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J. WATSON  A. F. LEITCH  R. A. BROAD 《Ibis》1992,134(1):27-31
The diets of Sea Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla and Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos living sympatrically in western Scotland were studied using pellets and prey remains collected at roosts and nest sites throughout the year. Both species showed changes in diet between winter and summer, and there were differences between species in both seasons. As a rule, Sea Eagles took proportionately more seabirds, waterfowl (ducks and waders) and fish, whilst Golden Eagles took proportionately more rabbits and hares. Sea Eagles had a broader diet than Golden Eagles but a measure of dietary overlap based on taxonomic composition indicated an overlap of more than 90% between the two species.  相似文献   

We examined regional and temporal variations in prey selection by Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos during the nestling period in Japan. We made direct video recordings of a pair of Golden Eagles in Akita prefecture as they delivered prey to the nest for two consecutive nestling periods. We also assembled data from previous studies in Japan, eventually obtaining 14 data sets with which we compared prey composition during nestling periods. Among them, four sets of data were recorded daily by video and used to investigate the temporal change in prey selection and the amount delivered to the nest. The prey item composition varied considerably among the data sets. Japanese Hares Lepus brachyurus were predominantly selected in three data sets, reflecting the lowest dietary breadths that were determined by prey composition. Data sets with higher dietary breadths consisted mainly of Japanese Hares, snakes and Copper Pheasants Syrmaticus soemmerringii . Temporal change in prey selection during nestling periods showed marked variation, but similarities were found in later deliveries of snakes and in total prey weights (83.7–89.9 kg) delivered to successfully fledged broods. Taken together, our results suggest that during nestling periods Golden Eagles in Japan specialized on Japanese Hare. Diet breadth increased through feeding predominantly on snakes, a temporarily available prey, to satisfy the breeding dietary requirement. Regionally varied temporal prey selection may be a key factor for sustaining Eagle populations in the forested mountain habitats of Japan, where prey and habitat conditions change dramatically during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Gary W. Roemer  Paul W. Collins 《Ibis》2020,162(3):673-686
Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos colonized the northern California Channel Islands, an archipelago located off the coast of southern California, USA, in the early 1990s, owing in part to the presence of Feral Pigs Sus scrofa. Eagles preyed on piglets and on the endemic Island Fox Urocyon littoralis, driving three endemic subspecies of the Island Fox (Ulsantacruzae, Ulsantarosae and Ullittoralis) toward extirpation. Using stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) measured from feathers and blood of Golden Eagles and from meat and bone of their prey, along with the proportion of prey consumed estimated from nest excavations as informative priors, we show that shifts in Eagle isotopic signatures tracked community reorganization: when pigs and foxes were abundant, Eagles consumed them in higher proportions than other prey; when foxes became scarce owing to Eagle predation, Eagle diet shifted toward pigs, but also diversified to include Common Ravens Corvus corax and seabirds (Larus spp. and Phalacrocorax spp.); and finally, after pigs were eradicated and 35 Golden Eagles had been captured and removed from Santa Cruz Island, a lone remaining pair of Eagles reversed their diet to include more foxes. Our findings reveal that shifts in stable isotope signatures from tissues of an apex predator can be used as a general proxy to monitor changes in the prey community; however, if sample sizes are small, informative priors are both essential and overwhelmingly influential, and changes in abundance of preferred prey may mask or fail to reveal changes in less preferred prey. Given that apex predators are at the top of trophic hierarchies, that they are often important drivers of community structure and that they sample prey continuously from their community, isotopic signatures of their tissues may be useful for monitoring community change.  相似文献   

Capsule Golden and White‐tailed Eagles selected different habitats for nesting.

Aim To investigate differences in nesting habitat used by sympatrically breeding eagles in western Scotland, following reintroduction of White‐tailed Eagles from 1975 onwards.

Methods Nest‐site locations from national surveys in 2003–05 were entered into a geographical information system (GIS) in order to measure a set of geographic parameters for each nest site. Binary logistic regression with backwards deletion of non‐significant terms was used to derive minimum adequate models at two spatial scales of the likelihood of an eagle nest belonging to one species or the other. We compared changes in occupancy between 1992 and 2003 of Golden Eagle territories inside and outside a GIS model of potential White‐tailed Eagle habitat and according to proximity to White‐tailed Eagle nests.

Results White‐tailed Eagles nested at lower altitudes than Golden Eagles, in more wooded habitats with more open water close by, tending to nest in trees where these were present. There were 3359 km2 of potential White‐tailed Eagle nesting habitat within 25 km of existing White‐tailed Eagle nests, containing 54 Golden Eagle territory centres, but we found no difference in change of occupancy for Golden Eagle territories close to White‐tailed Eagles compared with those further away.

Conclusion White‐tailed and Golden Eagles appear to partition nesting habitat in the west of Scotland by altitude. This corresponds with behaviour in western Norway and with the situation described in historical accounts of nest‐sites in western Scotland prior to extinction of White‐tailed Eagles. It is also consistent with recent studies showing little overlap in breeding season diet of Golden and White‐tailed Eagles in western Scotland, and likely partitioning of foraging habitat by altitude. We conclude that the likelihood of competitive exclusion is less than previously suggested.  相似文献   

A. Clark 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):131-136
Following recovery and successful rehabilitation, a young Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis was tagged with a 45 g GPS satellite transmitter to track its migration and identify potential wintering and summering areas of the species passing through the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The study is part of a larger study on understanding migration of important birds of prey species from the UAE. The satellite-tagged Steppe Eagle was released near the town of Al Ain, UAE on 5 January 2009 and was tracked until 6 November 2010. Two complete spring and autumn migrations were tracked in addition to its onward autumn migration from the UAE. The tagged eagle continued its autumn migration from its release site and reached Yemen after stopovers in Saudi Arabia. Unlike other Steppe Eagles, the bird did not cross the strait of Bab-al-Mandeb and wintered in the area before undertaking its first spring migration. In the second spring migration in 2010, the bird migrated along the Suez–Eilat route and demonstrated a loop migration. The bird spent the summer on the steppes in Kazakhstan, with marked differences in the home ranges between 2009 and 2010, whereas wintering areas used in 2009 and 2010 in Tanzania were overlapping.  相似文献   

Herholdt, J.J., Kemp, A.C. & Du Plessis, D. 1996. Aspects of the breeding status and ecology of the Bateleur and Tawny Eagle in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Ostrich 67:126-137.

The nesting success at 13 nesting territories of Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus and 19 nesting territorites of Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax was monitored for seven successive years (1988–1994) in a protected area in the Kalahari desert of South Africa. On average Bateleurs laid one year in two (51/95 pair-years) and fledged 0.33 young/pair/year (31/95). Tawny Eagles laid, on average, in two out of three years (66/105), and fledged 0.4 young/pair/year (42/105). Most Bateleurs laid eggs in January and February, while Tawny Eagles mostly laid from May to June. Almost all Bateleur and Tawny Eagle nesting territories located were in the Acacia erioloba savanna in the dry Auob and Nossob riverbeds. Bateleur nesting territories were spaced at intervals of 7.2 km (2.5–14.6 km; n = 9) along the Nossob River. Tawny Eagle nesting territories were spaced at intervals of 17.6 km (6.1–32.7 km) in the Nossob River and 11.3 km (8–14 km) in the Auob River respectively. A total of 13 Bateleur and 30–40 Tawny Eagle nesting territories (27 known active nesting territories) respectively occurred in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park during the study period. There was evidence of a 13% decline in active nesting territories of Bateleur during the seven year study, and at least a 40% decline over the previous 10 years. Vacated nesting territories were not reoccupied. There was no safe buffer zone around the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and persecution in the adjacent farmlands, when foraging Bateleur from the protected Park enter these areas, as well as nesting site disturbance, could have been part of the reason for this decline. Poisoned and suspected poisoned Bateleurs have been found in the Park during the study period. There was no obvious decline in active Tawny Eagle nesting territories.  相似文献   

Amongst raptor species, individuals with specialized diets are commonly observed to have higher reproductive output than those with general diets. A suggested cause is that foraging efficiency benefits accrue to diet specialists. This diet specificity hypothesis thus predicts that diet breadth and reproductive success should be inversely related within species. We highlight, however, that a prey availability hypothesis also makes the same prediction in some circumstances. Hence, when high diet specificity results from high encounter rates with an abundant, preferred prey, then prey availability may affect reproductive success, with diet specialization as an incidental correlate. Using three insular study areas in western Scotland, we examine diet specificity and reproductive success in Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos. Diet breadth and breeding productivity were not negatively related in any of our study areas, even though birds with specific diets did tend to have a higher incidence of preferred prey (grouse and lagomorphs) in the diet. Indeed, in two study areas there was evidence that diet generalists had higher breeding productivity. Our results therefore failed to support the diet specificity hypothesis but were consistent with the prey availability hypothesis. We highlight that although many other studies are superficially consistent with the diet specificity hypothesis, our study is not alone in failing to provide support and that the hypothesis does not provide a generic explanation for all relevant results. Diet specificity in predators can be at least partially a response to prey diversity, availability and distribution, and benefits associated with different prey types, so that being a generalist is not necessarily intrinsically disadvantageous. We suggest that the available evidence is more consistent with variation in prey abundance and availability as a more influential factor explaining spatial and temporal variation in breeding productivity of ‘generalist’ species such as the Golden Eagle. Under this argument, prey abundance and availability are the main drivers of variation in reproductive output. Diet specificity is a consequence of variation in prey availability, rather than a substantial cause of variation in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Brown, L. H., Gargett, V. & Steyn, P. 1977. Breeding success in some African Eagles related to theories about sibling aggression and its effects. Ostrich 48:65-71. Previous explanations for fatal inter-sibling strife in eagles (lack of food, extra aggressiveness which enhances survival, and an expression of the innate aggressiveness or territoriality of raptors) can not be supported by recent evidence. The latest theory, that the second egg acts as a “reserve”, is examined. If so, eagles normally laying two eggs should have better reproductive success than eagles laying a single egg. However there was no significant difference between the mean reproductive success of five African eagle species that lay two eggs and that of five African eagle species laying one egg. Even excluding inequalities due to sample size, and other factors, the overall finding is the same. In Verreaux's Eagle Aquila verreauxi for which the largest number of records is available there was a significantly higher total loss in clutches recorded as c/l than in c/2 clutches, but the reasons for the laying of a one-egg clutch, and its success or failure, have not been investigated. In three out of 120 c/2 the second-laid egg acted as a “reserve”, but in 110 cases the second-laid egg was “wasted”. Direct evidence and a comparison of reproductive success between two-egg and one-egg African eagles does not support the latest theory, therefore inter-sibling strife which effectively reduces the clutch of two to one, is still inexplicable.  相似文献   

RETO SPAAR 《Ibis》1997,139(3):523-535
The comparison of flight styles and flight parameters of migrating raptors in Israel revealed the following. (1) Climbing rate in thermal circling did not differ between species, indicating that chiefly the strength of thermal updrafts determined the climbing rate and that morphological features were less relevant. (2) In interthermal gliding, air speed was positively and gliding angle negatively related to the species' average body mass. Heavier species glided faster and had smaller gliding angles. (3) In soaring and gliding flight, cross-country speed relative to the air was positively related to the species' body mass; it was obviously the result of the gliding ability increasing with body mass. (4) Eagles and buzzards used soaring and gliding flight for more than 95% of the observation time. Additional soaring in a straight line whilst gliding was extensively used by the Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis, Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina and Booted Eagle Hieraætus pennatus and even more frequently by the resident species, the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus and Shorttoed Eagle Circaetus gallicus. Smaller species, such as the Levant Sparrowhawk Accipiter brevipes, harriers (Circus sp.) and small falcons (Falco sp.). showed the highest proportion of flapping and gliding flight (9–33%). (5) In a comparison of the flight parameters and proportions of flight styles, a cluster analysis distinguished two main groups: The first consisted of Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus, Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus, Levant Sparrowhawk and small falcons; their flight behaviour was characterized by both the high proportion of flapping and the low gliding performance. The second group comprised the typical soaring migrants: Steppe Eagle, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Booted Eagle, Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus, Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus and Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus, and they had very similar flight behaviour and were closely clustered. The Black Kite Milvus migrans and Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus were intermediate between typical soarers and flappers. The two resident species, Griffon Vulture and Short-toed Eagle, were grouped separately from the soaring migrants.  相似文献   

We detail the sizes, spatial distributions and trends in nest site selection of cliff-nesting raptor and raven populations resident in the mountains of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. We also assess the conservation value of these populations to inform the future management of the newly-established Table Mountain National Park (TMNP), and examine the structure and interrelations within the raptor community. The combined number, dispersion and density of nests (n = 96 nests, mean inter-nest distance = 0.59km, density = 30.0 pairs/100km2) are comparable with those of high-density raptor populations studied elsewhere in Africa and the world. Densities of Verreauxs' Eagle Aquila verreauxii (n = 2, 12.01km, 0.6 pairs/100km2, respectively) and Jackal Buzzard Buteo rufofuscus (n = 9, 4.63, 2.8 pairs/100km2), are low, Rock Kestrel Falco rupicolus (n = 44, 1.75km, 13.8 pairs/100km2) high and Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus (n = 19, 3.13km, 5.9 pairs/100km2) exceptional, relative to populations of the same or similar species in other areas. There are no comparable data for White-necked Raven Corvus albicollis (n = 22, 3.22km, 6.9 pairs/100km2). All species combined, and Peregrines in particular, significantly prefer high cliffs from the available habitat. Peregrines generally dominate the other species, may affect cliff site selection and dispersion in the rest of the community, and tend to locate their nests close to those of White-necked Ravens. Numbers of Verreauxs' Eagle are lower than recent historical levels, perhaps because key prey populations are depleted. Any future recovery of this large predator could subtly affect the entire assemblage. This cliff-nesting raptor community is a significant asset of the TMNP, and should be considered in management decisions taken in the Park, particularly those concerning the regulation of leisure activities in the vicinity of nesting areas.  相似文献   

Globally urban areas are expanding rapidly and this usually has negative effects on biodiversity. Despite this, some species manage to persist in urban areas, as is the case with African Crowned Eagles Stephanoaetus coronatus in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. As relatively little is known about African Crowned Eagle nestling diet, especially about how it changes with nestling age, we investigated this with nest camera-traps. We analysed temporal changes in prey composition and biomass delivery during the nestling stage. We also recorded which adults provisioned and attended the nest. The main prey fed to nestlings were Rock Hyrax Procavia capensis and Hadeda Ibis Bostrychia hagedash. Adult males did most of the food provisioning, especially at the start of the nestling period. We found a decrease in total prey number and biomass with nestling age. This may be caused by changing requirements of nestlings. Furthermore, delivering fewer prey at later nestling stages may be a facilitating mechanism to enhance fledging of the nestling. Although the total number of prey brought to the nest decreased, we found an increase in numbers of Vervet Monkey Chlorocebus pygerythrus in the diet with nestling age. This indicated an increase in larger prey being delivered to the nests as the nestling aged. We suggest that this could be caused by increased participation in hunting by the larger female as her nest attendance time decreased as the nestling aged. We conclude with emphasising the importance of protecting the Durban Metropolitan Open Space System (D’MOSS) zones for the persistence of this Near Threatened raptor species, and populations of its prey in urban areas for its breeding success.  相似文献   

Hustler, K. &; Howells, W. W. 1986. A population study of Tawny Eagles in the Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Ostrich 57: 101–106.

Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax breeding success has been monitored in the Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe from 1973–1984. There were 1044 breeding pair years with 640 chicks reared; an average of 0,61 chicks/breeding paid year. The average number of pairs breeding each year was 72,4%. Thirty-one percent of all breeding attempts failed; most during nest-building (59%). Rainfall in the latter part of the rainy season appeared to influence early and late laying pairs. Two-egg clutches were most common (76%) and 65% of all one-egg clutches laid failed to produce chicks. Several factors which may influence breeding success are discussed.  相似文献   

Distinguishing leporid bones accumulated by different agents such as diurnal raptors, owls, mammals and humans is essential to gain an understanding of not only human subsistence activities but also past ecology. This is particularly relevant in Iberian Palaeolithic sites where leporid remains usually constitute the most abundant taxon. Among diurnal raptors the Spanish Imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) has been one of the most important leporid predators throughout the Iberian Peninsula. In order to investigate the taphonomic signature of this raptor, rabbit remains from 79 pellets were examined. Results show a high proportion of distal elements of the limb bones and skull. Compared with other diurnal birds of prey, the assemblages produced by this species appear to show a higher degree of breakage and corrosion from digestion. These results place this predator within a category similar to the small mammal carnivores (category 5) in terms of skeletal element abundance, breakage and digestion. It is hoped that these data will enable analysts to identify leporid fossils accumulated by the Spanish Imperial Eagle in archaeological assemblages.  相似文献   

Understanding relationships between environmental conditions and reproductive parameters is important when interpreting variation in animal population size. The northwestern North American population of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos canadensis initiates courtship and nesting in early spring when prey diversity is low and weather conditions are severe. Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanus and Willow Ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus, the primary prey of Golden Eagles early in their nesting season in interior Alaska, both exhibit cyclical fluctuations in abundance, providing the opportunity to investigate such relationships. We used Bayesian hierarchical models to explore variation in territory occupancy, nesting rates, nesting success and productivity of Golden Eagles from 1988 to 2010 in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, in relation to annual and site‐specific parameters including prey abundance, weather conditions, elevation and human activity. We also investigated the long‐term fluctuations of breeding performance over the course of the study. The abundance of Hares influenced both the number of Eagles that laid eggs and the number of Eagles that produced fledglings. The conditions on the breeding ground did not explain observed declines in nesting rates and fledgling production, suggesting that other factors such as change in the age structure of the population, increased intraspecific competition or deterioration of migration and wintering habitat are driving the long‐term trends of these parameters.  相似文献   

Gargett, V., Gargett, E. & Damania, D. 1995. The influence of rainfall on Black Eagle breeding over 31 years in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe. Ostrich 66: 114–121.

The effect of rainfall from 1964 to 1994 on the annual reproductive rate and number of resident pairs of Black Eagles Aquila verreauxii in the Matobo Hills, Zimbabwe, and on the abundance of their staple prey, hyrax, Procavia capensis and Heterohyrax brucei is reviewed. The number of resident pairs of Black Eagles increased with increased rainfall, when hyrax numbers were estimated to be at a very high level. Subsequent poor rainfall years coincided with a decrease in the number of resident pairs, a smaller proportion of pairs breeding, a lower reproductive rate and a dramatic decline in prey numbers.  相似文献   

Diet analyses are central to the study of avian trophic ecology, and stable isotope analyses have made an increasing contribution in the last two decades. Few isotopic studies have assessed the diet of raptor species, which are more frequently analysed by conventional diet methods such as pellet analysis. In this study, we compare prey consumption estimates of nestling Bonelli's Eagles Aquila fasciata from conventional pellet analysis (in terms of items and biomass) and stable isotopic mixing models (SIAR) using δ13C, δ15N and δ34S of feathers. The pellet analysis showed that European Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus, pigeons (mainly Common Wood Pigeons Columba palumbus and Domestic Pigeons Columba livia dom.), Red‐legged Partridges Alectoris rufa, passerines, Yellow‐legged Gulls Larus michahellis and Eurasian Red Squirrels Sciurus vulgaris were the main prey, so they were selected for diet reconstructions in SIAR. At the population level, mean prey consumption estimates were similar for pellets (both items and biomass) and SIAR. At the territory level, the weighted kappa statistic showed good ordinal scale agreement in main prey consumption between items or biomass and SIAR. Although the intraclass correlation coefficient showed poor method agreement when considering all prey in the same analysis, the intraclass correlation coefficients for each prey category showed significant agreement between pellets and SIAR when estimating the consumption of Rabbits, pigeons and Gulls, with lower agreement for passerines and Squirrels. Lastly, there was poor method agreement for estimates of Partridges. Our results suggest an overall agreement between the pellet analysis and SIAR when estimating nestling Bonelli's Eagle diet at both the population and, to a lesser extent, the territory level, supporting the usefulness of isotopic mixing models when identifying the terrestrial and marine components of raptor diets.  相似文献   

MARTIN TJERNBERG 《Ibis》1985,127(2):250-255
A regular nest spacing of Golden Eagle pairs was found in every carefully searched area within the species range in Sweden. The spacing regularity of nests used by pairs in forests (mostly tree-nesting) was similar to that in mountain areas (cliff-nesting), indicating that regular nest spacing is affected more by spacing behaviour than by shortage of nest sites. Distances to nearest neighbours were shorter in the mountain region (mean distance 102 km) than in the forests (170) of northern Sweden. Densities of the most important prey species for Golden Eagle were apparently higher in the mountains than in the forests. Differences in topography and habitat diversity between the two regions may also have contributed to the difference in breeding density.  相似文献   

YOSSI LESHEM  YORAM YOM-TOV 《Ibis》1996,138(2):188-203
The magnitude and timing of the autumn and spring migrations of 35 species of medium-and large-sized raptors, White Pelicans Pelicanus onocrotalus and White Storks Ciconia ciconia were studied in Israel. Observations were carried out from the ground by a line of observers covering most of the width of Israel across the line of migration and by radar. There was a high correlation between the counts obtained by ground observers and by radar. On average, about half a million raptors (mainly Lesser Spotted Eagles Aquila po-marina, Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus and Levant Sparrowhawks Accipiter brevipes), 250,000 White Storks and 70,000 White Pelicans passed during autumn, and about a million raptors (mainly Honey Buzzards, Steppe Buzzards Buteo vulpinus, Steppe Eagles Aquila nipalensis and Black Kites Milvus migrans) and 450,000 White Storks passed during spring. Peak numbers were higher–over a million raptors and half a million White Storks. There was high interyear variation in the number of migrants recorded during the study, probably caused by weather and counting efforts. For some species, the whole world (Lesser Spotted Eagle and Levant Sparrowhawk) or Palaearctic (White Pelican) population passes over Israel during migration, allowing an estimate of the world populations of these species. Mean dates of arrival of most raptors are highly predictable, with confidence limits ranging between 1.5 and 5.5 days. The migration periods of White Storks and White Pelicans are longer and their mean day of appearance is less predictable (confidence limits range from 4.2 to 13.8 days). During autumn, 90% of the migrating populations of nocking species, such as Levant Sparrowhawk, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Honey Buzzard and Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus, pass within 13, 15, 16 and 18 days, respectively, while nonflocking species, such as Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus, Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus and Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus, generally take twice as long to pass. Similar passage periods were recorded in spring. For most species, the autumn migration period was longer than the spring migration period, probably because in autumn adults move before the young birds. Three factors affected the timing and spread of the migration wave: age at first breeding, diet and size of the breeding area.  相似文献   

D. J. HALLEY  J. O. GJERSHAUG 《Ibis》1998,140(2):295-301
The behaviour of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos and Sea Eagles Haliceetus albicilla scavenging on artificially laid out carcasses in coastal Sør-Trøndelag Province, Norway, was studied during two winters (totalling 640 h of observations) and the intervening summer (430 h). Neither species fed at carcasses in summer. Although smaller, Golden Eagles were strongly dominant over Sea Eagles in direct competition for carcass access. In Sea Eagles, females dominated males, while in Golden Eagles, few conflicts between birds of known sex were observed. Age effects were weak and not statistically significant in both species. Conflicts for carcass access tended to be most escalated between Golden Eagles and least escalated between Sea Eagles, with interspecific conflicts intermediate. Most conflicts were won by the aggressor, suggesting that birds were generally able to assess relative dominance before launching an attack. Young eagles fed longer at a carcass than older individuals in both species, suggesting that young eagles may have been hungrier or less efficient feeders. Sea Eagles waited longer than Golden Eagles between arrival in the immediate carcass area and feeding at the carcass. This effect was greater when the carcass was already occupied but also occurred when no other eagle was already present. While interspecific competition for carrion did not appear to have important consequences for the two species in coastal Norway, in western Scotland, where Sea Eagles are currently re-establishing, carrion is important in the diet of both species all year round. Interspecific competition for this resource may therefore play a role in determining the ultimate realized niche (and therefore numbers) of the two species in Scotland in the longer term.  相似文献   

Many raptor species are considered to be generalists, taking a range of prey species. However, longitudinal dietary records are often scarce, although necessary for characterizing niche width of species at population and individual levels. Quantifying raptor diets at large spatio‐temporal scales is often necessary for refining conservation efforts, although it can be particularly difficult and may involve a great effort by conventional means. Therefore, we adopted the analysis of stable isotopes in tissues of predators and their potential food sources as a complementary methodology for assessing animals' diet. We examined the isotopic composition (δ13C and δ15N) of White‐tailed Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla from Germany, Finland and Greenland to detect patterns of dietary variation and quantify diet composition. The isotopic analysis included liver and muscle samples from Eagles of the three populations together with 16 potential food sources in the German population. Our results suggested dietary differences between German and Greenlandic Eagles, in accordance with the availability of freshwater and marine habitats in each population. Within the German population, we found seasonal shifts in isotopic ratios, suggesting the birds responded to temporal changes in food availabilities, and age‐related isotopic differences, indicating different diets in adults and juveniles. Isotopic values of liver and muscle tissues collected from the same animal showed intra‐individual short‐term changes in the German and Finnish but not Greenlandic population. This suggests that local feeding niches of this generalist predator may vary with local food supplies, which determines the niche width (from generalist to specialist) at the individual level. Our results also revealed that game mammal carcasses constitute an important food source (29.5% of diet) for the German Eagle population during the winter half‐year corresponding to the hunting season. This result is of relevance to management and conservation because the White‐tailed Eagle and other raptor species are affected by the ingestion of lead ammunition from shot mammalian carcasses.  相似文献   

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