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Proteins synthesized by soma located in L4 dorsal root ganglia and supplied to the axonal branches extending centrally in the dorsal root and peripherally towards the sciatic nerve were analyzed for radioactivity following injections of [3H] leucine into the L4 dorsal root ganglia. All proteins located in the dorsal root and sciatic nerve were analyzed by SDS acrylamide gel electrophoresis at various times post injection. The differences in radioactivity between the dorsal root and sciatic nerve proteins were mainly quantitative and not qualitative, with many proteins of various molecular weight ranges being transported into both segments. Generally, it appears that in both axonal branches the high molecular weight proteins are transported at the highest rate, medium weights slower and low molecular weight proteins slowest. More proteins of high and low molecular weights are transported into the dorsal root whereas more of those of medium molecular weight are transported towards the sciatic nerve.  相似文献   

After injection of the L7 dorsal root ganglion with 3H-leucine, fast axoplasmic transport carries some 3–5 × more labeled materials down the sensory fibers branches entering the sciatic nerve as compared to the dorsal root fiber branches of the neurons. Freeze-substitution preparations taken from the two sides of the lumbar seventh dorsal root ganglia of cats and monkeys showed little difference in the histograms of nerve fiber diameters of the sensory nerve fiber branch of these neurons as compared to the dorsal root fiber branches. A similar density of microtubules and of neurofilaments in the dorsal root and sensory nerve fiber branches over a wide range of fiber diameters was found in electron micrograph preparations. In the absence of an anatomical difference in the fibers to account for the asymmetrical outflow, a functional explanation based on the transport filament model was advanced.  相似文献   

Pulse-chase experiments in conjunction with subcellular fractionation and quantitative immunoprecipitation have been used to study the intracellular transport of four secretory proteins, albumin, transferrin, prealbumin and retinol-binding protein, in isolated rat hepatocytes. The proteins were found to be transported from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex (GC) at greatly different rates (t1/2 = 14-137 min), indicating that transport of secretory proteins between these organelles is effected by a selective, possibly receptor-mediated process and not through bulk phase transfers. The transport from the Golgi complex to the medium was rapid for all proteins (t1/2 approximately 15 min) and possibly occurred at the same rate. Consistent with these kinetic data, the amount of a rapidly transported protein (albumin) in the GC fraction was found to be high (relative to its amount in the ER fraction) whereas the amount of a slowly transported protein (transferrin) in the GC fraction was found to be low, as determined by radioimmunoassays.  相似文献   

To determine if the egg provides any clues for the regulation of ovum transport in the hamster, oocyte and embryo transport were compared. On the evening preceding ovulation, the animals were randomly assigned to one of five groups. They were caged overnight with a male of proven fertility (Group 1) or they were isolated (Group 2). Other females were artificially inseminated in both uterine horns at 2200 h either with fertile epididymal spermatozoa (Group 3), spermatozoa rendered infertile by freezing and thawing (Group 4), or with fertile spermatozoa in one uterine horn and infertile spermatozoa in the contralateral horn (Group 5). The number, condition, and distribution of ova in the genital tract were assessed at various intervals during the next 4 days. The rate of fertilization and normal development in females or sides inseminated with fertile or infertile spermatozoa was over 90% and 0% respectively. Embryos in Groups 1 and 3 reached the uterus 1 day earlier than unfertilized oocytes in Groups 2 and 4. In group 5, the transport of embryos resulting from insemination with fertile spermatozoa followed a pattern similar to those in Groups 1 and 3; the oocytes in the contralateral tract resembled those of Groups 2 and 4. The different transport rates of embryos and oocytes were not associated with the reproductive state of the female but with the condition of the ova. Moreover, the different transport rates were observed in animals transporting the two types of eggs simultaneously on different sides indicating that there is a local recognition of some unidentified factor unequally present in fertilized and unfertilized eggs.  相似文献   

After injection of the L7 dorsal root ganglion with 3H-leucine, fast axoplasmic transport carries some 3--5 x more labeled materials down the sensory fibers branches entering the sciatic nerve as compared to the dorsal root fiber branches of the neurons. Freeze-substitution preparations taken from the two sides of the lumbar seventh dorsal root ganglia of cats and monkeys showed little difference in the histograms of nerve fiber diameters of the sensory nerve fiber branch of these neurons as compared to the dorsal root fiber branches. A similar density of microtubules and of neurofilaments in the dorsal root and sensory nerve fiber branches over a wide range of fiber diameters was found in electron micrograph preparations. In the absence of an anatomical difference in the fibers to account for the asymmetrical outflow, a functional explanation based on the transport filament model was advanced.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional electrophoresis has allowed a higher-resolution comparison of rapid transport in ventral horn motoneurons and bidirectionally in dorsal root sensory neurons. Dorsal root ganglia 8 and 9, or hemisected spinal cords, from frog were selectively exposed in vitro to 35S-methionine. Transported, labelled proteins that accumulated in 3 mm segments proximal to ligatures on dorsal roots and spinal nerves or sciatic nerves were subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Comparisons were made of fluorographic patterns from dried gels. Sixty-five species of proteins were found to be rapidly transported in both bifurcations of dorsal root sensory neurons. No abundant species of protein was rapidly transported in dorsal roots that was not also found in spinal nerves. A comparison of proteins rapidly transported in the sciatic nerve from ventral horn motoneurons with those from dorsal root sensory neurons yielded 50 common species of polypeptides. At most four minor species were possibly transported only in ventral horn motoneurons. An overall comparison indicates that at least 45 species of proteins, including all of the more abundantly transported ones, were consistently common to both dorsal root bifuractions and to ventral horn motoneurons. This appears to be the case despite the very different functions carried out by motoneurons and sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Presynaptic inhibition of primary afferents can be evoked from at least three sources in the adult animal: 1) by stimulation of several supraspinal structures; 2) by spinal reflex action from sensory inputs; or 3) by the activity of spinal locomotor networks. The depolarisation in the intraspinal afferent terminals which is due, at least partly, to the activation of GABA(A) receptors may be large enough to reach firing threshold and evoke action potentials that are antidromically conducted into peripheral nerves. Little is known about the development of presynaptic inhibition and its supraspinal control during ontogeny. This article, reviewing recent experiments performed on the in vitro brainstem/spinal cord preparation of the neonatal rat, demonstrates that a similar organisation is present, to some extent, in the new-born rat. A spontaneous activity consisting of antidromic discharges can be recorded from lumbar dorsal roots. The discharges are generated by the underlying afferent terminal depolarizations reaching firing threshold. The number of antidromic action potentials increases significantly in saline solution with chloride concentration reduced to 50% of control. Bath application of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline (5-10 microM) blocks the antidromic discharges almost completely. Dorsal root discharges are therefore triggered by chloride-dependent GABA(A) receptor-mediated mechanisms; 1) activation of descending pathways by stimulation delivered to the ventral funiculus (VF) of the spinal cord at the C1 level; 2) activation of sensory inputs by stimulation of a neighbouring dorsal root; or 3) pharmacological activation of the central pattern generators for locomotion evokes antidromic discharges in dorsal roots. VF stimulation also inhibited the response to dorsal root stimulation. The time course of this inhibition overlapped with that of the dorsal root discharge suggesting that part of the inhibition of the monosynaptic reflex may be exerted at a presynaptic level. The existence of GABA(A) receptor-independent mechanisms and the roles of the antidromic discharges in the neonatal rat are discussed.  相似文献   

We are investigating the molecular mechanisms involved in the localization of lysosomal enzymes in Dictyostelium discoideum, an organism that lacks any detectable mannose-6-phosphate receptors. The lysosomal enzymes alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase are both initially synthesized as precursor polypeptides that are proteolytically processed to mature forms and deposited in lysosomes. Time course experiments revealed that 20 min into the chase period, the pulse-labeled alpha-mannosidase precursor (140 kD) begins to be processed, and 35 min into the chase 50% of the polypeptides are cleaved to mature 60 and 58-kD forms. In contrast, the pulse-labeled beta-glucosidase precursor (105 kD) begins to be processed 10 min into the chase period, and by 30 min of the chase all of the precursor has been converted into mature 100-kD subunits. Between 5 and 10% of both precursors escape processing and are rapidly secreted from cells. Endoglycosidase H treatment of immunopurified radioactively labeled alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase precursor polypeptides demonstrated that the beta-glucosidase precursor becomes resistant to enzyme digestion 10 min sooner than the alpha-mannosidase precursor. Moreover, subcellular fractionation studies have revealed that 70-75% of the pulse-labeled beta-glucosidase molecules move from the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) to the Golgi complex less than 10 min into the chase. In contrast, 20 min of chase are required before 50% of the pulse-labeled alpha-mannosidase precursor exits the RER. The beta-glucosidase and alpha-mannosidase precursor polypeptides are both membrane associated along the entire transport pathway. After proteolytic cleavage, the mature forms of both enzymes are released into the lumen of lysosomes. These results suggest that beta-glucosidase is transported from the RER to the Golgi complex and ultimately lysosomes at a distinctly faster rate than the alpha-mannosidase precursor. Thus, our results are consistent with the presence of a receptor that recognizes the beta-glucosidase precursor more readily than the alpha-mannosidase precursor and therefore more quickly directs these polypeptides to the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

Fast and slow phases of axoplasmic flow in ventral root nerve fibres   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Aerobic granules were cultivated under temporal alternating aerobic and anoxic conditions without the presence of a carrier material in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with a high column height/column diameter ratio. The reactor was operated for 6h per cycle (aerobic: 4.75 h, anoxic: 1.25 h). To determine a new parameter for the definition of aerobic granules, a protocol of 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole hydrochloride staining and fluorescence image processing was developed. The d(tm) analysis showed that the increase in the chemical oxygen demand (COD) loading rate promoted no more growth of the aerobic granules. It was inconsistent with the results of the analysis of the sludge volume index (SVI) value but matched well with the results of the COD and nitrogen removal of the SBR and the particle size distribution by LS-PSA. The optimum COD loading rate for aerobic granulation in the SBR was 2.52 kg/m(3)d. When d(tm) was correlated with the biomass concentration and the SVI value during the period of granule formation, d(tm) could be used as a more sensitive and accurate parameter for classifying aerobic granules and optimizing the operational conditions for aerobic granulation processes.  相似文献   

刺激大鼠离断背根外周端对相邻背根电活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhang Y  Deng YP  Guan XM 《生理学报》1999,51(4):371-376
在切断大鼠左侧12、13背根后,观察电刺激(刺激参数为0.8-1.2mA,100Hz,0.5ms,总时程2s)L2背根外同对L3背根放电活动的影响。结果表明:连续多次刺激L2背根可使L3背根平均放电频率(MDF)逐步增加,增加量与刺激次数中于明显直线正相关,各次刺激后的时程分析表明,这种增频作用具有明显的累积效应的后效应,并与刺激前13背根的活动状态密切相关,刺激前放电活动较强者其增频作用更明显。  相似文献   

The characteristics of HSV type-1 infection following subcutaneous inoculation in the dorsum of one hind paw of Sprague-Dawley rats were studied to determine whether infection in rats might more closely parallel the infection in man than is seen in other animals. The serologic and virologic characteristics of acute and latent ganglion infection conformed to those of human infection. Immunohistochemical studies suggested that sensory ganglion infection arose via centripetal axonal migration of virus as is hypothesized in man. In rat, small type B neuronal cell bodies appeared central to the maintenance of latent infection and reactivation observed during cocultivation of lumbar ganglia. Acute and latent lumbar sensory ganglion infection in rats after subcutaneous hind paw injection of HSV-1 appears to be another suitable model of this infection in man.  相似文献   

The localization of S-100 protein-, glial fibrillary acidic protein- and vimentin-like immunoreactivity has been studied in dorsal root ganglia of the rat using monoclonal antibodies. A positive reaction for both S-100 protein-like and vimentin-like was found in satellite and Schwann cells. In addition, some large and intermediate sized neurons also result S-100 protein-like immunoreactivity. No positive reaction for glial fibrillary acidic protein-like was observed. The authors discuss these results.  相似文献   

By comparing maize plants cultivated in standing nutrient solution with those from solutions flowing at different flow rates it has been established that absorption of nitrogen, potassium and especially of phosphorus was increased owing to the flow. There was likewise a relative rise in the distribution of nutrients to the overground parts of the plants. The content expressed per unit dry matter was increased only in the case of phosphorus; with nitrogen and potassium it was slightly lower than in the standing solution. Increasing amounts of iron were required under the conditions of flowing nutrient solutions to prevent chlorosis of the plants. The production of dry matter,NAR andRGR was also increased because of the flow. The flow considerably changed the habitus of the primary roots of the maize plants. The roots were longer, thinner and on the whole they contained relatively less dry matter (RWR). The lengthening of the roots is explained as a response to stimulation by the solution flow—the rheotropism.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Growth cones of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons from mice were irradiated using a mercury lamp.2. The flux of particles of fast retrograde axoplasmic transport decreased promptly after light irradiation without a change in velocity.3. That of anterograde transport decreased as well, but with a significant latency. The decrease in the anterograde flux was attributed to decreased velocity of particles.4. Video-enhanced contrast microscopy of growth cones revealed transient swelling of growth cones and transient stagnation of particles in growth cones.5. The longer the neurite, the larger the latency of the change of the anterograde transport; peripheral information was calculated to be conveyed to the cell body at a speed of 6 µm/min.6. The mechanism of this information conveyance and the export of materials from the cell body are discussed.  相似文献   

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