribution was an inadequate measure of the seasonal availability of water for growth and reproduction. Intermittent shortages in available water were predicted between October and February, well into what is the wettest season of the year in terms of long-term rainfall averages. Adequate water was available in soil water stores through most of the August–October ‘dry season’. Leaf-fall, flowering, and fruiting all followed distinct seasonal patterns although appreciable levels of activity occurred in all months. Community leaf-fall increased rapidly following an annual low in the very wet, February–May period, to a peak in August. The rapid increase in leaf-fall activity was accompanied by pronounced depressions in flowering and leaf-flushing and coincided with the period of minimum temperatures and insolation. There was no evidence to suggest that this leaf-fall peak was accompanied or induced by drought. This ‘winter’ was followed by rising temperatures and insolation at a time when adequate soil water was usually available, and flowering activity (number of species, number of individuals, and total abundance) increased rapidly in August and peaked from September to October. The flowering peak was accompanied by a major leaf-flush. Leaf-flushing continued intermittently from October to February, a period characterized by maximum temperature, maximum insolation, and periods of predicted water stress when soil water stores were depleted during short, rainless periods. A second peak in leaf-flushing coincided with the wet in March-April. This was accompanied by a relatively small increase in leaf-fall activity. Fruiting showed a bimodal peak from October to April each year. Prediction of functional relationships between climate and species and individual behaviour from community phenological patterns was considered to be inappropriate.  相似文献   

A nutrient addition experiment was set up in August 1993 in a species-rich primary lowland dipterocarp forest in Barito Ulu, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The following treatments were applied: control, +N, +P and +NP. There were five blocks of four 50 m x 50 m plots with a separate treatment for each plot. Fine litterfall was measured on all the plots from 1 May 1994 for 12 months. Litterfall mass and phosphorus concentrations were significantly higher in all the fertilizer treatments compared with the controls. All trees (> or = 10 cm dbh) were measured in August 1993 and in August 1998, and there was no significant girth increment response to fertilization in dipterocarps or non-dipterocarps. Dipterocarps of the red meranti group showed a doubling of girth increment in the +NP treatment, however, the difference from the control fell short of significance.  相似文献   

The abundance, activity and species richness of arthropods, particularly of insect herbivores, were investigated in the upper canopy and understorey of a lowland rainforest at La Makandé, Gabon. In total 14 161 arthropods were collected with beating, flight interception and sticky traps, from six canopy sites, during the day and at night, from mid-January to mid-March 1999. The effects of stratum were most important, representing between 40 and 70% of the explained variance in arthropod distribution. Site effects represented between 20 and 40% of the variance and emphasized the néed for replication of sampling among canopy sites. Time effects (diel activity) explained a much lower percentage of variance (6–9%). The density and abundance of many arthropod taxa and species were significantly higher in the upper canopy than in the understorey. Arthropod activity was also higher during the day than at night. In particular, insect herbivores were 2.5 times more abundant and twice as speciose in the upper canopy than in the understorey, a probable response to the greater and more diverse food resources in the former stratum. Faunal overlap between the upper canopy and understorey was low. The most dissimilar herbivore communities foraged in the understorey at night and the upper canopy during the day. Further, a taxonomic study of a species-rich genus of herbivore collected there (Agrilus , Coleoptera Buprestidae) confirmed that the fauna of the upper canopy was different, diverse and very poorly known in comparison to that of the understorey. Herbivore turnover between day and night was rather high in the upper canopy and no strong influx of insect herbivores from lower foliage to the upper canopy was detected at night. This suggests that insect herbivores of the upper canopy may be resident and well adapted to environmental conditions there.  相似文献   

2016和2017年的5月至8月,在河南省董寨国家级自然保护区利用红外相机监控和野外直接观察赤腹鹰(Accipiter soloensis),对其孵卵节律和巢防卫行为进行了研究。为了更好地获得巢防卫数据,我们以人作为入侵者攀爬巢树,观察人停留在巢树上10 min内不同赤腹鹰个体的巢防卫行为。共发现赤腹鹰繁殖巢52个,累计拍摄红外照片661 306张,将15个繁殖巢内的30只个体的巢防卫行为分成了4个等级。研究表明:1)雄鸟的巢防卫等级与雄鸟的日孵卵次数(r=0.751,n=15,P0.01)、雄鸟日孵卵时间(r=0.803,n=15,P0.01)、每日雌雄孵卵总时间(r=0.527,n=15,P0.05)均呈显著正相关,雌鸟的巢防卫等级与雄鸟的日孵卵次数(r=0.717,n=15,P0.01)、雄鸟的日孵卵时间(r=0.619,n=15,P0.05)呈显著正相关(Sperman rank correlation);2)雌鸟巢防卫强度与雄鸟巢防卫强度呈显著正相关(r=0.743,n=15,P0.01);3)亲鸟的平均离巢时间与雄鸟的日孵卵次数(r=﹣0.680,df=11,P0.05)、雄鸟的日孵卵时间(r=﹣0.640,df=11,P0.05)、雌鸟的孵卵次数(r=﹣0.558,df=11,P0.05)、每日雌雄孵卵总时间(r=﹣0.772,df=11,P0.01)均呈负相关。可见,赤腹鹰的巢防卫强度和孵卵投入密切相关,并且配偶间的巢防卫行为存在相似性,可能与配偶选择和学习行为有关。  相似文献   

  1. Elevation gradients correlate with changes in several environmental conditions and are known to be related to animal abundance. Animals in regions with a naturally limited extent of lowland rainforest are expected to have evolved adaptations to intermediate elevations that provided a stable environment during their evolution.
  2. Since the lowland rainforest of Madagascar has a limited extent and suffers from increasing anthropogenic pressure, it is essential to understand how well species tolerate intermediate and high elevations. In this study, we aim to quantify the relationship between lemur abundance and elevation in the eastern rainforest of Madagascar.
  3. We correlated abundance data on 26 lemur species (10 genera), including 492 records from 26 studies, with elevation. We analysed the consistency of correlations across species with a meta-analytical approach. We controlled for species’ body mass, elevational range and median elevation. We then ran generalised linear mixed models to determine whether lemur abundance was related to elevation, body mass, plant productivity and anthropogenic disturbance.
  4. Overall, the abundance of lemur species in Malagasy rainforests was negatively correlated with elevation, and species occupying broader elevational ranges showed stronger correlations. Body mass was not related to species’ tolerance of high elevations. Even though several lemur species are able to occupy the entire elevation gradient, the few remaining patches of lowland rainforests host lemur species at greater abundances than other sites. Abundance across species was negatively related to body mass, elevation and seasonality in plant productivity and positively related to plant productivity.
  5. Despite the ecological flexibility of many lemur species, the remnant patches of lowland rainforests host the highest levels of lemur abundance and are key to lemur conservation. It is crucial to preserve this priority habitat both for biodiversity conservation and for our understanding of lemur adaptations.

We studied the spatio-temporal patterns of ground-dwelling and -foraging ant assemblages in a continuous mixed secondary lowland rainforest on the northern periphery of the Dja Biosphere Reserve in southeast Cameroon. The effect of season and of the interaction of season with vegetation type on ant species density, activity and composition were investigated. We also checked for a possible impact of army ant activity on the ant assemblage. Ants were collected by pitfall trapping in seven vegetation types in each of three seasons during 12 months in 2003 and 2004–2005. Season significantly influenced the ground-dwelling ant assemblage. The late wet season had the lowest ant species density and a different species composition than the early wet and the dry season. Also inter-annual variation in ant species density and composition was detected and could partly be explained by an influence of Dorylus activity. In general, vegetation type and inter-annual variation had a larger influence on the ground-ant assemblage than season. Significant effects of interactions between season, year, vegetation type and army ants on the ant assemblage confirm that also in African rainforests ant assemblages are extremely dynamic and depend on a complex combination of availability of food resources, nest sites and predators. Received 4 October 2006; revised 4 June 2007; accepted 2 July 2007.  相似文献   

Detailed information on the ground-dwelling ant diversity and distribution in the rainforests of the Congo Basin is lacking so far. A new ant species list from a continuous mixed secondary lowland rainforest on the northern periphery of the Dja Biosphere Reserve in southeast Cameroon is presented. We investigated the effect of vegetation type on ant species density, activity and composition. Ants were collected by pitfall trapping in seven vegetation types in each of three seasons during 12 months in 2003 and 2004–2005. Our site in Cameroon had a total observed ant diversity of 145 species. Vegetation type significantly influenced the ground-dwelling and -foraging (arboreal) ant assemblages. Differences in species density, activity and composition between vegetation types were explained not only by soil type (hydromorphous – terra firme), but also by developmental stage of vegetation types. The highly inundated Raphia-swamp had the lowest ant species density and activity. Older secondary forests still had a different species composition than near primary forest even after 25 years of recovery after anthropogenic disturbance. Finally, the high ant species number captured by our pitfalls, the absence of the invasive exotic ant Wasmannia auropunctata and the high Dorylus (Anomma) army ant diversity confirm the importance of the Cameroonian rainforest for biodiversity conservation programs. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Received 4 October 2006; revised 4 June 2007; accepted 2 July 2007.  相似文献   

We examined the photosynthetic acclimation of three tropical species of Miconia to canopy openings in a Costa Rican rainforest. The response of photosynthesis to canopy opening was very similar in Miconia affinis, M. gracilis, and M. nervosa, despite differences in growth form (trees and shrubs) and local distributions of plants (understory and gap). Four months after the canopy was opened by a treefall, photosynthetic capacity in all three species had approximately doubled from closed canopy levels. There were no obvious signs of high light damage after treefall but acclimation to the gap environment was not immediate. Two weeks after treefall, Amax, stomatal conductance, apprarent quantum efficiency, and dark respiration rates had not changed significantly from understory values. The production of new leaves appears to be an important component of light acclimation in these species. The only variables to differ significantly among species were stomatal conductance at Amax and the light level at which assimilation was saturated. M. affinis had a higher stomatal conductance which may reduce its water use efficiency in gap environments. Photosynthesis in the more shade-tolerant M. gracilis saturated at lower light levels than in the other two species. Individual plant light environments were assessed after treefall with canopy photography but they explained only a small fraction of plant variation in most measures of photosynthesis and growth. In conclusion, we speculate that species differences in local distribution and in light requirements for reproduction may be more strongly related to species differences in carbon allocation than in carbon assimilation.  相似文献   

During a short field trip to the Special Reserve of Anjanaharibe-Sud in northeastern Madagascar, data concerning pelage coloration, behavior (especially vocalization), and ecology of indris were collected. Anjanaharibe-Sud is the northernmost locality of indri distribution. In comparison to the better-known indris from the southern part of their distribution, the indris in this region show different pelage coloration. Several types of loud vocalizations are analyzed, based on a small sample of tape recordings. Their song structure is more complicated than previously reported, containing distinct sequences of duetting. Data on behavior and ecology were collected by interviewing guides and local inhabitants. Some information contrasts with reports on the more southern indri populations. The conservation status of indris in Anjanaharibe-Sud and the future of the reserve are outlined.  相似文献   

Fractionation of an ethanol extract of a Madagascar collection of the leaves and fruit of Cassipourea lanceolata Tul. led to the isolation of three euphane triterpenoids 13. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of all compounds were fully assigned using a combination of 2D NMR experiments, including COSY, TOCSY, HSQC (HMQC), HMBC and ROESY sequences. The three compounds showed weak antiproliferative activities against the A2780 human ovarian cancer cell line, with IC50 values of 25, 25 and 32 μM, respectively.  相似文献   

Breeding season diet of the Goshawk Accipiter gentilis in Wales   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
E. P. TOYNE 《Ibis》1998,140(4):569-579
Information on the diet of the Goshawk Accipiter gentilis during the breeding season was collected in Wales during 1991–1993. Diet consisted mainly of birds (87%) and mammals (13%). Forty-five prey species were collected, ten of which were important in numerical or biomass terms: Feral Pigeon Columba livia , Woodpigeon Columba palumbus , Crow/Rook Corvus coronet Corvus frugilegus , Magpie Pica pica , Jay Garrulus glandarius , Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus , Song Thrush Turdus philomelos , Blackbird Turdus merula , Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis and Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus . Pigeon biomass was important throughout the breeding season and was more important in the diet of nesting Goshawks on higher ground (>250 m). On lower ground, corvids, mammals and pigeons were the main contributors to the Goshawk diet. Rabbits were more frequently taken at lower nesting territories, and thrushes occurred at all altitudes. Mammals, particularly Grey Squirrel, were found in higher numbers in the diet of Goshawks nesting in small woods (<1000 ha) compared with the diet of Goshawks nesting in two large forests ( c . 3500 ha and c . 6100 ha). Goshawks preyed upon juvenile Woodpigeons, corvids and thrushes, and switched from young thrushes to young corvids as the latter became available. Predation peaks on young birds corresponded with the presence of nestling Goshawks in late May to early July. Predation of juvenile prey led to a decrease in mean prey item mass (April-May, 437 g; July, 376 g). No evidence was found to suggest that sexual size dimorphism in Goshawks resulted in partitioning of prey captured during the breeding season. Differences found were probably due to local abundance and vulnerability of prey species rather than specific selection by the two sexes.  相似文献   

Arboreal ants as key predators in tropical lowland rainforest trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ants numerically dominate the canopy fauna of tropical lowland rain forests. They are considered to be key predators but their effects in this regard have only rarely been studied on non-myrmecophytes. A conspicuously low abundance of less mobile, mainly holometabolous arthropods like Lepidoptera larvae corresponds with ant dominance, while hemimetabolous highly mobile nymphs occur regularly and in large numbers in the trees. This is in contrast to the temperate regions where ants are mostly lacking on trees and holometabolous larvae are frequent. In this study we experimentally measured ant predation in the trees by offering caterpillars as baits. Fifty-four ant species were tested, of which 46 killed caterpillars and carried them away to their nests while only eight species ignored the offered larvae. Insecticidal knockdown fogging of ten trees after finishing the prey experiments showed that on average 85% of ant individuals per tree were predacious. With the analysis of another 69 foggings and meticulous observations in many other trees this suggests that arboreal ants are responsible for the low abundance of less mobile arthropods in tropical lowland rain forest canopies. Ant predation was significantly lower in a disturbed forest indicating that human disturbance induces a change in the functional interactions in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ants are a major ecological group in tropical rainforests. Few studies in the Neotropics have documented the distribution of ants from the ground to the canopy, and none have included the understorey. A previous analysis of an intensive arthropod study in Panama, involving 11 sampling methods, showed that the factors influencing ant β diversity (i.e., changes in assemblage composition) were, in decreasing order of importance, the vertical (height), temporal (season), and horizontal (geographic distance) dimensions. In the present study, we went one step further and aimed (1) to identify the best sampling methods to study the entire ant assemblage across the three strata, (2) to test if all strata show a similar horizontal β diversity and (3) to analyze the functional structure of the entire ant assemblage. We identified 405 ant species from 11 subfamilies and 68 genera. Slightly more species were sampled in the canopy than on the ground; they belonged to distinct sub-assemblages. The understorey fauna was mainly a mixture of species found in the other two strata. The horizontal β diversity between sites was similar for the three strata. About half of the ant species foraged in two (29%) or three (25%) strata. A single method, aerial flight interception traps placed alongside tree trunks, acting as arboreal pitfall traps, collected half of the species and reflected the vertical stratification. Using the functional traits approach, we observed that generalist species with mid-sized colonies were by far the most numerous (31%), followed by ground- or litter-dwelling species, either specialists (20%), or generalists (16%), and arboreal species, either generalists (19%) or territorially dominant (8%), and finally army ants (5%). Our results reinforce the idea that a proper understanding of the functioning of ant assemblages requires the inclusion of arboreal ants in survey programs.  相似文献   

A community of frugivorous insects was studied by rearing of 25 565 individual insects representing three orders (Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera except Drosophilidae) from 326 woody plant species in a lowland rainforest in Papua New Guinea. Fruits from 19.3% of plant species were not attacked by any insect order, 33.4% of plant species were attacked by a single order, 30% by two orders and 17.2% by all three orders. The likelihood of attack by individual orders was positively correlated so that a higher proportion of plant species than expected suffered either no attack at all or was attacked by all three insect orders. Fruits from most of the plant species exhibited low rates of attack and low densities of insects. One kilogram of fruit was attacked on average by 11 insects, including three to four Coleoptera, six Diptera and one Lepidoptera. Thus, we reared on average one insect from 10 fruits, including one Diptera from 14 fruits, one Coleoptera from 22 fruits and one Lepidoptera from 100 fruits. Only 72 out of the 326 plant species hosted more than one insect per 10 fruits, and only seven species supported a density of greater than one insect per fruit. Our results suggest that specialized insect seed predators are probably too rare to maintain the diversity of vegetation by density‐dependent mortality of seeds as suggested by the Janzen–Connell hypothesis. Fruit weight, fruit volume, mesocarp volume, seed volume and fleshiness had no significant effect on the probability that a fruit would be attacked by an insect frugivore. However, fruits attacked by Diptera were significantly larger and had larger volume of both mesocarp and seeds than fruits attacked by Coleoptera and Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

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