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Patterns of habitat choice in ecological communities are not only influenced by present-day selective forces but also by historical processes, such as the biogeographical history of the lineages they are composed of. Nevertheless, it has been very difficult to test historical factors. The possible tropical origin of long-distance migratory birds provides an opportunity for such a test. If habitat choice of long-distance migrants is inherited from their tropical ancestors then Nearctic long-distance migrants might have acquired their habitat choice from Neotropical forest species and European long-distance migrants from African savannah species. Here we use a macroecological approach to show that this hypothesis can be confirmed. Long-distance migrants in the Nearctic are found in forested habitat types, while those in Europe are found in open ones. In comparison, the habitat choice of residents and short-distance migrants (in genera without long-distance migration) does not differ between the Nearctic and Europe. These results demonstrate that habitat choice in temperate bird communities can be explained by the tropical history of long-distance migrants. Thus, habitat choice seems to be shaped not only by local mechanisms, but also by processes acting on much larger spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

The Sierra Madre Occidental and neighboring Madrean Sky Islands span a large and biologically diverse region of northwest Mexico and portions of the southwestern United States. Little is known about the abundance and habitat use of breeding birds in this region of Mexico, but such information is important for guiding conservation and management. We assessed densities and habitat relationships of breeding birds across Sky Island mountain ranges in Mexico and adjacent portions of the Sierra Madre from 2009 to 2012. We estimated densities at multiple spatial scales, assessed variation in densities among all major montane vegetation communities, and identified and estimated the effects of important habitat attributes on local densities. Regional density estimates of 65% of 72 focal species varied significantly among eight montane vegetation communities that ranged from oak savannah and woodland at low elevations to pine and mixed‐conifer forest at high elevations. Greater proportions of species occurred at peak densities or were relatively restricted to mixed‐conifer forest and montane riparian vegetation likely because of higher levels of structural or floristic diversity in those communities, but those species were typically rare or uncommon in the Sky Islands. Fewer species had peak densities in oak and pine‐oak woodland, and species associated with those communities were often more abundant across the region. Habitat models often included the effects of broadleaf deciduous vegetation cover (30% of species), which, together with tree density and fire severity, had positive effects on densities and suggest ways for managers to augment and conserve populations. Such patterns combined with greater threats to high‐elevation conifer forest and riparian areas underscore their value for conservation. Significant populations of many breeding bird species, including some that are of concern or were not known to occur regionally or in mountain ranges we surveyed, highlight the importance of conservation efforts in this area of Mexico.  相似文献   

  • Climatic fluctuations during the Pleistocene influenced the geographical distribution of plant species across the southern region of California. Following an integrative approach, we combined genetic data analysis with Environmental Niche Models (ENMs) to assess the historical range expansion of Yucca schidigera, a long‐lived desert perennial native of the Baja California Peninsula.
  • We genotyped 240 individuals with seven nuclear microsatellite to investigate genetic diversity distribution across 13 populations. Indeed, we used Environmental Niche Models to examine the changes on the distribution of suitable climatic conditions for this species during the LIG (~120 ka), LGM (~22 ka) and Mid Holocene (~6 ka).
  • We detected high genetic diversity across Y. schidigera populations (AR = 9.94 ± 0.38 SE; Hexp = 0.791 ± 0.011 SE) with genetic variation decreasing significantly with latitude (allelic richness: R 2 = 0.38, P = 0.023; expected heterocigosity: R2 = 0.32, P = 0.042). We observed low, but significant genetic differentiation (FST = 0.0678; P < 0.001) which was consistent with the parapatric distribution of the three genetic groupings detected by the Bayesian clustering algorithm. The ENMs suggest that suitable habitat for this species increased since the LGM.
  • Our results support a range expansion of Y. schidigera across northwestern Baja California during the late Quaternary. Genetic data suggest that colonization of the current distribution followed a southward directionality as suitable climatic conditions became widely available in this region. High genetic variation across our sample suggests large historic effective population sizes for this section of the geographical range.

Abundance of lamprey larvae and physical habitat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis Southern brook lamprey larvae,Ichthyomyzon gagei, were collected from four creeks in Alabama and Mississippi. Larvae abundance (number m–2) and length (mm) were measured over a range of sites to quantify some of the physical parameters involved in larval habitat selection. Particle size distribution, hydraulic conductivity, porosity and organic content were the factors analyzed. Abundance of larvae was greatest when particles smaller than 0.15 mm and 1.–2.0 mm in diameter represented at least 40% and 8% dry weight of the substrate, respectively. Abundance of larvae was lowest when the small particles represented less than 10% dry weight of the substrate. A strong inverse relationship was observed between density and length of larvae. All other parameters did not significantly affect lamprey habitat selection. Results of this study may be applicable in directing attempts at aquatic habitat restoration for lamprey in endangered streams.  相似文献   

Relating habitat and climatic niches in birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Predicting species' responses to the combined effects of habitat and climate changes has become a major challenge in ecology and conservation biology. However, the effects of climatic and habitat gradients on species distributions have generally been considered separately. Here, we explore the relationships between the habitat and thermal dimensions of the ecological niche in European common birds. Using data from the French Breeding Bird Survey, a large-scale bird monitoring program, we correlated the habitat and thermal positions and breadths of 74 bird species, controlling for life history traits and phylogeny. We found that cold climate species tend to have niche positions in closed habitats, as expected by the conjunction of the biogeographic history of birds' habitats, and their current continent-scale gradients. We also report a positive correlation between thermal and habitat niche breadths, a pattern consistent with macroecological predictions concerning the processes shaping species' distributions. Our results suggest that the relationships between the climatic and habitat components of the niche have to be taken into account to understand and predict changes in species' distributions.  相似文献   

Habitat associations of 40 bird species were analysed using data from a survey of 12892 garden sites throughout the United Kingdom between 1995 and 2002. Gradients in 20 garden habitat variables and 25 variables describing the surrounding local habitat were derived from Detrended Correspondence Analysis. The main garden axis explained 13.3% of variation in the data and described a gradient from sites containing and bounded by high levels of vegetation cover to open sites bounded by walls and fences. The main local axis explained 29.9% of variation in the data and described a gradient from rural to urban habitats. Higher probability of occurrence was detected in larger sites in 25 species and in smaller sites in four (urban-associated) species. Many species (22 out of 40) were significantly associated with the local gradient: seven species showed the highest probability of occurrence in sites within more urbanised habitats. Other species were most likely to occur in sites within rural or suburban habitats. Only five species showed a significant association with garden habitat gradient, four of these being most likely to occur in sites with highest vegetation cover. These associations were similar when controlling for garden size and for food provision in gardens. The results imply that the likelihood of many species occurring in gardens is dependent on the surrounding local habitat rather than the garden habitat. However, survey participants were likely to have "bird-friendly" gardens which may have reduced the variation in garden habitat across the sample. An assessment of the representativeness of survey sites is needed to further understand habitat associations of garden birds.  相似文献   

Because background matching improves concealment, prey animals have traditionally been expected to prefer parts of the habitat that match their visual appearance. However, empirical support for this is scarce. Moreover, this idea has recently been challenged by an alternative hypothesis: visual complexity of the background impedes prey detection, and hence prey could instead prefer complex parts of the habitat. We used the least killifish to test, with and without predation threat, for the importance of the visual similarity between the fish and the background, and the level of visual complexity of the background. We observed their choice between backgrounds patterned with elements based on the longitudinal black stripe of the fish. Predation risk was important under some circumstances, and induced a preference for a background of matching horizontal stripes compared with mismatching vertical stripes. Interestingly, females under predation threat showed a preference for a complex background of randomly oriented and overlapping stripes compared with matching stripes, whereas males did not discriminate between these two. Additionally, males showed a preference for matching stripes compared with complex shapes, whereas females did not discriminate between these backgrounds. We conclude that matching is important in the choice for safe habitat, but some aspects of visual complexity may override or act together with background matching.  相似文献   

Animals living in environments of different quality will have different expectations of their future reproductive success and survival. This may affect the individual's risk-taking behaviour as manifest in the cost of predation. We investigated the foraging behaviour of starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, when perceived predation risk varied between patches. Short-term food availability varied between treatments and long-term differences in perceptions of environmental quality varied between groups of individuals. This corresponds to variation in the three components of the cost of predation (P): the predation risk (μ); the change in reproductive value with energy gain (∂F /∂e); and the reproductive value or fitness factor (F). The birds showed that they experienced a higher cost of predation while using the risky food patches (μ component) and in the high food treatment (∂F /∂e component). Furthermore, birds from a high-reward habitat revealed a higher P than birds from a poor habitat (F component). The results show that the costs of predation are possible to tease apart by using behavioural indicators. The method presented allows measurement of fitness prospects of individuals, which may have consequences for conservation, for example, to identify low-quality habitat. Copyright 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

We experimentally tested the hypothesis that nest predation rate in hole-nesting birds, especially the common goldeneye Bucephala clangula , was related to the edge between aquatic and terrestrial habitats We also studied whether nest predation rate was related to habitat patch (lake) size In three study areas nest-boxes were erected in pairs one nest-box was erected at the shoreline and the other one inside the forest at a varying distance (range from 14 to 140 m) from the shoreline One chicken egg was placed in each nest-box (dummy nest) Overall predation rate on dummy nests varied from 34 6% to 52 6% depending on the study area The pine marten Martes manes was the primary nest predator m all study areas Daily predation rates did not differ between natural and dummy nests Predation rate on dummy nests was not related to the distance of the nest-box from the shoreline in any study area Predation rate was not related to lake size in two study areas but in one area predation rate on dummy nests was lower around largest lakes However, the result may be accidental and not because of lake size per se because the proportion of forest was exceptionally low in that part of the study area  相似文献   

Observations of freshwater drinking in Eiders feeding primarily on mussels led us to hypothesize that the highly saline sea water enclosed in mussels could cause salt-related dehydration problems in the ducks, since they consume entire mussels. The proportion of sea water increases with increasing mussel size. Smaller duck species are more sensitive to the higher salt content of larger mussels than are larger ducks; however, salt stress may be avoided by feeding in habitats with lower salinity, by feeding on less salty food items, by utilizing smaller mussels, by drinking fresh water, or by employing low energy foraging techniques. A possible evolutionary strategy for solving the salt problem might be to increase body mass, enabling ducks to utilize larger mussels without passing an upper salt consumption limit. At the same time, foraging on larger mussels is more economical. Although large size facilitates the utilization of brackish and marine environments, it may be selected against in ducks breeding in fresh water, where fish competition may reduce optimal food item size. In conclusion, salinity is an important habitat barrier in both breeding and overwintering diving ducks, but there are various ways of crossing this barrier. To understand better how ducks utilize their habitats, however, it is necessary to measure habitat salinity levels and the size of both ducks and their preferred and less-preferred food types.  相似文献   

Pejler  Birger  Bērziņš  Bruno 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):333-338
Information on the distributions of 77 bdelloid rotifers from diverse waters in south and central Sweden was analyzed to reveal their relationships to substrate and habitat. Only two species were reported from plankton, both in low frequency. An artificial substrate, white cotton, was utilized only by few bdelloids, mainly by species with eyes. Only one species occurred at higher frequency on the saprobic substrate Sphaerotilus. Most bdelloids prefer environments rich in oxygen, but some species may be found in soft-bottom sediments. Several species dwell preferentially in diverse habitats of bogs. Some bdelloids have an exceptionally broad ecological range, but even for these is it possible to distinguish a pattern of preference and avoidance.  相似文献   

Pejler  Birger  Bērziņš  Bruno 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):137-144
Information on the distribution of 28 rotifers of the family Brachionidae from diverse waters in south and central Sweden was analyzed to reveal their relationships to substrate and habitat. Some brachionids are preferably planktic, others periphytic and/or benthic. Some non-planktic habitats are utilized more than others, but there is no evidence of a chemical attraction from any substrate. Instead, some substrates seem to be avoided, possibly depending on a poorer flora of periphytic algae. Besides substrate type, the following factors are found to be important for creating separate ecological niches in the brachionid family: temperature, oxygen content, trophic degree, chemical environment, food choice and sensitivity to predation. It is possible to delineate separate ecological niches for all brachionid rotifers, implying that Hutchinson's ideas about the plankton paradox are contradicted. Some species are specialists, other are generalists, the latter being characterized by a great morphological variation. The species are adapted in different ways to their preferential habitats, as regards foot, egg-carrying, protrusions and other lorical structures etc. Longer spines, for instance, are generally found in more transparent water, being a supposed protection against visual predators.  相似文献   

鸟类的资源分配和生活史策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PatMONAGHAN 《动物学报》2004,50(6):942-947
本文综述了对资源分配理论的研究。使用了对小黑背鸥和红嘴山鸦的研究 ,表明卵产生中的资源分配和相关的生活史策略对个体发育和长期适合度有多方面的影响 ,对于种群存活有重要意义  相似文献   

The soil Coleoptera community was sampled with pitfall traps in shaded and unshaded coffee agroecosystems in Veracruz, Mexico. The insect collection resulted in a total of 31 species which belong to nine families. The most frequent families collected in this study (in terms of species and number of organisms) were Scarabaeidae and Carabidae.Species diversity was measured using the Hill's family of diversity numbers. The Coleoptera community was more diverse in shaded than in unshaded coffee. Also, the collected organisms were more evenly distributed between species in shaded coffee.The diversity of the scarab beetles was shown to be strongly affected by the degree of forest perturbation. The richness and evenness of scarab beetles was correlated with the diversity of shade trees present in coffee agro-ecosystems; scarab richness drops from 19 species collected in virgin tropical rain-forests, to five species in polyspecific shade (more than ten species of shade trees) and six species in monogeneric shade (three species of shade trees) coffee agro-ecosystems, and to three scarab species in unshaded coffee. Evenness in scarab beetles follows a similar pattern: a single species tends to gradually become dominant as more shade trees are removed from the agro-ecosystem. It is suggested that some shade trees should be preserved within the agro-ecosystem during the intensification of coffee production in Mexico.  相似文献   

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